Orks VS Necrons Warhammer 40k Battle Report 2000 Points - The return of Watson!

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Is it just me or was this a really weird competitive list?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/HelpAmBear 📅︎︎ Mar 24 2021 🗫︎ replies
the silent king's return has sent ripples of ancient code through eternity gates across the galaxy the necron tier begin to stir deep in their tomb worlds worlds that have no knowledge of what horrors lie buried deep beneath their surface clouds of oily smoke blow across a blasted landscape shouts of animalistic abandon float on these clouds as the sounds of overpowered engines and squealing gears joined in the cacophonic choir that can only belong to one race in the galaxy orcs have found the necrons and it's time to get to crumpet this is 40k in 40 minutes welcome 40k fans to this episode of 40k in 40 minutes your host jt mcdowell here bringing you action from two returning favorites michael buckthorpe brings his newly awakened and added to necrons to face off against mr initiative himself james jones and his lucky blue gets the orcs of the death skull this episode is brought to you by gaymat.eu they make amazing mats and fantastic terrain that is ready to play right out of the box it's all pre-painted so you can just drop it on the table and you're good to go we are very pleased to be playing on this terrain and matt graciously supplied by them for this match be sure to check them out at gamemat.eu and tell them play on sent you my name is mike buckthorpe i'm playing the necrons of the nilak dynasty and i'm here for round two with play on table talk michael as you'll remember from season two faced off against jp and his blood angels in that game his rock star unit was his doomsday arc affectionately named watson watson seemed to point at units and destroy them with impunity and i'm sure he's hoping to have that same thing happen here again i got a little lucky i got lucky i'd like to say it was a hundred percent general minship and uh totally tactics and yeah no it wasn't michael's list is based around two 20-man blobs of almost unshiftable warriors a mass of scarabs litchguard immortals a lord and overlord as well as luminor zerus i'm excited to try him out i think he works really well synergistically with my army i think he's going to bring a lot to the table and i'm really excited to see how many it works he can cleave they are backed by heavy destroyers a triarch stalker and of course the return of watson the doomsday arc that decimated over half of jp's army in his last appearance i really like the destroyers on this list but the ones to watch out for are those lich cards if they get in they can seriously chew through anything that james throws at them i'm james jones i think you've seen me here before and today it's all about the toys what a departure from an 8th edition orc list i love this mechanized field james has brought mega knobs boys and trucks a dead killing war boss with his two pet weird boys commandos for sneakiness a gun wagon a battle wagon and a looted morka knight so he'll be running the custom mega zappa the custom mega blaster some rockets some big shooters be packing some mega knobs in his guts what a cool model i think it has potential to give michael absolute fits today these veteran players bring their forces to tackle not only each other but this 9th edition as with pandemic lockdowns in place games have been hard to come by for most players and these two have collectively between them only a handful of new 40k games played they will be shaking the rust off both figuratively and literally as we throw down on the mission vital intelligence from the gt 2020 book six objectives with a corner deployment four objectives are placed across the center line of the table and one in each deployment zone this should make for interesting scoring as primary requires holding two objectives to gain five points three to gain another five and more than your opponent to gain another five to a max of 15 per turn secondaries and both players are looking to tackle the game quite differently michael is looking to deploy scramblers for a potential 10 by performing an action in each of three zones of the table line breaker for having two units in james deployment zone at the end of each turn and the mission specific data intercept wherein he needs to hold objectives and perform an action on one of them however he will not score until his command phase of the next turn a risky one but potentially a lot of secondary points for sure james is definitely looking at a more in your face game than michael taking ritual so that one weird boy will attempt to do three times in the center table a psychic ritual scoring in 15 as well as investigate sites which require again a mid-table action to score three points each time it's done he's also taken engage on all fronts scoring for having units in each table quarter new codex new rules and pre-game michael has to declare his