Trying Dollar Tree Makeup For The First Time

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what's up everybody welcome back to my channel hi oh yeah hi baby now in today's video you guys I thought we'd go on a little adventure today I'm a little scared I'll admit today we're going to Disneyland I wish okay actually I'm going to the Dollar Tree hey you know the Dollar Tree is sickening by the way no it has everything that you need really now you guys know our lives are a little different now and a little crazy but let's not forget five years ago that Nathan and Jeffrey were shopping at Ross Dollar Tree TJ Maxx pick and save if you don't know what that is [ __ ] it's not Big Lots why do I want to go there because these stores are full of makeup which I really had no idea to be honest it's wild right yeah now Nate told me something funny well we're pulling up some Yelp reviews right now and Nate told me that you used to work I used to work next door to a Dollar Tree and at the pet store and which is like Michigan based yeah yeah that's a family owned business but um ya know definitely used to have my lunch from Dollar Tree a lot okay what kind of food there they have to do right oh yeah I'm here I'm like you know the ramen noodles are the noodle cups and stuff like that what do you mean how you say ramen noodles oh my god ramen I love it ramen noodles in a minute I know it sounds really good maybe we should eat that for a week and see what happens no it sounds horrible so anyway used to work next door Dollar Tree yes I did I used to shop there used to shop there yes here we are today it's been a minute so we're gonna log in to Yelp we're gonna look at some reviews here and I'm a little scared most of these have three to two star only why do you think that is I mean I'm not gonna lie I was never the best customer service okay so we're not we're not going to leave it on today no you're definitely not gonna get probably handled with care okay now I am a little scared because I'm having a little bit of a t.j.maxx flashback if you guys remember I went to their store a few months ago Carl this looks like it was you and then put on sale used again and then put on sale Dior oh I didn't talk to your girl oh that foundation I tried I swore my life it was expired it was scary the house know what's gonna happen today so I'm logging in here the first one that pops up y'all two and a half stars and look at the default picture it's a toilet why is it and why is the toilet on there let's click it I mean there's 45 reviews so that's I mean that's a decent amount okay so here we are we're scrolling this is the Dollar Tree we're gonna blur out the sittings and where it's at they're open till 10:00 p.m. work okay let's look dive into the reviews Xan Q says that this store is already a junk store and it gets even more weird with this one in particular crackheads crackheads frequent it's and it's not even large compared to a couple of the other ones but besides that today I went in and had milk on the shelf regular milk I thought it was supposed to go in the fridge always the fact that the store has a toilet and as their main picture started tell you something that's literally this can't be real milk that's supposed to be refrigerated it's in the same thing as the cereal yeah he's not very smart that doesn't even sound real like this okay let's go let's go to the next one Shannon says this store has the worst hiring practice they never have enough help lions are 5 to 60 yeah waste of time literally every time I used to go into a Dollar Tree there was like one person on there five lanes and there were always people backed up on the lines was one line so it's like y'all don't have to wait in line oh yeah you probably will for sure okay let's keep going no next one star review worst customer service ever and to top it off they never had more than one open cashier seeing that the lines are always down the aisle ha ha why is next review josh says worst or ever biggest frauds and dumbest people on earth I know hamsters are smarter than these morons I'm working okay next review let's read a nice long as the three-star one Sylvia says she's being nice since the staff changed I get the feeling the manager here is having a hard time getting her a new crew onboard I still love the manager but she seems super stressed not sure if it's because she's training a new crew or she's not getting the help she needs over all the stuff I picked up here is always a big win in my books okay she's the ultimate reviewer what was that 200 some reviews oh we found the one with the toilet let's read a few more I'm just gonna get my arms literally cannot be worse than going to the one star tattoo parlor if it is I'm quitting YouTube okay we found the one at the bathroom please the bathroom is absolutely disgusting I was afraid my daughter was going to catch something girl really is she right and dig in there what there's chlamydia on the seats okay what else does it say on the brighter side they have a great selection of things ranging from cards candies school office supplies party supplies hair accessories and many more things not the biggest Dollar Tree store I've been to but tons of stuff am i going to a small shitty one that's gonna have nothing you guys we have to go to like several locations right okay I've read enough that sounds like some pretty shitty customer service and I'm now I will say this before we begin filming my assistant called Dollar Tree earlier she called the two star one she did and she called the four