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"girl where's the damn lip brush?"

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 133 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I just can't believe that Kylie actually tried to justify the price by comparing her brand to Kevyn Aucoin and the Artis Brushes lmao like guuuuurl.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 279 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/xxtaehyung ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Can we just mention how the Kardashians makeup artist Mario D talked about the brushes on his Instagram story and he was like oh they are so high end and i would use them. Unmmm sure you would

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 228 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/boyshorts89 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Even though he's the worst, he made a damn good review imo. I 100% agree with his opinion on the packaging too. I wish they had better packaging for that price point, a nice box with a nice carrying case made of different material...or something. Just not that. Also the glue really peeved me off, especially for a "luxury" item.

$360 that looks like a roll of tin foil? No thanks.

Also can someone explain how the goat hair is acquired? I'm not very familiar with animal fur but are they shaved off the goat or do they take naturally shed goat hair??

Either way, I have a ton of cat hair laying around in my house that I can probably use to make a natural luxury brush imo ๐Ÿ’ future diy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 153 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nappingkittied ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Imagine going to get your makeup done professionally and having your makeup artist use her Kylie Cosmetics brush set...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 52 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Kklea108 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I donโ€™t support him but I appreciate that he was very detailed and thorough in his review. It looks like the brushes were actually performing quite decently, but I have to agree with him, definitely not worth the price tag when you have so much better options out there.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 216 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kheetkhat ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I don't normally watch JS, but I saw that no one had posted this video yet so I took one for the team and watched it to post a summary.

He starts out the video talking about how cheap the case is, how there is a ton of controversy, and then goes into using the brushes to attempt to apply his makeup. He did not use all the brushes but he did use quite a few. Before he could use the brushes he pointed out that they were essentially glued into the case and to remove them you had to peel off a sticky dot that held the brushes in place (he thought this was cheap).

He seemed to like the brushes better when they were applying powder product, but did mention that they were picking up a lot of product when using them. With liquid products, he had trouble with the brushes absorbing tons of product, and he had to use double the amount of foundation he normally uses.

He also did comparisons on his face using an Artis brush and a Kevin Aucoin brush and in both cases preferred those brands to Kylie's. From what I could see on screen I thought his makeup looked better with the non Kylie brushes as well.

Overall he said the Kylie brushes took longer to use, were cheap looking, overpriced, and not worth it. Not Jeffree Star approved!

I appreciated that he does not have any affiliate codes he pushed on his viewers (like Manny) and that he was pretty straight forward in regards to the fact that he would not recommend an almost $400 brush set to his viewers. Overall, I think his review was thorough and more honest than the others that have been put up so far.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 264 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sunnystateofmind ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

