Benefits of Intimacy with Holy Spirit πŸ•Š // Encounter (Part 6)

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hi there this is pastor vlad and before we go into this week's content i would like to invite you to become a part of what god is doing at hungry generation today this year we've seen a great blessing of the lord and anointing of god god's healings and salvations and deliverances and in 2019 i know that god wants to take us further and many of you who are watching this video right now and watching this message you've been receiving from hungary gen you've been growing your world has been changing and we give to God all the glory but we would like you in 2018 to become a part of what God is doing and you can do that by sowing your best gift into this ministry or maybe doing something monthly like a partnership a reoccurring gift this will help us to go further in 2019 and bring more of what we're bringing to you to many many more people mean my wife we do that every single year our church does that every single year were once a year we'll give a special offering to God and then we also become partners of this ministry by our monthly contributions and I give you that opportunity today to become our partner and to become somebody who contributes to what God is doing today below is a link where you can make that happen so why don't you ask God what would God have you gift this year to this ministry to help us go further in God and now let's go into this message I want to talk about benefits of intimacy with the Holy Spirit we're gonna finish this series call the encounter if you're watching us a live stream or if you're physically here today on our YouVersion Bible app there's notes to the message that you can download to stay synched and to stay together with us we're starting our fast tomorrow till Wednesday we're looking forward to that in 1st Samuel chapter 11 verses 6 & 7 it says the following then the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard this news and his anger was greatly aroused he took the yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces send them throughout all the territory of Israel by the hands of messengers saying whoever does not go out with Saul or Samuel to battle so it shall be done to his oxen and the fear of the Lord fell upon the people and they came out with one consent and if we skip few verses down verses 12 and verses 13 then the people said to Samuel who is he who said shall Saul reign over us brain the man that we might put them to death but Saul said not a man shall be put to death this day for today the Lord has accomplished salvation in Israel this chapter is the chapter when King Saul the first king of Israel was ordained and I call it the good old days of King Saul this was when he was doing good he walked with God he walked with holy spirit the rest of his reign and the rest of his time went south it didn't go well it didn't go good for him and Holy Spirit came upon him as Christians we must understand that the Holy Spirit is lives in us amen the moment we became Christians the Holy Spirit came to live inside of us he came as a gift the Holy Spirit doesn't come to live in us when we start speaking in tongues or we start prophesying he comes to live in us at Salvation the relationship with the Holy Spirit comes at salvation but intimacy with Holy Spirit comes at surrender that means you can have a relationship but never have intimacy relationship is your legal status it's kind of like marriage marriage certificate you can be married to your spouse but never be close to your spouse some people are married and they live in two different houses something in two different rooms and they're legally married for other benefits but they're not an intimate they're not close and God doesn't just want to have a relationship with you Holy Spirit wants to have intimacy with you he wants to be close to you the Bible says and the grace of Jesus the love of the Father and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit the grace of Jesus the love of the Father these things change their life as Christians the love of God changed their life amen the grace of Jesus changed our life can I get a witness through the grace everything has changed but there is a gift that Holy Spirit has that he wants to give to us and this gift is not just speaking in tongues though that's a precious gift this is not just the gift of prophecy though this is a this is a precious gift it's not just the gift of working miracles no that is a precious gift the Holy Spirit wants to offer to us a fellowship a communion akin onea as it says in greek Cano Nia or fellowship is something that happens like in home groups when you hang out with your spouse with your children like what's happening right now is I'm speaking to you that's not a fellowship that's a one-way conversation fellowship is when you're speaking the other person's listening the other person is speaking you're listening and so it's a two-way street where people share their feelings people share their heart when you have a fellowship with someone you usually don't have an agenda like when you meet with somebody say hey let's hang out it's not because you want to ask them for money right when you say hey let's hang out it's not because you have a petition or a request it's not because you need something it's because you want them let me say that again fellowship is not when you need something it's when you want the person now in the process of conversation with the person you can learn about their pain you can in fact talk about your struggle and you could come to a mutual resolution but that wasn't the point of the meeting the fellowship is always about community and the relationship and that's exactly what Holy Spirit was with every single Christian he doesn't just want us to live a life where we pray our requests he wants us to love him enough to seek him for his sake and many times in the Bible it says to do things for his sake meaning we do it because we love him we do it because we treasure his company and his presence God wants you to have a fellowship with Holy Spirit for those of you who are single for those of you who are alone for those of you who maybe you feel like you can't connect with anybody in certain areas of your life you have a friend that lives inside of you his name is the Holy Spirit he wants to have a relationship with you he wants to have a closeness with you and he wants to be addressed or regularly you know when you're a married person for those of you who are married here every day you go and you have a moment throughout the day where you fellowship with your spouse it doesn't always not always deep sometimes it's very casual Hey how you doing good morning good night or do you need anything it's just just a casual conversation that's going on throughout the day because you have a relationship and that is how you have an intimacy as you you have a conversation now imagine if you would wake up tomorrow and for the whole day you don't even acknowledge the presence of your spouse like you see them and it's like you don't see them you don't even say nothing you just kind of keep going about your day now I understand some of you that's how your marriage looks like that's not good it's like we we have had a you heard that the joke when the husband and a wife we're not on the talking terms so they decided to write to each other instead of talking to each other and so the the wife had a flight next morning to catch so she wrote on a piece of paper to her husband wake me up at 6 o'clock and put it next to him so he woke up at 8 o'clock and now she stops