Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Miniature Shipping Container!

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I have to say, although I’m a fan of his, this video disappointed me in so many ways. 1-Adam Savage was going to build a miniature shipping container, and wasn’t going to make it usable as storage 2-his tablesaw side table is set to the wrong height. Did you hear that click as the fence goes onto the cast iron? Those should be seamless. 3- he uses drywall screws for his casters? C’mon buddy

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Carlweathersfeathers 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

I enjoy watching Adam whenever I can but to be honest this video is almost useless to all of us because we have no access to those stickers he was given that make this appear to be a shipping container.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Thom-Bombadil 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ummm, that’s a SHIPPING container.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EmperorGeek 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everybody adam savage here in my cave   with a cool one-day build that's been  sitting on the sidelines for years um this this is a full-color print of a container of a i  think a 40-foot truck container the kind you see   on trucks traveling back and forth the kind you  see being turned into housing the kind you see   on container ships traveling around the world  one of the most important advances ever made   in the history of shipping is the humble container  and a few years ago i think on boeing i think this   came via mark frown felder um somebody released a  kit of this so this is five stickers and you build   a wooden box and attach these stickers to the box  and it looks like a truck container and i thought   that sounds like a cool bench to have in my  shop and so i'm going to build it right now   first things first is to figure out exactly how  big my box needs to be so that's going to use   some of that acx plywood over there in the end  of my shop and the table saw here we go height that looks like 15 and three quarters so i think i can drop each of these  measurements by a small amount right now the measurement i  want is that one from the fence all the way great side wait wait wait oh criminy  crimey are the sides and the top the same   the sides and the top are exactly the  same okay good so it's 15 inch high it's   15 and three quarters wide that should make these  precisely square and it is but i am going to pull a little bit of that measurement out so  now the question is how long how long   is it and the answer is 48 and 34 48  three quarters long ah yeah that works you see the only pieces of wood  i have here in the shop are 48   inches long so 48 and three quarters  as you can well imagine is a difficult   it's a difficult uh measurement to make i have  this thing it says fourteen and three quarters is   an interesting measurement because if i'm going to  use three quarter inch plot which i've got there   then i'm gonna have to literally cut a piece  down from 48 inches to 47 and one-quarter   inches to put a three-quarter inch cap on  either end and then i thought i don't like   killing a certain amount of space i just don't  so what if i made it exactly 48 inches wide and   then added a three-quarter cap and i had it  open on one end then it's some extra storage   i'm always interested in extra storage so i  think that's what we're gonna do um all right time to assemble one two  three four five pieces of wood   well first it's time to cut those pieces  of wood then it's time to assemble them ah you don't live here ah oh you live up there come on this is why we can't have nice things see come on man now i'm left with this thing oh acx fly uh so now it's time for the assembly as assembly if  i seem to be coughing a lot it's because yeah   we got big fires in the bay area  this week and it's pretty brutal   um so we've got yeah that's the end here's the  bottom top so um guess what i'm going to do if if   my measurements are correct every movie in which  someone says that they're about to be found out oh yeah right now then nice okay  so we'll assemble it like this thanks to um erwin tools for   a beautiful set of their giant wood  clamps were a welcome addition to my shop i want to be super flush with this build because the sticker will show my  crimes of not being perfectly level beautiful beautiful yeah yeah yeah yeah i know i know i know i didn't  count for the last little bit this is out here   i remember i didn't remember  until just now but now i know oh i'm an idiot of course i of course i put the bottom on the inside okay go i am also once i'm done stapling  i'm gonna screw this thing together   it needs some mechanical staples are good as  like i use staples kind of like a gluing clamp   and i recognize that that's the kind  of woodworking i do but for real for real precision it's better to have a   screw sorry not precision excuse me i don't mean  precision i mean uh structural cohesive okay so this is nice and close i love me some wood glue oh i got a  little spill there we'll take care of that you are going to stay forever i'm not being hyper precise  about where these casters go   uh this will still be quite  stable when i'm done with it i'm just measuring it by eye you know the  biggest way you can tell a modern manufactured   suit of armor from a ye oldie one is that the  oldie one is going to be super uneven in its   distribution of details terry english  taught me this he said if you go to the   tower of london and look at the ancient pieces of  armor and you see something like a circle with ten   holes in it you'll notice that they're all done  by eye so terry famously does not it measures what   he needs to measure but he also doesn't measure  what he doesn't need to measure so that he can   have that extra bit of veracity in his build i'm  also using these are harder to find drywall screws   they have traditionally been i'm using  three-quarter inch drywall screws i love   having some shorties so that they don't go through  the wood they even make half-inch drywall screws   and there's very few perfect applications for  those but when you find one you'll be very happy there see that that's a nice  bench let's stand it up right 80 grit yeah now you might be wondering why i painted  all the corners and as for doing one of my   favorite activities which is hiding crimes what  crimes could happen well when i start to put down   the paper if there are any inconsistencies and  there's white wood underneath or the color wood is   it's going to show so i paint the corners  black so that i have some room to adjust and uh   anything that gets exposed won't give away the  game i am also going to give a clear coat to the   whole thing just to seal the wood and give  a slightly better surface for the stickers   to hold to yeah and then it'll  be time to attach the stickers themselves so if you are wondering what i am listening  to while i'm doing a project like this well   i'm listening to billy eilish  right now i'm totally obsessed   that whole family her and phineas and  the songwriting they do and the amount of   hard work that they do and the songs that they  write i'm enjoying the whole thing it's awesome um   i stan them uh but i can't play the music so  that's one of the reasons i go to the time lapses   so that i can hear some music