Activating Anointing // Host the Holy Ghost (Part 6)

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second samuel chapter 5 and verse 1 until verse 5 then all the tribes of israel came to david saying indeed we are your bone and your flesh also in the time pass when saul was a king over us you were the one who led israel out and brought him in the lord said to you you shall Shepherd my people Israel and be ruler over Israel therefore all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron and King David made a covenant with them at Hebron before the Lord and they anointed David king over Israel David was thirty years old when he began to reign and he reigned 40 years in Hebron he reign over Judah seven years and six months and in Jerusalem reign 33 years over all Israel and Judah somebody say Amen we have a lot of people who are very anointed very known in Thurl in the scripture and I'm not going to just try to preach some kind of a thing to make you feel confused or say it's very deep I just want to share something very practical that will launch us into the sessions that we will have in just about 40 or 35 minutes or so as a local church we've been in a series that we've called it hosts the holy ghost meaning to host the Holy Spirit in our life and this morning I want to talk about how to activate the activity of the Holy Spirit in our lives somebody say with me activate the activity of the Holy Spirit in my life certo neighbors say activate the activity of the Holy Spirit in your life charity either never say get activated in Jesus name anointing of the Holy Spirit is one of the most important things that we need as Christians anointing of the Holy Spirit is what breaks the yoke and know anything of the Holy Spirit is what heals the sick anointing of the Holy Spirit is what draws lost people to salvation anointing of the Holy Spirit is what draws young people to church what draws young people to church is not coffee and smoke machines on the stage what draws young people to church is not ripped jeans or earrings in their ears what draws young people contrary to popular opinion is not clapping or dancing it's the anointing of the Holy Ghost anointing is not hype anointing is not volume anointing is not lights anointing is not smoke machine anointing is not ripped jeans and loin ting is not even shaking and baking it's the power that produces change in people's lives [Music] anointing is one of the things that the devil will fight an attack in the last days more than anything else Satan is gonna be the Antichrist anti-christ meaning he will go anti anointing he's not gonna be anti Jesus he's now gonna be anti Saviour he's going to be anti anointing that means Satan hates anointing because anointing is the only thing that can his kingdom he's not afraid of good sermons he's not afraid of fabulous music he's not afraid of our facilities he's not afraid of the eloquence of our speech he's not afraid of our professional organizational skills he's not afraid of the gift of administration none of those things can his kingdom like one drop of God's anointing and therefore devil will do whatever it takes to entice Christians first to hate anointing despise anointing to not embrace anointing to get offended at the anointing to trip over the anointing and to completely wash their hands off and say I don't want to do anything that has to do with the power of the Holy Spirit in the church today I don't understand it I don't like it it makes me uncomfortable it's crazy because it goes outside of my box of thinking I didn't grow up seeing this I didn't grow up embracing this the way I grew up we didn't do that and the devil will do whatever it takes to push you against the anointing because the anointing goes against him what we need is church is more of the anointing what you need as a Christian is more of the anointing healing is great but anointing is better because anointing produces healings see getting an apple is good having an apple tree is better getting delivered is great but getting a relationship with Holy Spirit is so much better because he produces freedom he produces healing he produces salvation and he produces change in our life if you agree say Amen amen David was the man that God anointed at the very young age when he was very young a prophet named Samuel came to David and he anointed him to be a king David was not old enough to be a king David wasn't ready to be a king David didn't have the education to be a king David had no connections to be a king David's dad wasn't a king nobody in his family was a king and the Prophet at the very young age comes to David and says you are a king I want to encourage every person who doesn't consider themselves young today don't believe in young generation when you see signs of potential it's too late you gotta believe and speak into teenagers to see signs of change you gotta develop as Samuel anointing as Samuels gift and Samuels gift is he sees a teenager he doesn't see a kid he sees a king we have today older people who don't see a king who see a kid in a kid it doesn't take holy spirit to see a kid in a kid it takes the holy spirit to see a king inside of the kid [Music] and it doesn't take the Holy Spirit to see a king inside of the king people come up to me today and they serve lad I listen to your messages you're so anointed I know that where were you when I was 14 when of my prayer was God kill me in a car accident because I know I have no purpose in this life and my pastor did not wait until I preached my sermon good he start speaking into me that there is a king inside of this confused insecure kid and he started to speak into me before I even believed it and those words produce something the Holy Spirit because I believed in those words start producing change inside of my heart many pastors today are threatened by young generation some pastors today they see young generation as a threat like Saul did with David when he saw David rising up he saw