5 MCU Body Transformations - How Marvel Superheroes get in Shape

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[Music] [Music] you're the spider-man no I'm not I'm not this is just a costume this ceiling you know I just went to the gym everyday that was kind of my thing I didn't do anything specific I just did not sit up so like I know like spider things I did spider-man push-ups which is what you like you're on the floor I guess and you do a push-up and you bring one leg yeah Sooni as spider-man pleasure I'm really good at them I just my best mate and I we trained together and we just went to the gym every day essentially you just we just sort of picked out a routine of what we wanted to do and we just went to the gym every morning for about an hour and a bit and yeah that was kind of it and we just sort of stuck with it I suggested to Marvel that I should go to a high school undercover right and it was completely a joke and Marvel took it completely seriously I guess they didn't get my British song after that and yes so the next thing I know I was like had a backpack with a pencil case on my way to Bronx School of Science oh boy well I had I had one funny experience I sat at the back of a classroom next to quite a pretty girl and eventually said so dude what's your deal man I was a well did you want to I support I match the spider-man you're not actually an actor I'm British and I'm playing spider-man and she didn't believe me of course she didn't believe me that's a ridiculous story honestly did you actually die like working out or were you just like eating and just like yeah I'm lucky that I was 20 when I was doing the movie I ate you know healthy food but lower food but also a lot of chicken burgers yeah it was my thing in Atlanta I just made sure I went to the gym every day yeah and did sit ups sit ups was the thing [Music] [Music] [Music] I waited my entire life for this you're jacked yeah is this a new thing did you get this just for the movie have you always been this bill I kind of was born just like that I think there is a slight body dysmorphia that you get you know after training so hard and you'll never be perfect you know I think you'll never be perfect and satisfied in your own mind because all you're always gonna point out something person that you want to fix or something you want to improve so I definitely had I definitely yes yes for sure WI everybody does more of you after that but it's so hard to walk around in that shape you know and to kind of keep that with a diet and real life and traveling it's just soar to keep over this is the biggest I've ever been I'm about like 182 I think I wanna gain like maybe another five or six pounds but just the diet you know getting in shape is like 80% diet so I eat you know every two to three hours about six or seven times a day depending on how late I'm up I've spent a lot of days indoors working out honestly just stayin to myself something that but that's the work that you have to put in to kind of get the results that you want yesterday the shirt that you were wearing it was kind of tight I started by everything is one size smaller never box before this is my first time getting a full education on boxing but you know Ryan and sly they put me around the best box of mine mines possible and I just try to soak up as much as I could and you still do it now after the movies done or no yeah I'm kind of in a routine I'm hooked like bars one of those things they can get you in great shape you're mentally focused and discipline and I just I just like it you know like literally you know brown rice grilled chicken broccoli a gallon and a half of water a day and working out two or three times a day six days a week for about a year and a half your body will change Wow it will definitely change I feel like I'm sitting across from an athlete Lariat right now the size on you yeah a little bit I tried to keep it I'm not I'm not bad you know say you're not I'm not looks like it yeah but with a Photoshop no no but but I tried to keep it honestly once you get over the hill you know and you you've been you did 10 11 months of training you don't want to go back because you know how hard it was to get this so I want it I want I want to stay a month or two out but aren't you like I just want to eat a pizza this is true but then I found out you can't eat that pizza as long as you you have like maybe three or four other meals that's super clean you can have that cheat meal and I think that's the misconception sometimes of diets and being healthy that you can eat what you want just within moderation basically it doesn't matter what movie you do you're just in good shape all the time I'm just trying to stay in shape for as long as I can you know why not yeah but I mean did you know how much in advance before Black Panther did you know that and did they ask you to get in that kind of shape was on the pressed or fur for crease so and then you just had to eat cleanly and then you had to like just how many hours the day did you work out um but even go by hours but like session so I would work out two to three times a day eat six times a day what are you doing next tree - you're doing Creed - the process of getting back in shape and getting that together so we start shooting that in April [Music] [Music] [Music] so is this how you normally look more or less it's a good luck there workouts probably more difficult than actual