Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Iron Man Armor Boots!

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hey everybody adam savage in my cave   with a return to a build i tackled a little  bit during covet and i'm continuing to tackle   and that is my ironman mark one armor um  previously i recently did a one day build uh   where i worked on the center torso and the magneto  in the back and the shoulders and arms somewhat   and i've decided to tackle the legs now the  legs is a involved part of this costume because   while the main components of the legs are good  looking uh there's a lot i can do to make these   more accurate and i'm going to and in fact reader  i'm so sorry but i did some of this off camera   so here is the the right boot this is the right  hand boot and i know it's freaking gargantuan but   the right-hand boot here totally is it's actually  pretty darn screen accurate um this big plate i've   got this one that moves it's actually really neat  as it goes yeah it's gonna keep on moving with it   um it's solid it's light i got a ski boot that's  my size buried in here so it's walkable for me   this is sort of like i was sort of getting  my my feet wet with the screen accuracy   now the thing about the iron man suit that i  bought low those many years ago is that it was   bilaterally symmetrical that is one leg was the  same as the other leg so as you can see i cut   away the lower part of this leg to add this plate  to make it more like shane mayhem and his team at   legacy effects iron man um i'm about to do the  same thing on the other leg and it's going to   take a lot of modification to get it uh to where  i want it but it's it's not going to be a really   hard build i've got all sorts of stuff i've got  some styrene i got some camping foam i got some   resin parts i got some foam pvc this is a little  bit of everything and right now all i want to do   all i want to do is paint it but obviously  i'm not going to paint it yet that'll be uh   a separate build um oh also yeah i've got  to make soles for this out of camping foam and then the legs tied together   with the upper legs on this torso and there's  this huge center ring and that is a key part   that my costume does not have the center turret  ring uh of the movie mark 1. um you can see it   right there yeah the cod piece is actually  attached to it um so i am going to be so i am going to be doing all of that i'm going  to be and this may take me a couple of weeks to   do all the fits and pieces of it but there will be  a central circular turret on which hang the thighs   and the calves won't hang from that those will  be on my feet but then that turret will hang   off of my chest with some suspenders and then the  torso goes up over that and the arms come on there   that is the rough outline um now i've got  to pull this boot over here and start to   investigate what i am going to do to it this  is by far the most elaborate pair of shoes   i have ever made for a costume yeah i'm still  wearing a hat i still haven't gotten a haircut   there's just no reason to  subject the world to my um   touring company of godspell haircut  uh all right yeah let's get started the key difference here the reason  i saved this one for the second   is that i had to get my head around how big  this form was but the reality of the second   boot is that i kind of almost need to rebuild it  from scratch um i'm gonna see if i can salvage   some pieces of this for the form factor because  it's a resin cap it should actually suffice for me i think i have enough pieces of foam pvc  here to make this oh there's one thing   that's pretty dead on that's good to know so  i can definitely cut out that let's do that this is a process where i am not sure  what i'm gonna get to be able to keep   of this but i'm gonna try and keep most of  it and if i can't i can't but if i can hey uh why did i say plasma there well it was a   i think that's what mork used to call his  little bunny he had a friend who would visit him   on morgan mindy and he would call hey  plasma so i've said it ever since okay this this is an air powered reciprocating saw  this one's made by ingersoll rand i believe   am i wrong about that hold on i can  pull the tape off that covered it over cp that's not chicago electric  who's oh chicago pneumatic   i i guess this is a harbor freight  tool and um it's totally great i love   air-powered reciprocating saws  they are very light dude they're   easy to use they don't you can't  get into too much trouble with them   yeah they're fantastic air powered  reciprocating soft watch this and that is the magic of the reciprocating   airplane saw okay part of it is that it's got  these two big side pieces which i need to sort of   replicate and then cut away enough of this  to fit them right and that's the problem is okay i found this drawing on  i don't think this is production made but   it's pretty freaking accurate so i'm using it  as a partly part of a guide on this foot so   you see this here that is what i just cut