7 Reasons Why You're NOT Fluent in English (Yet!)

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you hello everybody this is jack from tofluency.com and welcome to this english lesson where we're going to talk about seven reasons why you are not fluent in English yet okay so seven reasons why you're not fluent in English yet and if you aren't new here then welcome my name is jack from tofluency.com i'd like to offer you my book for free you can download that by clicking the link in the description it's called the five-step plan for English fluency now this video is going to talk about the seven main reasons why you're not fluent in English yet and first I just want to quickly define fluency so what we're talking about here is having a c1 level of English c1 level of English now if you don't know what that means then take my level test where you can test your level of English okay so go take that I'll leave a link in the description so you can test your own level to know where you're at now and to understand what a c1 level of English means okay so seven reasons why you're not fluent in English yet this is what we are going to talk about today I just have a quick look at the chat just to say hello to everybody we've got a lot of people joining okay we have a lot of people joining from all over the world because this lesson is live now if you want to know when my next live lesson is then be sure to subscribe and also turn on the notification bell okay so subscribe and click that bell okay on my phone I have seven reasons why you're not fluent in English yet and then I'm going to give you a solution for each one so that you can start doing the right things and start moving toward that c1 level of English so number one this is very common it's because you don't have enough time to learn English this is such an important reason not having enough time to improve your English to work on your English so I hear a lot of people tell me this they tell me that they don't have enough time to learn now some students that get in touch with me tell me that they can study all day that they have free time in order to study English but the majority of people have other commitments they have jobs they have family they have other things that they want to do so the solution here is to do a couple of things first make English more of a priority if this is important to you then make English more of a priority so look at your calendar think about how you spend your day and then think about how you can do more English so this might mean stop doing a different hobby reducing the amount of time you spend watching TV reduce the amount of time you waste time on social media for example so always think about ways that you can do more in English the second thing to do is to listen to English while you are doing other things so this just means that you can maximize your time so that when you are doing things that you do in your daily life like commuting to work exercising tidying the house then do listen to things in English while you're doing that and then there's a third piece of advice here and it's to change your environment now we're going to talk about number one excuse that people make because they're not fluent in English soon and it relates to this but what I want you to do is to change your environment so make sure that you are surrounded by English no matter where you live in the world so I understand when people say I don't have enough time to learn English but there are things that you can do and if this is important to you then make it a priority change your environment so that you're constantly listening to and reading and using English and then also listen to English while doing other things this can make a massive difference to how quickly you can progress in English okay now I tour says I think that's an excuse so yeah if you say I don't have enough time to learn English it's because it's not that you don't have enough time it's just that it's not a priority for you and this might be good it might be bad but know that you can change your priorities if it's important to you okay number two you're not getting enough output you're not getting enough output so there are four skills of English reading writing listening and speaking and two of those are input reading and write reading and listening and two of those are related to output writing and speaking and the majority of people I speak to or communicate with tell me that they're not doing enough output because it's very easy to watch a YouTube video in English or to read something or to listen to something in English but it's so important that you get that output too so there are two things I want you to do firstly write more write in English and use tools that are going to help you with this I have a writing method that shows you how you can improve through writing and not just your writing skills but your grammar and your vocabulary so I'll leave a link in the description after this video that will link you to that article that I wrote and doing this can make a huge difference now number two is not getting enough speaking practice and there are two main ways you can practice speaking you can have conversations or you can use my method that to fluency method and this is where you listen and repeat sentences so you listen to a sentence and you repeat it full details of this method is below in the description okay so definitely check that out because getting output is so important getting output is so important because this is going to help you you take your knowledge and to be able to use it naturally and in order to get to that stage you need to practice you need to practice your writing and your speaking writing is such a good way not enough students are practicing their writing and you can learn grammar you can learn vocabulary through writing so again check out the links that I have in the description about this but not enough people are getting the output that they need okay so number three is spending too much time learning grammar rules spending too much time learning grammar rules a lot of people want to be able to use English without thinking now I'm going to make a specific video on this soon to be able to use English without thinking and this means without having to think about grammar rules and the type of vocabulary that you need to use learners want to be able to just say things naturally and if you spend too much time learning grammar rules then you're