He really is good at makeup, he might be bad at personal relationships, but damn he can paint his face!!! On topic those brushes look like brushes that I see on Amazon all the time!!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 67 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/jmote14 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I actually enjoyed this review. I know many people on this sub don't like Jeffree but I think it was great he focused more on the brushes instead of pushing for everyone to buy morphe brushes etc like I've seen practically every other BG do since these brushes were revealed. Could barely get through Mannys review because of that reason.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 128 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Luckyone_exo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Dec 14 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
what's up everybody welcome back to my channel hi how are ya today we are gonna dive into the infamous Kylie cosmetics brush set [ __ ] the whole internet is [ __ ] shook to the ground and I have never seen this much controversy go down in the makeup world in a long time so when the whole world is talking about makeup brushes you got it you got to wonder what the [ __ ] is going on around here so today we are going to dive into what is the most talked-about beauty product in a long time and of course it is the Kylie cosmetics full brush set now we all know by now that this baby will retail for three hundred and sixty dollars now oh praise the Lord so jesus take the wheel we're gonna give this a go now of course you guys know me I am always down to be brutally honest I don't know about other people on YouTube but I do know that I am one of the only people that has never been paid to say that I like something and I am someone who just keeps it a hundred percent blunt I don't give a [ __ ] if you're famous I don't give a [ __ ] of your brand in the drugstore since I've been doing makeup for about 20 years now yes I started when I was 12 years old baby so I think I know about makeup brushes and I also manufacture and create makeup and brushes and I know the real cost of everything so the truth is about to be unveiled so if you want to know what the hell the T is on these brushes then keep on watching alright so of course this is a first impressions video I have never seen or touched these and I know these brushes are probably out now by the time that this video is live so this is what the brushes come in now I don't feel like I have to do a disclaimer every time I do a comment but I am gonna say this once and I'm gonna say it once only everything I say here is just my thoughts of course if you don't like me already I don't know why you can click on this video but most of you already know what is up and I'm sorry that I have to keep reiterating this stuff but girl the internet is vicious so let's unravel this and I'm just gonna keep it gangster okay for 360 dollars I am very curious why this is I call it vegan leather it's like a plastic faux leather it's obviously not real this does feel very cheap so I'm going start the review off by saying this feels like it's from the Dollar Tree just being [ __ ] a hundred percent so as you open this up there are all the brushes to me the silver kind of dinky packaging is not doing it for me the brushes themselves I do like the packaging I think the silver on the actual brushes are cute they do look a little basic looking I do like silver and chrome and that type of stuff of course but overall am i wowed by this packaging no I'm not this overall just feels a very cheap yeah but Arthur brush is good of course I haven't even touched them yet so we are going to do that right now but first impressions what do you guys think of course you're gonna sound off in the comments below while you're watching this but are we living for the packaging it almost looks like like I don't know I'm like looking at this like tin foil it looks like the [ __ ] they didn't signs when they were like once you get past the packaging all the brushes of course are displayed here and here is where I think it gets a little weird now when these brushes were unveiled of course the whole internet I had to explode and really go in about the price point Kylie actually tweeted some stuff out so I do want to read those really quickly I'm gonna throw those up on the screen we're gonna just do a quick little paraphrase there was an extreme backlash to the price of course not just my opinion there was thousands and thousands and thousands of people questioning why there was so much money so she tweeted out and I'm gonna throw them up right here I have developed for you guys the most amazing luxury brushes ever I am very excited real brushes don't compare to synthetic brushes different performance quality everything I am a hundred percent down to do an entire synthetic line in the future which will ultimately be cheaper okay then she goes on to say I always fight for the lowest price on all my products here are some other real brush lines for reference few references RT switch I have right here in my hand she also references Kevin of Kwan which I have right here in my hand and I was a little shook I got to be honest I'm like okay I'm gonna read that to you guys one more time I always fight for the lowest price on all my products what is there to fight about if it's your brand you choose the price that they're sold at so these brushes obviously I didn't make them I don't know how much they actually cost to manufacture I do know that when you manufacture brushes the mark-up can be very high depending on your brand so is the price justified of course I'm gonna test them on my face and see how they perform but I don't know you guys I don't think that these brushes cost that much to make I mean let's just keep it gangster here so a little history lesson Kevin Kwan is an iconic makeup artist in the 90s he put out books that have changed the entire makeup game and he is a very iconic and he is a legend so I am a little I'm a little peeved at someone who has had a makeup line for such a short amount of time is comparing themselves to an iconic Legend girl you better chill also artiste brushes we all know these guys you've seen a million youtubers use these for foundation these are very pricey as well but she's comparing her brush set to these companies and also Mac Mac is legendary baby they have been around for so long and with all