Adding Equity - Finishing a 1300 Square Foot Basement - Full Build Timelapse

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hey guys zach here with zem construction in today's video i'm going to show you how i took this unfinished 1300 square foot basement added two bedrooms a bathroom couple closets and a huge living space without any further ado let's get into the video [Music] so first i wanted to give you guys a quick walk through of what the basement looked like before we did anything so as of right now the framing is already done on most of the exterior walls there's already insulation in them most of the electrical is already done ready to go you can see right there there was an ejector pump getting ready for a bathroom to be put in there were egress windows as you can see right there throughout so bedrooms were already legally allowed to be put in that space here's another closet is behind the furnace back here it's a great big space for some more storage so the first thing that we needed to get done was frame up all of the interior walls like i said the exterior was already framed so at this point we're just putting dividers in between to create those spaces that will eventually become the bedroom the living room bathroom so this is bedroom number two here just putting up the dividing wall now this space right here is going to become the bathroom as well as a hallway to walk down into bedroom number one so there were a lot of different things to deal with in this space there was ducting pipes up top electrical wire different things like that so i had really had to get creative as you can see there's some tape hanging down and that is actually from the builder was labeling different aspects to eventually be finished later it actually made my life really easy he actually had labeled which water sources to use where to place the exhaust fan where to vent it out different things like that and even on the ground you'll see a big orange letter s and that is showing that this is where the sewer line runs to connect for the toilet and the shower and the sink so made my life great so i've got all those dividing walls in and now i'm putting in the pocket door usually when i frame walls even though there's going to be a door i just let the bottom plate run all the way through as you can see right here so that i can make sure that it is in line and then go through and attach all the places that need to be attached and then cut out the bottom plate where the door is going to go so it makes alignment especially with things like pocket doors which are very crucial it makes it much much easier so one of the big things for this house was they wanted to maintain as much storage as possible the basement was used for storage previously and they were finishing the basement for resale value as well as be able to utilize the space but storage was a big concern for them so that back room where you can see a lot of the homeowners things right now we're going to leave that unfinished one because it is a utility room has a drain back there the water heater furnace and all that also we wanted to leave plenty of room for storage so those some of those walls were built with that idea in mind so here's an area under the steps with we're gonna put a closet in there and this area right here is where the bedroom closets are gonna be they're gonna be four by eight one for each bedroom there were some large glue lamb beams that were going across and as opposed to trying to wrap those or hide those we actually just used those as the dividing wall for the front of the closet so i've got those built now i'm actually building all of the soffit in the house so there is the vents that go underneath this is actually in the hallway so getting that all framed in places for the drywall to get attached and then a little bit more soffit as you can see i do layouts very similar to how i build walls i line up all three of the boards and then mark them so that all of them are perfectly square and straight i just use two by twos pre-drill and then screw them together very very good way to do it very strong as you can see i have a lot to cover up in this room there's the vents as well as all the electrical on the water lines so as opposed to having a bunch of like step downs or different seams and stuff i just decided to go with one big flat soffit try to keep it up as high as possible the less lines that you can have especially with soffits and then eventually will become drywall and paint lines the better and also because these two rooms didn't connect i didn't feel the need to keep that consistent all the way through by the time you walk in there you're not going to see anymore so that soffit is a lot smaller this area of the job was kind of cool this becomes a little play room we ended up calling it that was a change made by the homeowner later i think it was a great idea so make sure you stay tuned watch how we finish that out more soffit in the storage closet off of the living room there's a lot more plumbing and things like that in this area the kitchen is right above so there's water lines for the refrigerator sink dishwasher things like that so we're just covering that up here i am marking out where the can light is going to be i just used a scrap 2x4 to make sure that i had perfect spacing all the way down the room and then getting the cam lights in to then later be hooked up as you can see there was already lights in there so just had to get those connected so now that all the framing is done i'm going through to expose the drain line you can see there's that orange s so i went through and kind of had a little bit of an issue it wasn't exactly where they had marked it i'm not quite sure if they lost track of it or what but as you can see there's a lot more concrete that needed to be cut out in order for me to actually find the drain line luckily i did find it did get everything connected everything was fine so going through and getting that filled up so this was fascinating i had the drywall delivered but in a basement you have to go through the egress window right there so we just pulled that egress off they were able to bring those 12 foot sheets in there's 120 sheets so i thought you guys would think that was pretty cool just want to make sure i showed you that so here i am running the ducting and then the outside vent for the bathroom exhaust fan uh this is again where the builder had labeled this is the best place this is the quickest way to get out make sure you have the straightest pipes and everything like that i used hardline ducting as opposed to flex because the run was a little bit longer so i wanted to have as much smooth airflow as possible now one thing you guys all mentioned in previous videos is