him as a threat to his kingdom so he wanted to kill them churches today fight against young people because they see young people as a threat if we give him too much freedom they lacked this and they lacked their young people are not a threat you're just insecure come on church help me out there's the rest of us that is the rest of us Widow see young people as a threat but we see young people as victims Israel when they were walking to promised land they looked at their children and they saw them as victims they said this to God and God repeated back to them in numbers he said and the children that you call victims will possess the promised land God was saying sometimes we get so negative as parents that we are barely winning any breakthrough in our life we look at our poor children and we're like if I cannot break through its net they'll never break through but you have to understand never see next generation through the lenses of your history and your experience but to the lenses of God if you are a young person you should be clapping right now because that means God has a plan for your life come on somebody young generation are not victims young generation are part of God's plan in the last days there is also a category of people who don't see them as victims or don't see them as threat they simply curse the next generation by calling next generation by their current situation by their current problem it's kind of like Rachel did when she was in pain of child labor and a baby popped up but it cost her so much pain and she looked at that little child and she said she said you're a son of my sorrow it's kind of like what the other people did when the Jacob was born and say your supplanter it's what Elijah did when his servant made a mistake and he says let leper she'll name and come upon you never curse somebody because you're hurting because you're struggling my Lord Jesus Christ saw his disciples hurting and suffering and making a lot of mistakes but you never once see Jesus bringing the leprosy of the sick people and his disciples because they made a mistake [Music] even on Judas Jesus didn't even cursed Judas he still called him a friend even though Judas was acting like a devil when your kid is acting out and he's an alcoholic never call him an alcoholic call him a preacher with a great testimony when your child doesn't want to come to church call him a missionary simply say God will use you you're gonna be great in God's kingdom it irritates them you want to really make a mad look at them prophetically not pathetically don't look at them to the reality look at the next generation and beget to say I see greatness in you I know God's gonna use you in these last days God is little bit short on people and so I signed you up on God's plan Samuel makes David a king when David is not even ready to get a license Samuel calls him a king when he's not ready to even get married I love this about God he starts very early you see these teenagers we have pastors here today we have bishops here today we have pastors from different countries in this room do you know why every service we have teenagers represented on the stage because if the world gives them license at 16 at 15 they better be speaking in tongues healing the sick if at 11 they get introduced to weed that means at 12 they got to be introduced to Christ if at 14 it's an average age when a teenage girl loses her virginity this is where at 13 they have to lose that pride to God and lose their arrogance if Mormons make their teenagers missionaries before they go to universities that's why we have internship that before you go to your university give one year to God you're still gonna spend that year in your university studying for the degree you are most likely will not use because you will change your majors three times prophetic word by the way for you so instead of changing your major four times and having your parents pay for your confusing trying to discover God's will for my life pause kill the war near to God join an intership whether it's at our church or somebody's church and then make a difference for God before you go trying to make living in this world are you with me Church so I see that Samuel anoints David at a very young age David had a calling on his life and his calling was to deliver the people of Israel from their enemies God never called people in the Old Testament to make him rich famous or because they were great god only was calling people because there was an assignment on their life to bring his people out of certain trouble that they were in when God calls a man or a woman it's not because he deserves to be called it's not because he now lives so righteous that God gives him an award when God calls somebody it's usually a response to a cry of someone else that God has been hearing as you're sitting here right now and I am speaking with you in our church there's a voice message that's currently completely full people are calling our church number and leaving their voice message there now the interesting part is you and I don't actually hear those voice messages the only person who knows that somebody's leaving a voice message is somebody who's at the office right now I want to tell you something that in our city and in our generation people are crying out to God every single day single moms who cannot pay their bills people who get heartbroken as we saw the testimonies and people who are demon possessed people who are suffering under the burden of homosexuality lesbianism people who cannot figure out their gender today people who are today maybe I reject it maybe molested maybe those who are being raped maybe those who got introduced to drugs before they go to sleep and you all have done it so am i when we didn't serve God we say God help me and God hears those prayers he collects those prayers in the cup and when the cup runs over in each city God picks up a phone and dials a person in that city and says I'm calling you to ministry