Why Olivia O'Brien Hated Zane - UNFILTERED #75

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do you have a side are you big about this this is nice it's good side but like i don't really care you're not like an ariana grande who like is very particular about her side i've seen videos of cameras going around the other side of her face and she'll turn up yeah yeah and she's like no i don't care like that but i'll probably only post photos from this side or like the front side i'm a left side girl i'm a whatever i'm an uptown girl i look like a turkey any time i see this i don't look like i'm a front-on only i just don't take pictures my favorite side is behind just like see us behind yourself right you see this makeup artist must just be like okay done do you want the touch-up is just like a brush straight down yeah i always thought that was like sia all the time like i thought that was her like marshmallow always versus helmet i just found out recently that girls wore like wigs that look like hair right i didn't know that wait you're saying sia has body doubles that just no no no he thinks she wore her hair like that like in private uh oh like you're at a party and she's just like yeah like the first time i met sauce when she had the blue hair i thought it was a real hair i didn't know girls could like put wigs on like glue oh you told this story yeah they glued that [ __ ] on it looks real and then do you have to put makeup like on the line can you spot a wig oh i can usually tell yeah but when it looks really good it's not like it looks bad like oh that i can tell that's a wig it's just like yeah that's a wig and it looks [ __ ] good would you be able to tell if i wore a wig like if i plastered down my head and i put like a plaster nice wigs like look better than real hair so if it looks like perfect like you know it's a wig you know what i'm saying but i've always wanted like those guys who you know instead of getting a hair transplant they just shave the whole toothpaste and they do that but the hair covers the the forehead and the in the hairline so you can't tell like you can't see the hairline it looks really wonderful he wants to do it really bad and it was the back of his head do we need a mic on this on this that's how do you sweat on your head in it like where does it go the sweat through this i wonder if like your hair starts growing out too a little bit it gets a little bit looser you just kind of feel it like glued onto like the top of your hair so you could like kind of move it around a little bit it would just be like taking it off and swinging it this ain't cleaning up at the end of the night it would come off every night it would it would like it would just sweat off it would become like a bit for you yeah i'd be fine okay oh man should we promote this coffee before yeah let's do it guys we got new flavors going on right now we've got the decaf we just released and we also got the sweet butter hazelnut we got them in box and bag in every single flavor now we also have the [ __ ] variety box we can get all four flavors in one box and you know what time it is baby it's coffee talk baby careful i was like wear my jeans i could have shook my ass a little bit but what happened you could do it in jeans i've seen it we just don't have to play it every time it's weird we don't have the budget weirder than this get matt ask your questions can you not shake your butt in like normal jeans no because like if you're trying to shake it i mean like that you can do some things like you do some hip stuff but i'm trying to like shake the cheeks a little bit like the jeans kind of compress it so it won't shake as much whereas like if i wear yoga pants or like looser stretchier pants you can see the they should make booty shaking jeans like jeans yeah you're right welcome back to zany heath and filter i'm zane and i'm heath and we have our lovely co-host uh matt and mariah hi and we have olivia o'brien [Music] i feel like the first serious musician we've had on right yeah it is scott oh my god he's a jack of all trades he does it all right well it was really nice to have you here olivia thank you are you excited to be here are you nervous i'm pretty excited i'm not as nervous as i have been for previous things because this time i i had a little shot before so okay totally fine i'm 21 now so now i'm allowed to drink before i go i don't know i was nervous when the cameras were rolling i'm like wait wait wait oh you're 21 now i'm 21. now that she drank before she was 21. no not at all never even i mean even when you're 20 you wouldn't drink before like interviews or podcasts or anything well i was not saying do not incriminate yourself but it's not intimidating if you like if you said no i honestly don't even think i really did ever unless it was like i don't know but you always found yourself though at like every party or like i say it all the time drinking since i was [Music] mean i did write a song called tequila wine when i was 17. so i think you kind of grew up what yeah tequila wine yeah it was about a night that i poured um so i like drank half a bottle of wine with my like with my friends we like shared it and then we were going to a party and i was like i we just need to consolidate this alcohol so i'm going to pour the tequila into the rest of the half of the bottle of wine i shook it up and i was sitting in the car just sitting in the passenger seat drinking my potatoes agave it tasted like wine with a little like the tequila aftertaste and it wasn't that bad but i did wake up in my bathtub with no recollection how i got there so since then i have not participated into a song you got something uh i don't know hacks or methods of like getting into bars when you were younger i just always looked really old like no like seriously my friends look really young and i just had a full beard like long hair scared the [ __ ] out of me too yeah i always just like looked really old for my age and uh it's not really a good thing but it kind of worked to my advantage yeah i couldn't get away with it i'd block out before we weren't showing up anywhere we used to go to bars and if you were under 21 they would have sharpie and they would put x's on you but we would take chapstick and put it on our hands before so [Music] yeah i come out wd-40 that's crazy no that's a good little technique yeah i've just kind of always had a fake id so i just was like what was your fake id's name and where i was it was all of well my first one was connecticut and then um i got so they give you like two so that when it gets taken you still have another one so the first time i had my with my connecticut idea i was on tour and i tried to use it at like this like casino thing in like philly i don't know it was really random i was with jack and jack and they all went and they're like no you're fine like they hardly id us but then we showed up and they were putting it in like the airport scanner thing and i confidently was like here you go and the guy was like it's not working i was like i don't know why it's not working i convinced myself that it was real so i just stayed and then they were like man we're gonna have to call the cops and let you leave and i was like [ __ ] that's when you gotta double down be like great bring him over here i'll talk to him myself and then run did it come in a okay no go go ahead okay where'd you buy where did you buy your ids from well i'm not if i give that information i feel like that's like illegal if i'm like whatever i mean the site is pretty definitely down by now like i can tell you where i got mine swipe up if you guys want to like it was a website or something and then my second fake id was from utah i still have it you would think they wouldn't name it that because that's easy to bust yeah my second fake id was way better and never actually i did get taken one time this is actually the funniest [ __ ] story ever i went to atlanta and i was i went to music festival and afterwards khalid was playing at um this venue and i went and i walk in i didn't even realize you didn't have to be 21 cause i was already drunk i was a music festival all day i gave them id and this girl was like um ma'am this is fake and i was like no it's not and then she was like yeah it is you have to leave and i was like okay like are you gonna give it back to me she's like no no she just it was like a power trip kind of thing i was just like you are so salty right now you need to chill out and then i left and i was so sad and then a year or so later i played that venue and i told the story on stage i said hey guys funny story a year ago i got my id taken here no and i was backstage afterwards after the show and the security guard comes in he hands me my fake id and he goes if they need to get some [ __ ] in they'll