Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Inglourious Basterds Knife Replica!

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Came back for the coda and didn't cut anything! Haha. Good build though

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/flammableisfun 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2022 đź—«︎ replies

Someone knows the name of the igniter he uses in 28:40?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MA--O 📅︎︎ May 28 2022 đź—«︎ replies
could this be a one day build [Music] we'll see hey everybody adam savage here in my cave uh with a one-day build it is aldo's knife that we are making aldo you don't know this but my father wrote a book on perspective on drawing in perspective it is a little book you can still find it on ebay from time to time it's called aldo's dog house and it is about it's about drawing in perspective my father was a a big fan in teaching people about how to draw in perspective and he wrote this little book uh all that is by way of saying that today i am building aldo's knife but it is not the same aldo it is aldo rain brad pitt's character from trent quentin trenton quentin tarantino's film in glorious bastards i have long wanted to make a replica of aldo rain's bowie knife uh and i've had the research in my computer for a long time the uh the the main blade of the knife is this one and it is a tricky one because it's a it's a funny one this is a particularly lovely profile of a bowie it's got a lot if you if you go onto google right now and search bowie knife you'll see uh a lot of the same characteristics of the shape but very few knives that have this kind of jaunty that's just a really lovely angle it's a really lovely set of angles it's a terrific shape anyway the the blank that they used for aldo's knife was made by smith and wesson it was called the texas hold'em knife and you can still find them on ebay for really cheap um sometimes they go for as little as 25 bucks i found mine for about 70. it has a logo on both sides but i am lucky here in the bay area that i live around the corner from one of the great knife shops in the united states seriously bernal cutlery b-e-r-n-a-l i believe they have uh online a website i cannot recommend their stuff enough they have been sharpening my knives for the better part of a decade my son who is a line cook a chef he uh has knives from there i have beautiful knives that i've been given from there they're an amazing shop they make and sell beautiful pieces and they do incredible sharpening and so i asked them to grind the logos off of both sides of this knife for me uh and they did and they also made it crazy sharp so i'm going to be very careful with this um so this is the knife blank and then the other part of aldo rain's knife and here is the uh one of the stunt knives sold at auction a few years ago and i took pictures from that auction um one side and then the other side and i blew them up until they were the correct size i think you'll see here oh look at that oh nothing makes me happier than one-to-one scaling on a printed sheet man so the big hurdle for me was finding this part and i really looked carefully and closely at this and the fact that there is a that so this is a raw antler end where it meets the head of whatever angular uh it's coming out of the question for me was what kind of antler because it didn't think it was deer antler and i still don't think it is i think it's elk antler and i bought some elk antlers but they were all too small like this but this did have the telltale fork right at the base whereas deer antlers had a fork but felt like a little higher look i could be totally wrong about all this but in the end i found an etsy store uh and we have we'll have a link below i found an etsy store that made really nice replicas of aldo rain's knife the only issue is i didn't like their blade blanks which is fine and rather than send them this one and have them make me one i wanted to make my own so i asked them and they agreed to send me a nice elk antler blank to use for my aldo ring knife and i am really pleased they sent me two they were a reasonable deal this is the one that's closer to me for my purposes i've got some brass here and some pins and all sorts of goodness and health belts margaret we're going to get started on this lovely piece today so one of the first things is that a lot of there's a lot of relationships here that are inter-related um and the first part is getting this correct getting the antler incorrect because there's actually also like a five-pointed star that's visible here and i'm gonna wanna i'm gonna wanna sand this sort of flat and smooth it's gonna be a lot of some um i don't know if you've ever cut or sanded antlers but it's bone and it smells like bone it's not great i'll be wearing a mask for most much of this work um so because i've got the one to one scaling um i am going to be you know marking this so that i get it you know close and then sort of refining refining the distances and then refining the shape here because my interface this this brass ferrule ferrule at the underneath the guard um [Music] that brass ferrule is thin stuff i've got some uh what is this probably 20 thou let's see here yeah 22. um so this is about half a millimeter thick half a millimeter you love it when i do the fractional millimeters uh this is about 20 000 thick um this will be the feral um the uh the guard is actually much thicker that will be this stuff um and then you know funnily enough it took me a long time of staring at this to realize that there's a pair of brass pins here um and that is interesting because the the knife blank actually doesn't reach the second the second brass pin um so i think the second pin is simply cosmetic uh i bought a long milling end mill i bought a long end mill that is the thickness of my blade blank so that i can carve into here and make the slot that i need for the knife so yeah first steps first is i've got to figure out the exact shape of this handle and then once i do that i can start making the brass pieces around it and you know one of them there's this actually really key thing that like these look like they were taken from head on but actually in this picture i can tell i'm looking from about like the picture the center of the picture is probably here and i'm looking this way and then on this one the center of the picture was over here so this is just the kind of parallaxing you always have to worry about when you're when you've got reference material is um where is the parallax and giving you a false dimension and where is it giving you a real dimension and look it's a it's all of a of a piece um this blade is too shiny and so one of the other things i'll do once i