out  the space for and i like that this piece is good   but this long upright i don't have something like  that so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going   to build this long upright out of uh hardware  store aluminum and then i'm going to build the   rest of the leg off of that frame so i think  that this piece that i just cut out the inside   i think this might be the only frame part that's  left over by the time i'm done with this leg   i know but that's really the reality of what  it's going to take to get this to be the boot   that i want it to be and by the way in  case you're wondering yes i have always   wanted to build a set of tony stark's iron man  mark ii boots yeah the exposed ones with the   all that the thing is peter jackson owns the  original table mark ii that tony's working on   on the table so i've got access to the reference  that i want and i already have a bunch of pictures   of the one that's in peter's collection but  yeah that that's um the iron man flight boots   it's completely a build i'm going to do i'm going  to do it but not today today's mark 1. right there this this is this is definitely one of  those processes where i don't know how   it's going to turn out but i know  what each individual next step is one of my favorite things is making a cut  just in enough to be able to break off the piece oh there we go that's i think that's  all i'm salvaging out of here we'll see   all right so that's going to  help inform the other stuff here i had a mask on because i had some visitors  uh all right so that's the one i wanted i'm gonna be bending my steel  using this uh super inexpensive   three pieces of steel bender  you will see like that oh like you bend thank you for the  my cousin vinnie reference all right so so this is good nice and solid   happy about that happy with how that looks  now we've got this business up here this this this this this yes this okay so  what have i got i've got it's like this big there's this huge flap that sits over here and  that's the next part that i'm making this um   piece that comes across and i may  have to build out some more here   because this is just a framework but currently  i'm pretty happy with how it it's fleshing out i want the front piece of that flap i'm making to   be curved so in order to make a curve  i'm going to put it in my lab oven here   uh turn my lab oven up to just about 200 degrees  a little bit below that for quarter inch pvc that   seems perfect i'll leave it for about 20 minutes  and then hopefully we'll be gluing it together i'm redoing this little angled piece because  i got that i got the spacing on it wrong that's it much better i'm running out of long rivets i haven't run  out of rivets in so long any kind i overstock i   hate running out of stuff uh my flat piece pieces  will go here warming up see how i want to do this   if these sit like this i'll rest it on look  at that it's all flippy floppy it's fabulous   there we go excellent i'm just  gonna let it settle there yeah   that's great very happy with that all right so i'm  just gonna let that cool down and get a nice uh nice flat piece of pvc with that right  here i've got this part where the boot goes and i want to stock this piece in  there this piece is going to live there   yep okay so this piece is going to  live there how is it going to go you know me i like a mechanical connection   so i'm going to take this piece of thin hardware  store aluminum and i'm going to bend it around   the bottom of this rivet it in glue it in pop  it in and then rivet it down here and it'll be   perfectly attached to that yeah i'm pleased  with that so i'm going to come over here so there we go the best part about this  costume of course is that the more   junky you make it the better it looks  the better it reads the better it flows   so that's great i'm really happy with that  let's um get some cable travel in here okay i want to glue this thing up  i'm going to need a couple of all right so well i love that smell i know i shouldn't   oh i'm so aware i shouldn't but god it's a  good smell pvc glue super fast super fast oh hey nope okay maybe not  that fast but still pretty fast good so i'm just adding a bunch of strength here  because this flap is going to get a lot   of abuse and it could be some she could  use some strengthening yeah there we go so that's why i love the reciprocating airsoft   they can do things like that that  almost nothing else can do all right so it's time to figure out  the final position for this oh all right marked out these boots are awesome whoops bring in the handheld uh what you literally broke  i've never seen that happen all right it's coming along well yeah i'm actually very very  happy how it's feeling um yeah i am i like the way   that boot looks i like the overall shape i like  this i've got these angles are going really well um these angles are going really well and they  provide a really nice contrast with the other boot   um i know the contrast is really high right now  but when i paint these they're