Achieve Your English Fluency Goals in 2018 - Finally Speak With Confidence!

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hello everybody this is jack from happy new year it is 2018 my new year has had a very slow start but in this lesson we're going to talk about how goals have changed my life and how they can change yours too what goals I achieved in 2017 what I want to achieve in 2018 and also I'm going to give you six tips on how you can achieve your English fluency goals this year so if you are watching life fantastic click that like button if you're watching the replay if you're watching this in 2019 2020 2021 this applies to you too this will be useful for you as well now many of you know I have had a rough few weeks I'm not going to talk about that in this lesson but know that I still have a sinus problem and therefore my voice is a little bit nasal which helps with my Brazilian Portuguese because there are many nasal sounds in Portuguese but welcome to you it's so good to have you here I have prepared a presentation for you this is a picture that I took in Manchester England during our Christmas and New Year vacation this is a live English lesson and I have a few new things to share firstly if you are new here subscribe and then click the notification Bell you can do this on your mobile phone you can do this on your computer clicking that bell will send you an email or as I have just received on my phone it will send you a notification when I go live or when I upload a new video that is important because I'm trying something new this year this channel has grown it is difficult for me to answer every comment so we're going to do something new and exciting called one our comments and I will correct any comments left within the first hour so when I upload a video you get the notification watch that video leave a comment and I will reply to every comment left within the first hour that's exciting because I will correct your English I will answer questions I will just respond to any comment so be sure to turn on that notification belt it just takes you one second to do and it will be worth them now this is a picture of me in December this is a picture of me earlier in the year now you will notice that I have grown my hair and I need to update this picture but go to to fluency calm slash book if you don't have my book already that is one of the tips for today because we're going to talk about how to achieve your English fluency goals this year how to achieve your English fluency goals this year now setting goals has completely changed my life I'm going to talk a little bit for about a minute about my 20s and why egos have changed my life because this is important for you to learn in English is a big goal it's difficult to achieve so in my 20s I wasn't ambitious I didn't have any goals okay so I went to university but I just did the minimal amount of work I started a new job I worked hard at the job but it didn't excite me I didn't think about the future when I was working at this job then I went traveling spent a couple of years in Spain when I was in Spain again I wasn't ambitious I wanted to earn just enough to live in Spain but when I started my online teaching business everything changed I started to think about how I could improve how I could make my business bigger but not only that other areas of my life improved too I started learning Spanish in a serious way I started to make really good progress with my Spanish we'll talk about Spanish again soon I also started to think about health and fitness and they got really healthy thought for a couple of years I improved my confidence I just improved all areas of my life and this was down to this was because of setting goals and being committed to achieving really important goals and this is important for you because learning English to a high level is mainly down to it's mainly because of your mentality your drive your motivation and also your long-term commitment and we're going to talk about that today and I'm also going to talk about methods but before I go on I do want to just bring up the comment section to make sure everything is working okay you're all so thank you so much Gemma have you seen the post I published on Google+ it's unbelievable I'll check it out soon how can i distinguish okay I'm going to answer questions about learning English at the end in the comment section if you are here live then stay on topic talk about this conversation Hugo Sadie's did it start I can't hear anything I imagine everyone else can hear type yes if you can hear and see me can you say a few light in Spanish for your videos like to listen to your Spanish yes I've done this a few times I always say then what you're tiempo que no habla espanol where I was doing but boy is where my favorite I shouldn't really speak in Spanish when I'm not feeling very well but I'm going to improve my Spanish this year okay well like the girl module I'm reading the book the secret okay everyone saying yes yes yes yes yes fantastic there's a lot to talk about so we are going to move on so many people are here if it's your first time live like you're Minh click that like button consider sharing this video with your friends thank you so much for being here live again if you are watching the replay keep watching and I have an offer for you coming soon so we're going to talk about how to achieve your English fluency goals this year last year my goals were to get 200,000 subscribers on YouTube and get in the best shape of my life coming