necron protocols so here's a sneak peek of what he's got planned okay all righty let's do it i'm going to put my unit of scarabs all right i'm going to start with 10 boys in a truck okay that's a unit of 20 warriors right i got 10 more orc boys in the truck here okay we're going to put the other warrior block right over here squad of 20. so this is my uh this is the boomer battle wagon it's got uh three mega knobs uh the weird boy on the back and that's it okay i'm gonna pick my immortals all the all the trucks are exactly the same they each have 10 uh orcs inside mega knob with a power claw a rocket launcher and a tank buster bomb the unit a lich guard six of them that's going to go right over here so i'm gonna do this uh the the fortress battle wagon so this has my war boss four mega knobs a weird boy and ten grots inside and just put them right up here on the front lines i was taking a look at his army and he's got some really big toys but it's the grotts the grotts i'm really worried about um they're weedy they get into things they're gross we are gonna put the lord gonna go right over here all right so just the mork night left so um let's see here it's a good place for him it feels strange to be on the other side of the coin here i i've got the low model count elite army versing the horde now i guess you're done right yeah okay cool deploy away my friend overlord is going to go over in here so i'm going to put illuminar cesares right over here uh we're going to put crypto thralls right over here birds are going to start over here they're not uh they're going to see how they're bravely hiding bravely high yeah they're gonna see how things pan out mike's solid player he's uh he knows his necrons very well i have my work cut out for me here watson makes his triumphant return ready to slay actually bravely watson is bravely deciding to back up a bit all right are we ready i'm ready james is gonna start the game with seven command points to michael's eight and it looks like he's gonna have first turn let's get this game underway looks like michael's got first turn and he's gonna tick up to nine command points and protocol of the sudden storm is going to give him plus one inch to his movement or the ability to perform an action as well as a ranged attack without that action failing both are really great advantages on the first turn of a game like this let's start okay let's go to movement um we'll start with the warriors which are going to get your face nice and early [Music] [Music] [Music] michael's stretched out here a bit the crypto thralls of deployed scramblers and his litchguard have started the vital intelligence secondary but he's gonna need to have a good shooting face here to stop all that wall of wok that's coming so we will go ahead and go into shooting my triarch stalker is going to open up on the knight we're gonna see uh the orc into the marker night morka knight that's the one that's the one uh a five and a six will hit fours i hit you with one so five plus involved no kills it damage looking at a four damage sir so it's marked okay sounds good so my next shot is going to be the low cursed heavy destroyer firing into the same target okay oh new stratagem techno irregular targeting and that's going to make his weapon automatically wound not bad for one command point to guarantee damage that's going to take him down to eight command points remaining so a big gun hits on a three rerolling ones i hit you okay i've automatically wounded you sir so i'm guessing you're in vulnerable state nope looking at two four six damage sir uh okay the shot of the game watson is going to open up and he will target your battle wagon it looks good fortress one you betcha the important shot how many shots the important role here we go looking at five shots oh no watson's rolling hot um we're trading dice that's right give me that give me that uh i'm hitting you on threes i did not move i'm firing at the higher damage profile t8 winning on threes that's all four wounds sir two save two i will spin the command point reroll this one okay trying to get into a three for a total of five damage come on watson you swung low there swing high it's on okay next up illuminor cesares is going to fire his eldritch lance he will take the same battle wagon as a target look or no no re-rolls part of me one wound sir minus probably invulnerable you save this you save it michael's spending another command point on our reroll here to go to seven and i have to think he's gotta be disappointed with his shooting phase really swingy and in not a good way he's killed no units that could be a real issue for him i'm also surprised that he didn't veil of darkness into or at least near to james's own to start pressuring that linebreaker ninth edition is such a different animal to be sure and his usual tactic of late-game veil of darkness may be too fresh in his mind still linebreaker is four points a turn and whereas he couldn't have scored it this turn he could definitely start