the problems that her brand has had thus far I was a little shook at the price point of course alright so I'm gonna do a soft a little look today and try out some of these brushes now there is a lot here I can't use every single one but you guys know after about 5 or 6 brushes you know an opinion so first of all that's primary set cost so damn much let's use a primer that cost so damn much and this is the Gucci Gucci face silk priming serum ok so we are just going to do a few pumps all right there now normally I would use a synthetic brush to apply this there isn't one here so I'm just gonna use what is this one number seven alright so I'm just gonna take us on my hand and we're just gonna put this all over our face all right I am primed and ready for some foundation now of course if you use a synthetic brush your brush hairs will not look like this and this is not like a negative so don't take this the wrong way anyone but like you see the bristles starting at my back drops a little bright and there's really wet so if you wanted to use this brush for anything else you're gonna have to clean it or let it dry which some people don't like anyway moving on and that was brush number seven as I said let's move on to foundation so brush number six is what I would use for this also way I gotta say one thing you guys for some reason and maybe because this was a PR thing I don't know if customers are gonna get this in the mail but the brushes are like stuck on little stickers on here I want to show this off because it's just so weird so you pull the brush out and you see that right there so these are like little stickers they almost feel like glue see that that like that weird tacky thing the brushes are like stuck on so when you pull them out they have these like stickers on the back if you guys can see that so I'm moving that closer so they have these little circles that are stuck and maybe that was just a PR because they were like rolled out but that is a little weird and then you have to sit there and like scrape the glue off which who the [ __ ] wants to do that after paying that much money not me so a foundation brush let's put on some foundation now where did that brush go alright so number six is right here and this is a nice domi brush to really apply the foundation and let it hopefully sink into the skin just going with a little Dior forever or we haven't used that in a minute now I like to mix zero ten and zero twenty so we are about to do that right now and that is good for now so let me dot this all over like I normally would do I'll do half of my face right now just so we can see what the hell is going on now let's apply [Music] all right you guys so first impressions it's taking me a little longer than normal to apply the foundation of course you see a little shedding here which I already told you guys natural hair does shed is not the end of the world these are of course brand new brushes so as you can see the foundation looks beautiful now the brushes do feel soft is it the softest thing I've ever felt in my life as everyone keeps asking no it's not but it is a soft brush it is nice obviously you see the foundation applied great I do gotta say though when you apply foundation with a natural haired bristle brush it does take longer for some reason because the product is soaking in you got to finesse it into the skin so I will be going in with more pumps usually I can get that foundation to cover my entire face I am having a go on with even more product so just know that and let's finish all right you guys the foundation is laid definitely took a lot longer than normal my wrist is like oh Jesus I have a little bit of foundation left but I used a lot of it so I'm gonna wipe that off so I don't accidentally get that all over myself oh let's move on to concealer now I've been loving the all-nighter Urban Decay waterproof concealer we're gonna use that this is what makes dad used on me and my transformation video last week so let's just put some on real quick [Music] alright BAM alright so there's that concealer now there is I think a concealer brush here as well so if you're someone that uses concealers in pots or you just want to paint it on you definitely can do that this is a concealer brush it's also used for blending in the concealer which I don't normally do with these tiny of brushes let's go in with this for a second we're already hating it no I'm just kidding but I would never apply my concealer with this brush I would maybe paint it on but as you see this is not blending so going on to the brush that we used earlier we've dusted her off let's go in this one and see how it wants to look I know this is a video dedicated to the brushes but I also want to throw in a few ideas of maybe doing some comparisons because no one has done that yet they've just only tried the brushes now obviously you can see my concealer it's alright I'm not like living for it it did blend out I just feel like it could have been better and quicker that's just my opinion now I think that it looks alright it's blending cute but I'm like finessing it over and over I'm over it but I do want to pull out in our teeth brush just for shits and giggles so here is one of their brushes what is this one this is the oval 7 now these are of course our synthetic man-made fibers a lot of fibers in these bristles and we're gonna just try it out on this side for fun I think it's very interesting that they say on their website that synthetic or man-made fibers are manufactured and therefore can be more controlled in terms of shape finished diameter length and strength now with animal hairs animals produce different hair depending on your diet the environment the weather so there is no consistency from one animal to another from one season or a time of year to another never thought of that ok artis work so I am just going to apply the concealer on the other side just to see if it looks better worse or what my thoughts are so let me put on the exact same amount of concealer all right here is of course the artiste concealer side blend it out and then here is the Kylie cosmetics side not that big of a difference I definitely think this one obviously went on way quicker and it just kind of blended out nicely where this side it did blend it just looks a little patchy and maybe like yeah look dry for some reason like the brush hair was like okay baby you okay all right you guys concealer of course needs to be set I didn't put the concealer everywhere where I wanted