The Fire of God - The Cure To Lukewarmness!

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i want to share with you today about the fire of  god the fire of god if you have your bible let's   go together with me to book of acts and chapter  28 book of acts chapter 28 and verse 1 2 and 3.   book of acts um i love it i see so many physical  bibles flipping that is that that is revolutionary   right there if you got a physical bible could  you wave your physical bible that's like   come on somebody that's that's what's up that's  your weapon come on that's right and for those of   you who uh you you have a phone you just came with  the phone wave your phone don't be ashamed it's   okay it's okay there's room at the cross for you  as well god loves you too amen so open your phone   u version bible app and by the way i actually  have i think 16 universe and bible reading plans   and so yeah i have a a lot of reading plans there  so if you're on new version bible app check him   out a little side distraction advertisement acts  chapter 28 verse 1. now when they had escaped   they then found out that the island was called  malta and the natives showed us unusual kindness   for they kindled a fire and made us all  welcome because of the rain that was falling   and because of the cold verse 3 and when paul had  gathered a bundle of sticks laid them on the fire   a viper came out because of the heat and fastened  on his hand verse five i'm gonna skip verse four   verse five but he shook off the creature into  the fire and suffered no harm and verse eight   now it happened that the father of publius lay  sick of a fever and that word that i can pronounce   right now paul went into him and prayed and  laid his hands it's what the viper attacked   in verse five laid his hands on him and healed  him verse 9 is where the revival breaks out   and when this was done the rest of those on the  island who had diseases also came and were healed   lord we honor you we praise you spirit of god we  depend 100 on you not on my eloquence not on my   ability not on my strength and not even on my  voice i ask you that you will do what only you   can do in jesus name and everybody said amen the  bible the background of the story is that paul is   a prisoner and paul is on the way to rome to see  like a supreme court this this case been tossed   from one county to another from one country to  another from one governor to another and paul got   so fed up being a roman citizen he says i need to  appeal to caesar at that time to appeal to caesar   is like going to a supreme court they bind paul up  and they put him on the ship and he is a prisoner   on the ship the scripture says that paul through  his intuition and probably knowing whether reports   he tells the main guy in charge of the ship we  shouldn't travel at this time because we will hit   a storm and it's going to end up really bad  the captain the guy in charge of the ship was   like paul you're a prisoner your opinion does not  matter you don't know what you're talking about i   went to school for this i know what i'm doing shut  up so they did what the what the guy wanted to do   and as paul predicted as paul warned they hid  in hit a storm for 14 days things were so dark   they had to unload everything they thought  they're gonna die and finally they started   to come to the end of that storm and the bible  says the ship was wrecked destroyed and they made   to the shore by swimming unbroken pieces of  the ship but they finally made it to the shore   when they've arrived at the shore i want you  to notice that the natives somebody say natives   they welcomed them and they prepared fire for them   and when they gathered around that fire paul  then went and started gathering sticks as   he brought the sticks on the fire a viper came  out bit him but before we get to do to do that   i like i'm a preacher who preaches with points  okay so let me just start from the beginning   point number one if you take your notes and  if you're not taking notes take it take notes   just put it on instagram stories so that your  mom will see that you were paying attention paul could not build fire  until he overcame excuses   you can keep you can build fire to that  extent that you are able to overcome excuses   write this down you can build fire to that  extent that you are able to overcome excuses   life on fire for god is not a personality trait  it's not a gift of the holy spirit it's not a   calling of few elites life on fire for god  is simply being able to overcome excuses every person that lives on fire for god today is  simply an excused overcomer paul could not build   fire until he overcame three excuses excuse number  one it was raining not a good time to build fire   who builds fire in the rain the rain will kill  that fire number two i just been through the storm   i don't have time to build fire i need to rebuild  the ship excuse number two excuse number three   where was god in all this why did  he allow me to go through the storm   and experience a shipwreck i'm disappointed  i quit and i'm gonna blow my brains off the storm the rain and the shipwreck are  all