Activating EVERY Ridiculous Sims 4 Mod AT ONCE

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wait a minute you're not I know oh my goodness what a freak accident Oh God oh it's all going wrong Oh God Oh No she's like my bosoms are down your bosoms this has officially been the weirdest Sims episode ever hey guys and welcome back snow boo boo if you guys don't know whose snowball Boop is well I'll link the video down below because it's hilarious but she has become a fan favorite here on the channel and I thought that you'd be the perfect sim for my idea today now you guys know I love super weird mods for the sims but there's some that I haven't really had a chance to use because they didn't really fit into a storyline that I was doing that's all kind of changed today because today I am going to enable every single ridiculous Sims mod that I can at once so most of these are from sacrificial mods I'll link him below that's who makes the majority of these ridiculously awesome mods but there's tons that I've never tried there's tons that I have tried and I just threw them all in here like some sort of ridiculous Sims Brule I don't know the word I'm thinking of when you mix a bunch of things together I don't know it's a miracle that it's working and it hasn't crashed but you can see there's some issues already oh yeah I'm also on the stranger Ville map because I thought that would add a little bit more weirdness to this already weird Sims idea that I don't even know if it's gonna work so yeah if I click on her as you can see nothing's even loading it it's just the icons for things yeah just just you know icons the thing I'm interested to try first is over here Oh God is something happening Oh No okay so this is the possessed child's mod fantastic all right what's uh what's going on here I don't know if I was supposed to put more than one I guess we're gonna find out it's no boo Boop what's happening snoopeh boob I'm scared okay there's actions let's try one spooky music snoopeh boo what's happening oh oh she doesn't like it Oh Oh God my Oh Oh what just happened Oh Oh God Oh No Oh what is that what is that okay can I do more of them let's summon this one and this one and this one and we're just gonna hope that the game doesn't crash watch do Boop summon all of them no I don't care about the goats yet don't care about the ghosts nope nope nobody cares about the ghosts nope go summon more Oh No oh this is Oh No Oh God oh it's all going wrong this is what happens when too many mods are in the game at once oh this looks like the oh I say this looks like the boy's mother you guys look so similar he has a crow on him is he eating the crow I don't know whoa wait what's that but the llama it was a ghost llama yeah what what it's ghosts llamas everybody's freaking out over this weird glitched out boy do Boop did you summon more can I add him to my family oh my god it Ken yes the demon child is now part of my family this is the scariest thing ever oh god oh god oh oh oh wait she's alive still are you still alive you're so scary parenting okay this is apparently my kid put to bed can I put him to bed I'm putting you to bed ghost boy oh oh he's listening oh he's coming oh my god snoopeh boop now has a kid the kid definitely did not inherit his mother's booty man you let him bring the crows in the house nibble Boop oh my god there's ghosts llamas everywhere leave this oh I put him to bed oh that's adorable can I summon more of them oh I summoned another one I summoned another one does he look the same okay Oh No the graphics oh he does look the same man now there's birds and bugs all over my house alright I'm just gonna add him to my family to my one son needs a sibling hmm all right well now that snow poopoo is a single mom with two kids maybe we should try to find love and what do you know there's a dating app mod oh god no test whoa Oh kick your kids snow boots Schiphol boop use the dating app okay there we go you're gonna find love snoopeh boop thanks to sims mods Oh Oh specific date a blind date a female blind date a male blind date a one-night stand enable hook up calls sure let's let's spice up my life but then let's also look for a date right now let's set up a blind date stop bringing your crows in the house kids am i right oh oh I got a blind date no I don't like him no we're not gonna show up let's try again oh god what's happening okay okay these kids are too much boo boo stop freaking out and go back downstairs actually you know what you know what let's cook oh no what's happening oh they're being weird again all right are you guys hungry all right what do demon children eat oh right they eat other regular children oh no I mean this is the most ridiculous mod I ever used in the sims of course I had to put it in this episode this is the most ridiculous Sims episode ever oh my god my demon child is watching TV this is great it's got so many crows where's the other demon child oh he's still asleep Oh your demon children come eat Oh God I can sense they're coming they're coming up they came and got their food oh and now they're freaking out while they eat it okay oh god they're going crazy eating eating children this is how they eat children they just go berserk are you enjoying your child okay I have to go on a date I have to go on a