Acts 19:21 to 41

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welcome back I'm Robert breaker and he did get a haircut thank God it's been about time been a long time since I got a haircut but finally got my hair cut and we're gonna continue now in our verse-by-verse Bible study through the book of Acts and today we're in Acts chapter 19 Acts chapter 19 last time we got from verse 1 all the way down to verse 20 and we stopped the era must begin today in verse 21 in our Bible study here verse by verse through the book of Acts we looked at last time when I called the monkey wrench in the book of Acts there was something taking place here in the book of Acts it just seems to go against the what we're seeing remember the book of Acts is a transitional book and we see Paul preaching and then people get in the Holy Spirit by believing and then all of a sudden Paul comes across some people in the chapter 19 and he says so you guys get the Holy Ghost jet like what is that we know what that is he said well did you get did you this happened to you did that happen to you did this take place and they're like look all we know is John the Baptist told us to preach this Paul says hmm now that's odd case because the book of Acts there's so many things taking place and changing the pulses well let's try this let's try this let's write it it turns out there were only 12 of these fellows in the way they ended up getting the Holy Spirit was he had to literally lay hands on them because they were Jews so remember that Acts chapter 19 so many people tried to run to Acts chapter 19 and say now this is how we get the Holy Spirit today and it's not we don't get though a spirit today by someone laying hands on us we get boy spirit today according to Paul in Ephesians chapter 1 and verse 13 when we believe we're sealed with always spirit of promise this is and I don't even know what to call it but this is a special well I guess I can use the order dispensation because this is God dispensing the Holy Spirit on someone in a certain way in this part of X and it was because they were Jews and was kind of like they were they were behind on God's plan the way God was setting things up and so that's why chapter 19 is a weird part of the book of Acts but we got past that last time and we looked at that and we looked how Paul later ends up as a Bible teacher in a school teaching the Bible for two years in verse 10 in a place and we saw how God brought special miracles by the hands of Paul verse 11 and what those were now we're all the way past will be finished up in verse 20 so mildly grew the Word of God and prevailed now some versions of the Bible say so mildly grew the word of the Lord and prevailed and so some people say well the King James it ought to save the Lord because the Greek texts say Lord and the King James says God and this is a verse verse 20 that some people will try to use and say the King James is an error I don't believe that there are any errors whatsoever in the King James Bible so I don't believe that the King James Bible is an error I think it's really really sad that people would say that what I see is as I looked at this the oldest text in existence is the Syriac text remember and I didn't put it up here but somewhere up here there is Antioch of Syria and that's where the early church was found the oldest manuscript that we have today is the Syriac text and I find it very interesting that in all these so-called Bible schools all over the world they don't teach the Syrian language anymore they don't teach to your Syrian why because if you study the Syrian text you find out the King James Bible is closer to the Syrian text than any of the others and that's the oldest text people want to argue well the best Bible is the one that comes from the oldest text okay what are those they say well the Vaticanus in city Atticus and you go ha ha ha that's not that's not true we have way older Bible text the Syriac text it's a hundred years after Jesus the Vatican this is any addict lists are 400 to 600 years after Jesus so we have these texts so the oldest texts have God so I believe that the King James Bible is God's Word and that he gave us what would have been in the originals I believe people might not like this but I believe that there could be mistakes in the Hebrew and Greek text people say well no no that's God's hood yeah but a guy could have copied and made a mistake but I believe that what God did according to the Scriptures is he purified his word seven times and he got us in the King James Bible a back to what the originals would have said and so I believe that the King James is inspired because that some people call me a rukmi night because it's Peter ruckman taught that the King James Bible is inspired the inspired Word of God and people say oh you can't have a translation that's inspired but I do believe that God inspired this translation the King James Bible so I just thought I'd throw that out there I wasn't certain if I was going to say anything but I'm like you know what yeah why not I just believe that God preserved his word in the King James Bible and I believe he preserved this word God and he gave it to us and that we can go back to the early originals of Antioch and we could find that the right word is God and so the right word is the right word in the King James Bible so mildly prevailed the Word of God and prevailed verse 20 now verse 21 and after these things were ended Paul purposed in the spirit when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia to go to Jerusalem saying after I had been there I must also see Rome so we're starting to see now what Paul's desire and what Paul's plan is now I went ahead and drew the map up here again and I think I drew it a little too big but down here is Egypt that this would be the Nile River so Alexandria would be down here here's Jerusalem here's Antioch of Syria where the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch of Syria acts 11:26 I believe it is this is Asia this is the race this is Macedonia now Paul has been doing his missionary journeys he's going back and forth and back and forth and we've looked at I believe the three missionary journeys of Paul's so far and we looked at how he went to all these different cities and we're gonna look at and I went ahead and wrote this up here today because there's a couple more places that he goes and I just want you to get an idea in your mind of where these places are but where is Paul now well Paul now is in Ephesus if I remember correctly we saw that in the first chapter and in chapter 19 verse 1 the first verse to Ephesus so it appears that he's still in Ephesus or around the area of Ephesus so in verse 21 after these things were ended Paul purposed in the spirit that he passed when he had passed through Macedonia and Achaia so he's going from Estus he comes up here to Macedonia he comes over this way he probably say possibly or he could have taken a boat and then you know over here someplace have walked but he came from Ephesus over to Macedonia and then Italia or aquella Nakia is down here where corinth was and so this is Greece so he's coming down here remember the language at that time was Greek why was Greek the worldwide language because up here in Macedonia there was a guy named Philip and he had a son named Alexander and Alexander the Great took over the known world around 300 BC you know roughly and he spread