soon is the before and after picture of what I looks like here we go what I look like now but first 200,000 subscribers on YouTube I changed this goal in March because I decided to improve my English fluency program we'll talk more about that soon but I decided to improve the program because as an online teacher I need to get paid and I didn't feel like my program was good enough for 2017 so I improved it I spent hours and hours and hours creating the materials for it and in May I opened it up for new members so many people have joined in 2017 so many people are sending me emails telling me how much this is helping them don't go to this program yet just wait a little bit longer but I decided to put the focus on the to fluency program soon you're going to see what my goals are for 2018 now look at these two pictures my other goal was to get in the best shape of my life and the picture on your left is from December 2016 and if you look closely I was overweight I was 205 pounds in December 2017 look at the picture on your right I lost 28 pounds which is fantastic now I do want to say something about this goal this goal wasn't perfect I I didn't have a fantastic year when it came to Fitness because I got sick a few times I got bored of eating healthy foods I got bored of going to the gym we moved house and I couldn't get to the gym I couldn't go to the gym but I stayed consistent for most of the year and that is so important I consistently did good things so there were times when I felt ah this isn't working quick enough I'm not making progress like I want to make it but over a year I achieved my goal and I feel very proud about this because I had to stay disciplined I had to work hard I had to be consistent and I want you to take this as inspiration when it comes to learning English because motivation comes and it goes you feel really motivated one day and then the next you don't but we're going to learn that consistency is key so again look at the picture on the left and then the picture on the right my children are in that photo but I don't want to share their faces but you can see I was overweight I was overweight 205 pounds to 177 pounds so I was very pleased about that goal again for other questions leave them to the end okay now 2018 this is my plan for 2018 and I am so excited about doing this the first one is health ok health because in 2017 I focused on Fitness on white training on how I look this year I'm going to focus more on health but also maintain and improve my fitness the reason I'm focusing on health is because I'm 35 now I want to feel energetic and I got sick a lot in 2017 and that stopped me from making progress with my business and my fitness therefore and put my focus on health to be as healthy as possible and in my Instagram lesson the other day I said I'm going to do whatever it takes which means I'm going to try everything and I don't care about what I have to do to be healthy I am going to be healthy and this is when you are so committed to a goal you are excited about a goal and you know it's a long-term goal you can do whatever it takes to achieve it and it's a fantastic mentality to have again for you learning English you can do whatever it takes to get a high level and my last tip today is one that will help you achieve that so health number one number two increased my audience by five times so to increase my YouTube subscribers my Instagram followers I am more determined to do this than ever because I know that I can help people and I know that if I help people my teaching business grows so I feel good when I help people for free I feel good when I help help me pull through my program an increase in my audience by five times will help me do that the next one is minimalism minimalism and organization so this is where you focus on what is important you focus on what is important and you don't let other things get in the way you don't let other things distract you a lot of people talk about minim minimalism with things with stuff clothes computers stuff around the house and that is a big part of it but I'm also going to use this mentality for my goals for my business for organizing my computer so that's what I want to do it's going to go to the comments section before I talk about languages again I'm going to answer all of the questions at the end of the video Jemma says oh great bloody bloody slurred says healthy as wellthey exactly every process has ups and downs don't worry so much Jack exactly what once you go through ups and downs good points and bad points you gain experience and it becomes easier minimalism makes life so much easier my only goal for 2018 is to be fluent in English fantastic I'm going to ask you about your goals in a second but first the last one for me is languages languages now I'm going to learn French Spanish and Portuguese this year although I failed before my Spanish is quite good I have a good level of Spanish I have a basic level of French and I have a zero level of Portuguese but I found a program that teaches languages exactly the same as I do it teaches foreign languages exactly the way as I do so I am going to take my own program in different languages this year and I'm going to follow my own advice by saying 10 minutes a day everybody can find 10 minutes a day to do something everybody including me I have two online businesses I have two children I have two dogs and I have a very busy social life but I am going to find 10 minutes a day to learn these languages if I'm learning languages I can help you better