that we didn't use soundproofing between the bottom floor and the upstairs and this one the homeowner obviously wanted to incorporate some soundproofing so we got a rockwool insulation one piece that's very interesting is now in most modern homes they're actually using a 19 on center joist span and traditionally all joists or studs and walls were 16 inches or 24 inches as you can see here i had to actually cut each and every one of those bats of insulation to get them to fit luckily my supplier made me a good deal on the 24 inch so i could cut a little bit off i ended up using some of the cutoffs too so it wasn't a huge waste it all worked out really well so now all the plumbing and everything has been roughed in so getting the shower insert installed comes in handy when you actually frame out the walls and you know that they're plumbing straight so when you put something in that is as crucial as it is to make sure those all those walls are straight and parallel you put something like that in it makes life a lot easier so getting those four pieces installed and after all of that i the drywall subcontractors are in this is one of my first jobs that i brought in a legitimate subcontractor and i was so excited they handled all of the material delivery and all of that stuff i was actually finishing up some framing and putting in the shower while they were already started so this is them getting going also some before pictures before all of the drywall is up as you can see everything is framed out see the back of the shower there there's that little play room underneath the landing of the steps down in through the hallway the pocket door is all fast and secured all the roughed in plumbing through the bathroom toilet shower all of that is done the cam lights or pod lights are hanging down some places we use pods depending on how much room we had above us we end up putting a wall there to divide off that playroom completely getting all of the drywall hung up um these guys did a great job shout out to them i don't know if i want to say who they are so you don't want anyone to steal them from me uh they i'm super happy with what they did the homeowner was also very picky him and i got along really well in that aspect and both neither of us could find any issues or anything wrong we're both very very happy with the outcome and they actually went through and hung tape mudded and all the way through texture so here's kind of a walk through after the texture is done there's the closets as you can see here's the beam that goes up top that tap right there so that's where the closet wall is actually divided off here into the bathroom did really good job matching up all the seams right around the shower insert down in through the hallway into the other bedroom again texture and everything look great so after all the texture is done and go through and put on a pva primer a pva is actually designed to harden the paper as well as any of the mud or the texture on the walls makes it a lot more durable personally i notice a huge difference as opposed to using like an all-purpose primer or no primer at all as far as the durability and the hardness of the walls themselves so pva is crucial what i do so after all the pva was done i was able to pull up the masking from the dry wallers and the next step in my process i like to put flooring down at this point and the reason is i like to put my baseboard on the top of the flooring after it's all done to make sure there's good clean lines so from how i do things it makes the most sense to go ahead and put the flooring in now there was 1300 square foot of flooring total as well as 12 stairs so this process took took a while everything turned out great all the seams went really well the concrete was really flat actually for being a concrete pour i didn't have anything to worry about and of course this flooring did have a pad underneath as well as was 100 waterproof as an lvp click together floating floor system so it's a great option we had to go through several different options to make sure we wanted to match upstairs as much as possible the upstairs of this house actually has a really nice hardwood floor of course you can put hardwood floor in a basement but subfloor systems and that do increase cost significantly so we decided to go with an lvp with a pad i think it turned out great it's also super durable has a little bit of insulation properties so you're not getting that cold concrete through all the time so getting all that stuff laid in seems along the unfinished closet in the unfinished utility room working my way into the hallway and then into the final bedroom i have some different methods that i use to get a random pattern i use four boards at a time as you can kind of see here and then i make sure that i use the cut off from that first four rows as the starts of the next row so that i have minimal to no waste as well as keeping the joint lines as random as possible so now here i am getting the stairs wrapped in that lvp the rise on the stairs was perfectly one width of this there was only one spot at the top where i had to seam two together which was great and then the actual treads of the stairs was a little bit less than two floor widths so i was able to just stack up those two floor widths take my measurements cut them all in one piece and then get them all to fit and after everything was fit i taped the seams together going through and getting that adhesive down there and here's the last little bit of flooring into that closet that's off the living room so after all of the lvp is down next step was putting tile in the bathroom so again the goal was to match the upstairs as much as possible so we found a tile that was very very similar to what was already used upstairs i think it turned out great and one of the requests of the homeowner was that we get a larger format tile so find something similar in color a larger format less grout lines everyone's really really happy i think it turned out awesome some of the tile patterns that i didn't like as much i put made sure they were under the vanities you can see those two gray ones that look very similar i didn't really like that pattern so i put those up there intentionally so that when the vanity is in you actually won't even be able to see though so got those all in got the clips removed silicone around the shower and then grouted that after all the tile and the flooring is done now it is time to hang the doors there were eight doors total in this project both bedrooms utility room closet two closets within the bedroom and then inside the closet little play room had its own door as well so lots of doors spent a lot of time making sure those are all true framed up again because i did the framing i knew that