his language to the whole world was a Hellenistic society the whole world spoke Greek that's why a lot of people run to the to the Greek text and say well the King James Bible comes from the Greek text and it was written in the Greek language yes that's called the Koine language so you have a lot of writers of the New Testament writing in Greek because that was the language of the world at the time so here we have Paul and he goes to Macedonia and then he goes to where is it here we're in verse 21 then he goes to K yes so he probably down here close to Corinth visiting and then he says I want to go to Jerusalem but he says but I also need to go to Rome and we find out eventually Paul does make it to Rome and that's an interesting story now look at what it says in verse 22 so he sent into Macedonia two of them that ministered unto Him to mow theists and harassed us but he himself stayed in Asia for a season so he he got from here I the only thing I can figure he's wanting to go to Jerusalem but then he's back in Asia so we started out and the chapters in Asia then he goes here and here that he's back over here so but his goal was to eventually get here and he wants to go back to Jerusalem why does Paul want so badly to go to Jerusalem because he never stopped thinking about and caring about his people Israel he wants Jews to get saved he's going to find out that it's disastrous what happens when he does go to Jerusalem they do not accept the message they rejected their Messiah a long while back but Paul still tries to get them say and what happens is well it kind of puts a damper on his ministry but but not really because he ends up going from Jerusalem to Rome in Chains so rather than being a free man as he's been doing all these other times and freely going back and forth he's gonna eventually end up in Jerusalem in Chains and come to Rome in Chains and what's what the rest of the book of Acts is about so he goes and he gets these two guys Erastus and Tim timotheus now two most pious of course would be Timothy now Erasmus is also found in two other places in the Bible second Timothy 4:20 just let me read read quickly about Erastus second Timothy chapter 4 and verse 20 and it's fun to read the book of Acts and see these names mentioned we're gonna find out here in a minute I guess when we get to chapter 20 so within our next teaching that Paul traveled with an entourage he's got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten people around him all the time he's traveling has always got all these people with him as he travels so he he travels in an entourage if you will with other people some whom he's led to the Lord others who are brothers in Christ that say hey Paul let's all go together in our missionary journey but here Erasmus is mentioned in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 in verse 20 singing to me 4:20 we see Rastus Erastus boat at Corinth but tropi must have I left at my leat I'm sick and here's my leta marley my lead them or my lead us and you see all these guys traveling with paul us see romans 1623 romans 1623 is another time we read this guy named Erastus so to me it's fun to read the bible and remember the names of the people and find him in other places and see who they were and where they went romans 1623 paul says this day is mine Hostin of the whole church saluteth you erastus the chamberlain of the city salutes you and Cuong cora quartz as a brother so here here's Erastus now is that the same Erastus this is a guy who was a keeper of a city in rome couldn't be the same Erastus I don't know it's quite interesting so back to verse 22 of Acts chapter 19 so he sent it to Macedonia two of them that ministered unto Him timotheus and harassed us but he himself stayed in Asia for a season how long is the season I don't know a year two years five months six months I don't know it's a little vague there and who was writing the book Luke so Luke is chronicling what Paul did now verse 23 in the same time there arose no small stir about that way now I really enjoy that word no small stir what Paul did he always did big he didn't do very small he always made a stir I made a stink and it was a big deal everything that Paul did was a big deal he calls no small stir and we're about to find out that in Asia Paul causes one of the biggest stinks that's ever been caused now now wait a minute let's go back and remind ourselves to what we just read okay start again in verse 21 after these things were ended all right in my Bible I don't know about yours but in in verse 21 my Bible starts with a paragraph mark so that's why I divided this into two different teachings chapter 19 verse 1 to 20 and then chapter 21 starts a new thought a new thing happening so it's a paragraph mark but 21 says after these things were ended so what ended what did we look at last time last time what happened was there was a great revival do you remember this what happens is Paul's going through there and he's preaching and all of this place in Asia all of Ephesus just gets amazed at the preaching of Paul and the preaching of Jesus Christ and how powerful Jesus is because the demons know the name of Jesus and the demons are subject to the power of Jesus Christ and what happened is in in chapter 19 all these people that were engaged in curious arts verse 19 which we would call witchcraft realized hey we got the wrong God demons are not of the true God we don't want these and they got rid of it and look what it says verse 19 many of them also which used furious are brought their books together and burn them before all men and they counted the price of them and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver so Paul has just come from one of the greatest revivals in the history of the world and it's so easy to just read over that and not think anything about it but that is probably over five million dollars today of books Paul has preached the gospel so much in emphasis that all these people that use witchcraft brought all their witchcraft books their Harry Potter books if you will I know everybody didn't exist back then but that would be the equivalent today because Harry Potter is a witch and they said we do not want to even think about this and they burn all the books that had to do with witchcraft what they called curious arts now I don't know what else to call that but in a massive and amazing revival so Paul saw an amazing revival in Ephesus in the whole city and the whole area of Asia just said you know what we're done with demons and they burned all their books now I didn't get into much last time what witchcraft is but witchcraft is making agreements with devils and what these books do is they tell you how to do spells and a spell binds it call its spell binding are binding a demon under spell and you and you you say words you say a spell and a demon hears that and you're literally making an agreement with the demon that's what witchcraft is that's why it's so bad so Paul is seeing revival and his preaching and he's seeing so many people just burning these books and saying we don't want to do this with the demons ever again so this is what Paul has come from this great revival in getting rid of witchcraft in this area so Paul deals with witchcraft and I'll go ahead and write that up here let me find a different color so Paul is seeing God take and get rid of witchcraft well the next part of this chapter we see Paul