her silence she said why didn't you wake me up you know I told you and and he says well did you see the other side of the letter it says wake up that's not that's not the fellowship okay that's it that's a silent treatment that is not good fellowship is when you are verbal with another person you're talking to another person Holy Spirit wants you to have a relationship with him and talk to him okay this is good to read the Bible it's very very important but he wants us to fellowship with him Holy Spirit did not just leave us tongues and gifts and the Bible he left us himself for the longest time I believed and pray to God in heaven but not long ago maybe five six years ago I discovered a new God it's may sound weird the God who lives inside of me and I'm not talking about a feeling I'm not talking about a force I'm not talking about a conscience I'm talking about a person who his name is the Holy Spirit he is not far from us he lives inside of us and he wants a relationship and fellowship with us somebody give God some praise for the Holy Ghost you will receive power when the Holy Spirit will come upon you jesus said and you will be my witnesses to all the four corners of the earth when you discover the person of the Holy Spirit a power is released into your life and then your purpose becomes activated I like to say like this in order to walk in the Holy Spirit you have to talk to the Holy Spirit in order to walk you have to talk if you want to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit there's a very simple secret realize he's a person and talk to him it doesn't have to be spiritual you don't have to pick up a Catholic book of saints of prayers and address him with the way people addressed him in 60s you can use your language you can use your language how you feel in your heart I'm not saying to pray to the Holy Spirit we pray to the Father in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit but I'm talking about talking to the Holy Spirit you know when my friend pick me up on Friday from the airport in Bellingham I haven't seen him for some time you know I didn't get on my knees in front of him Valis andrey Mirza the resident of Mount Vernon Washington and the one who has been saved by God's holy holy blood no I said hey I'm just so good to see I would see you man how's everything and for the next 30 minutes I talked he talked we shared I didn't have an agenda we were fellowshipping God wants us to give Holy Spirit the same place as we give her friends Holy Spirit wants to be a friend Holy Spirit wants you to talk to him some of you are disappointed in the religion because you met rules you didn't meet a friend his name is the Holy Spirit I am NOT talking about speaking in tongues now though that is a precious gift I'm not talking about being slain in the Holy Spirit I'm not talking about shaking and baking I'm not talking about lightening going through your spine I'm not talking none of the stuff I'm talking about a person whose Holy Spirit who is God who is here who lives in you and he wants relationship he doesn't have a muteness he wants to talk and he wants you to talk to him I'm not just saying that you give him an errands to run I'm not saying you give him your needs and requests no that is good but he wants relationship friends don't meet with other friends just so that they can tell their problems they meet so they can help share their hearts and so right now I want us to share a five is it five or six six benefits of intimacy with Holy Spirit six benefits six things that I believe will start happening in your life when you stop treating the Holy Spirit as a doctrine and embrace him as a friend the first one and we see this from the King David kicking Souls life the first one that will happen is that you will attack your enemy instead of agreeing with your enemy what happened with Saul is that when the Holy Spirit came upon him is the enemy came against one of the cities of Israel and when the enemy did come the enemy offered a opportunity for that city to surrender and so that city could make a deal or a covenant with that enemy there will only makes covenants with people he knows he can't overcome because if he knows he can overcome you why bother make a covenant he could just destroys but he always seeks to make a deal with those he knows he can't destroy and that city they found or they contacted King Saul and say Saul we need some hell what what do we do we need some help do we make a deal with our enemy or is there some another alternative option the King Saul when he used that like a fire came inside of him he gets mad he's like no deal he said we're gonna go fight and we're gonna beat that enemy we're gonna overcome he gets the whole army ready and they go and they fight and they win the battle the first sign of relationship with the Holy Spirit is you don't buy into Devils lies and you don't make deals with him because you know you're anointed to conquer him you don't make your issue become your identity you don't that you don't make the things you struggle become who you are you don't let what you're battling with define who you are now you don't call sickness your own you don't cause sin your own you don't call it diction your own you don't call this your own my cancer my fear my depression my problem no no no no that that's not yours it belongs to the devil what's yours is healing what's yours is freedom what's yours is blessing what's yours is the Holy Ghost that's yours that's mine somebody say man when the Holy Spirit laughed soul I want you to see something else happen is that Saul was making deals with the enemy Saul was coming to lie with with terms of the enemy under the anointing of the Holy Spirit Saul did not make a covenant with the enemy without the anointing he agreed to the terms of Goliath when Goliath came to fight I want you to see that the enemy before he defeats you he always wants to disarm you before he defeats he seeks to disarm he wanted to disarm the nation of Israel and how he does that by his deals he disarms us with his deals he always has a deal to present and that deal never benefits you and I always benefits him devil is not an idiot he doesn't present deals the benefit as he presents you is dependent fit him Goliath comes in he doesn't present a deal to benefit the nation of Israel he presents a deal that benefits him and he offers this deal he says I want to present an offer I fight against the strongest men of Israel and if we win if I win you guys become our slaves if you win I become your slave now at first we read that we like well the God came in through David and everything in the Bible in the Old Testament never once God allowed the nation of Israel to take this kind of approach to warfare he wanted the whole nation to fight not some big super soldier God is not Marvel or DC he doesn't produce Batman Superman and man and every other man God he built an army not a super soldier and God always calls the church a body not a bellybutton were you the center of the universe and the devil was the first thing that ever we'll always wants to do is to isolate you from the rest of the body and to make you fight him on your own you make you have problems with the church you make your problems with the Christian anything he can do so that he can pull you one-on-one with him but you're part of the body you're not as some kind of all this and all that we are part of the body and so devil can't fight me as a finger he flies the whole body if he comes against me he comes against ear he comes against us somebody give God some praise right now you're not alone that's why I believe isolation is demonic isolation