Marks of Spirit Filled Life | Pastor Vlad

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[Music] very happy to be here this is a very dear place to my heart my wife is from here and I'm really excited for the conference that is going to happen in just two weeks amen last year I released the book called break free I didn't bring it with me this time I'll just bring it with me to the conference and stuff so we'll make him available there and whatever you can do make your plans to be at this conference I believe that it will shape stretch and something special even if you come here every single service and you may say well I know the speakers I watch them on YouTube and this the place I know the worship team and everything whether something happens when you show up at the place where there's an expectation well there's a prayer that's being offered God moves in unusual ways amen and plus many of you who are single and ready to mingle you know God can move in that way as well hey hey amen amen amen touch your neighbor say it could be your churn your mom was telling you she cannot miss the church for the reason amen I am from I am from the part of Washington where it does not rain I'm from the part of Washington where there's very little liberals and very little traffic you may say that exists yes it's called desert but the Lord is moving in our area and slowly but surely touching people's lives and supernaturally bringing people from from other places to move to tri-cities because of because of the church and so I'm really really excited to be alive and in this time and in this season of our generation I want to speak with you this evening about six marks of being filled with the Holy Spirit or a mark of a spirit filled life we're Pentecostal hashtag resume at cars maniacs here most of us or get accused of being charismatic nobody really defines those terms for us now and a lot of times for us as people who are tongue speaking love the Holy Spirit I love the shaking and the baking love all of the good stuff people falling slain in the Holy Spirit you know we love the Holy Spirit we loved the manifestation a lot of times people equal spirit filled life to how loud someone can speak in tongues and though I believe we all should speak in tongues very loud because the quiet church is a dead church silent silence dominates cemeteries noise dominates hospitals where babies are born amen and for those of you who maybe are saying oh just you don't understand I'm more of a reserved I watch your Instagram stories how you watch football and when the grandma is in front of you in the highway your reservation goes outside of the window and the only place you reserved is in the church the devil is a liar we got to shake that off come on stir bother it's not about volume but there has to be life there has to be life but spirit-filled life is more than speaking in tongues spirit-filled I'm not talking to a spirit-filled prayer spirit-filled life is more even than us associating ourselves to a Pentecostal church spirit-filled life is more than falling when the preacher pushes you and instead touches as he pushes you as most of the time right now it's pushing not touching and spiritual life is way more than that and I want to speak today about that because I believe what's lacking in our generation today is spirit filled believers what's gonna change this world is spirit-filled people what's going to be the solution to the dilemma in our generation is going to be spirit-filled people knowledge filled people are not going to change the world the Greece filled people are not going to change the world some of you have more degrees than a thermometer but that's not going to change your world and degrees are important knowledge is very important college is very important having a bachelor's and master's and every other degree you can get is extremely important but when Jesus was about to send unqualified uneducated people to the most dangerous parts of the world he did not say go to a seminary I keep mispronouncing Cemetery in seminary sometimes do the same sometimes not in all places I am again not this thing on importance of schooling another but jesus said to wait for the Holy Spirit and without having a lot of degrees without having a lot of connections without having political connections without having great fundraising abilities without having a building without having eloquence of speech without having all the administrational abilities this 120 people who just few days ago denounced Jesus and rent from him not only they shook Jerusalem they shook the most powerful Empire on this world the Roman Empire until the gospel of Jesus Christ filled so much every city that their critics were saying you are filling our cities with the doctrine of Jesus Christ what did that Holy Spirit in the life of those people Christianity today has developed a new Trinity it's called God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Scriptures the Holy Spirit has been pushed aside and instead of that the Holy Scriptures had became God the Holy Scriptures are very important it's the foundation of our faith but I wrote a book last year and I can tell you one thing an author is always bigger than the book the Holy Spirit is the most important person on this earth today and he doesn't just want us to know him as the doctrine he doesn't want us to know him as just a third person of the Trinity he wants us to be filled with him and not just to be filled with him when we received the gift of speaking in tongues but walk our life Christian being filled with the holy spirit regularly it consistently until makes an impact and the world around us it changes us from who we are to someone who is filled with the Spirit of the Living God amen I understand I'm preaching to the choir understand most of you this is not new information and and if you are here today to receive new information let me disappoint you right away it's not the new information that you need we just need a fresh revelation of the same information our head is swollen with the Sun is not new every day's the same Sun but it's still hot and we needed every single day and I pray to the dear Holy Spirit that he will begin to quicken our hearts today for the things that we already know that they go from our head to our heart and that we live those things instead of accumulate them just in our mind the story I will take as a foundation for this message is the story of King Saul I want to just create pretty much a checkmark today for myself and for you as six checks or six questions that I would like to ask you and I would like the Holy Spirit to examine your heart that you check yourself that I checked myself whether I am full walking in the fullness of the Spirit of God if you have a Bible or if you have odd phone open your Bible to First Samuel chapter 11 verse 6 and verse 7 or open your YouVersion Bible app to First Samuel chapter 11 verse 6 and verse 7 then the Spirit of God came upon Saul when he heard this news and his anger was greatly aroused and he took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces and sent them throughout all the territory of Israel by the hands of messengers saying whoever does not go out with Saul and Samuel to battle so it shall be done to his oxen and the fear of the Lord fell on the people and they came out with one consent if we skip about five verses down to verse 12 and verse 13 the victory has taken a place then the people said to Samuel who is he who said shall Saul reign over us bring this man that we may put him to death but Saul said not a man shall be put to death this day for the Lord has has accomplished a salvation in Israel this is the chapter that is pretty much the best chapter in Saul's life after this chapter everything goes down for King Saul he loses the anointing he loses the intimacy with the Holy Spirit