dealing with idolatry now here's the problem they were willing to let the witchcraft go but boy they didn't want to get rid of idolatry now the devil he gets a hold of people spiritually in many different ways if the devil can get people to practice witchcraft then there's a spiritual oppression there and the demons can oppress the people but also there's a thing called idolatry and adultery is the worshipping of idols and behind every Idol is a demon so there was demonic oppression in the world in those days and we're starting to see a resurgence of that in the world of which we live today so I want you to see how this chapter chapter 19 deals with witchcraft and idolatry and the witchcraft was taking care of it it seems like most witchcraft was stamped out in the time of Paul from its preaching but that idol worship people did not want to give up their idols and the biggest Idol in that day was a woman named Diana and she was the big Idol and Diana was the one that everyone worshipped and she was this gigantic great huge Idol that they didn't want to give up it was like their national identity was we are the people that follow Diana and so Paul came up to a wall if you will and so as we read chapter 19 I want you to see there was a great victory over witchcraft but it seems like there wasn't that great a victory over idolatry because they would not give up their idols and that's a problem the people that got saved yes but those that that would not get saved they said look we're drawing the line you took all our books Paul you're not taking our idols so the lost people began to fight against the revival that God had had seen through Paul so what does Paul do do well he stays there for a season verse 22 verse 23 in the same time they rose no small stir about the way that way for now it's going to tell us what caused there's a there's a big stir that Paul stirred up and it's all about idols so watch this stir here's what happens verse 24 for a certain man named Demetrius a silversmith which made silver shrines for Diana this is the the witch excuse me the idol Diana that everybody would worship brought no small gain into the craftsman all right these craftsmen are idle worker I don't makers and what they would do they would make shrines out of silver and they would make little idols out of silver and they made a lot of money selling these little idols now you've got to understand the world which Paul lived under the Roman Empire the Roman Empire allowed religion and a matter of fact religion was a part of the state the state was a state-run religion and religion was a state-run I think in under the Roman Empire everyone had gods and you can have as many gods as you wanted as long as you said Caesar was God and you worship Caesar along with all the other gods then the Roman state was happy but when you begin to stand up and say no there's only one God and Caesar is not God and all these other gods they're not gods they're demons they're Devils they're not true then the Roman state would get upset because now you're you're bucking the status quo now you're messing with with what they've been doing for thousands of years you can't do that how dare you say P Caesar isn't God so they begin to get upset and there are a lot of people that made a lot of money making silver idols we'll find out a little later they made him out of copper they made him out of other precious metals out of wood out of stone so this guy named Demetrius who was a silversmith and we'll find out later there's another guy named Alexander who was a coppersmith but this Demetrius guy he stands up and he says look he says I don't like this guy Paul he's preaching against the what I'm making that makes me money why if they all start burning their idols that I made like they burned their books he said we're gonna have problems so the witchcraft they burned all the books thanks God thank God now Paul is trying to tell them your idols are nothing you need to burn those two oh wait a minute says the guy that makes the idols now you're messing with my business now you're messing with my income I'm gonna have to do something and that's what happens so verse 25 whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation and said sirs you know that by this craft we have our wealth so he calls together all the people that build idols and he says look this is our livelihood this is our income we got to do something this guy Paul is a threat to us he's already got all the people that follow demons to to burn their books on witchcraft now he's coming after our idols well he got the victory over that if he wins then we don't have a job well what's what could happen well if they got saved they could have rejected idols they probably could have got a better job but no they didn't want to get saved they didn't want to accept the book gospel that Paul was preaching so verse 26 moreover you see in here that not alone at Ephesus but almost throughout all Asia this Paul have persuaded and turned away much people saying that they be no gods which are made with hands now what is wrong with that nothing these people are making a little statue out silver and then they're saying no this is your God and people say oh I'll buy it and they take it and put it in their home and they worship it and they pray to it and they say oh you're my god you're my god oh little God help me God rationally you look at that you can't help but go what a dumb thing that's not a god that's a little tiny piece of silver there's a true God in heaven the creator of everything all things that's not him some some guy made that so it's really dumb to worship false gods it's dumb to worship idols so Paul is just using logic but he's also using truth the truth is those aren't God's made with hands those are not God's at all so you're lying to the people by telling them hey come by this guy it's not a god it's a lie so he says that Paul is go out there persuading people to turn away from what from idols now verse 27 so that not only this our craft is endangered to be said it not but also that the temple of the great goddess Diana should be despised and her magnificence should be destroyed whom all Asia and the world so there was this goddess named Diana and she was the the rage of all the world the whole world said man this goddess this diana woman she's she's the one that everybody comes to Asia to worship now that they have found this goddess Diana and they have found this this statue and an archaeologists have found there was this gigantic statue of this woman Diana and it is one of the most disgusting gross filthy nastiest looking statues that you have ever seen in your entire life but archeologists have actually unearthed the the statute that this guy is talking about the huge I don't remember how tall it is I know it's it's pretty tall but it's disgusting Diana the goddess was supposed to be the goddess of fertility and love and all these things and you were supposed to come to her and she was disgusting and let me tell you why she was disgusting now I'm not gonna I thought hard about this should I go to the internet and get a picture of it and put it up here for you to see and I said no I don't want to I don't want to I don't want you to see it because to me it's disgusting but I will ask you to do this if you're on the internet look up go to Google or start page or Yahoo and go to images and type in Diana of the Ephesians