I love languages and I'm going to make it a focus this year so to recap health increase my audience minimalism and languages now it's a question you probably expect book what are your English learning goals this year again if you are watching this in 2019 or 2025 and set in the comment section if you are watching live answer in the live chat what are your English learning goals this year what do you want to achieve what do you want to achieve this here while you're typing that click that like button this is my most watch most watched live stream my most watched live lesson and if you just join in welcome to you know that I still have a sinus problem I'm going to go to somebody who can help me after this lesson health is my number one priority but let's see what people are saying I just want to say thank you well that is so kind thank you for being here to be fluent in four areas my goal for 2020 a team is it to be flew in English well I hope see there's a difference between saying I'm going to do it and I hope to do it if you say I'm going to it when I say I'm going to be as healthy as possible this year I am going to do whatever it takes to be healthy then I'm going to achieve that goal if I say I hope to be healthy this year then it's like saying oh well if it happens it happens but I don't have control over that the number one thing to know is that you do have control over your number one goal okay Pawel I'm going to show that comment is a program you want to subscribe named gloss occur yes it is clásico I love it I'm learning Spanish Portuguese and French with it so exactly the same as my program and I'm so excited to have found it you know this always happens my wife always calls in a life lesson I'm just going to answer this hello you are live on YouTube to fluency channel non speakerphone non speakerphone gladly it's the only thing you want to say to everyone kate says have a good day um big be quick well what I'm on a live lesson okay I'll call you back when I'm done okay all right speeches soon love you too but bye she knows when I'm live and she calls me okay I miss some of the comments my English learning goals this year is to get us more band 7 in a ops healthy reading more books and travel to the UK fantastic those goals can come together you can read books to learn English you can go to the UK to learn English when you go to the UK you'll feel excited about learning English I want to learn as many phrasal verbs idioms as I can because it seems the most difficult part of English difficult to understand and remember watch my video that I released two weeks ago it's called learning advanced English watch that video it will what you think our lingo does it work to improve your English to advanced or on your basic levels I don't understand your lingo I have tried it I don't think it's good for me that's just my opinion hijack some times already issue ok grammar questions for the end say hi to Kate she's great your wife is so sweet she's fantastic she is fantastic my goal is to pass a first certificate examine become b2 I hope you learn Portuguese yeah I learned a phrase yesterday I look dim mmm Gaucho hopefully that's quite correct basic phrases repetition do them daily that's what I can teach you too ok let's go back to this English learning goals this year I have tips for you most people want to become fluent they want to to really you know improve their English to a high level and this a year is a very good time to say I want to go from b1 to see what it is a fantastic amount of time to achieve this goal and sometimes you think a year is too long I have to wait a year to do this but think about where you were last year I think about how amazing it would be to be fluent in English today so commit to one year and do everything you can to achieve your goal that's how you're going to do it ok keno tip 1 get my book many of you have it already but I talk about goals I talk about motivation I talk about methods I talk about daily schedules and how you can do this this is the best way to start a fluency calm slash book if you don't have it already after this lesson click the link in the description and go download it now or just go to to fluency comment slash book tip number two this is so important think bigger get out of your comfort zone think bigger and get out of your comfort zone it's going to show you something now a book for you to walk out is this the magic of thinking big by David Schwartz acquire the secrets of success achieve everything you've always wanted this book is one of the books that changed my life it made me think bigger it made me realize that I could achieve more in my life and my business and my personal goals but that is exciting if you're saying I just want to improve my English a little bit that's not exciting that doesn't give you motivation but if you think I am going to go from a big one level to a c1 level this year or higher that excites you it makes you do things that make a difference because otherwise you're just going to go like this just come to coast coast to coast means that you don't go up you don't go down you just stay the same I want people who follow me to do this to think bigger the magic of thinking big I'm going to read this book again because it gives me extra excitement every time I do think bigger and get out of your comfort zone look at this your comfort zone where the magic happens now this phrase where the magic happens means where good things happen where change happens where your goals are achieved to help