Blender 2.82 Cloth Simulation Basics / Every Attribute Explained

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once upon a time there was this startup queue it's that pretty moment it couldn't even think that the accounting crater was just in the beginning of the cloth simulation tutorial what have you done oh mighty creature am I supposed to be like this till the rest of the modeling don't worry stone OQ I'm gonna make it better but where shall I start well you can always check the manual it's gone almost every important thing to know let's start with giving more vertices to our mash make sure your mash is equally subdiv on it unless you want something specific that's the cloth modifier select a cloth preset and a collision object adjust its shape and position a signed collision modifier hits play and watch her simulation flowing after he can add a subdivision modifier to enhance its look for instance also remember cloth simulation depends on the modifies before not following after it's better to bake the whole simulation beforehand what if I jumped for the last frame instead huh your assimilation will not be calculated up to this frame if you bake your simulations you can switch between different objects and have a quick access to the simulations at any time however it can cost you your computer resources make sure your cloth mesh doesn't penetrate any other collision objects or too close to the surface all right I get it now we can simulate the tarnish cloth in the blender worlds what is this what's happening within is the mighty creator that all the masses here are too small to have your simulation work precisely if you have a human immortal raise its scale about twenty times higher later on you can apply everything and scale it back first of all you can start with choosing a cloth presets each gives different physical qualities to a cloth they are defined by physical properties stiffness and damping quality steps increased cloth simulations accuracy this can slow down your simulation process but it helps a lot if you have mask penetrates all stacks in collision objects speed multiplier can slow down or accelerate the simulations progression it could be helpful for slow motion simulations or examining your simulation in detail for example vertex mass stands for mass of each vertex the number of vertices not only influences the calls it an amount of wrinkles but it also makes the mesh heavier it increases the weight of the cloth and effects its physical qualities to mashes Willis ember Tex mass but different number of vertices will have different weights verdicts mass makes difference when the cloth interacts with the collision object it doesn't affect the speed of falling due to physical loss and viscosity determines their air resistance the higher is the value the smoother the cloth moves a false in the environment the less wrinkles you can expect angular bending model is the newest model that splits structural and the tension and compression attributes structure launch the old linear bending model in shorts angular model makes simulation more realistic check the difference on this page the combination of stiffness and damping attributes influence the character the cloth and can be defined by the cloth presets they all affect the resistance of the material tangent controls stretching tangent allows the material to behave like silk and angular objects are tangent keeps the material shape within the original boundaries producing less wrinkles it makes the cloth resist expanding in wards over outer direction compression prevents the material from shrinking the red bars show Honda size our narrows on their low or high compression value there is much more defamation happening on the right when compressions valleys low we can see size squeezing there is much less defamation in the left example because the compression resistance is high shear implements their cross or diagonal resistance if she is valleys Howie the dagger fluctuation becomes low and sharp as if it cuts the surface across especially when tangent and compression resistance is a much lower if shears valleys low their cross fluctuation becomes smooth if you raise these attributes are measurably more resistance to deformation where low valleys are material becomes loose more relaxed banding is a coefficient which amplifies the size of the wrinkles with their high value we get larger faults it can also inflates the aerial shape a specific settings when tension compression and share alone enough damping effects all these parameters it suppresses fluctuations inside the wrinkles with zero damping where most of the wrinkles as its valley grows we see less distinguishing folds on the surface however if it ever comes a certain value will get artifacts all over the place in general with a high damping we get a smoother surface should you change the mass or number of vertices for instance you have to tweak stiffness and damping if you want to give the materials character internal springs act as three-dimensional Springs and work for mushes with a volume it means if you check internal Springs forward drape for example you wants a difference however if he applied for a volume ash you will notice it internal Springs make the mesh behave like a swords or soft body the mash basically retracts the defamation to its original condition max spring creation length is set to 0 by default meaning that the length of the Springs has no limits if we give it some low value the mesh will deform softer max creation diversion determines the angle which the internal Springs can retract to the last is the angle of the strength the last the internal Springs have power over the mesh to see the difference you have to set the length to something like the valley of T the whole cloth simulation highly relies on face normals orientation check surface normals actually considers face normals orientation if we calculate the normals of the top surface asides for example it will sag during the simulation because the internal Springs will not affect it if we uncheck it the simulation will behave like all the normals have the right directions but still it'll make some inaccurate calculations all your