Two Scenes Adam Refused to Film on MythBusters

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Mark Blair we're gonna go with a lighter question now Mark Blair says by the end of Mythbusters you were practically a full-on stunt man with the stuff that you did I just got an email from Mythbusters stunt coordinator and safety guy Nick Lachey we we worked with him for the whole run of Mythbusters uh was there ever anything that you refused to do if it was too frightening or maybe disgusting oh right we did the taser episode and we spoke extensively to Nick uh and Angie about the safety of doing that we talked we did the best research we could and the insurance company was okay letting me get tased on the show by a full-on you know you fired the barbs and then go into your body and you get tased the I believe we had permission from the insurance company to do this because my checkup and my heart condition and I spent a whole week thinking it through and decided not to do it I just I just didn't want I didn't want that I didn't want to yeah I was unwilling to put my body on the line in that case yeah I mean I will tell you one of the reasons why when we were trying to on MythBusters we were regularly trying to quantify what dead was and just like everything else in science the closer you look the blurrier things get so you want to talk about death what kind of death are you talking about respiratory death cardiovascular death brain death there are all sorts of systems in your body and they all take different amounts of time to shut down and which ones of them are mission critical is a moving Target there are people who have had no oxygen to their brain for 20 30 minutes maybe even for hours and they come out with no brain damage and other people have like four minutes of oxygen deprivation and they are debilitated for the rest of their lives so within Medical Science it is actually a difficult thing to quantify what the instant of death actually is and one of the and we often needed this value experimentally and that meant that we would consult with the best experts that we could and kind of Cobble together and answer and the one that I remember is within electrocution um and it turns out that the minimum amount of electricity to interrupt the rhythm of your heart beating is seven milliamps for more than a certain number of milliseconds is it is it seven milliseconds and it's some tiny amount of milliamps I can't remember the exact figure but it definitely was under seven milliseconds seven one thousandths of a second and then when we had the taser in the shop and we were looking at it in an oscilloscope we were noticing that the pulses of the taser we were working with pulsed at less than seven milliseconds but just barely and I looked at that and I thought they are looking at the same data we did they're trying to pulse it underneath that infarction uh timing to keep the heart so CL look I I appreciate that the engineers of the taser were attempting to make it non-lethal we know from all the data that the taser is by and large statistically non-lethal but you can't call it a non-lethal weapon this is the main reason that I did not want to get tased but then there's also the fact that I knew how hard it was to figure out what death was and I was looking at these guys who seemed to be look I'm not saying that they didn't do due diligence uh at all about what uh was a lethal or non-lethal amount of electricity but it felt close enough to the research I had only recently done to feel like I just don't I don't want this um so that's why I wouldn't get tased meanwhile like Tori beleche is like a tasing addict and was for a good portion of the show he and uh I think it was Eric Haven would would trade up with one of these tasers and they're just and they just they really got addicted to that feeling not me man no more electrocution for me the the the last thing that I so those two things I thought were too dangerous uh but the last thing is discussed we were doing an episode about poop hitting the fan and in order to do poop hitting the fan we needed a analog for Pooh and we sent I write about this yeah we sent uh Truman Hanks Tom Hank's son was one of our interns for uh about a year a lovely human being still a good friend had tested and Truman's first day on mythbuster we sent him to the roof to back out um several pounds of dog poo that we had gotten from the local Doggy Daycare place because dog poo is consistency wise the closest to human to your average human poo there was so much research we had to do to figure this out and then we used the dog poo uh specifically Jamie did this formulation to make a uh an analog that was the same amount of stickiness and softness because we wanted to see if poop hits a fan is it really going to spray it everywhere uh and all of that once Jamie had a recipe for human feces I'm so sorry for this story once he had a recipe for human feces we of course realized we should color it a non feces like color we should color it blue and that's what we did because for all the obvious reasons and Jamie you know once you tell him something like yeah we got to make it a different color than brown because people won't be able to handle that he's all like wait a minute you would see it in his eyes he'd be like I don't want that you'd be like you can't do it he'd be like no I really want that you can't you can't make the Pooh Brown Jaime because someone could turn on the TV at some random moment and you're like scraping it off your face and it clearly looks like poo and then you eat it he's like no no I want to specifically eat the brown poo on camera and I was like no you cannot do that and I'm telling you our bosses won't let