Addison Rae's Dark Side of Fame - UNFILTERED #56

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your video of you doing that is the best oh mom thank you really good you're ready to hush up yeah no we could start there i like that compliment we could start there we can start with the compliment the one good thing i don't know zayn you look so like sick to your stomach right now yeah dude i've been i've been so nervous every day every day every day i wake up i'm just like i'm sick to my stomach i don't know why you should just see a doctor oh my god i think you're pregnant have you been thrown up are you craving food no no yes just so basically are you hungry you guys haven't been feeling like that at all like i've just felt extra stressed i feel good i felt dude you literally cried to me last night what are you talking about i'm not gonna lie there's been a couple times in the past two weeks where i just let it all out yeah and just cr oh yo for real oh yeah know what i thought about the other day i've never seen you cry i've seen almost every single one of the friends cry except for you because not because nothing nor like nothing makes me cry but like lately i just i i feel like i'm pregnant like i'm just i'm just constantly emotional i never see you emotional i even asked kenny the other day i was like do you think zayn's happy right now i don't know i don't really see emotion i don't i don't even think zayn knows i just have like wrestling dick face all the time you can never see like how i'm feeling dressing dick face resting dick face yeah it's just like [Music] but yeah we we'll talk about it more you know let's let's get emotional in this one i'm dying to cry can't wait can we you're like sitting here like this holding yourself coming out of my eye already all right give him a second you got two minutes okay i'm good i'm good let's get started okay before i cry all right it's coffee tall baby [Music] sorry you had to see those dance moves well i did it for a reason i was entertaining somebody but welcome back to zane oh welcome back to zany heath unfiltered i'm your host zane and i'm your other host heath we're joined by the lovely kenny and mariah um so let's get right to it we have a very very again every time we get introduced okay let's get into it we don't have much time mariah knows not to even put the camera on them when they get introduced ever just cut right through well we have a very very special guest this evening this tick tocker has over a hundred million followers on all platforms not just tech talk she's not there yet but on all platforms i think that's like the moment she's more than just a tick tucker yeah just following she's also the only thing that's very kind one of the sweetest girls i've ever met on this platform i think it's the southern drawl it is a southern comfort that hooks you in yeah rhymes with madison day welcome madison ray allison day oh allison miriam let's do it [Applause] hi i'm happy to be here hey y'all hey y'all it's addison right you're saying you're a little nervous to be on this podcast what other podcasts have you done um this one i've literally done my own and david's okay well you have to plug it in my own podcast mama knows best my day is good what did i do today i didn't really do yes i did i did a lot of stuff today i feel like she does more in one day than we do in a week oh 100 100 i had um a live stream i had to do and then i did videos i'm a lot but i'm dead i was on like a different it was like on a brand's youtube channel oh okay cool with my brothers you know just getting that cash getting that coin you know well introduce yourself addison tell us a little bit about yourself um i'm addison ray and i do a lot of things how tall are you very good let's get to the good stuff give us your slate i'm addison ray i am 5'3 i say 5'4 so it gives me an inch and i'm from los lafayette louisiana and i live in los angeles california oh i thought you were from utah what literally the other day like are you being serious i'm from louisiana utah's not in the south louisiana no yeah we were going over questions literally just said i'm a southern girl i don't do the research kenny does i'm sorry you're wearing a hey y'all sweatshirt do you literally know where the states are i don't but do you we go over questions like you want to ask her anything he goes yeah we can ask her what life was like in utah did she go to utah i went to utah for a vacation well how was it wants to know beautiful it was beautiful zane thank you for asking it was me i've been it's really nice i saw yellow snow did you pee in it no i played in it after somebody else peter yeah but yeah you're a tech talker you do a lot of different things like tick-tock and you that's all i have to offer it's my only personality well no i like i know that you i know that you're a good actress because i've seen it before you've you've acted all the scene to me before which i thought like when you did at the moment i was like oh she's about to act and then you're really good i was like oh [ __ ] you should do acting that was really impressive thank you and now you are because you are in a movie which is so [ __ ] exciting yeah congrats that is incredible i know it's crazy but i feel like it's also scary because it's like i mean everyone knows how like people react about influencers being in like spilling annotation to it i think it's just because but i get it it's like you see someone's personality so much that you can't imagine them as a character you know which i think is why a lot of actresses slash actors don't put themselves out there as who they are because then it kind of takes away from like characters honestly i never even thought of it like that yeah but that is what it is because that's why people can't believe it as well but i feel like unless you're really good at it and like practice a lot i mean which i've been doing you know like i've been really taking it seriously yeah these past probably 10 months now so but i've done acting my entire life is which is why it's like weird for me to be able to say that because i'm like i know i've done it like oh she definitely can't act and i'm like no one even knows that i didn't really know people don't even or utah have you been taking um because i know like when you brought it up to us like a while back which would like when you told us it was so [ __ ] insane because i remember because todd just showed me that movie for the first time like couple days before you told us that i was like oh my god like that that movie was such like an iconic movie i didn't know you haven't seen it no i've never seen it wow say what the movie is real quick yeah the movie's called sorry the movie's called she's all that right correct she's all that with freddie prinze jr and rachel cook rachel lee cook and yeah it was like a big move it was like ahead of its time i think that's how they say that talk about that movie right and yeah and they're doing a remake of the movie or a rendition of the movie yeah and they're it's called he's all that that yeah that's so [ __ ] cool the character's name is padgett you can call me page very late what are the other names in that movie um cameron okay did they they specifically came to you and we're like we want you to fill this role like we envision you being this person um no it wasn't necessarily like that i mean i had to go through like a long process of it okay so like i auditioned yeah nice incredible auditioned almost really auditions was that your first audition or like have you gone on no i've done like self tapes and in persons before that and then that one was kind of like the one that got it you know when it stuck were you super nervous when you did audition are you just like oh i'm gonna kill this no i think because i had done soft tips before that i didn't get so i was like obviously there's just like another one i'm not getting yeah no i feel like this is the best way to go into it too just like oh i'm not gonna get it so i might as well just do my best how'd you feel when you got the call well i was actually like just had finished filming a podcast episode on momentous i guess she's good no but i i'd actually just finished filming one of my podcast episodes and we were outside of the place we filmed and i was like also having like a breakdown that day which was really unfortunate but like i was crying in the car like about just like it was like a lot of stuff like mental health which like sucks but it was just like i was really overwhelmed really stressed and then my agents were in the car too and they were like okay i was like balling my eyes out and i'm like all right we we have to get on a call really quick can you get on it and i'm like i'm literally crying what are you guys talking about and they were like no we think we should get on it and so i got on the call and then i got told it wow and that's hollywood baby and then i was like oh my gosh and then i started crying happy tears and then actually yeah and then it kind of was so exciting it was really exciting yeah in a year i know actually we talked about it all the time we're like a [ __ ] year like