is that devil puts isolation in people's minds but you know the other problem that I had with Goliath tactic is this is he said to the nation of Israel that if I win this one battle the war is over now I am NOT an expert in military but you don't win one battle and thus win win a war a war consists of battles you fall seven times and get up to eight and you still win you can have a bad day and still have a great life you can lose the first quarter in football and still win the game but the devil comes and says this if you lost one battle you're over you lost your first marriage that's it it's over for you you lost your first child or you lost your first business or you lost this many years in your life it's over listen as long as there is breath inside of you it's not over if you lost the battle you did not lose the war if you lost your purity nothing is lost yet you can get up and run after God the devil is the liar stop agreeing with the devil attack the devil cast out the devil resist the devil stand up against the devil but don't make deals with the devil somebody say Amen when the Holy Ghost comes upon your life you stop making deals with the devil you stop making treaties with the devil because you have a treaty and you have a deal and you have a covenant with the Holy Ghost no other covenants are allowed in this covenant with the Holy Ghost come off somebody that's why you tell the devil I disagree with you yes this cancer is in my body but it's not my cancer it's your cancer this apply this is in my Jones but it's your arthritis not mine I know I fight this problem inside of me it's not my problem it's your problem and I attack this problem I come against this problem I resist this problem I stand against this problem I declare war closed somebody never will come to you and say make peace you should double me and you they no peace there's only war I have peace with God and I have a conflict with you I don't want peace with you you're my enemy you're a liar I want a peace with God not at peace with the enemy did somebody say Amen you know I remember praying for one person who has sexual attraction attraction for the opposite for the same sex and he said I battled with this for so long and after a while the devil lied to me and he told me that is Who I am pretty much every person who lives in homosexuality or or lesbianism comes to that agreement first they fight it and then they agree with it and the culture now has made it popular and they said that if even what I'm just saying right now is this becomes hate let me tell you if you're with the Holy Spirit what you fighting is now who you are what you're struggling and what you tempted by is now who you are there is a devil and he lies to people and he tells them that that's who you are and I'm not going to be afraid to mention this just because our culture went crazy and my culture I love our culture I pray for our culture but I'm not getting clues for my life from culture because they protect dolphins in Florida and kill babies culture is not what it's supposed to be we stand and we follow Christ and then though we love our cities don't get me wrong we pray for a government and everything but taking clues from our coaches the last thing and you have to take loose from your culture if you don't have a Holy Ghost to submit to and for us as Christians and my goal is not to to pull down and anybody who's maybe today you you stopped fighting and you got so tired and you've accepted your sexual orientation is that is who you are you're gay or you're lesbian my call is not to pull you down I just want to tell you one thing I want you to get on a face before God and I want you to meet the Holy Spirit because only he will give you the power even if you start resisting the homosexual tendencies you can't beat them on your own there is only one person who can help is the Holy Spirit but I also have a message for each one of us were battling sickness don't make it your sickness the door the dog that is an adopted child you're not a sick person trying to get healthy you're a healthy person fighting sickness come on somebody you're not a weak person trying to get strong you're the some person fighting weakness as Christians you're not a poor person trying to get blessed you're the blessed person fighting poverty never make your issue never make your poverty your sickness or your senior identity you're identified with Jesus with him you died with him you rose again and you are seated in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ come on somebody therefore when I have intimacy with Holy Spirit I stop identifying myself with my past with my pain with my sin or with struggle she even I just said mine I repeat this in Jesus name it's not mine it's not yours what's ours is Jesus what's ours is eternal life what's ours is the Holy Spirit what's ours is our name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life we identify ourselves with Jesus Christ and if you do that give God a phrase right now hallelujah number two having intimacy with the Holy Spirit you will become courageous instead of being a coward I want you to see what happened with King Saul when the Holy Spirit with the Holy Spirit boldness was released into Saul without the anointing Saul was balanced cautious played safe now I do not want to want you to misunderstand me I'm not trying to say that being cautious and overthinking things is bad but if your whole life is outlined by playing it safe being cautious and being balanced you're not being led by the Holy Spirit I'm not saying you don't have the Holy Spirit I'm not saying you're not saved but there is one thing about the Holy Spirit that I want you to know he makes you a risk taker in fact it says about the disciples of Jesus the Pharisees when they saw the boldness of Peter and John they perceived that they were uneducated and untrained man they marveled and they realized they've been with Jesus you can be with Jesus and maybe not have a degree but one thing Jesus makes you he doesn't always make you super educated it makes you super bold a righteous is a bold as a lion a righteous are risk-takers righteous they walk on water righteous they look at the Red Sea and everybody says we're gonna die a righteous says I see a highway called holiness and we will get through this there is something about intimacy with the Holy Spirit that releases boldness some of us we've been to balanced to calculate it to cautious to letting our mind lead every decision those of you who took a sacrifice last son that you were bold because that's not what balanced people do balanced people they save bold people sacrifice for those of you who took a stand and you came to to the front and you gave your life to Jesus that wasn't calculated and cautious you didn't think another word through God called and you ran and you let God take care of the details later if you fall in love you never balanced you're out of balance all the people in love are crazy and then they stop loving each other and become balanced love messes you up when you're in love you don't think about your money you don't think about the distance you don't think about your sleep you literally head-over-heels you're running like crazy and see there's something about intimacy with God that has to produce a certain level of risk-taking inside of you when our church started it didn't start because it made sense she started because there was a vision there was boldness when our building was bought first time we bought this building we had no money we had no bank account and we and were not licensed by the state but we wanted to buy the building see that