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[Music] you got work every day doesn't end get your ass kicked get back up and you put the gloves back on and you swing away [Music] grounding my thought process is no one will outwork me [Music] no one i'll start with this two hands putting it to work let's run through that line let's play till we hear a whistle and let's fight keep swinging until we hear a bell and if we don't then we keep swinging we keep playing i know so many of you guys i like this too as well i play hard i love to play hard and i also play angry [Music] always always run through the line and always play with passion we will do with 100 conviction that's what separates us it's that soul that's the mana but the number one thing that 2020 has taught me is to lean in more on playing with passion it is that passion that mana like deep in here that's where that comes from and that's a separating thing that's a separating quality and intangible that separates you from anyone else and that's where we deliver that passion be unapologetic about it i'm not going to let this opportunity go by without giving it my all here we are let's do this so so how did i get here by being the hardest worker in the room [Music] i'm not working out i'm not lifting i'm not sweating i'm building [Music] [Applause] it's always been the work the weight part for me and the gym part has to be the anchor for me because it allows me to keep everything grounded what i've learned from the experiences i've had in my life and what they mean to me what meant something to me was the challenge it presented to compete in that industry those shark infested waters with backstabbers that would do anything to keep you from rising to the top in the business you have to earn it on the other side of your pain is something good the only way is through the work [Music] so [Music] this is what we call therapy iron therapy we do it for the work oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think it's safe when the lights go down and you at least expect it that's when we'll stretch about this is just the beginning take me more than a minute i got something to prove same story just different only the name change protects the innocent the odds are against us it's obvious isn't it we got the same vision we hate to listen do whatever it takes to find a break in the system got heads in check no need for a handgun when we got it everyone's screaming [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] erase the mistakes i made in my past i was misdirected like a kid neglected i turn around police are breathing down my necklace [ __ ] them if they can't take a joke [Music] they should be running forever [Applause] [Music] if it's not working then what's the whole purpose right now we're tired of going in circles lights out looking overdosing it's curtains we in this low to toe [Music] come on [Applause] uh [Music] you put in the work that never goes away
Channel: NicandroVisionMotivation
Views: 5,956,269
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nicandro, nicandro vision, nicandro vision motivation, nicandro motivation, the rock 2021, dwayne johnson, dwayne johnson 2021, dwayne johnson motivation, dwayne johnson workout music, dwayne johnson workout 2021, the rock training 2021, the rock training, the rock workout focus, the rock workout motivation, best gym motivation, the rock speech, dwayne johnson speech, watch this before you hit the gym, best workout motivation, eye opening speech, hardest worker in the room
Id: e6eKim_yqnY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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