filming it was my body doesn't sit naturally at that white you know so I was consuming many many calories and protein you know being the main one and working out six seven as there was it was funny because I had got the part and immediately started looking at the comic books and the guys you know 500 pounds or something and looks like Schwarzenegger and I thought okay I'm not gonna get to that so you know but I have to get I have to get bigger and so I became about eating a lot and trying a lot and and they kept saying yeah just cuz because you can because you can and then I came back just before Christmas just before we started the movie and out of finals for the camera test and and put the costume on and within a couple of minutes my hand started going numb and what and everyone was like yeah that's not cool I started getting pins and needles and you know you touch the skin and the blood wouldn't return to that area so quick and it doesn't get so we have to sort of what so what was it made out like was also sort of leather and chainmail sort of our and what have you but it was the measurements they've taken three months ago we're no longer in the measurements I was home I was fitting so there was some alterations and then also one I was just too thick anyway you know it was sort of yeah and basically Ken said you know it's good you've got the size there and let's just let's try and pull it back just a little bit cuz it's some other worse it's to be sort of blocky right sad he just stopped it was into the try and I changed my programs from sort of heavy weight lifting to more sort of cardio so you know across pit stop things look at you so I monthly and everything we have to shoot the really skinny stuff where we drop down to five six seven hundred calories a day you're on like some crazy diet right now I heard cuz V that you're shooting a couple of small salads a couple small pieces of protein and it's kind of it and you go to bed hungry and you then you have a fasting period of like fifteen hours like you stopped eating completely and then you have little meals through the day you should be skinny for the next Thor movie like a really like a really like scrawny and starved for character piece wouldn't it be depressed what was it like being in the gym with someone like Chris Hemsworth you can lift everything it's quite shocking when you meet him I didn't realize how large she is you know you know people who see this film who have just come out of seeing in the heart of the sea are gonna be very surprised by your body this is actually quite small for you right now so I'm curious is it becoming harder for you to go back and forth between bigger and smaller and would you lose that kind of weight again for a role I don't think I'd lose it again no because it's just just too exhausting you know and I don't know they were smarter wiser doing it now I think camera you know sort of trickery and so on but I don't mind varying - going up - Thor white and then going back down to my body my normal body way it's easier to put it on than it is to take it off it gets harder each time you sort of once you kind of put it on that mass in bodies like not stayin here so you know and it's not pretty much fun to not eat we're the same you and I'm just a couple of hotheaded fools yeah same old like fire door like water kind of both like fire but a whole like raging fire so I like smoldering for and then taka our director came up to me and said ah I think we need who needs money instead of saying we need his exact words we need bums on seats and I was like I'm not sure it's gonna sell the time he said it is get your shirt off so we did it and yeah to get back into the program what's the rigorous that you're going through is it like weights only are you a little bit of white sand training it's a lot more sort of functional movement now like a rather sort of feel good then look at that extra bit you know you changed the appetite the yeah I think I change less kind of protein than the in the first film you know the first film was all about like animal protein animal protein like as much as we could get in and whereas then I tried to lose the white in other films and it was really difficult it's hard to get that off yeah so I thought actually I don't need to eat that much and so kind of ate less on this film and I'm probably a little smaller but every time you come here you're in better and better shape oh really yeah really I'm here this is breaking shoes how many hours a day would you say you spend in a gym or is it all a bit of it's from my parents obviously that sort of helps but yeah an hour sometimes too but I've got three kids they keep me busy ER and burn more calories chasing them and trying to locate each of them for a while just topless looking for your shirt looking for my shirt yeah no um were you elected at all yeah absolutely because the first film the first thought Kenneth Branagh a director came up to me and said you know do you want to do thing and doing this shirt off saying mmhmm and I got Ken you told me to start training eight months ago you know I'm like in paid condition I'll never be like this again let's get the shirt off let's go I can't wait so we did this famous school and then you know what five films later there was no shirt I've seen in the movie you know thank God and then talking midway through you shooting come up and said I think we need to put some