Adam Savage Meets Sci-Fi Ray Gun Replicas!

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hello if you're like me you're concerned about home defense and the proper ray gun you should use for home defense um this you might recognize as based on the beautiful beautiful steampunk ray gun design from Dr gboard designed by Greg Broadmore from Wow workshop and this one is actually modified and painted by we're back in the shop of Ryan Nagata Ryan we have a ray gun collection here that is just absolutely unbelievable we're going to spend some time talking about it but let's start with this one how did this one come to be um several years ago on the RPF um weda was doing a a custom ray gun contest because they um they have their Dr gboard's line um and this was their first like mass-produced gun uh was it was called the righteous bison okay and they uh they sold some unpainted ones and uh RPF members could buy them and customize them um for our contest I can't believe I didn't know about this somehow this passed me by uh it was very exciting uh for the time that it was up um so this is the version that I did which actually won oh the contest Greg chose this as the as the winner um that's amazing but I I made this gun and it was kind of inspired by World War I type of stuff because I noticed that Peter Jackson and weda they do a lot of World War I inspire things um and it just it's it's done in the style of that Universe not exactly steampunk there's some kind of diesel Punky stuff is this the very first uh is this the very first ray gun you built no it's not um I had made many before i' had done that oh and you made these are these bullets for it or some well they're like they're the idea is they're kind of like rifle grenades that you could stick on the front you know the thing about that contest was everybody was posting their entries um and I had made the gun and people were like getting really elaborate with it and I was like I should do something else to really kick it over the top so then I I had the idea that it would have like these these rifle grenades that you stick on the front a beautiful elaboration on it I love the did you do the graphics yourself in Photoshop yeah and then aged it with like spray paint and coffee and things okay the yellow now this is the one that's based on the righteous bison but these other four are your design am I correct yeah these are all original designs I I've just always had a thing for ray guns uh and I had no particular reason to make any of them actually that yellow one I did a Kickstarter once and it was like a an incentive and so I made a bunch of these oh you did um yeah oh that's cool the rest of them were not uh made for any particular reason except I just felt like making like 50s kind of style ray guns now when when you when you're making this what is what is a process what what are the materials is this all found objects are you casting stuff what's going on well this is based on like a was like a bubble gun like one of those kids like bubble toys I think these the the actual circles in there are from that but nothing else um and then from that I just kind of elaborated and and added this stuff are you using some model kit Parts where are you finding these tiny hexes what's what how oh those came from kcraft in La they're like a it's a store in La it's a great hobby store um but they're like tiny brass bolts that uh I guess it's for like modeling um like tanks and stuff like that um and so there's that this this little glass thing I think that was a piece of jewelry originally that that I saw at a farmers market like somebody was selling these like scientific glass bubbles with colored alcohol in them so I I just like collected Parts like I think that Crystal is something I bought from like a rock shop all right now is there is each one you're playing around with different genres do you sketch these before you before you build them or is it sort of free form uh yeah I I I'll usually start with a sketch but um not that detailed like just kind of the general idea um these are there's a lot of plumbing parts on there I think this is a found part I looks like some kind of oil fil or something yeah um it's you know do you know about the group sink tube Jedi it's all guys who make lightsabers out of plumbing parts uh I remember that it's it's a it's a lovely convention because there's there's a lot of inspiration to be gotten at the hardware store oh yeah yeah like every prop geek I go to the hardware store and they always ask what are you looking for well you couldn't really help me or you go do you have a chrome ring that's shiny about this big and then the guy goes no and you're like you can't answer answer that fast I haven't asked a specific question I'm just going to go look in your plumbing department right um and then this last one seems to be it's really almost like the Jetson you've gone much bigger gestures more cartoony yeah it's um again I wanted to make like something like 50s Cadillac kind of looking you succeeded entirely I see these are hand machines that stainless uh these are stainless washers but I this was before I had a mill or anything I think I put these on the end of a a power drill and just like sanded them so they would get that really nice finish yeah yeah yeah um you got radio tubes in here sitting in the yeah there's a um there's a place in La called Apex electronics that has a lot of vintage electronic stuff it's like a junkyard basically it it sounds like La is a great City to go part hunting for stuff like this yeah yeah well there's uh a lot of the prop houses you know for Hollywood Productions I don't know so much anymore but in the old days they would just um get all these electronic parts actually Apex is where the guys who built the Ghostbusters proton pack like haunted all the parts so there was a time you could go there and find every part but it's kind of been picked over now I'll bet I'll bet um is there one of these that is was the the most difficult for you to complete gave you the most trouble to kind of get to where you wanted to get with it well probably the the wet one was there's just like a lot of work refining it and getting those details to where you wanted them yeah because there's a lot of details and there's a lot of like um just like hand bent metal rods and stuff on there which were kind of hard to to fit and you've got the little brackets on there which is also non-trivial yeah I think that was uh I'm trying to remember Jeweler's plier something like that yeah I think that's just some K&S brass that was bent on there is there one here that is your absolute favorite that like you'd save if there was a fire uh well I like that wet one because of the story but I think the blue one is probably my favorite you think it's the blue one I guess so because it's just uh I think it's the most iconic looking in some weird way I don't know um it's also the one like I I took pictures of these guns and I posted them online and this particular gun like people have taken that picture and used it uh for all kinds of things I see it in like memes you've entered into the cultural lexicon by accident like if you Google ray gun this is one of the result this will yeah this will come up you need to do a big blog post about it we got to we got to bring it back so that people know that it's yours and that they should write your name on it that you could get business making ray guns yeah and do you have future plans for more yeah definitely I I want to make um people are always asking me for like original ray gun things um so there's a couple of different original guns and uh also guns from other properties that I want to replicate so from movies that you love I I have a Forbidden Planet replica in my shop I used to have a Forbidden Planet rayon replica but you traded it away I sold it uh just I'm always trying to thin down the collection so I can collect new things but I'm never trying to thin down the collection Brian thank you so much for showing me this amazing collection of work it's it's beautiful this is I'm Adam Savage from tested this is Ryan Nagata see you guys later
Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 503,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tested, testedcom, adam savage, maker, maker spaces, shop, shop tour, cave, ryan nagata, spacesuits, mythbusters, replica, weta, space gun, blaster, prop, raygun, dr grordbort
Id: iZkCLOolYo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2016
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