us do that but even more interpersonally I'm telling you I don't want footage of you eating fake poo that looks like real poo on television you can't do that we went back and forth on that for hours I won clearly because you haven't seen it uh but yeah the not eating poo that definitely was too disgusting for television Talon Vermeer says was there ever a myth you didn't want to but did anyway yes there was um within the business of being a network when you have multiple shows going you look for ways to maximize the way your shows can help each other I understand this from having worked with Discovery Executives for decades um and that meant that um when MythBusters was enjoying the bulk of its success which is really from 04 to I think really like 2012. that was before we started to hit the other side of our bell curve 2011 2012. for that whole time Discovery would constantly ask us to do episodes that supported other shows on the franchise which is why we did a we did two different uh Deadliest Catch episodes and one of those was really really fun the other was felt like a little bit of a kind of a slog to get real material out of it we did two separate episodes in Alaska to support the Gold Rush shows that uh that that that were on discoveries networks um and I I mean Alaska is one of the most beautiful places on Earth the only two times I have been there has been in the dead of winter I spent a whole week at 40 below Celsius or Fahrenheit doesn't matter that's where those graphs actually cross 40 below means the same thing in both scales uh and some of those episodes felt a little like pulling teeth to get what you would call relevant content out of and that's always that's the difficult thing right like I understand it from a network at executive's point of view let's use one of these things to help the other you guys must miss about a thing bus miss about this other franchise and then we can do a lot of cross-promotion I totally get that but there were there were things that looked like there was a lot of meat on the bone that once you got there there wasn't I mean and one of my favorite examples this is James Bond franchise we did a great couple of James James Bond episodes and we thought there'd be fertile James Bond material for days but after the second episode we went through the entire James Bond Cannon literary and filmic and so many of the things in James Bond are so impossible that there's not they're not even wrong they're not there's no they're there could you have a laser power enough to cut through Steel in your watch not even close not in a million years not in this universe right now but there he is like it's like slicing through an iron bar uh and sometimes these promotional episodes were were really difficult I will tell you one thing that astounded me is we were working with a real crab trap on our deadliest catched episode and we had some of the guys some of the Deadliest Catch cast and there first of all amazing humans I loved every single one of them we got to work with but holy hell are those guys the strongest mofos that I've ever met because Jamie and I are slinging around this cage and I am no great shakes of physical fitness but Jamie you know Jamie and his prime a powerful example of of of of manhood and strength and watching these Deadliest Catch guys pick up a crab trap and move it was like oh wow there's something bigger than Phil um it's an old Mel Brooks joke anyway uh yeah some of those cross promotional episodes felt like a little bit like heavy lifting uh and we got crap from the fans for that sometimes like really is that really a myth that you needed to test sure it is the realities of Commerce and again I I don't begrudge the network doing this I totally understand uh and you know we fought back we fought back on a lot of that stuff and you know everything that was good about those episodes were specifically because we worked really hard to to tell a genuine story and to make it based on something we were actually interested in sometimes that didn't always happen despite our best efforts thank you guys so much for this wonderful hour and change spent answering these delightful questions uh I really yeah like I said the questions about MythBusters get better and better and better no matter how long we've been from producing it I'm so grateful and so proud uh and you know the entire group of people I got to make this show with are still among my favorite humans on the planet thank you so much for watching if you'd like to support us even further you can by becoming a tested member uh details are of course below But it includes all sorts of perks and we're building them all the time you get Advanced word and behind the scenes photos of some of our projects questions you get to ask direct questions during my live streams and we have some members only videos including the atom Real Time series of unbroken unedited shots of me working here in the shop they are weirdly meditative thank you guys so much I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 2,986,662
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Keywords: tested, adam savage, mythbusters taser, mythbusters taser myth, behind the scenes mythbusters, adam savage tested, adam savage mythbusters, adam savage mythbusters questions, adam savage tested mythbusters, mythbusters dangerous moments, discovery channel, tory belleci, tory belleci taser, tase me bro, adam savage electrocuted, jamie hyneman, adam savage jamie hyneman, mythbusters poop hits the fan, adam savage and jamie hyneman relationship, mythbusters behind the scenes
Id: QwWOUYpwi1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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