statue and see if it'll bring it up this Diana statue this is why I say it's so disgusting Diana as a statue was a statute not with two breasts like most women have there were 19 breasts on that statue now to me that's a freak of nature that is utterly disgusting to look at a woman and she's got 19 boobies hanging out first of all that's indecent to be showing her breasts secondly 19 of them sick that's a freak of nature that's disgusting that's gross and that's how disgusting it was and so if you want to see that you look that up and see if you can find it usually they'll show it sometimes they'll just show a picture of it rather than the act you know a drawing of it rather than the actual picture of the god but this goddess Diana why she was worshipped by all these people how could people be that dumb to worship a freak a mutant a gross thing with all these different I mean it's a freak of nature and yet they worshipped that goddess Diana and they thought she was so great and I look at that and I just go how dumb were the pagans how disgusting are they to worship something that's not beautiful something that's grotesque and sick and disgusting so he continues here in verse 27 he says so that not only this hour craft is in danger to be said at night but also that the temple of the Great Goddess Diana should be despised yeah she should be despised she's a freak of nature she's a piece of inanimate object she's an inanimate object she's a piece of whatever she was made of stone with gold or silver or whatever put on her she's nothing she's not a god and it says here and her magnificent magnificence should be destroyed whom all Asia and the world worship a--the so the whole world worshiped this Diana goddess oftentimes under different names I believe one of her names was Ayesha or something like that or a start a and then other names and she was a moon goddess hmm and we'll find out here in a minute there was a stone that fell from heaven connected with her which is kind of interesting but they thought that she was great because of her temple she must have had some sort of a beautiful temple and all the world came to look at that temple to look at that statue and just wonder and say oh look how beautiful that is well I look at all the artwork that went into that I look at how all this and it was a disgusting vile grotesque half-naked statue of a crazy-looking woman with 19 different boobies I wouldn't let my kids see that I wouldn't take my kids but yet in the ancient world there all this is our goddess we all pray to her and offer sacrifices to her that's how sad the world becomes without God they begin to worship fallen images and images of just utter disgusting grotesque things I can't stress enough how gross that is all right so what happened well he was afraid that they would be put to naught and that the world would turn against that false God now verse 28 and when they heard these sayings they were full of wrath and cried out saying great is Diana of the Ephesians so these men that made idols that probably built the temple and and put all the gold with silver in all the places these people said we can't have this for grant Diane is so great Diane is so great Diana's subject and they started to yell in one Accord great is Diana great is Diana great availa of the Ephesians was she great no she's nothing she's a false god probably has a demon connected to her as we'll see here in a little bit now verse 29 the whole city was filled with confusion and having caught Gaius in the wrist Aristarchus men of Macedonia Paul's companions and travel they rushed with one Accord unto the theatre so they came and they caught these two men men that went around with the Apostle Paul and they took them into the theatre I got a Bible note here and there were a lot of preachers that have used this text and said don't go to the theatre because that's a bad place what do you go to this theater well they used to call the theatre of the silver screen why is that because the film needs to be made out of silver and that's something and you go there and you watch ship stars and what were they were they're like idols and people you know set up these men and these women as actors and saying aren't they just so wonderful and people say what do you want to be well my idol is Marilyn Monroe and I want to be like her and it all it all ties back to the Bible more or less one way or another but anyway um before I go any further with what happens next I want to I want to talk about Chris bagasse and Aristarchus and show you some other places where they are in the Bible because they're the ones that got captured rather than appalled but before I do let me let me show you this there are people today that think well I don't see anything wrong with with making an image I don't see anything wrong with the statute well there's nothing wrong with it with having a statue in a church and and people coming in and they were remember that is as worshiping you don't you don't think so huh well first let's go to the Old Testament let's go to Exodus chapter 20 I want to show you some verses in the Bible against idol worship because it's not just Paul that's against idols the Jews in the Old Testament had one God you see the world hated the Jews because they always looked at the Jewish people as oh that's the old one God people over there yeah those people over there with the one God because all throughout history the pagans had many gods but God chose Abraham and said look you are my chosen one and you and your descendants will only believe in me the one God and so the Jews were always known is that those tribe over there that's so weird and so different from everybody else because everybody everywhere else believes in many gods even the Ephesians had more than one God Diana they had many gods but that was their main guy so what does God say about having idols well in the Old Testament God said this to the Jews remember we're not under the Old Testament today so I'm going to show you New Testament also but in the Old Testament it gives us the mind of God it helps us understand why God hates idols Exodus chapter 20 verse 3 through 6 thou shalt have no other gods before me thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image of any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself to them nor serve them for I am the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the generation unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my Commandments God says you will not ever make a graven image what is a graven image it's making a graven image is oh how would you explain it it's sculpture it's sculpting something it's where it's like a 3d image of something it's an idol and God says you don't make those and you don't bow down to them well there's a church today that claims to be the Church of God and and they're centered in Rome and they say oh we we have all these images and images help us worship God and they call them icons in the Greek Orthodox Church these these kind of things are forbidden in the Old Testament you're not supposed to make those things you're supposed to only worship God now in the New Testament what does the Bible say well we've already looked at Acts chapter 15 and how in Acts chapter 15 it came to the early church that they said hey guess what Gentiles got saved well what should we tell the Gentiles somebody says well we need to we need to