you think about your comfort zone this is an example for me when I started my teaching business in 2011 I was very comfortable because I had 20 hours of teaching time per week I was earning more than I was in Spain I had a great lifestyle and I didn't have to really do anything because I was comfortable when I wanted to make a change when I wanted when I got excited when I started to think bigger I knew I had to get out of my comfort zone and this meant making my first video for youtube your first video on YouTube is terrifying because you don't know what to expect you don't know what people are going to say the first cost I released was terrifying it took a lot of courage to do it I had to get out of my comfort zone I had to get out of my my regular habits to launch to start this new course when it comes to learning English you need to get outside of your comfort zone if you're not progressing at the rate you want to progress up you need to get outside of your comfort zone and this means having a weekly conversation or download in my memory cards and doing them daily it might mean to listen to your own voice and make changes to the way you speak all these things are tasks that are maybe a little bit of double at first they're not easy to start but my message to you is to get outside your comfort zone and you don't have to do anything radical you don't have to go crazy it might just mean a little push a little push and constantly get outside and to do the things you need to do so I love this tip to think bigger get out of your comfort zone sheriff says wonderful book I recommend the power of the subconscious mind another fantastic book tip 3 be disciplined and consistent be disciplined and consistent when you get outside your comfort zone when you think bigger when you start to do things that you don't normally do it's difficult to do that over the long term now when let last year when I found it difficult to go to the gym I still went to the gym when I found it difficult to eat healthy foods I still ate on the most part healthy foods I was disciplined and I stayed committed and this you can think big you can create a study plan you can start doing things that make a difference but if you aren't consistent then nothing matters because learning English is a goal that you need to be consistent with the same with health and fitness I can't go to the gym six times in one day and expect big changes I have to do it three times a week for months you can't expect to go to the UK for a weekend or two weeks and expect big changes you have to do things on a daily basis have to be consistent and to be disciplined means doing things even though you don't want to do it now you need to have fun you need to enjoy this but there will be days when you think oh I don't want to watch that movie in English I'll watch it in Spanish or I don't want to do these Anki cars today but being disciplined makes all the difference and that's how you're going to be consistent tip number four do what works so we're talking about learning strategies techniques and methods do what works and I'm going to tell you right now going through grammar books go into a language school and doing online exercises isn't enough it is not enough but we have an amazing opportunity to listen to any type of English audio for free at any time it's a huge opportunity right now 20 years ago you had to buy CDs and listen to them on a CD player now it's so obvious but I want you to be so grateful to this because you can download anything onto your phone and then listen to it for free the wrong methods out there like my method that you can take from anywhere in the world and you can improve your speaking from anywhere in the world so do what works focus on methods that work what I want you to do this year is more output to learn grammar and vocabulary naturally and if you want to learn more about this you should know my method by now speaking copying native speakers or proficient speakers repeating phrases so that you learn grammar and vocabulary in a natural way and I have two options for this you can go to to fluency comm slash speaking to learn how to use this method for free or get my program and make it so easy for you so that you can just focus on that 15 minutes of output a day about 15 minutes of my method a day and I have enough for you coming very soon but go to to fluency comm slash TFP so make sure that you spend your time and your energy on things that work sorry about my microphone tip 5 have fun and focus on the daily tasks there's a saying you can say this how can I do this while having more fun you can do this for anything in life like this lesson how can I do this lesson while having more fun I am having so much fun right now because I have that mentality where I want to make things fun sometimes I'm in a bad mood or I'm tired and it's difficult but on the whole do things and have fun when you're washing up just ask yourself how can I do this while having more fun when you're vacuuming the floors how can I do this while having more fun for example you can dance or listen to music or set yourself challenges to do it as quickly as possible but it's the same with English when following my method ask yourself how can I do this while having more fun and a tip for that is to really exaggerate the way you speak to shout to sing to to really use that intonation you'll have more fun doing this and that will help you learn as well and then secondly focus on the daily tasks so we can sometimes think think too much