Add Clothing To Rigged Characters- Blender 2.83 Alpha

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hello everyone and welcome to another tutorial today I'm going to be showing you how to put a cloth simulation onto a character that you've already rigged and animated so a lot of people have been asking me like how do you make a cloth simulation work with a rigged character so I'm gonna be making this scene file here available for free it's in the description below you can go to blend swap and download it so what it is is just this female character here that a hit is that I've gone ahead and rigged for you guys and I've done this little quick animation and it starts in a tee pose and I'm gonna explain why this tee pose is important when you ever you're doing this sort of thing so you started out of a tee pose it's just this basic little animation that she does and we're gonna be box modeling some really basic and clothes on top of her and then we're just gonna be running the simulation so we're going to be modeling this really basic dress it's nothing fancy I didn't put a lot of time into it you can see it doesn't look that ballistic but it's just to kind of introduce you to some of the basic things to keep in mind when you're doing this and I hope you guys like this tutorial so this scene is seam file is available in the description below so go check that out on blades well let's get started okay so once you've downloaded the file that I've provided and the link below you're going to see if you open it up we have a character here it's character is rig it's animated and by default I've just kind of left it on frame 119 all you have to do is drag the slider down back to frame 0 now you can notice with this character I have posed this character in my animation that's for the first few frames so between frames 0 and frame 40 the character is just standing in as T pose and not moving and then my animation comes into play and the reason we're doing this is whenever we're going to model our clothing our cloth simulation around our character we want to take two things into consideration so a tee pose is going to give us the least amount of complexity to work around so if my character is in a complex pose that's a lot more work to work around the character so just having it in a tee post makes things easier not only that when we make our clothing with box modeling we can also give it a mirror modifier which is going to make things easier or fast cuz we don't have to do as much work so with a character of your choice one that you've rigged make sure you've animated the first few frames in a tee pose if you're using this one then you don't have to do it because I've already done it so make sure your frame 1 and frame 1 I'm gonna go shift a we're gonna get our mesh options and add in a cube and you can see our cube has a that little orange dot in the middle that is our origin point so you want to go G Z and just move this guy up so that origin point is roughly in the middle of our character so geez Zed just move it up and then guest use to scale it down like that so we have this cube here and then we're going to tab into edit mode where you can just go up here and go into edit mode and let me just enable my screencast keys as well for you guys so you can see what I'm pressing so what we're gonna do is go ctrl R and add in a loop cut and then go V to cut it and then select any one of these vertices go ctrl L and X and delete so we only have our right side here or its left side but from our right perspective we can go to our modifiers add a modifier and then we're going to go add an Emir and it by default that's going to be a nexus which is what we want okay so if you're in front orthographic view that's gonna be X and come down here it's very important that you enable clipping now I'm going to show you a very easy way to make a dress so what we're gonna do is going to a right orthographic view I know right off for graphic view we're going to head a just like all of these for deceased and guess why and just scale them in a little bit then we're gonna grab these vertices here and go G just bring them down and what we're gonna do is just grab these vertices here in wireframe mode and just move them around okay so from the side it's not neither one of these edges or penetrating the character then we going to get e to extrude scale it up rotate it a little bit and we're just doing some really bulky boxy geometry to start off with and get e to extrude and this one we're going to keep just right under the arms let's make sure it's not intersecting there and then go one more time to extrude this one up and in R to rotate it so just something like this grab this guy at the bottom go sy just scale it out and E bring it down and then you can get your front orthographic view and what we can do here this just move these guys around so we're just trying to make a rough box around the character instead of adding too much detail and first it's a big mistake a lot of people make when they're doing just sort of things I just keep it really simple box geometry like this and yeah so I know at the moment looks really rough what we're gonna do is keep adding in details so we're going to go control our add in the loop here and then if we go control and click on this vertice and open shift and ctrl and click on this one at the top I get why didn't that work okay so it should select this loop here so just select