circumcise the Gentiles in Shiloh and so the early church came together and you remember what the early chillip church told the Gentiles that had gotten saved Acts chapter 15 and verse 20 says but that you write it to them that they abstain from pollutions of idols and some fornication and from things strangled and from blood and then in verse 29 that she abstain from meats offered to idols and from blood and from things strangled and from fornication from which if you keep yourselves he shall do well so we're supposed to stay away from idols and sacrifices made to idols that was what the early church said in the beginning well in the beginning in the middle of the book of Acts but in the beginning of when Gentiles were getting safe they were telling Gentiles look God doesn't want you if you're saved to worship idols so do not worship Diana do not worship little idols now you go to Paul Paul preached against idols everywhere he went first Corinthians 10 excuse me first millions 5 first Corinthians 5 and verse 10 first Corinthians 5 10 and 11 Paul says this yet not altogether with the fornicators of this world or with the covetous or extortioners or with idolaters for then plus she needs to go out of the world verse 11 but now I've written unto you not to keep company if any man that is called a brother be a fornicator or covetous or an idolater or a or a drunkard or on and on and on so what should we do we shouldn't have anything to do with the idolaters someone that worships an idol 1st Corinthians chapter 10 verse 7 neither ye be ye neither be ye idolaters as were some of them as it is written the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play and then what do they do will they committed fornication I'm gonna show you here in a minute how idol worship is always connected with sacrificing and then committing adultery or fornication it's basically devil worship if you study devil worship people that worship the devil today they say do what thou wilt as the whole of the law and so they basically say that devil worship is you do whatever you want and you get into a church of Satan and I hope you never do the way that they worship Satan is by stripping naked and having sex with one another with a blood sacrifice at an idol it's not much different than what the pagans did back then and so fornication is always a part of that why I think there's demons there and I think I'll prove that here with some scripture here in a minute but those demons want to be inside of the person who's fornicating so that the demons can feel what that person is feeling when they fornicate so we better watch out for idol worship idol worship is horrible and it's evil so first Corinthians chapter seven verse seven says we're not to be idolaters verse 14 wherefore my dearly beloved flee from idolatry verse nineteen what say I then that the idol is anything or that which is offered and sacrifice to idols is anything look what he says but I say the things with the Gentile sacrifice they sacrifice to Devils and not to God and they would not that she should have fellowship with Devils behind every Idol is a demon so behind every and and what's the demon well the Bible never uses the word demon it always says devil it lets you know that they have to do with Satan with the devil I think that's interesting so we're not supposed to have anything to do with idols God is very much against idol worship in having idols or worshipping idols I don't care if you're a Roman Catholic you go to that church there are idols everywhere and God says you're not supposed to have those Paul preached against that first Thessalonians chapter 1 and verse 9 for they themselves show of us what manner of entering in we had unto you and how that she turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God so Paul is very much anti idols knowing that behind every Idol is a devil or a demon and so we don't need idolatry don't need idols we don't need images first Peter chapter 4 verse 3 Peter understood this and Peter says look don't follow idols so first Peter 4:3 he tells us for the time passed of our life may suffice us to have right the will of the Gentiles when he walked in lascivious Nissen lust excess of wine revellings bank between bacon banquet things in abominable idolatries now what would an abominable thing be when it comes to idolatry well they're always doing fornication nowadays they do also homosexuality and guy who God says that's an abomination so therefore negation was more than just man on woman and woman on man there's man on man and woman on woman there's these things that are taking place all because demons are there watching it and they're behind it so Paul's battle going into all the world and preaching was more than just some guy going preaching it was a spiritual warfare because he's fighting against demons and devils everywhere he goes and he won a great victory because all those in Ephesus burned all their books on witchcraft but is he gonna win the victory here on the Idol so no this is the line in the sand in which the people said no you're not taking our idols that's kind of sad let me show you John to first John first John 5:21 the Apostle John was also against idol worship in 1st John chapter 5 verse 20 little children keep yourselves from idols amen so we have God telling Israel stay away from idols we have the early church telling the Gentiles that got saved in acts 15 don't have anything to do with idols don't fornicate don't don't worship in their worship service worshipping idols by fornicating and sacrificing and shedding blood and a lot you know a lot of times they would drink the blood that's what Satanists do today that's disgusting so don't do that Paul preaches against idols Peter and John now I said earlier I believe that the demons are connected with idols let me show you in Revelation chapter 20 just real quick two verses that that clearly show behind every Idol is a demon or a devil I firmly believe that in the Old Testament many times the the sodomites would go out into groves and they would worship their God in groves and their God was an idol and they would commit sodomy they would commit fornication they would do bad things in gross kind of sounds like the modern-day Bohemian Grove if you've ever heard of that Alex Jones exposed that and how today there really is at a bohemian grove a place where many world leaders come together to practice sodomy and try to make plans on how they're gonna rule the world what's behind that well there's a big huge stone statue of an owl and they make a mock sacrifice some people say maybe it's a real sacrifice I don't know if you want to have an interesting eye opening experience go to youtube and look up Bohemian Grove with by Alex Jones and see what he saw we snuck into this place and saw this druidic worship that is still practiced today see this isn't something that people did thousands of years ago there are still people today that are worshipping these false gods and the demons behind them and they're engaging in sexual activity as they do it that's how Satan wants worship now Revelation chapter 2 verse 20 revelation 2:20 notwithstanding I have a few things against thee because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel which calleth herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols so we see idol worship sacrificing to idols and we see fornication all tied together now go