star one the two star never answered nope before star one answered in two rings yeah well I feel like I need to go where people had a rough time so I can really gauge you know anything else yeah I want to grasp what's happening here so let's get me in the car um and let's pray all right it's gonna stay babysit all six of our dogs I'm gonna go off on the little adventure and I will be back let's see if I'm alive they know I'm coming they know come on dollar tree Oh god bless you now let's go [ __ ] up my face no you know what's crazy Chris we may have a really good experience I don't want to be shady and like expect the makeup to flop here I just don't know what's about to happen I think I'm so burned from TJ Maxx and then Burlington Coat Factory stealing my makeup my black-market makeup I'm putting it for sale which by the way lawsuit pending we're also driving in the worst work traffic look at--look ahead of us oh my god yes greenlight we are officially here Dollar Tree all right now the sign outside looks a little weathered so she's definitely been here for a while there's a oh there's no parking up front we don't go over here okay let's park here next to a nice rusty shopping cart I feel well I'm gonna hit the curb I got nervous what is oh this is for rite aid I was like this shopping cart is for like an infant this is like when you first when you give birth in your babies like two months old is to get you push your own car okay what are we about to walk into I'm scared but hey oh and look Nathan's right there's one cast you're working hahahaha oh hi how are you alright y'all got myself a cart I think there's makeup in the store it says beauty product so let's go let's see let me put all my stuff away okay what is this pole for do they tell you for real but is it so you can't leave the store with it oh my god I'm gonna get dirty pole here it is you guys health and beauty whoa okay where's the makeup we got antibiotics Oh Zack you want to try one automatic fail oh my god should we try these on me I kind of want an ovulation predictor as well for me in a month okay let's get to drug test one for you one for Nate no let's get three let's be on let's all drug test ourselves hot okay now let's get to what we're really here for my god we found the makeup [ __ ] take these glasses off okay here we go y'all you guys get over here I'm gagging oh whoa there's a lot of stuff here I'm just gonna grab everything I see you guys and we're just gonna try it all this brand Oh even when it went wild here [ __ ] okay y'all know I actually live for wet in a wild so I'm not mad at it um this color looks safe maybe your red well we think I have a glosses that is okay so maybe we'll do the glosses oh look at that liquid shimmer highlighters okay we're just gonna grab it all contour mascara oh my god there's so many different formulas whoa this rainbow thing yes equality she better work okay loose face body shimmer it's a little scary let me play her back oh my god you're gonna have l1 blue eyeliner which tells me they probably had a lot of stock of this it didn't sell and now it's at the Dollar Tree not mad at it what is it this Christian have you ever seen me use this on my channel what is this it gently exfoliates massages and cleans and it's like a big toothbrush ah I don't know what's gonna happen but let's give it a whirl Oh all day wear these eyeshadows ok that's already broken so let's get a non broken one thank you they have nail art here well we can do our nails ok we need to get some contour oh my god is this the foundation what is this light medium and dark obviously I'll have three shades absolutely not are you [ __ ] kidding me this brand can't have three shades this brand has three shades okay the selections a little slim here y'all I'm a little shook the drug test I have to try these I haven't but I haven't used one of these in a long time who needs morphe when these are around oh my god do you remember these crisps - still a sponge circa what 2 years ago like that is so funny the fact that they're in the Dollar Tree now is ha hilarious let's try them all right like nathan predicted there's one cashier in a huge line so it's time to check out BAM you're good now I'm sweating good lighting yeah thank you so much all right I have to pee really fast now listen you took the battery out of your camera real quick to recharge what did she say before we started rolling again I officer if those are false memories most she said that come here do you hear teacher she's that I go hey I really have to pee and she goes you should do Starbucks and she works here I'm like what do you mean she's like yeah listen wanna catch something like trying to be funny but I'm like oh my god I'm welcome here yes okay and it's something that orders a lot she's locked no one's in our answering she literally said we don't have a bathroom which probably means I shouldn't go in there because if you work here you know right tonight what on the thumbnail on the look at any time of our restroom do not meet your expectations please let us know thanks again okay that's right bye Stevie thank you alright we're back hi babe hi baby means that got you a gift Oh did you know at the Dollar Tree we sure did now it's not makeup related imagine what imagine will mean your brothers found for you at a Dollar Tree I mean I almost want to do a dedicated video but I let's just keep it moving Oh drug test home marijuana drug test easy-to-use and 90% accurate I would really like to see how that goes oh and don't don't you think I didn't