Kitchen Remodel - Full Time Lapse - DIY Friendly

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hey guys zach here with zem construction bringing you another remodel video in this video I'm gonna show you all the steps that I took to take this space here bring in all-new cabinets countertops tile backsplash flooring appliances and updated plumbing fixtures and turn it into this beautiful kitchen here I want to take a minute and thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video if you like these types of videos I would really appreciate your subscription I post them as often as I can some remodels do take a little longer than others so if you can hit that notification bell and be notified when I do post a video and you won't miss out so here are some before pictures you can see there's a little bit of water damage also a little bit of excess wear and tear so the homeowner and I had decided that would be a lot more efficient cost effective to rip out those cabinets and replace them with all-new ones the entire design of this kitchen is based off of pictures that the homeowner gave me from Pinterest and Google I really enjoy working off of inspiration like that because then it also allows some creative freedom on my part but at the end to give them the overall look that they are going for this property is an income property it is a rental so they will be renting out in the entire space so a nice clean updated kitchen is a great way to get quality tenants so the first step was going through and scraping off all the caulk lines and excess buildup that needed to be removed some of these places are going to be recovered by cabinets but there are a couple spots that aren't going to be filled with the same size and types of cabinets that are there before I went through and scraped those all off and then went through with a spackle I think an all-purpose mud would also work here but I think spackle does dry a little bit harder so because of the durability that was desired for this base because it is a rental property I chose to go with the spackle I'm through sanding those things flush I am going to be spraying a orange peel texture and that is something that I do hear often in the comments is how much people do not like the texture that we choose this is a thing that is regional depending on where you live there is different standards as far as what people like and up here in the northwest and orange peel finish is very common I also wanted to make sure that I match the rest of the house keep that cohesive because I'm going to be using a spray texture hopper I went through and mask off everything I use a inch and a half blue painters tape as well as a nine inch roll of paper with a hand mask ER and then for the long plastic sheets I use a 3m 72 inch plastic one trick that I like to use especially when going over a pre-existing paint is when you spray texture mud it does not have the best bonding so in order to get good bond to the previous layers I actually mix the texture mud with a high bond primer and sometimes even a one to one ratio and use that to spray onto the wall so that the orange peel does not flake off later because of an inferior bond to the lower levels of paint there was some inconsistencies in the previous texture but also I wanted to cover up some of those patches that I filled in earlier so I just read textured the entire space so now I'm going through with a gray coat x7 airless paint sprayer there's a great tool to use for both interior and exterior painting it does spray a lot of paint and there's quite a bit of overspray so that's why I took the time to make sure everything was masked properly again the colors were chosen by the homeowner based on some pictures that they had sent me because of the texture I did go through and hit everything with a roller real quick just to kind of push any excess paint into some of those deeper grooves and textures one thing was a little bit unique in the design that she had chosen was that she wanted to do a darker ceiling and it's not something that I'm very familiar with but that's something that she's done in her own house and wanted to replicate that in this space and I told her it wouldn't be an issue so after all the painting and wall prep was done next was the cabinet's we went with a contractor grade cabinet again because this is a rental property cost was a factor so we didn't want to go too crazy and spend a bunch money on the cabinets but these are great quality and will last I did add a vent there for a microwave hood there was a little bit of a spacing issue with where the hood goes I had to add a little bit of the spacer on the far left to make sure that that vent did go through the middle of that cabinet there was an outlet there as you could see where the old microwave was so I just when I did install the microwave you'll see later I just kind of ran the cord through there worked out great one tip that I could give you when installing cabinets is when I screw them to the walls I don't actually screw them in all the way I kind of leave it a little bit loose for adjustment so that way when I put the face plates together I can make sure those are perfectly square and straight and flush screw those together really tight and then I go and tighten all of the screws that are into the walls and in this case up above on the soffit I also like to do the upper cabinets first just to get them done and I don't have to worry about working around the base cabinets that it would be in the way so after all the uppers were up brought in all the lowers and getting those installed one piece that we did want to go with was a lazy susan the lazy susans are a great