going to hesitate when speaking you're going to slow down your communication because you're thinking about grammar and learning some grammar rules can help but but a much more powerful method is that a fluency method where you internalize grammar without thinking about rules spending too much time on grammar rules is not going to help you reach that really high level of English it's not going to help your speaking you need to do other things instead you need to intuitively know grammar you need to internalize grammar and you can do that through the repetition of sentences and also by speaking more this is again such an important part of reaching that high level you spend too much time on grammar you're not going to make fast progress and this is related to tip number one because tip number one is not having enough time and if you don't have a lot of time then it's important that you're very efficient with that time that you spend your time doing things that are going to help you quickly gonna help you make progress quickly so not as much grammar rules and then start doing more effective things okay so that's tip number three so far we have talked about not having enough time not getting enough output learning grammar rules too much number four is a good one to practice not enough confidence to speak English with people okay this is a big one and I understand this one because when I was focused on learning Spanish I was very shy too I didn't want to make mistakes I didn't want to look stupid I didn't want to embarrass myself by speaking Spanish with people and making mistakes when I did that but it's important that you overcome this it's important that you overcome your shyness now I've got some tips for you on how to do this firstly find somebody who you are comfortable with this might be a teacher or it might be a friend or a language exchange partner find one person who are really comfortable with and practice with that person and then build up your confidence to practice with other people another tip is to understand learn phrases related to small talk this was my latest video small talk small talk is a way for you to overcome your shyness and to ask common questions that people ask when they first meet somebody and then if you're the one asking the questions then you're not speaking as much but instead you're listening and this allows you just to overcome that initial fear or feeling shy now I used to have a student who lived in an english-speaking country and the student was very shy about talking in English speaking in English so I told him to go to a specific place and to ask lots of people for directions just to go to people and say excuse me do you know the way to the library do you know the way to the post-office do you know the way to the museum and you could ask this question again and again what you're doing is you're overcoming your fear of speaking and you're asking the same question which means that you can produce this question and then you're listening this is a really good way to overcome your fear of speaking but use the phrases that I talked about in the small talk lesson - that is going to help you so not enough time not getting enough output learning - or putting too much focus on grammar rules feeling too shy to practice these are all common things and Melissa Joe says actually it's a reason of afraid of making mistakes when we speak exactly this is a number one reason why people don't speak is because they are afraid of making mistakes but to be honest no one cares if you make a mistake nobody cares English speakers are used to hearing people from foreign countries talk because English is the number one spoken language as a second language we are constantly hearing mistakes that people make we we hear people from France from Russia from South America from all over the world speaking in English they're constantly making mistakes and we don't care we don't care we do not care if you make a mistake we do not care seriously it's not important the most important thing is that we make a connection that we make a connection and sometimes you're going to make a mistake that's funny that's okay it's okay people are going to enjoy listening to your English and the way that you speak and if they don't if the mean or the rude then they're not worth talking to find somebody else to talk to Daniel says I told you guys don't be afraid to make mistakes exactly you are right to break the ice is a very difficult thing it is that's the most difficult thing it's that initial conversation and that's why if you can find somebody who you're comfortable with this is going to help you greatly because you don't have that initial tension and fear of talking to someone okay number five number five is you're waiting for the perfect opportunity your work you're waiting for the perfect situation to practice and the big example of this is when people say okay well I want to learn English so I need to move to a foreign country and I need to take lessons daily and I'm not going to do anything until I have this opportunity I'm going to go to London this summer and I'm going to live with an english-speaking family and I'm going to practice every day it's going to be perfect so I don't need to do anything until the summer this is so common people wait for that perfect opportunity to practice when what they should be doing is creating that daily habit of doing the right things in English on a consistent basis the daily habit of doing the right things in English on a consistent basis don't think that you have to have this perfect environment in order to improve don't think they have to move to an english-speaking country take the perfect course and have that perfect situation in order to improve instead do what you can do now if you think that this perfect course is going to help you great but also do the right things on a daily basis before you go this is such an important thing such an important thing Natalia says you are right there are many excuses yeah this is it there are so many excuses why you shouldn't do something and why you're not making progress and why it's not fair that you can't improve but anybody who's watching this video right now has the resources to get online and to practice to improve to use to find all the materials that they will ever need to reach a high level okay so waiting for the perfect opportunity this is a big one number six not consistent not being consistent with learning English and