buy myself one really think I didn't buy a Zachary one I don't know what you have to do here let's see oh just take all this yeah we all gotta pee then just stick the tab in there and collect urine it cleans yeah we can not film that part ha ha ha all right well well I'm trying to make up you're gonna go do that and come in and interrupt me yeah okay hold it for a second yeah so we got those there that was in the makeup aisle Helsing health and beauty health and beauty I wish they would like tests like levels not just like oh we big off the rails off the chart off the charts okay I also got myself something I know we've been talking about maybe expanding our family one day so I got an ovulation predictor Oh huh yeah well I have to determine the length and timing of my cycle and yeah after that I was gonna so number of days from the first day of the bleeding to the day before my next gluing begins is when you really need to do this so okay besides that I got I didn't have a full face but there's some good gems in here so there's a lot here okay so I'm gonna go play with this while you pee but we have something to tell you what remember how we read the Yelp reviews what what what what do you want to call it what was no Nam of the toilet boys well then was it toilet both locked all gender cute right thank you thank you so much one out of order the other one well we asked her in line like right he interesting oh there's no there's no key no she said there's no key but you don't want to catch anything I swear on my life I was like the [ __ ] so I obviously was gonna go in there anyway oh yeah thinking twisted so I go back there both her locked I and I put my ear I vote by ear to the door oh I knock twice no answer and I didn't hear any breathing no weird noises those no there's no one in there there's someone probably seen that yelp review who the house alright let's go see if your test works and I'm gonna go test all this [ __ ] awesome I just texted Shane and go I'm at the Dollar Tree he goes good luck don't get pinkeye okay I've unboxed everything I am ready to start y'all so the first thing that we're gonna do here you guys we have it says face primer okay you see that it says color correcting it says it's peach so this is what she looks like look at the applicator y'all we love a good tip but this one I don't know oh my god okay this is from the brand called la colors everything I bought in that bag was how much Chris like $31 y'all so I don't even know what to do here okay I know how to do makeup I don't know it says to rub with your fingertips so rubbing I will do know it doesn't feel well that's kind of waxy which maybe it should feel a little bit more moisturizing but I'm like please don't make my pores that look horrible please what do you think Chris wait kind of looks sickening what's half oh my god why does even have a little bit of luminosity to it what let's look at the other side oh there's a big difference oh yes the side looks depressed yes sir and then you go over here and it's like yay first product it's working what okay let's put some on the other side oh I put a lot on my nose so I'm gonna put some on my forehead the redness on my nose like kind of went away it was really bad right there and now we're kind of chilling in okay not bad looking in the maunder looks cool okay okay LA Colors god I just can't with this one there's three shades y'all tarts like yeah we're not the worst okay so let's see what happens y'all I don't know what the hell apply and blend with fingertips where is everything with your fingertips no well we didn't buy the the Dollar Tree Silla sponge and if you don't think I'm gonna slap my face with this you got the wrong one so let's try light/medium right let's give it a whirl no I think that's a good match you even need medium let's just let's just start going in to light what do we think let's do a little medium mix oh okay we don't need a notice candle okay that's not bad it looks really scary I was like okay they've really really trying to get me all right let's just blend this out I mean it's all right my pores look like a [ __ ] dumpster truck but let's keep blending out let's do my local must do my little cocktail like I did earlier whoa whoa [ __ ] magician up in this [ __ ] look at that yes I'm like I really thought like okay t.j.maxx notic not that was not a good one that was a little rough for me right like I really didn't know what to expect I mean we're only two products in but mmm if this is already ten times better than misty jaelyn because that foundation ruined my week this one what do you think right it's no [ __ ] Georgia or money luminous silk let's relax here okay the foundation is fully on now no concealer was at that store sadly so I'm gonna try the products that we bought of course now this doesn't feel that tacky I thought it was me back really horrendous it's like all right I'm gonna set this I'm just gonna grab a little Mac Studio Fix because listen I don't want a sticky face that would be so annoying so let's just see what happens if you put a little bit of this over it watch it's like the most magical combo on the planet just kidding oh boy all right we are powdered up now contour there was only this one you guys and it says deep so I'm gonna try it out let's get a good brush I'm gonna be very light handed cuz that cannot go into my eyes right like oh no no no no no no let me just try let me just try my cheekbones are about to be slashed okay if you really like Hana this could work bronze me I'll give her some