go outside and give these [ __ ] their fake id so that like people do not like how long yeah what was the gap it was like a year or something wow well for us yeah oh that's nice oh my gosh it's not like yeah it's it's like not like the my other one was very much like plastic examination like a library yeah the website i got it from it was kind of like id god but i bought and i had to send like a money order in through like whatever you need to buy exactly and it came in and i remember i got a box and it was like a spoon it was like a chinese thing and i looked at i'm like are you [ __ ] kidding i was so pissed cuz like i spent so much money on these ideas i just got a spoon and then it was like the secret little thing where you had to like flip this thing and pull it out and just two ids just because they have to do discreet packaging so that like how did they come mine was in like a jewelry box or like a bat some something weird something random or maybe it was like a teapot i was a freshman in college and one of the seniors gave me one of his old ids because he was like my big on this past team and he was just like hey you can use this but he was from austin and i would go to the bars in austin and one of the bouncers was like you're jeremy and i'm like yeah man it's me and he goes we went to high school together you sure don't look like him you're much taller oh and i was like oh [ __ ] dude i'm sorry like jeremy gave me the idea and he goes if you can find me another idea of jeremy's tonight i'll let you in and i like hit up jeremy and i'm like i need another id now and he like gave me his 24-hour fitness badge and i like i couldn't imagine like having a fake and getting questioned about my address my middle name because when i get asked even with my own id i can't answer the questions yeah like i i literally will draw a blank and i just stutter and look really guilty and i'm like this is like it's actually me and you don't look like your id right now no it's just like a double [ __ ] every time my hair my hair's down to here in my id it looks like max is here my idea is pre-nose drop i was 15 and a half and uh looks nothing like me and also i'm like it's just it's the worst thing ever and also i haven't got my my horizontal id yet it's still the vertical like yeah so it's bad it's really bad i need to go to the dmv but i don't want to and if you got it like you got the nose job before you could have just been like i got a nose job look you see that's why i look different but it's a completely different face your last name is o'brien yeah irish yeah full um i think i'm like mostly irish and some english some scottish some french do you have any famous relatives i'm not related to dylan o'brien got it did you say that one time i met conan we were so i was i grew up in napa and there's this restaurant there called gots and i went with my dad it's a burger place and conan was there and he was like ordering a bunch of burgers for a party he was sitting there my dad goes my dad is like so awkward and we'll talk to anyone ever like he's so hilarious he walks up to him he goes conan i'd like you to meet the o'brien girls sister and we were like i was like 12 i have a photo of me my sister like smiley next to go and override in a burger restaurant and my dad ended up talking to him for like 20 minutes and they found out that we're from the same like small like region in ireland so who knows maybe we're related that's exciting but this is so great because we've we haven't seen you like in forever but we used to spend so much time with you mm-hmm remember the first time we met what was the first time we met i was like it was like around halloween night oh my god remember what happened during your halloween night remember i was at your house and i remember you hated me i did not hate you yes you did yes you didn't like the idea oh no i remember why i know i know why okay so we went like you're throwing a party this may have been like maybe the second time i met you or third time i got there and you know i was i said hi to you you're like you're just very standoffish like it was in a like in a weird weird way and then throughout the night i'd be around you and you just keep giving me dirty looks and saying just nasty [ __ ] to me and then you'd walk away and i'm looking at all my friends i'm like i didn't do anything to this girl why is this girl being so mean to me i remember being like what did you do to this i immediately took your side he's like what did you do i was like i didn't do anything no to the point where i was like i think we should leave it was crazy though this is the night we met you we met kelsey we met like it was yeah it was already that weekend and then i remember a year later we talked about it why you i know well because yeah you just had the wrong impression no i was like friends with a girl that he had dated who told me like that he was mean to her and did all these things to her and she never gave me specific details but i like you know i'm just i'm just like if someone tells me that i'm gonna be like ew like [ __ ] him he did that to you like oh i hate him then i met zayn and actually talked to him and i was like wait wait like i like him yeah but i'm not okay i feel like people think i'm so mean no no no no no you were standing up for one of your fellow girlfriends yeah i get it but you didn't have part two of the the full story didn't watch the second text i used to be part two um no i used to be like that like if a girl told me anything about any guy i would just be like [ __ ] them i hate them literally i will never speak to them and i would be mean to them and then i realized that like sometimes there's two sides to every story you know like things happen so now i'm less like that but i used to like i used to be the [ __ ] that if my friends told me anything happened with a guy i wouldn't have to fact check anything i would go like try to slash their tires like i was like really saying you changed her yeah you really did i mean you should like at the end of the day like it's your friend you know like if my friend told me something about somebody else i would i would react the same way yeah that you can't like totally but isn't it funny though just like as the years pass the friendship grows it's like a therapy session where we're at now yeah i completely forgot about that i never remember every day it haunted me haunts me but wait you have a lot on your mind right now though too you're launching a music video in like now two hours an hour love the idea by the way for the people listening and watching they wait i didn't hear the idea what's the idea she has a uh it's her new music video it's called sociopath uh-huh and i i don't know who did you i may have heard it in in in there okay i need to warm myself i heard it in an interview i think i can't i can't say that i heard it in an interview yes where it was like a it was like a a slasher movie like yeah yeah we made a horror movie but it's also like a little bit funny because i can't just make a full horror movie like i don't think i'm capable of my manager max who hey max he loves horror movies so he like basically wrote the entire script out and we like i don't know it's it's really it's good it's really good all my friends are in it and they all get murdered and you're launching the song out with the video tonight tonight at midnight so 9 p.m here because it's everybody watching yeah we know everybody's talking about it by the time this comes out it's already out it's already been out so make sure to check it out congratulations thank you what's the song about where's the inspiration from zane um yeah it's just about like liking someone who you feel like has the capability no capability to have emotions yeah it's pretty i don't know it's it definitely like it starts with the um psycho the psycho like oh some hitchcock shower scene what's that what's the scene from or is it just the music it just starts with that music and then it goes into the song so it's like definitely like horror vibes i tried to make it like cool spooky as possible i love horror movies though like i like i i've always wanted to make like a horror movie like trailer type so like that's why i really respect i really love what you did and i always wanted to be in a horror movie like i don't necessarily i like i love scream like scream is like one of my favorite movies of all time i don't like the horror movies that are like super creepy like possession [ __ ] because like i get actually scared like good old-fashioned murderer i can see you in like one of those scary movies where they're like funny scary i could totally see you that'd be so like a scary movie yeah i would literally love that do you die in the video can i ask that no i don't die there's a