to Revelation chapter 9 and verse 20 and this is in the book of Revelation this is in the future what people are going to be doing so this idol worship is still around today unfortunately and as time goes on more and more people will turn towards Satan and will worship him in this way and I hate it especially in tribulation but that's what they will do that's why you need to come to Jesus if you're not safe but in Revelation chapter 9 and verse 20 look what it says here and the rest of the man which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hand that they should not worship devils in items of gold and silver and brass and stone and of wood which neither can see nor hear and neither repented they of their murders nor of their sorceries nor of their fornication or of their thefts oftentimes Satanists today they will literally have a sacrifice of another human being often times they do child sacrifice and they drink the blood or they eat the the the intestines are not the intestines but the internal organs of babies there are some sick twisted filthy reprobate people in this world and they have chosen wholeheartedly to follow Satan and in their so-called worship they worship idols those demons behind those idols say hey why don't you pour negate why don't you worship this gold and silver thing and why don't you commit acts of sodomy and do this and that and get naked and all this stuff it's just this sick I can never figure out why someone would want to follow that how disgusting that is so now we go back to Acts chapter 19 and that's what we're seeing taking place here we're seeing a great spiritual battle men led by demons you see the witchcraft thing Paul had had one over that let me just cross that out they burned all their books now Paul is trying to get rid of the second great threat against Christianity idol worship and these people that make the idols they say now we can't we can't have this no we like our fornication too much we like our money too much we like our fame too much we like that we have the greatest goddess in the world and people come here from all of worship bar guys no Paul you're not going to take this from us too we refuse and that's Satan getting the victory if you will in such a case now what do they do well let's go back to it here they came together and they rushed with one Accord so they come in verse 29 and they grab hold and they catch Gaius and Aristarchus men of Macedonia Paul's companions and they rushed them with one Accord into the theatre now who is Gaius and who is Aristarchus Gaius is mentioned his other passages he's mentioned also in Acts chapter 20 and verse 4 and these are two men that travel with Paul preaching the same thing in action 20 verse 4 says no company into Asia so Peter a pariah and of the Thessalonians Aristarchus and secundus and Gaius so here's Gaius and Aristarchus mentioned again Romans chapter 16 and verse 23 we find another mention of Gaius Romans 16 23 Gaius mine host and of the whole church saluteth to you okay first Corinthians 1:14 again Gaius is mentioned I think God I baptized none of you but Crispus and Gaius Gaius would have been someone who was from Corinth a third John 1:1 this is interesting even John writes a letter to Gaius the Apostle John in 3rd John verse 1 the elder unto the well-beloved VA Gaius whom I love in the truth so John writes a letter to Gaius later on now our star kiss who is he well we saw him in acts 20 and verse 4 also in acts 27 and verse 2 Aristarchus and I kind of like that name Aristarchus that's gonna need me Aristarchus acts 27 - here's our starkest again and entering the ship of the a drum my tiem we launched me to sail by the coast of Asia one Aristarchus a Macedonian at Thessalonica being with us so Gaius was from Corinth Corinth and this other guy was from Thessalonica which somewhere up in this area I forget so these are people that Paul had led to the Lord as he's traveling and preaching and they said Paul can we come with you and preach with you Paul said certainly come on and that's amazing that's awesome Philemon 1:24 we also see another mention of this fella in Philemon verse 24 Marcus Aristarchus demas Lucas my fellow laborers so Aristarchus is with Paul as Paul is going in Chains to Rome so that's interesting Aaron stark just stays with Paul much of the time so we go back to Acts chapter 19 and here's what we call mob rule this is what takes place mob rule the mob comes together and says we can't take this man preaching against our idols so they stir up the mob to get these two men Gaius and Aristarchus and they push them in the theatres in verse 29 now we're starting when Paul would have entered in unto the people the disciples suffered him not all right are these the disciples of a her Diana that's what it sounds like all these people are disciples of Diana and they said we will not have this man come in he already took all our books he's not going to take our idols Paul says come on let me in I just want to talk to you no and they pushed him out now what were they doing to Gaius and Aristarchus they're probably screaming at him yelling at him and probably beaten them like we've seen Paul many times as Paul travels and gets beaten and whipped and things like that and so the mob is going crazy here it's a wonder they didn't Lynch them and then in verse 31 it's certain of the chief of Asia which were his friends sent unto him desiring him that he would not adventure himself unto the theatre so there were some other people who said Paul don't go in there don't let the mob get ahold of you they'll kill you you've uh watch out for a mom Paul tries to come in and mob rule is awful there's another word for mob rule it's called democracy I think it's so sad that nowadays when you listen to the news they talk about America and they say United States of America is one of the greatest democracies no it's not no it's not the founding father started the United States of America not as a democracy but as a republic there's a difference between a republic and a democracy democracy is basically mob rule and you need to get a hold of that the mob rule doesn't work there must be a republic and in this time in which Paul is alive Rome rules the whole world and guess what it was Rome was a republic so democracy never works you got to watch out for democracies now the next thing you know my time to explain more about that maybe someday I will so Paul is trying to get in there to save those two guys at his try to keep them safe it also tell these people look what's the problem I'm just telling the truth you guys are worshipping a piece of stone and that's it it's nothing and they would not listen so verse 32 some therefore cried one thing is another for the assembly was confused democracy always brings confusion that's why we need a republic in a republic laws govern in a democracy it's whoever votes and in democracy people quickly learned hey if I can get the most vote well I can vote myself anything and I can vote out anybody I don't like why I can vote to have people killed that I don't like and so democracy is scary it's always immoral it seems like if the if there are more people immoral people take control then then we'll vote for more immorality and that's a sad thing so be careful of democracies now verse 32 some therefore cried one thing and some another for the assembly was confused and the more part knew not whether for they