bums on seats I think we need to get the shirt off I was like nah I bet I want to say that but no one no one cares you know they do I said no you guys let's just shoot it and then see what happened to us you know we'll take it out so we shot it and yeah I was like I mean I've just sort of been training for that period but then it was like a few weeks of no ice cream not pizza that kind of deal is it a major sacrifice for you or you would like a sweets kind of guy you like it I am I'll be very sweet tooth really I like my like my ice cream chocolate I love my pizza I mean who doesn't come right I mean the things that we large eating chicken and brown rice and broccoli it's like it's like he was just here I mean like I said that very same thing he was the point in eating boiled chicken but why is that in our genetic makeup that we we have like why can't we enjoy the things we need I was gonna use this these few minutes to get some self-help how do we do how do I do it what did I do I so special effects oh look it you know I put a lot of hours in the gym training and eating a particular sort of diet and healthy sort of lifestyle I think which which is it but yeah I think it's it's you see there's no there's no a short secret recipe for it you know you just have to put in the hours put in the work how much how many hours are we talking I'll be twice a day what do you yeah sometimes um five days a week you know it's important to also have the rest the right amount of rest and I have kids now so that becomes a little more tricky to didn't have a go but yes about an hour to two hours sometimes a day what's more important in a diet or a training I probably almost say diet to be honest if you're talking about just general health and weight loss and staying lean if I'm not training that much but I'm my diet spot-on I'll stay in a good zone and you know if you want to put on this the muscle more muscle mass you definitely have to eat higher calorie having a higher calorie into that being take and more protein and so you time you have to live off chicken and broccoli sometimes it's funny this time and though I've actually played around with mmm less animal proteins and and tried to have in inject a bit of vegan sort of talking into into the program just to sort of give my body a break from how much protein I had been eating animal protein from from putting on the muscle and I certainly felt better you know having a bit more of a balance I'm they're getting a lot more fiber and healthy vegetables and fruits up but it doesn't get easier the build-up I mean you've done it a few times now when you sleep shape between I guess you surfing and all that right yeah I think that's the trick is to not go too far off off the path when I'm not shooting but your body definitely another muscle memory is a huge help and it definitely sort of comes back easier and then you also know your program inside out do you do you sort of enjoy it or do you get grumpy when you have to build up um no I enjoy it I enjoy the training I enjoy what I feel after training you know the release of endorphins and it gives me you know a greater sense of energy and so on but yeah there's certainly times at the end of the day or early mornings when it's the last thing I feel like doing but as I said I remind myself how I feel after really eating the Machine with the words that come out of it this is knowledge knowledge is power no it's not knowledge is not power that's power the brain is a muscle and that's a muscle and that's a muscle there you're all muscles this is all muscle so I am covered in brains and I have more brains than you [Music] [Music] [Music] it's about 4,000 calories a day maybe four and a half as I'm bulking up and then it gets drops tears I'm leaning up drops down to about three three and a half thousand calories not the fun calories this is the chicken fish maybe steak always protein six times a day protein steamed vegetables and occasionally some brown rice for something like that protein shakes and just like that no alcohol no sugar pretty enough pretty much nothing that's fun well basically train for three hours a day and eat a lot of protein a lot of food and I actually got the diet from Dwayne the rock Johnson has made of mine and every day what I do is I eat for eight hours and I fast for 16 and so from about 10:00 in the morning till 6:00 for this I eat way too much and then nothing after that well that's all CG I wish well it's an all-day thing it's it's it's really it's an all-year thing I probably spend 18 months doing it really and we wrapped the film and I went straight back into training Deb's like you're obsessed you've finished the film I said yeah but I'm I minded to do it again there's not you're obsessed well I finally had to give up that idea that you can do it all in an hour hour and a quarter a day and you can't so eating is the case 70% is eating that's a good way to do it for me I just lose too much sighs doing Crossfit so I have to do two hours in the morning an hour of cardio hour of weights and then I do a weights cardio mix in the afternoon more like a CrossFit knee afternoon yeah but I have to do some heavy weights and all the things you don't want to do like the rowing machine like the front squats like the dead lifting and all that stuff was the most brutal day there's the scene in the hallway where Shingen were played by Hiro and I have this fight and I have my