face animals should be calculated outside in order to after a cloth simulation and everything else in your workflow tangent and compression make the stiffness of the internal Springs the lower is the stiffness the more the mesh gets deformed the higher is tangent the more the mesh resists stretching the higher is compression the more the mesh resists wrinkling vertex group specifies which part of the mesh will have the maximum stiffness of the internals Prince max tangent and compression where pliers locally on the vertex crib pressure makes the mesh behave as if it's fills with fluid it's like gas or liquids we can increase the positive or inflating pressure or set a negative value to make the mesh squeeze with a custom volume we can set the initial volume of the mesh on its wicking the target volume if we change the pressure dynamically then return it to zero the mesh will deform back to its original volume if we don't customize the target volume it will be zero pointy fault factor is the coefficients for the aerial pressure comprised of pressure and tight volume when factor is zero neither pressure nor target volume is it fine Berdych script defines path of the mesh to which pressure settings will be applied with this option you can make a mesh move like a balloon for example you can adjust the vertex group with waste paints the dark blue or zero waste areas are not influenced by pressure or make the target volume while the red areas have the maximum value you have to switch to object mode again to have everything work correctly notice how it's changed their influence on the cue make sure your mesh has a clean undamaged topology and on manifold mesh is generally defined by bad departure with holes and faces in sight for example it can still use pressure attribute for non manifold meshes however you can get an accurate simulation by utilizing cache property you can bank your simulation and watch it place without delays it's a great attribute to test the simulation and check it in detail notice that adding subdivision modifier after might slow down your animation cash is especially helpful when you have different cloth measures you can track the quality of all simulations by switching between frames without having to play the simulation from the beginning notice that keeping the back data can also consume memory resources it can Mac install different simulations and the cache lists always give a name for new cache thoughts otherwise all their name cache thoughts will actually bear the name of the mash when he creates a different physics simulation and want to use the cache give it a name make sure you've set up the range before you Clickbank otherwise you'll have to wait until it's done plunder stores fake simulations in the blend file by default if you check this cache and brackets it will create a folder alongside the blend file install the cache file separately you have to save your blend file first to use this option when your slab area path is enabled the linked physics objects in different blend files will reference the same disk cache otherwise they will use independent caches so these two options come along together we can compress it disk cache files to reduce their size especially for complex simulations heavy option can take time but the compressed files well they're way lighter than before calculator frame makes the simulation up to the current frame into the temporary cache watch your simulation click on the cache on the list to make this option available again now if you move back in animation you will delete frames from the cache memory if you play the animation blendable creates a temporary cache simulation to save the simulation you can press current cash to bake bake all dynamics makes all the physics simulations in the same it means you can bake a simulation for every mesh and its current cash at once utilize and bake all dynamics is faster than baking a simulation for every mash individually deletes all banks transforms all the cache simulations in the scene into temporary you can simply clean it if you switch to frame 0 and click on the cache updates ultra frame makes all the physics simulations in the scene up to the current frame and stores it as temporally cached simulation data if you decide to move your cloth object with a baked simulation you'll have to rip a git or adds another cache slots in this example I delete and bake again now I can have a new animation if you want to copy the object and preserve its cache settings compared with control C and paste it will control V but change all the cache names if they're the same this is necessary to avoid simulation errors especially if you use disk cache you can copy with a shift D but it resets the cache list notice that subdivision levels must be equal for preview and render if you want to render the animation straight ahead you can pin your mash by sliding a group of vertices with a maximum waist value go to object data properties app create a new vertex group and assign vertices for its go to physics properties select this group a spin group now the class will hang on this paint vertices it'll make sense to adjust stiffness if you define a various group by waste painting this strength on the count errors can be increased or decreased depending on the stiffness value can get different results by changing its value feed vertices are often used for shape keys animations sewing makes arch connected vertices fall to each other this methods is applied to create clothing or bind different core parts for any other reason make sure that face normals are calculated outside the mesh select the opposite vertices connect the opposite vertices with bridge loft selects faces and delete on the faces the number of faces here is a bit high for a quick test but it's okay if you want to get more wrinkles dissimulation to work relates faster now we can observe the simulation without delays because it's contained in the cache apply all the modifiers including cloth modifier however I will need subdivision modifier to say smoother surface later selects all the vertices press f3 fill holes I'd like to avoid pinching and areas where the ash loops are too close so I'm going to mesh