Blender 2.81 human meta rig (easy and fast) tutorial

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hey and welcome to another blender tutorial so maybe you've wanted to rig something before but you don't really know much about rigging it just takes you along well there's something really awesome in blender and it's called a rigify system and you can see I've ripped this character here in literally just minutes and so what you do is you'll you'll come here I'll show you guys in detail in the tutorial but you'll just essentially add a rig you'll kind of pose it and then you're going to go and hit generate it's going to generate this awesome and control system and you just parent it to the model and then you know you pretty much it does all the work for you so if that's what you're looking for you know not much of a rigger you just want to be able to use a tool that kind of does it for you well this is the video for you so we're going to get right into that and I'm going to be providing a model in the description below it's one of my own it's on blend swap you can use it in any project you want it's cc0 so go ahead download it if you don't want to use this one use whichever one you want it doesn't matter so yeah let's get started okay so with the scene that you've downloaded now open or any character of your choice first of all we're just going to make sure we have our human meadow rake system enabled so go to edit preferences and just go to your search on the add-ons just go search and type in the rake and you can see I've already done this it's called rigging rigify and I've enabled it so if it's not - just hit the tick and that should be done and then close here and if you were to go shift a now and look at armature you can see there's some more settings besides just a single bone so the one we're gonna be doing is the basic human meta rig so first of all just make sure your character is nice and in the center of your world space on both views front and right orthographic and make sure you your freely cursor is in the center so shift s cursor to world origin just make sure it's always important and it also helps if your character is nice and symmetrical I used a mirror modifier for this model so it is nice and symmetrical and with those things done what we can do is go shift a armature and when it go instead of using our human meadow rig we're just the one that has a lot of more operators and moments and things what we're going to do is do the basic because that's what does tutorials about so good armature basic I'm gonna get a basic human metric and at the front here you can see my character isn't quite as big as the rigs I'm gonna actually see the size to rig up instead of sizing up the character so I'm gonna size it roughly to about here and to make things a little bit easier if we go to click on this tab here and go to viewport to display so I'm not this one of go to the rig and viewport display we can go and enable in front and it's gonna kind of make this rig Seifer so it's going to be prioritized in the viewport and you're going to see it above anything else so if that done we can now first of all apply the scale so once you have it roughly we want it and this is one of the most important things you can do is apply two scales and control a and apply scale if you don't apply to scale it's gonna seriously mess up things when we start generating the rakes and make sure you plan a scale shift a apply scale with that done we're now Trek the meadow rig selected we can go to object edit mode and we can now have our in front and able so we can see what we're doing we can now start moving these bones around now to make things easier and to save us some time instead of moving one side and then coming back on to the other side we can enable something to make and it do both sides at the same time so if you go here to tools you're going to see under options something called x-axis mirror so let's enable x-axis mirror that will mean if I grab this bone here and right I move it the same thing gets done on the other side this is just going to save us time and anything that can save us time in 3d graphics is useful especially if we have a lot of projects so we're going to start by coming down here selecting these bones and getting G and moving them to the side I'm going to select this knee bone move it roughly here to where the knee is select the hip here move it to that there grab the sky move it there grab this one over there this one here and then I'm just moving all of this roughly to where I should be grab the hand with that one there with the wrist and the hand intersect grab this tip here and put it here to the end of the hand then we're gonna go to our top orthographically here we're just gonna do the same thing move this one back we've just one more in the middle and all we're doing is just putting it inside the character I'm gonna grab these chest bones and if you're using a different character by the way you're the way you place things might be a bit different so just kind of use common sense and think about where things should be so this is obviously needs to be in a bit more and the same for the neck bones here the head bone should start a little bit lower so I move this one down to here here and then all you can see is I'm just basically just kind of like a skeleton if you picture a human skeleton so you can think of yourself this the head bone and these are the bones that make up the neck and then obviously these