now you think God's calling you because you're special you think God's calling you because he hates you maybe it's like Lord I wanted to be a businessman and you're calling me into ministry Lord what have I done you think God is calling you to be a missionary or God is calling you to preach is because maybe God wants to just anoint you you don't realize the only reason God's calling you is because he's answering somebody's crying somebody's crying when at the age of 16 when I fell the call of God on my life I never thought until now that I meet people who get impacted by my ministry I never thought that God knew all of that and he wasn't calling me for any other reason except for this he knew the cries of people that my life is supposed to impact and God was trying to be fair with those people by answering their cry if I would answer the call they know why healings don't happen deliverance is then happen you know why people go to hell because we don't pick up the phone for every last person in the world God makes a phone call many of us we have our phone on silent or some of us we like the feeling of conviction but we love the snooze button too much we love getting convicted oh I feel so good I'm so bad but it feels so good we as Pentecostal especially we love being feeling bad about ourselves coming to the altar so good I know I will do nothing absolutely with this but it still feels good snooze snooze snooze snooze I never say why is God letting people go to hell why do you let him go to hell God gave his son what are you giving for that and a person what time on Facebook wrote to me and he says I can't believe in God because if he's so loving why is he letting people go to hell who don't never heard of him I said actually it's not God's fault it's yours I said get off of your Facebook and go start preaching to people if you really want people say don't talk about it talk to them God has done everything God can do so everybody can be saved now what he does is he calls us to be a solution it to be an answer to this world but what most of us are doing is we're fighting in the church and what style of music we're gonna have [Music] I don't like English language it's not about you but I want my name I want to preserve the culture I'm in America I need to preserve my culture in the church well I hope you'll be really good and confident when you meet Jesus Christ whose eyes are burning with fire and your accomplishment on this earth was I preserve the culture he says I died to save the world and you lived to preserve your culture which means nothing now in eternity it will be embarrassing we need to live for the cause of seeing people come to Jesus are you with me when we live with that calling God gives us anointing on that calling say this with me say I am anointed and I am appointed shouldn't a neighbor say you're appointed to win souls and make disciples dirty other neighbors say because you're appointed you're already anointed come on if you believe in that you've got a shout of praise right now come on thank you Jesus but being anointed does not mean that that anointing is functional in our life a lot of times what happens is that for those of you who maybe got a new phone or you got a debit card in the mail or a credit card you have found this to be true that a credit card or debit card arrives to you and they have this thing a sticker on it that it cannot be used until it gets what's the word so everything is there it's your card it has your name on it it's connected to your account everything is there it's just if you go to ATM or you go anywhere it will not work because it's not been what come on sale community activate it so I want to share with you right now three things that activate the anointing of the Holy Spirit or the power of the Holy Spirit the first one is desperation somebody said desperation come on say desperation a lot of times when you discover you are called by God and you start to get desperate for God like never before something activates inside of you you become so hungry for God that you begin to notice that it's not just you speaking now it's not just you ministering right now it is the Holy Spirit moving through you are you with me number two it's not only desperation somebody say Association say Association so not only you are desperate but you have to also associate yourself with certain kind of people you know we know that the quote that says the birds of feather they fly together the Bible says that the people who walk together with the wise they'll become wise when you connect yourself many times with people who are anointed it rubs off on you right same thing is the opposite if you always hang out with people who curse f-bombs will slip out of your mouth if you surround yourself with people who are poor you will be like that if you surround yourself with people who are walking with God seeing people saved seeing people delivered it will quickly begin to rub off on you that's one of the reasons I don't listen to anything I want to listen to on youtube or on my phone I don't even listen to all the preachers I want to listen to because I want to have exactly in my ministry and in my life what I listen to because through listening to someone reading a book watching somebody's videos it's an act of impartation into your life so you receive activation through association and the third thing is importation so the way we get activated is when we get desperate when we surround ourselves with people who walk with God and number three when we get impartation now for David it was the third one Samuel came he took a jar of oil and he pour Unzen David's head and when the oil touched him and Samuel prayed for him and pronounce the blessings the Spirit of God came upon David at the moment and because David was careful enough to continue surround himself with anointed people like Samuel Nathan prophet and others and because David was careful enough to continue being hungry for God that anointing