Renovation Trade Secrets for Finishing a Basement | Reality Renovision Ep19

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[Music] 22-caliber action ladies and gentlemen pretty solid that doors not going anywhere hey Dex screw and this is the secret so I'm just gonna go get my sledgehammer it's nice because I don't get though user very often perfect every time oh boy let's see if this will go up hmm instead of talking about it let's get it done I think we're gonna increase value in this kitchen this is not acceptable and that is money in the bank this is where if it's fun at all it's not the time they're putting out the big dollars Thank You hero there's another tool you won't need to buy perfect every time [Music] [Music] so I'm over here at the clients house and I received an email a couple months ago a young couple of the newborn baby bought a house they're moving in so excited they just needed me to come by and finish off the basement space now he's gonna be doing a lot of the work himself but he needed me to come in because there's a lot of areas here that he wasn't sure how to complete and there's a really simple reason why because the person who did most of this worked at this point didn't know what they were doing either so this is a classic DIY somebody knew just enough to frame and put some drywall on do some mudding there's a lot of little nuances here that just aren't up to snuff right so we have doors that need to be resized we've got different drywall areas working around the beams the framing didn't finish off with the concept of how we're gonna close up the ceiling so I gotta get really creative here so this project that's all about helping you if you're in the same boat and you inherited a house and all the problems that go along with it all right so here we are in the basement we're gonna do a little bit of interior framing I'm gonna show you some basic techniques so that you can do it at home without running into trouble if you've been watching the channel for awhile you'll know that I love my laser and here's why because that laser is on a stand that gives me a line on the ground up the wall and across the ceiling shows me everywhere that this framing is going to start it's not very easy to see because max has got some fabulous lighting in here to help everybody out Wow here it is okay and we're gonna mark the ceiling now what this is gonna represent is the outside of the frame not the inside very important to know what you're marking so here we go now what we do is we just translate this information okay and then we put an X on the right side now we're ready to go all we got to do just put them roughly where they go and then start nailing it all together now if you're gonna be framing your basement you might want to pick up a gun something like this framing nailer there's a three and a quarter inch nails this one's of 34 degrees it's very common most of the guns are the same angle the idea is it sets the nail in straight and keeps all the hardware away from where you're working with the gun like this this is one time where I definitely agree with all the trolls wear your safety glasses sooner or later you're going to run into a piece of lumber that's twisted okay nail one end take your handy dandy sharp tooth hammer just why I love this him lay it on the wood and then you can twist into position a little bit past where you need it you throw a couple of nails in and that'll keep the stick straight and you won't have any problems with it warping ever again now it's done let's get these up so I can see what I'm doing [Music] here's a little warning for you if you have tile floor above the area where your building take an extra quarter inch off your frame size so you don't have to jam it in I'm going to just place it in have a nice gap use three inch screws to screw it all together with shims because the flooring up here is actually it's a laminate floor or carpet I'm not worried about that so I'm just gonna go get my sledgehammer it's nice because I don't get to use it very often we're not gonna go out it like crazy just gonna give it a love tap where it meets these floor joists find out where it's sticky [Music] okay so now that it's all nice and plumb and just a couple of fasteners right into the bottom of the floor joist you don't run any mechanical through the plate into the bottom of a joist so you're never going to run a problem with either faster be in the wrong spot so the next section we're going to cover is framing your door [Applause] there we go Dex crew yeah it's still worse I'll keep that for later well and here's the thing like you can't use regular screw on a deck but you can use a deck screw on regular lumber so if you had an outdoor deck project you had a bunch of screws leftover that's fine to use them but that is not a three inch construction screw that is barely even touching the bottom plate ah there's a good possibility that a lot of this might end up twisting up overtime roll this this way drywall okay don't have to be like that and now it's time to setup our laser to make sure we get a nice plumb line I'm checking the board and it has a bit of a curve this way I'm using my hand a little exaggerating I'm gonna put an X on the outside okay and then I'm gonna check this piece for the same thing okay now they're both relatively straight but a little bit of curve that's in them is letting us know what their intention is down the road if you put both of them together like this that have this curve okay it'll go together real easy you put it in the wall and it will just want to keep on curving and so eventually that frame will push into the door cause your problems to take the curves like this and then screw them together then they're gonna be fighting it against each other the whole time and the screws will hold it in place and your doors will never get sticky 228 centimeters I think I read that right for all of our European friends I'm learning real quick I'll show you a little trick I love doing this because in this situation we're in her basement we're renovating we don't have a lot of electrical down here it still has to be all wired up later this afternoon so all I have is two plugs once the compressor one for the lights and this goes up so it's easier to