and he gets some demons and he develops mental disorder he starts killing people who want him and love him and and pretty much he just loses it and then at the end he dies very very tragic death but he didn't start like that how he started is here in this first chapter and I want to examine from his life because all of these six things happen in your life and they happen in mine the story starts like this King Saul gets anointed to be a king he's after the anointing and a Gration was great that probably Israel couldn't pay his salary so he goes back to his daddy's work works with oxen goes into farming he's the king and one of the cities of Israel gets attacked by the enemy and the enemy instead of attacking the city they proposed to make a covenant with the city and say this that if you come out and surrender that we will spare your lies but instead we're gonna take some fingers from your feet and from your hands and that City said you know what we would love to give up our fingers but before we do that let us call Saul and see what Saul has to say about this situation so somebody send a Instagram direct message to King Saul's secretary she forwarded the message to King Saul he hears the message that his people are about to be attacked and King Saul goes bananas he goes crazy the Bible says he gets angry he's not passive he becomes aggressive he becomes brutal he becomes ruthless he becomes not normal days has come up and he looks at the oxen that he's working kills the oxen takes pieces chuff's bloody pieces puts it in UPS USPS and FedEx and ships it to all 12 tribes of Israel and says if you don't show up in three days that's exactly what I'm gonna do to your house and to your oxen three days the clock starts now so as you can imagine everybody scared everybody came together King Saul I think Samuels looking Zack that's my boy right there little crazy but you know I like it I like it it's good the boy is good we made a good decision we got a good king I mean Holy Spirit moves on him a little bit weird kills things but hey it's good at least he's not past him and Sam was like come with you bro let's let's do it the armies get together everybody comes together there's a unity that's happening Samuel doesn't even give him directions prophetic words don't flow his soul just says we're going attack and they're going to that City and they surprised that enemy they destroyed the enemy they put in salvation they come back and there were people who were hating on Saul they didn't like the fact that you know he had no background in being a king he didn't go to university he didn't have this and that so they were like he's not gonna be a good King and so they come to Samuel and start to whispers hey kid we bring the haters and like stone them not like make him go on drugs but like kill him and and so all overhears the conversation and I want you to know this soul interrupts the whole thing he comes and he says whoa whoa whoa whoa that's not gonna happen he says the haters leave him alone they don't like me that's fine relax jeez what what is this what are you gonna go killing everybody who doesn't like you relax people the Saul we see here is not the Saul you meet the rest of the chapters of the Bible I want you to notice the first mark of spirit filled life you fight your enemies instead of agreeing with your enemy write this down in your notes if you're taking notes if you spirit-filled you will attack the enemy instead of agreeing with the enemy you will attack the enemy instead of agreeing with the enemy when your spirit-filled sin is not something that you will justify it's something you will attack in your life when your spirit-filled you will not make covenant with the enemy when Saul was spirit-filled he goes and fights the enemy but I want you let's let's forward to when Saul is not walking with the Holy Spirit I want you to remember the story of David and Goliath yes not yes No if you remember the story say yes okay you watched the movies been two kids owned that whole story should have never happened the reason why that story happen is because Saul was not walking with Holy Spirit who presented the challenge to fight one man against another soul or Goliath why did Saul agree to the terms of Goliath in here the enemy presented a challenge Saul rejected that and said I'm not here to make peace I'm here to destroy you when the anointing leaves his life Goliath sets the rules and Saul follows them Goliath says one man has to fight me and the outcome of one battle determines the outcome of war now it doesn't take a rocket science to figure out this challenge benefits only Goliath nobody else and there's everything wrong with this challenge because God never called one man to fight an enemy he always called an army to fight the enemy and Goliath first seeks to isolate people so he can fight them alone he benefits from that secondly the problem with that is the Goliath says an outcome of one battle determines the everybody who's ever played any games knows one thing you can lose a quarter and win a game anybody who's never been in war knows you can have a bad day on the battlefield and still win a war so here is Goliath lying through his teeth and Saul being an idiot okay you want one man let me find a man see that's exactly what happens when you don't walk in the Holy Spirit what the devil says you agree to it the devil said you born gay yes the devil says you born a liar the devil says that's who you are that's gonna be a part of your life you're addicted to pornography you can't overcome well maybe maybe that is just who you are the devil says it and you agree with it why because when you walk in the Holy Spirit you disagree and you fight with the devil you don't agree with the devil somebody say Amen I am NOT saying if you walk with Holy Spirit you don't have enemies it does not mean you don't have battles it does that mean you don't have struggles it's as simple as something inside of you rises up and says dad it's not who I am I my battle with you right now I my struggle in this right now I might even fall into this right now but that is not who I am I am a child of God I carry God's input inside of me and I will fight this I will overcome this and I will rise above this somebody say Amen are you with me I remember when I was meeting one man earlier in their ministry was my first encounter with somebody who who lived a homosexual lifestyle I invited him to that youth service he was open gay live very very openly as they as the gay man and he came to the service and I preached about something about your issues not your identity from the woman with an issue of blood and then he comes to me afterwards and he says Vlad all my life I believed that I was born gay and that's the way I am I said you know what you're probably right I think you probably were born gay I'm like I was born stupid I'm like I was born sinner she just tells you and me to be born again I'm like you need to be born again because the first time you were born it was now right and he said but honestly he said what change in my life is he says what today in this service is not the fact that God delivered for me whoever my homosexuality he says for the first time I saw that this homosexual tendencies well now if I am a Christian these tendencies are not who I am these are my enemies that I can concur with God but you can't conquer something if you agree with it if you would like Saul and you agree to the terms of your Goliath it's the first sign you're not filled with the Spirit of God because the only thing Holy Spirit agrees with is with this book he doesn't agree with the lies the devil will say you ugly I never would say you got a pimple on your forehead that's it you'll never get married it ever will say you got love or love handles that's it you know what you're fat I never would say you have no calling because nobody