date Oh what Oh God Oh my demon kid tried to kill me or did did kill me no oh my god what have you plead for me please Oh what God you can't please find even child please plead for me I just made you food no game over well that lasted a while Sims social services will take it from here to care for the children good lucks and social surfaces okay we're gonna maybe not summon some demon children right at the start I've never had a game over in this sense all right meet snoopeh boop 2.0 showing you her on the creative sin screw you because I added this cannibal mod attribute trait thing which has made her face kind of look weird see watch if I take it away oh wait maybe that's just her face snoopeh Boop 2.0 oh god the demon children are still here the demon children are still here all the gravestones are gone though okay I'm just gonna go in the house which now has nothing in it go in the house new blues the demon children are gone super Boop you're safe now except you have no furniture it's okay all we need are the things that have to go with the mods that I downloaded that I don't know what they do yet that'll set the mood perfect alright let's first find you a date like we were trying to do all right blind date who do we got we're dating a gnome sure where should we go on our date the Stargazer Lounge sure all right so we've been trying out the dating app mod but now I'm trying to test whoa whoa I didn't know she okay this is because we added the cannibal trade to her I didn't realize she just does it out of nowhere you just killed your blind date a snoop abou and now you're gonna eat your blind date Oh God this date is going terrible it's going terrible snoop aboot oh yeah judge me judge me all you want okay oh we got some meat Oh God Oh No okay are you not even gonna take that your snowmobile wasn't even hungry we just started alright well let's put the meat in your inventory I'll just clean this up don't worry okay well now I gotta find another blind date Jesus all right I was gonna say I was trying to use the passionate romance mod but that was like the opposite of what I was wanting it's gone another blind date please don't kill them immediately Snooper boop please Oh got another gnome okay Pro coming back yes we're going back to the lounge there we go okay where's where's your blind date there he is take this outfit off I want to see what you look like oh I don't look very happy is it cuz you didn't get to eat your feet and hands it's in your inventory girl you could snack on it later meet your date and I don't mean literally turn him into me I mean no Tim there you go I love how we're having this date in the bathrooms and now there's another random lady here okay I need to know what you look like especially with the slider mod on I have no idea what this person looks like asked to see outfit oh my god every outfit is a gnome alright well I guess we're just gonna have to bury him and then I can take control of him and see what he looks like can I just go straight to the passionate romance mod oh he's into it alright I don't know what any of these do so I'm just gonna click one and see what happens okay where am I going alright add two family and then we'll do the oh it says he's my blind date Pablo alright I'll go to create a seven see what he looks like afterwards won't let me do the romance things so maybe we need to have a romantic bar first I don't know I get there snoop aboot always gets to get warm up with body heat sure first kiss and then we'll see if we can do the patch of room oh yeah Pablo single first kiss it was lovely now let's see if I can do it oh it's doing something I don't know what I'm kind of scared oh okay they're like they're hugging nicely I don't know I don't know what's happening people are watching us though this is weird right we need to take this darn costume off all right no prepare to be unmasked oh okay oh my god it looks like he's three mouths it looks like each of his eyes as a mouth and that he's in his mouth looks like his face started melting off ah [Music] Oh No okay that's yeah sure we'll go with that okay now that I kind of look like a human let's see what else okay now what's happening why is she standing behind him okay they're taking a selfie wall making out well that's cute look at her eyes oh my god it's so scary I don't know what they're doing but I don't like it oh okay she's like my bosoms are down your bosoms this is awkward alright what other mods we got oh yeah the mods at home let's go back home do you guys remember this mirror we'll save that for last oh yeah this picture I've never used and it's super creepy I'm gonna have Pablo do it Oh ask Sims to witness and ask Sims to stare stare sure lay out let's bring all these strangers from inside to new boobs just practicing her dancing everybody coming everybody coming to stare how are you staring Pablo you have no eyes your face is melted whoa whoa whoa what just happened oh ghost Oh ghost wait a minute cursed beaten congratulations snowball has beaten the curse of the painting and didn't catch on fire this time oh well thank goodness we're gathering in front of this painting I don't know what for but Oh God lost to the curse that fire Pablo no how do you put me out how do i how do I get put out i extinguish self alright well