Zane's Sister Was Involved With The Cartel - UNFILTERED #58

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look here say merry christmas merry christmas all done i didn't it's on me big episode here we go yes should we do grace before we start just say a prayer no i'm already doing it right oh sorry macarena okay well i'm so nervous oh so no i've been having butterflies in my stomach for the past like a week guys this is the biggest episode we've ever done in our entire lives people are like why are listening to the audio right now nobody knows this is coming this is like this is absolutely unreal and so exciting for zainab heath and i have been waiting for this moment for what a year and a half two years a very long a really really long time but we're gonna get into it right after right now so yeah let's just run the intro and let's just jump right in let's just jump right into it i'm going to run the intro song twice to like keep it more suspenseful it's coffee talk baby wow [Music] welcome back to zany heath unfiltered i'm your host zayn and i am heath along side of us we have kenny and mariah we have the hardest time introducing them every single episode i can't do this like even off camera like they're co-hosts i don't see them as coasters i see them as family i see them as equals exactly y'all y'all on the same level i'm screaming on the inside i'm so [ __ ] nervous i just want to say it i just don't want to get this wrong i don't want to [ __ ] up i don't want to just like spill coffee all over the place like i feel like i'm going to do something you don't want to spill the beans yeah speaking of the beans speaking of the beans the coffee beans the coffee beans to be exact guys today is the day they're like i get all of this right they already know it is true drum roll [Laughter] okay we please a very very special guest who also happens to be my sister uh we have hidayah hijazi yeah thank you thank you guys for having me i know it wasn't your first option but we'll get back to we got something more important to talk about right now than other than you okay baby girl we're gonna have to put you on a halt for a second zayn and i have been working on this for literally a year and a half plus and it's something that we've dedicated a lot of time and effort to in perfecting and we're super excited to share with you guys [Music] a lot of people have guessed it was gonna be cremoda coffee and props to you guys i don't know how how did you guys guess it was cremated we gave no hints day one that is not like i feel like there's nothing no a lot of comments are like i bet yeah we had the k and then we had a coffee thing next to it that said coffee so it said k coffee for a really long time since the beginning so it was you you are the culprit you're the reason why this [ __ ] got released actually the ceo of the company and i was and i was gonna get employee of the month and that's on period but yeah our um our coffee brand is called cremona coffee obviously if you guys uh well no you a lot of you guys don't know why it's called cremoda coffee we named this cremoda because heath and i had a vine a long time ago back when we did this was probably our like fourth vine our fourth vine we did the vine was it there was a lizard crawling up your wall on your patio and you go was it me that went is that a is that a is that a baby dinosaur minnie is that a mini diamond is that a mini dinosaur and then he's going i was like you dumb [ __ ] that's a promoted dragon uh-uh is that a mini dinosaur you dumb [ __ ] that's the promoted dragon true so many of you guys love that vine so much we still see it to this day like being re-uploaded people quote it all the time yeah and thanks iconic yeah we wanted to pay homage to that and have it something good be aligned with zayn and i something that means a lot to both of us i'm trying to say that we wanted to hold it hostage [Laughter] so we wanted to make it true to zane and i and we wanted to be something special for the listeners that have been with us for so long and uh also something it just sounds cool like chromoto coffee it's got a ring too yeah and it it sounds like coffee like the word sounds like coffee itself so it rolls off the tongue we have to name it cremoda and i have that tattooed all my five you guys remember ethan i thought promota dragon tattooed i got commodore he got dragons oh yeah luckily i was the one that got the better half because yours makes sense we ended up doing something dragon but now you just had like a shitty joke oh [Laughter] but yeah guys we're super excited to release it and finally have it available for you guys we have three different flavors available right now in the pods and then we also have the traditional house blend in our ground coffee which is my favorite that's the house blend is my favorite i drink that every day like the flavors are the other ones are great but like for some reason that just hits the house just hits home so well exactly the marketing the house that's really good i love that we also have two other flavors we have the tahitian vanilla and the cinnamon french toast so the cinnamon french toast is actually my favorite and it is a blend that zayn and i spent a lot of time on we actually mixed two different blends to make this and it is something that is completely original and uh 100 a unique flavor yeah um so we're really excited for you guys to try that one because it is yeah the [ __ ] hit differently in shocker we liked both cinnamon and french toast or what cinnabon sorry we like cinnabuns and french toast we're like how can we just put this into one and we did we just took the two flavors and we put into one and it tastes incredible um so it is something that we've been working on for a long time like we said and uh hold on i'm sorry i can't believe that we're like we're saying this right now it doesn't this has been like a secret for so [ __ ] long and we can finally just make sure to watch the video version too because the boxes are right here yeah yeah everything's right here in the bags yeah the pods and the the bag right here and we have this we're going to say this for another podcast but we want to we want to tell you guys the whole process of coming up with these logos yeah there's a lot of stuff that went into this that's really funny yeah and we we have to share it at some point but it yeah so these three flavors are like perfect to us especially for our first three flavors because like the cinnamon french toast coffee is like a perfect breakfast coffee to have just like every morning it is the perfect morning cup of coffee yeah and then the tahitian vanilla is for all of our coffee drinkers that love friend vanilla i love french vanilla personally but baby it is a step above yes we partnered with a fifth generation roast master who has been doing like imagine five generations just passing down recipes and different blends and stuff so we were really really lucky and we're super excited that we were able to partner with him and he just he showed us the way and was really helpful in crafting what our vision was and what we were looking for in our coffee um for something that we know you guys are going to be super excited about and really will like yeah and it was so it was like it was awesome because he was so excited to work on this with us like when he saw the logo the branding and everything he like wanted to hop on board so like so quick and that just made us even more excited to like have this out for you guys and you know how much coffee means to zayn and i with our coffee talks the reason we have this podcast right now is literally based around coffee yeah so we know that it took a while for this to come out but just know that at the end of the day it was for you guys and we wanted to put out the best product possible and this coffee is wholeheartedly my favorite coffee i've ever had and i'm so excited to share it with you guys listening we become professional like mixologists because of this coffee like connoisseur yeah you guys are in the factory yeah we've learned a lot getting hands dirty yeah yeah well not dirty the coffee beans kind of look dirty when you're here exactly but yeah it's um it's available now at sounds crazy i can't believe we got that oh they got that handle too it's crazy like it's not a made-up word we made up we got it right unbelievable really we got really lucky do we have this actually all started when zayn and i did our coffee talk meet up and a bunch of you guys came out we brought coffee donuts and realized we did not bring anywhere near enough coffee for all you guys 50 coffees and like what 1500 of you showed up it was unreal and we didn't realize how much of you guys were drinking coffee while listening to us and liked coffee just as much as we did yeah and you guys would like get the same coffee that we were drinking in every coffee talk