way to use space efficiently however they do come a little bit smaller than the depth that normal base cabinets go so with that you got to add a little bit of a wall on the back to support the countertop so I did a little all here and also did a wheat on the back of the wall so the countertop had a nice flat level play statists it on I've just used some standard two by fours to create this wall I did a I'm a base plate and a top plate just like you would like a traditional wall I wanted to have lots of support for that countertop also along the back of this I'm going to be adding a quarter inch panel so I wanted to have lots of support so that that panel would be nice and strong in here you'll see that I put one vertical support but I do end up going back and adding two more in the spaces to give it as much stiffness as possible I also put a cleat along the back just for some added support behind the dishwasher so after the cabinets were installed the next step was the laminate countertops again we chose laminate because of the cost-effectiveness as well as the durability one tip I would give you when doing these countertops you can actually buy the pieces at this size from your big-box store Home Depot in this case but always check for square these pieces were completely out of squared and took me way too long to figure out what was wrong with my measurements just came from the factory that way so intrude up one edge and it made the rest of the install go significantly easier I did go with a spacer underneath all of the cabinets to give a inch and a half reveal for all the countertops as you can see I'm putting those blocks on here yeah those spacers only need to be in places where the countertop will be attached to the top of the cabinet also because this house was empty and there currently no tenants living in there I was able to utilize several the rooms this kind of workspaces this is a great place to have a nice big flat space to create that large single piece countertop I did have these spacers overhanging a little bit so that I could go back with a flush trim router bit in this clip here you can see I'm using the cordless Dewalt router as a great tool I'm really really glad I did it didn't have to worry about a cord all over the place I use it in several different places especially at this countertop but using that flush trim bit gives a really nice flat reveal and gives a great place for the laminate to stick on so the next step was getting the sink cut out most the time sinks do come with a big template like this so I just found the center put it exactly where I wanted to lined up with the window as well as the lower cabinet below taped it in place and then went through the pencil and just trace it out because the cabinet for new and the countertops were being replaced and I'll put in I did use that to my advantage I was able to pull the countertops away and make the cuts and even installs as you'll see later without having a countertop fully installment Here I am cutting out the sink hole with the again another cordless the wall tool as you'll see a lot of the tools that I use I'll have that yellow coloring to them I'm a big fan of the wall and I really like their batteries and the flexibility between the 60 bolts well as the 20 volt I am checking the fit of the sink I did go and order a 12 foot by 5 foot piece of laminate so that I did not have any seams it is something that you have to special order so as you can see here I'm actually cutting the 2 inch strips for the edge of the countertops I cut those off first so I could use the factory edge I just used a straight edge piece of trim in the router I found that using a router even though you're doing a straight cut is one of the best ways to make those cuts so I like to put the edge of the countertop on first so that the reveal of the laminate is on the side as opposed to putting the top on first and the edges last because then you'll see the reveal on the top of the countertop so I hope that makes sense but whenever I do laminate I like to do the sides first also keeping in mind which section of the countertop is gonna be seen most because the laminate does have a dark reveal like I mentioned so keep in mind where that dark reveal is and be strategic about where you place those edges there are three sections total large l-shaped with the sink in it as you can see here I'm getting those flushed up and ready and then also the two smaller sections while we're on either side of the stove again this cordless Dewalt router made quick work of this process highly recommend it if you are in the market for a new router also that tool and any of the other tools that I use I do have links in the description down below they are affiliate links they don't cost you any more money but it does support this channel if you do use that link so if you are in the market again greatly appreciate so I used a spray adhesive countertop adhesive for the edges but I did go up with a roll on contact glue for the top so the process is just do a nice heavy coat on both sides of the counter top let both of those dry to the touch on the particle board side I actually did do two coats I felt like the particle board is pretty absorbent so I wanted to add a second coat to make sure I had a good layer for a good bond again using one of the spare bedrooms as a extra workspace it was pretty cold outside so although I could have done it outside I was a little worried that using the adhesives outside would cause issues for the drying time so once the two sides of the countertop in the laminate do stick or touch they are stuck together forever so that's you can see me using some dowels there as