to so I am going to just dab a little bit on my chin or normally would maybe a little bit right here make this nose [ __ ] I was looking your other brushes like should I try the foundation brush we're just used for a laugh let's do it okay blend it out a little better I almost felt like the hair was like dragging the foundation or tiny bit but definitely worked better than that smaller brush and this one these two are not for concealer girl mm-hmm we definitely need to set the concealer so I would just use a big fluffy powder brush let's see number three looks cute this big dome one and then today we are going to use which I'm excited about the new Patrick Starr MAC Cosmetics collaboration setting powder and this is in shade Patrick's powder I have not used this yet so I am very excited as you see it's brand new all right oh I love that Patrick put this as the sealer instead of those cheap clear ones that you have to like scratch off with tweezers and you just want to like throw the powder across the room I really appreciate this peel-off it's the little things right so I took some of the powder and I put it on here and I'm just gonna take this brush and dip it in oh a lot goes on here so let's shake some off and then I'm just gonna literally take it and press it under the skin not under on top of the concealer sorry on the skin whoa okay Patrick I see you girlf so from this side to this side I'm like okay this setting powder is not [ __ ] playing right now the brush of course is soft I think it's applying the powder pretty good let's keep going all right setting powder is on concealer is set this so far I am definitely a fan of can't wait to film with it again now this brush was cute back to the review of course it applied that powder very nice I mean you guys it's setting powder it should apply it really nice and easy so so far all right girl okay I forgot one step which is good because I'm gonna try out this big powder brush this is number brush number one and this is what she looks like here I'm just gonna dust over some powder foundation all over my entire face for a final setting I'm gonna go in with the lemare new sheer pressed powder which I love and we're just gonna put this all over at my entire face alright that is all over the skin it looks very pretty now this brush was um very soft it felt nice and the powder definitely went in all over the skin very nice so alright brush this one is not bad at all I love it it's very fluffy alright so I'm gonna be the little devil over here on my shoulder yes this brush is nice it's fluffy it applied the powder great but I also have one that is literally a tenth of the cost that could do the exact same thing so take that for what it is let's move on now we're gonna pull out the lemare bronzer which I love this is my new favorite and we are going to do a little bit of contouring and we are gonna use what number is this brush number five this is the contour brush let's go into the bronzer of course oh that picked up a lot of pigment which is great because you know I want [ __ ] chiseled cheekbones so there we go all right so something that I really do want to point out here is that goat hair is great for powders and as you can see [ __ ] it looks cute so now we're just gonna chisel this jaw a little bit alright now we are going to take this thin brush and I'm gonna do a little bit on my forehead now to me I would use a different brush for this so maybe I should do that this brush number two maybe let's try those do the forehead with this one but definitely it worked cute on the forehead now I am gonna do a little comparison how I would do my bronzer or contour on the forehead I would use a big fluffy brush like this this is from Marc Jacobs Beauty now we all know their brand is a little pricey as well so I'm not comparing the price I'm just comparing that this is actually a synthetic and remember Kylie said that real versus synthetic is the drastically different but at the end of the day baby you forgot to mention that some synthetics can be very high-quality and this feels like butter this is for someone that's like really on the go and you just want to like put something on really quick you can just kind of dust this over your cheekbone area if you don't want the chiseled geoffery cheeks but this is really good for a warming up the skin very quickly you know no offense but synthetic versus a real hair if this feels pretty similar so my face is looking a little dull we need some highlighter now in the brush set I'm going to assume the fan brush which is number nine that this is a highlighter brush as well as this other little dome looking one number eight I use brushes like this to apply my highlight as we all know let's pull out what I normally would use I love this Kevin a Quan brush for highlighter it's amazing it's very domi and this is a synthetic of course so let's see how this one performs a day what are we gonna do you guys let's use let's use the Pat McGrath skin fetish in shade gold fine gold excuse me so let's take brush number eight and let's go in there and round and let's see what this looks like all right so this applied alright I'm not like obsessed with it I am gonna do a synthetic on the other side because that's just what we're gonna do here so here is the cabinet Quan so let's go in here with the same amount of product that we did with the Kylie one alright how are we loving at you guys here's this side and then here is this side I'm trying to look in the monitor it's hard to tell cheeks are looking cute now let's take the fan brush of course this was the other one that I was gonna assume was for highlighting let's go in to that product and then let's try our key Pizza bow of course okay now that one put it right on the top of the lid ooh okay I think I like how the fan brush is applying it way better than this other one I'm not really sure what this is supposed to be for but I was just trying to compare it to you know a similar brushes definitely think that this apply is a lot better than this one all right so let's try out some of these I brush is we have four right here started they're sticking together from a weird glue [ __ ] in the package I'm like over it I hate it all right so we're gonna take some of these brushes and see what kind of look we can create today I want to eat someone else's palate because it's like why not let's grab the hood of beauty desert desk palette this one is very cute let's open her up and I am just going to take brush number 12 