move this around the basement as I'm working than to have my chop saw set up and trying to run continuous power to it basically what we're doing here is we're setting our guide on my mark bringing the speed square up to the plate and I'm going to hold the square in place and then this provides me something to run the saw against so I get a straight cut now make sure you don't cut your legs off like an idiot if you're holding this right and you're pushing straight and you have a sharp blade it'll never bind it'll never kick back if you're finding this you're fighting with your saw it's time for a new blade invest in it because that is when an accidents gonna happen and if you're not comfortable this set the chop saw up outside and run up and down the stairs 300 times that's pretty damn exact [Music] right where we want it for my barriers ahead make sure you're good here you got a bit of an overhang remember when you're on an angle it'll drive this wood forward so I'm just going to drive forward but I'm going to check here make sure that that gap closes [Music] [Music] this plate has been fastened to the concrete with these nibs here explosive hammer so I'm just going to trim this back perfect yeah I'm starting to getting a little nervous it's getting a little late this is the storm disguise real issue around here because we had tornadoes so it caused so much damage that all the electricians in Ottawa are like booked solid for a month I mean it was hard enough getting a good electrician as it was but now we've compounded the issue so I'm south of town and I got on the ESA site the Electoral Safety Authority and I'm calling every electrician within a hundred miles of where I am finally got ahold of somebody that had a cancellation today I was talking to him last night and he's supposed to be coming by about an hour ago hopefully nothing has happened because if I can't get an electrician in here today I got a bay about a month before I can get this thing wired and this will be a really long project drive you crazy well I absolutely love it when a plan comes together the only thing missing from this job site is a cigar okay we are just a couple days in the electricians obviously been here managed to get this whole place wired and call in for an inspection which is brilliant we've got all of our wall framing finished basically we don't have tied in so this is the thing we we're a little on a tight line and the electrician was available that's what it is I cheated with the way I came this place and I put everything in place that I needed to run the wiring today we are coming back to finish so we're gonna talk about how to tie into the floors and the ceilings is a steel beam just do some bulkhead work ah finishing off all the details and then pretend to order some drywall okay so we put this wall up a couple days ago and it had electricians come in and we needed this wall because there was gonna be a plug here the rest of this piece of wall section we built separately and I installed the yesterday while the electricians were working and it's just here and basically what we did is we just measured the gap on the floor the gap on the ceiling made my top and bottom plates built it stuck it in added this brace here and this is important this brace is added so that the middle of the wall is also tied to this wall and that'll keep these things from moving independently and causing cracks in the drywall the only thing that's left here to do is a little back framing and that's part of the drywall process just before we go do drywall if we walk around with a bunch of 1 by fours and we tie things in like that just to have a screw surface for the drywall but we can do with that while we're getting our waiting for our drywall delivery tomorrow today we are going to attach our plate that's the last thing to do so the ceiling is already screwed in place this wall was wedged in place pretty good but we have our marks on the ground to make sure that everything is still level and square from the laser line and now we're just going to attach to the concrete for good measure now you can use the tap Karns get your drill Oh drill the hole and attach it now here's my new Ram set this is awesome it's trigger action one shot so you have to have a pellet and these little Ram sets they come in different strengths they're color coded so yellow is number four this is ideal for concrete if you wanted to go with the number five for steel you can and we just put that shot in there right but I always put the nail in first you don't want to be working with this and accidentally hit the trigger so put your nail in put it where you want to put it in the concrete then add the shot okay and then we just set it down and then you lock it in position just a little bit more pull the trigger BAM 22-caliber action ladies and gentlemen gets the job done every time fire in the hole this is an interior separation wall and it is on concrete and under steel now we did a video another basement project and it must be year and a half ago now we showed you how to attach a plate like this into steel and we used a pre-drill and then a steel screw system and that works great but it's not always necessary so if we're going to assume that the top is where it needs to be I'm going to look at this bubble here and I'm gonna play around nice and by putting the level on the steel and then pushing that one into it and making that nice full contact you know these six foot levels they're really coming in we're gonna get a couple of fasteners in here and then I'm gonna show you how to test the top just a quick word of warning if you're a DIY and you have travel plans make sure if you're using that gun you have a really good shower before you go try and get in through an airport because if you get so will randomly select it for a gunshot residue test you will fail and they will have some interesting conversations with you in the back room all by yourself and then it might sound crazy but don't wear the same shoes you travel with either because those sniffer dogs they'll pick that up off your shoes man they will not be happy to find you top plates this is awesome I love top plates remember nothing here is structural this steel is that's the only thing that's not going anywhere so