Joe Rogan - Diet Sustainability

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my theory is that when you do that and you carb restrict and you will you calorie restrict rather and get down to eat once that shit's over you just want to reward yourself as often as possible so when someone comes along with something like a ketogenic diet and go no bread no pop [ __ ] you you just you just don't want to do it you get but you get the same the adherence and they relapse is the same whether it's ketogenic or another diet Rilla Oh like regaining weight yeah but is it correct it's again that like pasta and bread because but is it there's no no foods actually create yeah they sent they have grazed off their waffles or exercise they have like hamburger buns yeah it's good I really like I've made sandwiches with their stuff well it knocks me out more than anything of ketosis is just too much meat yeah yeah that's the one that gets me again I I kind of go back to that the data is very mixed again if we look at the overall data set very mixed and all diets have terrible adherence right right a lot of that and that's discipline yeah but we also now we've got me crazy I don't want to talk about people aren't discipline really I really have a giant heart problem but how does I know so many discipline people and I just I feel their momentum and vibration and I'm like I just want to concentrate on what they're doing cuz all these people that can't do it I feel like that's contagious you start thinking about people that can adhere to diets at fall I get it for you because this is something that you do but nationally but I'm gonna I'm gonna make it so for you the ketogenic diet clicks and/or eating more meat clicks that that's something that you really enjoy you like the state you like I love pasta it makes discipline easier because but India doesn't support that it makes discipline easier in terms of your adherence or in terms of your long-term adherence both both so but but hang on hang on for some people for some people this works better because they feel better they have better adherence for other people if you say now you've got some people if you say hey you can have a cookie they would it would screw them because they would they would just go crazy but for other people if you allow them more flexibility their adherence improves what I'm saying is we need to give people all the options on the table not demonize anyone diet and say hey maybe you try to figure out what worked for lack of sounding bro what works for you and what you can sustain go from there but see this I'm totally in agreement I am as well but you keep saying Ken sustained you definitely can sustain more than you do that the real problem is a giant percentage of the people are weak oh I would agree with that like it's in the 30 40 percent people just quit give up don't do what they're supposed to do don't do as many reps as they're supposed to do don't work out and take days off just because they're lazy and those are the people that get off the diet it's a discipline issues with an Ethan Marcotte is really big so I think various foods that are emerging on the market right now at based systems Verta health actually has a great app based system that actually coaches you through that and I think that's very helpful so I think new technologies foods and and will make it will increase adherence also when you have a person who knows and understands all the health benefits associated with nutritional ketosis or just a low-carb I think that can be a motivating factor to make them stick to the diet yeah but for a guy like you who's rational and disciplined but people they're self-destructive and weak anymore need a burger and need fries and their choice what's the point of the whole conversation then well the part of the conversation to avoid those [ __ ] because they're gonna drag you down to their mediocre level I think people I think you need to sympathize with them a little bit because I think the market and I think 'full area for entrepreneurs to create technologies and foods that can actually enhance adherence or she's dumb game strategies we know about that too so it's a combination like so much of it is what you're willing to accept from yourself if you're if you are willing to accept this seesaw obesity thing that so many people get on on and off this yo-yo effect if you willing to accept that that's fine but I just feel like it's a mental state I really do I see once you achieve a certain amount of success people start sabotaging themselves they start they start dwelling on the fact that they're doing well but how long can they sustain this it starts being a big fat mine [ __ ] and and that's when you say like what's sustainable what sustain a lot more than you're willing to do what's sustainable I know but you know I mean it's like there's a thing like we're giving people these [ __ ] escape clauses we're giving them these these these parachutes they can pull don't pull the parachute [ __ ] just have a cheat day that's fine but don't get off your diet have a cheap meal you know [ __ ] giant Sunday throw some syrup on that [ __ ] get that whipped cream going do it once but don't live your life like that that's nonsense and I think that for yeah I wouldn't disagree with anything you said I think people need to hear not just like this like well you can't sustain if the keto giant's not saying they're control if you do if you face for three days that will give you a lot of confidence that you have control over food fasting for three days no diet is sustainable it's not sustainable over if you look for general population and you get a bunch of weak [ __ ] and you get them together how many of them are gonna keep it together how many of them gonna run every day how many we're gonna work out every day very very very few years only with outliers in particular just by what by virtue of what you do how many people are willing to put the work in to achieve this not how many was gonna how many people can achieve this physique very very few rank you so we're talking about outliers we're talking about how that's what I like I like outliers I don't like people that Goods to hug I can't hear that I'm naughty that's dangerous so like that [ __ ] is worse than carbs that's why we talk a lot in the book about behaviors because if you change your behavior that's what we I think there's not enough research focused on is let's look at the people who actually achieve weight loss and if you lead people who achieve it and keep it off they do it through many different methods whether it's low carb low fat whatever it is but let's look at the behaviors that they make and those behaviors can tell us a lot about people one thing we know is they practice for they they weigh themselves very often they so they're accountable they they practice some form of cognitive restraint whether it's weighing food recording macros ketogenic fat restriction whatever it is and also they exercise regularly and one there's physiological benefits to that exercise lowers the body fat setpoint that your body will defend so it actually has a physiological benefit but also just mentally like you said I mean I never if you took me back thirty years ago and you told me hey lay or when I was ten years old you said hey when I was like bullied and picked on had no self-esteem you're gonna [ __ ] squat six hundred sixty eight pounds one day on your back at 201 pounds and sent a it's been broken since then but a world record I've been like there's no [ __ ] way there's no way but when you have discipline like you said and you that doesn't just people say you should have more confidence that's a that's [ __ ] horseshit advice the confidence is built through you set a goal and you achieve yes you set a goal you achieve and you don't start out to say I'm gonna set a world record and