about goals where we say I want to reach this goal I'm so motivated to reach this goal I'm so motivated to do this I feel great but then you don't do anything so put your focus on the daily tests that you need to do in my case I put my focus on doing the best I can when I go to the gym I put my focus on planning meals so I eat more healthy foods so think about putting your focus on the daily tasks tip six I love this one don't care what other people think don't care what other people think when you think big when you try to achieve something notable something extraordinary something that is going to change your life people will have opinions and from my experience most people say well are you sure that sounds difficult I tried it once it didn't work people on the most part are negative about people trying to be successful I'm sure you have some kind of experience of this where maybe your friends say why are you learning English you're never going to get fluent I tried to learn English once it's too hard English is too hard oh we don't live in an english-speaking country you can't learn English unless you move to the UK well guess what you can and instead of arguing with your friends instead of getting into an argument or in debate prove them wrong prove them wrong show them that you can do this for example in my life excuse me many people have said oh you can't build a teaching business you can't work online I don't know anyone who is working online successfully but now they're so excited about what I'm doing and it's because sometimes we don't want change we don't want other people to change so we might say these negative things about other people achieving goals but my probably my number one tip for this year and I have a lot of number one tips is don't care what other people think don't care what other people think and use this as motivation to do something extraordinary don't care what other people think so those tips again get my book to fluency comm slash book think bigger get out of your comfort zone get this book the magic of thinking big it is easy to read it's not it's an easy book to read for English learners you're going to enjoy it think big get out of your comfort zone this is where the magic happens do things that are going to make you change these things are uncomfortable you need to do them tip 3 be disciplined and consistent be disciplined and consistent tip for do what works ok I want you to do more output this year to to use my method the free version to fluency comps are speaking the paid version with all the materials to fluency accomplish TFP have fun and focus on the daily tasks don't care what other people think if you listen to other people you'll never achieve anything because people tell you you can't do this I tried once it doesn't work it's too difficult you can't do this they don't want you to change but you can change and now look at your screen at the moment if you have watched this far then you deserve a special bonus and if you sign up to my program made a mistake can you spot the mistake and reply to the welcome email and write YT bonus I'm going to send you something very special I'm going to send you a special bonus and again this is true if you're watching in 2018-2019 2025 2065 yes I plan on teaching in 2065 but go to to fluency calm / TFP and you can get this bonus I'm going to put it in the comment section ok it's a go sign up now this program is incredible I know it's my program but I know how much it works so if it is in your budget consider signing up I would be very happy to have you so I'm going to take 30 seconds have a quick break finish this coffee and then it's time for you to ask me any questions that you have it's a time for us to hang out and to chat if you're watching live and again if you're watching the replay leave some comments below - so I'll take a quick break and I see some questions already I'll come back and answer them okay you I am back I am back wow I really enjoyed giving that lesson to you I hope you have enjoyed it too going to move my microphone away that's better you can get bit closer I hope you have enjoyed this too and I recommend going and watching this lesson again because it will it will help you understand what you need to do in order to achieve these goals and I don't want to be a YouTube channel that just says here are some phrases here are you know this is a grammar lesson I really want to help you make a change and I can do this for free I can do this for my pay cause it doesn't really matter which one you decide I really want to help you so thank you so much for being here who questions questions questions did you read the secret is a simple book I'm not a huge fan of the secret I think it's a little bit too much hype and it's not very practical so I didn't really read the secret what do we need to learn English successfully swive talks about in this video if you just join in go back and watch it again I really want your tips about making writing tasks more entertaining put on some music have a cup of tea or a glass of wine just smile as you write use a pen and try to make each letter as perfect as possible so that a fantastic exercise Oh Jack you've left a link in the comment section it's shown a 4 & 4 error what's unlink it's probably my book which you can get here for free you can get here for free is it possible to become fluent in English studying on my own yes people have done it people have done it you don't need a teacher you don't need a teacher these days you can follow my