plot twist i become the killer whoa oh my god everyone that's like well i don't need to watch it like if i have ever had like a role where i had to die i would feel so like i like i feel like i couldn't do it like the acting has to be so like yeah it's not just like doing like a comedy role where if like you miss a line it's like ah well it was all right like it has to be you're dead like it's it's gonna be so scary being like the person i feel like i now if we were in a horror movie which one of us would be the first to die matt you wouldn't survive but you'd definitely be somewhere in the middle or the beginning it's heat he's gonna be the guy to get his gun you'd get you're gonna go outside where are you come on i'm not scared i can't picture you running at all i feel like you're like oh yeah i'm sorry yeah no no no let's talk about this let's talk right that would be the guy that wouldn't think he's actually a murderer right oh he's not going to hurt anybody here just break come here no he listen tell him you're not going to kill him yeah i would just be like hiding like under the bed the entire time curtain i saw this on a movie once and the the person who would survive the longest is definitely mariah cause she would do flips and then they like yeah hardcore and they'd be like you'll have like nunchucks they would give up because you would just be uncatchable you would literally make it out gosh it pisses me off you said that man where would i think you would um somewhere in the middle i would be on top i'd just be like this just but the people that are good at guns and scary movies they usually don't last long either they're not the because it you never know so you're dropping the song with uh the video you the last time you put out an album was well you put out like a mixtape yeah i was doing these things called micro mix tapes it was just like i didn't want to take the time to create a full project because i feel like i just don't have the attention span for that and like when you're working on a full project all the songs kind of have to be cohesive so it creates like the problem of oh well this song doesn't fit in the concept or whatever and then i would always stress about that and it would just make me like put songs on that probably weren't as good as other songs it should have been on it because i wanted to fit with the concept and then it takes so much time to have you know 10 to 12 songs finished to be on an album so i was like i'm just gonna put out songs that are cohesive together but it's just like two or three and they have their own little project their own little vibe so i was doing that i only did two of them and then we had a third one planned everything was gonna happen i was gonna play coachella i was finishing my tour and it was all gonna happen and then the world exploded um and i came home for my tour halfway through and obviously coachella didn't happen so we just like ended up not putting um that one out and then i just have been kind of putting out random songs since then and then now i'm doing an album um like a two-part album that's coming soon so yeah how many songs do you usually write and then how many make the cut you said i have like hundreds of songs oh my god but it's like gosh i can't imagine you i can't even write one like picking your favorite you probably find some that have been just stowed away for forever wait oh there's something here and i've been writing since i was like 16 i mean yes like with with producers and everything since i was like 16. so i have songs from back then that are like so bad that will never come out there i just listen to them like oh my god i can't believe i wrote that but then there's also some that i'm like that'll be cool parts or like the concept is really cool or like some of the lyrics are really good but like i don't like the production anymore like and it's weird because i kind of want to take all those old songs and like rework them and use the parts that i like that sounds like such a daunting task and then i'll like be done with a project and then i have to and then i go and i'm still writing and then i'll have my project done and i'm like oh wait but i really like the song i just wrote can i put it out and i have to be patient with myself and be like okay i'll just put it out on the next one but it's so annoying because then i like i just get over stuff so quickly if i don't put it out see imagine us filming a hundred youtube videos and only putting out like it's ten times easier to write a song too or ten times easier to make a video than write a song yeah i was like wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait how long does it usually take you to like from start to finish make a song i mean it depends on what the situation is like sometimes i'll be really inspired and when i was like 16 17 i used to like play a game with myself i was just i didn't i didn't even know how to write songs at that point i was just kind of like [ __ ] around but i would see how fast i could write a full song and i would like my record is like 20 minutes of like i would write everything but then i have to like record it and work on the production and all that stuff um but normally it takes me probably like two or three hours of like sitting there writing and then like an hour of recording that's sick and it is no joke though how hands-on you are when it comes to your music and like i've i've like witnessed it because it's it's funny in the music industry you're out in l.a you you meet someone who's a musician and they have some songs out you're like oh that's cool but you always think like are they just given lyrics are they given a beat and then it just happens when we used to spend a lot of time together you would spend so much time like on your piano in writing you do all the sweat work for everything you make nothing is just like passed on to you you create everything you put out and it's so beautiful seeing all of these songs come to life but it's like having witnessed what like it is behind closed doors you're the real deal like when i was watching taylor swift's documentary so much of it like reminded me of you on how like real she is right here and making it it's yeah it's all there she has the same i'm into astrology but she has the same sun sign and moon sign as me and i just feel like we're like we write like the same about the same [ __ ] all the time it's so crazy is that your dream collab i mean it would be an insane to write with her like that would be like i mean my dream collab dead or alive is amy winehouse but that's not yeah um but yeah i would i would die to write with taylor stuff i think she's such an incredible writer um but yeah thank you i really appreciate that that was really sweet i definitely consider myself a songwriter before anything else just because that's i've always done that like since i was a little little kid i just love writing songs i just it's my favorite thing so do you find it more enjoyable writing your own song and singing it and like putting it out or like if you wrote something for somebody else and seeing them perform your like lyrics that you wrote right now i i haven't done a lot of writing for other people i've done a few things here and there i have something coming out soon that i wrote for someone else and it's so exciting when someone like wants to do a song you wrote like when they pick it and you're like okay it's validation like it's actually good and like it's really exciting and that's i think that's what's more exciting to me right now just because it's new like i've been performing my own songs i've been singing my own songs and like it's amazing and i love it and i wouldn't trade it for the world but like venturing into being more of a writer and writing for other people is really really exciting because it's a new territory that i haven't you know ventured into and i'm sure it feels so good knowing that like someone else is using like your lyrics like your music it's great it's like the best feeling ever validating do you ever get sick of your own songs yes [Laughter] do you think you know all of your music by like the back of your hand or do you have to like sometimes sit down be like okay i need to listen to all my songs again just like re-study the words yeah i mean not really i i mean i have to rehearse before i go back out on tour before i do like a live performance i'll rehearse a little bit but it's like muscle memory it's like i just it just comes out when i sing like sometimes i every single concert i've ever had i will [ __ ] something up like i'll [ __ ] up i'll sing the first verse in the second verse or something like i'll do something and it's but it's a new mistake every time like there's not like one thing i always forget it's your thing yeah yeah