ones here at a chest bones and you can do the same thing here if the hips I think that they're forward a little bit too much I'm going to grab the tip here Gogi just move it back a little bit like that and then I write orthographic view I can grab the foot bones here back so I'm going to wrap this one here in the middle and just move with more into the middle of the foot wrap this one bring it down a bit more grab the this one do with more two with it ankle is if you go between the front and the side views you can kind of line it up and also the same here with the knee so put that roughly Witten he is you can see here our rig is kind of starting to be in place now and if we turn off under our viewport display if we turn it off in front we can see that the bones are now nicely embedded inside of our character so I'm just going to turn it on again and just double check it doesn't hurt to check before you go ahead and generate your rig move this one here just making sure okay I'm very happy at this moment and you guys welcome to refine it as much as you want but I'm gonna go after that for now so I'm gonna get back into object mode go to my fun for you and this is where things get cool in just one more time before we go any further just make sure you apply to Scotland no I do that's quite a few times but it's very important so just make sure 100% sure you apply to scale otherwise this is not gonna work and then going to go to under an armature if we go to rigify button okay it's gonna be an option here called generator break so click on that and lenders can have a very quick think about it and it's now generated this break okay and what we want to do is go ahead and select this original one that we had okay that we generated to Metairie this this setup from so you want to select this guy and you want to move it to another layer or hide it so I'm just going to hit H to hide it and then we're going to select our right here we're going to go to pose mode and under our own virtual settings under a skeleton what we want to do is hit a we can see all of these bones here on these layers are selected and we're going to hit H to hide them well we're in pose mode and then we're gonna holding and shift hit this button here in the end okay and what this is done now if we just hit in front under a viewport display we can see it is revealed to these funds now all of those controllers which is hit or controlling these buttons okay so if that done and those other controls temporarily hidden and what we're going to do is get back into object mode we're gonna select our model and then holding in shift we're going to select the armature okay and then what we're going to do is go to control P and we're going to set set parent to automatic weights and blenders can have a think about it and now if we grab this and we go G and just move it around we should see our character is now parented and weighted to the rig so with this rig selected we're going to go to our post mode again we're going to hold shift in and click on this little tap down here and the right bottom corner to hide that and then with all of these still selected here we're going to go over to H and that's going to unhide all of our controllers and if we now grab our controllers here we should have it working so you can see if I move my controller I can see here I'm able to rotate the hand and move it I can kind of grab these guys here and it is just really really awesome a very useful tool inside of blender and works at the head and I can go in a lot of detail probably about how this works but I'm not going to do too much here it'll quickly show you some basics so if you select like example these hand control controllers or foot controllers you can usually go into you if you keep your n key to open up these properties inside and you go to view you should be able to go down and I Taniya sorry if you click on item you should be able to see rig layers and you should also be able to say Redmayne properties and you can kind of like slide these I can FK sliders and that's just going to determine how much control does I K has like it's it's kind of very rating between it's a bit tricky to explain but like if I if I put it all the way to one its back to where it was in a rig and if I bring it closer to zero it's going to favor this controller here and that's a very useful tool when you're doing animation so I just put it back to where it was move it in and it's the exact same with the foot controls like grab the foot control here and move it up I can also come here and slide this for a bit of more animation control so just leave that where it is I can move this around you can grab this box here you can go just double tap are to kind of rotate the body it's a very very powerful tool and and like I said it just got it all built in for you you don't have to be a professional rigger at all or know much about rigging to be able to do this so I hope you guys found this tutorial useful that you've learned something if you did please subscribe and like the video it really helps me a lot when you guys subscribe and check out some of my other content and I'll be making more videos
Channel: PIXXO 3D
Views: 193,386
Rating: 4.938715 out of 5
Keywords: Blender 2.81 meta rig, meta rig in Blender 2.81, blender easy meta rig, Meta rig tutorial, Blender HD tutorials, Automated rigging in Blender
Id: XHa2Y8zjtZQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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