them together but liver courts in the middle to have two five edge pools here instead of one six edge pool I'm merging the overlapping vertices by distance now I'm going to have a cord between the poles did the same for the other size I'll check the shading with a subdivision modifier and by setting smooth to the whole mesh I'm looking for glitches an undesirable pinching if it looks fine to you consider checking face normal fermentation finally if everything is okay do the RIT apology and bake a normal map is an option or proceed with another cloth simulation to make best of sewing you have to adjust other parameters at least such as quadriceps collision distance and perhaps gravity Maxo in Falls defies how strong the vertices are pulled together it has unlimited force at zero value he can set it to something like ten and watch the sown strains being pulled slower buts making assimilation more accurate in this example it can also add some pink points and decides to pull the t-shirt down a bit notice I have said crowd it is zero to prevent the t-shirt from falling due to low so in force you can shrink or inflate cloth with shrinking factor when it's positive the whole mass shrinks and it touches to the collision mesh tighter you can achieve the opposite effects with a negative value this way a t-shirt might look more spacious for example dynamic mesh property allows you to deform the mesh with the shape keys or deform modifier and make the simulation recalculate the shape each frame the deformation appears all the modifiers must be above the cloth modifier however it is still possible to animate with a shape keys but without dynamic mesh property you just have to animate paint vertices collision defines how precise in the cloth mesh interacts with collision objects quality provides more accurate computations avoiding penetrations and other simulation inaccuracies distance defines collision distance between the cloth and collision objects again put it down to the lowest value to reach more realistic results however you might get some simulation errors if quarter isn't high enough larger values can be less realistic and provide slower computation overall it especially makes sense to base value down for small objects if you are closer than distance or intersects the collision object it may experience an explosion impulse clumping restricts motion in complicated collisions to avoid explosions this attribute has impacts if it's about zero if you ask collision collection your mash will interact only with collision meshes placed in the selected collection this plane has the collision modifier however the cloth mesh will ignore it self collision prevents cloth from intersecting itself it is mainly useful when he creates cloth meshes of many wrinkles it is also pretty much resource consuming friction is a coefficient of surface resistance to rubbing against itself or different surface they keeping the drag actually comprise a whole cloth simulation mesh where the cube lost the pen verdicts grip when the cloth collides with itself friction restricts motion that's the collision eris friction should be determined according to the type of the material distance defines collision distance between parts of the cloth keep distance low if you want more realistic results for small measures usually the value in the middle is fine for big objects pimples clamping prevents explosions in self collisions it makes sense to adjust impulse clamping if your matches are small and there is not enough distance between the cloth and collision objects anyway it's better to launch a meshes to improve accuracy in physics simulations also remember to apply all transforms you can define a vertex group for the parts that you want to collide with each other the red surface is the vertex group the white parts of the cloth ignores the red parts you can use property weights to just general attributes locally with vertex groups structural group controls structural stiffness locally made by tension and compression shear group defines an area with maxim shear stiffness bending group defines a vertex group to control bending stiffness locally as well shrinking group defines part of the mesh which will be shrinking cloth can be influenced by different forces with fill weights you can animate gravity by changing its powers from positive to negative and vice versa for example you can add external force fields and combine them with existing values the closer is the force field the more impact it has on the mesh you can also grip forces for the effector collection on the lift force fields in this collection will have an effect on the mesh such parameters as vertex mats stiffness damping internal sprints and pressure make the character of the cloth define quarter steps and collisions to improve the quality of the simulation squish-squash girlish clothes with dynamic mesh servic clothe patterns were sewing attributes make a simulation more dynamic with different forces we can set negative values for pressure shrinking factor and fill weights you can animate every attribute marked yellow combined attributes to achieve best results great I've made a perfect simulation now let's just apply these what something's not right well it's not that bad as an option you can export your model as obj or a fax and import it back all right stone up Q I'm ready to rescue right away let's just put the strength to zero Oh looks better than before okay what if this time would try some what
Channel: Artem Tovbaz
Views: 34,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cloth, cloth simulation, sim, tension, compression, shear, bending, vertex mass, air viscosity, length, pin, shape keys, animation, animate, volume, cache, property weights, field weights, quality, shrinking, skirt, shirt, bake, dynamic mesh, speed multiplier, vertex group, internal springs, pressure, collision, self-collision, friction, sew, sewing, make, impulse clamping, stiffness, damping, angular, attribute, parameter, how to, Blender 2.82, Blender 2.8, Artem Tovbaz, tutorial, guide, beginner, error, model
Id: rLuHr1unnyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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