i just work people people always say like that when you're performing and you [ __ ] up like you're supposed to just brush it off and pretend it didn't happen but i like one [ __ ] up and be like [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm sorry guys i would have a full meltdown if i [ __ ] up yeah i don't i don't like the whole like brush it off like it didn't happen because then it like looks even weirder yeah yeah it's better no baby we caught that like like yeah because it shows like how human they are like oh yeah everybody makes mistakes you're so personable on stage like you have like that audience like laughing with you and like you they feel like they're like your fellow friends you make the audience seem like they are your friends and they're not like above you you're like with them the entire time or you're not above them i like to be like feel like i'm friends with them a lot of them are my age and like they they're there because they relate to my music and i like to think of them as like little versions of me like there's just a thousand versions of me um yeah and i don't i don't like to you know have like the exact choreo and be like a robot like i want to feel like i'm having a good time with my friends and singing and like laughing and joking and all that stuff i just want to like you know just want to vibe and enjoy it instead of feeling like i have to be a robot so how old are you when i hate you i love you came out i was 15 when i wrote it and i think oh my god i think it's crazy was that what i don't know if i don't even know if it came out in 2015 or 2016. but it got big in 2016. crazy because that's 2016. no i and i i wrote so many songs and i would only play them for my friends and my friends were always like olivia you're so good and i thought i was so bad that i never wanted to do anything with it and then when i did my first song that i ever like actually officially put out did that and i was like okay did you ever have a sleepover where your friends closed their eyes and you sang oh my god i would sing for them all the time all the time me and some of my friends would like write songs together all the time it was like that was my past that was like my favorite thing to do when i was in high school that's so cool now do you ever put like your own song on like not to like practice like just like i'm gonna jam out to my own song when i'm in my car alone but it's always the unreleased stuff like once a song comes out it becomes weird to listen to it yeah like stuff that has already been like no no i don't put i don't ever put on old stuff that's already out if it's once it's out it's the worlds but when it's just in my dropbox like i listen to my unrelated stuff all the time just that makes sense has a moment happen though where you've been out in public like shopping and all of a sudden your song is playing i mean with i hate you i love you i could not escape that [ __ ] i would get it i still hear that song like when i'm in like a store or something it was funny when we first like also hung out with you like we hung out with you multiple times like i didn't really like know what you did and then we were in david's car and he was like blasting it and like filming you and you're like oh and i'm like why is he doing this what happened i remember i was getting out of the tesla and i was like oh wait is this is that you is this your song and you're like yeah that's me and then i was like oh i remember we were on the phone together my mom got soaked because she she because she wouldn't listen to the song but she's heard that song so many times and she was like wait that's the girl that's saying that's not like everyone just knows that song like everybody in the world it's crazy and whenever someone doesn't know the song i'm like you probably heard it in an elevator somewhere like were you connected with a ton of people like how did you link up with g nash like to even do that is it g nash [Laughter] he used to be dj nash and then he went by i'm sorry guys it's okay so basically he was opening up for black bear and mod son on tour in like 2015 and i was a big black bear fan so i looked up the um opening acts and i found him and he had one song out at the time it was only on soundcloud and i really liked it so i did a cover of it at the time i was doing um soundcloud covers they were so shitty like i literally recorded them on my like iphone 4 and like it was back when on soundcloud you could press record and stop on the app and you couldn't do any editing like you could crop the end a little bit that was it so you would hear me like said you could hear like like i would press play to be like so bad and like i would just if i [ __ ] up i'd be like that's good enough and like you still post it um that makes us all better though it makes everything so much better like i don't even know how any of this [ __ ] happened to me because i swear like it took me after i hit you i allowed you to like become a good songwriter like i swear to god i don't know it's really funny but yeah i did a cover of his song and i tweeted it at him and he heard it and he was like come to the show in san francisco and i was like okay and i showed up and then he was like do you have any original songs so i sent him i hate you i love you and he was like this is great like come down to la let's record it and i was like oh my gosh it sounds like yeah that sounds stupid during all of this how much certainty are you having that this is going to pop off were you just like zero but were you like hustling i was like this is hilarious i'm gonna be sure yeah yeah i don't know but i didn't actually think anything i like thought it was awesome but i i thought i was like oh my god i'm gonna probably get like 10k plays on soundcloud that's crazy like how long did it take for it to like blow up where you were like wait water this is like doing really well at first i mean at first it blew up on soundcloud so like i went down to la with my dad and we recorded i was too scared to even go into the place it was at his parents house he had a garage studio in the back and i was crying outside me like i'm not good enough i don't want to go in there my dad was like you have to go in i went and obviously it was fine and we recorded it [Laughter] and then we put it only on soundcloud and then it was blowing up on soundcloud and like a bunch of people like youtubers and [ __ ] posted it on their story and so then it just started blowing up more so we were like okay let's put it out through like a distribution service i think we use like cd baby which is like you just upload your song and they put it on like spotify and [ __ ] um and then once it was on everything then it started blowing up even more and then so a year from the time that we put it on soundcloud was when it like peaked on radio so it it was it was definitely like it it's weird because back then soundcloud was such a like thing like something would blow up on soundcloud and then it would go mainstream after so that's kind of what happened with that it's like just the yeah the new frontier now when you were blowing up and you're 15 were there any girls who were like senior girls in the choir who were just like who's this freshman chick like [ __ ] killing it online did you have like some people who like oh i thought they were amazing singers and like were hating your success my sister my sister was always a singer in my family and she how many years apart are you two and a half is she younger old she's older and she was always a singer she always she was like the golden child and i was like we both were straight-a students and whatever but like in comparison to her like i did like dance in theater and she like did all the sports and like she was like really tall and blonde and like didn't ever like she just had all the friends and would like be normal and cute and i was like i was like the rebellious child i didn't even do anything that bad but to my mom i was like she was like you're gonna i pierced my own ears and she was like yeah i'm so scared like you like putting needles in yourself you're gonna go to l.a and do heroin i was like what the hell is that like i would come home from hanging out with my friends i would come home from hanging out with my friends and she'd be like you're high aren't you and i'll be like no i'm not like i'm not she'd be like yeah you are and then she would act super weird so i would start laughing because this woman is in my face being like you're high and i wasn't so i started laughing she's like you're laughing you're hot and i was like oh my gosh there's no escape yeah so i was always just like whatever like i guess my sister can be the [ __ ] golden child and she was a soprano so she like could hit all the high notes and i secretly