shirt off in that scene so it's a keys at a moment physically I had to be in peak condition for that and I went on a water dehydration diet so that I can be as ripped and cut as possible for that so for 24 30 hours you don't drink any liquids so I had a massive headache I trained really hard that morning and it's it's you start cramping up and then we were doing this fight with I had the real claws on he had the sword and it was very precise now Hiro is done or 80 films and he's a genius and he can pull a sword like that far from you every time me not I didn't tell him this but I am very clumsy I've stabbed more than one person playing this part and he was very very trusting of me that I was headachy a little bit faint and doing that fight sequence by far the toughest table I was glad to walk away from that one I mean you've done this over and over again but I mean oh is it safe to say this is the furthest you've pushed yourself yeah physically yeah whoo first day rehearsal said I need you actually boarding so I need you unrecognizable he said if people recognize you I want them to think you're sick in real life so I do my best yeah my train on this movie incredible guide David Kingsbury has at one point in his life was a bodybuilder and he knew of this water restriction thing which is what bodybuilders do before a show and you can lose up to ten pounds of body weight and right off the surface do not do this at home it trust me and so it really sinks in your chair I was already quite skinny but it makes it quite drastic your eyes get sunken I look like health basically and trust me if the headache after about 20 hours or something I don't want to repeat then yes that was more fun but you know it was a tough child whose age day was about three hours in the gym it was pretty intense cut it's over okay rise yeah a burger with everything everything oh yeah no no but I spent about three hours choosing the ingredients of that burger fries which were disappointing I was disappointed with early on when you haven't had prize for months you want the greatest fries at Wayne John's to get me these dice and he said look it's good to cheat okay so I took a photo of it literally with me with this double patty Berg like this I said sheet day and he texted me back Amador well no I had said couple of kids during because I went to Japan and I had to have some sushi yeah it's some incredible sushi yeah but for me the cheats are generally really want burgers fries chocolate shake lasagna cereal at 10 o'clock at night that kind of stuff that's the sort of stuff I like I found that if I don't have something scheduled I just I literally will find a way to not do it wasn't if I was in your shoes I wouldn't go but you're gonna remember on May 28th when the movie comes out I'm on a 40-foot screen right you know and you can do whatever you want I made 21 but I'm taking my clothes off to training sessions a day about two and a half hours to 45 6,000 calories a day just going lean mean heavy protein basically I got it all from the rock I just rang and this man I need some secrecy get snow probably hang on and say because someone was knocking on his trailer door and I can hear this guy's hey I know you need me on set but you can tell them I'm talking a Wolverine alright so they're just gonna have to wait I was like it was written in the script Wolverine gets out wearing boxer shorts and I'm sorry Wolverine and boxer shorts does not go together I said it could be Bruce I said that's even worse if Wolverines in bed with a girl he's getting out commander that's all I'm saying I think kids what do they think of the Wolverine physique you know Deb will tell you that she doesn't like it she refers me chubby because it makes her look better but I don't know I met her on a prison drama where I was pretty jacked than that and I dare say we wouldn't be together if I hadn't met her with that body so Deb tell me this I mean really those are the these he had he told me that this was not retouched he's photoshopped in the flesh you know I say it's ridiculous you look photoshopped so you not when he's more disciplined though he works really hard at it and it is no fun for the family because we he never got to eat it's like he's always having another cow or a chicken or a broccoli really gonna do the skinny fat version because my natural body is skinny fat and when I start to go off this diet and I get too skinny legg skinny arms just a little launch that's when I want to do Wolverine with a cigar the whole thing the very first movie I had no idea I was basically a skinny guy I was doing Oklahoma here in London I got the heart I went and I had three weeks and I was like oh cool three weeks I'll be able to turn into Wolverine but the shoot if you watch x-men one their very first scene I shot as me coming down in the mansion downstairs down there blue hallway running down with my shirt off and he had to shoot around me because it's just really not good and so they they shot the very first scene at the very end four months later so for this one I rang Dwayne Johnson the rock and I had to do lame ears and I lost some weight for that and I said what do I have to do and he said you gotta have minimum six months and actually I really had some time before lamb is so I started the training probably a year a year out but so I eat 6,000 calories a day I train for about three hours I train every day but I don't do