asked you to preach and nobody invited you to the primary team listen one thing about the devil if his mouth is moving he's lying and if you agree to him you that's the first sign you're not walking with the Holy Spirit when you walk with Holy Spirit the first sign is this is you don't feel comfortable with goliaths lies if goliath gets up and says something you might say you know what you big you all this and that but there's one thing I know something in me just no I don't agree with that I don't agree with that I know I fallen into that saying already but that is where Who I am that is not how God called me and I will overcome that why because God calls you to fight your enemy and without the Holy Spirit you will live with your enemy and when somebody comes says you know what you know you can overcome that and you will fight them why because you and your enemy have cohabitated that's sin becomes part of you you will justify it with the Holy Spirit you will kill it without the Holy Spirit you will agree to its terms some of you today you're agreeing with your sin you're cohabitating with your sin you made a peace treaty with your sin for only one reason is because you and the Holy Spirit are not close the first thing that's going to happen when you repent to God the first thing that's going to happen is the very thing you agreed with you will break the contract you will break the agreement with that sin you will break the agreement with that enemy and you will say me and you are not on the same page are you with me I want you to notice the second thing is the King Saul not only he fights the enemy when he is with the Holy Spirit and when he is not walking with the Holy Spirit he agrees with the enemy but the second thing that I want you to notice is that you will be courageous when you're with the Holy Spirit and you will be a coward when you're without the Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit bogus was released into soul without the anointing soul was balanced cautious and played safe I want you to hear this again with the Holy Spirit he was reckless and without balance without the Holy Spirit he was balanced cautious and played safe I know that being balanced cautious and playing safe is the wisdom but it's also a sign that you're not filled with the Holy Spirit when was the last time you lost your balance because if you filled with the Holy Spirit balance goes out of the way you become bold Jesus wasn't balanced when he was dying on the cross that's not what boundless people do disciples did when they could crucified upside down it wasn't a balanced life and the Pharisees when they looked at disciples after they healed a man they did not think we know this balance in your life you've so well-rounded cautious you play so safe blameless we can't even charge you with anything when they looked at disciples they said this about them they said we notice you don't have education but there's boldness because you've been with Jesus if you are with the Holy Spirit you came boldness it doesn't mean that you become stupid it doesn't mean that you get up on the lunch table and you start screaming in tongues and then you get kicked out of school I'm not talking about that kind of outside balance I'm not saying that like one of my friends wanted to get his mom saved during the winter and he took a bucket of oil poured on the driver it was a slippery and they frozen his mom fell and broke her neck not talking about that out of balance but I'm talking about when your life is lived not calculated not cautious not I I wanna I wanna be playing safe but when you're in the Spirit of God fills your life there's boldness and courage that's released not caution so many people are living cautious calculate it and play it safe for some of you even who are an intership right now it was a bold move for some of you to begin to step into your calling will require boldness but when you get close to the Holy Spirit boldness will have to be one of the marks that will mark your life you may say but by nature I am NOT very bold person Holy Spirit will change your nature you may say but by nature I am very shy while you're looking at the most shy person in this room by nature I am not very the one who takes the risk like even financially I am Dave Ramsey's disciple the whole idea of giving up my finances for the kingdom of God that is not balanced but I can tell you one thing when you become a disciple of the Spirit of God there is going to be a balance that will mark your life yes let's do this we either clap or we don't cuz I was like golf club yeah so so when somebody starts clapping we all go together just just encourage the brother come on hallelujah amen you know I was the most balanced I felt like I was the most balanced person I was so balanced in the area of healing that I didn't believe in it I remember I listened to so many good alright thank you Jesus I mean well let me correct myself I was so balanced in the area of healing that I didn't pray for healing because I I knew God might not heal and so I wanted to be balanced when it came to finances you know I saved I gave 10% but I also wanted to be very balanced I heard these people who give you know all of them on you away I'm like man that is not balanced that is not that is not calculated that is not caution that is not me that's not even wise because the woman a widow who gave her last might Jesus didn't come and say a woman that that is not wise you need two little mg classes what are you doing although giving all of your money away and when Jesus looked at the rich ruler and he says sell everything that you can and give it to the port that is not balanced what I want to tell you is this it the Savior you follow when you follow him closely one thing in your life that will have to go on the author is cautious playing safe and a balanced life and one thing that is going to be produced is a radical committed fully surrendered life for Jesus Christ with God there is no half-and-half you can sit on the fence and have one leg here and one leg there and I'm not trying to encourage you do something radical I say come to the Holy Spirit let him fill you and the radical will become byproduct giving fasting praying and doing things that you look at yourself I said that is not me that's not my personality that is not how I am wired it's outside of my comfort zone why because the Holy Spirit leads us to being courageous King Saul and the day of his inauguration the guy was so good-looking the Bible says he was taller than anybody else even Samuel says and whom is the desire of all Israel but not you the guy was good-looking and the day of his inauguration he was hiding behind bags the Bible says he hid and the day of his inauguration behind bags because he was so shy but when he hears the news that some of his people are being attacked boldness rises up lack of boldness is a sign that you have the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit just doesn't have you a calculated save life is a sign you're not filled with the Holy Spirit I am NOT saying you're not a Christian I'm not saying you're not a good Christian because when you get filled with the Holy Spirit there's boldness I'm not saying that you will feel bold it's the Holy Spirit makes you courageous he helps you to invite people when you don't feel like inviting people he will give you words for people he will help you to step out of I'll be honest with you I am the first guy to admit speaking in front of people is the scariest thing for me unless less scary right now but before when I was a teenager so on this like last aisle was maybe like 20 or 15 people sitting there I was so shy of people I was skipping a keyboarding class in my ninth year and as a freshman in high school because I was shy and scared of standing in front of group of twenty students to do one minute and thirty