Adam Savage's Blade Runner Blaster Obsession
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,543,018
Rating: 4.9349499 out of 5
Keywords: Savage, The Adam Savage Project, Adam, prop replica, tested, blaster, pistol, adam savage, Inside Adam Savages Cave, testedcom, The, blade runner, Project, Best Of, Still Untitled, adam savage blade runner, blade runner blaster, blade runner gun, tested blade runner, tested adam savage, adam savage one day build, adam savage tested, blade runner 2049, harrison ford, blade runner pistol, adam savage blaster, adam savage man cave, inside adam savage's cave
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 20 2012
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Adam Savage seems a very obsessive person. I mean, he did an entire TED talk about how obsessive he is about objects.
Related - He did a talk a couple of years ago, last Hope or something, about obsession, the dodo and the Maltese Falcon he made, followed by a Q&A from the audience. It's about 90 minutes, all on youtube, I've watched through it about a half dozen times.
The guy's awesome and has made some fantastic stuff.
Honestly it's a really fucking sweet gun.
That awesome
I know it's on the real on but those plastic handles look awful.
A little while ago someone posted an album of over a hundred shots of the original prop. People asked why so many photos, and now we know.