making james turn around i think he's gonna regret that no score for michael yet but he has deployed scramblers in his home zone on to james's turn moving from seven to eight command points here and most of james movement looks to be about setting up for his secondaries these mega knobs are gonna jump out okay so psychic phase yes i will start a psychic ritual on the center of the board here no he does it on a nine okay sounds good you need three of those right i need three of those so shooting phase now i'm just gonna start with this truck over here they're gonna it's gonna unload into that first squad of warriors okay shoots three shots it miss all over one reroll because of the blue he hits with the daca needing a three to win with you yep [Music] no he does not come back he's down i'm feeling so well okay then uh the guys who are in the truck itself um okay so i'll just shoot the i'm just shoot the warrior blob okay so uh first i'll start with the rocket okay it hits with daca it uh doesn't get the extra hit okay but uh string date so two does accept oh one down three flat damage that's actually the only shot i have on you okay does he come here he comes back okay well actually you know what there's a guy in here even though they advance he can still shoot okay so he'll shoot his custom shooter into the the warrior blob okay oh my so three dacas on that another hit three wounds three wounds no rend no two dies stay down stay down i'll do this truck we'll shoot it's big through the same squad oh hits three saloons got them both no ap i've passed one fail one that one drops then i'm going to do this truck over here so i will do the truck itself first we'll shoot uh into that warrior blob uh wounding on threes wow my dice turned around big time no rent i'm you're good to go i'm okay okay then the truck itself shooting face rewards is always a wild affair and james is not disappointing here all that takataka that's it okay it looks like four total of taken uh to get wounds let's see if they get back up two get up they only take two away sir okay all right here we go so um morganite more tonight let's do the triarch stalker i think he's the mark he wouldn't dare i'm going to put everything into it except for the big shooters they're just going to go into this world okay no problem so i will go ahead and spend one command point putting me down to six i believe okay so i'll start with the big shoot of shots into the necrons let's get that out of the way four armor saves we're looking at four up past three fill one okay and then uh into the triarch stalker okay i'll do the rockets all right so one hit with the rocket then i'll do one hit with custom mega blaster it hits as well mega zap the people dude four shots all right so i'll take a re-roll on this one okay oh that morkonite has gone to work here but it's fallen short a bit i'm sure james wanted to take out some of michael's bigger guns nope how much damage there fill it uh three flat um i'm gonna do this battle wagon now he's gonna shoot um all of his uh big shooters into this squad of warriors okay and i'm gonna shoot the buma into watson trading shots with watson yes so i'll start with the uh the big shooters okay four wounds those are the warriors yep perfect any rand no cool we're up fail two two drop okay oh that is shooting phase finished okay oh no it's not sorry i still have to shoot watson i was like yes yes it says 2d6 shots okay fives so i get one hit strength eight so on fours what is the two flash uh and then i'm going to spend two command points for uh two command points on this battle wagon for ramming speed all right so it's going to declare a charge on those warriors there we go i got 10. in goes that vehicle with a 3d six inch charge he slams in but with little effect however he's up close and personal with the necrons and that's where the orcs want to be uh all right but i do get my attacks all right so he gets uh six attacks three of which are going to be with that wrecking ball oh oh he hits on fives too he's winning on twos okay so i'm done done i'm feeling pretty good about turn one he didn't do a ton of damage to me i feel like i'm in a good place now and having going second i have a big advantage at the end of the game i could probably capitalize on this now in a turn and james has managed to cast one of his three required rituals as well as two points for engaging all fronts but he forgot to investigate sites that's going to give us an end of turn one score of two to nothing in favor of the orcs michael gains a command point to go to seven to james's six he scores five for primary and two more for data intercept for a current total of seven to two in his favor oh i gotta decide what i wanna do with this battle wagon man this thing's uh a scary boy it's got some scary things inside of it too okay i think i know what i have to do so protocol for this turn vengeful stars allows ranged wound rolls of a six to gain an additional armor penetration or units will ignore cover