Adam Savage's Hammer Is Garbage

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I swear that man is the closest we'll get to a real Ork.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AccoSpoot 📅︎︎ Apr 12 2023 đź—«︎ replies
hey everybody Adam Savage in my cave on a rainy Tuesday morning it is like a real San Francisco winter we've had a lot of rain which has been lovely because we've had a lot of drought and I fear that the future holds more of what the past has delivered which is uh half a decade of drought followed by a ridiculous amount of rain that fills our reservoirs back up but because of the drought our land isn't able to soak it up anymore and Etc however within this dystopia we're living through uh I am reminded of the kind of winters I experienced when I first moved here in the 90s which is that a San Francisco genuine San Francisco winter is mild temperatures and a kind of um slightly pissy rain for weeks not you know the torrents that the East Coast grew up with and the South and the Pacific Northwest those don't really occur in the Bay Area it's more just like it's more like someone with a spritz bottle is unendingly making your glasses foggy which honestly sounds kind of crappy and it is except that now it's giving me Nostalgia because of all this boom and bust of the drought today I have a fun one today I have a scrap challenge a scrap yeah a scrap challenge I was I was walking up my street two nights ago I was walking Maggie I saw this this piece of metal this chunk um rusted greasy it has been welded it has been broken [Music] I think I mean I'm sure someone will tell me in the comments I believe this is some type of pin for a piece of construction equipment which would make sense there's a lot of construction near my house these days the street construction but um this was hundreds of feet from any site and it doesn't look like it's something that anyone really needs so I saw this chunk of metal and I thought to myself ooh stock which is the infection of the home machinist you no longer see metal and think I don't know what that's doing there you think that is a nice chunk of Steel maybe I could make something out of it so I brought it back here and I did a little file test and it it was this may be hardened this may be something that I can't cut into but I'm gonna try but I guess I should start with that if I can't cut into this and I can't I mean I do have some ceramic cutting mats but let's give this a shot first let's just see if it's at all even cuttable with the sort of stuff I have lying around oh yeah there we go okay [Music] okay my first instinct was correct it is mild steel or some type of Steel that I can cut into now uh I saw this and I thought well that'd be a fun build just to take this Rusty greasy thing I found on the street it's been welded and repaired and broken and it looks like it had two Wings here anyway that doesn't matter I just thought well maybe I could make something and then I remembered I had this nice chunk of I don't even know what this is I don't know Woods very well this is a palette this is from a palette that was out front and this chunk was like save me uh and so I did I thought yeah let me see so I am going to attempt to make a hammer out of two pieces of garbage I found on the street let's make a nice hammer out of some street garbage that's today's challenge first and foremost since I'm going to be shaping this into a hammer head I'm going to cut a slot for the wooden handle now while it's cylindrical because I intend to not leave it cylindrical yes that is the only part of the plan I'm going to reveal right now uh but I'm gonna take this bolt out and uh get this into the mill and cut myself a slot and um man this thing's really dirty doesn't smell so it's not like it's got anything nefarious on it but yeah that's that's today's that's today's build let's get started easier than I thought it was going to be here oh gross that is an all stainless Bolt I'll look this up but s30 400 t-h-e that is without a doubt that's nice stainless I'll clean that up in the parts washer um right to the mill [Music] [Music] [Music] there we go [Music] what okay this is interesting um [Music] when I went to test its softness I did a little saw cut back here and it bit right in just great and then I tried to drill and the drills like I'm not drilling into that and then I realized it's hard here and soft here because this is where it got welded and thus annealed so if I'm gonna get something out of this I'm going to have to anneal it so it's time to break out the oxyacetylene torch yeah foreign [Music] okay so uh I got this thing red hot you can actually still see a little bit of its glow there uh very very hot it is extremely hot and um some of you probably wondering why does heating it make it softer so I'm gonna try an explanation here with no actual scientific terminology in here when you heat up something the application of heat makes the molecules move faster makes the atomic structure of the molecules the atoms that make up the molecules it makes them all they're always dancing they're always kind of moving unless it's an absolute zero uh so in for the most part atoms and molecules are always moving in some fashion when you apply heat they move faster now this is a little bit of a that's a little bit not true because it sounds like a cause and effect heat equals the molecules moving faster but in fact heat is the molecules moving faster so they are one and the same they're less cause and effect than two different ways of saying the same thing if you could apply heat to something if you could make the molecules of something move faster without the application of heat like in a microwave oven ah and there you go so I have heated this up so the molecules in this steel which was formally too hard for me to drill into are all moving around and as they're cooling down they're arranging themselves as these molecules which are like right now you know when you get a red hot it's a dance party all those molecules are moving a lot but as they cool down they move slower and slower and slower and they start to arrange themselves now if you cool it down really quickly like quench hardening it in oil or water they line up like soldiers and you can get different kinds of hardnesses if you just let them cool you anneal it you you get a more amorphic structure amorphic that's a scientific term how do I say this the speed at which the temperature to which you heat something and the speed at which you let it cool down adjusts the atomic Arrangement and thus the hardness of the material in general what I really like is that when you are tempering chocolate the reason they call it