DIY Basement Renovation Start to Finish | Reality Renovision Ep09

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the way they built this house actually has a major problem I haven't run into a house that has square walls loved working on these old homes these are my bread and butter I gotta say this floor exactly come from Wow wow that's actually a rain cloud the whole ground is even perfect every time [Music] welcome back we have a really awesome project this month we're doing a basement renovation from scratch in a three year old home so you would think that being a three year old home we should have no problems to show up build it and go to finish the reality is is that building materials and techniques are changing so fast nowadays and the code is changing so fast the way they built this house actually has a major problem so we're gonna explore that real quick just so that people can get an idea of what can go wrong even using new construction techniques and materials [Music] so what you're looking at here is the exterior foundation wall of this basement and it's unique in the fact that this is a walkout basement so the sides are all sloped down which is why the Foundation's been stepped in poured concrete in this manner and you can see how they built out in front with some two by fours and some ridge plate and this is all pretty well and good on the surface you know super six poly they've got the acoustic seal what could go wrong here right so here's the problem this concrete when it's poured has got a lot of moisture and it has to be released while it's curing and so what happened in this house is that they wrap this concrete in a Type R paper and then because upstairs is 2x6 construction on the outside wall in our area our Building Code is our 22 insulation so in our Building Code the basement has to be insulated to the same degree as the upstairs so they have to get 22 our value in this wall but traditionally that's a 2x6 construction but here they saved a few dollars 106 but buck 50 each so they saved $300 and what they did is they put two layers of our 12 insulation in so they got more insulation value at a cheaper price but what it did is it compressed up against this insulation record so now they've lost the air space unfortunately our Building Code doesn't have air space in it so what happened is all of the moisture that came off this concrete got trapped between the concrete and this paper and then there's a vapor barrier over here so I had nowhere to go everything is sealed up tighter than a drum so all that water sat in the insulation and so as a result you've got our 24 soaking wet and we all know that if you jump in a pool with your clothes on you get wet what we're gonna do on this project now is our original scope of work was really simple we were just gonna construct some 2x4 boxes finish this wall to the ceiling cuz really how do you use that space properly unless you collect plates or something so what we have to do now is we've got a spray foam company coming in next week they're gonna spray from all the walls so our project has changed now we're doing a bit of a stage so we're gonna put in our subfloor build our walls then we're gonna call the electrician in and once all everything is run and wired and box then the spray foam can come and then we're back to where we started and closing up so the process we're going to use here is really simple we're going to put down a subfloor system that gives you an air barrier a moisture barrier and then something that's wood that you can build your frame on so you don't have to attach everything to concrete and that's because most of this area is gonna be done with a laminate finish something really nice laminate finish but some of the other areas we're gonna be doing all tile the hallway the back area here we're gonna have a bathroom so that area there we're going to frame a little differently so we're going to show you contrasting techniques and then you can decide which one's right for your job so a lot of us in the building industry we you know we've we've come across this dimpled plastic before it's called plat tool but the reality is it's not the product name that's just a product brand name so this is actually DMX and this is available my local building store I picked it up I usually use this for my sub floors underneath a five-eighths tongue-and-groove OSB plywood and we can screw that to the floor with tapcon screws and that's my traditional basement system [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you make my life easier on someone cut off some ways right there [Music] [Applause] now there's a lot of different opinions in the world today about what is the right way to build something but the truth is is there isn't just one right way I believe in this I believe there's a 10 year a 20 year and a 40 year building technique now where I'm from here in Canada we generally have a building code that promotes you know responsible building I wouldn't say perfect so you have a house that has a great foundation we love to do good insulation and protect our resources from energy loss but we fail is making sure that all of our interior finishes are well thought through to keep them from deteriorating over time especially in the bathrooms now here in this basement we have the same