three excuses that were powerful enough   to stop him from building fire every time god will  call you to build fire satan will send the rain   satan will send the storm and  you will encounter a shipwreck   a shipwreck is something that's supposed  to carry you from point a to point b   parents getting divorced job you're getting  fired things with school don't work out   things in a relationship don't work out things  in church so much political drama hits the church   that you just honestly like in a grind and you're  like i am tired of this and i'm giving up and   it zapped your fire and on top of that it starts  raining when you begin to notice you have fleshly   desires and you can't conquer you keep slipping  into porn you keep struggling with masturbation   you keep struggling with that sin you keep falling  into smoking you keep falling into alcohol and you   repented you confessed that he told all the  brothers the church already excommunicated   you brought you back and you're still living  in the cycle and you're looking at your life   and you're like you know what this weekend i will  zone out why because i've been at places like this   i got on fire before it doesn't last   because i got rain in my life i'm lazy i  lose battle with the blankets every morning so i can't pray all the time  i lose battle with focus so i   can't read the bible all the  time it's raining in my life then there's a storm i'm going to tell you one  thing the devil will always have an excuse you   will always have an excuse of why you're not  burning for god maybe it's because god failed you   your expectations were not met maybe somebody you  prayed for died maybe somebody close to you you   got prophetic words they're gonna live they're  gonna recover from that cancer next thing that   happens is they passed away and you're like where  is god in all of this what about the prophetic   words what about the prophecies what about my  faith what happened and your ship got wrecked   maybe you're a young person you just finished  high school and there's the pressure from your   mom and your dad to build a career so you're busy  you're saying i can't afford to build fire because   i need to build a ship i need to build my life i  need to build my business i don't have time to go   to church i don't have time to spend quality  time with the holy spirit i don't have time   to give of my finances i i cannot afford to  give all my time why i'm busy building a ship i want to encourage you tonight build  fire first and ship second your career   will be reduced to a dash in the graveyard no  matter how great it's gonna be god wants you   to build an altar build your relationship  with god what what i mean by building fire   if you remember a time when you love jesus  more than today you are currently a backslider   it's loving jesus more today than you loved him  yesterday it's having your best spiritual year   this year not three years ago having your god  moments this year not when you were 15 having that   hunger that are that captivating towards god  that radical even reckless wild pursuit where   nothing matters you can spend all night where  you can fast until people start taking to the   hospital and saying something is wrong with  you having that kind of life with god now   not five years ago having that dream i wish  to have that kind of relationship with god   having that this year must have a lot you just  don't understand i do understand you got excuses   i do understand i understand paul understood  i understand when god is calling you into a   prolonged fast and you got events like god i can  do it there's birthday parties there is this when   god calls you and says i want you to give your  car away like god but i don't like to take a bus   to work i understand that when god says instead  of friday night watching movies i want you to   lock yourself and pull them all night you're like  god are you crazy god say you want to be crazy   for me i'm inviting you to build fire i want to  challenge a young generation to build fire can you   give me a little bit more juice on the microphone  i want to invite a young generation to build fire   careers can wait i'm not against careers hear  me out i'm not against businesses hear me out   i'm not against pursuing a calling hear me  out what i'm saying is that god wants you   to be like apostle paul if you've been through  the storm if you've been through the shipwreck   if you've been through the rain if you're  going through something very challenging   even if you are failing and falling starting and  falling starting and falling still build fire   i break every spirit of laziness out of this room  right now every lie of the enemy that says that   you need to tap out you need to zone out that  this is not for you you've tried before you've   committed before you repented before you're like  a yo-yo up and down up and down so you're not   gonna try anymore the devil is a liar we're gonna  build fire come on touch your neighbor and say   we're gonna build fire somebody on youtube  drop that in the chat right now build fire   that means we're going to  build a relationship