sang like i would sing in my room and i when i thought no one was home and my sister would come in and be like shut the [ __ ] up you sound like [ __ ] oh no this whole thing sounds like a main character jealousy is the ugliest oh yeah it's but now we're now we're close so would you ever have her on a track i mean she it's so weird because she's always like i know singing was her dream but she never like put herself out there like that like i i embarrassed the [ __ ] out of myself everyone at my school thought i was so weird for posting soundcloud covers and they would like make fun of me even though yeah and even when i hate my love you came out like i just got [ __ ] roasted by everyone all the time and it's like if you want to do something you have to that kind of has to happen like put yourself out there and be stupid some people have so much talent and like can actually perform and do like amazing things but they're so in their own heads with like self-doubt and like just constantly putting themselves down that they never even get out there and try and like it's just like nobody knows and you have to worry about people around you especially if you like you still you're at home you're in school and you have to like worry about people like your friends around your people around you if you do want to put out music for your friends or whatever to listen to that's because you got to start somewhere yeah but you have to get people don't like to see that [ __ ] from you people are so negative towards like people that want to like put out [ __ ] it's crazy because it's it's not everyone's doing it it's like weird anything that's different like because especially in high school it's like everyone's doing the same thing we're all wearing the same shoes and the same brand of jeans and the set like especially i went to catholic school and we had like a pretty strict dress code so there was like certain things that like everyone had hunter rain boots and everyone wore sperry's like oh it was very like preppy and weird and like all it it was everything was exactly the same and i like i didn't grow up very wealthy so like i would always get like the off-brand like knock-offs of things and i just always felt like one less than everyone all the time in my school and like that's not like a sob story thing like i literally don't give a [ __ ] like it's just funny looking back at it now but it's like if you do anything different like i remember when i first kind of was like halfway in la halfway in napa i would like get i would wear clothes that like my la friends are wearing like i remember i wore like adidas superstars in 2016 but like that hadn't hit catholic school in napa yet so do you guys remember did you have ask fm the anonymous like website yeah [Applause] to jeans and i would get so many comments on my ass at that time yeah that's all in la that was like so normal but not but it's like we're like two years behind everybody so it was just so funny like i would get comments like you're wearing high-waisted jeans to show off your ass you're such a [ __ ] and like why are you wearing nurses shoes to school and then like two years later they're all [ __ ] wearing that [ __ ] and i'm like i told you but you already passed it but when that [ __ ] is happening like everyone around you is doing literally the exact same thing you don't want to do something different because you're in high school you're a kid you're impressionable and you want to do whatever you want because that's what is cool and that's and if you do anything else but if i like if i have the attitude about it that i have now i would look back at myself in that age and just be like holy [ __ ] like i wish i could talk to her and be like dude don't worry about it like you're gonna be [ __ ] fine it's not that big of a deal that you get bullied in high school like in in the moment i was like i get bullied my life is over like i was it ruined me but now i look back and i'm like like who who cares if i had a ton of friends back in high school i wouldn't be here right now like i know that and i know that too because you would you would you would you would have going to the florida gulf coast exactly like i'd be doing other [ __ ] that like is not this at all and i i'm always like i always thank myself for that like yeah it's good seriously like i don't want to have peaked in high school i don't and no offense to like people i went to high school with like some of them are so amazing and you know they're doing just very different things than i am it doesn't mean that it's wrong but like i just if i i wish that i could have this mindset that i have now back then because things would have i would have given no [ __ ] i would have [ __ ] just done whatever and not giving a [ __ ] it would have been great same here are you seeing anybody talking to anybody it's complicated it's always complicated it's always complicated question though um since you're such a an incredible musician incredible songwriter and so much of those lyrics happening build it up baby your love life um are guys ever like intimidated to like date you because they're worried they don't want a song i mean people like will make jokes about it to me um but it's like it's part of the deal i mean oh honey you're not worth a song i'm not gonna lie to you there's only been really like three guys that i've written like i mean there's here and there i've written like a couple songs about people but like i write like if i'm like really into someone i'll write like 10 to 12 songs about them and like one of the guys that i wrote a bunch of songs about like i literally like gave him a cd with all the all the songs i wrote about him on it you don't get worried that how like i'm listening to that no i mean well it depends on like who they are because like so the first guy i ever wrote a bunch of songs about was i was like in love with him when i was like 16 like last night i hate you i love you no not that guy that actually was a guy from high [Laughter] when i first moved here and oh my god i was obsessed with him like scary obsessed with him like when you're 16 you i just was like um yeah and i didn't really send him any songs i read about him because i was embarrassed and so i just like pretended like it wasn't happening and then i remember i wrote the song r.i.p about him and i called him and i was like do you want to be in the music video and he was like um no i was like all right [Music] funny i don't know i'm insane and then the second guy that i wrote a lot of songs about like we never dated and like i was so scared to write like details about him in my songs like i like to write i'm storytelling you know i like to give details talk about like locations and things like things that happened and i didn't want like i never really told him how i felt about him because i was just like scared and i just it was he i knew he didn't like me like that and wouldn't want to date me so i just kind of like pretended like i was like that's fine like whatever we're chill and um i would write these like love songs about him and then be like oh my god i hope he never [ __ ] hears this and i'd be scared to release things because i was like i don't want him to hear and then i found out there's no [ __ ] way he's even heard any of them like he gives so little [ __ ] about me that i bet you he's never even gone to my spotify and like listen to the song you'll be surprised especially when there's a name in a song we were all everyone's trying to figure out what it is not that one that the song that one he loves that i write songs about him and i'll send him every single song he's obsessed with it yeah i'd feel pretty good about it too i mean a lot of them are so mean though and he's like i'll i'll se i'll play him a song and be like i wrote this about you and it's like [ __ ] up like telling him he's evil and all this [ __ ] and he's like this is so is amazing the reaction you want i think it's hilarious okay great and now i'll like play even songs that aren't about him i'll like be like hey how do you feel about this and he'll like listen to it and give me his notes and like not that he's like in music at all but it's just so funny because i just it's just hilarious to me like i just love it how many guys wrote songs about you [ __ ] no no are you into musicians though no because i know that we're all [ __ ] and i've never won that's like two negatives yeah no i would never want to date someone like me oh yeah but i don't know sometimes if i i feel like if i was a musician i'd want to be with a musician because i'd be like babe i have this melody can you just like help me figure it out and they you'll be surprised yeah but i can just do that with my friends yeah that's true i can call my best friend drew and say