has it even been a full year since you like made your first october right my first tick tock was made in july last year well actually that's when i downloaded the app really and then posted my first one and then i hit a million followers last october october 27th last year i had a million that's that's absolutely right now when you started tick tock did you like get into it thinking like i want to do this professionally like i want to make something out of it professional tick-tock no like i think you mean just entertainment entertainment yeah well like as a profession mm-hmm so my entire life i've like was in competitive dance and i feel like anyone in competitive dance like grows up wanting to perform and entertain yeah so it wasn't like a question for me it was kind of just something i'd always had a passion for and then in louisiana like realistically zayn are you okay i'm kidding zayn pay attention he's just slowly falling over he falls asleep he's like and now i fall asleep randomly all the time i was off camera but the fact that you just talked to me now i'm going to put the camera right i need everyone to have coverage on this episode um no but um in louisiana it's like not really common for people to just like oh yeah chase your dreams like it's it's very routine in the south you know it's like you know you kind of know most people get like stuck yeah well because it's just in florida and not in a bad way it's just like oh you kind of grow up knowing like this is comfortable and like you you know you go to high school you graduate you find someone you love and you marry them then you go to college and then you have babies by 18. yeah over there it wasn't necessarily like anyone pushing me to do anything about it like oh you love to do this like cool dance for your college team or something helping you and like pushing you a lot to pursue your dreams yeah 100 they always have been supportive but i think they didn't push me to do anything about it because i didn't necessarily have that like dr i've always had drive to do things and like intention but i never like i also was in a relationship for a really long time and like for five years like you know high school all throughout and so like in that relationship i was like oh i definitely don't want to move ever or leave you know and not be with this person because i kind of thought like oh in louisiana you know you find the one you want to be with and then you stay with them and then you kind of stay there something else like life doesn't exist exactly so that's kind of how i thought and so they never like pushed me outside of that because i didn't want to be pushed outside of that but then once i did go to college i i went to study sports broadcasting journalism which was kind of gonna be like for me and my brain it was like this is my way to like get into like entertainment you know without having people being like okay that's unrealistic you're not gonna go to la and you're not going to be a movie star you're not going to do that you know but you had the intention or hope of yeah i had that kind of like other like my mindset was also thinking like okay this is going to be the way i do it you know because if i can't do it by going to la and making it then i got to do something about it here because i love this um and then i went there for a few months i was there for like three months in college and um i realized i was really better i wasn't bad at writing papers but it was just taking a lot of time i didn't want to spend my time writing papers i want to do the talking and um so i went to my like counselor's office and i was like so can i get the papers to switch to pre-dental which was like obviously i know completely free right so i'm and then literally i think two weeks later i went to la for the first time and then i was like all right i want to move there and then in november i was like hey mom and dad i literally have to move and i had just hit a million that following like few weeks what did you go to la for though that first time was it because of like tick tock yeah because famous birthdays had like messaged me and was like let's do an interview and i was like oh my gosh yeah i'm like next door there's no one there like verified accounts and one of the most famous birthdays on the other one was this was this other article and they deleted it after time we got no traction they didn't get that retweet they were like pull it pull it pull the plug yeah you definitely you definitely need to say it's your birthday when it comes to like social media like you know mm-hmm you gotta play it up yeah yeah i like to this year i just didn't care really i didn't really so would you say they gave you like your big break and inspired you to come out here i wouldn't say like big break or anything but i would say like it definitely was like my excuse to to get out to l.a like asap you know and then i did that i came here did you like it and the famous birthdays no l.a um yeah i love it i loved it i mean i came here one other time before that trip and it was when i was 16 and i like begged my mom to take me here with my cousin and my best friend and i was like please for my 16th birthday that's all i want is to come down and take a picture like this so we did oh 100 like so it's so exciting because you're coming from like i'm not to say nothing but you're coming from something that's completely different from like what you grew up you went from l.a to l.a to l.a yeah and do you miss louisiana um i guess that a lot and i feel like the answer is always now not because of anything specifically like i i love my family that is all there because most of them are in louisiana and texas but um from like a home like standpoint no because i don't really have a sense of home which is like so sad to say but like i really don't i've like moved to so many places yeah um while like throughout my childhood that i like don't have a sense of like oh if you could go back home i'm like where is that you know like what what interesting exactly is that because you know where you started like yeah yeah i was born in lafayette and then um after fifth grade so like i mean you can't really remember that much from that time so it's like i wouldn't go back to like be around people that i was with until i was in fifth grade and then in sixth grade i went to houston and i lived there for three years and then i moved to north louisiana which is a completely different place and then i lived there for high school and then i went to baton rouge for college i just hit my face on the mic okay yeah and then i moved here so it's like i've just all like the important parts of your life i was like living somewhere else so it's like yeah middle school high school like any hometown like friend like best friends like for like yeah i have two you do okay um i know we i know we're already past the whole like the you're shooting this movie but i want to know a little bit more like like do you how is it like filming like do you like it is it something you can do after this movie yeah no totally it's it's insane the feeling is crazy i thought i was going to be extremely nervous my first day um i posted a tech talk on my first day on set though yeah in my trailer and um i don't know it was like not as scary as i thought it was but i think because i had kind of done like work on other like i did a nickelodeon show and things like that and um like i was on one and then i did like something for reality and things like that so i've like i kind of knew what it was like to have a camera like that around me but it is completely different than like youtube and stuff right because you're talking to the camera yeah and so like being aware of the camera and knowing where it is but like never looking at it was like kind of something i was scared about everybody around you right yeah i mean there's like higher like yeah yeah it's it's really crazy but i wasn't as nervous as i thought i was and i think i didn't i did what i could and i did it and i did my best was everybody like really like everybody like the production crew everybody like really sweet to you throughout the whole yeah they've all been really nice to me um like super supportive and like always like affirming me when i deserve it like they definitely don't aren't gracious with it because i mean they're people that have done this forever you know they know what's right and what's wrong um but the director's like really good to me about being like hey you know try this or like let's do this or like maybe change your intention here you know once you got the role like did your agency set you up with like an acting coach or do you already have an acting coach to like run lines with yeah i had an acting coach and i have had acting coaching throughout high school and middle school but um yeah i mean i definitely switched it up and kind of like took it to the next level because it was like okay it's serious you know it's like really serious now yeah so i was spending a lot of time on calls with like my acting coach and the director and just like the cast and like getting to know people i was home like zooms every