with god i find it very interesting in the old  testament when it talks about abraham   it says abraham built an altar and pitched a  tent pitched a tent speaks of something temporary   building speaks of something permanent most of us  we build houses because they're permanent and we   pitch tents because they're temporary abraham was  loaded he was very rich he had a lot of employees   around 400 people were in his little army here  like a little militia abraham was the guy yet   never built a house always pitched a tent the  only thing permanent in his life was an altar he lived longer twice longer than most of us will  live here he never built a house he pitched a tent   and built an altar it's time to come back  to live with eternity in mind i'm not i'm   not saying not to build a house i'm not saying  not to go to school not saying that what i am   encouraging you with today is that god wants  you to make things permanent that are eternal   and makes thing temporary that are earthly  everything else can wait build fire don't be   in a hurry to rebuild the ship be in a rush to  build your altar be in a rush not just to finish   your college but to finish your bible reading plan  to spend time with god to spend time fasting to   spend time in yielding yourself to god spend time  getting to know god why because everything on this   earth will come to an end sooner or later if it's  not going to be pandemic that will wipe things out   it will be something else that will wipe  this out but something will wipe it out   but there is one thing that will remain and  that jesus says mary has chosen that one thing   it will never ever be taken away from her touch  your neighbor against it you gotta build fire verse number two i want you  to see in verse number two   natives showed us unusual kindness they kindle  somebody say kindled i want you to notice that   these people they started the fire but paul had  to get the sticks to keep it going write this down   point number two conferences start fires choices  keep them write this down youth camps start fires   but it's your prayer your reading your  fasting and your purity that keeps it burning   the natives started a fire but paul  knew the fire they started will not last   so paul got busy gathering sticks he went around  looking for sticks knew that i have to participate conferences youth camps prayer meetings all these  are very important and it's very important that   you came here i do not want to downplay the  importance of a spark the importance of a   god moment the importance of a god encounter  that already has happened for some of you for   some of you it's going to happen right after i  finish preaching it's happening as i'm speaking   for some of you it will happen tomorrow for some  of you it will happen when you're going to leave   every one of us can point to a place  and time where something has sparked   someone shared a testimony we've encountered  somebody who walked with god and there was this   fire that got lit up inside disciples walked  with jesus and the bible says was not our heart   burning when he talked to us something was  going on inside something was responding   something was agreeing something was getting  kindled something was being sparked inside of us   conferences they spark it's like natives they  kindle the fire but see the problem with many   of us is when we go home that fire seems to  kind of die out and i'm not here to blame you   i'm not here to make you feel guilty for that what  i'm just here is to remind you that it's normal   conference has never meant  to keep your fire burning   god told the priest he says every day i want you  to put wood on that fire every day i want you to   keep it up there are a few sticks i want to tell  you something about it's the same sticks your mama   told you about it's the same sticks your pastor  talks every sunday about it's the same stakes you   already taught your children in the kids ministry  it's very simple few sticks it's really your bible   so much of our generation lives on  god told me instead of it is written and a lot of our sermons they sound more like  pinterest wall pins than actual scriptures   god helps those who help themselves if you  believe it you will achieve it whatever you   think that's what's going to happen and we back  it up with the scripture when you don't have   a stick of the scripture in your daily diet  my friend your spiritual life will stagnant   you will make it through the wilderness  i don't care how many doves come upon you   nobody makes it through the wilderness who  doesn't have the word of god inside of them   israel complained in the wilderness jesus  confessed god's word in the wilderness because   it was inside of him everything that was inside  of them was nothing else i want to challenge you   even if it's boring even if you don't feel  motivated even if you don't feel excited   whatever god sparks today make a decision one  chapter two chapters three chapters whatever   it is but i'm gonna get that dry steak the  more dry it is the more my fire needs it   my god the more dry it is the more my fire needs  it stop being