second presentation about where we came from and where we were born I was so scared of people I was so shy of the stage first sermon I preached I was 12 years of age five minutes before the sermon it was freezing cold in Ukraine my whole shirt my sweater was drenched in sweat I sweat it all through my pants that's five minutes before the sermon I had that sermon memorized from the back of my head when I got up there I was so hot I forgot everything I was so shy and I was so scared and so when I was challenged to preach I said this is the most uncomfortable for me I'm not meant place like my physical appearance is not most attractive for the state I don't belong there God but you have to understand God doesn't consult your appearance your opinion and your fears when he calls you when he feels you he gives you boldness somebody give God some praise right now somebody give God some praise right now it's time to walk in boldness it's time to walk in courage can somebody say Amen be courageous walking with Holy Spirit makes you bold it makes you look at the sick people and pray for them invite the lost it makes you do what you are not maybe comfortable doing it makes you look at your finances and say you know what I'm never in my life I remember when we did that with our finances and we decided to to give boldly not like you know it's just a little bit but in the way that you can't forget in a way that afterwards you're singing my domine bizarre kind of like stuff you you you sing in Jesus my home is in heaven kind of a thing in the way that kind of messes with you just a little bit when you bold God releases miracles can somebody say man being full with Holy Spirit makes me attack my sin instead of agreeing with my sin it makes me courageous instead of being a coward number three it will make you serve people instead of fearing them it will make his serve people instead of fearing them when the Holy Spirit came upon Saul fear of God came upon people when the Holy Spirit left Saul fear of people came upon Saul let me say that again when the Holy Spirit came upon soul pastor Slavik I was intrigued that Saul became so courageous he started to do radical things and it doesn't say that the fear of Saul came upon people like if a pastor today would do this like he would take his own car in the parking lot and burn his car down and take all the burnt parts and ship it to the main leaders of his church and say if you don't show up to pray and fast for three days I'm gonna do that to your cars I'll be honest with you I will have a feel of that pastor upon me for three days I will either move from a Hoover hook or I would quickly come be the train and you would think when Saul did that it would say the field of Saul came upon people but it doesn't say that it says the fear of God came upon people because see when the radical action I'm fueled by the Holy Spirit people are not going to be afraid of you people become afraid of God not in the negative sense but I want you to see this King Saul was fearless of people when the anointing was there people that she loved him they gathered together this was the only time when the whole Israel got together under his leadership all other times Israel was never together with him when the anointing was there when the Spirit of God was there let's forward two chapters after that when Saul offers unlawful sacrifice and Samuel comes and says what you did was foolish what was Saul's excuse What did he say to Samuel he said people when he didn't kill Amalekites and God told him to do that What did he say people every single time after the anointing left his life he didn't fear the devil he had a fear of people that gripped his life the people he was anointed to serve became the people he lived to please and they ruin his life the people are good when you serve them they will destroy you when you seek to please them without the Holy Spirit you will become a people pleaser you will live your life for their approval and you will die in your life from their rejection you'll be a butt kisser let me just put it 21st century because I see some you're not getting it you will just walk around on eggshells when the Holy Spirit is on you it's not that you're rude I'm not talking about that you mean I'm not I'm not saying you're your jerk you're walking around is being being harsh a dictator some some Dominator I'm not talking about that but when it's done with the Holy Spirit even when you're strong and authority people have a fear of God when there is no Holy Spirit it's all lovey-dovey it's as though you're seeking to love them but behind it is a fear of people fear of losing people what will they think of me I genuinely believe that Jesus did not die on the cross because he loved people in fact when he was talking to Nicodemus he didn't say Nicodemus for I so loved the world that I came to die for it What did he say for God loved the world that he sent me when he was dying when he was in a Garden of Gethsemane you don't see Jesus praying this prayer father get the cup of suffering clothes why can't wait to drink it no he's his father get the cup away from me it's possible why I don't want to drink it I don't want to paint a picture for you that Jesus did not love you that's why he he didn't dine across because he loves you but I want you to think realistically you and I he was just like us and what motivated him to go on the cross it was not love of people it was love for the father I know we say I was on his mind I'm sorry to burst your bubble his father was on his mind why if you ever want to last in ministry people cannot be the motivator because people are like what Matthew Barnett said on this stage he said you want to be a bridge to a dying world you have to be ready to be walked upon people will hurt you people will reject you people will talk about you under appreciate you all the bad stuff that you can think of they'll do and a little bit more on the top and the only way you will live your life loving those people it's because your first sold out to Jesus Christ everybody started a ministry like that but with time we are like King Saul we drift from walking before the Lord and serving the people to walking before people and pleasing the people and realizing it's never enough it will never be enough and when people become the primary motivation of why you do what you do you will never fulfill the call of God on your life and you realize it's a first sign at the Spirit of God it's not filling your life Spirit of God fills your life to serve people not to please them if you live your life pleasing people doing what you want you're a tail not the head Henry Ford said this if I would follow people's advice I wouldn't give them a car I would give them a faster horse people wanted a faster horse I didn't follow people's advice I followed my vision as leaders as home group leaders as ministers in this room as people who are filled with holy spirit I want to challenge you to tell you this do not flow only that fist flows with the current I am NOT saying we should reject people and not serve people but as Christians our first allegiance is to our Savior and to the Holy Spirit and when we are filled with Holy Spirit we will lead our generations further in God actually we will love people more than if we seek to please them in the reality when you seek to please people you don't love people you are insecure and you love yourself and you're using people to build and fix your insecurities you don't care about people you're just using them like a napkin because in reality you don't love with the fact that you have broken and inside and you want to use their opinion to fix that brokenness but only Holy Spirit can fill the brokenness he can fill that brokenness he can fix the brokenness and actually give you genuine unadulterated purely motivated love for those people amen being filled