were come together so there are a lot of people that are stood there in the mob one why are we here again what what all this people screaming about what is this thing trying to figure it out what confusing scene man lots of confusion going on verse 33 and they drew Alexander out of the multitude the Jews putting him forward and Alexander beckoned with the hand and would have made his defence unto the people so this guy Alexander was a Jew we find out later that Alexander is a coppersmith so he's one of these guys who's who's you see Jews were all about making money so if you are a Jew even to this day a lot of Jews are jewelers and there's nothing wrong with that but oftentimes the Jews would would devote themselves to a business in which they they sell to the Gentiles so here you got a Jew all right so at the time of Jesus remember there was these Jews on the hillside and they had all these pigs and there was the the maniac of Ghaderi and Jesus sent the devils that was in that maniac into the pigs and the pigs went down and they they drowned and the Jews were angry and they kicked Jesus out who are the ones watching those pigs Jews in the law they weren't allowed to eat Pig so the Jews are like well if we can't eat it well those Gentiles like it well we'll just have a pig farm and sell it to the Gentiles so the Jews would find a way to make money and how they can make the most money and even though the law said that pigs were an unclean animal and God didn't want them to have pigs or eat them well they they just went ahead and wrote raised pigs sold them to the Gentiles so here's a guy named Alexander he's a Jew and he's making idols he's I don't worship those idols but hey they're gonna worship him anyway so I'm just gonna make them and make money on it and that's what this Alexander fella dude he was a Jew that made idols he probably didn't worship those idols he made but he made idols verse 34 but when they all they knew that he was a Jew all with one voice about the space of two hours cried out great as they in of the season so there's a lots going on here alright he is making idols but he's Jewish and the people then are worshiping idols they're like this Jewish guy over here Paul the one God ER you know all those Jews leave alone God while he's trying to tell us we shouldn't have idols and so Alex he understands them because okay hold on I am the chief maker of idols here I make idols out of copper let me speak and like you're a Jew shut up you only believe my god that's what's going on here so Alexander tried to talk and they wouldn't listen and for the space about two hours they were screaming greatest Diana of the Ephesians greatest thing and they were worshiping this woman this this disgusting grotesque Idol and saying how great it was and you know what Diana said nothing because she is nothing she's an idol there was a demon behind it I'm sure the demon behind that Idol was going he is great and enjoying seeing that now verse 35 one the town clerk had appeased the people it only took him two hours to get him to shut up can you imagine two hours people look great as data creating data create is the end of the Ephesians create is dead and over and up for two hours he's trying to go show let me talk it just kept going for two hours once you get a mob started man it's it's crazy should never get into mob rule so finally he appeased the people to where they'd be quiet after two hours he said you mean emphasis what man is there that knoweth not how the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the Great Goddess Diana and now watch this this is what's interesting and of the image which fell down from Jupiter now wait a minute so the people of Ephesus they were not just worshiping Diana they were worshipping an image that fell from heaven an image from Jupiter now some people say that this is some sort of meteor and it's possible that it was some sort of meteor that fell from heaven well how would they know that it fell from the planet Jupiter so this is something that I've studied a lot in the Bible and I'm still looking at this going I wonder what this thing is and there are some people out there trying to connect the dots that think they have figured out what this Jupiter image is so I don't want to go too in depth in this how about you look at that for further study what is the image which fell down from Jupiter there was an image from a Jupiter that it shows them worship two things they worship Diana and they worship this image and it says it's an image now the King James Bible has the word image in italics so sometimes the italics words are in the Bible in order to understand better the the language that it was from so there's something which fell down from Jupiter and the King James Bible says well it's some sort of an image some people think that this thing was a rock was a meanyou're and if it's something that came from heaven and he came to fell down from heaven then it must have been some sort of meteorite or something like that I don't know is there anywhere in the world today where they worship some sort of a rock that they claim fell from heaven well if you go over to a place called Mecca in Mecca there is what they call the Kaaba stone and they worshiped this thing and the Kaaba stone and oh my goodness I will try to draw it the best I can they put it in this kind of a silver thing and it kind of looks like this and it's a stone inside of this really weird-looking silver thing okay and it looks like a meat-eor when you zoom in on it it has that look like it's some sort of meteor and it's this black stone that Muslims call the Kaaba stone and it's inside this big huge cube thing in Mecca and that stone is is kind of I think it's built into the side of that if I remember correctly I'd have to look that up more so if you want to study it out more go ahead I've seen some videos on YouTube I wish I knew where they were which ones that were which people are saying that they think that this image which spelled out from Jupiter is the Kaaba stone now this woman Diana Diana was the the goddess of the moon she was a moon goddess well Islam worships Allah and there was a moon goddess that was connected with Allah was it was it are you sure or something I can't remember I can't remember all this stuff it's hard to keep this all together but there was much idol worship in that part of the country and in that world and this guy Muhammad took over and he says no more idol worship and he banned the worship of idols but yet he kept this stone and people to this day go and they go to Mecca and they kiss this stone they bow down to and they kiss this something I've always wondered I wonder if the Kaaba stone isn't that image from Jupiter and if somehow that stone wasn't incorporated into the temple or something like that now that might be a stretch that might be a belief I don't know all I know is there was some sort of an image which fell down from Jupiter that these people were were worshiping it could it be something to do with Satan I don't know some people say that Satan lives on Jupiter I don't know if I'd go that far say that but it is interesting how Hollywood loves to worship Satan they make movies you know Jupiter ascending and things like that and it's all just little code words of hey Satan is rising again where's your rising from I guess he's the all-seeing eye of Jupiter you know you look at the planet of