we would post on my channel so so so it was cool to see you guys you know diving into the same stuff we were and uh that kind of motivated us to find the coffee of our choice yeah and this led us to our chromoto coffee and finding the actual perfect cup that zane and i both love and we know you guys will now love just as much i'm about to tear up it is crazy yeah it's it's nuts it's nuts today is the day but more importantly today's your day to have a quick remote because i know you guys have been dying and we've been dying to get it to you guys make sure you get our and we have somebody here live on the set that is going to try their first cup of comodo ever hidayah take it away i'll let you know through a straw you don't drink coffee through a straw not hot coffee it wasn't that hot when you brought it to me so it's cold now she's like y'all wouldn't shut the [ __ ] up it's been 20 minutes so it's gonna get a little drink it up [ __ ] don't be rude it's gonna be a long podcast it could be longer but this is really good but it is really good yeah it's really good i like it okay well tell us tell us more why do you like it i got the cinnamon the cinnamon french toast one yeah and it i like it's not like too sweet on the cinnamon but like like you still feel all the coffee right like sometimes the cinnamon like when like people do like flavors in it like it overpowers the coffee and you can't really taste that coffee at all but you can still taste both very good we're going to write that review on our next box our next first one well we're so excited to have you on i know i'm excited i love any any video that you're on with me is just a good time and i know i love it so i can't believe you she's reading a cue card i love being i'm so happy to be here love you big stop she's nervous to be here at all i was not promised the car would be taken away that's what you gotta do give them a gift and then they owe you for the rest of your life that's exactly what parents do exactly hidayah had uh work in school this weekend but decided to take off would you say it was a family emergency my god i texted my boss the night before because my co-worker told me if you text him like too much in advance because it was last minute it will seem planned he'll be like oh you just didn't want to tell me like you're just trying to cut off so i texted him wednesday night and i said i'm so sorry like a family emergency came up i didn't say anything it was like it's not his business karma she said she said her brother died i said it's a family emergency and i like i have to leave tomorrow morning like i'm really sorry but i'll be back by saturday night you know damn well they're gonna see this podcast yeah how do you know he's not the biggest fan that's what i was telling her that's what i was telling her i was like how is he not gonna see that you are like really old like i don't he barely knows how to work his own instruments you are talking a lot for not knowing if he's going to listen to that he can't fire me over something i said you're like he needs me he needs me more than i need him he's too stupid to work the internet well i thought you work right now you work at like a chocolate slash ice cream souvenir knick knack shop i don't know what is it that you like what is this it's like a chocolate shop but like they sell fudge ice cream chocolate like chocolate like like different like i don't know how what the word is for like not all sweets though like so we'll have like chocolate covered pretzels and oranges but we don't have like cookies or like brownies or cupcakes it's not like a bakery yeah like people come in and they do that like they'll it looks like a store that you would love you would walk right in and like spend an hour it's a very like old-timey store in a way like so it doesn't draw a lot of people in like the way the setup is it's like very oh it's really like indie it's really like low-key no it's a vibe it's a vibe it's about it's a very depressing vibe how are you depressed around chocolate because the way our boss makes us work the vibes are different for the employees the vibes are very much different yes we do create a very positive atmosphere my customer service skills are perfect i would i i would love to see it let's see the customer service go look at killman's reviews on the website beautiful beautiful yelp reviews what's your what's your greeter like statement we just say hi welcome to kilwins that's all we that's it that's all you have to say when you customers service what do you want to say we follow you around the store we wear up your ass because people steal from your store all the time oh they have people how do you still talk no this woman who came in drunk like really drunk and like she put her bag on the floor and started just dropping lollipops into her back oh my god so one of my co-workers like caught her and they're like that's a bold move yeah she was drunk is it like a normal retail where you're not allowed to like call it out i don't know i think our boss would probably want us to like chase him down i get people stealing from like a target or something but like i'm just so surprised that you walk into a chocolate store and you're like i need to steal some chocolate like if you need food from a grocery store not a necessity i don't get it but you have some like pretty interesting stories at that place like you've been working there for what nine months now 10 months like a year and a half a year oh okay wow now ask me what her age is i know she's 19. very good mariah i'm a big fan she has famous birthdays on her phone hold on did you po you didn't it wasn't you that posted your famous birthdays like okay that was you that was you you said i think we all did that back in the day that was our big break baby you definitely sent it to me he was the one who told me you're like did you know you're on here and i was like no she was being humble about i was like yeah yeah yeah i mean it's not a big deal she said honey i'm too busy [Laughter] but she like takes off her apron really quick just so it looks like she's shopping there like oh she's just grabbing chocolates oh [ __ ] i actually passed out on my one year like working it was your one year anniversary yeah it was like the literal first day i started working there a year she was in shock that she made it that far wow what happened well i passed out for like a completely unrelated like i was stressing about like school like my like you have to click a button when they send you an email if you have like fafsa or scholarships to like accept it and i forgot to do that like i didn't see the email pop up so i forgot to click the accept button so like i had to pay out of pocket for my summer classes the whole fafsa system is such [ __ ] it's crazy and like i had to pay for my summer classes out of pocket so like i was stressed that i just the entire year of work went to like i just saw 1400 on classes oh my gosh like that just it just upset me so much so like i didn't eat and like i was stressed about that i went to work my boss was literally talking about like floor cleaner like that's what we were talking about and i was just sitting on i was standing on the table oh you ate the floor all right oh yeah i hit the floor real hard i hit my head on the counter and then hit my head on the floor going down very good very good you know you would never you would never know that you would never you see me you seem good that scar so thick the blood did not go through it did it but they did say i had a little concussion because like i woke up and told him not to call the ambulance and then i passed out again you already had a tourniquet on pushing my fall i was like [ __ ] and i still look good in the ambulance and we rolled out that scarf stayed on the ambulance she was like there was three fine dudes in there but that scarf stayed on i was strong [Laughter] do you have a interesting customer service customer customer service customer story people are really weird like so like right around my like work there's a halfway house very good so like there's like a lot of like a lot of homeless people right around right around there and like there'll be people like homeless people like just standing outside and like they were hitting on my co-worker the other night and it was really funny it's because we were leaving and he goes like he was just asking like how old she was and like she was like she was 22 and she said 19 and she's like i should have gone lower like i don't know why i didn't say like i was a minor yeah i don't know why you picked 19 either and he just kept asking like what's your name what's your name and she's like i'm good he's like your name is i'm good and he got like really close and like is there something in my eye and like pulled his eye like right in front of her face and she was like that's when you that's when you do