what we're gonna do is attach to the steel and I have a great system for doing that and it's gonna offend some people okay because it's so good you're gonna go why didn't I think of that all right construction adhesive this is awesome this stuff sticks everything and every weather and every kind of temperature and oh we're gonna do here folks it's load that up with an adhesive and shove em right in the middle of it oh yeah and we're just laminating and gluing these things together and it's gonna get a little bit messy make sure it's nice and flush leave it to dry until tomorrow okay come back take your knife trim it all off boom you're done whoo do not expect your nail to go berry in there it is in the steel probably like an eighth of an inch but it's enough to keep this thing from moving around now that way you aren't gonna have an accident while you're working for the rest of the day come back in the morning and find this all glued together a half an inch out of place perfect every time so if you're renovating your basement guaranteed you're going to need to know how to build a bulkhead because every home that I've ever been in that has a basement has a heating and cooling system so in between the beam I like to build it exactly the same as beside the beam and this is my system that I've developed and it works like a charm I go to Home Depot I'll buy some 7/16 chipboard it's just exterior Aspen it-- it's nice and cheap and I screwed two by twos to it all right and the way I do it is I offset it three inches that way I can attach them like a Tetris puzzle build really long boxes and screw it all together now the best part of this system is when you're putting you something in between the ductwork it's not rocket science it's not measuring it's just getting it in the middle try not to install it over top of these little brackets and screws it creates an uneven surface so you want to get flush to the wood keep the wires to one side of another if you're putting in flat lights and all you do is lift it into place roughly because we're just carrying a little extra look because this is 7/16 it's not that heavy and you can do this alone [Music] one of the reason that's worked so well is because the house us today I've got engineered floor joists so you don't have to worry about the crown and the floor joists up and down and uneven it's usually really really flat so you can trust that the surface I'm screwed to is already level in flat so if we're working off the floor joists or the steel it's all the same thing because the steel determines how flat the floor is gonna be and the engineered floor joists keep it that way so everything we attach if we pre make it cut it and drill it screw it together we can just install it that quick and simple it's like working with Lego so we're gonna install our wood into our floor joist package and then just press this in [Music] where oh where does my laser go so what I've got is I've got a line here and I want to judge want to go off of lumber which is flush with the steel and I want to put a mark here and I'm reading my tape it says 64 inches all right now I am 63 and a half okay so before you go touch anything else add the half an inch to the laser line make a mark now all you have to do with the tape measure put away and the marker put away just go back to your laser and line up the two dots I'm just moving the bass over okay there we go now I have a line on my ceiling that's perfectly parallel to the other steel beam which is what that wall was built under once that ceiling line is straight the only other thing I have to worry about is whether or not my bulkhead is Square to the ceiling [Music] [Applause] screw those two panels together just like that done you can see this stuff is not straight that's funny I'm on the holding up drywall I still have to put an outside corner on and do all my mud work it's what I do is I take the bow in this board and I actually put the bow so it's like my bow is like this towards the wood and I'm installing it'll flush on the bottom now they use five screws for a pinky now you can see on the camera it's pretty good the top is perfect the bottoms got a little bit of a wave to it because it hasn't been supported yet that's why I mentioned it's important make sure you use the square get it done perfect but what you have overall is a pretty straight line because this is so flexible any of the other waves will be taken out while I put the ceiling in well there we go we've taught you how to frame an entire basement so you can finish your whole project by yourself just remember the one of the most important things when it comes to framing is when you're done clean up put your tools away make sure you unplug any power tools sweep up keep it clean site remember your kids and your pets aren't going to be as careful walking around as you will be all right okay so quick update we've got the wiring done the framing is done our bulkheads are in now we're at a place where we are ready to order some drywall so before we do that we want to just go around and check from the electrical and repair all of our vapor barrier and insulation works now this house came with all the insulation installed it's our 20 right to the ground and it came with a vapor barrier but it's been disturbed because of the process of running wiring now remember your electrician is not gonna go back and make sure that is all up to snuff so before you get too excited and move forward this is your opportunity to go around and make sure all this is taken care of okay now this basement is kind of half sunk the first few feet are above ground the rest is underground but this is what you're gonna see folks see this is an electrician moving stuff out of his way and you've got to repair this all right vapor barriers are all cut the wires are all run but what he isn't gonna do is he's not going to cut the insulation around the new boxes so the proper technique for insulation all right is to actually cut the insulation away from where the box is going to be in the wall so that it sits properly in that Hall around all this now we want to tuck the wires nice and back in behind there and allow this insulation to come right snug to the wood again in behind all of our vapor barrier okay there now