a soulish person who always needs to   be entertained always needs to get a feeling you  always need to get a buzz you're not an alcoholic   you're not a drug addict you're a believer you  need the food and the food is the word of god   you need the food and the food is the word of god  come on touch your neighbor so you need god's word so many of us are high on feelings   and that's why we look man but this is  boring see the dry sticks burn the best the sun is boring too it's every day  the same but it keeps the world hot it's the same the bible is all the sun  is old it's still hot god's word is hot   if you turn off your instagram notification  and ask the holy spirit to join you in the room   and grab a highlighter you will be  surprised how interesting the bible is come on somebody i didn't come to tickle  your ears today i'm going to tell you one   thing i'm leaving tomorrow so you can  you can like me or hate me that's up   to you but i'm going to tell you the truth  if you want the fire to keep burning you   got to put on the dry stick of god's  word the stick number two is prayer you have to carve time to pray you're either   going to live in a secret place or in  secret sin but you can't live in both what are you gonna live you're struggling with  secret sin i give you one recipe replace you   with secret place replace you with secret place  god wants to talk to you begin to talk to god   make a time every single day where you talk to  god make a place where you talk to god i'm not   talking about when you're driving through that red  red light and the police officers behind you and   you start speaking in tongues i'm not talking  about when somebody made some meal and you're   not sure you're looking at that food and that  food is looking at you funny and you're like god   protect and heal anything deadly and poisonous in  this i'm not talking about that i'm not talking   about when you like this particular person and  you're praying and wishing and sending positive   vibes to heaven so that this person will sit next  to you i'm not talking about that kind of prayer i'm talking about a quality time with god i'm  talking about setting a place and setting a time   where you have a meeting with the king of kings  one of the best things i heard was from john   bouvier is that any minute after 10 p.m that you  spend with anybody is the minute you're taken away   from the holy spirit next morning it changed  my life as a teenager and after that i made   a decision i want to go to sleep early so i can  wake up early and spend time with god maybe maybe   you're a night owl instead of a morning person  whatever you are spend time with god but don't be   that person who say i love to spend time with god  in the evening but then you're watching through   so much tv and then you really just before you  go to sleep say holy spirit i'll do it tomorrow   and you keep giving him tomorrow and tomorrow  and tomorrow and tomorrow the stick of prayer   can keep the fire burning people who pray are  people who don't stray people who pray are   people who make decision it's not because they  always feel motivated people who are consistent   in their prayer time it's not because they're  special they're simply better at beating excuses that's all it is it's about humility and  it's about recognizing you can't do it   alone you can make a decision right now so  yes yes i actually need to improve in my   prayer life but i'm going to tell you one  thing your willpower is not strong enough   if you ask if you say holy spirit  help me i need you to need you i need you to want you guide me draw me and  i will come no one can come to him unless   the father draws him when you make a decision to  spend time with the holy spirit every day please   understand your decision is good discipline  is good but there's something that is most   important anything is this conscious dependence  i can do it without you holy spirit help me   and then the flesh will kick in in the morning or  it's during lunch or whenever you spend time with   god and give you all other reasons why you should  not do that overcome your rain overcome your storm   overcome your shipwreck and still add that stick  on fire you say vlad but i'm going through a dry   season in my prayer i'm not feeling anything in  my prayer and therefore i stopped have you ever   thought that prayer has never been about you it's  been about god have you ever thought that maybe   god did not invite you to pray so that you can  feel his presence maybe god wants to feel yours   has it ever came upon you that it says in  zephaniah 3 verse 17 the lord your god is   in your midst the mighty one will save he  will rejoice over you with gladness he will   sing over you he will quiet you with with his love  and he will rejoice over you with singing do you   know that god finds pleasure in you do you know  that god delights in your presence he treasures   your company you know when god asks you to pray  it's not because he needs to hear another prayer   list he's not against that it's because for god so  loved the world that he gave his only begotten son   god wanted you he