hey do you like this and i do that every day every time i write something like hey how do you feel about this that's all i need i don't need some random man you have like a core group of people that you send your [ __ ] yeah definitely definitely drew is like my number one because we write together a lot and we just like for we've been friends for like five years so i love drew he's so great drew's the best everyone loves drew if anyone doesn't like drew there's something wrong with that yeah any person that has any kind of beef with drew i'm like you are a horrible person and i don't like you because he's like an angel do you ever like have nothing in mind when you go into a session and you're just like what like do you ever like writer's block is that what it's called oh i have that all the time especially right now because it's like i'm not like i was i was living a a pretty wild life before before quarantine like yeah what are you writing about coven like that's so cheap and i was like i need to go like hook up with my exes or something because i have nothing to write about right now i'm like i'm not meeting new people like i'm not doing like i'm not embarrassing myself like i would write about like having a horrible embarrassing night or like do whatever and i i'm not i wasn't doing any of that i was just sitting in my house and i was like i could write about being like sad and alone but it's like i already have like 400 songs about that so it's like i've been super uninspired lately and a lot of times i'll go into a session and i won't have any ideas and i'll just look through my notes so like i just i write everything in my iphone notes and i'll just write random like sentences about like if i'm having a random thought like i'll pull over on the side of the road and be like oh my god this is great so i'll just scroll through until i find something and be like okay i guess i can write about this today and i'll just try to like elaborate on oh i love that it is pretty interesting though like and it's kind of sad but like where musicians and writers like flourish is like from those dark horrible like situations that you're put in and like if things are going good for you that's that's amazing but at the same time it it's easier to write about your music career that's why i like guys that don't like me back it's on purpose everything i do is and it's like i feel like people me oh you set it up just so they [ __ ] you over you're like i know all right good songs about it and also it's fun like i'm living my life like it's a movie like we're having some drama and it's not i sound like a [ __ ] up person but i don't like i'm not i'm not hurting them like i'm the only person getting any getting hurt in any of this is myself so it's fine i'm allowed to do this business expense yeah exactly this is exciting to write off and i feel like people always think that i'm like complaining in my songs or that i'm like boys don't like me and i'm sad because all these boys don't want to date me and it's like i'm just writing songs like this is just like i'm not like sitting in my house being like oh my god like i'm trash because these boys don't like like i'll have moments of that and i'll write about it but like that's not who i am that's not how i feel especially now that i'm like i used to be really depressed and i'm like kind of not anymore like i still i mean it's kind of something that you have for your whole life but i'm like not where i was when i was like 17. i feel like people think that i'm just sitting in my room complaining about boys all the time like i just it's not this is like my therapy it's like that's what i think about taylor swift yeah exactly it's so [ __ ] up and like i even i remember i feel like like the media convinced us all to not like taylor swift for like a good two years of like my teen years because they were like she was a meme for a long time and i'm like and then i i thought about and i was like that's so misogynistic like taylor swift is amazing like i was the biggest taylor swift fan when i was younger and then i kind of like wasn't really for a little period of time because i people were just like talking [ __ ] on her all the time that's so interesting because i remember hating and like just not liking taylor swift at all i know why why don't like you would be like some of these songs are like that's about experiences yeah and that's like i'm like the same i remember i posted something on tumblr once i used to have this tumblr account where i would post like really way too personal rants about things it was called rants about [ __ ] and i would just like i was exposing a lot um but i posted something or maybe it was a maybe it was a tweet actually but it got posted on tumblr of me talking about taylor swift and how she like people give her too much [ __ ] for all that stuff and like every female artist does the same thing yeah and every male artist do the same thing we all it's what what's our art and she like liked it on tumblr or something and i was like this is it i was like oh my god we're going to write together because we probably had no idea who i am this one time yeah yeah it's not good i took a picture of the lord swift blew me a kiss though like towards me wow yeah it's a different did you catch it and put it in your pocket yes i did she blew me a kiss yeah i've never heard you know that they blew one back at me and then i caught it do you still have it the kiss bring her out um do you have any imaginary boyfriends what in the world meaning you don't have to answer anything you can't like write a song about like i don't know something that's going on like nothing's going on i mean like you don't have like an immediate like fling or a love thing that's happening bit in your head you just have this really great narrative that you i don't know what to write a song about yeah fantasy are you talking about like a fantasy imaginary boyfriend like this song isn't even actually about anybody in your life you just love the narrative it's the way a writer would write a movie it didn't happen to them they just see it in their head and they put it out well a lot of people get inspired by movies and by books and by things that they see and for me because of the way i started writing it's always been like this is my life this is how i feel blah blah blah and it's like letting my most intense emotions out and then after i write that down i don't feel it anymore like it's genuinely it's like it's my therapy yeah it's like okay here's how i feel and then suddenly those feelings like live on that piece of paper now and i don't have that inside me anymore but i now that it's my job i can't go out and be a dumb [ __ ] every single day to write songs about it so i've been trying to like sometimes i'll write about kelsey so i was all right about sydney like i'll write about my friends sometimes oh um i've been trying to do that more or like come up with things sometimes i'll just kind of like dramatize like a situation that happened in the past and like make it seem more dramatic than it was or i'll write about like a guy i'm over but just like kind of you know make the situation like bring bring some old feelings back up so it's it kind of just depends if i'll have a concept that doesn't necessarily pertain to my life i'll try to just you know think of as many details as i can but for the most part it is about my life i'm trying to trying to move past that did you get that smiley tattoo at sausage's birthday no this um the guy that took my virginity did this on me when he came back like a year ago and we decided to get drunk and tattoo each other that's okay oh you get drunk tattoos too yeah i have tattoos up at my house all tattooed you're looking at the ceo yeah we're we are the founders of uh we have like what eight mm-hmm and they're i don't have a single sober tattoo yeah and i regret all of them i wish i could get rid of every single one i have i have like needles and ink at my house and i'll tattoo people sticking posts styles do you want to fix my tattoos yeah look yeah that'd be great because there's about there's about five i'm not that good i actually did a dollar sign on drew that's pretty good do you have a favorite tattoo um probably my amy tattoo or i just got these i just got these shrooms okay so you know psilocybin you want sleeves no i don't want sleep i just i mean i just kind of get tattoos whenever i feel like it cute but what's the craziest thing you've done in your life uh and not counting the time you peaked out outside of a strip club in vegas after you got kicked out of it how'd you know about that i already knew about that who are you talking to what are the crazy stories i'm afraid to say some of the things because then i feel like people are gonna think that