Basement Finishing From Scratch, Remodel Time Lapse

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hey everyone zach here with zen construction have another project video here for you a job we've just recently finished up so this is a 2,100 square foot house located in Spokane Washington the goal of this project is to finish the basement by adding two bedrooms a bathroom laundry room couple unfinished utility rooms and a large living space this house is going to be utilized as a rental property so by having this stuff my client can get significantly more value by having larger families live here and more people just great great project for a house like this as you can see all of the walls are unfinished concrete all the joists and everything is exposed all the duct is exposed one of the main things that they were really really important to them was cohesiveness between the upstairs and the downstairs and you can see there's some doors some pictures of the kitchen and fixtures in the bathroom and we really wanted to do our best to make sure that everything matched the upstairs so here we are doing the first step of the process is getting those egress windows in so I'm cutting out the foundation wall so we can fit the four foot by four foot windows in the dirt has been all removed from the outside and dug now we're just breaking up the concrete the sledgehammer works great for this process breaking them into manageable chunks nothing too large so we can still carry them there's the first one all finished up and now on to the next one fortunately no one was living in this house during the entirety of the project so we made a little bit of a mess it was not that big a deal just something we had to go back and clean up later we decided to go with making desks as opposed to utilizing water and creating a big muddy slurry mess that we had to walk around in so it worked out in the long run and I am breaking up some more of the last pieces [Music] make it some adjustments to be to the whole we're in them using a metal window well that drops in and bolts to the foundation so turned out really nice trying to get as much space as possible in there now here I am framing in the new windows that are about to go in utilizing treated boards of course and luckily I'm the one who made those cuts so they were all nice and straight made my job a lot easier not having to utilize too many shims or make too many adjustments worked out really well of course we added foam insulation in between all of those gaps and cracks and added a barrier on the exterior of the house as well now here we are starting framing so none of these walls are load-bearing of course so 24 inches on center all the way around there's more than how to quit these walls are used more for hanging the drywall on and putting insulation in and plumbing and electrical we ended up leaving a 2-inch gap around where the concrete goes in between so that we can have a room for insulation in there you saw we were building a little box around the water meter quick shot of that we are just ramming all the way around and at this point we are digging the trench for the plumbing on the right side there's where the bathtub shower combo is gonna go the left side is gonna be the vanity in the toilet so we're just getting ready for the plumber to come in and get those things in there we continued on with framing underneath that beam one of a great ways to hide a beam is to build a wall underneath it putting up some more walls for the bedrooms and we finally got the windows to replace the old metal windows in this in this space so we ended up having to cut out the metal frame that was poured into the concrete foundation got rid of all that and we were able to get those windows installed of course insulated secured very well you know we are finishing up some of the framing in the bathroom working our way around a lot of that plumbing was already there so we did what we could to work around it here we actually built a little unfinished room around the electrical panel you'll see a lot more of that as we go on here but it's one of those great touches and I'm really really glad we added here we're back filling in that trench all the plumbing is finished up and ready to go now getting ready to pour concrete over the top of that hey guys how's it going so we just wrapped up stage 3 of the project so far we've gotten done framing plumbing and electrical is down the next steps after this is insulation in drywall so we really want to show you what we've done so far because the next phase everything is going to be covered up so starting off here this is the laundry room area this will be all finished in here around access door to the steps the lighting is very temporary so we can see if we're doing this is going to be the main living space obviously can lights can lights are in there hanging some of our hanging down there that about to remove them so we can do drywall in here is going to be a full bathroom with the tub shower combo double vanity toilet you can see in the floor we had to reroute the plumbing did a great job truly good fans now this is into the utility room this is going to continue to be an unfinished room it's also a little storage right now integrating some more likes we just busted we couldn't have tried the height its highest because we don't want to infringe on any head spacing is have to this is bedrooms big closets you've worked really hard to make the layout as big as possible kids of veterans bidding large closets all the windows and the entire space been in place some new nice mountain window and court could fire code we had to do an egress window here so this will all be finished up and just one way to update done progress so far so here are some more progress pictures of where we were at so far at this point the project bedrooms you will hear me mention this couple times one of the main challenges with finishing a basement is working around things that you can't move things like that water meter the beam ductwork things like that electrical panels how are you gonna creatively make those fit into the space that you want to utilize later there's that room that I was talking about little access door underneath the steps a wide shot of where we're at and you can see some of the insulation that we had to take down in order to run new ducting we left up as much as we could but that was not necessary after you finished the space below again there's that little unfinished closet I was mentioning before and now the insulation is going up this is an r21 insulation needs five and a half inches in order to have its full effect and so that's why we space those walls two inches