did not need you he has angels  you cost god everything and if he didn't pay it   out of pity he didn't pay it out of feeling sorry  for you he paid it because he actually loved you   so your presence brings him to light your presence  brings them joy your presence brings him happiness   so stop thinking that it's about  you oh i didn't feel god for 30 days   first of all god is not something you feel he's  not a drug god is a person god is someone you know   god is someone you know it's not someone you  feel give him the pleasure of your presence   by showing up and forget about your feelings  and fix your eyes and say lord i'm here for you   not for me not to ease my consciousness  not so that i can walk around with square   shoulders that i prayed i'm here because you  love me so much you would rather have your   son die than to have heaven without me so god i  come to give you joy by spending time with you   and as you give him the pleasure of your company  he rewards you with the pleasure of his presence   somebody said the stick of prayer the stick of  the bible the third one is the stick of fasting   fasting not a pretty word not a fun thing to do   fasting decreases your physical weight  it increases your spiritual weight   fasting it switches your world  view from temporary to spiritual   fasting it doesn't move god fasting is not  a hunger strike it's not a diet it's not   for the purpose of losing weight and then i'll  just add a pool chair in the top called prayer   that's not fasting that's a diet fasting is when  you deliberately make a decision to forgo food   for the purpose of seeking the face of god as  you are doing that something happens you are   also training your flesh that your flesh  does not get to do what the flesh wants   it's like a training for a flesh  and then when temptation comes in   you can now control your flesh because fasting is  preparation for temptation many people they only   prepare during temptation it's too late it's like  a boxer who eats pizza every day for six months   and gets into a boxing ring and says where are  the free weights give me some of the free weights   everybody will look at him funny and say this guy  is crazy because that's not what you're supposed   to be preparing you're supposed to been preparing  for the last six months when you don't live a   fasted life as a young person please understand  you are giving your flesh a chance to be spoon fed   it will deceive you trick you manipulate you  corner you and beat you up during temptation   and you blame it on the devil but in reality  you're simply just little bit too gluttony the devil is not to be blamed if the flesh has  been well nourished the flesh i don't mean our   physical body i'm talking about the nature that  wants to do bad things but by disciplining our   physical body we also crippled the the grip  of that evil bad mindset and nature to have   it over our life i want to challenge you  if you've never fasted to begin to fast   one day a week three days a month one time do  seven days sometime do 21 days do something   where you are led by the lord but at the same  time where you are actually drawing close to god   you will see your spiritual life will change some  of you you will be physically healthier than you   are today if you will learn how to fast religions  that fast people in those religions live longer   my own dog i have a dog his instagram famous and  so he when he gets sick he fasts for three days   actually fast he doesn't want to eat and we  know when he doesn't want to eat it's because   he got food poison for three days nature has  taught animals to forego food for three days   and something comes out and then he begins to be  fine after three days always happens like that   there's doctors and scientists who now do  experiments do 21-day fast on people who   are not believers and they're able to shut down  and slow down cancer cells and other diseases   and we as christians it saddens me because when i  type on youtube fasting first 10 videos is fitness   experts talking about fasting not preachers  we got to reclaim fasting back in the church   if we want to keep on burning my friend if  you want to last in your fire you gotta fast   that your neighbors say you  gotta fast if you wanna last   are you with me can you handle a little bit more   i want you to notice that the moment fire was  being built and i can talk about more sticks   but right now that's enough that these three are  hard enough what i should do so i won't give you   more so you're not you and i are not accountable  to do them prayer fasting and bible reading i   want you to notice the moment fire was built kept  things got really warm and cozy but as every story   it always takes a bad turn the scripture says this  precious wonderful fire made somebody very unhappy   a viper came out and i want you to notice the  bible says in verse 5. excuse me in verse 3   it says a viper came out and it gives  us the reason why because of the heat the moment you begin to commit to a life of  building fire i'm going to tell you one thing   there will be things about  your life that will be exposed as