at targets inside half range i will start by following these warriors back so they are going to move just about here midfield just to pick up all right so those guys are falling back we will go ahead and move these warriors they should be within range of the overlord so they will have the plus one to the move which puts them at six and then minus two because of the uh [Music] we will go into the shooting phase so watson is going to open up here's an old edition hangover for sure michael has forgotten to deploy scramblers and to perform vital intelligence and he's already well into his shooting phase that's definitely an addition change error um it's too bad because he's already affected game state if he hadn't i'm absolutely certain that james would have gone back and let him do so the doomsday arcane here will put the dark player arrays into the mega knobs how many shots are we looking at for the doomsday arc two rerolling his number of shots here because he needs to and that takes him down to six command points folks have you ever seen so many twos rolled in your life reroll once is great but not when you roll nothing but twos so there you go ladies and gentlemen the doomsday arc swings the other way okay well let's play with it so we're gonna do uh illuminor cesares is gonna fire his eldritch lance oh shoot the uh the ghost oh yes yes yes thank you yeah so we're looking at 20 shots total ugh i mean never mind forget about it sounds good oh that sucks yep so that is ten wounds at minus one look at that five wounds so kills a guy and leaves one guy with uh one wound we will put uh a luminor cesares is gonna put his eldritch lance into the battle wagon in front of him so how many shots looking at d3 for the hitting on threes strength eight it's a three we're going to put all of these into here everything yeah everything's going to go in there the three three's re-rolling once roll adds another one to the tally oh there we go it's auto hit i auto wound you okay so do i hit you hitting on three rolling ones i'm sorry nope it's too oh wow nine damage yeah there you go down two uh four three down to three okay so we'll take the track soccer he's gonna put his uh heat gray the focused one into the market not morka knight heading on three is re-rolling nothing i'm winning on fours five up two oh boy oh no let's go the warriors first into here and i will spend that command point to do uh capacitation disintegration disintegration there's the one you know my book better than i do disintegration oh i see two sixes so far okay so two wounds went in so they'll be wounding on sixes now uh rerolling ones right uh not re-rolling ones no what was the thing that the lord did to them something about the wounding thank you yes look at me captain freaking sportsmanship there's three more for you looking for fours oh that battle wagon's been taken down to a single wound blue sure is lucky look at all those saves that was great it was so so great that was unfortunate we're gonna put all the shots we're gonna take our gossamers and put them into this guy here so there should be 10 up there more firing into it and oh no it goes kaboom does it explode sure yes six inch radius d6 mortals are you kidding no six inch radius d6 so warriors and crypto thralls okay so crypto thralls d6 three to them and then warriors d6 four for them pinch these four here are going to come off the table yeah 16 of them in there so uh all right here we go 16. how many ones am i gonna roll there we go zero zero are you guys seeing this are you kidding me you know michael shouldn't have taunted those grots nothing died there and them little guy seems to be real mad how many dice was that sixteen zero ones okay i dumped pretty much my whole army into that thing awesome let's go to the charge phase so we will uh we will go ahead and grab the lich guard this guard are going to declare a multi-charge okay versus both the grotts here as well as the knobs yes figured out i am plus one because they were my will be done so whatever i don't think so gotta gotta spend the command point gotta re-roll it oh you made it oh yeah that'll do it nine ten so i will complete the charge with these guys i go in and kind of touch like so yep so a murder bucket right here now now i have two chances let's go with the lord lord is going to go against his arch nemesis the grats okay original girl to five that's an old gold high five all right so on the other side of the table i'm gonna have my scarabs are gonna charge your truck okay scarabs of course are the angry ones they're going 12 inches re-rolling a charge sees michael down to three command points and eternal protectors for another command point to take him to two giving each of those lich guard an extra attack they're amazing in combat already and that makes them all the better so 24 attacks i have uh all into the mega knobs correct all into the megane gotcha yeah okay [Applause] i'm a close combat army now apparently seven plus eight 15. uh so two up becomes a