spacers letting it the top layer of the laminate lined up and then once it's lined up I can slowly carefully pull out those dowels and make sure that be laminate is lined up properly go back with a nice little J roller and push down make sure that there is a good solid bond I would recommend if you came get a partner for some of the bigger pieces I did prepare myself and was able to do it alone but it would have been a lot easier with someone else but again once everything is lined up you can just go through and slowly pull the dowels out make sure continually make sure it's everything's lined up and again I went back and and rolled it all to j-roller again using that router with a flush trim bit it was awesome especially on large pieces like this not having to worry about the cord they go around every single side of the countertop very very easily I'm getting those countertops installed again kind of like I mentioned earlier it was so nice being able to pull the countertop away and do the install highly recommend if you ever are doing a new sink if you can install the faucet before putting the sink in the countertop it's a lot easier to make sure everything is tight and straight before dropping the sink in again I also attach the sink to the countertop before putting it in again allowing it a lot more space make it make my life a little bit easier to put those clips and attachments in get everything lined up and pushed in then I went through from underneath and screwed the countertop in from the bottom so after the countertop was in the next step was doing the tile backsplash so this is a three inch by six inch subway tile backsplash again going off of the pictures that the homeowner gave me I'm sure I'll get a little bit of grief in the comments for this I did go with a tile adhesive I know that tile adhesive is not the best product to use with tile my opinion there are certain cases where it is okay because it is quick and a tile backsplash is one of those cases there's not going to be excess water hitting that backsplash and so using an adhesive as opposed to a thin set is gonna be okay however if you are doing something in a bathroom especially a shower or bathtub I highly recommend using a thin set and not a tile adhesive again this is a very specific case that I think it'll work but it is not something that you should be using for all cases as you can see I've tried to use a masking tape wherever I can just to make cleanup significantly easier a lot more straightforward a little bit of planning when installing tile does go a long way to see my little stack of half tiles that I had there so I go through and easily do this subway pattern very very quickly one thing when you're expanding across a gap like where the stove is gonna go you want to make sure you add a cleat the homeowner did want to use as you'll see later a white grout so because the grout was just gonna match the towel and there wasn't going to be a high contrast between the actual tile and grout color I just used the space that the tile provides and not use spacers if you did want to use like a darker grout for some design aesthetic I would recommend getting like an eighth inch spacer and putting those in between there and it allows for a little bit of a thicker grout line and gives it more of that contrast again because they were gonna match I didn't feel like it was necessary the tile does have a little lip on the edge so it allows for a sixteenth inch space between each and every tile so in that case I thought it worked out I did use an extra piece of the countertop as a spacer along the bottom so that I can have a nice caulk line Here I am putting in that non sanded white grout again because this is a sixteenth inch space and not an eighty eighth inch space I had to go with non sanded if you do have an eighth inch space or larger sand it works great in this case because it was just a thin space nonce and it worked after the towel was put in next I moved on to the floor and as you can see I did not pull up the pre-existing linoleum I was something that the homeowner and I talked about and they had decided that they didn't want to remove it and they didn't want to pay me what I had asked to remove it and so because this is how I feed my family and and my time is quite valuable to me if I'm not gonna be paid for something that I'm not going to do it so I know that would probably be the better step to take but we are using an LVP click together floating floor system so there is no adhesion or anything to worry about in that case so as long as the floor underneath is flat there is nothing wrong with putting an LVP over the top and so that's what what we decided to do this is a great product or kitchens bathrooms basements living rooms it's 100% waterproof the technology has finally caught up to the flooring industry it is also very straightforward to install it does take a little bit of practice but the click together is a great option there also is glue down and peel and stick flooring I think in this case would also work up to personal preference and and each one of those does have a price difference as well so did put some of that new flooring in the landing leading downstairs again speaking to the versatility of this product that really can go anywhere even on steps like in this case what's also great is that if any piece is ever damaged for any reason you can simply just pop out that piece and replace it with a completely new one I brought the floor and was done the next step was to go through and add the toe kick to underneath the cabinet's and because these cabinets are from Home Depot you can go down the same aisle and buy the matching toe kicks as