that you pull out your peppers it was a glass eye it doesn't affect him have you seen people like have you seen people put glass eyes in their in their head it's like it's a trend on tick tock yeah it's insane i've seen it with my own two eyes oh don't [ __ ] brag [ __ ] oh man [Laughter] the other day where someone was saying normalize this and i was like it is oh heath and i made like a sign language tick-tock video we just like signed a song and everybody loved it and one of the comments was normalize learning american sign language i was like it is normal like what do you mean people are throwing around the word normalized i don't think they understand what that word like it is normal not not everybody does it but it's a normal thing i was like normalize putting peanut butter in your jelly sandwiches it's like everybody [ __ ] does it like nobody's nobody's judged for yeah putting peanut butter on jelly sandwiches you know nobody's judged of learning sign language you have any other stories [Laughter] what's your she's she's told me like 30 really good stories like very like dramatic stories she's such a good storyteller so okay so like i was working this one shift with like one of my co-workers and she we had this like dumb fight because like she was a 22 year old woman who like wanted to argue with an 18 year old like she was just being very petty how she should and like she wasn't talking to me that night and like i think i said something i'm very much like if you don't want to talk to me i'm not going to sit here and like pressure it out of you like you either tell me i'm going to walk away so that's why i did i walked away she got really upset about drives you so she leaves and ash she leaves before my other co-worker gets here so she leaves me alone at night for my shift meanwhile this couple comes in the girl is obviously from that halfway house because i've seen her out here and like i could she was sorry i thought you're not allowed to leave halfway houses i mean i mean it's not like you can not never leave you got to leave at some point you just stay there until like you've recovered yeah oh i thought it was like a lot it's not like really i think it's for people that can't afford to go to rio like when you're like halfway into rehab and halfway out like you could like it's mostly 50 time foreign i get it kenny is looking this up because we're all wrong probably we all we everybody said a different thing and we're all agreeing with each other out of prison like i'm pretty sure it's like a halfway house is an institute for people with criminal backgrounds or abusive drug use tendencies to learn or relearn the necessary skills to reintegrate is that that word into society and better support and care for themselves for uh drug abuse i thought it was just for drug dealers but it's also for yeah you know these people are chocolate addicts if they keep coming up into your store she came in with this guy like i've seen her once before she was like singing and like dancing outside the store so i could like tell and like she came in with this guy and a little kid and like she like smelled of weed and i was like and i don't know why like just the kid being there like really you got really excited though right when you smelled all that weed okay i'm not a cracker my god [Laughter] wait i'm sad for that little kid yeah that's why i got okay so like it wasn't my place but i could tell it's this kid so i like like when she walked away a little i was like i know it's not my place but like are you high because like you said that wow i know this was this is a whoa because this is it was a customer oh there was a kid hidayah said there's a halfway house down the street if you need to visit that she was literally like three or four oh she was like she was a baby like yeah it was like it's messed up got it guys she's not like some like 12 year old like it was three or four so i was like are you high like right now cause like she smells like weird so like are you and he was like i promise i'm not like i really appreciate like i don't like it's fine like i'm not and what's funny is that same night we had a new girl who's supposed to start and when she came in she decided i like i was telling my other co-workers so she heard me and she decided to tell my boss the next day that there was a sick person in the store and i wouldn't call the police what but mind you she came in the very next day after she was fired in a bathrobe claiming that um people were out to get us and that we should shut down the store so i'm not sure how satan she was did you listen to her no i would have listened to her she literally came in in a bathroom in a bathrobe i know that's what's scary it's like you kind of have to listen to people like that sometimes but this is also like south florida people yeah people get crazy funky we've seen some crazy [ __ ] in florida yeah i saw a woman piss in the middle of the road oh that's like that's like a normal thing yeah she literally like got off the bus went into the middle of the street pulled her underwear to get off so i want to jump into it i have some questions that i want to ask we're an hour in let's jump right into it no i mean we've around the burning bush for you that's religious right burning bush why isn't that burning yeah moses read the bible wow get educated i've already read the quran like three times i'm good thank you but how much did you understand how much did i what understand i can't even understand like a regular book like an english book i came in to [ __ ] understand so i would not understand an arabic book i was going to say how familiar are you with the can you speak arabic i can read it and i can like understand it a little bit like speaking is a little difficult for me like i don't have the confidence with it so like i feel like they're going to judge me so i won't say because i feel like everything i'll say is like it's because there's so much with arabic like you have to get like the female male like if like it changes for everything like how if i'm a woman saying it to you it's different like there's just so much with it like that it's it just throws me off like i can't it's cool you can read it yeah but i don't understand it when i read it or apparently did make us read the because there was like a version of the quran where you there was like the english version like right next to it like it was like a caller oh i learned it in the arabic version you got the training wheel it said it said it had the definitions of everything it was like yeah it was saying yeah he spark notes no i did like like the summary of each one like the [ __ ] he cheats off of hidayah at home tests about it what did you pray about i'll be in the middle of prayer and like answer a phone call you think i could text muhammad i don't really feel like praying before we continue we want to give a big thank you to our sponsor for this episode liquid iv before we get into liquid iv uh we want to make it clear that liquid iv is um a powder substance that you put into your water and then you turn right it's not an actual iv we've been seeing a ton of comments saying that like yeah you don't inject it with the needle into your body it's not an actual iv but it gives you that feeling of the refreshment of having an actual iv put into your body yeah it's a powder that you mix into water and you drink it and it refreshes you it quenches your thirst and it also hydrates you more than three times an actual bottle of water yes and it is great for hangovers and it's also great to to drink that before you drink all right yeah because i that because that's that's what i do and trust us baby we would know and they have like a ton of flavors my favorite flavor being the strawberry shortcake which i always you wouldn't have strawberry shortcake i know i'm sorry i'm sorry it's it's just it's the best flavor out there and stevia okay makes it so so i don't know and especially right now in the winter season it is hard to miss the signs of dehydration because you're feeling cool you're feeling brisk not knowing that your body needs a little bit more water and hydration yeah liquid ivy's best-selling hydration multiplier now has three new flavors guava watermelon and apple pie i haven't tried those yet but those do sound delicious very delicious they sound very quenching i've never been disappointed in a flavor yeah they've all been pretty good it contains five essential vitamins more vitamin c than an orange and as much potassium as a banana and on top of that it's made with clean ingredients non-gmo vegan gluten free dairy free and soy free and again with what heath said one stick of liquid iv in 16 ounces of water can get as much hydration as three bottles of plain water liquid iv is actually on a mission to change the world the company has donated over 6.7 million servings globally and in response to