Adam Savage Mods His Custom Lightsaber!

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saber you say saber saber uh yes saber hi everybody Adam Savage in my cave and uh a while back I made my own lightsaber it's now in Parts here on the bench here's a picture of it I made this lightsaber and then uh the folks who made my beautiful um uh lightsaber unit that makes the lights and the sound they sent me a new unit which has lights so that I can potentially light up this little Crystal at the bottom um when I first built it it did not have that however uh it's there's a tiny extension here on this we're just right off of the races with this build I'm not going to stand on ceremony and try and assemble this because uh I've got a lip in here inside my pineapple at the bottom of my lightsaber and that lip needs to be mostly removed in order for this to fit inside of this with everything screwed together and um that's what I'm going to do today this is a particularly interestingly difficult problem because how am I gonna how am I gonna grab that how am I gonna grab that I ask you well I have some ideas all right the first thought I have is some one two three blocks [Music] not one two three blocks not one two three blocks I mean v-blocks hold on thank you and it's grabbing it above Center let's see if I can do this foreign [Music] to protect this four of those [Music] and saw noises all right I think this might actually work I'm gonna put this there some wood in here to be able to hold on to this guy uh-huh laughs let's stop just a little bit one oh no um [Music] no it's about the center that's why it won't work um all right no I don't think that will do it so then what [Music] um [Music] all right I'm going to take a plate and I'm going to drill a hole through it that's exactly this size that size which is 1.4 give or take let's pull out my annular cutters [Music] all right that'll do it excellent uh this is 1.43 and I need 1.405 20 thou plenty for me to be able to grab it uh but what I need is I need a chunky chunk foreign [Music] hey [Music] that's exactly what I need okay so we're going to uh load this up [Music] turn the volume all the way down I mean the speed volume party car [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] I need to be very exact about this at all oh I love the angular colors here it comes [Music] and we're done oh love [Music] got a little bird there on there gonna take care of it to this other one [Music] this is what I'm talking about so I'm gonna put this down I'm going to hold it down onto the Milling table like this and this is what the specialty clamps for the mill are all about [Music] that like that so I need to two of those no collar yeah that would do these guys these guys and then we'll Tinker Joy together some clampage [Music] [Music] that's what we'll do [Music] see that that's how this all works foreign [Music] [Music] so much for not wanting to damage it all right wonderful [Music] [Music] [Music] good I feel secure and I'm now I've got to indicate it in and make sure I can find that Center [Music] um Okay so [Music] first up I want to get us into the ballpark and I'm going to do that with with what what am I going to do that well I'm going to do it first by eye all right [Music] Okay so [Music] all right it's not the most beautiful but it's within a thousandth so I'm comfortable with that I'm gonna go with a boring bar on this one German one let's try this excellent good let me give you a shot of what's going on in there [Music] so what's going on here is that this is spinning like this and it's slowly just carving out that Inside Edge and I want it flush with the threads is what I want so I'm gonna turn it bring it out a half crank and then we'll lower this down and get to it just a sec here it comes there we are see that is a lovely cut no chatter no nothing very pleased pulling out again have fun pulling out again half half cut in I think that's it yeah there we go all right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I could make this part again but I just want to take this lightsaber home and I want to get the other colors oh right I'm going to ask normally about the program [Music] okay [Music] now now it's okay so that's that part by the way when I dropped it I totally dinged the side of my threads that's what I was just doing is using a piece of wood to hammer this back to round and I think I got it most of the way there [Music] oh that's awful that feels awful I'm gonna have to rebuild this whole thing from scratch I might [Music] come in yep that's it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right okay so then if I connect this up yep that light lights up oh it's very [Music] some tiny bit [Music] [Music] s [Music] okay thank you great one thing one thing I am very happy with this the bulb that they included for my Jewel that's gonna have to be another build because I can have to make the jewel lighter this bulb isn't bright enough and it stays on when the thing is often I don't want it to drain the battery so uh but I see this now I'd like a little brass ring right in here right in that space so I'm gonna make one so it's going to be it's going to be exactly a hundred thousandths thick with an internal diameter of 1.3 and an external diameter of 1.4 [Music] let's go into the Late Show oh actually yeah to the left [Music] respectable [Music] clamp that down okay so uh [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] to open it up in the inside [Music] [Music] just got to get rid of that little [Music] okay so I've got my Brass Ring I got the brass ring uh it's gonna fit right here there you go oh yeah details oh very tasteful very tasteful addition a little bit of brass very happy all right yes foreign I love this thing uh thank you guys for joining me uh me and my saber are gonna go find a nest of gondarks thank you guys for joining me for this one day build a nice quickie to say hello back to my home city of Sanford you don't really put a lightsaber over your shoulder do you uh anyway it's nice to be back thank you guys for joining me and I will see you next time
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 162,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, lightsaber, adam savage lightsaber, adam savage lightsaber build, adam savage star wars lightsaber, adam savage own lightsaber, tested adam savage, tested one day builds, adam savage one day build star wars, adam savage one day build, adam savage one day build lightsaber, lightsaber diy tutorial, adam savage star wars, how to build a lightsaber, lightsaber build, real life lightsaber, saberbay, neopixel lightsaber, neopixel saber, neopixel, how to make a lightsaber
Id: e6f3ddP1ZcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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