that's your first goal right you use I like what Will Smith say say you lay a brick as perfectly as you can lay it you do it again and you do it again and you do it again and you talk to anybody who's successful in anything they didn't start out saying I'm gonna do this earth-shattering thing right they started out and built that confidence over years and years of achieving small goals which then led them to their big power onto something because I think that the mental state in which you approach anything a workout routine a lifestyle the way you decide to live your life that is critical and here's one of the things that people are cynical about that's probably one of the best sources of fuel is inspiration from other motivated people go to David Goggins Instagram everyday watch that [ __ ] Savage watch what he met this and yeah he's awesome but go-to people like him Cameron Haynes go to go to go to people like to the rock like these [ __ ] people just do it there's no escape there's no Bullock you and sustain that that's not I don't want to hear that [ __ ] that's nonsense and failing is good it's okay I can sail like you're not pushing yourself well I think what I say sustainability I mean if it's if it's because everybody has stuff that they find again you find a carb restricted diet to be easier to stick to it feels better it feels better for you yeah and that's fun but if but if somebody is over here and says you know I'm eating a low-fat diet I feel great my blood markers are good I have plenty of energy what's wrong with that nothing's wrong with that exactly unquestionably exists right there's a there's a giant difference between although some people eat peanuts and they die right yeah I don't know that there's just the body's just very very different they very exactly they're the caloric requirements the the nutritional requirements if that's what's hard about this right is finding this one thing that is best for you yes and objectively and you know and being really analyzing your actual physical performance which very very few people do they kind of say well I feel pretty good but by what marker right what's your personal best what are you trying to accomplish are you monitoring your heart rate are you monitoring your work output like what are you doing to show that this diet is optimal for you yeah well and part of that is like it you know it's hard to get that's a lot of money that's gonna be spent to get that data ya know for an individual so part of it is gonna have to be what do you feel good on and what do you feel like is again most sustainable for you because no matter what that people want to diet what people really want is they want I don't want to have to track and I don't want have to sacrifice anything and I want to get to my goal well tough [ __ ] that's not gonna happen you have to pick what you're gonna sacrifice right so if you say I hate tracking calories so I'm just not gonna eat carbs because I can regulate my body weight that way [ __ ] yeah do that I had a post on Twitter that was like one of my most popular Twitter posts I said you know health improvements are largely driven by caloric restriction and weight loss but if if you like vegan if you like keto if you like carnivore if you and I just listed a bunch of different diets and they help you create a restriction and it keeps you at a healthy weight then [ __ ] yeah hell yeah like if somebody says I like eating a vegan I'm not interested in losing weight but ketogenic intermittent fasting it's very very easy for me I love the food and I feel better and I think all my biomarkers are improving you don't need any other reasoning for why you should do it yeah with him it works no can I ask you this when you say diets aren't sustainable the data doesn't show that were you talking about calorie restricted diets that overall weight loss diets are you talking about dietary choices in terms of like ketogenic diet excellent question so it's that if you lose weight we cannot keep it off that is that is the big problem is that most people are able to lose weight and they cannot keep it off because one that the self defense system that we talked about is really way too quickly their body gets into this state where it's always trying to regain that weight back part of it part of it yeah like losing it more quickly there's debate about this but I would say that it's you have to create a more extreme deficit to do that and so you are activating your body's self defense system more intensely if I had to say it that way so the rebound is usually bigger as well so it's it's trying to find a way of cake can we get this weight off and then let's really emphasize to people that the diet after the diet nobody talks about this except for us in the book nobody talks about this my co-writer for the book Peter Baker and I we spent were spent chapters talking about when you go in transition into okay we've lost the weight we want to lose we're healthier you have to have the same amount of discipline and intensity to then maintain that loss because if you let up if you let your foot off the gas now you don't necessarily have to be at the same caloric restriction level but if you just let yourself go I'm going on vacation I'm going to eat I'm gonna eat when I will boom gain ten pounds and everybody knows people like this who they go and they do this yeah and you've just you've literally just undid months of hard work right in one week would because a if you could maintain that a set amount of time say six months so I think that if someone can maintain that weight lost for six months that's like sort of like the tipping point where okay can go on got my wheelhouse right here good ah so so that's a great point so leptin is a [ __ ] you I'm sure you've heard of people talk about leptin so when you lose fat leptin subscreen goes down because fat cells secrete it and it's kind of like your body's thermostat and body fat everybody has like a setpoint their body likes to be at so if you lose body fat you secrete less left and hunger goes up metabolic rate goes down Karelin tries to yes and ghrelin is in opposition to leptin so you you this is your body like a thermostat so if you're on a thermostat if you said it's 75 goes to low kick the heat on bump it back up goes to high kick the cooling on go back down left and acts that way with your metabolic rate and your hunger when you get down to a low body fat leptin is low your body you have a drive to regain that weight your your hunger is higher your but your your metabolic rate is lower leptin still stays low even years after a diet in people who have kept the weight off so there's you would think there's still be a biological drive to regain the weight that said and I'm gonna go out on a limb here so any of my scientists who are listening on this feel free to call me out in the carpet if you think I'm wrong but just like obese people obese people actually have high levels of leptin they have high levels of leptin but they become left and resistant but then in sensitive right if you stay anyway there is evidence that if you stayed a reduced body weight for one or two years that that can become your new set point that your body defense I think what can happen is even if your leptin doesn't go out or two years not six months yeah it's a little bit longer it's a little bit longer so button is emits happening I think you live two years well I think it's probably multifaceted because nothing your body is so redundant usually nothing is ever one thing typically but at that point I think one of the things that happens is probably your body becomes more sensitive to the leptin you have because you're leaner
Channel: JRE Clips
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: Ek4tH0iEdBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2018
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