which is this guy right here it's a little Packer shader brush all right so I'm gonna go in with desert sand right here and yes the bristles picked up a lot of product so let's see if it works [Music] all right now we're gonna go in with the eye shadow brush number 15 this is a shader brush what shade should we do let's do a few here let's first start with shade Eden it is this gorgeous peachy shade right there and I love using this as a transition shade it's very soft and pretty for those moments when you just want to be a subtle ho though the shade Eden is blending in a really cute love how it's looking it's very soft and dainty moving on let's see what other brushes we can try here we have a little pencil brush we have a little Packer brush there's also this little angled one number 11 it looks like this let's try her out right here so we're gonna dip into this shade amber right here dust a little off and then let's just go in here for a second and see how we don't look all right so now I'm gonna dip and I'm gonna go back and with this brush right here and dip into Eden and a little bit of blazing barely right there and I'm just gonna take this and run this under my lash line because I am gonna do a soft look today alright now we're gonna go in with this packer brush this is number 13 and we're gonna do a little bit of something on the lid here now I don't know if you're supposed to use like a setting spread with these in here let's just try it without it so let's see how this is gonna look on the lid okay this color has to be sheer because what the [ __ ] okay not sure about that shade it is very sheer I am gonna do a little mac fix+ on the brush and let's see if it sticks better okay there's the effect mommy needed we're gonna take the number 16 brush which is a pencil brush and we're just gonna do a little bit on the lash line and that should wrap up trying and be brushes now I'm gonna go with this shade over here it's called oh you D I'm not gonna even try to pronounce that so there we go oh yes all right the Ilyich is done I'm gonna quickly pop on some liner and some mascara and I will be right back all right you guys the eyes are done now I do need a lip on so I'm gonna go in with the dirty peach Kylie lip kit one of my favorite shades that she's created love it now something that's a little weird to me is that in this entire brush say there is no lip brush no no a lot of you may say Jeffrey that's what lip liners and wands and liquid lips are for which I am so down for that but if you are like the queen of lips and you're pumped up lips have gotten you this far girl where's the damn lip brush that's all I gotta ask and I know that she just launched normal lip sticks today which a lot of people like to paint them on other people clients so there's no lip brush in them brush set which is a little weird so anywho I am just gonna go in with this shade right here dirty peach and let's put it on [Music] all right dirty peaches on it looks really pretty with the eye very monochromatic of course we're gonna do a little all-nighter Urban Decay finish spray mm-hmm Oh one for the Holy Ghost all right you guys I think it is time to give my final thoughts all right you guys I know this has been a very controversial topic but I definitely wanted to see what all the hype was for myself so thank you for watching today's video now my final thoughts are are these brushes jeffree star approved they're not let's just keep it really [ __ ] real right now these brushes are not jeffree star approved now here's the to you guys a lot of them did work their brushes so hey thank God some of them worked a lot more so than others let's just go down the line here and then I'm gonna say my real real final final thoughts powder brush was great foundation brush I felt like I took away too much time doing my face and I was just dying for a Beauty Blender the same with the concealer did not love this at all for this or this definitely the artiste brush came in and wowed me the eyeshadow brushes the contour the highlight those went on really pretty more so this one than the others but overall for 360 dollars plus tax and plus shipping there is no way in hell I'm gonna recommend to my audience that you guys buy basically a $400 brush set that you cannot touch or feel because of course she's only an e-commerce brand so you are gonna take the risk if you do want to buy these of are they gonna work for you or not now of course I can recommend to you a lot of other affordable brands I know some people think that's shady I just think that it's smart and fair for you guys because this brush set with this cheap old vegan aluminum [ __ ] silver it's just not worth the price point I definitely think that you are paying for an overhyped celebrity name and the price I know we're all just like the price I just don't think it's worth it now I know that these are real hair and all that but my advice Kylie toned down the prices a little bit and please give us the Realty on the animal hair and all the information because I think a lot of us out there want to know what the Realty is so you guys I cannot recommend these brushes for you I think they're so overpriced and at the end of the day there are so many other affordable options so I'm sure her dedicated fan base is gonna swoop them up and at the end of the day she's probably sitting at home laughing at all of us because everyone in my entire world is talking about her brand once again so she's good at marketing grow and gotta give you that all right you guys thank you so much for watching today's the video I hope you've learned something new sound off below let me know what you really think and I hope you enjoyed it thanks for watching and I'll see ya on the next one mwah
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 13,060,102
Rating: 4.9001751 out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, jeffree star approved, jeffree star kylie drama, kylie cosmetics, $360 makeup brushes, kylie jenner makeup, expensive makeup brushes, jeffree star cosmetics, velour liquid lipstick, kylie lipkit, manny mua, kkw beauty, nikkietutorials, jaclyn hill, kathleen lights, patrick starrr, fenty beauty review, drugstore makeup tutorial, kylie makeup brushes, kylie 360 makeup brush, jeffree star holiday glitter collection, rihanna makeup
Id: 9kIb4yZHWfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 48sec (1548 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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