Parkour Over Custom Meshes |Game Animation Sample Project | Motion Matching

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hey what's going on you guys welcome back to the channel today I'm going to be doing a follow-up video on the 500 free animations game animation sample project from epic games that was dropped yesterday if you haven't checked it out yet definitely go and download it it's free grab it and start playing around with it what I did was I migrated my own level into um the sample project and then using the level prototyping blocks that they provided I was able to make it so that I've you know essentially turned these static meshes into traversable objects meaning you can jump over it climb onto it so without further Ado I'm going to jump right into it all right um if you're coming to my video you know without having already seen my other video I would suggest going to that video first to learn how you can get your custom character into the scene and then you can see how I built these uh static meshes so very quickly you can already tell I've basically gone to this folder called level prototyping and within that folder there should be these two blueprints level block and level Block traversible Level block traversible is essentially a child blueprint from Level block U but what I did was I draged this object or this blueprint into my scene and then I've scaled it to hide it within my other static mesh that I want to turn into a traversible object all right so I'm going to demonstrate that with this tractor I want to make it so that she can jump on top of the tractor all right so drag this into the scene using R to scale and make sure you're scaling the um the blueprint and not the static mesh within it and um you know just going to scale it to kind of cover the area that you want to um jump over uh one thing to note is that I don't know if this is the the proper way but it is a way that um you know I I figured out how to do this uh with the help of Gabriel P I'm just going to give him a shout out I'm going to link his channel below uh he's extremely knowledgeable about unreal and he was able to give me some tips on how to do this so big shout out to Gabriel So once I've scaled it to kind of like you know what it's going to be now um there's going to be a couple things you want to do so go into edit blueprint of that level traversible and the first thing we're going to do is with the blueprint selected here we're going to make sure this is ticked on actor hidden in game okay and this is so that we don't see the um this block once we're playing the game but we do want to see it you know while we're building the game the other thing to know is that there is a weird thing that happens with Collision so you know these splines right here within the blueprint you can see how it's built it's a static mesh which is basically the block and then there's like these splines that are dictating the area that you can actually um climb over okay so the problem is that when these splines are being collided with a mesh um it kind of like disables it um so the workaround is by selecting your static mesh and please let me know if there's a better way to do this or if I'm doing the wrong way but after many you know different ways of testing this this is sort of what I've come to a conclusion of you have to turn off the Collision so Collision presets actually I'm going to go to custom because um there is one thing I do want so I'm going to check everything is ignore but for camera I do want to block the camera and maybe visibility I'm not sure like you guys tell me in the comments what I'm doing wrong because I know um there's tons of Pros out there that are actual game developers that can help me with this so let's test this out out real quick yes and it works so that's the easy way uh you do have to fiddle around a little bit like see she doesn't she's not able to get back over it so the tricky thing is that and you know you see kind of like she's um going into the tractor so that's the trade-off you know the tractor is probably the most difficult thing to do um one thing to know is also the size of this block if it's too small it won't really work so you have to make it so that it's kind of like wide enough so that she's able to jump over like that's what um happened over here like this one at first she wasn't able to go over it until I made it just a little bit wider okay so for this tractor let's see if what happens if I make it a little bit wider then maybe she can um come over from the other side yes see so you know you can finesse this and Collide and block off like this part if you didn't want her touching that um but essentially this is how you would do it hold down alt and you can like basically copy over one you know make it like that and there you have it all right leave me a comment and let me know what you think and yeah if you find a better way to do this let me know as well peace
Channel: beyondcinema
Views: 6,319
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -wRPssBMNE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 47sec (407 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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