this is related to number five so you might want to wait for that perfect opportunity you do it and then you stop learning but in order to in order to improve I highly recommend that you do things every day that you do things every day and that you build the habit of learning English because learning a language is not about a one-time event where you do something intensely or two to three weeks it's kind of like exercising and fitness where you need to constantly do things in order to maintain it you can't store fitness you can't just store like basic levels of English you need to do things on a consistent basis consistency is king here it's a vital element of reaching that high level so make sure that you build an English learning routine to reach that high level okay 4:7 it's been too stressed being too stressed and again I understand that if you have a big goal and it's important to you it can be stressful where you feel stressed our thinking about where you are now and where you want to be that if you think that is such an important thing that you are very serious about what you do but the problem is if you feel stressed out about your English level then it's very difficult to be open to new language such a big part of this is enjoying the journey enjoying the daily practice having fun with it star about it and you're very closed and you know open to new language you'll panic about your exams you'll panic about learning new words and phrases but it's so important that you're relaxed and open and that you're enjoying this this process because if you get too stressed about it then you're going to stop if it becomes too difficult you're not happy about the the way you're learning then you'll stop learning and that means that you're not going to be consistent so enjoy this journey it's a wonderful wonderful thing to think about how you can improve on a daily basis how you can improve little by little so that you reach your big goal and this is an incredible journey to be on it's an incredible journey to be on so enjoy it enjoy as much as you can this means things like you can read books that you like to read you can watch TV shows you want to watch you can learn the type of English you want to learn you can watch football you can play computer games but just do it in English and this is enjoyable this is enjoyable don't feel that you have to do something instead do what you think is enjoyable to you okay so those are some reasons why you're not fluent in English yet um like like a tosser before these are a lot of these or excuses I don't have enough time I can't get enough speaking practice I need to focus on grammar I'm too shy I'm going to wait until I have the perfect opportunity it's hard to do this on a consistent basis this is so important for me I'm so stressed out so think about things that you can change based on this lesson and a good place to start is get in my book the five-step plan for English fluency this is free to download and this is going to help you build an English learning routine to think about your goals why they're important and then to focus on doing the right things to help you reach that goal and creating a plan that you can do on a daily basis not just like I'm going to do everything today I want to do everything today instead how can I make this part of my life and routine and then if you're looking for more and if you're looking for the to fluency method a method that's going to help you improve your speaking your accuracy your fluency the way you speak you can internalize grammar and learn lots of new words and phrases and you can do this in as little as 15 minutes a day and see really good progress then get the to fluency program okay so learn more about the to fluency program in the description at the would love to have you inside the program and let me know if you have any questions about that okay I'm just going to go back to the comment section and Knapp says I guess that the English is the best language in the world I like reading only English every time I am in a conversation with someone I get nervous and I cannot think clearly and I don't even know what to say yet so this could be for two reasons this happens to everyone this is what I won't say this happens to everyone even when English is your native language you get nervous or you don't know what to say sometimes when you meet new people it happens all the time I think about your native language does it happen in your native language if so it's most likely going to happen in English too so no it happens to everyone but you can overcome this by putting yourself out there by meeting new people by forcing yourself to have these conversations you can overcome this but also know that it's important to work to learn the words and phrases to use when you meet somebody who's new so check out my video on small talk because that's going to help you meet new people people say how can he wants to practice with me is anyone interest practicing with me is it possible to chat together now I talked about this in a video about how to get more speaking practice so again check that video out but find a language exchange partner if you can and to find a language exchange partner so you can practice your English with people okay if by the way if you have enjoyed this lesson and found it useful then I would really appreciate it if you shared it with your friends so share it to your whatsapp groups to your Facebook groups to email it to somebody and just click that share box and share it with your friends Zohan says i just read your book cool methods for everyone who wants to increase english language and to set up a high level thank you yeah that book i think it's really useful because it it's a very realistic book and a practical book it talks about how you can actually do this not just magical methods but instead how you can do this on a daily basis okay everybody so I'll keep this under 30 minutes and go and watch this again if you need a reminder of the seven reasons why you're not fluent in English yet and also be sure to go to the description get my book you haven't got it yet and then check out the to fluency program okay everybody thank you so much for being here I'll speak to y'all soon Hey bye
Channel: To Fluency
Views: 30,839
Rating: 4.9722705 out of 5
Keywords: tofluency, jack from tofluency, learn english, english fluency
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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