kind of scenario the way that they've made this basement we had deterioration right out of the get-go three year old home we've got rotting and molding plates it's been too sealed up too tight so the way I like to approach it is this if you're doing a repair or an upgrade in your house and you're on a budget you can do a tenure that's still a good way to build new home construction makes a bathroom the last five to ten years that's all you're gonna get if you're building something that's going to last your stay in your home for a while you can do 20 year and that covers the life for your mortgage or if it's a forever home or something you're going to give down to inheritance your kids build a 40 year and so what we're gonna do on our channel we'll show you 10 20 and 40 year techniques and let you decide what's best for you [Music] hold it flush you buy the same room with this clock and if your wood is twisted you can sit on the wood and you can manipulate the wood even if you're working alone so all we got to do is we know our top plates gonna go level off of this because that's where the laser line is hitting right sweetie and then we're gonna set the self-tapping screw right into the steel done got a while there's a furnace switch now that we're gonna be putting a door up this furnace which has four you're located inside the furnace room I'm not gonna do that today but we are gonna get this out of our way temporarily so we can frame our corner here properly we're gonna build this wall right in front of the steel we're gonna go to the top and bottom plate cups a little bit for the door after we're done this'll be our header we're just stick framing this in because it's easier at this point this bad boy from moving around with us [Music] [Music] that was not going anywhere so what we do is we have a 34 inch gap plus the jacks is three inch makes a 37 inch header so if we've got the bottom level of the square and we just put the jack in place there should be on our laser mark BAM perfect hello so in our basement we have a three piece path as part of the contract so we have bathrooms spare room probably gonna be used as an office and then the living area the bathroom is interesting it's already got a rough end done right so we've got our vent stack but what we have is a drain for a shower 3-inch for a toilet and then a vent stack that all this is obviously tied to we assume and then a one and a half inch drain for the sink the challenge here is that the original scope the Builder had this roughed in for a five foot by 7 foot traditional bathroom which is really tiny so in a five foot by 7 foot this plumbing is in the wrong spot these locations would fail an inspection if the contract was to finish the bathroom but since they were only prepping the bathroom there's no code for this so I have garbage to work with so you have two choices you can open the floor we run all your plumbing or you can design the bathroom around what you have and that decreases the scope of work saves you a ton of money so what we're gonna do we're gonna put in a 30 by 60 shower and we're gonna set up our back wall so that this drain will pick up our shower we're going to put the toilet here we're not going to use this for our vent I'm just where our drain for our sink instead we're going to shorten the room and make it wider so we're gonna go with more like an 8 by 7 and that'll give us a little bit more space in the hallway we had tons of room towards the office to steal from so we just decided to move our wall over here bring our vanity onto this side I'm going to build a box around this maybe get some open shelving and the bathroom will function fabulous and we'll save ourselves a ton of time with opening the floor and running new ploughin plumbing we don't have to get the inspectors in to resubmit the rough-in and so it's a win-win we're gonna have a bigger bathroom with more space less work less scope of work I love it [Music] all right well here we are back at the basement job second week of production the walls are closed up on the exterior where we had the spray foam applied which is kind of interesting remember we had this water problem so we decided to go with a spray foam to solve that in Kanata here there was a fire recently and so the clients were really quite concerned because the spray foam is supposed to be covered with drywall and so someone they knew had a fire at their house and they sent me a message said can you come quick close up the walls so we can sleep tonight knowing that our spray foam isn't gonna kill us in our sleep so we did we did backwards in this job all right so we put up the walls and covered all our spray foam before we did the ceiling which is traditionally backwards from what you like to do this right here is gonna be the solution to our problem this is an inside corner beat and the idea is where'd you put the ceiling on second you have a gap you fill it with mud you're going to install this metal corner bead to close up the gap so you're not going to get gaps cracking on overtime it's better than paper in that scenario because it's reinforced a little bit of Steel and that's what we're gonna have to do in all these walls when we put the walls up first so really cool this corner here originally we were just going to be closing it off no big deal