this plastic here as well needs to be cut to fit around the box so that it can be stretched nice and straight and then taped on properly now this is a vapor barrier that goes for the plug there we go all right now in a lot of cases this is gonna be cut where's convenient for the electrician which is not on a stud it is a real pain in the butt so I just wish electricians would cut down the middle of the board so I can tape it up in like stitches okay every couple of feet you want to put another one of these stitches on we're gonna call it for lack of a better term so we can close up the gap so we can actually put a little bit of pressure on that tape all right now now when you put that over the seam all the plastic is stretched tight enough that you can actually get a good seal there you go now in a perfect world everybody in construction would think about the next guy but nobody ever knows all right everybody's getting paid to do their job as quick as they can to whatever code requirement that's out there now remember because he's done this does not mean that steel you still need to tape that electrical box to your plastic now how good a seal that makes is really up to you it's not gonna be that great because there's no backing here okay so go nice and big really overlap it I know the tape is expensive but you get a lot of linear feet to roll don't be cheap make sure you got a good seal or there's no point in having it there at all so anywhere where you have a penetration in the vapor barrier it's not a good enough to tuck plastic around it okay seal it up get your tape out do a bunch of different pieces if you have to go around things that are round take a look around your room double check that other insulation is tied up in all the plates because this is what you're going to see time and time again you're gonna see the plastics cut open the insulation is tucked behind the box instead of cut around it that's wrong you're gonna see corners pulled out of the way you know what here's another situation let me just show you this real quick okay way you fix this to pull your insulation out and you know there's enough there because it was there in the beginning all right pull it apart like this put some in behind all right I'll push the wires back and then tuck the rest in front you're also going to see situations up here like this where they went through the plate and they pull the vapor barrier out of the way to run the wires over to the light fixtures this is another situation cut your plastic put it around and if you don't want to try to tape all that up you could actually buy an acoustic sealant is what it's called it comes in the cocking gun and you can just goop that all up so that you don't have air moving and if you don't have air moving with a polyurethane sealant then you won't have last either so that's what you got to do to make sure that everything is nice and tight no air leaks no moisture transferring back and forth in the wall and your base will stay nice and comfortable it looks like I got a lot of work to do before I can even think about putting drywall [Music] all right welcome back this job is coming along just like organized we have day three here now we are already past our electrical inspection we've got our drywall delivered came in the rain yesterday that was a lot of fun we got a roll-off bin coming today so we can start getting all of our sheets installed and garbage straight to the bin outside that'll help keep the site clean and today we get to focus on doing our soundproofing so like a lot of people they need to have nice quiet space in their basement and it is a hard thing to achieve so we better get working just a regular fiberglass bat has so much air pocket in it then it absorbs and it helps to dampen the sound and so since we're gonna do a really really intense system here I'm gonna put some insulation in this cavity just so that it's not redundant I don't want the noise from that room coming across and down through the ceiling nah that's all school okay the old fiberglass batts used to have glass you need to wear gloves a lot of the newer products it's a lot easier on the hands and I've been working with these hands for so many years it doesn't bother me so I've got my drywall lift here this is an awesome tool amazing when you're working alone [Music] it goes together that easy now so we're using 10-foot sheets of 5/8 fire-code drywall and the reason for that is because it's in super dense it's also super heavy so we're using the drywall lift because there's no way I can install this on the ceiling by myself but with the assistance of the lift that's probably quite easy to do except for lifting it in place dear god max was like oh I want to see if you can put that up there all by yourself now the trick to this is of course have the drywall white paper facing the lift so that when you install it it's facing down you don't want to go through all the trouble of lifting this up and then putting it on the wrong direction oh boy let's see if this will go up [Music] now we got it left it in place roughly dear Lord because we're going to be using another layer of drywall I'm gonna use a two inch sorry two and a half inch screw at that point and then I'll go with more screws all right so this is green glue this is a kusik sealant this is actually um not designed to seal as much as to create a ridge of the sealant so that when you press it up and screw it into place it leaves a tiny air gap between the two drywall sheets and apparently that is going to kill most of the sound in this room it works really well if you can have somewhat of a consistent bead and it runs about one tube for every sheet of drywall and if you're not lying it in this sort of a manner you will have enough to get it on a sheet of drywall runs about 20 bucks a sheet but this green stuff gives you another sound rating believe it or not above five five just for the caulking now we're gonna stagger the joints so this time we're gonna start on the outside wall coming back this way now we've got five eighths plus five eighths which makes inch in the corner so I've got to use a two and a half inch screw I want to have at least an inch of thread in the wood on the bottom of these just to make sure I got positive contact [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my baby [Music] [Applause] Oh all right yeah you can do it alone but dear God even if you have to owe your neighbor a favor it's probably worth it to get some help [Music] well welcome back to our jobsite spent a couple of days we've got a lot of the drywall work hung now you can see that we've come a long way we've got a few things left to do and a lot of the stuff that we're gonna do today is like the finishing touches that tips the tricks little problem-solving kind of things right so hanging drywall in odd spots and doing some creative building so we're looking forward to getting all this closed up today so that way we can get taping and putting on our corners and get on to the finishing phase it's really nice to get all the drywall up because that's when you turn the page from building to finishing let's get going so if you're renovating your basement you're gonna run into a variety of different problems you can run into drywall that's not long enough for the wall how do you seam it how do you splice it you're gonna run into boxes that aren't hanging low enough to put your fixtures on they're growing into taping problems and how to finish everything just the way you want to how to finish up the window because not everybody wants to put in window jamb and casing it's rather expensive you can go drywall right to the window but you got to know this trick so we're going to show you in this video different tools that'll speed up the process it'll help make an amateur taper like yourself do the job a lot faster and still get a great result and we're gonna show you tips and tricks for what to do when you screw up because if you're new and drywall you're gonna make mistakes and the key to this is knowing how to fix your mistakes and still have it finished perfect because you don't want to get all through the project and then just to paint it and start seeing cracking everywhere so stay with us today we're gonna show you at least a dozen things that you need to know to get a great job trick number one when you're gonna screwdriver wall in use one of these bad boys this is a drywalled implement no matter how hard you push that nasty sound at the end is the bit wasting its time it always sets a perfect death alright okay the next trick I'm going to show you is how to use a cutout tool now listen if you don't have a cutout tool you need to buy one all right if you're gonna do a basement renovation without a cutout tool you're crazy it's gonna cost you a fortune in repairing and fixing all the holes that you build [Music] voila and that is perfect every time trick number three is using the mesh tape it's got an adhesive on it and the corners are the trickiest spot so you want to stretch it and press it and then only put pressure from one side sliding it right into the corner so that I got to pull this in this bad boy here does quarters okay doesn't do quarters perfectly but for a DIY are doing a basement does a pretty darn good corner and you can press that into your fiber and it'll set the tape perfectly for you also because that edge here see that edge it's not ninety degrees it's kind of round a bit of a bevel it won't cut the fiber right the next trick is to use a wheel for your paper tape this sucker just sticks down here pretty easily and once you've got this set up you just slide it on your belt now I am always wearing a belt just the nature of the beast so this can just be sitting on your hip and you can pull the tape off as you need it you can tear it do your work and it's always right there for you again the next time you need it the next trick is if you make a mistake when you're doing your drywall and you find that your ceiling box is for your light are too deep if they're recessed too deep and there's a gap between the box and the drywall you'll fail your electrical inspection all right so instead of ripping your ceiling apart and undoing your box and remounting it and going through all that hassle you can cheat you can buy what's called a box extender now what this does is it just sets on the existing screws you tighten that up and it makes your box another half inch thicker the next trick I'm going to show you is the use of Jay trim no it's not that tricky we just basically take our trim we set it on like this and we were all it over there you go so now you have a finished rough edge the drywall has a finished edge so the next trick we're going to teach you guys is about of all types three m61 okay wait we install this is it put a nice little beat you see the evening colors for you so you know that your glue is going on isn't that fancy schmancy then that glue down that corner bean okay so I'm gonna put in a spring-loaded trap door right here so you can see here that with this design increased compression so this is my drywall and I cut a hole the Sun angles and then over here this slides alright so if I cut the hole just a little bit smaller than this square you're not gonna have much compression it's gonna be sloppy yeah I just makes this real easy [Music] and you open and close it both in the same direction to finish cool like that until you can slide that end up done so here's the irony we're making this video and I did the spring-loaded door I come bounding off a ladder and I look over and I see the can sitting in the ceiling I'm like whoops I forgot to put one of the elbows on my heat run and I close it up so while we're at this making video I'm gonna show you how to do this because this is a great trick these kind of smaller pieces [Music] yep hella dust now a little dust isn't gonna kill you but if you really want could wear safety glasses I don't really care about a little bit of dust I got tear ducts Winchell washer solution in my face squeeze all that [Music] [Applause] [Music] it there we go [Music] [Music] when you're all finished penis compress that in there perfect every time the other awesome thing about this tool is that when you're hanging this you to drywall over a huge window you can put it up as one sheet so you keep the integrity of the sheet you're trying to cut the window up first and then install it you run the risk of not being square or breaking the joint when you're installing this way you just throw it up add some