just gonna be like   delicious all right so i'm warming up  another piece to wrap around these guys oh that's right i'm warming it  up over here on the strip heater   yeah yeah look at that oh it's awesome so on this i'm um i'm leaving i'm going to be  clear like i have these two shapes and i use the   strip heater to heat this bend right here and then  uh i've cut it longer and i'll cut it down right   because that'll just make it much easier to cut  it down rather than cut it to exact shape and get   it in right always do your cutting fitment after  attachment if you can if you are able given the   build and here's the part so it's gonna go right  there into the uh into that boot clevis right here yep   all right now there's this piece that sits on top  of that and i'm gonna glue that in yep yeah i'm   making it a little bit different than it was yeah  i know it's a little wider than i think but that's   okay i know not that you know when you're doing  some of these things sometimes you come across   these minor differences between yours and the  real thing and you just gotta let those lie like   there's only so much i can do to get perfectly  exact i don't have access to legacy effects files okay so i'm gonna this has this kind of edge  frame to it yeah so it's kind of like this yes so this is how fast you can make something out of  pvc i cut a square i cut the internal and then i   beveled it on my belt sander and now it can see  see that it's just i love it love it all right um ah now we're talking now we're cooking with gas  all right i think that's a reasonable place   to leave it there because nice and high on the  fumes of this pvc glue and i'm at a reasonable   stopping point while everything sort of settles  overnight uh oh yeah let me get this going in there good good this is um shaping up to be a nice part   let's see what i'm forgetting  so i can think about it tonight no i think actually mostly there  is great what happens in there not a lot i mean there's  some bullet marks in here but yeah put all my drills away this is  without a doubt my favorite kind of   cosplay construction i mean i love being i love  high fidelity like i love making my alien suits   i love knowing that i'm making something that's  identical to what the actors but just as much   i really like the slightly interpreted film   where getting close is just as good as nailing  it this is one of those perfect costumes for that it's the morning i came in to see my lovely  boots i'm really happy with how they look   and i have this idea iron man mark one suit uh i was talking at the  beginning of this video about hanging the thighs   of this mark one off of a waist  belt but there's a connection between wait a second there's a connection between   the boot and the upper thigh and i actually  think i'm gonna make that connection i i think i'm going to let's see  this i'm going to distribute the load   so i'm still going to make this uh i'm still going  to make this waist turret ring and i'm still going   to take up some of the weight of the thighs on  that turret ring but i am also going to connect   the thighs to the calves using um effectively  i'm going to use this really nice aircraft grade   uh arctic birch ply and i'm going to sandwich  it together and make some four uh knee joints   using thrust bearings thrust bearings um i'm  gonna make four knee joints using thrust bearings   and this blue the wood should give me something  to anchor against it should give me uh it should   keep it from twisting i'm just going over the  the reasons i'm using wood instead of aluminum   um if i was using aluminum i could use big  wide flats flat pieces but they could twist   there's just this way in which i feel like  the plywood is going to give me a little bit   more lightness and a little bit more flexibility  in terms of how this thing goes together   um yeah there's a lot of little a lot  of little details to to to add to this   it might take a little longer than i think um i will explain what a thrust bearing is i  know i think i've covered it before but i'm   gonna do a little show and tell once i get to  the point where i'm attaching them with that i know i didn't spend much time making  those exact because i don't really need to   um but i am going to round these these three parts represent a thrust bearing uh  there are two races these are uh steel discs with   a channel in them that matches the ball bearings  in this little bearing race and then when you put   these together and you clamp them they still  provide terrific turnability so these are for   eliminating movement but allowing a nice transfer  of thrust that's why they're called thrust   bearings i believe uh at any rate i am going to  use one in each of the four knee joints i'm making   all right so i've actually added a little  countersink in there to aid and a bet   because i want a low profile all right four knees are done now the trick is figuring  out how to attach between the calf what is the thigh ah it's definitely working okay now i'm now i'm