away from the concrete 2x4 is three and a half two inch spacing allows for a five and a half inch insulation this insulation does have paper on the batting and it does technically count as a vapor barrier however we went with a little bit of a redundant process and added a plastic vapor barrier over the top of it anyways one of those things might not be necessary but there's a little bit of peace of mind you know there's nothing worse than getting moisture seepage in a basement so we did what we could to avoid those things Code says that any finished space that is exposed to a concrete wall needs to have insulation so anywhere around the exterior we we added insulation and here we are putting up some of that vapor barrier that I mentioned before no vapor barrier is cheap it only takes a second one of those Sam I'm really glad we did it like I said may not be necessary but it just helps to sleep at night a little bit [Music] and now on to drywall the only way to get drywall into a basement is carry down the steps by hand so the first thing we do is the lid or the ceiling first unfortunately as much as you would hope they were none of those joists were square and straight not that big deal easily to work easy to work around but it's one thing keep in mind [Music] at this point we're not using a lift you know the process works but it's not ideal the next day we started on the bedroom and we had finally gotten the lift and we were so glad that we did even with two people it just allows us to be a lot more precise you can make adjustments on the fly make sure that you have all the tools and screws everything you need even on little pieces like this just makes it so much quicker this is what we ended up on the hallway little area in between the bedrooms and the unfinished utility room here we are in the bathroom you can see the exhaust fan right there [Music] like I mentioned before one of the challenges is a ductwork and trying to keep the head height as high as possible so we ended up just screwing the drywall right to the bottom of that ductwork as you can see right here of course that is more than adequate more than safe none of that is going to get hot enough to cause any issues this is the laundry room this is kind of a fun thing not often you get to hang a full sheet on the ceiling without having to make any adjustments or cuts that was kind of fun in the room eight foot wide in the front but it does taper out a little bit of course because this house not square that's right not that big a deal we'll add a couple more sheets makes it a lot nicer and easier in a long run now we're on to hanging the walls one of the most important things when hanging drywall is the seam between the ceiling and the wall that's one of the first places that your eye travels to when walking into space so by hanging the wall the top row of the wall first allows us to keep that wall straight here we are hanging some of the more intricate pieces and the closets hiding the ductwork I came in before trying to hide some of that stuff by putting it in the closet you actually don't even see it head space is not that necessary in a closet so we kind of sacrifice the head space there and it worked out really well it turned out nice another thing we did buy because of the duct worker we had to move the shower over slightly because we didn't want your head to be running into the duct that's hanging low so by moving that over a little bit we created what we ultimately called a little linen closet just the area underneath the ductwork on the side of the shower it's a great place to throw a laundry hamper some put up some shelves maybe a cabinet someday so after everything was hung this is showing the taping all done in a first coat of mud and fortunately we can film all that just try to be efficient and hurry in some some spots they'd get some pictures though fortunately in the bathroom again you can see that on a little bit in closet area head I was talking about bathroom where the vanity and mirrors going to go into the laundry room you can see that unfinished electrical claw that I mentioned before the area under the steps main living room now the first coat or the only coat of texture and primer have been applied so really start to look like a finished space now of course everything is masked off [Music] and see that box we built around the my water meter their little homemade vent tube extension and one of the things we decided to do is at this point was when we put the tile in and simply because we wanted to be able to put the baseboard over the top and all of the baseboard trim and doors and the ceiling were all painted the same color white so by putting the tile down and putting the baseboard over the top allowed us to paint everything all at once instead of having to go back and do tile and paint later you can see here all of the white paint is finally done all the trim is hung nails have been filled painted the ceilings painted everything is masked off we actually built those window boxes out of a 3/4 inch plywood so they're very strong very sturdy you can climb on them put stuff on and using the shelves nightstands whatever now there's that little hallway leading into the unfinished utility room main living space and that's all the doors were being paying the same color we actually just lean them up against the walls that didn't need white because those are gonna get a different color later so we just sprayed the doors at the same time we were doing the ceiling and the baseboards interview worked out really well you can see there we masked off all the tile which that process did not take that long again another picture of the tile and it looks great and it didn't get any paint on it obviously again there's that unfinished electrical closet and some more doors that we've painted all the same time work really well one of the adjustments we had to make with every single door in this space was because of the low ceiling height we're just shortened all of the doors so simply cut them off the bottom and now there was a hollow piece there just grabbed a cut off that came from the bottom of it and glued it in actually was very sturdy very strong and worked out really well now we finally get to start painting cutting everything in now and to be honest I was not a huge fan of the color but that was one of those things that the client would rather have it match upstairs as opposed to having us maybe paint the entire space we just decided be much more simple to get a paint that matched and it actually turned out really nice doing our best to avoid getting of that any of that tan paint on the white doors one of us was rolling other one was cutting