wasn't normal that didn't make sense but it was pulled everything from Holy Spirit is pulled and there was a miracle that was involved in that because God always responds to baldness with miracles and I want to challenge you right now that if you stop seeing miracles perhaps you started to play safe perhaps you're offering is playing safe perhaps you stopped praying safe prayers but happens you start living your life on the safety net you only got one life don't live it safe Liberty the faith is soul Jesus died a brutal death not so you will live a safe life so will you will live upon that life a fulfilled life a victorious life earth-shaking life Malkin mukha moving life so you will live a life that moves card to vote somebody when we started to services it wasn't safe it was pulled we were scared but we did it anyway when we started the internship first internship I was like who will come to Oulu Pascal it wasn't calculated or cautious it was a bold move when we started two inches I remember a few people that we have our intern you begged them to come we're like we'll pay you just come cuz we got internship we don't know who's gonna come and stay here for nine months we send up for the houses their interests are staying for two years that was bold do you think I didn't have thoughts of what if nobody shows up and we end up with five thousand dollars a month for two houses but you have to take the steps of faith if you want to see God move I'm not talking about recklessness I'm not talking about foolishness I'm talking about when you're with the Holy Spirit he pushes you off the boat he pushes you off the boat God said to Joshua I am with you and after that just be courageous that means whatever I'm gonna ask you to do will require some courage it's not gonna be easy it will not always make sense fear come on every side and that's why fear not it says 365 times once a day you gotta be courageous and fearless every single day to see the power of God move to see the power of God move and Saul was courageous I want you to see this Saul didn't get a prophetic word soul did not have a confirmation so did not have a dream you know what he had a Holy Ghost was bubbling inside fear of God comes upon people he takes his oxen and he didn't just nicely put them aside and says gentlemen could you please take care of my oxen you come here you come here you come here you take this piece this piece this piece and you send it oh and tell if they don't come with the next few days everybody did everybody gonna die I think now we're talking that's all it goes right there because that's not soul soul is all as a coward that's that is whole it goes right there but when the Holy Spirit left us all I want you to read this so never started a battle again never won battle Saul started every battle either his son started David started or the enemy started and soul spend the rest of his life reacting to the enemy instead of responding to God he lost his edge he was no longer creating he was no longer starting anything he will be plateau that he maintained all the church growth gurus will tell you church is always plateau when they stop taking risks when they stop creating that's why we're starting a third service and Easter because both of these services are pretty much mostly they're full do you think the third service doesn't give me a headache yes it does but also not seeing breakthrough is a bigger headache we want to see God meet us miracles are given to both people and palmas is given to those who seek the Holy Spirit and we are a poll church we are a courageous church we are a fear Church come off somebody hallelujah and if you're afraid if you scare take next take next three days too fast and say God kill my fear after three days trust me if you can concur latte and tacos you can conquer anything if you can conquer Pepsi and enchiladas listen no devil in hell can come against you can conquer anything fear will die and courage will rise up come on somebody amen I want you to see number four not only intimacy with the Holy Spirit makes me attack instead of adopt not only the intimacy of the Holy Spirit it makes me be courageous but intimacy with the Holy Spirit will make you serve people instead of fearing people that's number three I'm sorry serve people instead of fearing people when Holy Spirit came upon soul fear of God came upon people when Holy Spirit left the soul fear of people came upon soul when we seek the police people we will always disobey God but when we obey God we will serve people pleasing people and serving people are not the same Jesus came to die for people but he didn't live pleasing them one time revival broke out it was City and people say stay here and Jesus left one time he said something it offended most of his staff they all pack their bags and left and Jesus didn't go saying hey there's an update to that I did not mean that please guys I hope you understand I didn't actually mean for you to eat my flesh that were like vampire stuff like we don't do that you didn't misunderstand me I Jesus look to the rest of his guys and he says if you guys want us it's kind of the train is leaving they came to make him a king and Jesus escaped Pharisees came as a perform miracles for us jesus knew the soldiers beat him and say who prophesy who prophesy who beat you he's hanging on a cross and people make this final deal and say if you come down from the cross we will know that you the Son of God he look straight at them I said nothing because Jesus did not come to play to the tune of people he came to play to the tune of the heart of God in fact he didn't even die on the cross because of people he died on a cross because of his father in the garden he didn't say Lord I can't wait to die for these horrible humans on the garden he said lord I don't want to die but not my will but your will be done everyone who goes to love people serve people and minister to people does it out of this because they found a place in an encounter with God where God's love was revealed and they say God to make that make your heart feel better because I know you're hurting for people God I will do anything for you and then we go into ministry and the ministry switches from God do people see Saul Sam Saul's problem wasn't the devil souls problem was that when the presence of God lifted his life the fear of people gripped his heart and he did all of his mistakes if you read it very carefully because people people people people in fact most of the time people were running from him and he was holding on to them he was at he was attached to people because when you're not attached to God you will always be attached to people you will care what your crazy friends think whose lives is falling apart and who don't even care about you and you will live for their approval you will live for their applause you will do things not to offend them not knowing they don't even care about you because they talk behind your back but when you are attached to the Holy Spirit you not mean to people you don't tell people I don't care about you and everything that I know you're actually there to love them you don't need them and their approval for you to be happy your happiness doesn't come from them it comes from God your compliments is like a gum you chew it it tastes good and you spit it out but what Holy Spirit says about you is your daily bread you eat it you chew it and you swallow it come on silver hallelujah when they say Hosanna you don't get drunk and when they say crucify you don't die because you live for God but you love people we need to love people more and we can only do that if we first and foremost get connected