kova 19 products are being donated to hospitals first responders food banks veterans active u.s military over 3 million servings in total so far so guys again if you want to take care of your body stay hydrated and if you like to drink this is something that is very very beneficial all you got to do is go to liquid use promo code unfiltered and you're going to get 25 off anything you order and liquid iv is available nationwide at walmart in the beverage section or you can get 25 off when you go to and use code unfiltered at checkout so get better hydration today at and use promoter we also want to give a big thank you to our sponsor of this episode doordash doordash between never-ending laundry cycles and incoming emails you've got plenty on your to-do list give yourself one less thing to worry about and let doordash take care of your next meal you want chinese they want pizza and someone else is craving froyo be a drag there's something for everyone on doordash continue supporting restaurants in your community safely there are thousands of restaurants open for delivery on doordash that need your patriots now more than ever support your favorite restaurants on 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download the doordash app in the app store and enter code unfiltered don't forget i'm not forgetting don't forget that's code unfiltered for five dollars off your first order what was it like growing up with zayn the thing is there's such a big age difference between all my siblings and me so like i don't remember a lot yeah she was like a baby for most from when like they were young so like when i was like old enough to remember stuff they were all like moved out basically gotcha and you're the youngest yeah yeah so pretty much when her brain fully developed that was out of the house pretty much lucky for you so like i kind of grew up a single child yeah like i do i do feel like you did grow but like as a single child i did yeah it sucked when do you feel like you ended up getting closer with him i mean obviously it was after he moved out yeah it was like it was when we started doing the videos i feel oh yeah yeah because like we always had that like back and forth but like it wasn't as close like i feel like we weren't as close yeah and then like once we started doing it like he came down more and then like he would see me more and then like we all like what did you think about zayn doing like internet stuff i thought like i i feel like when he first showed it to me i thought i was the first one in the family who like saw it on vine when he showed it because like i remember he picked me up one day and like i saw the watermelons and like the wigs in the back of the car i was so confused i was so confused i was like why do you have watermelon and wigs in the back your car and zayn's like for a vine and i was like what we did with the watermelon was that when we hit the when it hit the windshield i think you threw it at like a drive-through or something what no a drive-through that's a tick-tock energy i would like to see that vine because i don't remember that it might have it might have been yours it might have just been yourself [Laughter] attempting to go to the grocery store i guess i'll just get a watermelon i don't know but i feel like it didn't hit me till like like zayn was like really you guys were really big on vine then it like kind of hit me that like oh people do know who you guys are and like and then when i started doing it i realized how much more people like saw you guys because they would like see me and they'd be like oh that's your brother and like like how was that for you like getting recognized for the first time it was weird because she was like she was still going she was still in high school when she was in my videos and this was like peak so like it was really interesting just hearing her story i remember the first time like i got noticed outside i was so confused because like i've always been stared out for wearing a scarf so that's like my first assumption when someone's staring at me and it was and like over time it's changed like now i'm just like fine with it but like when i was i was sick and i was at the doctor's office and there was a girl sitting across from me just staring at me and i gave her the meanest look i felt so bad after she came up to me you show her your hair you're like i have hair i'm just giving her the dirtiest looks just like what are you looking at i was just so rude my mom was like can i just be nice and then she finally came up to me and then it all clicked i was like gotcha people know who you are oh i'm famous i was like has there ever been somebody that's like been looking at you and you're like yes i'm hiding no i was looking at your scars no because i hate when people bring it up so i will never bring it up so i never assume like i'll always assume that like you're just looking at me because of me like i'm not gonna assume it's because because i hate when people bring it up because they're like i just i don't know i'm the same way i just don't know why like people will still bring it up and i'm not even doing anything with it now so that's what's funny like when people still bring it up with me and i'm like i'm not the one which i'm surprised i want to but like you're such a natural you're like like entertainment is like your thing i feel like hidayah reminds me that reminds me of myself because like you can you can do it you you just one moment yeah yeah it's like just so bad at posting tried a couple she tried for a couple tick tocks and then and they all crushed too yeah they all did amazing yeah did you i want to know how you felt when you first were filming with her was that like like growing up were you always like oh my gosh today is so funny or did you film with her and you're like she's so good like this is so funny she the way she's on camera is just like how she is in real life like the bantering like the the arguing we do it like during dinner it's like it's constant yeah but [ __ ] i honestly want to know like the first video i remember what was it it was we went bowling with ali and baba oh and it was like a small clip like it was just us bowling that was the first time i pulled out my camera for like outside of the family yeah yeah and everybody was hilarious my dad p comedy [Laughter] i remember everybody loved you guys and i was just like oh my god they love them more than me i got it i think the camera is now on them but yeah you guys like you guys have we've always been like that though i feel like that's how our like our meals are like we don't like sit around and talk with each other a lot like at home but like we always eat meals together so like that's always a thing so like i feel like when we're at like i think there's a table we always like just like talk and like it always just gets yeah our fun for us wasn't going out for us was like sitting in that living room at that table and just [ __ ] talking to each other and whatever we can like yeah having fun at dinner is such a good feeling yeah yeah i feel like that's where families really bond the most yeah and we're able to translate that to video and people loved it and i like i wish i wish like we'd like it's like we try to film still like we try to film today but it's like i don't know it's just you tried vlogging today no no we tried like like they're like the past couple times i've seen it i was i was like hey let's like try to film a video and then it's just like me and her just like i think because i'm always like i'm always willing to help him so like if he does ask me i will but he doesn't have any like he can't think of anything to do with me and then it's just like i can't think of anything yeah like i never know what to do so it's like make some chocolate and that that's the thing that we try to come up with something out of nothing and it always works but like i don't know you guys could do anything and it'll be funny you're just so funny you know because we're still like this we still banter we still like yeah the thing is just so picky and he wants everything to be perfect the bar has been raised since he last saw you so yeah so if it's not perfect [ __ ] car for christ's sake okay i'm gonna hear about that every time no i don't know what to say museum called the national museum what's that one history music history museum yeah i was like after that was like i don't [ __ ] know what to film with the diet anymore i'm like i can't look that up the plant museum the plant museum saying the promota museum right that's what the dinosaur was i think that was the last video we did was my 200th video no that wasn't you sure no no oh okay sorry i've lost like brain cells i think i don't know yeah it has been a while how's that car treating you i mean can i say it i just gotta say it i'm gonna say it too okay i didn't come here to be [ __ ] talking