grew with him it didn't die now I want to point out something that's very important and it's been a painful experience for me when I was younger David received importation without physical manifestation David did not shake did not fall did not speak in tongues and didn't prophesy nothing happened on the outside a lot of times Apostle John she whoever the pastor that you look up to people come up to them and they say pray for me so that I won't walk in the same grace that you walk in or like tomorrow is gonna happen what Apostles gonna pray for everyone and many of us will experience absolutely nothing David had exactly same experience Samuel prayed for him no shaking no vibrating no falling no speaking in tongues no prophesy nothing this is what I found out when you receive importation and nothing your body doesn't react you're still anointed if your mind reacts [Applause] King Saul was anointed and there was reaction he started to prophesy he when he saw the prophets and he started to say that says the Lord one time when there was anointing King Saul vibrated on the floor and shook all night but one thing about King Saul is that nothing in his mind ever changed he didn't go from son of Kish to become an anointed man his body reacted better than his mind and therefore on his integration soul was hiding behind bags David never experienced any physical but mental is something shifted in David when Samuel prayed for him he says that said God is with me the Spirit is with me and when a lion comes David doesn't run David runs at the lion unlike soul who hides he runs at problems he begins to experience God's supernatural favor in his life why because real importation is not when your body reacts it's when your mind transforms about five years ago I was at a very desperate situation in my life where nothing was wrong physically and nothing was wrong financially nothing was wrong in any other area except one spiritually I started to notice that we see healings on our conferences but I don't see the person in my life we proclaim salvation salvation salvation but when the altar call is given nobody's coming to the altar call we're not baptizing people and our church is very very small and I decided to take a desperate I would became very very desperate when I took all of my money that I had and we gave him away to one particular ministry that sees many people come to know Christ and we ask this ministry to pray for me and my wife so that we can see salvations I didn't ask for miracles I just wanted to see salvations and I also wanted to see God's favor in the area of spiritual walk with him I met with this particular minister and I asked him to pray for me for the importation of seeing people coming to know Christ he took my hands it was 1 minute 20 seconds prayer I have it recorded on my phone he very calmly and nothing happened I walked out and I was like man just emptied my whole account at least shaking baking that's a heavy price and like I know some people who shake if the man of God comes like within three miles of them and my body I'm like one of those some of you hear that my body is like Baptists body or something like it just doesn't respond to Pentecostal experiences like Benny he comes in everybody falls a nice stand anybody I mean unless they and then after a while when I see that he keeps pushing it I'll you know I'll just go down to help you it's cursed I just don't react my body I'm not one of those people who doesn't react and when I left the meeting with this Minister of God who prayed for importation and I had two things to do one of them unless the Lord nothing happened and God says you choose what happened he says do you believe in the prayer that he just prayed he says if you do accept it and begin to see yourself that you're anointed by God to see salvations and to see healing and that's what I did [Applause] I switched my mind I know people who'd that minister and many others prayed for who shook on the floor for three days and couldn't stop speaking in tongues and nothing changed in their life I'll rather have no manifestation in my body but a transformation in my mind and change in my life and change in my ministry and shake-and-bake the Bible says your life is transformed by the renewing of your mind not vibration of your body some of you can be free the moment you get touched and you know in your heart God set you free but I didn't shoot but the demon didn't say anything praise God you received freedom Bible says from the Sun sets free is free indeed but it also says you shall know the truth and the truth will set you free sometimes God set you free and you shake and bake and we'll all this stop but sometimes God touches you with the sense of knowing something changed something shifted and you walk out with the renewed mind and your life changes King Saul was vibrating but he never changed his mind David there was no physical manifestation but his mind shifted and his life was forever transformed [Music] same thing happens with our team they see more healings I think sometimes even people who do healing ministries on the weekly basis they live normal jobs and businesses what happened something shifted in their mind I'm the person God can use it can happen today I don't have to have a healing crusade to see God move through me I don't have to be a pastor to see the Lord use me to influence other people and as they go about their life God uses them why not because impartation happened through shaking because impartation happened through revelation that God has anointed me when I got prayed and that's it come on let's put our hands together for Jesus Christ [Music] I want you to see when David got anointed David did not apply for being a king David didn't go searching who's hiring for being a king and David didn't come to Seoul and say fYI just letting you know I'm next in line you better start training me when you're anointed never grab for a platform seek for opportunity where you can