have the pieces in orientation is i'm gonna be rusting this and then removing the rust from it in order to get the blade a little darker and more pitted and more messed up because i want it to feel like an old blade um yeah let's get started [Music] all right okay so i'm gonna smooth that first [Music] oh [Applause] i really like that i could see some of the artifacts of the grinding on the original online right like you can see even though this is a paint job because this is a step knife you can see yeah there's some cool stuff going on there it's never going to be perfectly exactly [Music] smells so bad um oh i think i've got the shape mostly where i want it um again i'm splitting the difference between this view and this view i love the fact that like here i can see this dark part which is where you've gone past the bone into the marrow of the antler like that's visible it makes me very pleased also frankly from a from a gripping standpoint it's a bit it's a big knife it's it's a knife it's not a knife it's a knife yeah uh yeah it's a substantial grab uh i think yeah i mean i wish the angle i mean really close so the next step for this is to chuck this into the mill with this being you know getting this exactly where i want it milling it flat and then milling in the slot to receive this guy once i have that once i have that um then i can start to work on the brass i'll do the guard first and i'll mill a slot and a guard and once i have a slot in the guard the guard will help inform how this how the feral ferial goes um yeah i'm feeling optimistic about getting this done today ah okay so all right i've done the best i can to kind of get the angles here correct so now i'm going to try chucking this into the mill so that i can get uh yep lovely little file there okay so um okay good [Music] come on over here sorry um [Music] so i've chucked this in and i was so nervous about getting the dimensions wrong and cutting into this that i forgot to press play i mean record so what i've got is i've got the bone handle i've measured its straightness and its angle and i've adjusted the vise for the angle that i want i have cleared away enough material hopefully for this tang that's what the astronauts are drinking um i just i it's always nerve-wracking to take something out of the mill but here we go there we go i've taken something out of the mill [Music] all right okay it's tight that's what i was hoping i'm going to tape up this edge okay oh much better now i feel much safer yeah that's fine so um i'm just gonna round these edges a little bit because i don't need those to be perfectly crisp [Music] wait a second i have there was some dust at the bottom of this i got rid of it [Music] there we go now it reaches to the bottom [Music] it's a good grab oh we're getting close that's great dude [Laughter] all right dude there we go good yeah i am very pleased with that all right so um [Music] great so now i'm gonna mill a slot for the guard yeah i'm gonna mill a slot for the guard and the slot is gonna yeah so yeah let's do this [Music] cut that off [Music] [Applause] oh not long enough ha not long enough error all right i want it to be long enough [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so so buttons um you know i've got a little room to move there okay i'm going to cut this out first make it fit this and then i'll put this together with the knife with the handle and make it all work [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] very pleased with that all right so we're gonna just widen this up a little bit [Music] oh hey sorry about that [Music] so [Music] there we go i've machined a little pocket to receive the blade hopefully it will help the blade seat excellent oh i love it i'm very happy with how that is um yeah that's great all right so now i've got that and i've got that right yes yep i need to take off well yeah a tiny bit of that tiny bit of that back [Music] great great all right so i'm happy with how this is all seating so the next step is to add in this guy this wrap around yeah um and then solder them together [Music] [Music] this is definitely the trickiest part so what i'm planning to do here is i'm planning to bend this all around solder it so that it fits nicely on this then cut out that here that's on the um that shape i'm not going to worry about the shape until after i've got it like properly seated on this and i feel like it's going to stick [Music] good good i'm getting pleased with this i've got a it's a nice i can still refine that later and there'll be some epoxy going on oh packages sorry oh gilly sorry let's see how this is all shaping up that's okay i think i gotta do it the other side [Music] yep bellissimo that's it so yeah this has an orientation so now what i want to do is i want to um yeah that's going to be about where that is i'm going to want to cut out the shape the shape that shape oh that's the next part [Music] [Music] all right let's refine that shape where where where where where where where where road so now i want to yeah i want to put a piece in there yep [Music] nice very happy so i've got my little plate that goes here i will get those going yep with some brazing and we'll get this into its final form [Music] okay great all right we are going to uh clean this off [Music] and solder it sorry braze [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh that didn't work at all oh it's because i was doing the wrong flux because i'm a dummy all right hi how many ways can i mess this up many actually just before i do that let me see if i can get this okay i think i've butchered it enough to make a reasonable meal out of this [Music] ah let's get this cooled down and then we'll make sure it can receive [Music] ooh nelly seats right up in there uh yeah and then yup oh right that's great i am not joining this to this oh that's wonderful i'm really pleased with how that's coming along all right so yeah oh let's get that going and we'll figure out the shape of the guard good that's the last bit of soldering let's get this guy cleaned up [Music] i'm really getting happy with this time for some chemical oh wait wait wait you gotta get the guard right all right [Applause] so the last bit of brass construction is bending these ends up and out yeah so let's get this one going over here on the vise [Music] [Music] that [Music] let's see here if that's enough or too much but i think it is no that's dead on i love it all right uh so now we have the guard shape and right yeah okay so now i'm just going to refine this a little bit on the sanders [Music] so [Music] now it's about the star pattern on the base of this all right so i see that i can carve this way farther down which is great um and it's a little bit yeah yeah yeah okay