all of these vertices and then go G and just move these guys in and then do the same thing here just select all of these vertices here and go G and just move them in to here right yeah this is all we're doing it's just building a rough box around our character keeping things very simple okay just like that and then what we're gonna do let's go to a face select here and we're gonna select these faces okay that are around the arm and we're gonna go es and just extrude them in and then G and just bring them out to here just where our arm is like that and then get X and delete those faces so we're just building this really rough little box around a character then get our edge select and then we've got a control are adding a loop here and it doesn't have to be exactly like I'm doing it but just the aim here is just to build a really rough box around a character these guys here bring them in doesn't have to be complicated OOP select these guys go s X just flatten them a bit and then with these guys you can go e to extrude them and an S to scale just make sure nothing's intersecting this guy bring it in Gia's really basic it doesn't have to be complicated at all I got that beautiful and then we can add in some more geometry Obi over here got control are out in the loop cut and then we can go control our over here Adam to loop cut and just keep adding in loops like this give it a bit more detail and then control are adding the loop cut over here and then we want to do is go back to face select select all of these top faces here at least four over here and go ES and you scale those guys in and then G Z bring up a little bit X and leave those faces and what we can do just select these edges here and just bring them in a little bit and you can enable proportional editing if you want to control morph to geometry and you can roll the middle mouse wheel like that just bring these guys in control are adding a loop over here like that and then if you go a to select all of this geometry and you go right click you can subdivide it to give it more geometry you can also come here to the smooth tool click on that and drag this little yellow dot and that's just going to smooth this out a bit as well around a character and don't worry if you get intersection points like this so you can just go back to your face select select the face and because you have proportional editing enabled you can just go G and just drag the guy out and the rest will follow and what we want to do is make sure we go into wireframe here in the bottom we just select these bottom faces here and go X and delete faces just so it's open in the bottom like that okay so that should be enough geometry I might go control our adding some more loops over here if it doesn't look subdivided enough okay so that's looking good so it's tab out of edit mode and we can go to object mr. Knable sheet smooth okay so let's do a few things here in a cloth so let's grab this guy selected just minimize this in our modifier tab so I'll mirror modifier and then we're going to go to our physics tab here we're going to add in a cloth and what we're gonna do here is first of all under the cloth we're gonna make the quality steps 12 hit enter then we're going to go down and what we want to do is bring this tension amount down to five I always find it works really good if you set the bending to something like 0.2 or 0.3 so I'm going to 0.2 depends on the scale of your scene and then we want to do is also come here make this bending over here point two as well under the dampening and one very important thing if you want this to make physical senses we need to enable under object collisions who want to go down here to self collision because we want the cloth to be able to collide with itself as well not just a character and we're going to do is come here to the distance now what this distance amount is so sometimes this is quickly play this animation what you're going to notice is if we play this animation its casing this out okay what's happening there's a big distance a big gap between the surface of our character and this cloth here and the reason is is because we have to mess around of this distance here so if you come to this distance here and you said to something like point zero one so you make it smaller and then you play it a simulation it's gonna that gap is gonna get smaller and smaller it allow you sit lower you set this amount now if you go to your character it's a click on the mesh character it's also important that you give the character that you have a collision surface here like this collision physics so I've already done this with this character but if it's not you can just go add the collision and you can see here under the collision settings I've come down here to the soft and soft body and cloth and if you come here to the thickness outer you can make this amount here smaller so the smaller you make this amount as well the less distance you're going to have in between here so that's something you want to keep in mind okay so if you have too much of a gap just keep that in mind those two settings if you that's frustrating you so let's go back to our cluster select the cloth here go to our settings again and where were we so we wandered a self collision and let's just make this point zero zero one because I feel like that's still a little bit too big so let's go to frame 1 and play that again one thing we also want to do is go control a and