we'd have to have access to the they clean out over here and that was the only thing on the list but once you start defining the space of a room people's imaginations start to go a little bit crazy and I had made a suggestion what about the idea of possibly bringing a water supply line or something over to this corner in case in the future you wanted to do like a wet bar seemed like a pretty natural idea you're near the other side they're gonna have a hot tub this is gonna be a adult lounge area type of kind of thing and so they were mulling that thought over and then soon as the space was defined they're like oh we love the idea let's do the bar once you get a certain point in construction there's no more surprises all you're doing is moving forward so once they had the foundation and the insulation issue dealt with now we're moving forward they can look a hard look at their budget they knew all of their expenses and cost so they said let's do the bar give us a quick idea so we came up with a budget that's really reasonable we're gonna get a cabinet over here with a functioning sink so we have drain and water supply brought down I have two electrical feeds here we're gonna run that along a side panel bring that out into this space in front of in front of this corner so we're gonna have a cabinet cabinet and we're gonna do a really cool live edge solid plank part of a tree plank down as a countertop here and that'll be about it a little lighting in the ceiling so we'll have wet bar kind of a cool countertop not much in the way of carpentry just a couple small cabinets in a bar fridge but it's gonna be in a fabulous area so that they can entertain throw a couple stools here I'm gonna call that a bar alright so in regards to the duct work I just wanted to point out real quickly this is an existing run and what they had here before was one of these old ceiling grilles and they had a couple of metal bars you probably have it in your basement if you're looking at an unfinished room so they have a like big 4 by 10 boot and then a grill on it so what we do is remove that junk because I hate having metal grills and screws in my ceilings so we're done as we add a 5 inch 90 degree piece of pipe and we have this hang in just a little bit lower than our strapping the idea being when we install the drywall on the ceiling we can cut the hole and then when we're finished we can put in the diffuser no diffusers Fancy's it's a big plastic cap with a layer on it that you can actually close up or you can open up with a simple twist of the finger I prefer this kind of thing in a basement because you know you want to have a lot more control over your heat and air conditioning in the basement different times of the year and on all we do is we put some shims set this height a little bit of all round strapping screw it down so that when we're putting our diffuser in there's resistance all right this will make sure that we have a nice tight fit and it's not going to be sitting there with a big gap and causing you issues that's just a really nice way to finish off your ceiling so we're early on in the process we were talking with the client we weren't sure if they were going to end up with the TV on that wall over there against the bedroom or on this wall over here and so originally we were going to supply hydro and run some cable just for both options thank goodness they came to a conclusion earlier in the face so this is definitely gonna be TV wall and the idea is they're thinking I'm going with a really large projection screen so we have a bulkhead that's gonna be running down the whole length of this room in their original design and as you can see if that bulkhead comes into this wall here that interrupts to the projection screen so what we are gonna do is bring our bulkhead at this point we'll bring it back and then finish off down here generally don't like to make bulkheads like that but in this case I want to leave unobstructed viewing area we're gonna go with at least seven or eight feet by four feet tall so that they can let their imagination you go crazy when they're picking up their viewing projector all right so you can see that we've got all of our spaces defined here real well the bathroom in the back there there's a couple more mechanical things we want to take care of running the waters for the shower putting in the shower pan that's all arriving today later on this is going to be the office area here and this is the 2x6 wall for running our mechanical this is where the heat runs gonna go in and really after today we're gonna have all the mechanical finished not bad two weeks in and we're gonna be hanging the drywall in the ceiling another day or so will be all closed up ready to tape the reason I'm showing you this technique is because a lot of people don't have the proper cutting tools for bringing in ductwork and I get that so this works really great all you have to do is remove the plastic gasket that exposes the adhesive you don't need a second pair of hands holding that in place there we go as you go around the outside of the pipe crimping the pipe all right here we go get that piece in alright done so today we're gonna be installing the new Rio Bell Pro line not a flame we want to heat the copper to the point where we keep the copper and the blasts when the