Addressing The Kanye Situation

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Long story short for everyone, I watched the first 5 mins then his voice annoyed me. He denies it all says some crazy girl on tik tok started the rumour.

Says he's single and not sleeping with anyone and likes tall men πŸ™„ also says if kris or orchasted this then happy new year to her.

Thats as far in as I got

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 659 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Leledrama7 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wanna know what he says in this but don't wanna give him the views lol. Anyone wanna give me a run down of what he says? I would be so grateful!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 235 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/olivia-annabelle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw the video of the girl on tiktok who started it a few hours after she posted it, it came up on my FYP and it had a few likes and shares. It was hilarious and obviously fake and then all of a sudden the next morning it had blown up and everyone was running with it and people had "evidence." I don't like Jafar at all but this is the funniest weird worlds colliding so far in 2021.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 174 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Topicchange πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Don’t give him views aka clout and $$

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 95 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lashesnlipstick πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly everyone speculating about whether Kanye West is bisexual/who he might be sleeping with is pretty gross. His sexuality is his business, and if he'd rather keep that private, its no ones place to out him or force him to talk about it. The fact that this is being passed around like some juicy gossip and not like an attempt to either stir up shit and/or out an lgbtq person is screwed up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 181 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mycat_isanasshole πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He’s really latched on to this like I knew he would. He’s loving it.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 82 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jessica19922 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m not gonna click this, I’m gonna watch this thru another party but I need to know how he got roped in?? Edit- spelling

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Sp1ll πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh I mean I knew it was BS and the only source was a young woman (possibly teenager?) on Tik tok... but JevFefe is going to milk this newfound publicity for all he can