the walls were straight so i made shimming and all that stuff significantly easier than going off of somebody else's wall so getting the utility room hung in bedroom number one the closets are going to be getting a double bi-fold door all the patterns for all these doors matched exactly what they had upstairs we were able to find the exact pattern so the small door that goes into the playroom underneath the landing of the steps was 24 by 30 inches tall so i actually just purchased a 24 inch regular sized door and then custom cut the frame the jamb and the door itself to make it fit within that space this is a pretty fun little piece of the job as you can see there the frame is significantly smaller is able to move the hinges around using again a door panel that matches everything else so that it all looks cohesive getting that cut off using different pieces of it to make sure that all the strength and rigidity of a regular door is still there getting that put in as you can see it fits almost perfectly eventually when we do doorknobs and those types of things we'll get make that all match so now i'm putting in the jambs for the bifold closet doors again because i was the one who hung up makes makes a lot easier putting in the tracks now for those bifolds these bifolds are great they do have a solid wood edging all the way around so if you need to make adjustments trim off a little bit you totally can and of course i took advantage of that in this job because i was limited on the height because of that glue land beam that goes over the top so i had to cut off a little bit from the height made some adjustments on the left or right ended up fitting really really well same thing on the other closet so one of the things that i like to do is actually hide the track so i actually put a thinner piece of casing or trim around the jamb so that it drops the top down a little bit over the front of the track and then when i put my header across the top or the piece of trim across the top and line it up with that piece and so it eventually essentially hides the track which is great now i'm putting in the pocket door homeowner and i agreed that for this bathroom and this kind of unorthodox space you could call it pocket door was the best solution i completely agreed so i got that pocket door in now going through any of the other openings getting the jams installed the pocket door as well as this hallway making sure that the reveal is perfect slides right up against that jamb perfectly putting the jams and the openings in this was a actually a six by six load bearing wall so i had to get a little creative they don't actually make readily available jams for six by six openings so i made that now here i am making the window boxes i used a cabinet grade mdf to build these boxes of course custom cut no walls are straight so each one of those had their own dimensions did take a little while to get those all dialed in but once i had the dimension putting them together was very simple i'm using glue and brad nails and in some places pocket screws depending on where it was and how big the box itself was assembling those on the nice flat ground and then putting them in and adhering them with some 18 gauge brad nails the since it was mdf the end grain is very porous and sometimes it's not painted very well so what i actually use is a shellac based primer painted that on sanded it did several coats and as you can see the edge turned out perfectly so that reveal is going to look really really nice here i am putting in the window trim the casing all the way around i actually like if it's a similar size like all of these ones i go measure everything and then go back and cut it all at once and just run around and hang especially with all of the window and door trim that was involved in this project significantly easier just to stand by the saw do everything you need to do right there then put it all where it needs to go as you can see i have some leaning up against the wall right there i can walk around with my nail gun and just shoot everything i do use a reveal marking gauge set to a 3 16 or quarter inch depending on the job so make sure that all of the reveals are matching and the same going through doing the hallway into the bathroom pocket door make sure that if you do hang trim on a pocket door you have the appropriate size nails in your brad nailers you don't nail all the way through and hit the door or in some cases you nail the door in place it's all something to keep in mind the utility room and inside that little closet do remain unfinished just for some storage everywhere else does get flooring and drywall and trim on both sides like the closets in that storage room off the living room again because of all the door openings and all of the windows there's a lot of trim to hang it's a little bit of a specialty trim again we're trying to match upstairs the builder of this house did a wonderful job looks beautiful upstairs so i had tall order to fill make everything look cohesive as far as downstairs i think it turned out great here we i am going through and putting in all of the baseboard of course all of the corners are coped because as everyone well knows no corners and houses are 90 degrees so by utilizing coping method it makes sure that all of your joints look perfect really as big as this space was there were only two seams in the entire basement i of course got 16 foot baseboards and was able to use full length boards throughout the entire space and so there's no awkward seams no anything to worry about as far as filling and sanding and those things made my life a lot easier potentially a little bit more waste the end result is well worth it working my way through the bedrooms in through each and every single closet making sure all those look nice and finished as well as you can see i use a really high quality stud finder and so as i'm nailing in that trim i have the stud finder in my hand and i'm dragging it along the wall every time i see a stud i make sure to throw at least a nail in that stud to really secure those that baseboard to the wall and here's the two spots where those seams were so that long stretch of wall along the back was the only place that didn't have a way to break up those and so i was able to use three pieces of baseboard two seams i used ca glue with an activator to make sure it's a really strong joint and then i go back and actually use more of that shellac based primer to get a really hard finish that can then later be sanded down and filled and then once it's painted you can can't even see those seams at all so there were two uh air returns along this back wall and i just decided to do a return on the baseboard as opposed to going into the side of it i think it's one of those