so that's where this is going that's not a wrap [Laughter] tattoo no that was not a tribe that's not tribal that was the kool-aid wave it's like oh it's like a blood red wave that she has on the side of her is it still on it yeah i get hella compliments every time no you don't no you don't that was a damn lie there is no way you get compliments on that there's no wait remember she's in florida she's like yeah oh no you're good you're you're good florida people love it i want the people i'm [Laughter] oh god just the the blood of her enemies just smeared on the side of her [ __ ] car a lot of friends i remember like did you show me that in person or did i come home one day and i was just like what happened to my car i really know she said i sent you she she yeah she sent that picture and she was like should i do blue or red none neither you're clear leave it alone i like it it's you thank you that's the thing though it's not you yes it is because she's the new wave she's taking your spots yes sir wow mariah right that's how you say it all this going back and forth i say one small thing mariah that's really rude to pick her michael take her mic i remember the first time i saw hadaya in your video and i was like well that's it for zayn i'm like that's [ __ ] you don't think i said the [ __ ] same thing to myself do a collab channel have a podcast post the video obviously honestly i want her to move out here so she can help me with we all want her to you really would want to make her move out here so you can make money off of her [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] because you can't do it i'm a [ __ ] archer i'm a house slipper i'm an entrepreneur [Laughter] i don't think you would work maybe we can open up a coffee chocolate shop oh my god you can run it hey sharks i would she she runs she runs a chocolate store right now basically she can run that store look how she's sitting i run i own a chocolate i own 51 of this company do you ever give it thought i mean like even like if you're dreaming it up like moving out here or is it not something that interests you or like you would i would love how does it compare to like when you're just home normally your your normal day versus like coming out here the thing is i feel like that i can't answer that because like i haven't lived here on my own right you know what i mean like i'm staying with zane and it's like i wouldn't be doing what i would actually be doing if i was living here because like that's not what my day would look like true if you did move out here what would you want to do i don't know entertainment yeah like something would you would you take what like because right now like right now you're studying uh for psychology correct yeah but i'm i'm gonna drop it yeah oh you heard it here first folks yeah dropping out of college because you need to be in the right mental health state to be stunned something like that yeah it's kind of hypocritical don't you think i'm really messed up because you want because she's studying to be a psychologist i was like baby girl you need to you need to save yourself first before you save other people but i feel like all psychologists are like do you ever do like psychology on yourself all the time it's important yeah is it harder to read yourself than it is another person it's all about making yourself self-aware check it out yeah you have to just like like a reality check like yeah i'm not where i'm supposed to be i'm not doing what i want to do and it's just like putting yourself back in check right and it's like you can read people in a different way than you read yourself you have to like look at the subtle cues in people because they're never gonna say it like it's the little things it's a little ix like they're like uncomfortable you can tell by their body language like oh my god what are you picking up on us what's funny is i picked up on something like last time i was here like when we were all sitting outside by the fire um when it was i can't i think it was jay's birthday yes yes jay's birthday yeah yeah we were all sitting by the fire and um i think it was tally um ali's fiancee our brother's fiance he was talking to her and i could tell he wanted to go inside and like drink with everyone like i could tell and because like it was just me kenny and her and we were just sitting by like being like very calm quiet and i could tell he it was his birthday he wanted to be with his friends and like enjoy himself which is fine but he couldn't find it in himself to get up he was just so uncomfortable he was sitting on the edge of his seat just like looking around like finding something to like pull him away his head was on a swivel i literally looked at him once he made eye contact with me and i was like you can go in just go just go and he was like are you sure i'm like that maybe like your soul maybe you are like a therapist already the thing is i have that like i like people and like i'm i like to listen to people's problems you're very easy to talk to also you have a way of putting people at ease too like i remember the way that you said it too and you were like you knew what he was trying to convey with his just body language and you go oh you can go inside like like you're just making him aware like oh you're fine to go inside if you want to go inside and he was like to be inside like that's fine you are beyond your years sis i know she's a very realistic viewpoint because all my siblings are so much older and it was like if you were gonna be the same little shout out i know i know i'm taking it it's because they were all older and they were always having like mature conversations so i couldn't be the baby bringing them down because they wouldn't listen to me right so like i had to like were they really mature that's so interesting i mean not really guys weren't really mature zayn's been there for a lot of my tragedies though i have oh should we talk about them shall we let's ask the audience talk about the first one do you remember when the hammer fell on my head if you were in the garage i don't know why it sounded like a like an analogy i don't know i think i think somebody placed that hammer up there because that hammer shouldn't have been up it was just a weird it was almost like on a bowflex it was on the bowflex just like sitting on top of all the spring things somebody in the house with the hammer yeah like i think our dad put it there and i was being a kid jumping on the bowflex even though it's not a bounce he knows you jump on that bowflex and he tells you to stop all the time so did he i don't remember so me and him i think the hammer like did some damage because i don't remember anything from my childhood because that hammer came down like the hook part first into my school oh my god knocked me onto the floor like i was bouncing like jesus let the floor have some history but i bet you learned your lesson though dade was in the corner recording a voice memo and all you could hear me crashing and falling and screaming it was so funny like you just hear the bunk like just in the end of the voicemail he was saying something somebody was like when you get home do the dishes do your homework and you just hear me crashing in the background that we get hit in the head all the time like remember the time you got hit in the mouth i was so young i was literally eight years old and we're at like sunday school at the mosque and there's this like big treehouse playground kind of thing and like me and my my friend at the time were eating like our lunch which was literally like like the french toast how was it how was the french toast that's literally mariah's lunch no i'm sorry it was like like baguette bread with like cream cheese like that was our lunch anywho with a side of lead pipe so we're sitting at the top of the tree house eating and we're like they called us in to come back for our like last class so like we get up i stand up i turn around and a kid is throwing this big lead rod chucks it hits my mouth like she literally had like two teeth like i'm knocking i have a scar on my chin it hit my mouth my teeth vibrated it didn't hurt it just felt like a shock so it just vibrated my teeth and i was just going this and all i hear is blood and kids screaming and running away everyone left me let's not talk about how everyone left me there to bleed i'm bleeding i see my hand full of blood some man comes picks me up takes me to my mom my mom is screaming because the kid who threw it was like the sheikh with which he was like the priest of the mosque his son his son threw the pole at me why were you throwing a letter to begin with but like he didn't know you've got a light pole to begin with but catch this catch this he didn't get in trouble he didn't get in trouble he didn't get in trouble because he was like the son oh it's not press charges but like he they should have at least