day so what's it like with the uh the love interest in the movie um how's that going i mean it's it's like not i don't know i guess i thought from an outside perspective always that it was like super weird you know like i was like how did they not like like in real life i mean have you all seen cobra kai on nothing no the guy that plays my opposite he's like one of the characters on that oh okay i've heard it's really good did you i haven't seen it you watch it no i didn't i didn't look at his scene like a few of his scenes up because i was like curious but i also like did chemistry reads with him over zoom and stuff but also zoom is completely different than like real life oh that is weird because we were doing everything yeah normally so much harder yeah is like a table read but there's there you can't we did like a table read on zoom wow oh weird that's so cool yeah voiceover is doing the same thing too normally they would read in in person but they can't now so it's like i totally get it but like isn't i feel like that's essential to make a movie to like be having physical like because you're chemistry not if you're really good right because you guys don't have to be like on top of each other you could be six feet apart like with your masks on doing the reads i just feel like that would be a better like way to practice it's also like but the math like it's also like your full face like i think it's better to see the full face and have that emotion in your face than to have the mask on because also too it's like you're not you're you're not on like set nothing like you're literally sitting at a table for a table read it's not you're not doing any sort of body language anything so honestly for zoom i mean it might be better yeah but i'm also weird too like to me i'd be like oh i'm gonna perform much worse on zoom than if i just do it in [ __ ] person but that's just saying yeah before we continue our first sponsor is brought to you by the flight attendant a brand new show that is on hbo max have you ever wondered what it's like to wake up next to a dead body and have no idea what happened um no but i do know what it's like to wake up and have no idea what happened maybe that's a typical every day for us dead body is not involved though that i don't know how i would react well you're gonna know what it's like after watching the show from the co-creator of you which is an amazing show by the way and based on the novel of the same name by the new york times bestselling author chris bojalian the flight attendant stars kaylee kuoku as cassie bowden a flight attendant who wakes up in the wrong hotel in the wrong bed with a dead man and no idea what happened it's super crazy because zayn and i actually watched this last night and it's weird seeing kaylee in like a serious kind of darker role like i'm used to like big bang theory and like that's all i've known her like as so it's it's so weird like i feel like this is like another huge step for her so it was like cool to see her like be a completely different person yeah because that's all you see her as but seeing her in this light is completely brand new and it's crazy watching so make sure to check out the trailer you will not be disappointed it's sexy it's dark it's funny it's intense all at the same time also baby it's got a very cool version of toxic by britney spears kenny i know you're a big fan the flight attendant starts streaming only on hbo max on thanksgiving day which is november 26th this is the perfect show to binge watch with your family or significant other when you're stuck at home this thanksgiving break you know while you're all lounging around in your sweatpants doing nothing after eating way too much thanksgiving food it's the best thing to watch baby startle the food right back out your stomach daddy cause it's so thrilling baby it comes right out and after you're all settled down from watching the flight attendant there's a ton of other shows on hbo max that you could check out like euphoria there's a special out in december pretty little liars the gossip girl reboot coming out next year and much more oh my god all those shows i know i know euphoria is so good but it's not about euphoria it's about the flight attendant but hbo literally makes all the best shows it it it's just they haven't down i will 100 agree with that hbo max is like literally a step above when it comes to series yeah and i can name you 20 other shows but baby it is not about that baby it right it is about the flight attendant and make sure to check it out because it is incredible also all right guys so make sure to sign up for hbo max today to watch the flight attendant at slash danny heath guys again it's hbo m dot a x slash zayn and heath all lowercase that's right and thank you hbo max and the flight attendant for sponsoring this episode we really appreciate it you guys are lovely and we love you so much and you guys will appreciate it as well it's exciting we also want to give a big thank you to hellofresh for sponsoring this episode get fresh pre-measured ingredients and mouth-watering seasonal recipes delivered right to your door with hellofresh america's number one meal kit hellofresh lets you skip those trips to the grocery store and makes home cooking easy and affordable you guys know how much zayn and i love hellofresh we've been using it for literally the past year and a half it is absolutely incredible it just makes cooking at home just fun and you get to try new recipes that you never would without having the service um we actually just cooked the uh it was a chicken bowl with sweet potatoes um the other day and i'm gonna put a little picture of it right here just to show you guys it looks like we cooked like a five-star meal and it it tasted like it was a five-star meal obviously hellofresh offers convenient no contact delivery to your doorstep to easy home cooking with the family and the recipes are really easy to follow with simple steps and pictures that guide you along the way there's also something for everybody whether you're in a rush they have a 20-minute meal section that you can choose from vegetarian kid approved recipes and also low calorie like my baby zane and i we are trying to watch our weights exactly baby over 90 of ingredients are sourced directly from growers to ensure peak flavor and ripeness and something new that i just found out is that hellofresh is the first global carbon neutral meal kit company and you can keep your fridge stocked by adding extra meals or additional proteins quick meals like breakfast on the go or their 10-minute lunches and even desserts to satisfy satisfy satisfy the sweet food he needs to sweet too satisfying right now baby he's a little dry satisfied with the sweet tooth baby i'm salivating also also hellofresh is committed to donating to people in need so far in 2020 they have donated 3.5 million meals so guys if you want to try it out cook something for your family your friends or your loved one whatever it is or if you just want to show off your own skills in the kitchen baby go to slash unfiltered 90 and use code unfiltered 90 and you're going to get 90 off including free shipping again go to unfilter90 and use code on filter90 to get 90 off including free shipping guys that's ninety dollars that is off your lot of food come on for free baby get it just do it [Music] keith and i have been in front of the camera before and it doesn't go well it's awful you don't want to see that but if you do turn into clouderbanks hey i think we actually did a pretty good job on that yeah when i'm comfortable with people around me i i feel like i'm much better yeah yeah did bryce ever get a little jelly of your your love interest in the movie i've heard some people do some actors on set i mean no it's like it's it's a job like you know it's work so and it's like if i'm like passionate about something i feel like if i'm surrounded by people that are just going to get jealous about the things i'm passionate about or like want to do like you shouldn't really have them around me you guys doing good are you guys like a little just a little fling a little when is it going to be official uh i don't know why don't you tune into my youtube channel i know this is this is good none of our guests have done this [ __ ] yet well we just don't have anything to answer those questions we couldn't even be like make sure to check out the video tomorrow um yeah no it's cool to see it because like you guys seemed like you were a thing for a while and then it like stopped and then now seeing all the halloween videos and stuff yeah that was an interesting time well i mean like back in september i feel like you were kind of saying that things were just really confusing between you two would you at least say that like now you kind of know what you are where you're headed or like it's a little bit more defensive everything everything makes sense now like i'm not like feeling confused which i feel like that's the worst feeling to have about anything you know is when you're confused about it it's like usually not the right thing right it's like why is it even confusing in the first place um