brass is hot enough over here that the solder melts down there we go so when I'm doing a job like this I like to think ahead of myself and I setup I don't have my water lines coming down my centerline is gonna be here it's really tight to get bring a water line down and join it over some of the drill a hole bring the water from this side [Music] so once we got the crimper on position will turn the fitting and then squeeze give ourselves that quarter-inch okay man are you going to install this supply line so this isn't just a simple shower valve so it's not a valve with the showerhead what we're putting on here is just applied bar [Music] by using this testing gauge might seem a little monotonous but this is a great way to find out if you missed locking one of your joints now all that's left to do is to pressurize the lines make sure it's not dripping and we can complete our wall installation and our tiling then we'll come back and put the trims on at the end of the day so here we are we're using that Dewalt laser to connect the dots what I've done is that measured off my steel beam the same measurement here on the other end of the room my 2x4 will be here and then my bulkhead will be about here what I'm using as am using a 2x4 one of the benefits of working in these new homes so you can see that the floor joists package is actually it's an engineered lumber so again it's like an aspen it-- capped with two by threes lots of adhesive and when they put those packages down from steel to an exterior wall it is really flat we don't have a lot of movement on there like I said traditional house that's all done in wood because the crown is up and down and all over the place here is nice and flat so we really have an advantage you'll see here's my laser line right on the edge of my wood and so I'm gonna just get this screw in first here we go so now I don't have to connect my dots with my lumber because my plywood is going to be doing that for me so I just want to get this on my laser line mark so once you got all your plywood screwed on what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be just screwing this wood to the bottom edge of the plywood okay with the screws all our down the run and then we have a mounting surface for our track now we're just using a metal track it's got a shape to it so it'll carry a lot of weight run it across to the other side of the room and then we have something to screw or drywall to but that is the basics of how to build a bulkhead okay so we are in the basement bathroom now we've got a drop ceiling going on and our client bought this house three years ago and knew that they were going to convert a bathroom down here so in their scope of work for the Builder they had them add a exhaust vent in the foundation wall so we're gonna be installing today is the new tone it's of a replacement family you can use it a new construction just as well so the idea here is you want to leave enough room for your exhaust to turn the corner I'm gonna run my first sheet of drywall up to this point all right and then I'll be able to tighten these screws right down onto that drywall joint and that'll be perfect the goal here is try to have a straight and run as possible all right sometimes it's helpful to have a sugar bit so today we're going to take the time to teach you everything you need to know about installing drywall so we have a window here I'm just gonna cut the majority of this window out demonstrate how this tool operates has a nasty screeching sound for people who don't like that nails on the chalk curtain quick bother you when you're working alone the whole trick is this carry your sheet white facing the lift and set it in so we just crank it up throw a couple of screws in the middle of the sheet if you are working alone and you have to drive while your ceiling this is a great trick use about three or four on each side of the sheet that's enough to hold it in place [Music] the freaky thing here is the outside wall in this wall we're pre-existing from the Builder would this be the first square room Mike nope alright and then push the tip into the paper and then with your left hand sliding across the drywall pulling with the right hand mark the whole sheet together at the same time a little bit of a pop very very fonts from Happy Days make a big X on the back of your drywall punch put right into the corner okay you get to drive the ship all right I know I just close it like a door never want drywall in contact with your concrete it'll pull the moisture out of the concrete into the wall board guaranteed to feed the mold that's naturally occurring in the wood and your baseboards are gonna go black for the basics we have a slow-speed drill now this is something that I would recommend if you're gonna mix the whole box at a time that's the perfect finished coat when that's dry you can sand that with relative ease and if you have a nice clean application I hope they have the same one at all before we get started taping we want to fill our guest now this is my 45 minute mud it's not silky smooth it's a little thick and I don't need along those little pans to hold on to it hocks are awesome but basically what we're doing is we're just gonna slap some mud up here and just buy the sealing cap okay you don't have a lot of time here so put our knife