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/casseroleEnthusiast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Honestly I’m more surprised he made a video addressing such minor rumors. I was expecting another tweet-and-delete storm, or some shady subtweeting. He must really miss the attention.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fingertoes88 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome back to my channel okay now today it's the first video of 2021 and i was about to show you a lot of adventures of what's been going on in my life but we have to address something because i woke up uh today and i was like huh uh i guess allegedly jeffree star has been sleeping with kanye west um and that's why they're getting a divorce goodbye so um chris here just flew in to the beautiful state of wyoming and some interesting things happened this morning let's roll chris do you even know what's going on this morning no i just got to come over i woke up and my phone was blowing up and i'm like oh my god what what in the scandal is going on today i honestly had no idea right i've been i'm keeping to myself i'm living in the in this beautiful state i'm loving life and i'm just ready for 2021 and all the new [ __ ] that i'm about to drop hi and i get a million texts today phone calls news outlets can i read you this let's go inside it is 10 degrees so i'm scrolling on the internet and i read the dumbest [ __ ] i think i've ever read my entire life okay hey y'all like a crazy morning it's an interesting morning we were just about to do glam um here by jay just landed from l.a and he brought so many wigs um but this is what's happening today why is jeffrey lynn number three trending i woke up out of bed chris and i'm like huh and the headline reads kanye west might be sleeping with jeffree star i can't i can't and then i'm like how do we even get to this moment like how would that even be made up because we both live in the state right whatever so i guess some girl uh made up a whole lie on tick tock and it went viral um where she insinuates kanye and kim are getting divorced because a big male beauty influencer uh is sleeping with him oh she wanted so i just woke up just trying to live my life and i'm like huh this is so weird i have people like texting me all these news people like what do you have to say about this and i'm like about what i'm single i'm not sleeping with anyone like this is so weird so um jeffree star after leaving kim's house look at this [ __ ] y'all this is so stupid what since when did you learn all those moves i mean that was me escaping from louis vuitton but that that wasn't this is so weird so it's 20 21 it's january 6 and allegedly i'm sleeping with connie let me just say this one time for any news outlet uh i like very tall men me and kanye uh have never hung out and this whole thing is really funny so i guess if this is a start to my new year happy new year okay so anyway uh it's time to go back to reality and back to this video but you guys i i i really can't and if chris jenner orchestrated this whole thing happy new year sweetie girl but um no jeffrey star is single and i've never slept with kanye and now i see okay i get why people are really laughing about this chris because in an old song of mine from 2009 called [ __ ] please i say a line about kanye but it was very like eminem i mentioned like 50 celebrities and i say a bunch of crazy so people are going on to that and then one time i went to a kanye concert with some other rappers and people are mentioning that as well y'all have too much time on your hand [ __ ] okay so um anyway today this wig is going on this hair and this face will no longer look like this face i'm going to be going from this to this chris look at this this is me escaping when i heard kim's car in the driveway what the hell how's the lighting all right you guys we're ready for today i actually have to go to the dmv and no it is not called that out here it's called the y-dot my new um plate for my bmw i8 is here the california plate is gone um and the wyoming plate is here i'm that's like the excitement of my day i'm also gonna go get some eggs from my neighbor's chicken uh coop um and try them out i love that people grow their own food around here it's kind of iconic and amazing so i'm gonna go do that and we're gonna go run a bunch of errands and yes honey i'm ready for my sunday service all right so obviously here i am with the full look from earlier today and we're starting off this year with a bang and you guys i i didn't officially move forever you guys know i was born and raised in california i will be living there of course half the year jeffree star cosmetics is born and raised from california so i'm not going anywhere but i am spending half the year and me and the dogs are uh we're here we're in casper we love it it's so beautiful here um i know a lot of people have questions like jeffrey wyoming what is going on um it's amazing here it is the least populated state in all of america it is really peaceful and quiet here and it is so beautiful my view of the mountain is just unreal so um so far i have accumulated 500 acres of uh peace and quiet and i am working on some more but uh we have a beautiful home here i am going to build in the future and of course i'm sure you guys have heard some of the rumors but we do have some businesses opening up here um and one of them is a new fulfillment center that is not killer merch because that of course is a whole other entity so we're opening up a fulfillment center out here in casper um and i love it out here it is so uh it's just stunning it's beautiful i love it now if you know that i live here that's amazing just please don't show up at my house my security girl to kill but um by the way are we allowed to do gun collection videos on youtube or am i gonna get canceled again sweetie but yes we are here and it is 2021 you guys we survived 2020 we really did it was one of the craziest years of my life um reflecting on it all over the last few weeks i went through so much like girl my brain is like it was insane so i'm just happy uh to be here and to be healthy i'm so grateful and blessed um my brand is launching a lot of new stuff this year of course and i know we're in the middle of a crazy pandemic all of our lives have changed and it's just really wild so i have definitely found a lot more happiness out here i love it i've really been creative um i know a lot of