a pastor i have to warn you i wish i would say  that you're just going to go and change the world   first what's going to happen  is vipers will come out a viper didn't enter paul he just wanted to  derail his destiny and it came out of the fire   and it fastened on his hand fast  and indicated it didn't want to go   it grabbed on leeched attached itself it grabbed  onto his hand and said i'm not going anywhere   many times young people begin  to experience that in their life   when they're beginning to pursue god everything  seems to be good and then hell breaks loose like a centurion who like a leader of the  synagogue who comes to jesus said jesus come   and heal my daughter and jesus is going to heal  his daughter and then things actually don't become   better they become worse like mary and martha  who were the friends of jesus invited jesus   to heal their brother and jesus came so late  that the brother died and they have to have a   burial a viper can come out it's when some  kind of an issue just begins to come out of   nowhere and starts to attack you sometimes i mean  people who start getting nightmares start getting   attacks of the enemy some who start getting this  overwhelming lust temptations and they're like   i thought this was done with um what  am i doing wrong why am i under attack   why do i get these accidents  why did i get laid off for work   why is my family now on the brink of divorce  why am i being under such an attack i thought   that if god helps me to build fire he will just  take my life to this wonderful amazing close end   why is he allowing fires please understand why  is he allowing vipers please understand my friend   the fire did not bring the viper fire  simply exposed it viper was always there he just felt comfortable some of you  you have vipers in your life the problem   is they're extremely comfortable you don't  even know it god sees it devil knows it and   it's until you increase the heat that they can  stand and the devil will throw his last punch   not because you're doing something wrong  but because you're doing something right not because you're doing something  wrong but because of the heat   the enemy begins to stir trouble you're like man  i don't want to i don't want to start any trouble   for those of you peacemakers man i just want  peace lad i want no war i want no warfare i want   no attacks that's why i stay very at distance  with god because i just know you get too close   to god the enemy starts attacking my friend  please understand do not be afraid of vipers   don't be afraid of things that held on to  you and seems like they're not letting you go   because i'm going to share a secret with you today   the same fire that exposed the viper  was the same fire that killed it the problem happens everybody gets vipers not  everybody has a fire pit to throw them into what we love to do is come on sunday morning  and bring our viper into our pastures fire pastor i got this problem  that is fast into my hand   could you help me to shake it off and then the  deacons and the pastors and everybody prays   and they get to shake it off the problem is you  have no own fire where that thing has to go to   so that thing keeps coming back and keeps  coming back and i want to encourage you   today never to be afraid of a viper be afraid  of having no fire to throw that thing into   never allow the enemy to deceive you and tell  you that just because you're under attack   you're doing something wrong life is like  football game if you catch the ball the   other team will start attacking you they  did not attack you until you got the ball   that's exactly how life is that's exactly how  walking with christ is the moment you get a   calling from god the moment you get an encounter  with god the moment you start to experience god   the moment you start doing what he called you to  do the moment you start cutting out bad friends   and start pursuing god in purity if i'm not  saying expect vipers but if they come out   i want you to be bold and know this one  thing that sucker has been there before   and it's the fire that made him uncomfortable  and it's the fire that made the enemy go   crazy right now and causing all that trouble  and that's why you have to keep on burning   snakes viper scorpions whatever it is you  have to keep on praying you have to keep   on fasting you have to keep on giving you have  to keep on reading the bible why because your   life of dedication to god is the fire pit where  that thing will go back to where it came from are you with me i remember when at the young age  at the age of 14 my pastor started the church i   was 13 years of age and we were put together  as teenagers to pray for the baptism of the   holy spirit and you know i didn't receive the  baptism of the holy spirit from the first prayer   partially i thought i deserved it more than  everybody else and everybody got it except me and god humbled me really well and for next  six months instead of because i didn't get   it i started to press into prayer i didn't  know theologically properly that you just   receive it you don't have to necessarily beg  god for it but you