i'm like a nutcase we're all nut cases that's true remember we were outside of vegas though and that woman came up and grabbed your ass and you were like very funny oh i remember that she kept like grabbing your butt and was like shaking it and you were like ma'am stop because it was just some girl it was like these three like drunk girls and they just kept like she just was like hitting on me and like going like this and it was like this random girl and they were all like really drunk it was like very like girls in vegas and then she was just like actually fully like asking me to like have sex with her and i was like ma'am i just met you take me on a date all fun and then this woman would just not let go of her but we were like is this and then her friends were like i'm so sorry she does this and then they like i was like okay okay i know one i saw this one too in person um you got drake addicted to vaping because what i actually gave him his first vape i actually told this story the other day to my friend aj who like was is friends with him and i like was drunk and i made a joke i was like never forget i gave him his first hit of a jewel it was like three years ago i was at delilah and i was sitting with him and he was like what is that and i had a jewel in my hand and i was like oh it's jewel like you want to try it and he was like what is it i was like it's nicotine i gave it to him and he took us he took a hit and he was like interesting first you'll hit ever oh my gosh that's that's fun it was like i i ruled in the beginning when it was kind of new and then like everyone had a jewel and i like my i used to have a really big individuality complex so i was like [ __ ] this everyone has a jewel and i threw it off my balcony and i never touched one since then i started not a jewel paparazzi caught him smoking that jewel everybody said after that all came from olivia start smoking too you did you used to do it at diners i got a bunch of kids to smoke yeah we did awesome we were you remember all those comments well i mean yeah i started kept smoking because of you stop smoking every single comment on my instagram and on youtube like i started smoking because of you i used they were inspired by you were just smoking in the videos and people were just like i started like all those comments would be like i started smoking because of you you made it look cool that must have made that [ __ ] look good yeah if tobacco companies weren't like banned from so much advertising i would literally be the marlboro man cowboy he remember when you were losing all those deals like all those like jobs because of your comments all like he had to he had to completely hide his comments because they're either one thing or one thing or another you know we're all inspiring in different ways what are you addicted to what are your vices um well i go through phases with with the puff bars like i'll do it for a little bit and then i'll be like i'm killing myself and i'll like throw it and then i just won't do it anymore and then i'll like get drunk and be like can i hit that i'm classic you like shoes i'm addicted to cake and pancakes [Music] i i'm definitely like i'm not an alcoholic but i do enjoy alcohol and ever since i turned 21 i feel like i've been like oh i can post about drinking all the time and then i'm like everyone's gonna think i'm an alcoholic because but it's just it's fun you're trying to tell them it's so scary what alcohol is so scary oh it's so scary i think i literally think like it's the worst thing in the world but but i drink it i'll call it scare it's not scary to me i watched this danish movie the other day though and it's about these dads all these guys in their like 40s who work at a high school together like one of them's the choir teacher one of them's like the history teacher uh one of them's like the soccer coach and they all agree to keep their bac at five percent the entire uh or point zero five percent the entire day so they all they do is like drink from like eight until five to see if their lives change and like all of a sudden they start like teaching better connecting with the students getting the kids to sing better that's connecting with their wives but like it's the whole movie is that but then it gets kind of dark and stuff but it's like this crazy way where they test alcohol to see if their lives get any better that's why your teacher would drink every day in class right no it reminded me of that though but i caught them but you're getting sick so it wasn't good for her i just think that like the worst times of my life have been because of alcohol me too like the worst decisions i've ever made but it made you yeah solely because of alcohol and hangovers i um they last two days now i get the worst hangovers ever bottom there's nowhere to go up you know you got to hit rock bottom that's why i stay at the rock bottom that's why i'm i'm comfortable you are now i have my best friend i've had my best work because of alcohol so i can't like i mean i know that sounds bad but like my best work has been from alcohol it might be embarrassing but hey baby that's me that's part of that's embarrassing it's like when you're at a party and you need alcohol to like loosen up and not be socially anxious it makes not [ __ ] fun it does like right drunk and it's sober exactly anyway but there's a balance to it because like sometimes i'll be partying a lot and i'm like okay i can't do this right now and then i'll take a little break and then i'll be like i'm ready to go again you know yeah oh you got self-control you just gotta you just you just have to know your your limits there's nothing worse than being around a bunch of drunk people when you're sober though yeah am i like this but everybody's like that at the same time so it's okay i have bad hangover anxiety where i was like yeah was like on one last night was i not shutting the [ __ ] up like i can't believe i talked about yeah i used to like just repeating conversations i'm like i said that oh we all do that though yeah i know you're not thinking about that either unless you're really bad i used to call people i used to call all my friends every day after night of drinking and apologies yeah and i apologize and like i don't even know what i did but if i knew i blacked out at some point in the night i would call them and just apologize and be like hey whatever i did i'm so sorry they'd be like what the [ __ ] saying what are you talking about yeah like what i just need to say it just to get it off my chest even when i black out like i've been like a really good drunk because i'm like happier in life so i've been like every time i get drunk like my friend aj every time i see him now he calls me the goat because the last time i got drunk around him he said i was like so funny and so awesome i was like i don't remember it but like i'll take it and i used to like a couple years ago when you guys drunk as a goat or something what what the goal the greatest of all time the goat greatest of all time you don't know what that would be are you serious they're the ghosts oh my god you did not just realize what that meant i didn't know a goat man i thought like i saw it i thought just because like i thought because goats are cool so i thought they were like you're the [ __ ] goat man yeah you're the [ __ ] goat i i know what it means oh my god a long time but i look at slang like like the no cap thing the all these like different slang things i look at them and i don't bother to learn them anymore so i always look to go and just read past it and i was like whatever he's the goat like i didn't think anything of it i wasn't curious what it meant so it took me a long time to figure it out like i didn't find out until like i'm because i'm so embarrassed oh [Music] like no shade right it kind of like okay that makes sense and that's kind of what i was thinking but i saw some weird tick tock where someone was due wedding do editing it and they were like putting on their cap and yeah it means they're lying and they get so that one took me a while too but i figured i thought it was like no capital letters like that's what i don't know i've got to shout it out that's what i thought it was making me feel so young right now like you know like a like a title like a thumbnail for like youtube like if it's in caps it's usually a lie but if it's like in no cat it's a serious title oh yeah that's what i always kind of like thought what's a heather what is it heather i don't know it's not people like your heather [Music] what's heather i like the girl you wish you were like beautiful girl yeah was it heather's what is heather like a cool girl like a cool name it's from a song by conan gray it's funny i just thought about another one that like really tripped me out the if you know