Blender | Sewing Cloth In Blender 2.83 | Beginners Tutorial

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hello guys and welcome to another blender tutorial so today I'm going to be covering the subject of cloth simulations in blender specifically cloth sewing and blender and you can see here is an example where I have put up these connection points here and I'm gonna go through the whole process of how to like make these patterns place them into position and then kind of make them just like a lock together with a cloth simulation and this one is quite simple and I'm gonna be making this blend file available on my patreon and in that blend file I'm also gonna have some more advanced examples like this one here for example which is a whole bunch of different parts using the exact same principle I'm gonna be teaching you today you can see with this one it's yeah it looks pretty awesome and I went making these two examples available along with this model on my patreon but anyway how wasting any more time I'm gonna take you through the whole process of how to do this I get a character that you want to use and you can follow along okay so once you have a character that you can work with I open that up in blender and we're gonna get started so you can see here this is the one I'm using and it will be making this one available on patreon like I said with some example cloth simulations and I'm gonna get started by in my front orthographic view going shift a go to to measure options and simply adding in a plane now what I'm going to do is tab into edit mode and with this geometry selected I'm just gonna hit R x90 and I'm gonna hit enter and then gonna tap out of edit mode back into object mode and I'm gonna go G Z and we're gonna move this plane in this case it's going to be a shirt we're gonna move it to the upper body here so roughly just round about here and then we're gonna hit free to go to our right or for graphic view tab into edit mode and then go G and go Y and move this a four to about here alright at the moment it doesn't look like much but it will make more sense soon we're gonna go hovering over here go control R or command R and you can see a little yellow line appearing double-click and we just add it in a loop cut your denim gonna hit V to cut it right click to let go and then you can just select the vertices here on the left and just hit L that'll select all just loose geometry and hit X and just delete those faces so now we have half of a sheet here and we're going to go to our modifier tab here and as always we like to work and invited saves us time so let's use a beer modifier be sure to enable clipping that's really important and I'm gonna hit Z and go into wireframe view that's gonna make things easier for us so the way I like to get started to make things really simple is to model a low poly at first and then progressively move to a higher poly count so gonna grab this bottom vertice here and then we go G and I move it to here grab this guy here and bring it just to this point and then grab the one at the top here and bring it here I'm then gonna hold in shift and select this one as well so both of these vertices are selected and I'm gonna go E to extrude and it bring it in just to under where the armpits are here and then I'm gonna just right hit it a little bit just like this and then I want to come over here just hovering over here go ctrl R double click I'm just adding in a loop cut over here and then I'm gonna grab this vertice here and go G and just move it over here just just before the armpit starts over here and then a holding shift and we select this vertice over here I've got them both selected I'm going to e to extrude and extrude it up to here and then R to R to rotate these two vertices in like this and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to come over here hovering just over here go control R you can see yellow line appearing double-click add in another loop and I'm going to select this word is he here go G and move it in here like this holding and shift select both of them and then go e to extrude and when you just go up like this and at the moment that looks really crude and primitive but this is where it's going to start getting better so what we're gonna do lets you select these two vertices and just double G you just just slide them up a bit these are ones as well we're just trying to space things out and make it as square as possible I'm also going to hover over here control R double click just add another loop the same thing over here and the same thing over here control R just double click and added they're all roughly squares I might come over here control R double click just add in two more here and just move them down just so they look like squares roughly then you're gonna hit a to select all of them double and right click and go subdivide them and then what we're gonna do is come over here to the smooth tool and just smooth that out and then we're going to do is go to this proportional fall-off tool here just click on it click on this corner vertice over here and go G and if you roll your middle mouse button you can Inc decrease or increase the fall-off amount and we're going to bring this into rounded that out a little bit and it's spacing the map like this so now we have something that looks like this we can now disable proportional editing and we're gonna hit a one more time right click and then subdivide once more and with that smooth tool we're just going to once again just give it one more little smooth nothing too crazy now we can do is just shift alt and select this bottom row of vertices and go s/z and scale them down on to see a little bit just a flat amount and in fact I might just tap out of edit mode and just go S and scale is up to this a little bit more than go control a and apply scale all right so we don't want this to be too short down here so we don't want this shirt to be too high it needs to be a little bit bigger than it looks it should be because it's going to kind of wrap around the character it'll make sense in a little while as you see but this is the basic kind of template for a good sport shirt I've found and works really good for me but what we need to do now is we need to kind of duplicate the sky and move it back so we're gonna an easy way to do that this should hit a to select all of this geometry and then to go E and extrude it back and extrude adjust to the back here and we want to move it enough so it's not we don't have any of this geometry at the back of our character sticking out just something like this and then we're going to go to our face selection option here and then we're gonna hit the C key key on our keyboard and just gonna select these faces over here so the ones in here like that I'm gonna hit X and delete faces then we're going to hit the C tool again and just see select these faces in the arm go