wondering  now i'm questioning my logic i kind of have to clamp these  to this and see if this works see foreign so so all right yeah you know what i don't think   knee joints will actually help me in this costume  i think that's actually a bad idea but i do think that i can hang them here i'm  holding on to them right here   and this is kind of great so the question is all right i've made a decision i am going  to attempt to put in some knees into this   i'm going to attempt it because i actually think   i think it's better for the costume  if these are supported by the feet   and they can be and then i could also add some  some help up top maybe with some elastic or   some suspenders that i wear but i'm gonna try  the knees because i think that'll help okay i like having some sort of a plan  also i suspect that the real one had   uh locked knees so i'm going to try it i  can try it with some drywall screws and   a rough approximation and then adjust from there well look at that it's right about here so so foreign that's a leg let's see if i can get in  it that is really neat okay i really hope this works dude dude dude dude dude i'm digging it yeah this  is great i'm really this is awesome okay so that   feels really good it feels nice and positive i  think i'm going to attach these legs like this all right time to put some knees down we'll do the knee attachment first so this one it  was on the inside and this one was on the outside foreign so so so so this is the shot that makes it look  like i'm working on a real mark one suit let's go great good wrapped what are we gonna do with you all right now there yep look at that deal ideal i say oh i like that oh yeah that's great hinges are at exactly the same  spot and now the thighs will be too oh my god i so right now i'm excited about getting the  mechanicals done but mostly so that i   can actually set both of these legs up and  start adding the wires and the griplies and   all the detailing before painting because it's  going to be so good it sits here like this then all right right right right right right i have  to remind myself constantly which i am working on hey all right test fit test fit test oh wow okay i forgot to cut down a drywall spray oh see what i need to do so all right i think this looks fantastic i'm  really happy with it i like how it looks right and proper i'll put some padding i got soles on yeah the legs are are working  i'm very happy with how they're going   now the question is uh this part and  remember at the beginning of the video   i said i thought that i would be hanging the  thighs off of this and doing a suspender thing   so clearly i'm not doing that  now but i'm not sure where this   central um circular turret actually mounts i'm  not sure if it mounts yeah i'm just going to   have to put all these on and see what their  relationships are and look in the mirror here   kind of build my base of of understanding here  let's get this uh let's do this hollywood thing   where you can yeah that's it you can see me i can  see me you can see me seeing me yeah great okay the most difficult part about this right now is  the fact that every time i put my foot in there's   some new bit of debris at the bottom of the snow  boot and sometimes that bits of debris are sharp   i that was not what i expected  to be the hard part of this build   but these are by far the easiest legs of  a costume i've ever had to put on oh yeah all right torso hahahahahahaha yeah i think this could  actually even sit a little higher on me   because i think it does in the movie i think it  sits yeah i think tony's mark one suit sits here   not here so there's definitely  like padding i'm going to build in   and i want to make that padding really  stable the separation here on the   sides that turns out to be an ideal feature for  putting this costume on i don't want to make it so it's almost like this thing is a belt  and it's on me yeah i have been thinking   about this thing all wrong i've been thinking  about like too much structure all i really need   is a wide flat very circular belt here  that the cod piece can hang off of the   ass flap there is an s flap iron man has  an ass flap not for pooping for bullets um and it's mounted to me then i can still  put this costume on as easily as i just did   the real issue right now is actually totally  separate but it's about getting my hand in this   thing in the thing i may have to cut part of that  away because it's really hard to put this on flip   my hand down in there in any kind of reasonable  way especially if i'm also wearing uh welding so   that is great i am going to build  this out of a few pieces of aluminum   and sintra and then a mountain yeah i'm really  super like this is this is actually turning out to   i fully bought this expecting it to be the least  comfortable of all possible cosplay costumes   and in the end it may actually turn out to be  more reasonable to wear than most of my costumes   because right now the legs like  i can wear these all day long   i know i'm the kind of person