I'm gonna go take a bath don't touch that creepy painting over there Pablo okay I mean the mirror not the painting Pablo what are you doing what did I just tell you Pablo what did I just tell you're levitating what a night Oh No Oh Pablo would you do Pablo what you do oh oh god oh no oh wait a minute how many of them are there okay well Pablo dead okay oh god there's two of them Oh No she's like freaking Pablo oh oh she didn't kill me though can we eat her eat her eat her come on stupid boobs eat her you can do it oh oh she's gonna eat her this has officially been the weirdest Sims episode ever mission accomplished Oh Oh No now she's just a ghost oh god I go sighs could still kill crap so did I get a game over yup I went from having no game overs to two game overs in one playthrough sounds about right also wanted to point out I made gnome land for some reason a while ago and that's why you're seeing so many gnomes this is not a mod this is just me being a weirdo I don't know why I did it I forget if it was for Christmas and then I just never ended up showcasing it but basically the idea was he's gonna play as one of the gnome households let's just do a quick run-through at the end of this video anyway of this cuz it gotta fits in with the weirdness of this video yeah I made like Christmas market I made a Christmas park everything is Christmas themed and then there's all these gnome land who's gonna be like a weird Christmas special I don't know sometimes I do things that don't understand why no man and isn't it pretty oh look it's snowing - Wow okay so the premise of Nome land was gonna be everything's like happy and cute and they're all like nice and living together and then if somebody comes in to Nome land that doesn't look like a gnome the gnomes kill them pretty much with that with one of Oh Oh perfect example so yeah that was the premise of this Christmas special episode and I never did it but we're gonna do it now there's this lady how dare she enter Nome world oh my god and this lady so basically yeah we have the extreme violence pod we also have a zombie mod Sims torment body yeah but you're pretty sure you guys have seen before but just in case you haven't it's just symbols now so I don't know which is which here's a boot what's the boot do well that was lackluster oh she's alive how yeah my favorite one is the car one oh here we go car the nomes summon a car oh my god what a freak accident where's that other lady that wasn't a gnome her car yeah basically gnomes just hire Oprah drivers to do this all day yeah bad don't ever come to no world tell your friends oh my god another person has infiltrated gnome world oh I can summon my demon child to take out people perfect okay oh no okay never mind like what a tragedy how could something like this ever happen in no world no world is the most perfect wonderful world are there any other intruders I think we did our job let's go ice-skating gnomes love to ice skates what even is this episode anymore I mean now is the extreme violence mod and the torment mod so we're still using the mods it's fine oh they found the other person that was hit by an over driver oh my god how could that happen so terrible here in Nome world that never happens so yeah I think we tried out every single mod that I added to this episode except for the zombie apocalypse mod but I just did a video on that so I figured we wouldn't kid that's like a whole big thing wait a minute you're not I know oh my goodness what a freak accident I just tried the zombie apocalypse mod and it won't work I think it's conflicting with the other tons of intrusive mods right well then I guess I'll just leave it here for this episode no another over driver they're out of their minds Wow the audacity of this man this non gnome to be ice skating on our ice skating ring I hope nothing terrible happens to him Oh God but yeah if you guys know of any other ridiculous mods that I have not used make sure to leave them in the comments below if I get enough of them and you guys like this episode enough I can definitely do another one where I activate as many ridiculous mods as I can again but as always if you made it this far in the video and you'd like to see another in the future then make sure to leave a like before you go what the heck is that creepy laughing wait a minute what's happening oh the demon child how where did you come from oh my god is he going to play on the pirate ship let's go to play on the pirate ship like a normal kid Oh God he's oh he's not normal though he is not normal this kids like it's okay also be your friends oh that's adorable alright well subscribe if you're new to the channel I put out new videos almost every single day and as always I will see you guys soon
Channel: LaurenzSide
Views: 1,181,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: laurenzside, laurenzside of gaming, funny girl gamer, the sims, the sims 4, sims memes, sims meme, funny sims, sims glitch, sims challenge, the sims mod, the sims 4 mod, slider mod, times the sims was accidentally hilarious, fun things to do in sims, sims mod, laurenzside sims 4, hilarious, every mod, at once, weird sims 4, sims 4, sims 4 mods
Id: _FlMTKq4PeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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