to X and lay those faces and then at the bottom as well we're gonna hit C just C select these bottom faces and hit X and delete faces so now we're only left of these faces here we then want to go shift alt and click on here to loop select these faces shift alt click on here that's gonna loop select those faces we didn't want to go to a modifier tab here click on that come up to the vertex group hit plus and then we want to go assign and we're gonna call this group su or sewing you would think it would be spelled open i wouldn't you but anyways just type and say and now if we just go to vertex select option here these deselect everything and we click on this group here we go select we should see that these vertices here are all selected while they're all still selected these faces as well which can go x and just delete only faces and now if we click on select again we should still see all these vertices are selected but now there are only edges here we're not seeing faces that's what we want so we're pretty much now ready to get to the next stage we're going to tap out of edit mode and just for the record you could apply this mirror modifier if you wanted to but it is not necessary as it'll still work in our modifier stack as long as our cloth modifier goes on top or our cloth simulation goes on top about mirror modifier which it will automatically so i can see here for some reason i've selected these faces at the back here and deleted them so that's just my mistake i'm just gonna quickly just fix that yeah that was weird i don't know how i selected those included them but anyway i fixed that so like I was saying so you can keep the mirror modifier and what we're going to do now is with this guy selected here we're gonna go to our cloth settings so just click on the physics tab here and we're gonna give this guy a cloth simulation here I'm gonna come here to the quality steps I'm going to bump mine up to 8 for now and what we need to do it's gonna be really important is we want to come down to the shape over here so I click on the shape and come down and we're gonna enable sewing over here and we're going to talk about these settings in a little while but often now we're just going to set the max sewing force to 12 and the shrink factor we're going to set to point 0 1 just for now I'm not going to mess around a bit till a little bit and I'm going to also come down to the collision we're going to make sure to enable self collision and we're gonna bump the quality steps under the collision up to seven and that should be okay for now just to get things started but what we also need to do it's just select the object that our cloth is going to be wrapping around so in this case it's our character and under our physics setting series you want to give it a collision come down here to the sewing and soft body and cloth and we want to set the thickness outer two point zero zero one and hit enter or just point two zero one and the bottom one two inner two point zero one as well now this is essentially just going to be the distances between the cloth and our character here to surface so we don't have too much of a gap we don't want a cloth to look like it's hovering over our character we want it to be nice and snug so once we've done that what we're gonna do is just hit the space bar in frame 1 and that simulation should run you can see here the cloth is sewed together quite nicely in this case and we can also just give this guy a shade smooth so I'm just gonna enable shapes movement as you can see over here this is looking really really nice and it's just it's just it's just a really easy way of sewing stuff in blender and what we can also do is have this guy selected is we can go to a modifier tab and on top of the cloth we can add a subdivision surface modifier and then on top of that we can also add a solidify modifier and we can come here to the solidified modifier and we can decrease or increase the thickness so I'm gonna bring bond down into negatives a little bit just like that and you can see here we have a shirt and I'm going to show you how we can also cache these simulations so let's grab this shirt here and just just go back into our physic settings and under the cloth I'm going to come down to decay sure just open that up and we don't want this to be cashing out the full 250 frames so I'm going to set the end frame value here for now 225 and also gonna come here to my end frame value on the timeline and just make it 25 as well and then I'm just going to hit fake and that's the sensories gonna bake this simulation here so it's a bit baked into our blend file so if we now play it here we can see is our cloth simulation and in fact you can also give this a color I like to just give it like her just a nice viewport color make it maybe a little bit darker than the character and then add another material then you and make this one kind of red in the viewport is tab to edit nodes I'm going to just make all of these back vertices here I'm given that second material and I just like the way that looks maybe bring the roughness up on that a bit I just like the port color sometimes when I'm working there's something like that that looks really good and you guys can use this technique for all sorts of things in fact I'll quickly show you the one I'm going to be giving on away on patreon that's this one over here and you guys can see this is a bit more advanced I've added some different parts here and I've also got another more advanced example here and you guys can check this out if you're on patreon I'm making these available so here you can see I've done the exact same thing but I've just added a whole bunch of different parts together using the exact same kind of technique and I've got the sewing group here and yeah this one is a bit more advanced but this shows what you can do with cloth sewing and blender and you can I didn't even set the quality settings that high for this one like you could go in and mess around to things here to make it a little bit better but I think this is just really really cool and it's quite satisfying to watch so that is cloth sewing in blender this is blender 2.8 free and like I said this will be available on my patreon these examples and you guys can check them out and it's going to include this upper body figure here just um mannequin that you guys can use I'll see you guys later and stay safe and thanks for watching
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 503,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender cloth sewing, sewing cloth in Blender, clothing in Blender 2.83 alpha, blender 2.8 clothing and cloth, blender 2.9 cloth, blender 2.9 cloth sewing, how to sew cloth in Blender for beginners, easy beginners tutorials for blender 2.83 and 2.9
Id: 7h89tkUJLuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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