Adam Savage Meets the Blade Runner Blaster Prop!
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,834,327
Rating: 4.8844028 out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, blade runner, blaster, replica, prop, blade runner blaster, build, original, gun, collector, blade runner gun, blade runner pistol, adam savage blade runner, tested adam savage, harrison ford, prop gun, adam savage tested, bladerunner gun, blade runner 2049, one day builds tested, adam savage blaster, prop replica, tested blade runner, adam savage, movie props, movie prop guns, prop guns blade runner, bladerunner blaster prop gun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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Adam's unbridled enthusiasm and passion for stuff like this is very inspiring.
Just his excited/amped "omg-this-is-the-best-thing-EVAR" vibe alone makes me feel more completely as a human.
Like: "Hmm. If I just striving for my greatest passions, I'll be able to realize True Fulfillment too one day!
He has the coolest job ever
His excitement is just so infectious. I find myself getting excited about these props that I never gave a second thought to before.
Can anyone find the jacket he is wearing in this video? Who makes it and such?
Adam is the best part of Tested (probably to no ones surprise).
I just can't bring myself like the other guys on the channel.
Edit: And the video of Adam and his collection of Blade Runner blasters is the video I learned about Tested from. (And it's a great video: [LINK]) So it's great to see another follow up to his passion.
Edit 2 electric boogaloo: He's also got a great Imgur page! (Also, re-reading my post I feel I should mention I'm aware of and a big fan of Mythbusters (RIP).)
Blade runner is one of my favorite movies. Seeing the blaster up close is MIND BLOWING. Goddamn this has got me all excited.
That being said Adam isn't 5'11". he's 5'9.5". Harrison forward was a little over 6 foot in his heyday. Now he's about 5'11. Don't ask me how i know this.
When he calls that fat guy "The biggest.....a true giant"