know sometimes a little   bit lack of knowledge helps you a long way to  develop passion for god lack of wisdom or a lot   of passion i started to fast every wednesday  lock myself in a baseball field in high school   freshman year hug those baseball these metal  poles and cry out to god for 35 minutes that's how   long my lunch was and then after afterwards i  would come home even on that wednesday and i   would cry out to god for more and more and more  and i started to press into god six months later   i finally spoke in tongues at two o'clock  at the balcony of my parents duplex   and i felt like the lord was holding the speaking  in tongues as long as he could so that i could   draw closer to him i felt later on god was saying  i really enjoyed your pursuit so much i wanted to   keep the tongues from you for your life because if  this is what's going to get you in pursuit after   me i want to keep you running after me i stopped i  continued to pray the same way as though i didn't   have tongues now i got tongues but within about  six months after that i fell into pornography i   got exposed to pornography by a neighbor who asked  us to babies who whose house said his cats and uh   as we were there with me and my cousin looking  over and we were just honestly six or seven months   in america i was so curious how americans lived i  was just curious what they had in the refrigerator   what they had in their basement what they had in  their closet don't judge a real slavic boy okay   so we just went and just looked at everything and  this guy was a hidden as they come he had about   150 porn videos in his closet and porn videos they  had pornography cover i knew his pornography but   this little demon voice told me in my head just  double check maybe it's a katherine kuhlman film i'm not gonna lie to you that's exactly or a  billy graham and that's exactly the thought that   was going through my head poor devil you know  that blended that and one tape after another   and next thing i know is i'm hooked and there is  a part of me that feels like a hypocrite there's a   part of me that feels dirty nasty horrible i have  repented right the way i say god i'll never do it   again unfortunately that wasn't the last time  it's almost like this viper fastened its hand   it's it's it's claws to my hand and i started to  bleed out emotionally spiritually i would run to   my pastor every time i fell into pornography and  sometimes it happened like on sunday at 11 o'clock   poor pastor was already sleeping with his  wife i went to his room i said to his wife   please go to another room for a second i need to  talk to him and the pastor look at me he's like   did somebody die i said yeah me and i'm shaking  scaring because my pastor is my uncle so not only   that i am terrified of my uncle okay i am 14 and  a half years of age and i'm embarrassed to admit   him that i am this spiritual guy and at the same  time i am this horny guy this lustful guy this   guy that's perverted this guy that has something  stuck to his eyes and that they wouldn't let it go   and i would have passed to pray for me i would  confess it and i would fall again i would fall   again i would fall again to the point what i  understand it felt like this snake this viper   will become my sixth finger it's just gonna be  part of who i am well every guy struggles i just   can't beat this i remember getting these thoughts  why pray why read the bible you're a sinner why   continue to fast you're still gonna fall stop  building fire because you got a snake on your tail   and see what the devil was trying to do he knew  his time was expiring he knew there is still   one more week one more month and that snake  is gonna snap and that snake is gonna burn   but the fire that i had to persevere and stand  and build while struggling with sin that fire is   gonna consume my life i wish i would tell you it  happened in one month i wish i would tell you it   was one prayer by my pastor i've done everything  in the book but then there came that point but   honestly i made a decision i am going to run  after god and i'm gonna fight for holiness and   god's gonna give me that holiness and god set me  free but that that that snake went into my flame   god delivered me and i am a testimony today that  maybe you are trapped in some kind of a secret   cycle maybe you feel like something fast maybe  depression or an anxiety and nobody can understand   maybe you feel like something attached itself  maybe chronic insecurity you feel worthless   and you feel like the world will be a better  place with you not in it whatever it is i have   a news for you keep on burning i'm not condoning  sin i'm not condoning unrighteousness but what i'm   saying when you've repented when you've done  everything you can don't listen to the devil   to tell you now leave the church now leave prayer  now leave that because what the devil wants to do   he wants to suck your blood he wants you  to train emotionally spiritually and die   the more you're burning the harder it is for him  the more you're burning the difficult it is for   him and that's why he's sending those messages