five up please and thank you but that's not very good perfect whole squad i am actually going to take the scarabs and they will actually put their attacks into your trunk good call oh my god three auto wounds no they're doing it four wounds sir okay four wins it is four up i make two yep bring it on let's do this here we go all right hitting on three oh my grata you missed all of them indestructible grants so crypto thrall i was worried of this [Laughter] murder bucket save me one hit uh string five two ap i think it's minus one some some kind of ap right i think so okay yeah boy has he ever done a fair amount of damage here but but i gotta wonder is it enough let's see how james answers so i feel like he's giving me a big chance here to take over the board he hasn't pushed forward i thought he'd push forward more but he's still back so i'm just going to move up into his face even more he's going to have to we're going to be kissing i'm up in his grill now started james second turn here and he's going to go to seven command points to michael's two and he scores ten primary points so in my command phase i have no uh nothing to do i'm orcs they don't do commands we don't believe in commands of her pansies these three mega knobs pop out it looks like it's walloping time the boys are getting out of the trucks to get to grips with the enemy [Music] [Music] commando's coming in from outflank to threaten watson the doomsday arc they shoot a heck of a lot should he choose to overwatch the ensuing charge for those commandos okay so let's do this um everything is moved to my happiness right now okay so first thing i'm going to do is this guy's going to do his psychic ritual again all right okey-dokey and then uh i'm just gonna cast a smite okay so i got a seven d3 for two okay now i'm going to shoot so i will start with these guys these guys aren't in combat anymore are they okay i'll shoot them one custom shooter four shots three roll daka oh three hits fours just one wound no ap i'm good oh and the other guy just uh launched a stick bomb at you uh one two stick bomb daca hits twice five swoon got one nope nope we're gonna roll reanimation for that one yup do it up he's okay he's okay uh before i forget my vehicle is gonna shoot his gun in close combat okay one hit three rune six i save it really decent shooting phase but necrons are just so resilient i've gotta wonder is james softening them up enough so these guys are going to shoot into the tri-arc one two three four five five guys one of them has a rocket so four pistols okay and then the rocket daca so two hits from the rocket and then i have a dac on this side as well which also hits so pistol shots these are uh strength of four so looking for fives i'm guessing so two wounds okay with no ap so two rockets two rockets ap2 so five up for the rocket field one pass one and i think it's three up arm save i'll double check i'll check three damage would put me down to seven which puts me in the second tier okay uh this guy's gonna unload everything into the stalker uh except for the big shooters will go over here once again michael is spending a command point on quantum deflection to give that vehicle a four up and vulnerable save and hope that it can survive james is spending two command points here on more daca such a great stratagem so i will do the big shooters first okay 12 shots into the warriors uh exploding on fives this time so booney on threes four wounds looks like eternal did they get back up yes they do okay and then everything into him so uh rockets ooh both hit daca's another hit megazappa oh boy yes michael those are all still rolls to hit three daka's on that so these are the the mega blasto shots so uh wounding on fours i'll take a re-roll for the blueness so four of them and then the rockets not a one yeah build three i need to re-roll one cause i'm blue uh damage i'm rerolling the damage now does he blow up no no the opposite of a blow up i'll do the big shooters into these uh warriors okay and the boomer into the state yeah okay cool okay so uh big shooters first string five so threes to win uh three wounds the two drop one gets back up and then 2d6 shots into the doomsday arc okay i rolled seven [Applause] go two of them at 82. okay so two five up last one kill one two damage okay and then the other two d6 shots into them okay 10. okay uh fours yep three more at 8p2 five up i passed two fail one number two the flat two five damage taken he should be at 11 wounds remaining so nothing left but for the charging all right now the crying and the charging and the crying i dude i almost cried when that lich guard wiped out that whole squad i'll start by charging yeah i'm gonna charge with him into the lich guard makes it easily hold steady lads so the orc boys here that advanced are now going to charge into the lich guard as well oh crap i forgot to do the freaking thing with these guys what's the thing the the action oh well they're charging now then they didn't do the action they're gonna