if you're not sure about it but like now i definitely feel like i mean we've gotten to the point where we can talk about like what kind of direction everything is and like where we are and like what we're doing separately and you know yeah i don't know i feel like it's definitely more clear i think it's important to when you're like because you've been talking about how busy you are it's like communication is so important when you guys aren't physically seeing each other a lot it's like you have to keep at least like a line of communication to keep it like yeah on the same page i feel like in the beginning too it can get so confusing but like once you set brown boundaries and you guys like just respect each other's like space and know like exactly especially if you're working a lot it's like one less thing to worry about yeah 100 work is work and i think so too like around the time when i was like so stressed out about everything and like very confused it was because i was also like that in my like personal life like my own life you know i was like i don't know what i want to do or where i want to go or like what's the next thing for me or like what you know like i was also just feel like spending my time like doing things that i wasn't sure of you know i was just like what am i doing you know like there was no intention behind a lot of things i was doing at the time so it was like coming in with that it was just like a mess yeah yeah so just another thing that you weren't sure about yeah i was just like oh my god yeah cause i'm like nothing i'm doing is i'm sure about so what who's to say i'm sure about this like i don't even know i don't even know i'm sure about that because i'm not sure about these things that are important to me because i mean now i feel like there's so many concrete things that like you know what you're doing right now like you have item beauty you have like the movie that you're filming now like i feel like so much is probably higher yeah like so much as materialized it's probably easier to like look at things in a way of like okay no this is what i want this is what i did exactly 100 and i feel like that cleared a lot of things up for me like mentally it's good you were tweeting some sad things yesterday [Laughter] i was like transition i'm like by the way you know what you did mention that the other day and then i looked like just a few hours ago and it was a sad phase i was like oh wow more sad tweets today it's not just a few are you are you happy or are you sad i'm happy i am happy um i think there's moments when i'm sad but i think that's and that's right you're supposed to be i think there are there should be if you were happy all the time that would be more stressful right because i'm like is something going on is there there's something has to be coming up wrong you're like like when you're too happy then you're like overthinking that the fact that something wrong is gonna happen right that's what i feel like i felt like i was like a few years ago i felt like i was always happy and now it's just like it's all the time it's starting to hit on you yeah it's catching up he's catching up he's just catching up to me and now i'm just it's it's it's hitting me every day yeah what's been making you sad what's like been the the main route of um i mean i feel like i'm always like a happy person like i love yeah i love to smile i love to laugh i love i just think for me it's been like a little bit of stress is like the only thing that's making it i'm not actually sad it's just like stressed and like overwhelming you probably feel yeah really overwhelmed with all the the workload you have going on right now you probably don't have enough time to like like obviously you're focusing on stuff that you like which is like yeah but like actual like down time to like do things that you enjoy as like a person and like yeah i think it's dealing with like my mental health is like i don't have enough time for that sometimes you know i'm so busy with other things but the good thing is is like i love all the things i'm busy with like and i'm obsessed with them and they're amazing and um i couldn't imagine spending my time any other way but it's like at the same time it's like yeah there are like oh i read the comments or like oh i on my for you pages you do s and i see this and i see that and it's like upsetting and like hurtful just know that there's a lot there's a lot on your table like there's a lot that you are i feel like that you're like you have going on right now like i feel like influencers throughout like eight years all together i feel like has not gotten what you guys are getting in that short amount of time no i agree and it's insane to me it's so crazy and i think that's another part of it too is like yeah there's not really that many people you can go to and like ask like what what do i do what am i feeling because there's just it hasn't been like this you know really ever like yeah all i was gonna say i lost my channel and onto the next subject [Music] before we continue we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor solitaire grand harvest we got a new ad baby thank you grand harvest guys taking some time to yourself to relax and unwind is very important a lot of us have different ways to like unravel ourselves especially in these stressful times there's so much going on sometimes you need to just take a step back from reality well there goes gravity down yourself uh download some you know some of us like to sit in the hot tub some of us like to nap some of us like to eat ice cream to distress but everything you just name this stuff that you do well one of my new favorite ways to distress is playing solitaire grand harvest it's all your favorite things about tri-peak solitaire wrapped in one of my favorite things baby it is a farm aesthetic baby bring that florida to the game so you can enjoy the relaxing sights and sounds of farm life while you level up your solitary skills maybe flip that car [Music] [Laughter] very good that's the guy this is pizza he's a i don't know if that was a good move [Laughter] salter grand harvest is a super relaxing treat for the mind full of fun and challenging levels you can play anywhere anytime and if you play your cards right you can earn an hourly bonus based on how many crops you grow baby the more you play the more crops you can harvest and the more bonuses to collect it's solitaire like you've never seen and most importantly it's free to play and baby you could have some friendly competitions while you're stuck at home call it no beat them [Laughter] what i love most about it is that it's just like it's competition baby everybody wants to win who doesn't love competition it's fun that's why we play we like to compete we like to compete on who's better on the spot who's funnier although he can't beat me though i know but because i i cause i can't play solitaire good he still has to teach me how to play i want to be a professional at this game and that's why we're going we're going to have these uh sessions after so that's why me getting my hourly bonus so whether you're stuck at home or dreaming of the great outdoors now you can have a fun farm style getaway right at your fingertips download solitaire grand harvest for free today on the apple app store or google play and amazon again you can download solitary grand harvest for free at the apple store google play and amazon that's right baby thank you solitaire grand harvest for sponsoring this episode and baby let's move on back into it [Laughter] everybody doing good welcome back to the podcast anyway where were we anyways where were we probably somewhere in utah i don't know they lost the train of thought so we're moving on let's let's have a little bit of fun i thought he's [ __ ] in a hot seat [Laughter] honestly addison hotzy is like my least favorite game in the entire i world know because we want to [ __ ] around with ass in a little bit okay i don't like to see how honest people get okay let's do it let's do it you're like obviously no it's so true because i feel like with hot tea you can totally just lie about it but everyone gets super honest you're like okay yeah yeah that is weird right you could literally just be like oh well and then say something else but everyone always is like oh no we're playing hot tea so i have to actually say it it's because people are people people can't lie quickly it's like they have to think about it just wait for it i got you i got you i got you i got you parrot paranoia is worse it's literally the devil's game all of his friends would play that [ __ ] i'm like yo you guys where we learned i learned it from y'all i [Applause] [Music] by our backyard and zane brought over a tinder date and she came with a friend and they were total stranger to us and we played this game called called paranoia they're very sick they're very sweet girls yeah where you sit in a circle it's horrible don't play it baby if you are confident in your skin no no like if somebody was like who's got the most [ __ ] up hairline and then they pointed no no baby i know it okay let me explain the game so you sit in a circle