Adam Savage's One Day Builds: Workbench Vise Upgrade!

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hey everybody adam savage here in my cave and  if this angle seems lower and like it favors   the workbench it's on purpose because this one  day build is all about this beautiful workbench   now this workbench was something i received  during covet during the lockdown last year   in the fall work bench designer and inventor and  master maker andrew klein reached out to me based   on me saying in one of the tested videos that i  needed to upgrade my workbench and said hey he   said to me i build workbenches and i would like  to build you one and lo reader he did with its   steel base monolithic double slabs of uh unbroken  unlaminated wood as the main bench body plus uh   bench dogs everywhere this is a lifetime bench i'm  gonna have this bench for the rest of my life and   i'm super grateful and as i have been using it  there are a couple of things that i would like   to change uh right now the thing that i am going  to be mucking with is these vices now andrew   invent designed and invented and  sells these incredible gear devices uh   there's a big wide one that's the width of the  workbench and then there's this one and just   to give you an idea of how lovely these things are  it's all uh it looks like laser or water cut gears   um it also has two speeds so that's a  fine speed for better control and then   faster speed and as i have been using  these i have learned that i want a   handle i want to get a handle on the situation  specifically here this handle as i'm doing it i'm finding like that takes a lot of time and  i want to be a little more efficient about it   i want a handle here i want a handle but  nobody wants a handle sticking out in fact   actually when you have a mill  dinging yourself on one of these or   on the on the knee handle this this handle on the  knee of a standard milling machine is literally   like one of the things that  every machine operator has like   some mark in their thigh from banging into one of  these right so if i'm going to make a handle if   i'm going to add some kind of um handle for this  vise i'm going to need it to be collapsible oh   yes it turns out they make folding collapsible  handles that is what i'm about to do i have   got some a new piece of steel for the main  body of this handle and a collapsing handle   attachment that will go to it there's going to be  a little bit of machining a bunch of dismantling   remantling and then hopefully the final holy  testing it out and we'll have a unique mod   to my andrew klein vice um andrew if you want to  take this mod and run with it you go right ahead   let's see if it works first shall we so um  right off the bat there's a couple of issues   with well so first of all here are the folding  handles that i have found they set they satisfy   several things that i wanted i wanted them to spin  so i wanted this part to actually spin which you   actually you have to specify they don't all do  that second of all it collapses which means it   folds like this so if the vice  hand is sticking up like this   this can have its natural state like that and then  when i need to use it i do this and then do it   like that right and it collapses up pretty nicely  yeah and it'll have a pretty low profile there   however if i just tapped this into this pipe  here this pipe spins here in the hole that   doesn't work i need i i need this not to  be spinning this way as i'm trying to do it   yes exactly i need a slot in the long  piece of steel here and a corresponding pin   in the handle to accommodate that slot um and  that is another aspect of this so i picked up a   piece of i picked up a couple of pieces of steel  that are the same outer diameter however they've   got a thick wall that'll allow me to add a slot  down most of the way of this pipe yeah so these   are the main components i've got a thicker wall  steel pipe a collapsing handle the original ends so the order of operations will go i'm going to   choose a set screw that will go in here then  i'm going to mill a slot not all the way down and i'll explain that later then i'm going to  mill a flat tap and thread this for this handle   open up the ends to be able to  receive the these ends and uh got my two pipes uh i'm going to shorten  them until they're just about this length   andrew has milled out the end of these to make  them a a an application tool for the little   uh retaining ring inside uh where the lead  screws in the spice attached to their gears   i'm not sure i'm going to replicate that  because i have it here but size and then uh um let's see i i'm going to get these onto the  lathe i'm going to melt them down and slice them   and then i'm going to get them ready for the  slotting so i guess i can just jump on the   lathe this is the tube i'm going to put into my  lathe but i don't want to use the six jaw chuck   i actually want to use collet chuck for  this um and i'll be i'll be grabbing this all right a 7 8 collet here it's perfect it's a 5c  collet so here's where we get to see these stands   i built in covid and how they work for me this is  the collet chuck in question put that over here   i'm going to move my three jaw down there   so that i don't have to move the sixth jaw  very far i'm gonna undo the sixth jaw here   uh it's heavy it's like 70 pounds i want to do  this one i think you'll hear it shift and it's in a lot of shops that have overhead crane just  for this type of maneuver but i've built these   stands to that i have to do a minimum of moving  around now each time you pull a vice off of a   off of your lathe each time you pull a  chuck off of your leg you want to make sure   that the mating surfaces are totally  clean i usually ah and this one goes   let's see here so when i lock three of  those i mean i lock all three of these   there's one i do a loose titan first  a loose titan uh a gentle oh come on   that's it i get them all semi-tight before fully  tightening them that's what i was gonna say   i do a loose tape that doesn't  make any sense at all okay great so there is color chuck and the advantage the reason  of using a collet over the six jaw is that even   though the six straw has six points that it's  grabbing and it's nice and positive it has the   potential to mark the work and the collet just  won't uh i mean don't get me wrong i think you can   damage the work for the college if you really it  loses like your commitment but for the most part   it's a great way to grab onto the work without  harming it so i'm just going to square up the end   here that's what i'll do on both of them before  figuring out the exact length i need them to be uh awesome i was shortening these and the  reason why will be obvious in a minute all right so my main two pipes that will  be my new vise handles are cut to length   they're exactly exactly the length  of the old handles they have they fit my rods exactly as they should great good that is a  handle so now what i need to do is i need to mill   a flat and drill and tap a hole for receiving this  and then once i do that on both of these i will   then mill a slot uh but before i mill that slot  