you know i literally thought it was a lick okay yeah i didn't know what it was either and i'm like okay lick it i don't know like where's the l but like you don't take the time to figure and i thought it was just like like it's cute it's like and i was like what the [ __ ] is it it's cute it's cute what is um oh my [ __ ] one of my followers what no [ __ ] are you serious oh no that's what i meant what is that that's one of my phones one of my followers do you guys not have urban dictionary we do we just don't bother we like to make them yeah people say that they'll be like omg i totally want to [ __ ] oomf what oh oh my gosh that's what i literally thought it was that like and i never um that the sentence never made sense i was just like i want to skip it just skip it like i just don't care enough it would be like oomph just told me they liked me or something like that yes they just told me like that's a weird name oh my god oh i asked what a simp was i still don't understand what a simp is like you're uh you're thirsty for somebody yeah yeah yeah you're like you're a fan you're in love with them like yeah but like and then it's a negative i think it's like i'm sipping i'm so i'm not sipping for heath oh why is it a negative oh no you're simping for credit card points same for donald's nuggets it comes from simpleton simpleton yeah that's what it's short for wait really if you're a simp yeah you're a simpleton oh that's successful has been around simpleton it sounds kind of good but but also oh crap i feel like people use it for like i don't know simp like i feel like it should be for like for like sympathy oh i sent for them oh no yeah that's good really that's really good much better good morning i feel like i can make trends yeah you should you should start that right now tweet it i'll read it just start using it like that and hope it catches on you're a trendsetter after all i really sympathize do you guys know what otp is once you're that's the one on the prowl that's the one i didn't mean otf i met or omf i meant you're freaking proud they would say you're my otp so like i would like when you ship someone together got it okay oh the ship who comes up with this what's that yeah who comes up with it remember when we were just like oh my god they're so old how do you guys not get this we're like we're in that yeah but ours were like way easier to understand i was like you're the bomb and people were like i kind of get it i said it's good stems from like 29 words because it was easy like i gotta go like talk to ttyl yeah the [ __ ] the quirky little internet slang is coming back i understand that that we used to do on our little flip phones someone had to type otp and nobody knew what it was and then everyone figured it out and then that's how yeah how does this [ __ ] yeah like like who starts this abbreviation that makes sense like he starts it like something it's like internet band here we go every time are you millennial wait i'm dancing i'm 21 years old you're gen z um but when i was a kid like i wanted to be a millennial so bad i was like no i swear i'm a millennial i was wearing 99. you but you also okay that's one thing i've also note i love your art direction because i feel like your art direction reflects a lot of our times growing up like you know like your cds it's very like mixtapey and raw like i feel like i'm just like it's the 90s and i'm in my bedroom and i'm just brewing up when i was a kid i would look at teenagers in like the early 2000s and that was what i wanted to be so like now yeah so now that i'm my age i'm like okay well i still want to be that so i'm just going to do it anyway yeah okay that makes that makes sense that's but that's interesting yeah i'm definitely the older side of gen z so like i get both sides yeah oh this took me a long time to understand um stan and clap clout yeah stan cody co told me about stan from eminem 60 years ago but he didn't know but i thought he said stan i was about to go on a podcast with like these old like gen x gals to talk about new slang and this is when stan was like just starting and i went on the podcast and i said stand oh god everyone's like oh you stand them like you stand them and they're like oh that's interesting and apparently they got all of these tweets that were like this kid did not [ __ ] he was talking about that's crazy yeah it's really funny um do you guys want to play this game before because she has to go in eight minutes so you want to play the game that we have set up first before we go okay it doesn't it doesn't have to be exactly eight minutes it's gonna be exactly eight minutes it does oh really you superstar that's fine no no okay we got we got it we're good all right this is name three you gotta name them rapid fire like we're gonna say something like name three whatever and you have five seconds to name three things of whatever we tell you all right and i'll go first name three underrated disney channel shows um that's a raven fill of the future randomly life with derek if anyone remembers that this is like for derek this make three sounds a person running away from a slasher or psycho would make oh this is perfect oh my god this is perfect good oh my gosh you're gonna book so many horror rolls from them i'm trying name three things you would do with your girlfriends at a sleepover um drink alcohol eat food sneak out to go hang out boys sneaking out oh my god have you seen the movie sleepover yeah so good say hello in three different languages go hola bonjour yeah i thought it was goodbye no that's a psychian why is that [ __ ] so funny dude my best friend ariel speaks mandarin too and they used to speak mandarin to each other and i was like you are the two whitest people i've ever met and you're speaking full of mandarin they're doing all the because you the way you speak mandarin is you have to do like the the tone the tone so they're like and i'm just sitting there like this is crazy because you're so white like so white okay name three chip brands lace cheetos oh that's all frito-lay though you suck get a life grow up grow up okay name three ways a woman can give birth c-section vaginal [ __ ] like water birth or like i guess yeah or on the floor all right taxi uh name three ways you can listen to music on your phone on in your car and on the radio good very good good for you okay name three types of pastas my favorite like sauces or noodles noodles you're a five seconds spaghetti was like in one second perfect what's your favorite facility probably mm-hmm because it's like spiral-y it's fun name three artists that you listen to that are your guilty pleasure guilty pleasure um liza minnelli elizabeth we're like weird ones that i listen to i feel like hannah montana oh i love hannah montana i listen to montana actually all the time obsessed name three types of tequila uh don julio casa migos clase as well calm is a cucumber look at her well i've known my tequila i've been shivering at them name three people that people say you look like james charles hilarita so many people every day all depending on your hair and lately i've been getting told i look like the mom from the new netflix show jenny in georgia oh i haven't watched it it's pretty good all right babe but well you got a song to go put out what's the plan oh my gosh i'm going to do a youtube live stream if you guys want to hop in and just say hi to me 55 minutes left i can't wait to watch it cool yeah well good luck right on nine guys right you're gonna be the first one i want to be the first all right can you send it to us what's how can we watch before question mark song song first [Laughter] all right guys thank you so much for watching and thank you for coming on thanks really appreciate it listen to her new song associates really fine watch the video stream it listen to it very good it's on spotify out on every platform perfect soundcloud awesome what else anything else you guys follow on instagram on twitter on youtube and everything else everything everywhere um i think that's it thanks for having me guys let's hang out soon we missed you please nothing but the best year it's gonna be a great year sending you good vibes good energy totally okay all right guys
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 986,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coffee talk, unfiltered, views, podcast, vlog squad, david dobrik, zane and heath, zane hijazi, heath hussar, vlogger, funny, vlog, natalie, todd, scott, matt king, mariah amato, girlfriend, season 2, tiktok, vine, davids vlogs, scotty sire, funny podcasts, Olivia obrien, sociopath, music
Id: 70VJvcwB8gY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 53sec (4013 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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