paid for the surgery like whatever she needed to get done for her mouth but i didn't get it they didn't they didn't pay for it he made you pay for the dent in his lead pipe you were held responsible no it's so funny because my other brother like he was at the school at the time and he was running around the place looking for him and he was hiding behind his mom he was hiding behind his mom because he knew my brother was going to beat him up because my mom was screaming at the [ __ ] he was like she was like you just let your son do this like what is wrong with like she was yelling and like i'm just standing there bleeding i was just standing there and like but like luckily it was like all my baby teeth for some reason i was eight but i had full baby teeth like nothing had fallen out really oh my god that's why you're so mature you knocked out all your baby teeth no it was really funny because like weeks before that i was complaining my dad like everyone in class like all their teeth are falling out like why are my teeth not falling out yeah and i was so lucky because if any of those were like mine it was a goddamn to god answer your prayers and he sent the prayers to the to the sheikh because that's that's the power that's how it works and he delivered it need to look with a pool i just had to have like multiple surgeries and braces together and then you hit your head on the counter at your word oh yeah i had to have braces like but the thing is because like i didn't have baby teeth but it shocked my mouth so it meant my teeth wouldn't grow straight because there was so much trauma to the mouth and i was so young and like they kept like they kept pulling teeth like they like they never thought she's a shark she just like keeps scratching like they just they had to like always like extract them and like my extractions were always the most painful because like for some reason the dentist would never numb me properly they would inject me and work on me right away without giving it time to like set so i would feel all of it you never feel the need to find another dentist oh we did like after like that first time like every time i went after that once they numbed me i would hop out the chair so fast i'm like you're not touching me that's you're not touching me until i feel the final destination you're not touching me till i feel not feel the night until i don't feel it i feel it right now that's crazy my bro my brother just got like he just had his he just had something done and he got he got a he got a numbing thing and his mouth is still numb after like what two weeks is that crazy that's wrong yeah have you guys heard of that before no because he looked it up but he doesn't i don't think he has an answer he does he still doesn't know why his name is i feel like if they hit a like a nerve or something that like they can damage it to where you don't feel anymore like you can't fix that my dad we thought he was gonna lose uh feeling in his hand he had to like get surgery on his shoulder and he tore his rotator cuff and they did something and like they damaged some nerve that he couldn't like move or like feel his arm and we were like holy [ __ ] like he's just not gonna have it for the rest of his life yeah there's something that i got while when i got knee surgery i got a nerve blocker and that can last a vastly different amount of time varying i think it was like two months he couldn't feel or like oh my god like slowly it started coming back that's crazy so does my brother have to do like lip therapy like just like no baby just injections just botox baby just go for it a little nip and top a little plumper ollie is that is that lip fillers no like it's numbing medicine i just got it i'm just trying to get my feeling back i can't kiss i don't feel the love anymore i know you've come out to visit quite a few times and have met the entire vlog squad um i want to know what you think about our friend group yeah like just you have 30 seconds to expose everybody as a whole but then also like individually because you didn't really know everybody for a while but yeah you saw everybody you've seen them in videos yeah i think most of us met her for the first time for your shoot yeah no i met a lot of you guys at playlists the first time i met most of you guys that playlist and then when i came here i met like everyone else i wasn't born yet where was playlist that was it orlando oh that was in florida so it was like it was really easy to like pick me up yeah this was when everyone else was traveling yeah here oh yeah so i met everyone then the thing is like my mom will always say like everyone's just so hype on the vlogs and like but like they're nothing like that in person like everyone's just so like calm and chill like very sweet like just very nice like genuine people and like i can tell that and like i've gotten bad vibes from people in the past like i very like i know when like i'm not gonna like someone right and i've gotten that very rarely out here but it's happened rarely say some names say their names point them out we need a good thumbnail let's do this let's go use your voice no he was so nice he was really nice who the most different from seeing them in videos and in person did you have any assumptions about anybody like who who was not like the furthest off of what you thought honestly i feel like david was the furthest from like what i thought he would be yeah yeah like i thought he was like a lot more like just like very like i don't know like wild and like just very crazy and like always trying to do something but like he's very like he is really humble and he's like very down-to-earth he's very sweet and kind and like you can tell that like after a few minutes of meeting him the thing is that most of the people in our friend group kind of miss that wild david wave because he was oh he was wild back then when we first met him before the vlog oh yeah for the for that first year and a half oh he was wild he did some unspeakable things but we won't talk about it on this podcast we'll let him we'll let him say it when he's in that seat but he no he was he was wild he was crazy and i think once was it after he started the vlogs yeah it was he like calmed down a little bit because we used to have some fun and uh i think his motivation and drive and work mode kicked in and he knew that he couldn't perform and make the best content possible if he was still being like wilde a reckless kid yeah and i and like that and that helped him yeah like because that's i feel like to do what he does you do and that is why zayn and i didn't succeed hey hey i still enjoyed our drunk vlogs hey that was still that was a wave it was fun that was a wave maybe that's how coffee talks started come on we were hungover we didn't get a red truck that's how hey it starts somewhere you notice how they were talking about my car but they've said like wave like a bunch of times right right just saying things wait what do you think about me i thought you were really nice like like when i saw the vines and all that stuff because like that's how i first saw you like i had in mind yeah and then like i i feel like the first time i met you like properly like was it when you came in the house i don't know how many i think it was when i came over i came to your yeah i remember you walked in you called her desert it was really strange what is that i don't remember this it's like a very offensive thing to call an arab oh it's like very offensive if you know you know if you're offended you're offended oh no like cancer you guys you guys don't know the term that's why it was like weird okay i thought you guys knew the term desert feet okay never mind i don't even know [Laughter] honestly i think that could be a thing i can see that right right like each chocolate like a bunny like a chocolate bunny but it's a foot but it's like each one is like painted different toenail colors oh my god like dark chocolate is purple and then chocolate is like another toenail color guys go to we're going to be doing coffee and chocolate feet but like i just thought you were like funny and like you were nice like you were just so nice yeah enough all right what about mariah he has a girlfriend you're really nice okay enough don't worry i liked your girlfriend a lot better [Laughter] what was it hey you can't say that only i can pet pete come on [Laughter] yeah not even the reaction of what that was but something like at some point in the podcast here we go oh my god oh it's funny that's funny i love that that's what's right that is a real offensive [Laughter] anyway anyway anyways what'd you think about my girlfriend no i thought she was so pretty and just like such a like a like that is crying already i love it because i laugh when i cry when i laugh but i'm trying not to because i have like eyeliner no i i like i knew i would like mariah because like i