who would  like to wear these all day long okay belt let's get started all right uh this  piece of i think this is 16 inch by two inch inch and a half uh inch and a half aluminum  is going to be the main body of this um   of this turret belt and then i'm going to  augment it using some foam and hot glue   so uh to the roller as it were this is my metal  roller lives over here up at the front of the and   there's always stuff to move doesn't get a lot  of play all right all right so this is how a   steel roller works for a metal roller  yeah set the wheels to a certain depth and we're going to get it always  exactly right on the first try   it's important to feed your  stuff through flat but uh you know so i have some history with this  metal roller this was the industrial light   magic model shot metal roller uh and when  the model shut down it got sold at auction   to a disney film called cinder  biter that henry selig was making   and then when that production shut down i bought  this from them and there we go that is a yeah   i actually want it to be smaller than  that yep about like that so how do i   oh so the reason i just made that exclamatory  noise that uh is because i was thinking that   how do i get this thing on me how do i  get this belt on me and the answer i think and the answer i think is that it clips   it clips using these guys i just need to see  the front in this yeah so i feel yeah okay yeah it has to clip because i can't  slip it over my body it has to clip so i make the clip first and then i  worry about the surface detailing yes   so then the question is then the question is okay nice that's a nice positive  grab gotta be pleased with that that's what i'm talking about yep that will sit here yep okay  so oh maybe i only need one maybe i do only need one okay yeah uh okay want this to be so double layer thick so okay so you guys live there okay so there's a belt now  let's get this on us and take a look and see how this looks how does this work with the torso  so now i've got kind of cut back good uh-huh i have to build a  shoulder yeah shoulder stand to this oh so i'm marking out the  parts i'm going to cut out here but i like this belt i'm very happy with  it i'm happy with how it how it sits   and to be honest oh right so now i need  to mark where it goes to right about here yep so now i guess it's uh i'll  do a little bit of trimming   a little bit of fitting and uh  then assemble the belt and then   the next time you see me try this all  on hopefully we're really close to uh just put my left foot i might  put my left foot in my right shoe   all right here we go oh good it's only  2 30. it's not that bad still fewer i think i'm all out of uh long rivets  but that's exactly how many i needed   so there it is yeah great okay now it's  time to start mounting stuff to this do do   final dress up and then paint i know i  said i was going to paint the last shot   i had to do something before so let's uh get this all up and running oh dude i have to say when we started this  one day build i did not realize that my   modification of the legs to be uh more accurate  would end up being an almost total rebuild but it   was uh i made the monolithic attached to each  other and attached to the heels i rebuilt the   left calf almost entirely from scratch and  clearly i'm talking to you from the future   where a ton of painting has happened and i can't  tell you how excited i am about the paint job oh   my favorite paint job i've ever done  is on this iron man mark one but that   is a totally separate video this one is  just about the legs we're just showing   you a little leg that's all thanks for  watching and i'll see you guys next time thank you guys so much for watching that entire  video if you would like to support tested even   further well i'm here to tell you  that you could become a member   if you follow the links below you'll see there  are several tiers of membership depending on   how much you'd like to pay and how much  access you would like to me and the tested   team and membership comes as always  with some excellent benefits including   uh questions that i'll answer in live streams  the questions have been so amazing and exclusive   videos and exclusive content follow the  links below and we will see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 171,232
Rating: 4.9526381 out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage one day build, iron man suit, one day builds, adam savage tested, one day build, one day builds adam savage, adam savage one day builds, one day builds tested, adam savage iron man suit, tested adam savage, adams one day builds, iron man armor, adam savage iron man mark 1, iron man cosplay, iron man mark 1, adam savage iron man, tested adam savage one day build, adam savage iron man suit build, iron man mark i, iron man costume, adam savage cosplay
Id: ND4Y0gx4aTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 26sec (3926 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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