while i'm working  it's very soothing okay uh we're gonna put the   first sticker on it's gonna be this end sticker  and we're just gonna take note of how it goes uh it looks like i'm about an eighth  of an inch over on all four sides   which is great it's exactly where i  wanted to be um i'm gonna break out   anymore i'm sorry i know that's not how i should  phrase that i think my brayer gave up the ghost   all right so this is complex how to lay out  a piece of sticker paper that wants to roll   out and i have some institutional knowledge about  this it's been a long time since i've done a   transfer like this uh so i'm just gonna kind of  move towards it and see i have one to screw up   i have two ends and i'm only using one so i can  kind of like i want to peel this back from the paper i know some of you guys do this every week   every day and you're like no you got to do the  blah blah blah i forget but okay so i think this   is what we're going to do we're going to expose  an edge we're going to lay it down and because i   because it's square and i have  a little bit of overshoot i can yeah it's not bad it's not bad  okay so um leading edge is down yeah this is how this has to go you gotta just oh this thing is going to be super cool  i'm just now starting to engage with   what an awesome object this is come on okay let's get out the squeegee this is a window tinting squeegee i always have  a couple of these on hand because they're great   for precisely this if you try and do this  with your hands you're gonna end up with   air bubbles and they're gonna be a pain in the  ass to deal with but if you do this like this dude this is so cool i remember when i  purchased this i was thinking this is   going to be the coolest looking bench because from  anything more than like a foot away it's going to   read as this miniature container and everyone  around it is going to feel like a giant   is everything going or is it   it looks like i'm creeping upwards but i  can't quite tell i don't want to creep upwards that's going to be something i have to  monitor very carefully on the big panels   that's why i'm starting with the small one i know  i like to start with a hard thing first but when   you're doing a technique like this no no no no  you gotta you gotta kind of ease into the project   oh yeah jesus i screwed it up on the very last  thing all right that's the other thing about   stickers is it's all about first impressions you  better get it laid down perfectly the first time   or you're going to have hell to pay all  right so let's get out a nice sharp exacto   yeah you know i came back over here half expecting  this to be mounted upside down just because   like that's just the kind of way  that that sort of thing happens um i have so little overlap here i want to uh   i want to eliminate well i don't know maybe  i can get the other one to lay over that   i don't like the overlap is a chance  for peeling you know what i mean okay it looks so great okay we're gonna do the  sides i'm gonna do one side we're gonna do a side and  then we're gonna do the end   are all these three sides the exact  same pattern that's hard to tell   and is there an up or a down to these it's  hard to tell they're all the same piece and ah i see it up and it down yep there's up and there's down great i'm going  to start at the bottom and go overlap on the top   that's what i'm going to do and i'm going to use  one two three blocks in here just to make sure   oh wow look at how much oh my god it's 48 yeah i  screwed up all right but that's okay that gives   me yeah that gives me room so i'm gonna do that  oh yeah that's gonna be nice still leaving one   open right i'm leaving that it's open ah that's  gonna be nice yeah okay i messed up the the length   measurement they they built this knowing that  you would use uh a 48 inch piece of wood so it's   49 and a half twice am i right with  that no it's meant to have a single   three quarter inch cap it's 48 and three  quarters and i made the cap inside oh right all right so i can make a door yeah  yeah yeah yeah all right there's lots of   things to consider this is going to look great  okay so um that is if i level that with that   what is that here it's literally 20 thou more  proud down there so that's what we're going to do ah i'm going to time-lapse  okay listen to some music so oh my head's cut off come on why  is my head cut off there we go   now we can see the object and me look at  this it's beautiful it's gorgeous i am so   it's just as gorgeous as i was hoping it  would be when i bought it several years ago   uh this was fun there's a quick one um  what super satisfying yeah here we go   yeah dude i have a special connection to truck  containers because we use them as bunkers for   explosions for the entire run of mythbusters  i've spent many many many many days protected by   one of these things i love that the innovation  that they represented to the shipping industry   i appreciate the sea change and disruption they  brought about and that they are now bringing about   in housing yeah the humble truck container is a  magnificent and impressive piece of engineering   and i am proud and excited to have one here  in my shop yeah look at that that thing ah   that is so so pretty oh well thank you  guys that's a pretty end there we go   thank you guys for joining me for this  one day build i think i had just as   much fun as you might have uh thanks for  joining me i will see you guys next time   till then i'll be hanging out on my new bench  adam savage here in my cave with a thank you   to everyone who has joined the tested channel  memberships thus far it truly allows us to keep   up this high level pace of video production and  frankly it energizes us a lot to talk to you guys   in that vein i have also loved diving back in to  doing the live stream specifically tested member   questions have been phenomenal and other tested  family members are going to be doing their own   live streams soon keep an eye on this space  to find out when and where and we have also   heard your feedback and we've decided to add a new  membership tier at 499 a month that is comparable   to the tested premium membership package we used  to have members at that level will get all the   supporter level perks and in addition to that  they'll get access to our premium video archive   behind the scenes updates and members only vids  of course tested patrons still get the most   access to me and the team they get build diaries  first dibs in the q a and influence in future   builds that you'd like to see us make so we hope  you'll click join and find out more about tested   membership levels and we truly hope you will  actually join thanks guys i'll see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,575,104
Rating: 4.8914485 out of 5
Keywords: adam savage, one day builds, one day build, adam savage one day build, tested adam savage one day build, one day builds adam savage, adam savages one day builds, workshop ideas, table saw, table saw fence, table saw fence upgrade, adam savage one day builds, shop organization project, table saw accessories, how to upgrade your table saw, improve your table saw, woodworking projects, tool build, woodworking, tested, testedcom, tested one day builds
Id: chbZJAJ9y68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 32sec (1532 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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