well as any other spacers that are already painted to match and after the toe kick I went through and started adding a baseboard and door trim most of the trim was around the windows and the doors I just kept and patched any places that needed it but because they were ripped out previously I did have to go through in the place all of the baseboard another Dewalt tool that I would highly recommend is their cordless 18 gauge brad nailer it works so well when doing trim work like that and not having to worry about the air compressor and the hoses and the cords that come along with that is incredible now I'm putting in some of these light fixtures with a very thin flush mount light for over the top of the sink in a perfect world we would have done a recessed light there but because of the previous light that was in it would have made like a lot more difficult so I just went for the extra cost of the flush mount the last steps just to go through and get the implyin PSA's installed so you can see that vent that is there because the microwave that I'm putting in does have an integrated vent hood kind of like the sinks these microwaves do have paper templates that show you exactly where to put the screw holes and the mounting brackets makes installation very easy and you can see I'm actually I ran the cord through that first cabinet push it through the other side so it'll be plugged in because I had the holes pre-drilled and lined up exactly made installation very very simple after the microwave the next step was to get the oven installed this is a gas oven I would highly recommend if you are installing gas make sure you use a leak detection fluid in this case the oven actually came with one and I was able to test all of the joints make sure there were no leaks but also this is something you're uncomfortable with is great practice to call a professional in most cases the places that you buy the appliances will install them for you if not they will more than likely have someone you can call to install them properly do not take any chances of this type of stuff if you're not comfortable and after those two were installed I went through and all of the trim with a nice white paint I was sure to get the matching color of the cabinet's so I could paint this back panel here as well as doing any touch-up work for any of the cabinets needed so I added some paint in there some other other rooms for them as well next went through and installed the dishwasher there was no dishwasher previously so there was a little bit of excess plumbing and electrical that needed to be done in order to accommodate a dishwasher which i think is a great idea as another aspect that will really add some value and desire for potential tenants and the very last step is to add those finishing touches I went through and added the door poles and drawer poles again going with the inspiration picture that I was given on Pinterest to give the look that they were going for you can see I'm using a jig from Craig they make a great little jig that allows you to line up the holes perfectly makes installing poles and handle so much easier I will also have a link to that down in the description below and getting that large refrigerator installed there was an ice machine and water supply in the fridge so hook up those and then with tor poles there are some different size screws and because of the different depths and those shaker style drawers there I had to go to the hardware store and buy new screws at different sizes in order for those to fit doing some final cleanup to get ready and show the homeowner their brand new kitchen so here is the video walkthrough of what the homeowner saw after everything was all finished up so as you can see we went with a white shaker style cabinet a laminate countertop it has a granite look to it a dark wood LBP flooring all new Bosch appliances gas stove a very traditional white baseboard a gray beige wall paint and then the ceiling was just several shades darker now I get a lot of flack for this and I say it in all my videos but this one again turned out really nice the homeowner was very pleased I hear some after pictures at a later date we may or may not add a little dining bench for there just to have a little bit more efficiency and not have to worry about scooting around the table and having chairs in the way because that is kind of a small space but it is designated for dining lazy susan cabinet right there a nice stainless sink large faucet over the top so this project turned out really great again I want to thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video if you enjoyed it I would really appreciate it hit that like button just kind of lets everyone else know that this is this is an interesting video again I would really appreciate it your subscription and also hit that notification bells that you're notified when I do post a remodel video if you have any questions or comments anything I'd really appreciate it if you left a comment down below I'll do my best to get to most of those and answer them if you enjoy these types of videos I would really encourage you to check out the other ones I have posted on my channel are all under zem construction I have two basement remodel videos on there as well as a bathroom and I also have several more in the pipeline that I want to post very very soon again I want to thank you so much for watching and until next time we'll see you later
Channel: ZEM Construction
Views: 66,079
Rating: 4.9635038 out of 5
Id: Esd6HcqYD6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 51sec (1491 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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