cheekbones give me some life my skin still kind of looks like kind of shiny here it's not kind of cool oh right I think the contractor looks a little cute I'm not mad at it I can't believe there's no flops yeah I'm like this like Oh be on candid camera okay highlight best and I'm ready for now we have a loose face and body shimmer okay in shade magical dust and then we have this liquid shimmer highlighter in shade candlelight let's just try them both okay now you never know with a liquid shimmer what's gonna happen let's put some right there oh wow oh look at that it looks like someone's crying middle finger it's a lot already hmm okay let's just see if it works this looks so normal and great and my don't plant some secret mac makeup in this or something like we know we've tried a lot I mean look at this isn't those blinding but it's really kind of cute like it doesn't look cakey and it's not making the foundation like weird which happens a lot so I'm like okay it's not bad let's put some more on my temple lading uh she's buildable she's glowy okay I'm not mad at it let's take a little bit here whoo-hoo that's a lot it me tone it down she's cute okay I really want to try this loose one let's put it on top of that of that cream and then we'll really take it there let's please give us the world the shade actually looks kind of pretty so let's see what happens umm highlighting brush oh wow a lot of product went on there okay let's finish the world oh okay and that's without wetting the brush or anything - huh now remember is over the liquid but that's a pretty color isn't my favorite highlighter in the world absolutely not but it's kind of cute that all right let me spread my cheeks a little bit who looks very wet okay not bad I like this one obviously a lot more than other one but let's try it on this side with no liquid oh well Wow okay we've actually have not no bumpy no bumpy roads we're just having a nice smooth day this is crazy now the highlighter you said that pour right there [ __ ] I've had them for a long time and when a highlighter accentuates it it means there's kind of some cheap ingredients not gonna lie who's you obviously me review so many highlighters and a lot of them do not do that so okay moving on oh my god I can't wait to try this this is the eye shadow now listen it's called almost nude it's supposed to be long wear and I actually it probably is right because if this is going this good like oh it's sealed oh boy now thank God it came with this y'all cuz I don't have any brushes no I really did buy these as well and I kind of want to try them it has been a minute since I used these for my makeup all right let's do our base color oh my god this feels so tiny it's hard to use okay let's give it a whirl nope no primary y'all just my lid I'm gonna do a quick little Bridal look excuse me this I pilot might be the one and like this is my new go-to thank you I flick them in like junior high again doing this and it's kind of cool seven years one of these in a long time come on memories all right BAM the first color is laid down actually execute okay I want to try the thing that it came with because this is the one that we bought and this is when it came with snow let's see here look at my all gonna do look cool maybe okay she has a little bit of fall out miss thing let me coat my brush coat my applicator all right let's try it okay this color is cute but I think the other one is more pigmented like I'm not living but also this applicator maybe is not working as best as this one so let me grab this try it again this color is not as good as the first one maybe let's see what this will no I mean this is ridiculous one second let me do a little like a little one of these I'm just dipping here with a little brush see what happens I mean listen if I was doing the 5 minute makeup challenge I would literally slay with these products cuz this is like all right the shadows are not bad I've tried a lot worse the formula it's a little cheap but hey it's actually getting the job done I think I have another brush I'm just gonna dip into this one right here let's just drag it a little bit under the eye okay she was like cute why does this literally it took me like five seconds and it's kind of nice alright let's try the mascara okay oh oh oh oh call the parole officer let me see the results hi what's up look at me look at my makeup it's not bad huh no oh my gun I got a few more things but I'm kind of shook okay what's going on with you even your your urine test I mean what does it say what does it say that I am positive for THC let me see what does it say this is max what does that mean that's so you don't dunk it too low the max of dunking it okay where did you say positive but right here see the arrows mm-hmm positive one strip oh yeah or you can see the line down there now oh that's awesome that's pretty funny wow I wish drug test first one first one I love that thank you yeah what a good Segway all right I got Travis Massacre you might burn on me hahaha all right going blind two minute straight I have two mascaras here which would you want me to try bold lash or lash what's the applicator look like well that's a q-tip let's see this one oh wow smells like glue so they're painting like Lord yeah this smells like yeah it's like straight-up paint yeah this one smells like paint that's what it is brain cells which one do we try the smaller applicator I would say that's probably safest oh my god the formula looks almost wet does it no a bad thing but let's see you don't I'm excited for