a little bit work to do these guys are looking beautiful i'm really happy with how these are looking yeah yeah all right so a little more work on this guy [Music] [Music] um i am using rust remover to darken this blade because that's what the rust remover does it tends to darken it a bit [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] always good to shift your perspective to make a last pass just to make sure that the lines are all as crispy as you think they are hard not to be pleased with that let's get a little bit of polish on there and see what we can't make work [Music] look at that that is literally just some brown rouge on the pattern i just cut out and i don't think i could do much better than that i just uh hopefully annealed the back end of this because my brass pin needs to go through there the brass pin isn't going to be doing most of the heavy lifting on holding this knife into the handle but it is going to be doing something in order to get the brass pin in the exact right location i am going to uh clamp this down really well then i'm going to drill a hole here with the mill and without moving it i'm going to hammer the handle on and sink the pin between the two yeah it's gonna be a thing [Music] so okay zero zero excellent i'm holding on to this knife as hard as i can because i'm going to be gluing it and drilling the pin all at once um [Music] i didn't say it was going to be easy but yeah i'm doing it all at once so that means that uh that means that when i go to hammer this part on um i need it to uh to seat and not move the knife yeah so let me show you the setup that's the hole that the pin is going to go through that's correct to the prop and as you can see the drill bit goes cleanly through that so what i want is when i put this part on and give it a little wacky poo that it does not move that hole because if it does i'm in trouble um i am clamping the knife between plywood here and also i'm clamping its tip here with a screw jack and a clamp down here's hoping i know crossing my fingers i'm not superstitious i'm still crossing my fingers uh for this i'm using jb quick weld five minutes setting one hour to curing it's just what i want mix it up real well first there's this guy right then [Music] then that feels like it's seated babe hi all right here we go also i didn't feel it move here at all so there it goes excellent awesome all right i need a little bit [Music] this i'll put here and i need that screw jack quickly is what's happening here all right um getting some epoxy in there and getting this going there we go i'm trying to think if i messed anything up right like did i get anything critically wrong the blade is facing this way the pattern is good i'm not leaking epoxy from anywhere i've got a seat i'm feeling pretty good about it yeah yes there is a second brass pen but that's easy to put in that's like trivial uh for right now i'm gonna clean up a bit because it's a reasonable time to clean up now that everything is uh could i be almost finished with this i mean i want to yeah i might be almost finished it's only three o'clock it's just totally amazing i might even do a show until today i got a new toy i leave the epoxy here so that i can tell when it's set then i can start to pull things apart and take a look at them the tape really does seem to be protecting as much as it can great everything seems to have worked uh it's a big [Music] all right and grind off these pins here that's the grinder pass [Music] [Music] do so what i'm doing here is i'm just attempting to tie it together i'm just attempting to add a little movie dirt and you know just try and make it look more like a cohesive hole and [Music] i think i've achieved that much mostly mostly i've achieved my goal today which was aldo rain's knife from inglorious bastards yes i really thought that was going to be a two day build but low it was a one-day build that is a rarity um thank you guys for joining me for this yeah i've been wanting to do this for a long long long long time so i'm glad to have finally achieved it also i was really impressed with how well a chisel did on the on the antler handle uh yeah and every way i am super pleased okay there's one thing if i had my druthers i if i was doing this again i'd make this narrower i'd have this come in a little bit because i handed me this i'd feel like i wanted i'd want some of that but that's that's literally something that no one's ever gonna notice unless they're handling this and that's mostly me um so who knows maybe someday i will make a second one but for right now i'm ecstatic thank you guys for joining me for this one day build and i will see you next time coda coda um i was of course i brought this home last night and i was like you know staring at it on my desk and i'm really really happy with how this came out uh i did a little bit of light acid staining on the blade um a little paint treatment and some staining on the brass and it feels like a it feels like a feels like a thing and then i was thinking oh it feels like a thing and i realized so many of my props are simulacrums of a thing so many of my props are simulacrum something i don't have hellboy's actual revolver i have a rough approximation of what his revolver is but in this i took a blade with a tang i embedded it in epoxy and a bone handle drove a pen through this isn't a simulacrum of a knife this is an actual knife look it may seem painfully obvious to you but for me just the frame is interestingly different enough that i was really pleased to realize oh i've watched enough youtube videos from knife makers to follow their best practices many of them i'm sure if you are a regular knife maker i did some things in this video that were tiring for you to sit through or you know you're pulling your hair out a little bit but we all got to learn somewhere anyway i just thought that was a fun coda this is an actual thing not a what is both an actual thing and a simulacrum of a thing at the same time have a good day
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 798,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage's one day builds, one day build, inglourious basterds, inglourious basterds knife, aldo raines, aldo rains knife, bowie knife, movie prop, prop replica, knife prop replica, tested one day builds, tested adam savage, adam savage, one day builds, adam savage tested, adam savage one day build, tested adam savage one day build, prop knife, prop movie knife, adams one day builds, diy knife blade, inglorious bastards knife, bowie knife replica
Id: wmjZL8nm3MM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 58sec (2818 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 27 2022
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