in and worked out as well just working our way around the doors one of the things we did obviously by keeping the ceiling even that little area in the hallway and they're keeping that white and as bright as we could makes everything feel a little bit taller although the space is only 7 foot 2 inches well those things you really really can't tell little tricks like that visual tricks with with your eyes can can make a big difference and unfortunately this shot is a little out of focus but putting in the vanity and countertops in here light fixture really obviously makes those things into a bathroom fronting process there really means we're getting on the homestretch and yeah next process is the carpet of course we used a carpet padding is designed for concrete floors it has a barrier on the underside to help wick moisture and things like that laying that in another stuff that we're putting in is a folding table in the laundry room that was one of the things that the client really wanted we end up using the same countertops that's in the bathroom so it kind of keeps everything cohesive in that way and turned out really nice very strong very sturdy putting first full of carpet down all of the bedrooms you did the main room last obviously just so we could keep some places to put garbage cans and things like that getting all the padding down and now this is a pretty big roll of carpet 12 foot by 31 feet I believe I'm just trying to be very strategic and very careful about how we unrolled it try not to scratch up the walls or anything like that it worked out really well we are just stretching everything and there's all nice and flat getting the transitions all cut in splicing a little piece for that area now here we are putting some padding on the steps themselves as well as the carpet over the top turned out really nice we didn't make any adjustments to the wood steps and really need to a they worked out great here we are adding a little piece into the hallway just the way that the rolls worked out we had to have a seam somewhere fortunately you can't even tell run the vacuum over at one time and all the fibers meshed in a little bit we'll work on some more transitions and how we're onto the last day the homeowners were actually I'm going away over so I just ran in real quick and did a little bit of last-second sweeping and mopping and chased the vacuum around a little bit little finishing touches like that and make pretty big difference and now this is kind of a depiction of what the what the customer walked into the first time they were definitely there during the process but had been over a little while so this was all very new to them there's that electrical closet I talked about several times turned out really nice just looks very finished as opposed to building some cabinet or something over the box I think that's the best way to go we kept the area inside the shower white just kind of keeping everything clean and nice all that turned out really really nice of course trying to keep everything as close as we possibly could to upstairs because I think even the white fixtures trying to keep everything as cookies as possible all the window wells are in closet shelves are up all those all those fine details and a couple more things like towel bars and towel hooks I call it paper roll holders things like that you know not stuff that would be expected by a general contractor to do but it's things that we really wanted to to add and it just adds that finishing touch and it gets shows our level of detail that we put into everything and you know not one thing is missed it goes on turn we had put a full vinyl film over the window in the bathroom for a little privacy really turned out nice the lots of light even comes in from those windows especially in the bedrooms with the egress windows that folding table turned out really really nice but that little door even the handle on the door we've got the same style of handle that's upstairs in the kitchen in the bathroom upstairs bathroom in the basement one of the things they added with a brand new air conditioning unit into the house so you can see some of the new tie-ins for that just look all that light that comes with really really really mix ice all the doors match everything that's upstairs yeah I'll match each other obviously again those pie wood boxes I'd love strength there's that little box for the water meter you get a better look at that later I'll trim around the closet doors to hide those slides a lot of opportunities to make nice finished details like that we I think really took advantage of all even the doorknobs they match the same ones that that were upstairs it's that large living space it really nice there's some small detail shots for some poles we added into the closet doors shelving and hanger bars it's a close up of that box hiding the water meter with a little access panel that we painted the same color showing the hallway with a light in it a little detail sink shot and we really know no spot was overlooked we really tried to put as much attention to detail and everything that we could again there was those towel hooks and towel bars that we added there's that finished or yeah that finished linen closet area that I mentioned before this is a good shot of that underneath the fireplace chimney that's upstairs trying to maximize that space there's that basement door basement steps inside there and here is inside that electrical closet image before yes it's all unfinished but everything is accessible no water anything is gonna get on that electrical panel everything is safe confined there's some wide wide angle shots of the process this is really before anything got started near the middle of the project with all the framing done electrical plumbing lighting it all in now it's really starting to look like a room drywall mud texture primer paint doors are getting ready to be hung up really start to clean up the space getting all the tools and things like that out and here's the finished project you know everything turned out really really nice the client was so happy so excited they got their project here a property management company in the next day to take pictures they're gonna get somewhere in there so quick if you have any questions or looking to get something done you need a quote on something please do not hesitate to reach out we look forward to working with you in the near future thanks so much for watching and we'll hopefully hear from you soon [Music]
Channel: ZEM Construction
Views: 3,233,962
Rating: 4.8815799 out of 5
Id: i0q6xpAnk-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 05 2019
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