and  he says pull me out of fire no you put him into it i told one time one person who had demons  and i said keep bringing them to church   and they'll leave imagine a woman with 18 years a spirit of  infirmity can you imagine what the demon   had to put up with for 18 years every sabbath 18  years the demon had to hear scriptures that's a   torture see it's one thing when demons torment  you it's another thing when you torture them say build fire even if you're under  attack keep on burning come on shut   the underneath keep on burning come on shirt  to your other neighbor say keep on burning   and i'm going to finish with this and we're  going to pray the bible says the last verse   that i've read the last portion of this verses  that i've read in verse 8 paul lays his hands point i lost track of my points i think it's  it's point number four yeah point number four yes   satan only attacks the areas god plans to use which part of paul's body did a snake attack which part did god use to bring  revival in the island the hand the devil binds those god plans to use i'm not in any way saying that you need  to be confirmed of god's calling by going   finding yourself an addiction right  now he's like let me go find myself   something to be hooked on so that i could be  reminded that god wants to use me no no no   what i'm saying is that the enemy will  launch his assault on people god marked   for his purpose the reason why he attacks you in  verse 3 is because sometimes he could foresee the   devil cannot understand the future but he could  smell it he's been long enough to know two plus   two is four and he could foresee paul is on  this island and he is going to create damage   paul is on this island and he is dangerous  paul is on this island and if we don't stop him   he will do something and the enemy attacks  his hands and the bible says paul shakes   it off into the fire and then in few  verses later paul begins to lay hands   on the sick i gave a word i want to give a word  to somebody in this room god is going to use you   the enemy has lied to you and said because of  where you've been because of what you've done   because of what you came out of because of what  you struggled because of what you repented of   that means that your future is crossed off i  want to tell you something god is only starting   god is only starting god has a plan  and god has a purpose for your life   god has an assignment for i know the  thoughts that i think of you says the lord   thoughts of hope and a future to give you life  to give you blessing and to use you in jesus name   and the last thing i want to share with you that's  point number five i outdid today myself instead of   three five points continue to minister even when  you're miserable i want you to notice about paul   never once in this story does it  say they removed paul's chains it does not say here that paul became  freed after the snake fell off of his hands   paul still remained a prisoner and he accomplished  his purpose while being a prisoner paul   accomplished his mission while being a little  bit miserable paul fulfilled his calling   while being restricted i want to encourage each  and every one of you don't feel like god has to   make you a ceo for you to have influence over  your employer to tell him about christ don't   feel like you need to make more money than your  neighbor to have the leverage to talk about christ   don't feel like you need to be free physically  so you can free somebody spiritually we see this   throughout the bible where god used people even  when they suffered even when they struggled it   kind of upsets me when i see young people today  20 years of age 19 years of age who quit ministry   who quit serving who quit showing up to be an  usher and they use this phrase i am burned out from what what burned you out big mac or  french fries you don't have a job you're not paying for mortgage you don't  understand it's it's a it's just you know anxiety   i'm not undermining real physical anxiety   but a lot of what young people  are struggling with is boredom what burns out a lot of young  people is boredom begin to serve   even if you have chains begin to serve  even if you are struggling begin to   love other people begin to help in your local  church use your platform to impact the world don't wait until you feel better do better for  the glory of god i want you to rise to your feet
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 21,242
Rating: 4.9587379 out of 5
Keywords: fire of god, the fire of god, fire, prayers for the fire of god, god, invoking the glory of god, god fire, the, on fire for god, presence of god, the fire that consumes, things that kill fire for god, the spirit of god, there is power in the name of jesus, 4 things that kill fire for god, how to be of fire for god, healing power of god, the glory of god, presence of the holy spirit, power of god miracles, god of war, fire of gods love, of, fire from the gods
Id: qGyqorWEPNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 36sec (2856 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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