screws and zip [Music] [Music] of course throwed a couple screws in there and keeps control I can see it again [Music] silky smooth [Music] [Applause] okay so that was really cool fixing that patch up now if you are using your Rotozip and you're new to it make sure you go counterclockwise and if you make a mistake and run off we make a huge chunk out of the wall that's okay CGC makes these awesome and left patches okay this is like corner mesh tape looks a lot thicker it's perforated and it's already the size of your box so what you can do is you can just put them on the area press one of these in place let it dry and then you can finish it and they'll give you a nice strong area around the patch if you just fill it with mud and then paint it's gonna have cracking after the light plate goes on at some point and you're gonna be really disappointed you went through all of that work just to be disappointed with a crack so use something like that or lots and lots of paper tape this is just really handy well there we have it finally we're closed up and ready to tape now we are moving from building to finishing so glad because I am really enjoying the idea of finishing spending the next few days doing some taping and making everything around here look just perfect that's my idea of a good work week listen we gonna be above three days getting this job tape perfect time of year it's October is getting a little cool which means the furnace design and that means my mud is gonna dry awesome so about three days of taping we'll be ready to sand in prime before you know it we're gonna have the homeowner down here doing his own flooring I'm gonna take a week off after we're done our taping of course was saying a prime and then it's time to install the doors now this is really cool bird we're gonna be doing a video three different ways you can install of prehung door so make sure you check that out we'll put the link in the description for that below and then keep your eyes open we're also going to be installing a double French door here in this office and so we're gonna show you all the hardware and all the tips and tricks for getting that installed man oh man oh man I love my job so we're we are we all sanded in prime it's been about a week sometimes basements especially in the fall it can take a little while to get things to dry the way you want to it's difficult to bring in air blowers because then you get all the dirt mixed in with your mud and so it's been about a week and we're at a point where I'm ready to prime check then we're gonna paint the ceilings and get some doors hung that'll feel real good so next week it'll be all about finishing the paint work and the flooring of the finished trim and then we're out of here so one of the most basic skill sets that any home renovators gonna need is to know how to paint a ceiling and do a nice job of it because there are a lot of ways that you can really make a mess of your house if you don't know how to paint a ceiling properly we've all seen the house before right the smooth ceiling lots of pot lights patches everywhere lines everywhere yes there is a secret to get a job done without having any of that ugly stuff showing and it makes it look like one clean finish and I'm not talking about spring talking about brush and roller and I'm going to show you all that secret today we have to add the sanding of the drywall work and priming the drywall before we get in to paint in the ceiling and that's really simple I like using these little blue sponges with the curve on it all right these things are awesome because I can get right into my corners without putting a scratch line I've seen a lot of these things in their square on both ends if you put that up here like this and then drag it across I'll show you what happens you end up with a line on your ceiling okay that's not something you want to have there so but I want to be a living angle and then you can hit both sides with that corner and make it look pretty the only other thing take your 360 sander put it up on your joints all right and go opposite direction that you put the mud on just to change the texture of the mud now this is really important because the paper is really smooth so the mud isn't always as smooth as you think it is and just by going like this nice and easy you'll put a little bit of sanding on it change the texture mud and now it's ready to be painted when you're priming don't run the roller right into that corner because you know they're gonna end up marking up your paint on the corresponding wall the other secret is prime in the same direction that you're going to want to be painting with your finished paint remember when we paint ceilings we can do two coats so the second coat you want to be paint in the same direction as your second coat and that's going to be determined by a couple of different things generally when I'm painting a ceiling if I have a window that's facing south then I want to make sure if the sun's pouring through a window that I'm finishing the paint in the same direction as the Sun so if there is any little lines or ridges even run the microscopic level Sun pouring across the ceiling will highlight it with a shadow once we're done our primer we want to jump right into doing the prime check as soon as it's dry for about two hours so I'm gonna just use a standard trouble light comes I usually like a 25 foot cord 100 watt bulb and that'll show me all of my mistakes so now now you can see all the little pits and nicks and scratches now they're all smooth they've all been sanded right so now we just try to take our compound and slide ourselves over here and this is just a result bulkheads are really brutal right because you're taping an outside corner you're taping an inside corner usually this area here it's gonna get a combination of too much mud or not enough mud so we're just about to jump into the painting but I want to show you this real quick this is my prime check touch up area and I need to give it a quick little scuff here there we go drop the mic we're done now my spots need to be primed because I use regular mud instead of using a regular primer having to wait 20 minutes half an hour I'm gonna use this because this sucker here boom done in three minutes ready to go here we