to the Holy Spirit a lot of that comes people I mean people all the time who says the church people hurt me I said they killed Jesus he still loves people as you know I'll never go to church and have a servant ministry I got burned out and I know the secret of why you got burned out you serve people they will do crazy stuff and tell you do crazy stuff I do crazy stuff all of us the only thing that keeps me in ministry will keep you in ministry will keep you serving people it's not that you found a good bunch of people for those of you who come to our church that this is the best church you don't know us yet if you think you found that special human species that don't exist anywhere else in the world you still infatuated with us after six months I want to hear what you have to say because your opinion will change and you know what makes us stay here it's not that everybody here is perfect no we're being perfected we will hear because of the Holy Spirit we're here because of God and we know that people make mistakes and we love other people but we don't exist because of people we exist because of God we live for him and we love them can somebody say Amen that's your neighbors say I might not be as nice as you think [Music] Lord Jesus freedom just just broke off for this room if people are the reason why you love them your love will diminish if God is the reason why you love people your life will grow if you love people it's because you're pleased you're trying to please God if you're pleasing people it's because you're insecure and their opinion is really what your life is depended by in fact you don't love them you're using those people to build your self-esteem you don't care about those people you only care about your wounded ego and you will quickly find out the moment you start pleasing people they will imprison you to the prison of their opinions you'll never please them and you'll never be free from them the best way to be free from people is to please God and then you will love them you will enjoy them and if they mess up you like well you know what the day you messed up I might make a mistake tomorrow I forgive you let's move forward let's force this relationship but I will continue to love you why because it's not you I started with it's him because somebody say Amen number four you will fight when you walk with Holy Spirit you will fight alongside of the authority instead of always being frustrated with the authority when the Holy Spirit came upon Saul he went to war with Samuel without the Holy Spirit him and Samuel had constant frictions you can't walk in the anointing and fight Authority if you're fighting Authority always it's because you're not walking in the Holy Spirit I'm not saying you don't have the Holy Spirit I'm not saying you're not saved but if there's a constant war with you maybe you've been abused maybe you've been neglected maybe authority figures have really caused you a lot of harm your healing is in God your healing is in the love of God your healing is in the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit but Holy Spirit will do this in you he will create within you a humble heart toward the authority he wants to kill pride and he wants to kill rebellion inside of us if you notice that when Pastor speaks or maybe a spouse speaks or maybe your parents speak and you got this like bubbly thing inside who is resisting always finding something wrong who is like looking to undermine always correcting always rebelling if you're finding that there is a piece of the devil living inside of you it's called rebellion rebellion not pornography and not smoking weed is what God devil out of heaven some of us think devil did not commit adultery devil did not commit murder he only had a pride and a pride led to rebellion he couldn't stand God's Authority I am NOT saying to be blindly submissive to everything that authority does I'm not encouraging abuse but if there is a rebellion constantly inside of a heart that has to be squashed and the Holy Spirit helps us to honor the authority what if the authority is not very unreal honor worthy what if what they do is not worthy of honor then you honor them still not because they're honorable but because you are honoring as a person I always tell my wife I don't love you because you're lovable I love it because I'm loving now my wife is very lovable she's easy to love she knows that but that is not why I love her the real reason why I love her why because there are marriages where the woman is easy to love and the man never loves her it's not to do with the woman it has to do the guy's a jerk there's there's marriages where the husband is a good man and the wife always undermines him it's not because he doesn't have nothing going for him it's because the wife has a little Jezebel inside of her and you have to understand is if you don't honor the authority it doesn't say a lot about the authority as much as it says about you and your attitude it's just a lot more about you than about them and therefore we have to watch and not use an excuse but if the authority is making a mistake it gives me a right to disrespect them I have to honor the way I see in America today the way they talk about the president you know you may not agree with everything I did not agree with the Barack Obama and many things but I never said things that many people say about this president no fear of God whatsoever and then they pay for that in their own children because their children treat them no better than they way the truth the authority God said God put people positions the president teachers police officers we are people that we have to respect the way I see some people talk to police officer when they pull them over I said holy God have mercy like when the police officer pulls me over my knees shake I'm under the power of God I start to almost speak in tongues I don't care harren pulled my camera and say I want to see how you talk to me how dare you talk to me like that a little I started in the presence of God and I see no respect for policemen no respect for teachers no respect for parents and then those people walk around spoiled brats constantly rejecting the authority that is a sign like my dear Christians that is a sign we're not walking with the Holy Spirit I'm gonna tell you a it is we've got to honor the Holy Spirit by honoring the authority if they don't agree that's not our job to change it unless you can but I chop it's the first to honor to pray and to do our job no one got shrunk two of his sons one son was making fun of it the others too son says you know what that had a better day let God deal with him let's cover him right now and in the New Testament God looks at the drunk guy Authority who made a mistake and says he's a righteous man and the guy who had a reason to dishonor is that because he made a mistake God calls him as a in a shameful cursed name when Moses Merida in this European woman and while Merritt Moses get up and says everybody don't marry women from other races because they're all serving idols only married Jewish girls and then Moses goes on a tender to come and finds himself a European chick brings her back and Aaron stands there in Sisson if European girl says Moses you know hypocrite how dare you do that and Miriam said the same thing who you think you're the only one why are you doing that you're such a hypocrite and everything and God came down and God did not rebuke Moses he gave Miriam a leprosy and says how dare you talk about him like that please hypocrite that's my problem not yours God says knock it off children if your parents are demanding and they're putting a curfew for