charge them commando's charging the doomsday arc and it's overwatching is expected here for a command point but that's a bit lackluster that's unfortunate uh then i'll do these orc boys are gonna charge them okay now the uh now the mega knobs are gonna charge the scarabs okay okay so um i'm going to start by fighting with the war boss because you're gonna interrupt and murk him if i don't so he doesn't have the fists on him so but he has the extra attack for being a bigger badder war boss so five attacks coming into him um because i charged i also have an extra damage they all hit twos re-rolling no fooling five wins that war boss is going to litchgard to wreck some robots hopefully their invulnerable save will keep them up through this onslaught so two all right one guy pops back up fishy but okay so uh the boss knobs most important let's start with him three attacks man are we into it now things may have started slow but we have a real slobber knocker on our hands michael has closed in with a large part of his force but james has been able to dictate a bit who fights where do the lich guard have what it takes to fight their way out of this so here we go oh unfortunately not then i'll do these mega knobs here okay so three attacks off the boss knob four attacks off of the buzz saws oh twos uh all of them make two two die okay then i'll do these mega knobs here into the scarabs okay so three attacks from the the claw two two so eight damage off of the saws okay so kill two bases okay and then the boys will pile in and fight them okay okay i think they might be dead i think they might be a little dead gems [Laughter] yeah that is pretty much how it goes okay so i touched your uh necron where yourself you can fight with them too but yeah fight your i'll fight your uh doomsday arc first all right so uh three attacks from the big choppa he has three up i don't care about what's going on i just gotta kill two drops right yeah okay hit three times yeah that's better that's better you're already you're already got one marble victory got two got two do you have anything else no it's all you know i mean okay let's do these which guard which guard are going to swing into your war boss okay uh over one three wounds at minus three oh i made i made two so one damage one damage that's a down to six all right i'm gonna do the warriors into the uh three of them are going to go into your grots three are going to go into the mega knobs okay warrior block uh three attack that's right yeah right uh one wound for sure no rent and this is the mega knobs yes two up got it and into the grotts two hits [Music] no no he did he did i don't think they can survive the the morale this time because this straight dice roll as it is right now they're gonna i'm gonna lose the straight dice yeah okay we got left i got left oh you got warriors here warriors over there you bet though uh hitting on greece i'll hit these astronomers angry man come here and rerolling ones for the lord's round kill a couple i'm gonna hit three of them six is [Applause] oh we got him twice in the face three times i'm going to spin two command points to force the grots to pass wow james is actually spending two command points on insane bravery in the moral phase on his gretchen to make them hold the line that's a huge potential point swing as they are troops with objectives secured who says gretchen aren't good for anything and a two sees a score of 15 to seven in favor of james and his orcs but eight points is nothing in ninth edition let's see what turn three holds michael gains his command point to go to one to james's three and scores five points for primary we have some tough choices to figure out here perfect and i should mention two uh in turn three my command protocol is protocol of the conquering tyrant conquering tyrant will add three inches to aura abilities or models may fall back and shoot only at minus one ballistic scale using his orb of eternity here to bring back eight warriors from that squad it's an interesting choice as he could have brought back litchguard but he really does need bodies here i think this is the right choice that is a solid relic for sure so we're going to go into the movement phase yep and in the movement phase we will fall back with this unit of warriors here sounds good this unit of warriors is also going to fall back he is going to move love it here we go there we go well let's do the one that matters because watson over here is going to elect to fire the 20 uh gauze flares doomsday cannon at the higher level at your boomer the boomer 10 wounds total minus one they're dead they are dead okay big gun is gonna fire at the big boomer so freeze we hit it we wound minus six yep yep got it goes through one wound not not good enough yeah okay so we are going to move into illuminatis he will fire his elder glance the same boomer awesome how many shots big three 24. nope nothing he's performing data intercept again to score next turn and it looks like michael is pulling a