you know that jeffree star skin is launching way later in the year um and that has been so fun to try in all different climates and i'm so excited for you guys to experience that but besides that you guys i'm ready for a new puppy i really am i think ready for lucky number seven and that may complete my family but i'm really ready um now besides that we've had a lot of adventures out here in wyoming so i recently said you know what i need a pink car out here so i've been transporting some of the cars from la out here to enjoy like my jeep it was just sitting there um we've had a lot of fun with that so uh the delivery of my car let's see it hello everybody all right today first of all christian i have three broken nails oh no uh-huh this is what happened when you play with your six kids we're getting them fixed in one hour so no one will ever see this except everyone watching this okay so today i'm taking one of my barbie pink cars out of the garage here in hidden hills and i'm having it shipped to my beautiful home in casper wyoming so today they're gonna flatbed it into the big truck and then they're gonna literally drive it all the way up there and it should be there in a few days i know that i'm now a official cowgirl and i'm a wyoming resident but cowgirls still love pink so let's spice it up a little bit and let's get that bmw on the truck okay so christian the jeep's gone the jeeps and jeep's gone it's in wyoming oh whoa isn't that perfect that's cool that's like the perfect car but this car she's stunning i mean this is such a unique color now it is a roadster so the top does come down which is going to be so fun in spring and summer and maybe even in the snow honestly maybe no one does that now it does need the charger before we ship her off this car is a hybrid it takes electric and gas and she's stunning honey okay so there's the charger let's get this [ __ ] upstairs and on the tow truck you know it's crazy my garage is looking a little empty but i have a few cars on order and that [ __ ] won't be full but it's cool to be able to shuffle and move some in a new environment she just got her tune up for oil change and the california plate this pink fever is gonna be gone forever hey now honestly i love these guys whoever's out in la jp logistics they handle all of our cars all the neighbors um and they're cool it's hard to find trustworthy people so that's really why i'm giving them a shout out they're sickening [Music] okay so is this thing working oh my god the new new hi guys should i take over okay whoa okay so basically guys hello i'm in hidden hills right now christian is going on holiday vacation and i'm off to wyoming to really set up shop there for a minute while he's gone so i have a vlog camera where's the we have any mirrors in this house right now we're redoing the house um and there's no mirrors to show you this camera but i'll find one in a minute but yes so christian is going off where are you going uh oregon yes oregon and normally he'd probably be going to england but with miss corona that's right no ma'am but um so hi guys you might be seeing the up closeness of my face a little more often i'm doing it like this like we're on instagram like there we go but um yes you guys so welcome to the new jeffree star vlog how are ya oh my god hi everyone we are officially on the way to casper no private jet today the dogs are staying home so we hopped on a quick delta miss diamond member and we're here with miss boomathan hi sweetheart [ __ ] we've been up since four in the morning we just shot a 10-hour campaign last night and um it's time to get into the snow and relax oh hello everyone okay so i know you guys just saw my i ate in california well [ __ ] it's in wyoming so we're gonna go running erin we're gonna go get the jeep uh rolling in this crazy wind now today [ __ ] it is so windy here and that is what casper uh is known for [ __ ] it's just really windy oh it is so beautiful out here you guys hello peace and quiet how you doing sis all right let's go get this car all right i got my essentials i got my colt and i got my red bull let's hit the road all right we are driving into town boom i'm so excited i'm so ready to have this big car right here i know i don't know if there's a pink car in wyoming if there is well girl there's about to be a hundred more um but yeah i i've so i've never driven in the wind this crazy it's not bad huh it's not bad i don't mind it at all we're just going to speed limit and then being careful exactly that's it honey but the i8 is here they're unloading it right now in a parking lot and [ __ ] we're about to go handle it should we hear the wind oh it's not bad it's not too shabby okay we're turning here yes casper look how quiet it is out here howdy oh my oh we're turning right here [ __ ] on miss thelma road honey um wait the car is here yeah we're here oh back there yeah the black truck oh my god oh my look she's already sticking out [ __ ] that's cool it matches the clown car that is iconic oh my god all right you guys hello hello so the car is right there of course it literally looks like it matches the decal but whoa [ __ ] it's windy where's he at you went in the door do you want to wait for it you want to wait a second oh you won the store yeah so the guy that's going to unload the car he's almost here but [ __ ] there she is oh my god i'm so ready [ __ ] it's cold [ __ ] but look at this big old truck this thing hi coldness when i try to open up my jeep door you guys see how long my nails are [ __ ] you can't you got to go like this i was just demonstrating how to open up the door with my nails it's actually hard because i have the camera on my hand oh i feel so actually feels really good out me and boom love the wind actually it's really refreshing it is um and you just have to wear the proper attire where's your eyes angel my little armadillo did we rolled out of bed and we ran here look at the sporting goods place is already popping [ __ ] everyone needs their ammo everyone's just trying to live what is over here you gotta see what it feels like whenever you drive it in this wind well the i8 yeah i ate i know i'm nervous no i can't wait it's so low to the ground the aerodynamics i'm not nervous at all it's gonna be [ __ ] sickening the seat warmer though [ __ ] it's hitting this thing oh my god that leaf scared me i thought i'm on the run tool with my mask off all right we're color coordinating today for him yeah hi kinda i'm