method you can listen to podcast every day and then you can get language exchange partners and just talk to people that's studying on your own in fact I think it's so important that you put more emphasis on what can I do to to change what can I do in my own time to improve because the world has changed over the last 10 years there has been a digital revolution which which has led to language learning revolutions and I don't want people to be stuck in that old way of learning where there's a focus on grammar rules on learning single words and phrases and then practicing very little do they're different ok swap it around well I don't know what these numbers are I'm sorry I'm gonna have to remove them ok I've read the the book the power of the subconscious mind it is fantastic I love it thanks jack I found time and started to watch videos in English for one hour every day how to start speaking everyday use my method the free method is oh yeah I'll just give you the free method because then you can learn more about the pain method on that page do this it's why I've taught to buy in this lesson team board IG but a ceiling key to see I can list I know your words even another regular video how can I know my level I have a level test go to my videos and search for level give your point of view about effortless English course AJ Hoge I don't know anything about it I know AJ Hoge focuses on personal development and I like his videos I don't know anything about his course and I'm gonna say try my course could you include in your lessons more pronunciation tips I have a full program on that inside my course and I don't want to I I mean I make some videos about this if you'd actually search for it I've got about ten videos on this and I think I'm going to do more about Instagram because on Instagram they are one minute videos so you can listen repeat it's very specific on YouTube but don't quite know what to do with that right now why this channel is title is to fluency if the right way is to the fluency it's not its top um you know it's the fastest way to fluency that's a sentence that is correct you don't save their fluency it's the fastest way to fluency had to be phlegm if you don't have a partner to speak to use my method I keep saying this use my method it is amazing to fluency calm / speaking and then find somebody if people complain I don't have anyone to practice with find somebody find a teacher pay a teacher you can find a language exchange partner you can make friends you have to put some effort in though to find somebody it's easy to find people there are millions of people online wanting to speak to somebody who speaks your language but you have to put yourself out there and be interesting sorry what level is your program it is for people who have an a.1 level or higher but they want to be able to just say things naturally it's for all levels but it solves the problem that everyone has which is they can't speak naturally using phrases instead they're translating in their head or they are thinking about a grammar rule some vocabulary and trying to use it or they learn an idiom and they use it at the wrong time my program it's like have you seen the matrix where they plug in something in the back of their head and suddenly neo knows how to fight he knows everything this is what my program does but it doesn't plug into your head instead you work on this every day are you going to make new podcasts yes when my son is problem is solved I'm going to make so many podcasts I have a new app and if you're an English teacher or interested in making podcasts check out Anka you can record audio into your phone and it uploads to SoundCloud iTunes Google Play everything is amazing see Tina Turner is a TFP member and as she says there is a course included in TFP and it's great people love it about 5% of people ask for a refund because they want to learn grammar rules if you want to learn grammar rules and focus on grammar rules this program is not for you Andrea hi jack I found it difficult to organize myself and self studying because I feel I have to work hard on many things and I easily get overwhelmed what a great comment I'm going to make a video on that because I get overwhelmed too you have all these goals and ideas and you think I'm going to do this I'm going to do that I'm going to do this I'm going to do that then suddenly you realize you can't do it all and one thing I'm going to say at this point is make something a priority if you're not learning English is because it's not a priority it's as simple as that our article is important in English language yes and from your name I'm guessing you're from Russia or Ukraine and you don't have articles from what I know articles are important but most of the time you're going to be understood if you use one in the wrong way or if you don't use one when you should what's the name of your app don't have an app but my program is the fluency program I want to put my English how many hours per day do I need with your method a minimum of 15 minutes a day if you have more time fantastic that's the lowest amount you need if you're not going to do it daily then you shouldn't sign up I want to improve my English at the site yet we don't have to translate in our mind when we are listening I think we should like English like a native thinking English like a native yeah so for example and I think what you're doing okay no hablo espanol that's a sentence that I have learned and internalized and I can say this without thinking about rules without