i could choose my set screw i have to mill a set   screw to it's it's a multi-step process i gotta  take apart part of this vice to pull out this   center handles pivot uh spin it pivot  um and figure out what size set screw   to put in there so that's the next step  there's a bit of dismantling to happen now right boy next thing i want to do is drill and tap  the ends of these to receive a quarter 20 screw one of the things that's great about  the 5c collets is they open up quite   wide so i don't have to change out the  chuck to fit these to drill them out so now i'm going to drill it out with the proper  drill for a quarter twenty tap and that is   that's right it's a number seven it is not a ton of meat but it should  be enough let's get a tap in there i don't like to run the leaves for  these operations for the most part the taps are hardened steel get them wrong shatter  go searching for parts of your eyes all right um lovely so pretty yeah all right next so here's where we're at i've got a i've got a  quarter 20 i've got a quarter 20 set screw and i   want to turn down its end to be a post now i want  to cut past the threading and the number seven   drill bit is uh effectively 200 thousand that's  just a little bit north of a 3 16 which is 0.1875   so i'm going to turn this down to 0.187 or  even 0.18 and then the slot in my long piece   will be 187.1875 that'll give me a little bit of  slop and it'll allow this to properly register um it'll all become clear once i do  it but basically i have to mill down   exactly 200 thou out and kind of exactly  200 thou in zero there and take out so excellent oh so i have completed all the operations  on one of these two i've put in a slot   it's nice it fits the set screw that i machined  it's got the seat for the handle and that seat is   far enough away from the slot that the vise handle  won't be the resting spot the unknown here is how   much abuse the end of this set screw can take and  it may be that i have to like get a hardened set   screw and grind it down or something like that  but hopefully it'll work the way i want it to i have modified both of the handle pipes  handle tubes handle pipes handle some messiah   anyway um let's do it let's do a test fit  shall we so um this is the spinny part   i don't mean to get overly technical  on you and this is the turning part   spinning part and turning part work together  so uh here i am i'm gonna i'm gonna put this   set screw into this hole and you see how it's  going to ride down in this channel here right   so i'm just doing a test fit here just to  make sure that the whole operation works that's nice doesn't go past there doesn't go past  there uh right there are these guys going here oh wait wait wait oh yeah no that's gonna  have to be that way right yep okay so hold on   gotta put in the the o-ring   and i don't need the o-ring on the other side  right i don't because it won't do anything   oh oh perfect great that takes some of the  stress off the set screw now put this guy in here   all right um i think i'm gonna take this  down just a little bit however here is   how the operation works pull out the handle and  turn it like this oh yeah then when you're done   that can fold up and that folds back down okay  i'm curious how this is going to slot into my work   process i'm not positive but i definitely want  to take that down on a little bit of a chamfer and overall right now it's a very  positive grab it doesn't feel like   there's any real resistance the tolerances  are all good yeah excellent all right   yeah so the next thing i'm going to do is  i'm going to clean up these chamfer those   yeah uh and then i guess we're  close to doing a final assembly   it's not the brakes per se it's the brake assembly all right let us queen oh no oh i okay there we go all right so yep there's the four i  already have a spare parts bin for this workbench   which is great because well i'm hard on my  equipment uh and the two extra set screws that i   made for this operation will  remain in there okay to the lathe   so oh uh well the parts are done i am really happy  with how these came out they look great they look   professional um these also came out looking  quite nice and even dare i say it regular hi i might just end up being a moderately reasonable  machinist uh so now it's time for the holy   reassembly uh and yeah we don't need to cover  that in great detail when you have a tool you   should take it apart every tool you have take  it apart put it back together take it apart put   it back together like you should know what's  inside you should know where the brushes are   you should know how the wire routes in  your drill it's just it's really helpful um   i started by taking apart my toys when i got them  as a kid and i've never stopped tools are toys yeah i know it's not necessarily  play but you know what i mean   um all right so it's gonna be reassembly and i'm  reassembling the vices all before i put these guys   back in but i'm excited i'm excited this uh  i've been i can't even tell you first of all   i ordered a pair of these on amazon and like  five months later they hadn't arrived and it   was like you can get a roof on if you want i'm  like sure but i'd rather have the object then   i found a website and a board ordered them um but  like i've been wanting to do this since last fall not exactly since i got the thing  because i know i got this last fall   more like let's say december last winter  last winter okay here we go time for the   assembly i can't even tell you how good it  smells in here the the machine oil it's just   blood in the water for me makes  gets me excited just love that smell here is my beautiful andrew klein vice and just  like old days i can spin it and both the fast   speed and the low speed and the action's pretty  good i like it and because i don't like doing this now i have this right oh look at that look at how fast that is  goes to show you how impatient i am i think   this is one of the things that'll demonstrate  pathologically just how impatient i am that like i don't have all second there we  go and then when you want it to   go away there just goes away and now  it's it's not going to ding my leg i'm very very very happy it looks good too andrew   uh you want to incorporate this i'll share my  uh my measurements with you totally up to you   there you go there's there's a one-day build  my vices are just a little bit more useful now yeah i'm very happy thank you  guys for joining me for this   one day build and i will see you next  time i didn't even know that was there
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 218,997
Rating: 4.9534941 out of 5
Keywords: tested, tested adam savage, tested one day builds, workshop ideas, adam savage, one day builds, one day builds adam savage, adam savage one day build, workbench, shop workbench, bench vise, workbench vise, andrew klein, adam savage workbench, adam savage vise, adam savage work bench, workshop tools diy, workshop tools making
Id: ajHmyFX9zvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 47sec (1487 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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