here we're gonna hold on a bit of an angle about 22 degrees so generally speaking I like paper tape only I will keep fiberglass tape on hand this suction occasion is this side of the knife their speed is very important so in the corner bead there's a metal corner this is the short side it's 3/8 this one is almost 5/8 the wide metal goes over the exposed drywall okay close we have a gap to fill so that we don't have to bring the mud up and around and finish on day two I like to put all my metal corner beads on and I'm just using the side of my truck and loading it up okay I'm just setting my night about three inches from the inside corner there I don't want to take out any more mud that's not necessary this way okay so here we go just gonna keep my hawk nice and clean I don't want to have the mud on the other side of it we'll start to dry even while it's sitting here we're just going to have this inner mud that we made for the final coat now when that's dry you'll be able to sand that just by passing the block it is done you don't have to fight with it you don't need a huge dust cloud you don't have to put hair I have seen people sanding drywall you should be wearing a hazmat suit this is a toxic material one thing you need to know in a basement whether it's in the wintertime or summertime your HVAC system is operating so we need to control the dust so we don't have a whole lot of sanding to do so really all we gotta do is get our pad on there and we're not trying to remove all the mud we're just trying to remove the Ridge you see just a little bit of dust just a couple of passes and you'll see that it's feathered in so now you can see we got a room sanded we've got our our dust free system has been removed we want to start with the ceiling give it a nice liberal coat push it in this is not about having a thick coat the primers got a lot of solids in it so a good primer is not wet you're going to want to do two coats but before you do your coats you want to do your cut in the way you cut is you fill the brush with paint by pushing it into the paint filling the inside you clean this off so there's no paint sitting on the other side the brush it's all inside the brush always paint from the inside so if my finished coat is gonna go this way my first coat has to come this way so we're gonna do is we're gonna just put it on we're not gonna worry about trying to stretch it out too much when it's time to paint your bulkheads if your roller is full of paint like this you're gonna have ten times the amount of paint that you need okay so what I would suggest is roll out piece of the ceiling dry off your roller a little bit then you come back alright cage down so you don't hit your ceiling and then gently not too much strength here gently roll that out now you can paint like a pro [Music] job we are taking a look at finishing all the flooring that's not getting laminate and it's not on the subfloor system so because we have our subfloor system that you've probably seen previously what we're doing here is we are recreating the same tile floor that's upstairs and we're bringing it down here so that we have a nice constant flow through the house so what what I did is I use the Eco Prime grip and then I've used the protego on delimit this is an uncoupling membrane this is not a Detra product this is red not Orange so don't have to adjust the color on your screen okay so here's our pattern this is an eighth inch offset but this isn't a brick pattern it doesn't keep stepping down the way it comes back again it's what we end up with is to grab lines and then to grout lines with the larger space in the middle when you're installing this way on a two day tile and so I'll almost always just go for the square footage on the first day [Music] and we're going to place this down on my line there there a clip basically it's the same sciences all the clip systems they break off you put them underneath the tile [Music] you can see this works pretty quick [Music] you [Music] welcome back the Jeff from auto I design a building yes it's me I look a little worse for wear today so playing basketball with Nate my sunder from the deck videos we had a little head to head collision and I got the worst of it he's absolutely fine anyway the boys are in here working we're gonna check in and see what they're up to and make sure that they're still working [Music] Oh sounds like they're working let's go see what he's up to hey guys hey okay tell us what you're up to Nate yeah sure so basically I put a little piece of tape right here make sure the tape is a little longer than the screw when you're trying to drill into your subfloor into concrete you want to make sure that this hole is bigger than your screw that way the heads not protruding through I just drilled one here right now and it's all the way through that piece of plywood and there's no like little guts coming out so we should be okay with the plywood cool so you're we're almost ready to start laying the flooring in this room it doesn't show in the end you don't get miss coloration and everything in the grow cracks so pretty much you just it's just a little triangle tool you toss it in there and just like scratch your back and forth to get little pieces of grit out yeah this watch that we're ready room for sure yeah cool then we got the ultra