you to be at 9:30 and you were without repelling and saying well my church has a party everybody from the youth goes to ample pieces so I don't need to be home at 9:30 my parents are controlling me can I can I can I can I tell you how to break free from parental control get a job get an apartment buy your own food do your own laundry and after your credit card is maxed out because you can't pay for everything you will realize what their control was was just simple it love come on somebody amen I see kids are getting out and parents are standing up we're having a revival friends be to God hallelujah amen we have to learn to honor Authority I was a youth pastor and my parents there were times they were putting curfew on me and I was the youth pastor and my dad was very clear he says a church your youth pastor and here you're a son and you're gonna do what I say that's all that's all you have to do and same thing with on loading our pastors I'm not saying that we blindly agree when they ask us to do something that is that is unholy and unjust but cleaning your room and coming home at 9:00 is not unscriptural okay it's their preference and you have to honor you wanna walk deeper with the Holy Spirit under the authority you want to lose the intimacy with the Holy Spirit be a rebellious sheep but remember many times you begin to reap that in your own life and you do not want to reap the kill every trace of rebellion inside of you because that is a devil somebody say man I think parents love me for this huh amen amen amen we should do an offering right after this number five you will have mercy on your foes instead of attacking your friends when Holy Spirit was with Saul he spared his enemies when the holy spirit left Saul he sought to kill his friends only the Holy Spirit helps you not to react to people but to pause and respond to God when Holy Spirit when Saul was chosen to be a king some people started a website and started to pull all the reasons why soul is not fit to be a king others started an Instagram account and an Facebook group of wise soul shouldn't be a king there were haters Perowne there were people who were against them so when saul scored his first victory people came to Samuel and they started to whisper and say hey we have those names we have those IP addresses we know where they live why don't we clean them up I mean like you know teach him a lesson we'd go beat him up and Saul heard that I want you to see they're not even asking for Saul they're asking for Samuel to give the permission and Saul hears that he interrupts the whole thing he says no no no no no he said come on guys leave them alone don't block them don't go hurt them don't leave them alone let them let him do what they do relax that they're just just saying stuff they probably mama probably didn't raise them well or they didn't eat maybe that day or something just something the natural reason to that leave them alone I want you to see how kind saw was to people who hated him forward this when the holy spirit lived his life left it lifted from him David would give his life to help Saul and he sought to kill him how could a man who forgave his enemies go to kill his friends see when the holy spirit leaves your life you become suspicious and you begin to hurt people who are trying to help you thinking they're hurting you when the Holy Spirit leaves your life you only you become defensive of your reputation you become defensive you begin to stop oh this person is saying this about me that person you're trying to put out the fires when the Holy Spirit is in you you create fires Erik I want you to come here I did this boot once with you and I'm gonna do it again with you can a publican I have with you as well so you know open this up open this up you know how this goes so just I heard about the fire the or the smoke that happened yesterday so I was looking for an illustration to give you a just a sense of blessing this is what happens where this is you hold this this is your heart and a lot of times you're not aware of what you have because water is see-through and so and this is what happened on allows people to come into your life and to do this now when they do that your natural reaction is why did you hit me and your natural reaction is this is that the reason why the water came out is because well it came out because well if I pushed it so people without the Holy Spirit they blame the person who bumped into them it's my brother it's my sister it's my mom it's my dad it's my boss and so they always blame everybody's fault except mine Adam blame Eve you blame the devil you're always blaming the person who bumps into you but watch this if you allow the Holy Spirit if you take your issues and after this was somebody bumped into you and you say Lord you know what that was not right - Vlad did that but Lord you know why that water came out because it was always there because see he's not rejoicing because I'm hitting his hand but you know nothing is coming out because nothing is there if the anger came out because somebody bumped into you that means anger was there and you did not know about it the Holy Spirit allowed somebody to bump into you so that you can see what needs to be dealt with but without the Holy Spirit you're attacking people who bump into you instead of cleaning up the stuff you got inside of you that the people who bump into you expose so after you realize you know I'm not gonna attack the lad I got some anger issues so then you take this anger and you put it before the Lord it's the Lord please forgive me I'll repent Jesus all the anger all of it come on all of it yes amen and next time somebody does something there's only a sound no splash people without the Holy Spirit they always blame people who bump into them people with the Holy Spirit so you know what that's not fair what they did but the fact that I reacted like that means something is not there in me Lord please change me even if it's 1% changed me even if my spouse is 99% faulty Lord changed me Lord I take care take care of my heart change my attitude change my words I am an impatient I know my wife takes very long time to get ready but Lord I am an impatient man changed me I know that this my kids are just trying me crazy and half of the time I'm not sure if they're possessed or not but Lord makes me more patient Holy Spirit people always allow the Holy Spirit to change them not always blame others are you with me let's give a round of applause for a wonderful young man you don't need to change we're finishing and lastly number six you will be mission minded instead of ambition driven when Holy Spirit came upon Saul he wanted to save this city when holy spirit left salt he wanted to save his title Holy Spirit is upon him he's saving a city Holy Spirit leaves him he's holding on to his throne people without Holy Spirit are always ambitious and driven easily offended entitled everybody owes them everything they always seek their rank their position their title and protect their reputation but people who are filled with Holy Spirit they heal the sick they cast out Devils they speak God's Word to other people they bring others into salvation they disciple others and they let people say whatever they want to say why because those people released an EP album that says let them say what they want to say if you're doing something for God people will always talk don't ever stop doing what you're doing to answer them back sheep never bark at dogs when dogs bark sheep mind their business they keep eating the grass keep reducing the wall and saying you know what that's not my job if you start barking back maybe you're not a