finishing touches that looks a lot nicer i added some more returns of the baseboard in areas like here on the stairs this part of the trim was really fun these are called cross head moldings they go up above any door or doorway they were a little bit hard to find ones that matched the ones that were already upstairs once i did find them it took a little while to make them i actually had to go through and cut off each corner glue them together make the tops and then go through and nail those and i think it turned out wonderful it matches perfectly so the pocket door as well as the small door into the little playroom were the only ones that weren't drilled out as far as doorknobs and latches so here i am getting those drilled out and then i actually put all my doors accordion style to spray those i didn't get any footage of the trim or doors being sprayed but it's just a white paint so it'd be a little bit difficult to see anyways so here i am painting the bathroom in one of the bedrooms actually at this point that i decided to bring in a painting subcontractor i decided that it would be much more cost effective for me to hire someone else to finish the rest of the painting and i'm so glad i did he was able to go through get everything else finished up go went through and touched up all the areas that i had screwed up and because of that i was able to get on to other aspects of the job made the whole thing a lot quicker so while he was painting the rest of the space i got to putting the bathroom together so here i am bringing in the really nice beautiful vanity with a marble top and actually after this project was done the homeowner felt that this bathroom was the nicest one in the house and so throughout the rest of the house i went through and put marble countertops on all of the other bathrooms to make sure we matched this one makes you feel good when the project that you do ends up becoming one of the nice rooms in the house so much so that you had to up the quality of the other rooms to make it match so i felt really good about that got that all installed mirror hung up light fixture now here i am putting in the glass doors on the shower this is just a store-bought glass sliding door it's a great solution for a basement bathroom or you know more budget friendly as opposed to going with like a custom tile and then a custom frameless glass door i really like these products this is actually just from home depot really easy to install really durable makes really brings out the space there's several different trim colors you can get to make sure that you match the rest of the the trim as far as the shower and the faucet and then after that shower door was put in went through to get the toilet installed and then just going through and getting some finishing touches of course doing a nice caulk line around the vanity to get that sealed up we also those faucets turned out so nice we ended up replacing all the faucets in the rest of the house with those same ones as well so now that all the painting is done all the trim is sprayed the doors are sprayed and all the walls have been painted and going back through and mounting all of those doors the doors actually came with a brushed nickel hinge but the rest of the house had black hinges so i purchased a bunch of black hinges and was able to put those on putting the closet doors in as well as little handles of poles that go on those doors matching what they already had upstairs of course and as you can see here we put i put in the little playroom door with a legitimate doorknob all the hinges everything else look exactly the same as overwhelm so it just keeps cohesiveness so really going coming on the home stretch now getting the closet rod and the closet shelves in so now that everything's done i was able to pull up all of the masking on the floor and go through and do a final clean up i got a nice little push broom style mop and went through and just scrubbed everything any imperfections you can see i get down and scrape those make sure everything looks really nice and after everything was finally complete this is what the final product looks like [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] this was a really fun project i think it turned out beautiful working alongside the homeowners and their family was such a joy i had such a great time they were so receptive and appreciative of everything that we did i'm so excited for them to be able to use this space they have since the project has been done their 17 year old son has already moved downstairs into one of the bedrooms he loves the bathroom having his own space down there they are moved in a ton of furniture into the main living space already they have a pool table with foosball tables ready to be moved in the main piece of it too is this added a ridiculous amount of resale value to their home the basement total is about 2 000 square feet we finished about 1300 square feet of that added two bedrooms a bathroom a lot of living space and a lot of storage so this is going to be a great use for them as well as the next owners of this house i think the design and everything turned out gorgeous everything looks great it matches upstairs from the door panels the doorknobs the bathroom fixtures the flooring the paint colors everything looks like it's one cohesive piece i myself am very proud of this project i think it turned out great um one of the bigger projects that i've taken on and couldn't have been happier about it from this big changes that were made all the way down to the fine little details around the windows some of the baseboards some of the returns dealing with different obstacles and challenges and overcoming those and overall this was such a joy such a great project really happy with how everything turned out hey guys thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video if you like this type of content please hit that subscribe button we have a bunch of other content coming your way in fact i'm on a job site right now we're getting a basement finished up so make sure you stay tuned for that if you like this video please hit the like button that shows the youtube algorithm that there's good content going on over here and shows it to more people i'd really really appreciate it again thank you for watching we'll see you next time you
Channel: ZEM Construction
Views: 122,847
Rating: 4.9657998 out of 5
Keywords: Basement, Finishing, Remodeling, Remodel, Basement remodel, Finished basement, Unfinished basement, Time lapse, Kitchen, Bathroom, Contractor, Diy, Drywall, Paint, Trim, Painting, Framing, Finish work, ZEM Construction, Zem,, General contractor
Id: 6C852A86kyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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