Adam Savage Builds a LEGO Sorting and Storage System!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,124,972
Rating: 4.8987827 out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, adam savage, one day builds, retroreflector, nasa, retro-reflector, one day build, adam savage one day build, one day builds adam savage, adam savages one day builds, adam savage tested, one day builds tested, tested one day builds, lego, lego sorter, sorting lego, lego builds, vintage lego, lego boxes, lego organization system, lego organization ideas, lego organization, lego organization hacks, lego organization and storage, how to sort lego, lego sorting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 0sec (1860 seconds)
Published: Wed May 20 2020
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Yeah with his quantity and building styles, sorting by color is probably not a bad option. He's very free-flowing around a specific topic, which I think would lend him to make very monochromatic builds with touches of color.
I do like the technic sorting though.
It's not perfect, but it works for his collection. Plus he doesnt really have the space in that shop to dedicate a full wall to much smaller bins for by piece sorting.
You gotta sort to your build style. If you build by piece and fix colors as needed sort by piece. If you build to match the appearance color is more important then piece so sort that way.
I think a good number of people build from either Studio or other MOC plans so knowing where each piece is is much more useful.
Also sorting by color you really don’t know what you have aside from “giant bin of red”
There's nothing wrong with his sorting...if you're a masochist.
I love Adam, but as soon as he said, "I'm gonna sort by color." I was like,"Not gonna find anything useful in this video."
So, we sort by color. We have about 5000 pieces. I know it isn't ideal, but the kids are 3 and 4. Anyone have tips specific to sorting when you have such little builders?
I enjoyed the video. He has sorted in a way that suits him. Not a big deal. I don't sort by colour but a few AFOLs have told me it's good for sculpture or large landscapes
10 days just to get to that point that's shown in the screenshot. He doesn't even have that much. Ugh..
If you have a large enough collection, then sorting by color and piece is the superior method. Not only do you have the pieces you need sorted out, but you can immediately see how many of those pieces you have in that color. Sorting by part alone makes it far more difficult (near impossible without sorting by color) to know how many of a particular element you have in any given color.
I sort by color, and then I sort every color by piece/type. Most people have smaller collections, so sorting by color doesn't make a lot of sense, considering the amount of storage solutions required for color/piece organization.
I guarantee Adam is not stopping at just color, seeing how he tackled just his Technic bricks. Now that he has all the colors sorted out, his next step is probably what I would do, begin sorting each color by piece/type.
It hurt my eyes to watch him dismantle the lander