translating but I can use this in a flexible way okay I can say of the things like I've been what your tiempo que no muy - SEO that's the right way to say it because I learn the rules of the VOC the the grammar naturally that's what my program does okay hi jack I practiced shadowing techniques to improve my English I'm doing this at the moment I think shadowing techniques should be done once you can say things in the right way for example if you are saying things incorrectly and using shadowing where you listen continuously and you speak continuously then this is going to give you bad habits what my method does is it gives you a pause and you listen to what you say and I evaluate your speaking so that you can make changes before you get that long term repetition I think that's a really good difference how to retain vocabulary the center's method my method learn it in context repeat it it's amazing white formal education teachers are teaching grammar because when you think about a language school or any type of school they have one teacher and then they have 30 students what can you do with this and people like to get so involved with the structure of the language in terms of here are the rules it's just been this continuation for years I want to put an end to that and to get people using different methods or at least drain these methods to see if they work for them I think it's important what's the difference between would have and might have so would have is definite 100 percent tree okay if I had passed that exam I would have got that job it was definite might means a possibility if I had passing exam I might have got that job maybe maybe not there's a possibility would have yes hundred percent tree all right oh okay I guess you are answer my question I hate comments like that I don't see every question it's nothing personal just ask me again I read good but I have a problem with speaking 95% of people have the same problem go to to fluency and I'm going to keep talking about this method until people try it again for free or paid it doesn't matter I use all available resources videos and YouTube music grammar I write doubts and so I'm learning fantastic I love when people are committed to this and they're excited about it it's amazing please give you advice to stop reading in English yeah a a really good tip here is to go to find some books anything for example start with this you can read the first few pages for free and what you want to do is to know if it's interesting and if it's a good book for your level if it's too difficult you're not going to enjoy it fine things are good for your level and then read for pleasure read read read it's amazing well he deserves more subscribers I think you're saying yes and if you think I do like this video and share it I would love to get more subscribers what's the difference between look and watch I can't think of that difference straightaway but ask in my Facebook group search for learn English with Chuck although I listen to English radio station and English songs a lot I can't prove my English where's the problem is there a problem in my ears I love her how can I improve my listening skills please well maybe you're listening to things are too difficult for you I would get a graded reader this is specific to reading as well but listening to get a graded reader with audiobooks but listen to them two or three times find them for your level what's your advice for writing I gave a life lesson in December where I gave six tips to improve your writing not enough people have watched that video I think it's fantastic so go watch it I'm a little bit biased because I make these videos I thought I really know it's a great improvement in my speaking and listening skills before starting watching your channel it's amazing thanks a lot jack thank you so much I taught is a fantastic member of this community and yeah I I love people who get really involved in this community and if you go to learn English with Jack on Facebook you can just talk to other people who follow my methods who like what I do so you'll find people who have the same mentality as you people as community are fantastic Esther is here sometimes my dreams are in English the publish when I wake up I can speak English as well as I thought I loved that comment and use that as motivation what's your favorite book I love this one the magical thinking big I love The Millionaire Fastlane I love sapience although I'm changing my mind on some of the conclusions that the writer has it's interesting and what other books do I like the obstacle is the way as well and for another I need to read more novels I need to read more novels how do Americans pronounce sell sale sale the last two are the same did you ask me that question recently because somebody did Jack I've gone to the UK in September I would love to meet you in person well I live in America I'm from the UK so I won't be in the UK in September but if you go to Manchester you can meet my friends and sister please can we put recommendations about on business like you do yeah um the magic of thinking big again it works for everything ah my sinuses are starting to hurt so please organize video live on Facebook we need to practice with a native speaker I can't be responsible for finding new native speakers instead get a teacher that will pay you for lessons that you pay for lessons if we amaze it if teachers paid you and find a language exchange partner and make friends online and go to my group it will help you there we've got