apply the scale if we scale this cube so let's try that now okay so that's a lot better okay so for the first few frames is just standing there and now our animation guys that's that's looking pretty cool and you can see here forget our modifiers because we did a mirror modifier first in the stack we can have this cloth simulation run even without applying our mirror modifier this is really handy because if we ever wanted to come back to frame one and just do a bit of editing we can always come in here and our mirror is still quite active and it's gonna save us a lot of work so I'm what extrude out a little bit you can grab these faces down here and go e extrude them down if you want to make the skirt a little bit longer this is a really cool work floral just that allows you to do stuff like this so let's play that see what that looks like and like I said the first few frames is just to get Claussen going and then it'll kick in and it'll be interacting with Alice character here even now our character is rigged and animated the cloth simulation can still work perfectly fine oh yeah how's that all working so the quality of this isn't looking too good so what we can do is grab the cloth here one thing I want to show you guys if you go back to your cloth settings here one thing you can do if the quality isn't looking good has come here to your collision and you can set the quality steps up here really high so I'm going to go something like 24 and hit enter and the higher you set this the better that can be and also if you come here to object collisions you can set the distance to point two zero one as well and let's give that a shot so that's going to take longer obviously because you can't get anything for free it's going to do more calculations but the overall result would be a lot more accurate so yeah yeah that's already looking a lot better I can tell by looking at that that's already looking quite good okay so yeah that is looking quite good what we can do is if you if you feel like it's still a bit too stiff you can come here to your Clough settings and you can go up here and go to the stiffness and you can set the bending to point one and you can come down here and set the bending to point one and you can break that amount lower and lower if you find it's too much you can also set the tension to to set the tension up here too - okay so that's all looking pretty good I might just set the quality steps to 20 think 24 is a bit much okay so that's all good so what I'm going to show you now is how do we catch this so we have to keep running the simulation so if we close the file it we don't lose any of this so what we're gonna do is under our cloth we're gonna go down to our cache and by default you can see the simulation starts at 1 and it ends at 250 but because this animation only has 170 frames we're going to come here to the end make it 170 and hit enter and now if we come here and bake these dynamics it's gonna start going through here and is going to bake all of this in so when we save our file it's gonna remember this so I'm just gonna let this run and it'll come back ok so here we have our character it's now cashed out the cloth simulation I'm getting this kind of glitching happening here with my rig it's just probably a bug in blender 2.8 to free so I'm just gonna come here and just hide my rig but you can see here this is the cloth simulation and like I said the higher you're gonna set these quality settings here before you do the cash the nicer things are gonna look so if you come over to your self collision you can set the quality under the collisions here higher you can also mess around like I said if you feel like the distancing between a cloth and a character surface you can also come here to the distance amount down here under self collision you can also go to your character and go to the physics here go to the collision and also mess around of these mm thickness settings here and so yeah now that you've cashed it what you could do is go if your cloth selected to go to your modifiers panel you can add modifiers on top of those in real time so I'm going to add it solidify modifier just gonna give our cloth some thickness so you can mess around of this thickness amount it's actually quite funny yeah that's too much so just bring it down just every small amount and top of that you can add a subdivision surface and just check that out so yeah that is looking pretty cool so I didn't invest a lot of time when I was making the actual clothes but you can spend as much time as you want as kind of just introducing you to some of the workflow to technique some of the little settings you can keep in mind so yeah let's just add a material to this dress you know just make one I don't know it's just fun so I hope you guys like this tutorial if you did comment like subscribe check me out on patreon if you're interested in some of my other content that I do I hope this wasn't too confusing so yeah here it is thank you for watching
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 103,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blender tutorials for beginners, Easy Blender tutorials, Blender Animation, Blender Sculpting, Blender Courses, Blender Motion Graphics, Blender 2.8, Blender 2.81, Blender 2.82, Blender 2.83, PIXXO 3D, Ducky 3D, CG Matter, CG Cookie
Id: qI8qeLkUu_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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