trick out of the nihilic necron stratagem bag reclaiming a lost empire will allow that unit to shoot and not fail its action that's awesome cost him a command point but he needs to score as much as he can here they're gonna fire at these guys right over here awesome nine shots on threes uh we got threes so four ups i made one oh kills one mega knob and puts one on two wheels warriors over here yep we're gonna put their shots into that guy right there two 23 hits nice 12 wins minus one three threes uh-oh one two three four five wounds that's the squad you guys over there so you guys are going to be firing into the warriors in front of you 34 shots okay seven sixes saved one six guys die the destroyers okay so two will go into the truck okay two will go into the knobs and then the heavy is gonna be okay so let's start with the two into the truck okay minus three five up in volume i save one three damage okay ram shackle it's on a six it's one okay three damage six shots into the knobs hitting on threes three rolling ones [Applause] three damage kills so next up we will fire the heavy chunky boy into the more shonker he hits on a three which he hits and he has strength 10 waiting on threes nope nope come on oh it's not okay i'm still very surprised he has a veil of darkness into james's back line already or at least close to it forcing james to fight on two sides seems like a valid tactic and he did choose line breaker that's at least eight points that he could have scored already this game unlike 8th edition scoring is so much more dynamic now that you need to be on top of it every turn to maximize your potential score killing is important but scoring is more important i'm going to take illumina or cesarous and charge them into your war boss bring it on let's see how this guy rolls four attacks hitting on threes i'm i'm hoping loving it on threes [Applause] hard here four plus invulnerable save i don't make it two damage so now i get that for charges yeah what do you want to do i'm thinking i'm just gonna go with that war boss i'm gonna you know what i'm putting it all into them hitting on twos re-rolling because of my warlord trait hit them all looting him on i'm like strength 14. that war boss has done some serious crumping that scrum mid table is favoring the orcs for sure right now blue is definitely proving to be lucky maybe they think the blue of michaels and the hilac necrons is giving them that luck i don't know but whatever it is it's made this melee fantastic to watch i will put the select the lich guard and i am going to put them all into the orcs okay needed the boys mine will be done so one miss three wounds minus three please oh no all right there you go i made one we made one two die two die okay so i'll start with the the boss knob okay three attacks for power claw uh i'll use the re-roll on him that didn't help so uh can i use the re-world balloon for him so two wins there at 8p3 last one failed one that's the damage there you go three damage one great eyes and then the voice uh i will take the uh overlord and he will swing into your war boss beautiful come on man we need this three months okay yeah i save two so one goes through oh i think it's three flat wounds so he'd be down to one he'd be down to one rune remaining would have been it's rolling that over for me i owe you some leaderships yes you do so the garage lost one so they need to roll three or less uh they fail so another guy dies so he runs ah run away yes does that work want to stick around roll for the one and see if he stays get it i rolled a2 oh he's ready so i know he's got the veil of darkness and it's in his back pocket and every turn i'm concerned it's coming so i fanned out as best as i could i i left him a few small pockets to try and invite him in but he doesn't seem to want to take it so i'll i'm more than happy to just fan out and block him out onto james turned three and he's gone up to four command points uh and michael has none and james has managed 15 on primary and michael needs to be mindful of this as james could start to run away with it i still got to be smart here i mean you could take this away from me if you have two free full turns with an empty table [Music] these boys are going to jump out of this truck and then this guy's going to just shimmy over this way try to box you out i know you're gonna try to pounce in here in a second okay movement phase is done let's do a psychic phase okay i did this is the third round of the psychic ritual with my weird boy it goes up it goes off so that's 15 points to my secondaries um then i'm going to do over here to this weird boy he's going to try to cast fist and gork onto the war boss okay he gets it i'm going to cast it smite okay ooh 10. how many d3 mortals three uh you kill him right okay uh then i'm gonna do go into my shooting phase all right so um these guys here are all just gonna shoot their pistols into lich guard oh this is a thing of beauty behold folks james is absolutely nailing his target priority