Jupiter what do you see the planet of Jupiter is this gigantic planet and on that planet there's this little round thing that looks kind of like an eye you know they the devil is the all-seeing eye they say so I don't know I've not gotten all that together I don't know but I want to throw that out there and see you're doing your Bible study look into the let's tone and find out where it comes from if I remember correctly doesn't in law Islam say that it fell from heaven the only thing that we find in the Bible that people worship that fell from heaven is connected with a goddess Diana could it be some sort of a something there I don't know you figure it out amen I'm just gonna throw that out there now verse 36 seeing then that these things cannot be spoken against you ought to be quiet and do nothing rashly so the guy who's in charge of the city the the mayor I guess you would call them comes out and after these guys have screamed for two hours great has got the guidance today and he says okay guys remember the whole world already knows that this is the Great Goddess people from all over the world come here to worship her and to worship this thing from Jupiter nobody can speak against that so he's basically saying so shut up Paul we don't accept what Paul has to say and they say no don't do anything rationally now here's the fear here we see this mayor afraid of the Roman government because Rome is in charge of all the world at the time Rome is cruel Rome rules with the sword and so when a problem arises in a certain area and Rome gets wind of it they send all their soldiers and the soldiers just come in and start killing and raping and do whatever they want and so the people would always try to fix everything anytime there was a problem so they didn't have to get Rome involved because oh the last thing we want is for Rome to come in and then we got some problems so you can see this guy as his he's afraid he's like look let's just sweep this under the rug let's forget about this let's don't get Rome involved because we sure don't want any problems with them so that's how he's talking the rest of this so don't do anything rash ly verse 37 for you have brought hither these men which are neither robbers of churches nor yet blasphemers of your goddess now like what it says robbers of churches some people say well this is wrong translation in the King James Bible and they say it ought to say robbers of congregations or robbers of something else or I think churches is a perfect word I think the King James translators God gave them much wisdom because there are today churches that have idols in and we need to watch out for those churches I'm gonna say who they are you know the main one is centered in Rome I'll say that but I like that word churches but anyway in the context is of pagans you said well pagans don't have churches oh they don't there was a Roman religion and Roman temple so I think there's still a church today that follows the same woman the Bible tells us about risks Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and abominations and she has idols that she worships and things like that anyway verse 38 wherefore if the metria the craftsmen which are with him have a matter against any man the law is open and there are deputies let them in plead one another so quickly as you can this guy says no mob rule we must adhere to the law Rome is a republic and let's go by the law I think that's interesting verse 39 but if you acquire anything concerning other matters it shall be determined in the lawful assembly verse 44 we are in danger to be called a question for this day's uproar there being no cause whereby we may give an account of this concourse so you see the fear of Rome we do not want the wrath of Rome on us for what we're doing here had they killed Gaius and Aristarchus in mob rule Rome would had to come in set up martial law in that place and said okay we're gonna figure this thing out it's not right to kill people in mob rule there must be law it's so Rome was a republic so you see the fear here is going look let's just disband let's forget this then we don't have to tell Rome that something happened we'll sweep this under the rug and everything's fine because they don't want the authorities to get involved and we needed us spoken he then dismissed the assembly so here we have what takes place they dismiss because they didn't want Rome to come in Rome was brutal and would usually kill and imprison and set up a police state with its soldiers until they figured the whole thing out and usually they wanted to find somebody to pay for getting them involved so they would have probably hung people it and Rome always went to an extreme and always just murdered and killed and this Rome was so brutal that people knew that said we don't want to get involved with them we're gonna try to take care of this ourselves so there you go now this Alexander the coppersmith fella Paul mentions again later okay go back there to Alexander this Alexander fella verse 33 and they drew Alexander out of the multitude the Jews putting him forward and what happened well they found out he was a Jew so this Alexander the coppersmith was a Jew they lost you doesn't sound like he got saved and accepted Jesus as a savior and on top of that he was a Jew who who was making idols knowing full well that under the law you're not supposed to have idols he was selling them just to get rich off of the Gentiles and in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 Paul talks about this fella so go with me real quick and we'll close up here in 2nd Timothy chapter 4 this is all that is mentioned about this fella 2nd Timothy chapter 4 verse 14 and 15 second Timothy 4:14 Alexander the coppersmith didn't be much evil the Lord reward him according to his works of whom be thou we're also for he hath greatly withstood our words so Alexander the coppersmith is not a good guy he was a lost Jew who even though he didn't believe in Diana he loved making money making idols so he went on their side and said you know what yeah phooey on this guy trying to get rid of our our goddess of our city I make a lot of money at that Paul says something happened later or something and Paul said that guy didn't be much evil that Alexander guy got me kicked out of this area and so that's something to think about so there we have Acts chapter 19 a great spiritual battle going on and that's what I like about the book of Acts it's not just physically Paul did this this and this but there's all these spiritual behind-the-scenes things taking place imagine how many demons there were all in all those people that got all those people to rush and grab those two guys Gaius and Aristarchus and scream for two hours great imagine the spiritual battle taking place Paul won this one got rid of the books of witchcraft but that one right there unfortunately never got rid of those idols and that's sad so quite an interesting thing going on so that's Acts chapter 19 next time we will begin in Acts chapter 20 thanks for watching we'll see you next time
Channel: Robert Breaker
Views: 5,932
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Keywords: Acts, Bible Study, Acts of the Apostles, Verse by Verse Bible Study, King James Bible
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 24sec (3744 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2019
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