going to to unload it so you want to back it up okay perfect girl we're not [ __ ] i suck dick [ __ ] but i don't i ain't scared of the weather miss thing yes look at that honey the ass is wow [Music] yes she's here all right everyone i'm officially in the car it is now time to head home [ __ ] i'm so hungry i'm ready for some french toast uh boom within maybe she's stunning she is casper ready for uh miss lane i think so all right let's hit it let's go all right now i'm sure if you live in the midwest or anywhere around here you know that where where's the winter climate change is definitely uh accelerating because baby there has not been a lot of snow at all this year it is insane or last year sorry but 2021 we're still it's like it's 30 it's high 30s it's low 40s and the winter in wyoming has not really hit but the other day i did a photo shoot in the snow the snow just came down so we went up to uh one of the mountains here and it was so beautiful and boom and jay were with me we had so much fun and this amazing photographer michaela um who is from this town uh came along and took some amazing pictures so come watch oh hi everyone here by jay flew in all the way from la his first time in wyoming [Music] and jay said oh you're in wyoming cool we're going to do 40 inches so this is the fantasy we're giving today we're about to go to um bear trap meadow near the mountain really on the mountain and do a little photo shoot [ __ ] she's serving full [ __ ] length is what we're serving today so we're about to get in the car go on a little 20 mile drive and let's see how this hair looks and the full wind oh hi oh the air feels so good out here [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so actually speaking of snow we had a lot of snow last night and the dogs they're obsessed with it now i know a lot of you hate me and just want to watch the pomeranian so if you're that type of person um the dogs actually all jokes aside they are obsessed with the snow they're having the time of their lives and we filmed it um so we're gonna show you a little bit of that and then i'm actually gonna get up and get dressed i don't know how i'm gonna put any clothes over this hair but we're gonna try and my custom license plate for the bmw i8 is here so we're going to go to the county clerk's office um yeah so we're going to go down and have a little government moment city hall and get the plates they love the snow yes welcome to wyoming's winter delicious loves the snow look at his booty [Applause] [Music] [Music] first day look at miss lane she got snow on her booty right y'all we are on the road again and chris how do you like wyoming i love it it's so nice oh so it's just so serene out here now the snow has melted so boom is not driving in a blizzard today um but we are on the way to city hall and i'm excited to get my star plate for the i8 okay that rhymed and then we're going to do some errands jay what kind of food do you want mexican all right but we're going to take you to maybe one of the best mexican restaurants in casper here oh my god all right we're here i just slip and die right here all right let's go get my license plate for yes that is so cool and chris if you notice there may be a few old cars on the wall over there because we had to turn in pink fever to even get this one made cool yay do you like how license plates get me off i love it it's fine and this is like a museum in here isn't it every state they have every state here some different countries too yep come live real quick thank you thank you so much amanda not a problem i appreciate it thank you oh yeah those are your place right now this is so cool whoa all right the jeep's retired [Applause] i think my favorite of any state is hawaii the rainbow it looks so classic yeah it's pretty yes all right let's go home and get this on the car cool thank you thank you so much i appreciate it bye all right y'all ready to go eat let's go let's go [ __ ] all right boom found this place called tacos mexico and we've had it like six times now it's so good jay it's your first time here that's my my only thing that's the first time i don't know oh my god yes 220 21. oh my god so we just stopped to get my license plate and i have all these letters from the dmv i think it's my license this is so dumb but i've never lived anywhere else besides california so to have a different license [ __ ] what's she serving friend oh my god look at me opening an envelope crazy oh is it here oh god i'm [ __ ] dead oh my god oh my god honey this is your first license outside of california and it's the real id miss thing oh my god okay cool this is this is it's the little things that's 20 21 all right let's head home oh my god yes domestic uh moment this is so cool we all know i've had the most craziest license plates uh in california but yay voila all right the star mobile is official we're gonna slap some winter tires on this [ __ ] but it's gonna be really fun in the spring and summer as well all right now it's time to find a jeffree star uh suv but for now we got we got this thing right here and she's looking fabulous look when you sculpt the hair this magical you need a full massage [ __ ] [Music] all right you guys we are officially home hi diva tommy come here hi boy oh diva all right you guys we have a lot more adventures uh that are happening we have some really cool products launching soon the first ever jeffree star cosmetics mascara it's coming soon um and there is a lot happening this year so let's uh brace for impact we're six days into 2021 and girl i have no words right you guys i just want to say that i know um 2021 is going to be a roller coaster for all of us um stay humble stay grateful stay beautiful and dummy veggie exactly do what they say and in the next few days i'm going to be reviewing the infamous new gucci foundation yes i know it's been a while since i've been doing reviews but girl last year it sucked me dry so new review coming in the next few days i love you guys and i will see you on the next one bye
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 10,415,413
Rating: 4.6703916 out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, kanye west, kim kardashian, jeffree star cosmetics, kim k, jeffree star boyfriend, Casper Wyoming, Wyoming
Id: umkuHGNTKs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 52sec (1432 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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