serve when you finally figure out that you special grab a vacuumer and learn how to vacuum your church when you finally come out of their low self esteem make sure you learn how to put gloves and clean toilets because David's anointing did not demand a platform it sought for an opportunity where David can serve say David who was anointed to kill Giants after playing music for Seoul and getting rid of the demons from Saul Saul says you're free and David you know what David did went back to be with the Sheep because there's one thing about anointed people they have to maintain a small view of themselves otherwise that anointing will kill them just because every person you played for in the mall got healed don't grow wings or remain small in your eyes because God came to solve and solve started to make mistakes and Samuel said this to solve from God he says when you were small in your eyes he says I picked you but now your head got swollen anointed people must also learn never to take offense when opportunities are presented to them that are below their anointing you asked me to be an usher did you know I'm a prophet I am an apostille why am I sitting on the back real apostle real prophet real pastor is somebody who is just like their Savior who one day can give prophecies walk on water step down gird himself and wash somebody's feet if you cannot pick up a towel I have an audacity to question not the anointing but your crazy character God is not interested in building superheroes God is not looking to create Justice League or Avengers League God is building his kingdom and everyone in his kingdom from the guy who holds the microphone to every person there is first a servant and I want to tell you something right now in our church we have this policy if God really really really anointed you I want to see results on the street and in kids ministry when you some of you heard when Ivan got up and spoke and God uses him powerfully in healing a year ago I remember when Ivan just moved from California and he came up and one of the things he wanted to do is to be more involved in church and I said Ivan we go Street evangelizing why are you not on the streets and I remember he looked at me was like well that's below me if serving is below you leading is above you if you're too small if you're too big I'm sorry for serving then you're too small for leading and I told them I was like Ivan until you are used by God on the streets and secondly until you serve the kids in the kids zone and I kill healings from the kids the stage is no place for people with ambition stage is a place for people with the heart and the anointing [Applause] [Music] and today when he goes to kids ministry for salvations to healings to baptism of the holy spirit and all the kids allow him why and he doesn't preach at the church he preaches at the streets when I before I preached at the church I preached at homeless shelter and I preached at jails I stopped going to homeless shelters because we would who fights after the sermon one side would fight another side it was a great sermon they loved each other I ended the sermon and they started a war there right there I couldn't pass through because they were all throwing stuff and I stopped going to jail is because they would Pat me three times each time because I was 21 and they thought I was winning drugs to the inmates because Russians who are 21 don't go preaching in jail the only jail ministry led by Russia's it's usually about 60 and above not 21 year olds and preached first at homeless shelter then in jail and so I had my two practices and then on Wednesday night I preached the crazy you through they didn't fight and they did Pat me Pat me down but I want to tell you something if you want to be used by God if you're anointed don't look for a platform look for a place to serve and sometimes that place of serving is not going to be anything special God is the only one who knows how to connect the dots when you serve you may say but right if I'm gonna go serve nobody's gonna notice me you don't want people to notice you you want God to notice you and push you because if God puts you people can put you out the problem with people if they put you here they'll put you down from here whoever put you there has the power to take you down but if people know put you there they can never take you down [Music] what if his wife can took Jason to Joseph's reputation she couldn't take his anointing she lived everything from him but she couldn't take his grace and the pay would have God upon his life but when God puts her in there when God gives you the platform see David little shot for the platform there was an opportunity to kill Saul who got a platform with his anointing but he says I trust God to put me in there and when absolutely to take his platform David walked off and he says if God doesn't want me there I don't have to shine I wonder if I want you to remember this when you're annoying they don't look for a place to shine look for a place to serve don't look for a place to shine look for a place to serve I'm putting this message to an end and we're gonna pray right now the most important thing that I wanted to share with you is this David got anointed as a teenager to be a king only at thirty years of age he saw a drop of the promise of God is when he was leading one tribe tribe of Judah for seven months for seven years and six months and for seven years he was faithful with one tribe this great king anointed by God but his only managing one tried for seven years and after seven and a half years God saw his faithfulness God saw the he didn't use it as an excuse or compare himself to other kings who had more God saw that he grew and he became stronger with that one tribe he didn't say God why did you let me go through all of this and know me you gave me one tribe God I deserve more so God twelve tribes and the day of his anointing and I didn't get nothing I thought and I finally got the breakthrough and