tempering is because it's actually going through the same process that metal does when it is tempering chocolate and steel have a similar enough atomic structures that you can apply the same sort of heat tempering and hardness tempering to Chocolate just like steel I know that is really really cool okay I'm getting hard tired holding this thing up so I'm just going to let this thing cool down for a little while all right I'm let it cool down enough we're gonna we're gonna see about cutting this end off and then we'll see if I can cut the other end off and then we'll be Off to the Races here we go it's one part now let's see the other part is able to be cut oh that is yeah that's gonna take some work you can live in the stock shelf all right let's see if we can drill into this into this damn thing uh right I guess oh yeah I'm still at zero yeah this isn't a mission critical measurement it's just roughly in the middle so let's try this [Laughter] to be perfectly honest I wasn't sure that was gonna work oh I'm so happy all right here we go yep foreign [Music] I've had mixed results trying to anneal things that I found or that I didn't know what they were so I'm I'm really happy with how this is going hold on what I need so I and I squared off the ends of these specifically just to make it a little easier on the lathe I didn't do a perfect finish I didn't need that but I've got a nice wooden Hammer handle slot there very pleased with that uh and we are going to uh we're gonna make a hammerhead [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] too much [Music] foreign but I'm pretty happy with how this is currently looking as a hammer head they've got a and a pop pop yeah yeah so I'm gonna Chuck this in and polish it up a bit but this is basically the form as it currently stands uh I'm just gonna get this a lot more polished [Music] all right um I oh hi hi there's my hammer head and uh I think I'm gonna try and polish it [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign happy with this hammer head yeah you know it's not a perfect finish but it's a nice finish it's a good finish it's a happy finish for a garbage hammer look where we started yeah check that out okay so [Music] now it's time to lay this out something about like that yeah uh-huh something like that like that I think I'm gonna go towards the closer to the center Green yeah I think that's where I kind of want to be awesome hey [Music] look this comes off like this and this comes off [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs come on laughs foreign [Music] this is probably the closest to what I'm actually doing oh you know what maybe I'll just Trace that that's a lovely hammer and I like the shape so let's try that [Music] this is coming along [Music] [Music] okay I think I've got something here I think I'm achieving something so I think we're close to the end here I think we are close I think that's going to sit down on that I gotta tick in there and then I actually want to stain this [Music] so it's going to go in here and that's where that gets cut [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign look at that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] uh we have one more thing to do here which is to sign this I've got a um I've got a hardened steel stamp of my signature oh it looks right to me here but not to you here we can flip it and post there you go uh all right so I'm about to uh I'm about to hit that and I'm gonna hit it nice and hard and I'm also going to make sure it's on something hard hey it worked let's give this one more little bit of a Polish and I should throw some uh there we go there we oh you can see yourself I can see two tiny pictures of myself in each one of your eyes everything I do they do every time I light up a cigarette they let up one of theirs well I'm really happy with my garbage hammer garbage Hammer mm-hmm and and [Laughter] it just quite doesn't fit uh but it will fit let's figure it out you are fine and you are fine and you can be there yeah see that right over here when I made this Hammer rack a few weeks ago months ago weeks ago um I included some space for extra hammers and I was told that it the jet propulsion labs when you build storage for stuff but leave room for more stuff later that's called baby fat and so here I am taking advantage with my brand new garbage Hammer made from a chunk of Steel found on the street and from a chunk of pallet and I know I've got knots in here and like technically I know you shouldn't have knots in your Hammer handle but I think this is going to be fine that was really fun I had I yeah that was a fun build thanks for joining me for this I know I'm sure there's whole YouTube channels devoted to exactly this practice but this has been lovely thank you and the final analysis I don't think the proportions of this are perfect I I think they're good they're fine they're fine but they're not perfect I still don't know enough about Hammer forms perhaps the next time I make a hammer I draw it out so I have some proportional idea of how its parts relate to each other because like here hold on we're on the subject of hammers take a look at this beauty that's like a perfect object as far as I'm concerned God look at this guy oh what I picked this up on eBay for like thirteen dollars years ago oh what a gorgeous piece holy cow this this is fine it's fine all right I think I shot all the beauty shots and b-roll that I can thank you guys for joining me see you next time thank you so much for watching if you'd like to support us even further you can by becoming a tested member uh details are of course below But it includes all sorts of perks and we're building them all the time you get Advanced word and behind the scenes photos of some of our projects questions you get to ask direct questions during my live streams and we have some members only videos including the atom Real Time series of unbroken unedited shots of me working here in the shop they are weirdly meditative thank you guys so much I'll see you on the next one
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 548,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, adam savage, adam savage tested, one day builds, tested adam savage, one day build, adam savage tools, adam savage essential tools, adam savage one day build, favorite tools, how to, one day builds adam savage, adam savage one day builds, tested one day builds, adam savages one day builds, workshop, hammer, milling, woodworking, build, hammer build, making a hammer, how to make a hammer, how to make a hammer out of wood
Id: wrr1AYDiVs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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