with friends and you whisper to the person next to a question say it was for example like who has the worst hairline here you would whisper it to them then you would flip a coin if it was heads you have to admit what the question was and then and if it's tails you move on and nobody ever knows but you point at the person right right right before you flip the coins you're like being honest right but no i do remember when we uh we played it here someone was like who do you fake laugh at the most and i think zayn pointed at me and i was like yeah yourself in that game so i pointed at you no who do you fake laughed at the most and you said anderson so you said that i was not funny pretty much yeah i think i did that it's a joke to be honest i've gotten funnier since done so it's okay i've gotten funny you've taken an improv lesson from jason yeah but continue the story it's an awful [ __ ] game and nobody came over the game jeff came up with that game to play jeff jeff came up with that it's because that certain group of friends he just likes people though just like trying to get people riled up yeah jeff played that game with uh we played that with sauces friends and that it went horribly i'm not going to talk about it but it went horrible that's rough and then i think after that that was the last time we played the game and then jeff was like let's play this game just because i think he just won he loves as soon as he said that i was just like of course you're gonna do it right now with this girl with this girl because it's not gonna it's not gonna get pretty and like the people playing can i say what that one question was uh which one oh the one that she got pointed at oh yeah sure and then she left right she was so nice and i was like she's so pretty she's so nice like i actually really like this girl i don't know somebody answered the question somebody asks our friend who is the biggest clout chaser here and he pointed to zayn's girl and then it was head obviously he did it like i think it was like he did it as a joke as a joke because no one knew him the girl did not know and it was really yeah and that was probably like his easiest way out because it was the only person he didn't know here and didn't want to like point at one of his friends but what i did like about the awkward position she kind of snapped not snapped back but she kind of like was giving juicy questions after that and i was like oh she can hang yeah like she was like kind of okay with it she she was like she was like oh okay i see how we're playing she was really nice and i'm the type of person when like it's like something just it gets sour i just cut it i i actually like i really enjoyed her and i was gonna hit her up but like i never did because of because of that i told you hit her up because i actually liked her i was no i i i know i know you didn't i did too but i was just like that was so bad i was just like [ __ ] i that's it do not play just story she's gonna make a tick tock story time we'll see anyway so let's play hot seat now make everything worse the hot seat's a little different it's uh basically we're gonna do a fast-paced round of questions oh gosh and you have to answer truthfully who is your celebrity hall pass celebrity hall yours like if you like like bryce would let you hook up with a celebrity it's like your hall pass and it's not bryce hall no i know i honestly like i feel like there isn't one for me that sounds so lame but there isn't because i don't i don't really like have just a celebrity it's [ __ ] [ __ ] you're not playing the game right you're supposed to be truthful all right fair enough um did you ever ever have a crush or liked david dobrik that's so funny i feel like i like i didn't know that i had a crush on him but i was like oh my gosh he's just so passionate about what he does it's so cute did you ever you used to do those asterisk tweets was it ever about david oh my god that's so funny yes and i texted him about that yes what is that astrid tweet she did astra tweets one of them was about david dobrik but i was right the fact that these are just questions are actually wondering yeah these are not on the list i don't even know what what is an asterisk you come up with questions on the spot what's an asterisk tweet so she would post like uh like tweets but like they're all i would answer them so people had to like decode them you have to decode it but yeah it was funny um no i i think like but i don't think i never would have been like oh my gosh i'm just in love with him or like i would date i was never like about it i was like and i also just i like that's what i was gonna say i don't have any celebrity like crushes because i'm not like oh this person's so hot and sexy i like love passion in people so like when i noticed that he was passionate about like his vlogs and like watching him edit and i was like okay like he's something that's something i would like [ __ ] hot yeah i don't know i saw the same something i would like in someone so i was like oh my gosh that's one thing that i'm like yeah like that's attractive to me so like yeah i thought that was attractive but i was never like oh my gosh totally gonna come and flirt like it was never like that yeah we definitely don't have drives so it's like really hard for us to have you ever kissed david dobrik no who are you closer with your mom or dad dad but only because i'm more like him i'm really close to my mom too but my dad like my mom thinks i'm close with my dad so i'm just going to say my name all right okay did you brow did you bail bryce out of here did i bow bryce out of jail no i don't know about that story so like that's that's i mean i can say yes i mean it so you did no i didn't but like i'd be i could've oh what's your most used cursed word cursed word curse word [ __ ] bleep that would have been a good answer so you're like a good girl on the internet i'm a good girl she's clean but i'm clean off the internet too i just i didn't mean it like like you're just a horrible person no you're just like known as like you're like the cute little good girl like on tick-tock so you think she's cute [Laughter] but even the hot seat so so what makes you attracted to a bad bleep [Laughter] i don't know i feel like well that's another thing is like people just see bryce for like that you know the bad things he does or like whatever the stuff he gets involved in but like he is very passionate too and that's what i like i love about i did not just say love oh my god i did not just say that no i do love that about him i love his drawing and i love that he is passionate about making videos and like passionate about like almost like producing things in a way i don't know i just i love that in people and like bryce has that so what does he need to work on like work on as and change yeah probably just that uh the stuff he gets in the internet like just me i think for him it's like it's i mean it's never really just oh insane things like oh this is absolutely horrible but it's like okay come on we could have done without that you know so i think just thinking twice about things he needs to work on impulse yeah yeah i think bryce likes being like the bad boy so i think the shock factor exactly so like he sees that he gets like a reaction out of that so i think he's just become a part of him yeah yeah it's just like any other character we're working on it we're working on it everybody's power got cut off it was just it was just yep it was just lights out since then nice he started getting a power trip very good okay but i think it's important to like not because i do see some influencers they get that wrapped up with their brand like oh i'm messy i'm a bad boy i'm a this i'm with that but like yeah okay but you are not a big boy i'm messy he said messy first so i raised my hand you're not a bad boy you're just a horrible man there's a difference and since the lights are out he doesn't really see how it's influencing other people addison keep on going thank you and i'm like keep talking so i can get us talking let me see i'm like wait so if a movie was going to be made about you who would play you i would do best so me she goes i'm an actress now so i think i could do it i don't think anybody could like portray i could every exact emotion i don't know there are some good actresses so maybe like jennifer aniston or something right answer she loves her i love that i love jennifer i love her i just think she's amazing she's so like i want her are you serious yeah yeah shut up in like two weeks yeah are you being serious yeah yeah you're right after her are you right before okay wait i'm gonna cry a wish oh my god mariah cries when she was addison i'm surprised you didn't know that mariah was acting there i mean you're supposed to be an actress no like i genuinely believe that but i was very shocked because i was like how the hell did you get jennifer aniston why why would you be so shocked [Laughter] so do you think we're good enough how could you get her next question do you think oh i couldn't get her on my podcast and i tried i would have for sure tried i haven't but i wonder who she's like in person