the grand opening of the morphe brushes store in Troy Michigan kind of close to Detroit and the Somerset Maugham ìgod you got ready I'm so excited you guys it's actually open now yeah this and we're doing a grand opening very soon just psych no Michigan in the house oh yeah thanks to Nate Michigan's my second home now yes it is I don't mind this why don't we go yet let me try the other on the other right then duh alright let's try this like I feel like there wasn't much on there no we're not doing take it all off no I mean I there was a whole bunch like it was like a huge little clump clump off the end of it and I wasn't really on it this output like okay this one and this applicator is horrible not picked a good one and you did yeah I hate this one actually yeah I don't like this one at all it's just not getting it coated enough it's a lie okay now we have lips sick look at that that's pretty cool though I like to push a little bit out of the thing and put on your hand watch it almost see it almost like jelly yeah there's no oh okay well on my finger but what if you're feeling [ __ ] blue like right now you're at you're not you're at the Dollar Tree you better buy it go with the wind okay let's try this most good I was like it's probably like this super artificial like the cute pink it smells really strong yeah I was gonna say it's like that's super like extra but it's really glossy that's like I was gonna say you put all good on your finger I did I like it sloppy huh Wow I mean yeah that's a cheap lip gloss but it kind of looks cool this is foundation under my mouse I may look a little weird right here uh I'm not mad at it no I'll be honest it reminds me of like the old-school juicy lips I think was that from Lancome like it definitely reminds me of that so some nice to smell when I was a kid for sure wet and wild we know this one was gonna be probably good oh no see those through those swatches oh she's cute she has cut bridge come on wedding wild what is the shade called cherry frost what frost that's my lane thank you mmm not too bad actually no it's got a shimmery yeah I wouldn't mind it I should have been done this with that over it all right Nate's gonna try to squeeze out a lot to get to that Arctic bloom I got it I want to try it whoa okay let go let me see how it looks like if you like a few huh so in the tube oh there's a red oh my god let's turn good whoa there's oh my god yellow blue green nasty it's starting to mix EW I don't like it for it though oh there's the blue it's like turning teal I almost want to throw up looking at this and then I'm kind of hungry oh yeah Purple's lady okay we have to do that oh now look in there that was satisfying it looks like a rainbow in that [ __ ] almost whoa that's kind of cool oh this is looking ok that looks interesting that was cool that was dope alright thanks baby I'm gonna do my final thoughts there's no setting spray but there's nothing left I don't like looking in the monitor like it's cute look it's easy like everyday going to the office look we're keeping it simple alright babe thank you love you love you baby see yes alright y'all here we go we're moving the chairs out here we go Bam Bam Bam alright um I'm not mad at it I really feel like a soft dewy kind of JLo Vegas moment I'm just showing up to work ready to suck I really didn't know what to expect today I was a kind of waiting for impending doom it never came let's talk about a few standout items here for some reason this really stuck out to me I can't get over it it was like it worked like a woke me so I'm not mad at this smoothing peach face primer LA Colors I did something with this one highlighter cheap eyeshadow actually not bad like for a quick on-the-go moment for a dollar like that's what we really do let's sink in here for a dollar everything worked like I'm not mad at at all now I have heard from other people I did tweet of course and tell you guys I was filming this video a lot of you said different locations have different things there's other locations that have like three massive aisles of like crazy [ __ ] kind of like TJ Maxx in Burlington so maybe I got off lucky and I had a good experience but even though the store was two-and-a-half stars I didn't have that bad of an experience and thank God the line was dying down at the end so we'd have to wait long but overall I wish that we would have gotten into that bathroom it's so gonna haunt me forever alright y'all who would have thought that we would have primers eyeshadows and drug tests work from the Dollar Tree I had a lot of fun filming this video thank you all so much for watching and of course I will see you on the next one there is a lot of really fun things coming you guys the first ever jeffree star lip gloss formula is launching in May really this month hi we're in May 2009 teen summer is almost here we have a full collection coming as well and so much more so stay tuned and I'll see you on the next one
Channel: jeffreestar
Views: 22,874,043
Rating: 4.9069562 out of 5
Keywords: jeffree star, dollar tree makeup, dollar tree, jeffree star review, jeffree star cosmetics, jeffree star approved, jeffree star tj maxx, shane dawson, ryland adams, james charles, tati westbrook, jaclyn hill, nikkietutorials, cheap makeup, one star makeup review, full face using dollar tree makeup, full face ELF makeup, magic star concealer, blue blood palette, fenty beauty, morphe jeffree brushes
Id: 1zwko8D5lRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2019
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