with the Holy Spirit helps me to serve people instead of pleasing them when you serve them you're free not to please them your friends social media what the world thinks of you that fear gets gone when you are filled with Holy Spirit when you are not filled with Holy Spirit you're in prison their opinions everybody is very cool in high school 10 years later most of them are extremely overweight their parents already took their cars away the ones that they were showing off with at school all the brand closed they can't afford now to pay for child support because they have children in different nations from different countries and you quickly find out everyone who was cool in high school is a fool after high school and opinions of people that you were so imprisoned by you matter to be included in that in that little clique and that little Club and today you can't even remember their names I remember when I was in high school I had a minivan this is the one I could afford $300 and my dad got it from some kind of an auction and so I drove it the commonly they call me family man they called me all kinds of names in school [Laughter] you know but the beautiful part was this I know that I knew that I wasn't good looking like I knew that it was it wasn't like a revelation okay was pretty obvious secondly I knew that I wasn't athletic and I didn't have musical abilities so I already lost the game of winning somebody's approval like I would before even the game I already lost I got disqualified so what gave me freedom is this I never had to live with her approval because I knew I'll never get it it made my life so much easier I see them over there flashing it tried to prove and press you know going to a prom and I'm like my Church believes not going to the prom I don't even have to win nobody's approval because I'm not even going to that prom I don't know girls gonna go with me why because first I'm not going there why cause I'm a Christian period it made my life so much easier yes the people have opinions all the time we see opinions are like feet everybody has them and sometimes they think and last time I checked you can't feel your car's gas with someone's opinion go to the gas station after the service and try to use their opinion to put gas in your car if it doesn't help you to fill your car with gas it shouldn't fill your mind with anything their opinion is therapy so years later I graduated you know and because I didn't live my life competing for their attention I didn't wear nice stuff I always wore things from Goodwill or Valley Village Valley Village now got closed down but good would still exist and so I wore simple stuff just just because they never bothered to impress anybody I knew that I want to lose at that game Plus who cares who's popular in high schools there's nothing is gonna matter in life I'm 22 23 and those cool kids who made fun of me who threw papers put him together and threw at my face in the classroom I had one of the properties I was renting out and I stopped one cool kid pulled in and I'm just like Longboat like it's not a boat it's just the old beaten up car I saw make make that it wasn't the coolest he was just broken up car and I see him coming out and no disrespect to people who are pleasantly plump but he was extremely pleasantly plump he comes out and I was like is that look that's you from the big football player he's like and that's and he was about to say he's like are you the manager kind of you own this place no I can't you own the place he knows like you drive that and he looked at my car in the driveway she said that yours one of them we looked at the place we looked at the place I looked at his looked at his application and I said I'm so sorry but I can't take you I'm like you're a mess he's like rose we go back I was like II of course we do you throw papers at me but go back put you in prison right now for harassing me and booing me and so I rejected his application he kept texting me and and everything and then I drove back home and I was like man I'm so happy I didn't fight for people's approval in high school that approval there's more use of toilet paper than their approval in your life but the real reason why you're fishing for their approval is because you're not filled with Holy Spirit when you're filled with holy spirit you don't need their approval you love them you serve them and you feel bad for them I just want to encourage all the young people when you hit 30 the things that you battle with right now they're not gonna matter but the only way you can get through these battles is if you walk in fullness of the Holy Spirit you may say but you don't understand I don't like the way I look I didn't either when you get filled with the Holy Spirit Holy Spirit helps you to look less at that mirror and more at this one come on somebody amen amen number four when you were filled with Holy Spirit you will fight alongside of the authority instead of always being frustrated with the authority when Holy Spirit came upon Saul he went to war with Samuel without the Holy Spirit him and Samuel had constant frictions when the Holy Spirit was upon Saul I want you to see that him and Saul were like partners Samuel excuse me a him and Samuel Samuel was his like his partner in battle Samuel he even said this we've read it is he said that he says if somebody doesn't go with me and Samuel I want you to see that Saul and Samuel were close they had a good relationship Samuel wasn't bossy somehow Samuel was good after the Spirit of God lifts from Saul's life now he has a problem with Samuel Samuel demands too much Samuel is this and that Samuel sends me on some weird mission Samuel told me that I have to wait for him seven days and him and Samuel have frictions to the point that one time he he actually grabs hold of Samuels rope and he rips it from him and Samuel rebukes him and you see the friction between him and authority what I'm about to share might be a little bit painful for some of you I genuinely believe if you're filled with the Holy Spirit there is gonna be honor for authority even if your authority is not honorable when you're not filled with Holy Spirit one of the things that you will have always in your life is problem with authority figures parents pastors teachers ladies men anyone who represents Authority instead of you you get sick about it something is gonna be always wrong with you and authority and you will of course blame it on them you'll say oh it's them their control of manipulative religious there's this and that but in reality could it be that there is an absence of the presence of God in your life the Holy Spirit fills you and one of the things he will do in your life he will give you respect for authority you would say what if my father is not worthy of that respect where did in the Bible this is honor your father and your mother unless they're worthy of it where does in a Bible to say honor your pastors follow your leaders unless you don't like them do you think Jesus felt like twelve years of age when he was God at 12 years of age and I understand it's world use of which most of us think that divinity wakes up in us and we become God but he was actually God at 12 years of age and his mom and dad and came and says Jesus this whole thing that you're talking to the pastors and talking about the saving of the world on could you stop that why we have a business to run and Jesus says I must be about my father's business and that's excuse me did you forget what your business is your business is with me boy you come and Jesus being God it could have looked them says Joseph I know every bone that's structured in your body right now every vessel the only thing I have to do is blink and you're gonna stop breathing Joseph I created you i fashioned you in your mother's womb who do you think you are how do you talk to your God do you know what Jesus