feel like we have similar personalities and like i was like i'm just gonna like her so i agree we hit it off right away no can we talk about the assumptions we had of you of course bubba what did you think going into tread lightly [ __ ] not saying defending me i thought yo sorry [Laughter] um no i actually thought uh because i i saw you in zayn's videos at first thought you were nasty bro i not my mic not the mic i was just fascinated because of how easily you were doing what you were doing in the vlogs like you're just so quick and naturally funny and witty that i i like couldn't comprehend it because like i knew you didn't like she was competition yeah i was reading the plays people thought i was a little tang you look you just like behind the camera that's a good one i was i was being little tape no i think it was just easy because i started with zayn like i feel like it was just easy because it was like family and it was just comfortable yeah and i'm just surprised it didn't get like when the camera was up because i get weird when the camera is but like it's never weird with you i was surprised because i'm usually so insecure about having a camera on me yeah me too like i am like and i was like i hate taking photos i hated all of it like i hated being recorded hearing my own voice was such a big problem for me and like so i was surprised that like i i was like comfortable doing with zayn like because usually i don't like anything is it because i have control of it like i'm controlling the camera is it like this no it's because like i don't feel comfortable no matter who's controlling it yeah because it's like it's insecurities and it's just always gonna be there so it's like no matter who's doing it you're always gonna feel like that but you just get over it yeah you have to can you can you film like that with anybody else like my friends yeah yeah like with my friends yeah it gets like that it's the same way because we have that same like back and forth energy and like we're just like that those mods look amazing these are good quality mugs they are mugs from bone color logo on both sides so you can take a selfie while looking at the logo at the same time cromoda at all times i love it do you have any other do you have like a crazy story you want to share okay so i'm saying that because i know you have a crazy story it's a story i've never heard so i'm really excited oh you haven't heard i just heard it like an hour ago she said and i was like excuse me i was like does this have something to do with you she's like yeah i was like what yeah okay so my best friend's um sister was telling us the story that happened to her friend at from school so like they're like 16 sophomores this kid from i'm so sorry can you repeat that i blacked out for like the person okay okay pretend i can't pretend [Laughter] [Laughter] my best friend's little sister was telling us about the story that happened to her friend from school and they're like both 16 they're sophomores so she's at school and this guy she's talking to i guess um asks her to hold this pill of um this bag of pills basically says all you have to do is take this bag of pills home and then bring it back when we need you to bring it so she takes it home she i guess goes out or like isn't home her dad finds it flushes it so i guess you know where that's going no she calls the guy says my dad flushed all the pills and he goes okay hangs up i don't know how many days later if it was in the same day but he showed up when no one was home broke down the door and beat her up what because when i heard the story when i after i found out the pills were flushed i was like she's dead right because that's what happens they kill for that oh no 100 yeah i was like she's dead her diet wasn't there the only one she was the only one home he beat that he broke down the door and beat her up she was 16. she was 16. do you know what the pills were i don't know exactly what the pills were like it was just aspirin he just had a batman tylenol i didn't know about it so later she was already all beat up what do you want me to do i don't know knock on the cartel's door oh yeah that was over real well this guy goes i held the ice pack on her eyes you shouldn't be holding nothing for nobody yeah yeah 16 years old what are you doing that's crazy oh my gosh damn coral springs why did well i feel like when you're talking to like guys they like just convince you like that's okay just men but he offered her a cut yeah like you're gonna get like all you have to do so she knew she was getting a cut yeah all she had to do was just hold the pills like she didn't have to just [ __ ] your butt you know what a part you know people are like oh no brain doesn't develop until 18 years old but i'm telling you when i was 16 and someone told me i was getting cut for holding a bag of pills i would do it oh my god i wouldn't i would do it you would i wanted yeah i wasn't like what i was i had no job didn't your parents say don't take anything from strangers stranger danger i mean it was her yeah but mariah we're we're like we're from florida it's like different out there you can take and you gotta know what you've every excuse for something bad i'm from florida it's a it's a great excuse it's a great excuse it's a good one look at the trauma in our lives it all stems yeah nobody deserves that but it it as we went everywhere oh no but if you're dating somebody you obviously know like bubba if you if you came or if we were dating say we were in a relationship if i came to you and i was like yo you got to hold this entire bag of pills you know i would say no oh i thought you know what i'm saying you know i would do anything no you wouldn't say yes if i came here i was like hold this bag of pills you wouldn't do it no it's wrong it doesn't matter it's wrong but that's your that's your [ __ ] bubba but i i'm a little [ __ ] like i'm like i'm very like scared of it he would hold a bag of pills for you if it's for someone i love and you need me to do something i'll do it like oh that would 100 do it if i need to know about it i don't tell you oh you would hold it probably oh and you would hide it well too oh yeah [Laughter] like are you tired of hiding are you tired of hiding this episode of unfiltered is sponsored by baby 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plays on me all the time it's astounding like just listening to the way that both of you guys talk i feel like hidayah is so beyond her years you're catching up you're bringing up the rear you know i feel like it'll be really funny to see you guys on a team where do you think she gets that from from me i teach her yeah learning with learning her fault and what not to do anyways so there was this game on i used to play uh cranium you know you guys yeah i love creamy such a good family the potato would dry out so fast i've never played it the craft i would never do normalization moisturize play-doh hey sharks there was there was always like these weird categories that would like so there was like a crafting category that you'd have to use either like a drawing or like the clay that you were talking about but there was also one that was called uh one category called nellips which is spelling backwards okay so it would be a team game two teams no we divided into two teams so i i think for the purposes of this episode it should be zayn and hidayah and then mariah and heath and you guys are gonna take turns uh alternating smart first girl okay yeah we're gonna lose i'm gonna give you guys a word you guys are gonna alternate letters so if i gave you the word cat you know zayn would say t hidayah would say a no they would probably say c oh yeah you're doing so i'm going to give you guys a word whoever's starting d you're going to spell the word backwards oh god h because i hope you're good in spelling we'll find out g or you're doing spelling damn you're not good you can't just not pickle yeah and not tell you what i'm coming with the words of my own all right you ready hadaya well go team all right zayn so you're gonna kick us off so we're gonna alternate back and forth you're gonna spell the word out that i give you i'll give you guys a second to to you know hear the word thoughts reassess i'm going to give you uh 30 seconds we're gonna have 30 seconds for each word so i'm going to say the word i'm going to use it in the sentence and then i'm going to start the timer oh you're being sassy it looks like you're about to get the hardest word right now for me no i've already prepared that set up right now honey i can tell you're going through the hardest ones right race car he's like [Laughter] all right zayn you know that was one of those words yes you're just here i'm not giving you no easy way out in this game you're gonna fall on your sword this game all right your first word is commercial i'll use it in a sentence for you yes we are