here he is applying exactly the right amount of pressure in exactly the right places and is leaving michael with very few options he's not out of it yet but james is absolutely methodical in his process here this is some really spectacular play from him uh i'm gonna go with the uh the morkanat now so i'm gonna do two command points on this guy to give him more daca okay big shooters into them and all the other guys okay so big shooters first so i'm hitting all fours akkas three wounds okay oh they both miss okay oh got lower got a one oh no all right so this guy this guy this guy is toast and that one's a lot okay i believe that's all my shooting you do you pick the overlord hey look at that so you're saying there's a chance he's still got cards up his sleeve ah one hit one hit he wounds don't do it thank you thank you okay so he's dead oh the orc war boss goes down but wait [Laughter] orcs has never beaten james's last two command points lets his war boss fight on death and that overlord is pasted what a great fight phase and turn for james literally you kill me and i kill you right back wow [Laughter] okay so now back to the to the boys now we're going to fight the lich guard it wouldn't matter okay he's dead because he's blue plus side i get to attack with them right that is absolutely true okay so i will do that i will like to move oh wow good thing three runes save one three [Music] to play with there fellas james was really really good at getting my face really quickly i thought i had the tools to deal with that in particular one of the protocols allowing me to back up unfortunately that didn't pan out to be enough into three and james has completed his ritual for 15 points that's a big jump and he scored 15 for primary it's going to put him to 47 to michael's 12 currently but there is a lot of game left michael needs to clear some objectives and get some points but fast turn four for michael no primary points but he does score one on data intercept and gain a command point and pierre pierre is going to make the play of the game he's going to yank this warrior blob and be able to darkness them michael's using veil of darkness now and i gotta say it feels like a little too late but if he can hold on he can definitely gain some ground here nice making a game out of this yeah loving the game out of it you bet those guys over there the infantry blob is going through the boy scramblers michael is spending a command point on reclaiming a lost empire again to not fail in action despite shooting that is really really strong this is the part that's kind of difficult so we're gonna take the warrior blob in the back there come here six wounds oh my goodness maybe they're not dead that's not hot dice today that's okay oh my god i saved three so three guys die yeah that should have killed the squad with all nice cool man yeah cool eight of this warrior blob here is going to put his shots into that that word that uh there the command will be yes and there should be 11 shots from here that are going to go into my mega knobs so one of these guys dies okay oh there now that's better i fail too shooting face here and man oh man is blue ever lucky the necrons cannot buy a break blue orcs think that blue is lucky for a reason and blue necrons has to be half the reason why they're performing this well i mean they just believe it so it is can michael down the morgan on here it's such a threat sorry no we cannot it lives that lucky blue get has lived again that's a rough turn for michael he's finally going to score four for linebreaker to go to 17 but i think it might just be a little too late at this point and i think they've agreed to call it there yep that's going to make your final score 72-27 in favor of james mr initiative jones and his death skulls all right we've got one last thing to do mr james jones ooh a victor shirt for you the the second of season three one of our season three champions james congrats uh you'll call me mr initiative oh sorry mr initiative thank you for watching and thank you to our players michael and james for a fantastic match big thank you to gamemat.eu for providing us with this awesome mat and this amazing terrain be sure to check them out and don't forget to tell them that play on sent you well that's it for us here folks on behalf of all of us at play on this is jt mcdowell saying until the next time you see us in the grim dark universe of the far-flung future play on ah this feels right some would call it a defeat but overlord reginald played two grants and in my eyes that's a victory i have a great time every time i come here you guys are awesome super fun uh i love watching the videos i love answering the comments you guys fans are the best it's yeah it just feels good
Channel: Play On Tabletop
Views: 436,647
Rating: 4.9615693 out of 5
Id: aFR43pzPeg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 46sec (2986 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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