is the Bible says he humble himself and it's okay daddy okay we'll go all right all right if God submitted himself to earthly parents who do you think you are that you're rebelling against yours but my parents are unreasonable they put a curve for you on me that doesn't make them witch doctors yeah I was the youth pastor my parents had a curfew on me nine thirty you know how embarrassing it was on youth night telling the youth people we gotta finish up why I gotta be home what my parents told me to be home by 9:30 what kind of a youth pastor are you they said you still live with your parents shame on you I heard people say I said my Bible says to leave your parents when you have someone to cleave it does not say to leave your parents when you turn 18 oh my god did you just say that yeah and most of you this is what's gonna happen you're gonna move it 18 out of your parents house to be independent pretty much to sin another word for that and then when you get married you move back at your parents house why cuz you broke and Bible says it's not good for a man to live with his parents when he's married our generation is twisted we move out at 18 and we move back in when we get married so so if for those that you could think it's popular and cool to follow the culture I want to tell you some of the cultures messed up the scripture is not the same culture who protects tall friends in Florida kills babies even after they were attempted to be murdered and so I don't follow the culture and I looked at even some of the youth to follow they say you know you you knob I really used bastard because you live with your parents I said I follow the Bible and I said I save money and I develop my character and I break my pride and I remember when my parents lifted the banner from him 9:30 to 10:30 what a day it was you may say how dare they did that they just didn't trust me that's it and then came a point where they trusted me to do whatever I wanted I disappeared for three days end up in another state and they caught me they're like hey we have we've noticed your bed has not been occupied for the three days are you still here where are you I said Oh mom I forgot I'm in California I'm just doing one other service this is like a well if you need any money just let us know and we're just praying for you and we bless you and I want to tell you this is that when I moved out of 24 now you can call me whatever you want to call me and your opinion right now does not matter but I can tell you one thing is that when I left my parents house at the age of 24 I left with our blessing being filled with Holy Spirit causes you to honor your parents for me was more important my parents honor then what kids at the youth group thought of me because their opinion doesn't give me long life and it doesn't give me good life my parents blessing does so I miss an opportunities i didn't couldn't hang out with everything i couldn't wear what I wanted to wear cuz one time I remember I was going through the Youth Service and I dressed up and you know like this sweatpants the like the workout pants workout plans yeah I love that was blue like there were exercise big bigger than me and so but I love them because they were so comfortable I feel like t Jakes walking them like they would but big you know what did you take used to wear like big stuff something to know what that is but it's fun so there was just a very big support pants and before I got married I had no idea like how to dress up like I just I I wore whatever was comfortable and so I remember I put this shiny Ukrainian shoes you know those ones you buy in Bazaar in Ukraine and and I I put this sweat pants so pretty much workout pants with the like Sunday's shoes and the shirt and the next Sunday's shirt over it and so it was Thursday night I'm going through the youth service I grabbed my Bible and my dad you know he doesn't understand much about style but he knows one thing you don't go in the gym close to church well at least according to him so he looks at me and he says where you going I said well dad I'm gonna use the bathroom go to church he says not in those pants I said yes in those pants as we looked at my dad like that got into my car and I'm about to drive off and before I Drive off I'm thinking man my dad when is he gonna like renew his mind that God looks at the heart not at the close and I hear the still small voice on the Holy Spirit and he says go change your pants and I said God you said in your word I'm gonna actually quote you right here let me get you sued in case you forgot and I felt the Holy Spirit says I know what I said I also said honor your father and your mother and right now you're not honoring him and I say God you don't understand you know my dad he's religious I don't have to honor him I mean he doesn't know he's talking about plus I'm the man of God on Thursday night that's why I need to live with my parents cuz also my stuff inside of my head and I said Lord I'll do anything I'll go and change my pants but there's one thing that I cannot do you know russian-ukrainian that they have this thing about him that when when you go and change and you agree that you were wrong they don't embrace you like the father did the prodigal son is like come son I know how hard it was hard we come crying my shoulder no they they have this thing was like well that's right that's right uh-huh it's about it's about time you children learned rules in my house yep yep everybody gonna do what I said in this house and I knew exactly this would be a moment from my death to shine and I honestly I I would have gave my whole heart liver and and everything inside of me just not to see my dad have this feeling like he conquered me know what I mean you know and so I secretly prayed to God I said Lord give my dad a diarrhoea let him go to the bathroom I will change I will put on a suit if you want me to Lord but just I don't want to see my dad sit there and give this look uh-huh yeah that's right it's about time you learn how to obey your father in this house so no the Lord did not answer the prayer of his wicked servant my dad did not have a diarrhea he set that on the couch and no my dad did not embrace me like a prodigal son he gave me that that that mean self-righteous judging I cry I can't go kind of a look and I was about to open my mouth and the Lord says like a lamb led to the slaughter keep walking keep walking keep walking don't mess up your miracle right now I changed my pants but honestly that day I've learned something that has nothing to do about clothes it has nothing to do about the religion of your parents there's nothing to do but the rules it has nothing to do but it has to do with one thing there is pride inside of your heart and when parents ask you for something you don't agree and like you have to die that's all I felt the Holy Spirit spoke to me this he says it was never about depends I wanted you to die he says and until this situation happened he says you always do what they say and you agree with them but this situation provoked your ego had nothing to do about the pence it had to do with your ego and they had to do with your spoiled brat pitiful pride and I wanted to squash the like a bug and I couldn't wait until that would be exposed if you're walking with Holy Spirit your authority will have to be honored the authority God gives you if you have a problem with authority right now not only you have to repent but you have to get back to the Holy Spirit because Holy Spirit doesn't rebel against Authority if you walk in authority you have to walk under Authority Amen I want you to write down the next thing being filled with Holy Spirit and we're finishing up with just a few more minutes being filled with the Holy Spirit not only it helps me to walk in a in honor to my authority my pastor my parents but it it will you will have mercy on your foes