sheep mind your business the more church grows the more gossip will be in the church and neglected I am reject it nobody except nobody there's nobody that the more church grows the more drama will be in church the more church grows the more crazy people will be in church the more church grows the more stuff will happen and we cannot be distracted by the drama by the gossip and by the naysayers by the haters and by people who are hurt to lose focus of our mission and our assignment on this earth the more church grows and the more miracles happen the more other churches will talk about us there will be people who will be creating sermon series it's already happening against our church to talk about and dissect our sermons and our services to say how wrong we are there will be people having conferences and the whole focus is not going to be how to reach the world but how to destroy hungry jet stuff like that will happen but we have to understand one thing we're about saving the Lost saving the cities and impacted the world we're not here to protect our reputation we don't care about that people sometimes say well you were connected with Chiba Josh or people who saying you had some holy water I said come on it's not holy water it was anointed water I was like don't call it holy water it was anointed we're different than Catholics and I said people say all kinds of things about you and I was spawned back and I said did you think we cared I said why you guys why that didn't bother you I said when our church started to wonderful churches here throw us out they called us with everything that you could think of when we swallowed that after that we decided one thing we're not living to prove people wrong we're living to fulfill God at the end we will stand before God not before a church and we want to hear not from a Pentecostal Union but from Jesus Christ well done faithful servant [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I said in fact did you know why we prayed with that water I said we know it's gonna be for a short season but did you know how many lives were saved you know how many people are alive physically today because we prayed for that I said and how many did you save in that period of time what did you do well are you running around looking always for your tail what people think about you and I said listen we leave that out let people decide that history books judge but we have to fulfill our assignment Holy Spirit makes you mission minded not ambition driven he makes you mission minded not protecting your reputation I just want to challenge some of you right now honestly stop listening to what people talk about you get busy fulfilling your calling stop listening to your ex and them and them listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and fulfill your assignment on this earth heal the sick cast out Devils bleach the gospel make disciples raise the dead cleanse the lepers and shake the kingdom of God for the body of God baba hallelujah hallelujah everybody let's right now [Music] come on everybody from the back to the front open up your lips right now if you're filled with the Holy Ghost begin to pray the Holy Spirit begin to see revive me Holy Spirit begin to say Holy Spirit gave me a new ball this all this minute I ask you that I break every covenant with the devil I made every covenant I made with my disease every covenant I made with my sin is being broken right now Holy Spirit give me love for people I don't like all this spirit give me a good relationship with the party Holy Spirit I ask you right now that you will help me to stay focused on my mission not to be distracted with other stuff come on every voice lifted and every person from the back to the front eyes closed mouth all press into the Holy Spirit right now for the next two minutes pressed into the Holy Spirit allow his fire to touch you allow his flame to touch you right now hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] consume me with your paw [Music] so be whoa No No [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] rather [Music] Oh you yes you were [Music] inside Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we get to surrender to the holy spirit be you to invite him to your life if you lost the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit he's ready he's here you he's right there beside you he's closer than anyone can be to you right now they'd just be here to talk to him don't pray to him but just begin to talk to him so Holy Spirit I missed you I missed intimacy with you thank you for always being with me thank you for never leaving me never forsaken me even when I do things are wrong even when I do sinful things all this spirit you don't leave me you right there with me and Lord forgive me for abandoning my relationship with you my intimacy with you I pray that from this day on maybe you will walk head in hand me and you will walk together we will have a solid relationship we will have communication we will have fellowship in Jesus my today's and Holy Spirit I surrender to you Holy Spirit I need you without you God I'm nothing and I don't want to live without you Oh Holy Spirit give me more of you and take more of me all this spirit come into my spirit Holy Spirit resurrection is laid to me guide me o Spirit of God I want to be with you in Jesus name in Jesus mighty name never have come time or we're gonna begin to partake in this communion so if we have that in front of you those of you that don't have it in front of it was gonna be in the back of you we're gonna begin to I do this in the remembrance Jesus and this last humpr said he took up with a cup and took up the bread and he said do this in remembrance of me so the communion elements should be in the front of you or behind you and right now we're gonna begin to ask that what Jesus Christ is did on the cross we're gonna come and remember that begin to thank him for the power in the cross of Jesus Christ begin to thank you for the blood that was shed for our sins for that new covenant that was made between us and the Father so we're gonna right now you can begin to peel it and begin to partake it and begin to thank God for the cross and for everything that he's done for our lives in Jesus in Jesus mighty name [Music] yes Lord we play right now in the name of Jesus that your precious blood will begin to cleanse us from all our sin we pray that the precious blood will cleanse us from all unrighteousness the precious blood will cleanse us from that works in Jesus mighty name as will receive this wafer as we receive this juice Lord as they symbolize your death on the cross and what you did on the Calvary for us got your body and your blood your blood that is shed for our remission of sins and your body that was beaten for our healing will receive that right now in Jesus mighty name let's receive that right now and as you do so I want you to open up your heart for faith open up your heart that nothing is impossible to God that he's gonna meet you right now at the point of your need in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name when you can put those cups down after you finish taking them right now we want to take a moment and as the church we want to come against spirit of cancer tumors cysts arthritis especially growth or anything that has to do with cancerous cells cancer in the callin cancer in the bone cancer in the skin leukemia cancer in the brain on our communion Sunday's we come against that this will be an atmosphere of healing from cancer when people walk in this will be a cancer free zone there will be a healing of God and we're battling we know people in this