go so basically my my process is this I roll the long wall and then I'll come and cut and then I'll give it another hour and a half quicksand with my 360 sander and then I'll cut and then roll do it in the reverse order so the goal here is to paint long even strokes okay because the longer you roll it out here we go on the more you can keep your edges wet alright the edge of the paint at the front here this is the line you want to keep wet all the time so here's the reason why I'm using a single gallons of paint from my ceiling and I'm doing an entire basement here all right so I could have bought a five-gallon pail but here's what happens when you open the five-gallon pail and you start pouring it out by the time you finish all of the projects there's so much air going into that pail that now the paint's starting to dry and get little crumbs and dirt in it so what I like to use is one gallon at a time for three quarters of a gallon into my paint tray use the rest as my cutting cam and now it's easy to run around and just touch this up make sure that everything is coated don't get lazy with this and only do it on the second coat it will show and you'll see a dark line around your ceiling so make sure you get there cutting done and then it's a great time to go for coffee and then come back we'll cut again and then roll the short side then this thing is done [Music] so one of the coolest finishing touches for a basement is LED pot lights now this design here is really kind of neat it's just a quick connect so you just got to cut your hole up in the ceiling pull down your cable when the electrician comes when he's first doing the roughing he does all the wiring into the control box and then what we do is we hang it up in the ceiling and all this is out of the way and then when we're completely done painting we'd come and draw the lines using our laser level to mark all of our spots and you just quick connect give it a twist and then you pop it in this is the most amazing way to finish off your light because you don't have to pay an electrician to do that second step so we bought these lights here they're come sixteen in a box it's like a big contractor pack at the local building store the only thing it didn't come with is a cutting template for cutting the hole in your ceiling and here's the issue there's not much space between the edge of this screw and the edge of that and you really want to make this nice and tight so here's a secret that I use you just lay that down on some cardboard and trace yourself a line now you've got a line I want you to then take another eighth of an inch and trace a second line now then you just take your utility knife cut through your cardboard and that way when you put this up on the ceiling now you're gonna trace your line out I see billing and next you're gonna trace your line out cut it with your hand drywall saw and then you're guaranteed that the the cover of this trim is going to overlap that cut and you're not gonna have an ugly hole sticking out and that's all you need all right so that is how you make a cutting flange to install your laser today we're talking about installing prehung doors that's right we've got three different ways to do it stay with us we're gonna show you all of our tips and tricks there you go now leave it up the manufacturers to be forever inventing new and stupid waste put these plugs in there we go and then you have to pop your pants [Music] yeah not a lot of mercy here this is sinking on this side [Music] should be pretty being perfect close the door all right door number two we're gonna do the quick and easy way and this cost a few bucks I'm gonna warn you that looks pretty good I'm liking that I'm thinking we can install the door there [Music] all right there's a method number three this is what I call the cheapest [Music] it's pretty solid that doors not going anywhere loving it so one of the most complicated doors that you can install in your home of course is the French door [Music] [Music] [Music] every [Music] well this project is moving along okay a little slower than I'd expected a couple weeks back I had a fall at my own house can't wait to recap my stairs I landed on my back and so it's kind of slowing me down a little bit just to be honest with you but we are at the finishing stages now finally all the flooring is in and that's something the homeowner in this job has done themself so we aren't gonna be showing you videos on that so we will link in the description below how to install a laminate or vinyl flooring video that we think is applicable case when you're watching this video you'd like to see how to do that we've got finished carpenter going on everywhere including behind us this is the shiplap wall and this is a great little idea if you want to be putting up a lot of pictures and moving things around over time you've got a surface that you can screw into unlike drywall so it'll facilitate all kinds of great stuff there today we are trying to finish our for carpentry get some doors installed finish off trimming our playroom and hopefully we have got another week to finish all of our paints to all of our caulking all of our finishing trim paint our doors there's still a lot of work to do but it's you can see the end from this part now and I'm really excited to get this sucker done so let's get it going we got about another hard week of work to do and then we'll be able to show you all the before and afters at the end of the video all right so on our accent wall here we're actually installing this little shiplap product it's a bit of a knockoff it's not even wood it's an MDF and you can see that it has that whole little tetris look to it and that makes it a really cool design to install also makes it a bit of a challenge because you don't want to have a bunch of surface nails going through MDF you'll be putting up the holes forever so what we want to do here is just a couple of things you need to know about this it does not come all the same length comes in ten foot boards but give or take 3/8 of an inch so if you're gonna do this realize you're gonna have to start with a square or starting a plumb line and then you're gonna have to cut every one of your boards to fit so what I like to do just so that I can make my life easier