to fook from Brunei but to see you I'll be the one who can speak English fluently by watching your videos fantastic I'm confused by the word tend yeah we tend to we normally I tend to give live lessons once a week I normally give live lessons once a week what's the difference between could and would I've made two videos on this go check those out just type could and would in the compensation tell me one good English book to read daily it depends on you what interests you for example I might recommend a book on football but maybe you hate football so use my advice go to Amazon find some books start reading the first two pages and find something that is good for your level and something that interests you is it a problem if i mix British and American English no no problem at all when you think about vlogs to improve listening skills yes if you enjoy them I made a video on this again about watching vlogs to improve your English for example I follow Casey Neistat and Pizza MacKinnon and Craig Adams on a shout out Craig Adams because he's a I've been following him for a long time and he just does what he wants to do I really like him where is your group and just search on Facebook for learn English weird jet can you make a video about happiness here is what I used to think that happiness was everything but I actually feel that meaning is more important now that you have meaning and that you're achieving goals and that you're pushing yourself because happiness is in your comfort zone and this is it's a difficult thing to think about because you have happiness which is great to be happy to be greatly grateful is different but to be happy is fantastic but when you are really pushing yourself and being disciplined and achieving goals and thinking about life in a bigger way that doesn't necessarily mean that you're happy so there's a balance there and I don't think happiness is everything I think having meaning and purpose and achieving the mainus amazing things is important yeah Craig Adams watch Craig Adams here's a really good thing to do watch one of his latest videos and say to fluency sent me here watch his M Japan super blog and say to fluency sent me here he he makes beautiful videos but he's also at this stage where he's still not very big but I know he's going to get big and I want to meet him one day we've chatted a little bit how to get fluent C in English automatically is there any book no no no no no no no you can't get fluent in English from one book unless that book has key sentences and you learn and internalize those sentences and then you need more than that anyway do you invest your money if so what I do invest my money um I don't know if I'm going to share that I'll make a video on that actually and from Egypt I can find a lot of native English speakers can I practice with them yep just like I said before host from Brazil 95 degrees Celsius well it is gonna be about 5 Fahrenheit sorry it's going to be about 5 degrees Fahrenheit tonight in Asheville we're going to get snow and it's going to be cold it's going to be very cold for me happiness is you did something successfully and of course motivation yes yeah it's that feeling of like achievement that you've done something that's important it's it's an amazing thing to have okay everybody it we've been going for more than an hour I have some links for you if you're watching live watching the replay I'll leave a comment on the page to go get my book it's free to download and it talks about goals and all these different types of things this is a free version of my method that you can use on your own and get the pay method and reply whitey bonuses to the email you get instant access to the materials there are two payment options to join I go get the bonuses whitey bonuses this is amazing thank you again everybody so much for spending the time with me this YouTube channel I'm committed to making great videos to put for you same with Instagram same on Facebook same with my program 2018 is going to be amazing I'm going to get healthy I'm going to get rid of this sinus problem I'm going to learn languages I'm doing 10 minutes a day at the moment that's going to increase I am going to just focus so much on helping you all achieve a higher level of English what was the other one I always forget one no what was my other goal minimalism of course to get organized and minimalism go Jack go grab your special bonus it's the best time to join and I'd love to have you inside the program I know how much it works so thank you so much again for being here and more lessons coming soon like subscribe click on that notification bell you know what to do if you're on YouTube you know what to do and that's pretty awesome thank you so much for being here
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 39,609
Rating: 4.9286127 out of 5
Keywords: fluent in english, english fluency, tofluency, jack from tofluency, learn english, advanced english, english conversation, speak, talk, native, ingles, learn, lesson, real english, conversations, class, teachers, esl, jack, kate, conversacion, free, subtitles, cc, cae, ielts, learn English, speak english, fluent english, live, hd, to fluency, british, american, anglais, inglese, inglés, Englisch, англи́йский, inglês, angielski, engleză, anglicky, αγγλικά, İngilizce, إنجليزي, Inggris, tips, fce, grammar, listening
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 40sec (3940 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2018
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