instead of attacking your friends meaning you will have mercy on your enemies when you walk with Holy Spirit but when you are walking not in the Holy Spirit you start attacking people who actually are for you could be your leaders could be your friends you become suspicious of people I want you to see King Saul so people don't believe in him people undermine him people talk behind his back remember they didn't come to him they came to Samuel he only overheard a conversation they were saying he's not good enough they're undermining and soul comes and interrupts the conversations guys Samuel don't even listen to this let him go give him a little gift what is this they don't believe in me I didn't believe in myself but I want you to watch this when David was committed to Saul he loved so He gave His life to protect Saul and Saul would throw Spears at him spend most of his life chasing David and create a conspiracy that David was out to grab his throne what changed see when you walk and Holy Spirit you respond to God in every situation with people when you don't walk in Holy Spirit you react to every situation I'll demonstrate it to you you guys you guys you're an intern what are you from you're from from this church okay you plum we've seen this problem and Instagram done this illustration I absolutely love embarrassing people on the stage could you could you open this for me please so this this is what happens open it it's not gonna be for me this for you let's turn a little bit a little bit further so that people can see where you hold it so I want you to notice this this is your heart and this is your character God will allow people in your life to come into your life whom you don't like sometimes people that are causing you trouble let's just start with basic ones your siblings who drive you crazy maybe some other people who drive you pretty much crazy and God allows it's called your enemies your force people who don't believe in you maybe people who undermine you and the reason why God allows that is because these people they do this to you they pretty much they what they do they bump it to you and they keep doing this and the crazy part is they don't stop and still and guess what happens well of course you're irritated you would upset you're not happy now if you are like Saul you're like well I'm gonna give you a little bit and you start giving back to them but the reason why the Lord allows the enemies in your life or people who don't like you people who you don't get along with is because God sees that your heart is filled with some issues and these people they expose now what we do without the Holy Spirit is this is we blame the people who bump into us and we say the reason why I am angry is because you make me angry until you were born I was holy with your appearance you brought a demon of anger and you planted inside of me but in reality I want you to put it out if you come to the Holy Spirit and you you put out all of your issues to the Lord and this is what's gonna happen hold it please you ruin my illustration this is what's gonna happen when you get your issues resolved with the Lord the only thing that people do is cause the uncomfort of bumping into you but stuff don't come out why because the stuff already was dealt with with the Lord if things come out because it was there [Music] I have a I have a brother when I lived with my parents I had this brother I still have my Muslim as my brother but he just provoked me to anger oh my goodness I was like I was not myself around him the hugest do the things you know like your siblings they know how to get under your skin they've spent enough time with you day like they got you they got you figured out he knew how to punch the right he always punched it in such a way I would position my cup and hold it I would say Lord I am NOT gonna be an angry person I'm gonna be a good person until my brother came everything I mean just it just provoked me to anger and one time I remember it was at one gym we were all going together as a family because he had like jacuzzi and sauna and and like pool it was like 15 years ago long long time ago we just came to America and my parents could not sign the papers they couldn't figure something out and because they didn't speak English and my brother stood right in front of the lady who was speaking English and my brother just embarrassed our whole family he refused to translate for my parents just stood there like and he said I don't speak English and I'm standing behind him I was the cute Eunice how dare you do that you're burying your family and I got so mad I stepped in translated and I remember we're going to dressing on my sitting in the toilet Beurling start against my brother and I feel the still small voice of God it's Latin you're such a angry person I said God how dare you say that I haven't crazy brother if I would have a brother like that I'm the nicest person on the planet you know that I'm a good man my brother he's the problem if you get rid of my brother my anger is done and I remember this is what I felt the Lord speak to my heart he said it's not your brother he says he only reveals the fact that you're angry he didn't put that anger there you always had it you just did not know you had it until you had your brother and if you keep on blaming your brother I'll never help to get rid of it and I remember right there on the battle is what the revelation came I'm an angry man who needs deliverance who needs repentance but as long as I blame the person who bumps into me God can't remove the stuff out if you always blame see when you I'm filled with Holy Spirit Holy Spirit helps you to take responsibility for what's coming out not to try to fix the people who are bumping into you God's job is not to fix them because job is to fix you the Holy Spirit wants to fix what you feel and he wants to empty that so that when they bump into you that's not gonna be comfortable you're not gonna be saying hallelujah praise God you can be still be a little bit upset but you're not gonna be reacting to them because you'll be responding to God that's what being filled with Holy Spirit does and lastly I want you to write this down thank you so much for volunteering and putting yourself at risk [Music] you will be mission minded instead of ambition driven when the Holy Spirit came upon Saul he wanted to save the city when the Holy Spirit left Seoul he wanted to save his title and he said that again when the Holy Spirit came upon him he saved the city when the Holy Spirit left him his whole goal was to save his title in the kingdom people without Holy Spirit are a rank title and position obsessed take a title from them it's the same thing as taking their liver and their kidney and half of their heart their whole world collapses remove them from a position of leadership it destroys everything about them why because see people with Holy Spirit their mission driven without the Holy Spirit their ambition driven and we as pastors we know that sometimes a season comes and you ask the person hey you you can't do this anymore you're gonna have to serve in other areas and you see they're going through a depression and you said what happened this title doesn't define you what defines you is your relationship with God but without the Holy Spirit you depend on the title with the Holy Spirit you depend on the calling to serve God and whether it's on the stage or in the lobby or in the kids zone and in another country or in whatever face or whatever place it is whether you get invited you don't get invited doors get open or not you're like water looks for a smallest crack gets out and finds a place to serve finds a place to love people finds a place to bless other people why because people filled with Holy Spirit they don't need an open door they need a crack and they'll serve but when your Holy Spirit leaves your life you