probably she's probably amazing and perfect she's probably the best as as we've only seen her act and stuff yeah it's it's the same thing we talked about you know views i don't know i don't know she's cute she reminds me of my mom she's like i don't know it makes me feel warm yeah you think jennifer aniston is the hottest woman in the world i said that you've told me that multiple times i've never said that i don't know pull it up pull up the receipts i don't think i've ever it's okay the known thing is like uh most guys want somebody that is like their mother heath does a lot of things that i'm like that is my father it's really weird no you want to know what it is it's because you grow up looking at love from your parents or like maybe even the absence of it and that's what you base your perception of love and like what you think a partner is that's exactly what it is so then you're like oh my gosh that reminds me exactly well obviously because you were like you've been conditioned in your brain to think that that's how a husband was supposed to be yeah isn't that so interesting and that's deep that's why anderson's hot [Music] all right is that right i can't wait for her next week that was hard to say huh in two weeks i wanna i wanna talk about your parents real quick okay how do you feel about them being on the internet with you and like how did that even start like obviously you had your success did they kind of get roped into it from you posting them or were they like oh let's make a video together or how like how did all this start yeah they cloud chased me the same way jason cloud takes yeah yeah i'm kidding um no no my first one of my first viral videos with my mom right i saw it i remember that video yeah it kind of like started it with my i mean i started with my mom and then i kept posting with her that was kind of just because i was like oh this video did good like let me keep posting my mom hello was that on the mariah carey no it was it was uh before that it was like i was being like they don't hate me regardless that's what i do that's what i do what i do see me in parts and i'm flawless it was like that and then we did the mario carry one and that one did good too and mariah carey liked it and that was like a huge deal so i was like but um no i just i always posted my mom so that she was kind of just always in it um and then i made her make an account oh you did like you're the reason she made an account yeah in august she made an account and she posted one video on it and that's the only video she had on there for like five months and it like it makes sense especially when things are happening quick you get excited you're like yo yo everybody posted and yeah and it kind of just came naturally with everyone else i mean no one ever was like let me be in this like it was like me being like oh my gosh come be in this like let's do i know like your parents are pretty young but were they confused like my parents don't get it they like literally don't understand it but they're like okay it's working like that's your job like that's fine but like i could never make my mom an account she would not know what to do all of our parents just still don't understand right they would be like they're just like that's your thing i like they have no comprehension of like what it is and how it works it wasn't us my parents were never necessarily like a oh what we have no idea what's going on at all what is social media it was more like we don't know how to work tick tock because like we have instagram like my mom knew what instagram was but they adapted to it but yeah they got it because i was just doing it so often so it was kind of like came natural for them i mean they still asked me to say like so how do i like if i want to do the sound but also and i'm like okay i mean i help them but i'm like okay they think when they started getting like brand deals and like money off of tick tock like how did they take it like what was there honestly like there was no reaction there on not because they're like yep we expected it it's more of like oh i guess this is our life now okay let's just go wave and that's kind of just like how i think i've always lived life and why i've always been so happy is because i'm just like living in every moment like i'm not like oh my gosh i can't believe this is happening because i feel like that put your expectations somewhere crazy and then if it gets let down it's like a big difference so like my parents i think have taught me that like just to be like present yeah and never like question things or be like oh my gosh what's going on or like i can't believe this is the thing just be like okay this is my life let's adapt to it let's change and let's keep going and like see where it takes us you weren't here for that long before your parents moved out here too right no i was here for a month it was just a month yep and then i was like oh your parents moved out here like with you after like yeah so i moved here in december by myself and then i was here for a month and i was like um i don't know what i'm doing so i need people that are that i'm comfortable with and i were they doing tick tock and like just social media full-time at that point or they just like moved out here to support you and yeah they didn't that's amazing my mom had an account and my dad i don't think he had an account yet they left their jobs or like my dad yeah he did but my mom has she's been a stay-at-home mom for a while because i have my brothers are like young i have a seven-year-old brother and a thirteen i was gonna ask her what do enzo and lucas think like are they just like because they're so young so i feel like it could either be like them being like this is our like we're growing up like this like this is all we know or like especially like lucas because he's so little i was watching but enzo's like booking jobs like he's like acting too like that's so crazy yeah so funny i mean they live the they live the same way i think my parents just did a good job of raising us to be like be you know be grateful for what we have and let's just like live in it yeah like be so how it should be yeah instead of like being too like i can't believe that like all the time like you should always just be humble and grateful you know yeah and that's kind of what they've like your brothers are definitely that they're so like they're so cute and like yeah they're like very respectful too i feel like and that's another part of it it's not even me being like like it's not that i'm like oh i never fan girl because this is my life like it's not like that it's more like be respectful of other people and i think enzo and lucas have learned that at a young age like okay be respectful like yes i'm freaking out because that is my favorite gamer you know but i'm gonna be respectful of the fact that they're here and like this is you know where i like getting like young and like they they're so like aware at that age and i think i've always been really mature for my age and enzo and lucas are kind of growing up that same way just being able to be more understanding for things and like aware that's good and so it's okay it's okay to be gets the kids too like i agree no and they are 100 i think they just know they they know like boundaries too you know like when it's too much but they definitely have their fangirl moments now yeah that's cute is enzo named after ferrari he's not named after ferrari but like i think that was a thought about it like oh my gosh that's funny it's the ferrari i don't know you know what maybe maybe i don't know enzo and so he made he created foreign okay all right yeah i don't know that's what he wants his first car to be i'm like i got you that's so sick i told him that today we did a live stream together and i was like he was like what's three things we were not even together we were on like live stream like it was literally like a zoom almost but he was like what are three things you want to do before you're 30 and i was like uh go to the met gala go to the cannes film festival and buy you a car oh and he was like wait really and i was like yes and he was like that's so nice and i was like oh oh you're still in the hot seat right oh yeah it's warm it is it's warm now what's the last book you read like fully through yeah the bible the last book i fully read or like just glanced at fully right okay uh probably is this book called beneath the meth moon and it was like it was for ar points so that just goes to show you how long that was ar points is like you had to read them for school oh what would you recommend it was good it was good oh hold on you actually like read the books i only did the one that one oh i remember i i just i just said i read it i never read that's all right no no take it back hamlet was the last book i read and it was a really well it's a play but it's really really good we had to do that one you got to do it in school and romeo and juliet i forget about these in english class we actually we had to go home and read them and i actually read those yeah and they were really good i didn't i couldn't get they were so good because i didn't