going to need more ad reads if every time heath needs to pee we take a [ __ ] commercial break okay okay all right so okay this first round we're gonna get the kinks out okay ready yeah [ __ ] idiot i'm telling you right now i can't do this wait who wants to start between you two heather i couldn't even spell commercial forward okay so forward forward all right it's like a spelling bee but forward the word is accomplishment i'm going to use it in a sentence all right so the word is accomplishment so unfiltered lasting for this long is an accomplishment that nobody saw coming or asked for mariah your time starts now this will not be an accomplishment t n e l wait you can take this long you should have done it 30 seconds i don't know how to spell it c hey got it oh 30 seconds on the door it was 30 seconds i almost didn't know it was two m's or two seats all right so i got a point embarrassing so now you guys need to dig dig out of that it's embarrassing but we got a point don't look at me look at her okay look at miss dyslexic over there i mean you got i'm just using them in terms that you guys would understand i i took from you know some of the comments and some of you know my general thoughts hate comments all out spelling bee receding you guys are going to get it so it's one to zero you guys got this out of my face so you're gonna start off this next round so you're gonna you're gonna start off the word is homosexual now she's burning up get ready okay so being a homosexual is kenny's only personality trait homosexual your time starts now h wow was that so good why are you smarter in reverse he's reversed i'm just trying to impress candy zayn why do you know so much about gay [ __ ] all right so it's one to one we were really quick straight all right so here we go here we go see you're going to start us out he's ready your word is visualize i will use it in a sentence i'd like to apologize to the podcast audio listeners for having to visualize whatever the [ __ ] is going on when we don't do a good enough job explaining it in two in detail your time starts now oh my god oh you just blacked out yeah and you just lost the point and you just gave me i wanted to keep them in the game so sweet of you well here's their chance it's too much pressure your word is chance your word is super calibration never be on this podcast zayn okay this next word is uh you're gonna start us off and this next uh word is gonna be one that you should get easily it's irresistible i'll use it in a sentence with the amount of time zane burps or scratches his nuts during an episode it's no wonder why the commenters find him so irresistible you're a tie stole this word even think about it think about it now good advice it's the last one oh i'm i'm starting oh sorry e l b a oh that was a trick question it was actually an eye yeah and you were telling me that i know how to just it resisted it resist ibble uh yeah all right we still got one to one ah we weren't gonna win that anyways that we spent five seconds trying to figure out how to start you're gonna start it's perfect your word is subtlety i will use it in a sentence for you mariah likes any subtlety when she responds to someone by shouting into the microphone subtlety your time starts now it's me i understand i don't know how to spell it it's not i t l that is incorrect it was an e [Laughter] your word is preference who's starting us off now we're going to say hidayah right read the sentence the sentence is sadly i have a preference for the old heath who is smoking cigarettes and doing blow your word is preference [ __ ] this game here's some blow oh blowing kisses hidayah your time starts now e c what was the word [Laughter] preference that's correct honestly if you guys haven't figured it out yet the sentences are just uh are designed to throw you guys off so uh so mission accomplished i think i was writing the letters the whole time she was good all right mariah heath we gotta get it it's two to one your word is fabricate i will use it in the sentence can't wait to hear this it's amazing how much misinformation about the muslim culture zayn is able to fabricate fabricate and that's all theory heath your time starts now [Music] are you okay i had too much chromata coffee don't say that no one's gonna buy it it makes you stupid it gets rid of your brain cells mash little drink our coffee all right oh my goodness it's two to one zayn and i are in the lead and it is their turn okay it's okay oh baby it's okay you got one more round so if you if they miss this one and you get the next one it's a tie and then i can have to scramble to find some tiebreaker word all right that begins with the word that begins with the letter t all right [Laughter] zayn and hidayah who's starting us off zayn you're gonna start us off the word is subscription [ __ ] i'll use it in a sentence i revoked my subscription to zayn and heath unfiltered after kenny joined the team subscription your time starts now n o i t i i i got it r oh that's wrong no she said i i said r no it's okay we'll do it we'll do another word it's dysfunctional which is very fitting because this team is very dysfunctional right now zayn you'll start us off and your time starts now l a n o i t c you no it wasn't end i knew she knew why is this so hard your brain is dysfunctional they don't act like you didn't mess up i didn't mess up i was i was right i was ready i was ready once in your life you've never messed up you've never messed up all right sorry about buttons i'll bring this back i i owe it to you your word is going to be capable as in i am so so confident that you guys are capable of spelling this word backwards mariah you're gonna start us off and your time starts now i hate these okay e l okay um no fingers hey p a c that's correct very good we tied it up it's two to two it always seems so short like i'm like how are you i know that's why i got [ __ ] up on the last one yeah cause it's like how is it already done it's a tie guys you're both equally smart or equally stupid i'll take equals because we are all equal in this room we are all equal we believe in equality [Laughter] guys we are so excited and if you've skipped over in the beginning a lot of people like to fast forward to get to the juice and the funny um guys our coffee is out promote a coffee three different flavors we've got the pods and the ground coffee for the house blend and then we also have our cremoda merch and coffee mugs they're very sexy and we also have promota hats you can buy them all at oh good you shall receive there's nobody else here wow and that looks good on you sir thank you appreciate that i don't want to take my hat off for a split second i know because then your hair you have to like really yeah i get it i've been wearing a hat for many [Laughter] right on the top oh years course oh it doesn't oh i got it it's all the drugs it's the drugs in the back of her head we'll just pretend like it fits perfect and we also want to give you guys a big thank you listening and watching right now for staying with us for this long since the coffee talk in the beginning and yeah um patience for me and so and honestly sorry it's taken so long to come out with this but it just had to take this long we wanted it to be as perfect as possible and we didn't want to rush it or put something out that we weren't proud of um but we are so excited with where our company is at right now and the quality of our coffee like guys it is unreal again make sure to check it out yeah and uh thank you again for listening thank you for making this all possible for us we get i think we could bring you back on i think there's a lot that you can talk about i feel like we didn't even we barely talked about we didn't even scratch we didn't scratch the surface with you that's a good teaser it is bring her back bring her back on court all right well guys thank you again for tuning in on today's episode we love you so much we post the audio version of this uh podcast on spotify on apple and all those platforms and then on tuesdays we upload uh on zane and heath and uh guys thank you again you can follow hidayah on her instagram page that's all she's got [Laughter] if you're in the florida area you've got a sweet suit scoop a rocky road go to hedaya yeah no i want you to leave that place and come out here well he might fire me after this weekend oh yeah for sure it might be in luck stop trying to use her for money i know i know i can't help it changing all right all right well we love you so much we love you guys thank you again bye bye bye see you next time just say say it like you mean it bye goodbye too much
Channel: Zane and Heath: UNFILTERED
Views: 1,875,058
Rating: 4.9611192 out of 5
Id: MN_Q-vkWZRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 51sec (5271 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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