color plus here today beautiful this product is amazing max this product here is it's good for sanded or unsanded applications so it feels really small gaps up to half an inch thick which is crazy it also quick to rise has polymer in it has a sealer in it so anything you want out of your grout to do this does for you and it's my Miracle Grow the only thing is he's got to move real fast with the washing or it's hard to get off other than that the bathroom's almost done so we got the vanity in the custom open cabinets here so once we're done grouting it's on to paint and finish trim another week we should be done out of here I'm gonna show you some tips and tricks on doing finished carpentry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see then there's a little bit of meat left but none of you know exactly where that boy it's gonna come [Music] perfect that is beautiful don't press too hard it's gonna make a dent when the nail goes through but if you press too hard even the guide here he's gonna put a hole would end up filling two holes instead of one we've got something that looks like wide plank board flooring basically we just roll it out and cut it to fill the space so cut your board in advance no need to measure just like any other kind of flooring you want to have pay attention to your aging which is where you're joining the benefit of this tongue and groove action is that it actually locks from both different directions I'm talking about installing crown molding so the material reason today is a finger joint pine pre painted very simple line it's not colonial it's very modern chi-ching I like to put some caulking we just want to make sure that we're gonna get this car after I've rolled roughly in the right direction here [Music] today we are installing a custom glass sliding door system for a 5 foot shower all right here we go that is a tough tile [Applause] [Music] [Music] so you end up with this just carrying waiting three-point twist [Music] we're going to install and put our wax ring there straddle this wall situation I can note clear the weight on my elbows I can hover over the toilet and visually make sure that I'm getting a bolt in each one of those holes and then just follow that down and now I want to put the same kind of pressure on the whole toilet surface the entire time I'm pressing it basically this is similar to drywall you want less pressure but lots of movement okay I mean you are only cutting brass here after so the alternate method is pull out your grinder over there cut off wheel this works great too and it works in a jiffy so safety first but he says you can't be cool while you're safe [Music] set of employees save a place go backwards until you feel it grab the thread go forwards set it in please today remember that 3/8 is the typical water supply for toilets and faucets where quarter-inch is the water supply for a fridge line you don't want to get the wrong one this particular toilets are low-flow and they go down to one point one gallon per flush which is almost nothing love made some water conservation set it in place right out of the factory to the water line gotta love it [Music] [Applause] [Music] well we are finished and when I mean finished I mean finally finished what started off as a pretty straightforward project to finish a basement space kind of took on a life of its own as the client started to see it unfold and expand their vision and came up with new ideas so originally we had designs for just a small bar in the corner and every time we took another step around the corner the developing in this project the bar grew and grew and grew and we had to get designers involved and changed our expectations we added these awesome elements and now what we have is something that is absolutely spectacular this is real showstopper here so we have a live edge countertop we have our quartz countertop believe it or not all of these cabinets are from Ikea so shout out to them thanks for that they actually function really well in this space and we were able to modify and do all of our creative products with it so that worked out well loving the bar top this is an 8 foot by 8 foot bar now sits in the middle of the space so hopefully this will be big enough to satisfy all of their entertaining needs but as you can see behind us the lighting in here is brilliant it's not even very sunny today but this this is a main floor kind of environment even though it's a basement because it is a walk-in and because of that it deserved a little bit extra attention a little bit more detail some really quality finishing and it's a week we've done is replicated everything from upstairs and brought it downstairs so we have the sills on the windows and a nice big thick trim very very modern look so we're really pleased you can tell as you walk around the flooring is actually awesome this is at or lease floor this is a laminate floor product but it is really high quality incredibly durable has a great texture fits nice and tight together so if you're looking for a floor for your house I would suggest this this stuff is amazing of course the double doors are in and the bulkheads are all finished and the space is huge wide open and even though it's a basement with the drop ceiling feature it doesn't feel like a cramped space you have nothing but