hold on to a position as to your life the rink the title so all held on to the throne but when the Holy Spirit was on him he was obsessed with saving the city when your heart is more attached to your position it's a good reminder you and the Holy Spirit are getting a little bit distant he wants you to be close that you're attached to his calling and your purpose not to the position and the influence and the open doors and the title or the rank your card will occupy [Music] if the wonderful worship team can come up [Music] what do you do if you lost that close this with the Holy Spirit what do you do if you are not filled with that Holy Spirit three things one is you pay a price for being consistent number two you stay small in your eyes number three you focus more on repentance and less unrelieved so didn't pay a price to be consistent he started good with time he drifted from Saul became big in his eyes instead of remaining small and thirdly solve he always opted to entertainment instead of change he had demons he had problems and instead of calling Samuel to deliver him pray for him he called a musician to entertain him the real solution to your life is not getting a relief its repentance relief and that's what many times our conferences and our church experiences here could offer a sense of relief and I I know the feeling it's kind of like when your car has a a light that comes up that says your gas tank is empty and you go to a mechanic and says could you replace the light bulb why is this bothering me the mechanic good mechanic will say that's not the real problem no you don't understand me I don't like Christmas lights on my dashboard remove the light that's relief but the real problem is not the light on a dashboard it's just a sign that you have a bigger problem your gas tank is empty and right now this is the two things could happen one is you can look for relief say Lord yeah I kind of feel a little conviction could you get rid of that conviction Jesus I'm so sorry but you say that sorry before or you can seek repentance repentance is not just tears it's not just brokenness but repentance is saying Lord things have to change in my life my direction has to change how I live have to change and today I turn my life around and I follow you Jesus name father God I thank you for your grace I thank you for your presence and most importantly I thank you for your Holy Spirit that is in this room I thank you Lord God that nothing is impossible to you and I thank you God that even our hearts you're able to change Lord many of us who relate more with salt and we would like to admit today many of us God we spend our life living in balance living cautious a lot of times God we make deals with our enemies Lord a lot of us God today we struggle with issues with authority some of us here God in this room today we have a problem with people that constantly get on our nerves and we blame them for the way we react and the way we respond and we think that they are the problem and they need to be fixed before we can change and God there are people even in this room who are so obsessed with titles who are so obsessed with what people say about them God and we live a life pleasing people instead of serving them a lord we recognize today that the root of all of that Lord is just that life that's not filled with the Holy Spirit is filled with opinions it's filled with information it's filled with church attendance it's filled with good works but it's not with your spirit and we would like to be today changed we would like to come back to the Lord and see you change us from the inside out fill us with your spirit Lord we empty ourselves from our pride we empty ourselves from our self sufficiency we empty yourself today God from our religiosity we empty yourself over our Apocrypha God one way that we are on the outside and the other way we'll even private God we want to get real with you do you Holy Spirit come into this room right now from the back of the rose to the front I ask you that you will examine their hearts I ask you for those who maybe started like this but today then recognize that our lives drift is so far they still know how to speak in tongues and maybe they still know how to say the right things God they still know how to raise their hands and say Amen and still have a Bible really playing and then you version by Lord their life is so distanced and today the things that we talk can they find themselves failing at each one of those things God do you call this feel it I ask you that you will draw people to the cross right now I ask you right now that you will not offer us relief but that she will give us the gift of repentance we depend on you to help us to repent we depend on you to help us change come Holy Spirit come right now shift things in the atmosphere shift things in the hearts of people shift things in the lives of people Jesus name you feel like one of these things they apply to your life and you find yourself today not where you're supposed to be with God and you must have ladder you know what this relates to me I feel like I'm that person who I know about God but this areas with authority the area with people in the area with sin or maybe in the area of walking in boldness maybe it's in the area of walking in your mission instead of walking protecting titles that's me and today I would like to make a change with the help of the Holy Spirit I ask you that you come and you stand in the front that we're gonna pray with him we're saying that this was for you the Holy Spirit spoke to you today and things need to be shifted and broken that you come let you come that you come and I ask you that you don't ask God to change the light bulb but ask the Lord to fill your gas tank ask the Lord to fill your gas tank enter yourself off of yourself right now say Lord I empty my life right now of my pride I empty my life or my falsehood and my hypocrisy my double standard I empty myself of their and I ask you that you fill me with your grace and that you fill me with your power that you fill me with your presence right now and that you fill me with the awareness of the Spirit of the Living God [Music] precious spirit of the Living God fall afresh right now aha da da ba da da ba Sakura vida que nada [Music] if you're standing in the sensory I'm assuming you filled with the Holy Spirit your mouth better be moving if you're standing there I assume you filled with the Spirit of God moving your hands butter me up because you're the one that's filled you better be really see right now something in the atmosphere that held these precious Souls to begin to experience the presence of God to begin to experience a transformation in the heart if you're standing there I'm assuming you filled with the spirit that means your mouth better be moving your mouth bottled it right now right there for you [Music] it is [Music] my son [Music] [Music] in the name of Jesus this said to write the Holy Spirit in Jesus name thank you for watching this content I know this was a blessing to you we would like to ask you to subscribe to our Channel and click on the Bell on our channel so that each time we upload something you can be notified don't forget to share this content with your friends and family and on social media we're so thankful to you better is that good enough the best is yet to come
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 99,383
Rating: 4.8862424 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, exorcism demons, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, John Chi in US, miracles sermons fire, intimacy with holy spirit, worship, freedom from demons, relationship with Holy Spirit, crazy deliverances
Id: gFVh8VRTMe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 54sec (4374 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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