is use a really sharp pencil mark my spot cut my board install one at a time this is very satisfying work and it only takes about an hour to put the whole wallet what we're gonna do is use this awesome adhesive it it's called no nil so we're just gonna mark a few spots here that we can use to hold that board in place okay so here's our entertainment quality we've got a bunch of speaker wire and at 6:00 coming through here the idea being we're gonna have a TV mounted and we want to run our wires in the wall cavity so you got a couple of options here we have a traditional right this is a low-voltage box it's a retrofit so you can put this anywhere on this wall and you can cut it in you tighten the screws and then these little wings come out and create a compression fit on the drywall that's an option or you can get one of these bad boys now this is interesting because that option requires a finishing pleat where this one is designed to install in the same fashion with that screw compression fit right but you put this on at the very end so this part here actually is going to be inside the wall so you want your drywall cut beside it give yourself one eighth of an inch on all four sides when you're cutting we just slide that in boom tighten the screws tada [Music] so one of the secrets that I'd like to incorporate when I'm working on a small box or something like this when I'm trimming is don't worry about being perfect with the measurement when you're putting this all together nothing is going to be perfectly angled nothing's gonna be a perfect measurement nothing to be a perfect cut so make the error by making everything just a little bit bigger than is necessary because what we're gonna do is we're gonna install this with our no nails adhesive and we can use a real thick bead and I'll show you how this is done in a second but first I'm gonna cut both my outside corners on my saw I love my saw here first of all because if I keep the wheel in the back loose whenever I want to make my outside closed done great all I do come up to that pencil mark that we met on the wall cupped on the backside and you've already automatically got your outside corner just gonna put a little bit on the jointer so it doesn't crack over time but this is the secret here nice thick beat we're gonna go in like this make a gentle contact and just squeeze these corners together until everything is perfect for good measure you can toss in a nail or two put them in an obscure place [Music] we're storming this vent here and I realize that the cutout is done absolutely horrible I'm not sure what I was drinking at the time but that's nasty here's a secret to solve that rum take a couple of screws put them into the supporting framework that's how you install a grill no screws and fully functional all right this is my favorite way install window trim and if you want to know how to do this we actually did this video and I'm gonna put a link so you may have seen our videos before on our flooring installation techniques and one thing that we never covered was the transitions and there's a reason we never did it is because we were waiting for the opportunity to cover all the information that we need to give you to do it properly now right down here we're gonna take a look at what a finish for transitions should look like you will notice that it is exactly underneath where this door is going to close to alright and the secret to that is installing your flooring just a little bit to the inside of the jam and right under just a little inside the door stop you really want to leave a three quarter inch gap at the maximum all the way across [Music] all right [Music] they're instant all I got to do is trim out this door and then we're gonna be back in just a few seconds with all the before and after shots this awesome basically transformation [Music] as you can see this space is completely different now than the spinach I mean before they had a few walls up they probably could have had a TV room set up down here but that was very limited very cold and very ugly having done this now you raise in value in your home increasing the living space and you have all kinds of options for enjoying this down here reality is guys one person can do this alone because I did I renovated this out on my own just so that I can show you that if you're a homeowner by yourself you can do this then we have all of the videos and instructions necessary in our channel so we're gonna put links in the description below for the playlist for this basement the playlist for our other basement job and that will give you all the information you need to be able to do something like this for yourself building material wise it's not expensive to do drywall in flooring so go ahead dare to dream and I dare you to renovate your own basement and then send us the pics so that we could see what you did if you like this kind of information hit the share button share this with people encourage them inspire them let's start making a change in society where we are taking pride in our homes and we're going to elevate ourselves in our position in life by fixing up our own house so I hope you enjoyed this episode of reality renovation if you're new to our channel the nice to suggest you subscribe to the channel over here don't forget to hit the bell icon for notifications so you'll be told every time a new video comes up and if you'd like you can click the link right here and you can binge watch all the episodes that we have on our playlist amazing information everything DIY and de car and renovation and remodeling thanks for joining us
Views: 541,259
Rating: 4.9118142 out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, home renovision, home renovision diy, renovation reality show, remodel reality show, renovation show, home reno, home remodel, finishing a basement, how to finish a basement, how to renovate a basement, building basement walls, how to build a wall, wall framing, french door install, how to install french doors, how to install drywall, soundproofing, basement soundproofing, how to soundproof a room
Id: mkdYpfx5nMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 38sec (3578 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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