room here so I'm really pleased when the clients are happy I know the crew is happy to be done and I know max is happy that we're filming so so one of the things about this bar that we love is the fact that we have so much space between the wall and the cabinetry when you're designing a space like this it's not enough to just squeeze it into a wall you want to make sure that your funk your features function properly you got lots of room alright this is a big enough bar there could be more than one person back here so you definitely need the space and remember when you're doing a project like this the last thing you do is you always make sure you shove a bottle of champagne in the fridge for your clients little surprise so as we're leaving the main room and heading into the hallway by the way really loves how the tile floor turned out again hats off to the penguin tile leveling system for helping this with that really important to note here in a basement you really need to make sure you have a nice wide hallways open for you a concept so we've changed the design from the original plan that had bigger bigger bathroom and bigger spare room and made wider hallways so when you come down into this level this is not a basement feel this is just a different level and it is awesome so we're gonna head on into the bathroom we're gonna show you how we finish that off so one of the things we changed in the original redesign of this bathroom it was a typical 5 by 7 so it'd have been shower tub vanity door a little bit of walkway and that takes up about 35 square feet so what we did is we change the design and we went with a 6 by 7 and made it more rectangular so when you do that you end up at the door in the middle why opening into an area that seems a lot bigger and you're not so cramped I hate those five by seven bathrooms and so what we did is by changing that we actually made the hallway a foot bigger and stretch the bathroom this way and took over a little bit more of the storage area which wasn't really necessary because I had tons of space available there this way this bathroom although it's still tiny it feels rather large you're not claustrophobic and there's room for a couple of different design features you can put accents and different things in the room and you're not gonna feel cluttered we have a simple little vanity here a built-in storage shelving unit may function as a guest bathroom so that way they can load it up with towels and not have to worry about things and then the showers basically it's a 5 by 30 inch sliding door kit but the overhead shower rail this is really nice work so fantastic simple tile wall and again we're using our pro flow system in the bathroom are well this is one valve and it only has one control but we put it on the adjustable slide bar so no matter who you are this is real easy to function it's just thumb control and then you can remove the wand and then wash the shower down this is about as basic as it gets but it's very elegant and very stylish remember when you're designing a space like a basically you have low ceilings the secret is lights lighting lighting lighting lighting everywhere okay that is the key so the LED pot light is a brilliant way to do it because these are installation afterwards you can link extra ones into the system after the fact if you need it once you start with an LED light you can add 15 or 20 on the same run because they don't use a lot of power and they don't generate heat so like for instance in this area here this is basically just a hallway and it's been widened out and we have a nice 36 inch door going to the storage area so it'll facilitate storing anything moving in and out without damaging things over time but up through the ceiling we had a similar situation if you remember that old Victorian kitchen that we did we had heat run city going on in this area so this is just off the furnace and we had to hide that we had to hide this we had to hide something over here so we ended up just creating this whole box ceiling effect but to tear and doing the crown molding put in a couple of pot lights and so now instead of just a bunch of boxes in the basement without any purpose and they look kind of in the way we've created this ceiling effect where this looks like a design ceiling that's done on purpose to create this effect of height and I think it's beautiful it's a great way to solve the problem thanks for joining us today and if you'd like to see the projects that we're doing in the future hit the subscribe button so you notified every time we have a new video or check out the link over here you can check out some of our past projects while you're making that decision I gotta find a new color [Music]
Views: 215,406
Rating: 4.9160562 out of 5
Keywords: basement renovation, jeff thorman, reality renovision, reality renovation, home renovision diy, diy basement renovation, how to finish a basement, basement drywall, basement bathroom, building bulk heads, diy laminate flooring, diy finish carpentry, crowne molding, baseboards, live edge counter top, bar finish, ikea counters, basement bar, diy tile in a basement, how to renovate a basement, basement finishing, basement bar build
Id: Ej1BgTnSU-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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