know what was going on i swear on my life the last book i read fully through was series of unfortunate events yo what the [ __ ] it was really yeah in literally like like seventh grade was that a mandatory read no that was the first and last time i grabbed a book from the library willingly opened it up read cover to cover put it not the full series just the the first book right and i really liked it but all the ones that we had to read in school i never actually never did that again like mariah like are you being are you being dead serious right now no i just read your mind those are the only books i've ever went to library and picked up yeah for me to read that was isn't that only books weird that's why that's why i just screamed like i don't know if you caught that but i literally yeah i've never screamed like that's not crazy yeah like why what the [ __ ] i can't i don't have the attention span to sit there like i'm not a classroom person at all at all i can't sit there i'll just me reading is the same line over and over again and i'm thinking of other things i can't get through it i can't but i did read those plays in english because my i had a really good english teacher my senior year and so i read those plays and they were really good i i always just cliff notes i could i could not read a book to save my life spark no yes is cliff notes the one where you just go and just find all the answers it just gives you like it's a summary right it's a summary yeah spark notes was good bark nose was good yeah yeah spark notes was after cliff now yeah the website version of cliff knows notes was like a little pamphlet that you could like pick up that had like a summary of the book but spark notes you still have to read notes i wonder what it's like now because like we we knew we knew what we had back then but like how easy is it easy or is it just that much harder to find oh you got you i'm sure you can find like a youtuber breaking [ __ ] down like yeah yeah it's probably all audible oh true audible but you think it's like really easy now to find answers to any questions that like just like homework-wise yes hell yeah [ __ ] i'm just jealous i just wish we had like i wish we could baby we didn't do [ __ ] back then and then we cheated our way through everything i i mean i mean i tried cheating i feel like i feel like it was still hard to cheat back then but more importantly what's your favorite bird a hummingbird oh no we have a lot of those around here i love those that ends hot seats [Laughter] i'm curious before we continue with these topics is there anything like you want to talk about you can you can ask us anytime put us in the hospital on the spot yeah that's true yeah oh my god do you want anything funny yeah i used to think that david paid y'all to hang out with him [Laughter] seriously the first person that i asked was karina she told you yes that's big no she said no she was like i was like how much like like do y'all get like paid like is that because like it's a girl's job pretty much when you're in his vlogs you know that's like your job okay okay so you worded that wrong you thought he paid us to be in this video yes okay is that true no no never never i mean i got a lamborghini it started all of our careers like we we had very minor like compared to what we have now we have a very minor couriers of how we start like in vine and whatever but once david like bought that camera and started vlogging all of our careers boost by like five times yeah it was insane so we felt like no no she's saying this to me she said it was more of like a we were excited you helped each other yeah like that was how it was and it was so much fun and like we we yeah sure we were getting followers out of it but like it was david's project it was david's vision and we were all just so excited to help him out because like he was a very driven and very motivated and like it excited us to see how he excited he was about uh it means so good like seeing someone like true and genuine friendships yeah that helped so much and seeing how excited people got to like watch all of us in his videos and like how much they loved it and how funny they thought we are it just it like the money didn't even matter we just like because we were on david's videos yeah for a year without like making our own channels or nothing it was just so exciting just to see no like it's so cool and i was gonna say that too like i used to i'm being completely honest here before i came to la i didn't really watch david ever like which is like shocking right because like a lot of people actually do like a lot of people know who david yeah to me like i feel like most people like that start internet videos i feel like they don't know really who anybody is until but but like a lot of college kids would know like yeah college was a huge demographic and so i feel like i didn't ever know david but it wasn't i just didn't watch that much of like youtube stuff but um and then so i thought that but then i also was like like i did start watching once i like met david then i would start then i watched his videos because i was like oh my gosh i need to see like i need to see more like what is what is this about like what is hanging out with david because like obviously he always had his camera and i was like i want to see what that looks like the end project like in project yeah and um and it i was like oh my gosh i like thought you guys like played characters almost but like it's so funny because like i'm like obviously close with you guys now you know like i'm i'm gonna hang out every single day like we used to hang out a lot more but like when we were i got super close you guys so i know y'all very well and so like now i'm like oh my gosh that's literally who they are like it's the best that like you have those memories to look back on all the time now yeah oh my gosh i did that that's so crazy that's just who i am you know right and like that's the coolest part about being you guys in like those kind of videos is like that's literally your life that you're living and it's like your personality and everything is a you you know so it's like genuine but also like heightened like there's obviously something for funnier content no i agree yeah um but it's us just having fun exactly like at the end of the day it's just fun exactly that's what i love like right now we don't look like i i really don't watch any of those videos now but i know in like 10 years i'm gonna like just click on one video probably the first one you're going to cry all of them and i'm just going to like it's going to be crazy you're going to cry it's going to be for sure it's like a home video yeah it is it's really really cool but it's like edited really nicely home video that's like edited perfectly yeah you're not watching all the awkwardness all the weird things oh yeah it's the best parts about your life yeah and it's even more emotional because you care about these people so much like they're not just like cast members like it's like real friends and and like i feel like what's really cool and helps you guys with your careers is that somebody from the friend group will give you a call and be like hey can we film this with you yeah they're they're in a heartbeat especially with david like he's very like yeah of course come over here so like healthy you all don't even know how like like genuinely happy i was that i was like around you guys so much this is turning like so emotional i'm like no but seriously like i feel like i never have told you guys that but like just because like after like seeing how close you guys actually were because like i said i thought it was like characters and then like when i realized that that's who you guys were and then that you guys were like wanting me to be around y'all i was like okay that's so sweet it's like i get it i have followers but like also you guys like hanging out with me outside of that you know yeah like y'all y'all especially were never like oh my god we're only inviting her over for this and this and this like it would always be like things outside of like because of course you want to film with your friends that are like oh yeah like it's cool like i'm with this person now i'm hanging out with this person but like at the same time i was like you always made like every one of y'all made sure to always like invite me to things yeah because like i never felt that outside zayn are you crying oh no no no no rubbing my no y'all actually like are the first like group of people that i'm in la that like made me feel like like welcome like as a genuine friend not just like oh good internet stuff thank you we try to we try to keep it like as normal as possible especially like when it comes to just but like you guys would invite me when there was no cameras like even when i went with natalie and like them to like las vegas like it was like natalie todd you like none of you guys came but it was like that like i was like hey we want to go to vegas like come and i was like oh my gosh like what she was like there's gonna be no cameras like absolutely none and we didn't even take any pictures that trip which kind