weights every day who waits like five that's right it's not just free weights you'll be machine workouts no pretty much free weights yeah the free weights are much better to stay injury-free right yeah I I seem to get injuries more on when I'm on the machines but you know the key things like deadlifts and squats and you know obviously benchpress and one-armed Rose military press things Wow for a Wolverine did you do three hours a day three hours a day so two hours in the morning in about 45 minutes in the afternoon okay and what we eat is very tough what do you is this where you get to eat everything you have these 600 calories a day yes this is the I literally rang Dwayne Johnson the rock okay man I've seen you in some movie I said what's going on what do I do and he's he went through the died and it was 6,000 calories eating every two hours basically no no yes yeah that's one not choice and a business but no it's amia would look like two chicken breasts steamed broccoli least uh maybe some carbs but as you get down to those kind of shots yeah that's when it becomes very scientific that's when you go slightly less on no carbs I even do a thing called water dehydration which is what you did for a limb is did you yeah yeah we're the opening scene yeah yeah so it kind of gets a little obsessed I probably I'm someone who likes routine and discipline we always say when I live so maybe I remember that is Wolverine uh-huh did a little bit the way you go I want to drop it and then you go no way that little bit is will vary [Music] [Music] about three months we trained in Boston and it was a couple hours a day and it was brutal the tricky part was eating a lot just eating everything all the time it sounds awful see think I sound a nice but it's not just like cheeseburgers you mean you have to eat like these just bland naked pieces of chicken and rice and then it's it's not that appetizing you just so full it's it's it's a pretty uncomfortable feeling well it paid off you looked amazing talk about two very important co-stars your biceps every time you're about to shoot are you just like pump in before before you roll uh that day we were you know I'm not gonna pretend I wasn't uh yeah yeah the day we did that helicopter thing you know you're in t-shirt you know you want to look good I'm not gonna try and pretend that I just walk around like that yeah you you you you prepare is there a lot of pressure to keep up yeah the answer is yes yeah you want to make sure you look the role and you want to make sure that you know it's tough reading those comic books because in the comic books he's like 64 240 or something you see the huge animal I'm nowhere near that so you know you want to make sure that you do your best to at least get close to to the the idea that some of these comic book fans have in their head you know I'm pretty lucky in the sense that my metabolism is pretty quick food the food isn't always the biggest conflict for me I feel like you know for me to get in shape I just got to spend time in the gym I don't have to be as strict with the diet as I do needing to be strict with the hours spent working out obviously you want to look you know pump the gun big so every time they yelled cut I'd run offset and that they brought some weights on the set for me so every time we had a break in filming how to run off and you start lifting weights but as a result you know you're working out pretty much the entire day for for multiple days so by the end of the sequence I was exhausted there's one particular scene and we can all relate to it from the film where you're actually holding on to a helicopter and sure know they're building as well we all get there we've all had those with us yeah I know a million times so and was it in your contract we like slows him on the biceps and not I demanded it demanded it yeah rightly so I wanted to have my shirt off and they were like Chris keep your shirt on it doesn't make any sense whatsoever and I said are you sure you know they won whatever I hate treadmills so for the most part a lot of my buddies and I would play sports you know we do a lot of basketball touch football pick up soccer and [ __ ] like that as far as putting on muscle I just go to the gym and I do a little basic weight stuff you know picking weights up and putting them down I'm not like you know there's no like p90x or some clever shape but when you are on the set 12 14 plus hours a day how are you able to then sleep and then also make time for the gym this is what happens okay you get yourself as big as you can and then as you're shooting you slowly get smaller this is what happens throughout the movie you just slowly lose your mass so you need to come to set as big as you can possibly get yourself in anticipation of exhaustion you
Channel: Gil Scharf
Views: 6,312,881
Rating: 4.8542147 out of 5
Keywords: gilscharf, transformation, before and after, celebrity transformation, body transformation, celebrity body transformation, workout motivation, Michael B. Jordan, Chris Hemsworth, Black Panther, Tom Holland, Thor Ragnarok, Spiderman, mcu, marvel, chris evans, captain america, avengers infinity war, diet for, training for, marvel body transformation, mcu body transformation, superhero body transformation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 32sec (1952 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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