room who have someone you have friends or relatives who have this who have this illness right now and so while we praying for them we're praying against this together in Jesus name there are people watching us in the hospitals people watching us from different countries and so church I ask you right now to stretch your hands with me and I want you to right now begin to ask God to stretch his hand to do wonders in Jesus name against the spirit of cancer the way disciples praise the Lord stretch your head to do miracles in the name of your Jesus son we pray right now God come on every hand raise every voice lifted pray like you would pray for your family member begin to see God stretch your head let the power of God against healing of cancer let the anointing for healing of cancer be released right now release today but it is this year explosive explosive explosive of healings against cancer Jesus by today in a mighty name of Jesus father stretch your hand Lord we cry out we ask you God stretch your hand against cancer in Jesus mighty name Lord abugidas child being defeated in our city in our generation in our families communities in Jesus mighty name we curse these cancer in Jesus name Christ never had Friday's recursively cysts every tumor Jesus positive we come against your spirit of death behind cancer have a Comanche loose you're brave you try to about Milton with the power cell in our body Jesus name afraid Jesus name I want you right now to place your hand on your body we're gonna begin to pray forever you have that sickness it may be in your bones maybe in your skin maybe in your eyes and maybe in your ears and maybe meeting your joints or whatever maybe just place your hand right now on your body we're gonna pray that God's gonna begin to touch us at the point of any whatever sickness it may be has been paid for on the cross of Jesus Christ and right now in faith begin to see that part of the body being restored those cells are realigning themselves those bones coming together that skin begin to be restored in Jesus mighty name father we pray father right now for every single person in this place whatever that's sickness Mme Lord may be blindness many deaf this Lord may be pain in the joints Lord may be skin cancer may be for cancer may be a liver problem it may be heart disease in the name of Jesus we speak to that bone which speak to those cells which speak to the eyes speak to those the ears Lord we speak to those for ourselves and we get to real life begin to come to life Jesus mighty name father we pray for a backyard we prayed for the burn headaches we pray for that against further blindness against deafness and anemia Jesus go and Jesus ready to use sickness you are illegal in our body you are defeated at the cross of Jesus Christ in the name of Jesus Christ I curse every arthritis right now I curse that a try this in Jesus name in that choice and she's Aslam I speak be healed of that tumor be healed of that cyst be healed of that growth in Jesus mighty name I speak for those ears to be open right now for that problem in the stomach to this severe right now in the name of Jesus for your back to be realign the right now hates Jesus by today whatever the pain is we commend it to go we commend it to leave we speak the light of God to come into that part where there is illness right now in the name of Jesus I want you to say my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit it's not for sickness and it's not for disease I renounce every lie that this sickness is some God I'll renounce every lie that this sickness is gonna how I'll be live in Jesus name I will not die I will live and declare the work of God I'm a child of God Holy Spirit I ask you right now that you will move mightily this will bring your healing and your total restoration to those who are ill in Jesus mighty name receive your healing right now receive the touch of Jesus may your body begin to relax may you begin to experience God's heat God's fire or a sense of knowing the Holy Spirit is touching you that that pain is gone you will no longer have that illness and no longer have that pain in Jesus mighty name we thank you Lord we thank you Father thank you Jesus if we had bowed and every eye closed I want to give an opportunity for people in this room to give their life to Jesus right now who perhaps have not given their life to Jesus maybe you're coming from a background of Christian or Catholic but you're not are you supposed to be with the Lord or maybe you've never given your life to the Lord and you're visiting us today for the first time or maybe you've been coming for a few times the purpose of this church is that you encounter Jesus that you will fall in love with Jesus that you get forgiven by his blood and that your name is written in Lamb's Book of Life as my friend Ricardo shared already his friend died at a young age there's another funeral that's happening tonight of a young man who was driving from work and got hit by a truck and and he died your life is not guaranteed statistics says 10 out of 10 times most likely you're going to die that means you're gonna die you and I are gonna die and we're gonna face God and if you're not were you supposed to be with the Lord God is giving you that chance today now is the time today is the day if you need to get right with God if you're not really supposed to be whether you're watching us on livestream while you're in this room I'm gonna give you that opportunity and the count of three I'm gonna ask you to raise your hand and this is gonna be you signifying saying I need Jesus I need to be forgiven I need to be washed by the blood I need to recommend to God one two three let's raise that hand high you're saying I need to give my life to the Lord thank you thank you thank you and I'm gonna ask you for a bold step those of you who raised your hand are those of you who wanted to oh you knew you know you need to or maybe you brought a friend that know you know they need to get saved I'm gonna ask you to quickly come out right now from your seat and just come and meet me right here quickly quickly young man over there young man from the back a friend with you and you know they're not right with God this is a moment to ask him say hey is he talking to you if the answer is yes you come with them friends don't let friends go to hell come on come on I'm gonna wait for just a second if you need to get right with the Lord you quickly come quickly come those of you watching us alive so you could do the same Church I'm gonna lead them in a prayer right now I've asked you Jesus to come into the heart could we pray the prayer together with them so I want you guys to pray the prayer with me right now mean it from the bottom of your heart say this with me say Lord Jesus I am a sinner please forgive me of all my sin and wash me with your precious blood I surrender all that I am to you fill me a Holy Spirit and deliver me in Jesus name Amen thank you for watching this content I know this was a blessing to you we would like to ask you to subscribe to our Channel and click on the Bell on our channel so that each time we upload something you can be notified don't forget to share this content with your friends and family and on social media we're so thankful to you better is not good enough the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 32,461
Rating: 4.946043 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances, benefits of relationship, with the holy spirit, encounter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 48sec (4188 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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