of sucks because i'm like oh i wanna look back on it but like at the same time it was like just because she genuinely was like yeah let's say like come hang out with us like we think you're cool you know we love you i don't know it's really sweet good i just love you guys and like all the times we have had even here or at zane's house like think about all the memories actually we've had i know like just sitting on the couch like they're so fun or on the floor yeah but like at the end of the day like we like we think you're really sweet you're a really cool girl like i feel like the internet doesn't like get to you too much like when we hang out and it's like you know you're right well and also people in there don't see like a lot of parts of me which like sucks but at the same time it's like i mean not even i'm not just like oh it's because i like don't show them it's just because like people don't see it in in a 15 second tick tock or like they don't see it in 10 minutes and they see that 15 second tick tock and they think they know everything yeah and to be honest it's it's no one's business to know all about you like like i don't need to know everything about you he doesn't like and everybody sure everybody on the internet definitely doesn't need to know everything about you it's like no totally but you guys see more of my personality than most people do you know yeah and we love it mm-hmm i'm curious did you ever see like because i'm wondering seeing that community of people and there's so many houses nowadays does that life like appeal to you at all or do you think that like the whole house thing is something for the cameras and it's not maybe the most genuine i think it always starts off for the cameras it always starts off that way um unless like except for like you guys it kind of happened because i thought that too i was like oh or is that like the designated like you're the vlog squad like oh let's make a vlog squad guys like no it happened because i remember asking david about that because i was like i have a question like let me be real for a second like was it like planned because like that's how i thought it was because of the hype house thing you know like not that the hype house was just like all artificial but we didn't even know each other you know we were like oh let's all like hang out and like be called this it wasn't like oh we're all friends like let's keep going with it i guess you know that we're a great it's so weird hearing the story of when you fir when you guys first met david and he was looking up to you guys like he was going to his mom like mom i hung out with like these viners and like he was like freaking out about it remember yeah it it was like just us hanging out was like viners together and then after like we all became friends we got a house together and then david just started filming like but what's crazy about like when we all lived together we didn't live together because we're like we're gonna make content that not what i feel like i'm gonna be dead dead ass on the house not one percent was like we're gonna make content together we it was like we love you hanging out together because we genuinely like being with each other we were just like friends doing the same thing yeah that's so cool one of us had to post another vine for the rest of our lives we would have been in the same house forever i remember we had no idea what we were doing and we just like moved into this house like a couple months into it we were like we were all like sitting in the hot tub when we were like we should do like a hot tub series and like that was like our first idea of like making like that's so funny i'm just stealing i don't know you as well as everyone else obviously but like i've met you and hung out with you a couple times and like just just upon first impressions like you're very you don't have your head in the clouds like about the whole fame thing like i feel like you're very realistic about it all like you know that at any given moment this bubble could just pop and you have planned like for for that to happen if it happens yeah like if and when it happens it's like it's it's admirable i feel like to have that at your age like to know that because i feel like so many people would just be like oh my god like how long can i ride this wave but you're like it could literally end tomorrow and i will be okay if it does you know totally like i think that's like really yeah i think i've gotten to a really strong place mentally as far as like um as far as this you know like my career and like things that i i know i'm gonna do like i guess like financially as well like i'm like i'm not being careless with my money because i'm like you like i said nick is gonna in any moment why would i be spending all this money on these cool things it's like no like work hard now and like get my business done and do what i want to do and then you know later on i'll be able to disappear to the bahamas i feel like i would totally i think like yeah i think not disappear i would i feel like i'm always going to want to be like posting and stuff because i love it and i love like making content so i always want to be doing that of course but i definitely would want to like live on a beach and like be able to have my like private time we're all definitely going to be posting more once we have kids and [ __ ] oh now we're going to be posting because we everybody loves filming their kids like everything they do they do funny stuff they're hilarious they're funny it's going to be so interesting because people are going to want to see a miniature version of you yeah it's that's going to be insane because like i can't remember when i said versions of all of you guys for sure hundred percent my poor kids oh my god they're gonna be so confused my alter ego my staten island mom they're gonna be like who like which one are you they're not gonna know that's gonna be separate poor kids so sorry life is crazy and great yeah i feel like we're all so happy yeah we're all smiling the entire podcast there's a cue card in the corner smile now but it's good i feel like like that's kind of your like how you go into everything is that you're like as long as i enjoy doing it even if it's stressful like it's fine i enjoy doing it but like when it stops being fun peace out like i just want good energy around me all the time you know and if there's a really speaking of merch zane is wearing my right [Laughter] is there anything else you want to plug before we no i think i'm good you sure might take talk don't you have a makeup brand come on addison yes i plug it out every month hello i'm an ambassador you plugged it i did i did say item beauty earlier yeah make sure you include that mariah just keep an eye out so make sure to check out her makeup brand item beauty her merch her podcast with her mom my movie mama knows best and her movie that's coming out all right guys uh well that's it for today's episode make sure to check out the audio every single monday on spotify apple or any other podcast platform you can check out the video on zane and heath do we have anything to plug in baby we got that new merch that we just dropped you can check that out at it is a cozy sweater with our unfiltered logo across the chest where's mine oh oh we got we have it for you we got one for you if you want thank you we'll give you right after um anything else you guys want to plug in your your stuff what do you got to plug in mariah has a tick tock i need to plug in my phone oh my first uh voice-over gig oh yeah this is so sick kenny has like it's really actually really cool my first voiceover gig is uh it's the oyster it's a podcast should be available on all podcast platforms it's a sci-fi podcast if it runs into sci-fi check it out i think episode three is out it's up to episode three so and he's working with like actually really incredible [ __ ] actors it's a really great cat it's just a great job that's so amazing thank you so much he's working side by side with andrew santino yeah really cool yeah we got keith david in there carla gugino yeah john carlos vito who was in the mandalorian oh my gosh yeah that's amazing i love the article that it came out it was all these movies and with all these actors and then allen from zayn and he's unfiltered [Laughter] something i got to think about it tonight i can't talk about it i've had too many ndas for this it's been top secret [Laughter] all right guys thank you again for watching we love you and addison thank you so much for joining thank you guys for having me you love you guys love you smart and you as important so is you
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 1,303,804
Rating: 4.904995 out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, matt king, mariah amato, carly and erin, celebrity, addison rae, addison, tiktik, tik tok, girlfriend, kenny, set, new, season 2, stas, james charles, tiktok, bryce hall, addison and bryce, couple, boyfriend
Id: qQ_DLUHdK0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 22sec (3982 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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