it came in the form of one tribe God I'm offended David never did that he had one shrine manage that tribe he worked with that tribe he he he grew that's right he became stronger the house of David became stronger the stronger the house also became weaker and weaker and then came a point after seven and a half years of managing one tribe that God said David I'm gonna give you twelve tribes now God's anointing will begin a process in your life where God will give you in small nuggets of the things he promised to you some people get everything but watch those people those things they get never last because they didn't stretch I didn't grow the minded shift their lifestyle their systems their structure wasn't developed to maintain what God gave them he came in it ripped everything apart and two years later everything is back where it used to be but what God does with David and he will do that with you and he will do that with me is that he first makes you who you are you begin to serve you begin to be faithful and finally he gives you a breakthrough just a tribe of juda and instead of comparing yourself to another pastor instead of comparing yourself to another person instead of complaining and saying God but I fought so much I deserve more God when is my home is gonna come listen work the tribe of Judah for seven and a half years walk the tribe of Judah for seven and a half years and there is God's timing where God will master the 11 tribes and in one day he will not add tribes by once exhilaration with Nikolas [Music] when Jesus came on this earth he was announced to be a son of God by God at the River Jordan later on he got announced to be a son of God by the church you know the Jesus is still waiting to be announced as a son of God by the world Jesus only got one tribe he's still waiting for the 11 tribes he's still waiting for the foolish word every knee will bow and every tongue will confess even Jesus is still waiting for his full inheritance if you are in that place right now where you have not gotten that one time I want to tell you something I want to encourage you today to activate yourself in the Holy Spirit I want to encourage you today to pray for the sick I want to encourage you today to witness to people I want to encourage you today the anointing that you got whenever you got it is laying dormant until you stop being lazy and stop waiting for God to move you move and God will follow we are not in the Moses time when Moses waited the Red Sea split and the Moses women we are in the Joshua time with Joshua stepped in and God split the Jordan we are in a time where God says these signs will follow the size you pray for the sick office I will kill your witness to somebody conscious don't wait for the microphone don't wait for somebody to give you a commendation don't wait for somebody to open the door for you go ahead open that door yourself you can find a place to serve not a place to shine but a place to serve and we're gonna measures you and next step and you will know that people will notice that worse things will shift in your life things will shift in your family things will shift in your tiny ministry and there will be that one tribe don't ever be a man who took one talent to remember in the New Testament and what he did with that talent with a bad attitude he buried adhesives what's the use of this if it's not 12 he buried it and God came back to him and he says you lazy and good servant if God is using words of knowledge that only heals people's back never be embarrassed of that make sure everybody's back is healed if God uses you to witness to people in the way that he keeps you prophetic words about their destiny and you see somebody who's doing a crusade and thousands come in make sure you use that one talent and what tribe until God Himself measures another level of the grace in your life never care never complain what God has entrusted you with because that's not a bad attitude kills the trouble of God's grace and it stops the timing of God to bring a change in our life amen I just decree and declare there is gonna be an acceleration at God's time but until then work your tribe work you're talented if you got those 20 people pastor make sure that those 20 people are the best 20 people make sure that you're doing today what you would do if you would have a thousand people you pray today like you would pray when you would have a thousand people you fast today like you would fast as if you would have a thousand people you today smile you today please like you would have a thousand peoples now make sure you don't spend your money like you would have a thousand people kiss you be broken but everything else you do spirit is saying God you don't know et rests upon my life I am not gonna be a fact that if I don't have a place to shine I'll look for a place to serve and God if you entrust me with what's right I promise one thing I'll never stop being hungry I'll never stop being hold my head up in Pride my heart is not gonna come big in offense and if somebody doesn't treat me right if somebody talks about me if somebody has their expert of faith about me I'm not gonna let it get it to my header in I'm gonna be the same man when I had nothing I'm gonna be the same man and God you could count on that God sees that he will bless you honest eyes to thank you for watching this content I hope this was a blessing to you if you're like me and you like to click on things click on this subscribe to our Channel and the content will come to you every time we post it and remember the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 65,977
Rating: 4.9341125 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances, anoinitng, how to activate anoitning, anointing of the holy spirit, bfeak free book by pastor vlad
Id: KTPddZb1clY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 33sec (2733 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 09 2018
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