Accessing the Power of God - Christ in You Vol. 2

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every day ordinary people are given the opportunity to do extraordinary things a chance to come together share the love of God go into all the nations heat the Great Physician through our faith in action and change the world at bill Winston ministries we've been called to the nations and are committed daily to praying for you Isaiah chapter 56 verse 7 reads for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations and here at our new bill Winston ministries prayer call center we believe in the power of prayer and the power of partnership the new bill Winston ministries prayer call center one body of believers with a heart for God and a passion for people ready to stand in faith and pray with you the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers up next on the believers walk of faith but price that lives in me there's not a singing problem that you're gonna come in contact with that you don't have the answer to Christ the wisdom of God hello bill Winston here and welcome to the believers walk of faith where we walk by faith and not by sight well if you're born again you have an anointing on your life the anointing is God's burden removing yoke destroying power now this anointing is a power that comes on human flesh to do what only God can do now let's go into today's teaching it's called Christ things are gonna be better in the end than they were in the beginning over in Ecclesiastes chapter 7 in verse 8 he actually speaks about that he says that better the end of a thing than the beginning thereof okay so we're expecting better things than they had back even in the Old Testament even in the early church we expecting better things I just noticed now every time you know I purchase a car and when I purchased the car you have to teach me how to how to operate it I mean I know how to drive but they had to teach me some things about the radio and how did you know gifting don't preset and then you know get more phones hooked up to it and and just some things that's it man what has happened what technology is moved on and it's moved on to make life better for the people who are taking of it are you followed what I'm saying well think about the technology of faith think about the technology of the kingdom and there is moving on folks and and there's better revelation today he said in Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 40 he talked about that God has preserved better things for us better things provided some better things for us so the better things that he's going to give is better revelation and the better revelation is going to give you better manifestation and so you're gonna have some advantages as other people didn't have now God is saying I'm saved the best to last so you weren't meant to be born back in 1492 when Columbus sailed the ocean blue you weren't meant to be born back in a time of Christ you weren't you meant to be born right here right now in the midst of what's going on and so what we talked about is this anointing that we have on our lives we talk about the anointing of what it is and we went over to Zechariah chapter 4 and verses 6 and 7 then he answered and speaking to me saying this is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel saying not thy might know about power but by my spirit saith the Lord of hosts and he said who art thou great mountain before lulubelle thou shalt become a plane and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shoutings crying grace to it moreover the word of the Lord came to me saying the hands of the Rubel have laid the foundation of this house and his hand shall also finish it so notice what he's saying the hand of the type of Christ had laid the foundation and his hand shall finish it now this is very very very key because what we're finding out is that you and I have an anointing on our lives and what does that anointing do it gives us sweat less victories the anointing enables us to do things that we could not do before that anointing took place if you look at Samson's life you'll see it said the Spirit of the Lord came on him and he took up a jawbone and slayed a thousand men you look at the time of Joshua and Joshua and God talks about Joshua being filled with the spirit let me show you that one right quick josh was this is Deuteronomy and chapter 30 34 now and starting at verse 9 and Joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom for Moses has laid his hands upon him now this is kind of interesting because it Moses was transferring an anointing that was on him and putting it on Joshua and he did that by the laying on of hands you see that's one of the foundation teaching that the church should have if you go and look at what he says about terms of foundation let me show you that this is found in Hebrews chapter 6 verse 1 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrines of Christ let us go on unto perfection not laying again the foundation of what repentance from dead works what else and a faith toward God and what else the doctrine of baptism and what the laying on of hands see that's a basic doctrine that should be taught the laying on of hands so I'm saying that to say that this anointing you know what is it in actuality so it's something that comes on human flesh to do what only God can do why because what God is going to assign you to it's not gonna be within the confines of human ability it's not gonna be the strength that you have that's gonna make that come to pass let's look at Samuel 1st Samuel chapter 2 and verses verses 9 and 10 look what it says here and he will keep the feet of the Saints and the wicked shall be silent in darkness for by strength show no man what prevailed in that interesting by human strength nobody is going to prevail so with that in mind God chooses people look at 1st Corinthians in chapter 1 and verse 23 he said but we preach Christ crucified unto the Jews a stumbling-block unto the Greeks foolishness but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks Christ the power of God and the wisdom wisdom of God because the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men for you see your calling brethren how not many many wise men after the flesh not many mighty not many noble are called but God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty and base things of the world and things for despise has God chosen yea and things which are not to bring to nought the things that are why that no flesh should glory in his presence now when he says he in verse 27 that he's chosen the weak things he's saying that God chose somebody who know they need to depend on God to make it work so you may be chosen as a person who barely finished elementary school or you may be chosen as a person who has a PhD well you still a foolish things you're still the person that God is saying I chose you I chose you because I know that you are going to depend on me to make that happen matter of fact he said it over in John chapter 15 and verse 16 he said something he said you didn't choose me but I chose you and ordained you that you shall go forth and bring forth what fruit and that your fruit shall remain that whatever you shall ask of the Father in my name he will give it to you give the Lord a praise for that so God has chosen you he has now anointed you now you are what I call a know-it-all look at first John please in chapter 2 you are a know-it-all but he have an unction from the Holy One you need an unction to function I better come over you know like my humor you need an unction to function you have an auction from the Holy One and you what you know Oh things interesting interesting I told you a story about what we were up on Madison Street and into church and somebody one of the members came to me and said my boss would like to see you I said why she said well he's trying to find out what he should do for the black male youth in Chicago and he has no idea he's like to talk to you about it I said okay I'll go see him so I would see him and he talked about the fact that he was you know having a meeting and the chairman of Newsweek magazine was there and he asked him hey you know what are you gonna do about the youth the black youth in Chicago and he said what do you mean he said well you got all the resources what are you gonna do he said well I and so he went home he said it bothered him stayed on his mind he asked his daughter who was a lawyer he said she said he said you know I was asked today what could I do about the african-american male youth in Chicago and she said well what are you gonna do about it she said and then at birth it bothered me more so he said Reverend I need you to tell me what I could do I said tell you what I can't tell you what you can do right now but in seven days I'll come back with exactly what you should do Oh Reverend that's great here's my phone number my cell number so forth and so on now what could I say that because I'm a know-it-all not i but Christ that lives in me there's not a single problem that you're gonna come in contact with that you don't have the answer to Christ the wisdom of God that's what it is so what happened when God gave me the answer I put it on kind of a powerpoint on an eight-and-a-half by 11 sheets of paper about seven of them and went through about three of them we got to the fourth when he said that's it Reverend we got that program those kids I mean the teachers from the schools calls us asked us hey what are you doing with these kids these kids were making FS in math and now they're making aging B's what are you doing with these kids wait God has a solution to Chicago's problems he has a solution to your marriage problem he has a solution it doesn't make any difference finance probably don't make any difference you already know it all so y'all not just receiving it yet you you IRA know-it-all now don't get it twisted we know it's a Holy Ghost inside of you I told you I had this lady we were we had just we started the church at Minnesota I was still with IBM at that time and but we felt a call to ministry and so we started church in and so we won't have a crusade outside so we went had to crusade in the park and and we did some songs and then preach the gospel and now we're gonna work miracles and so one lady came up and she was with a couple other ladies and she couldn't feel a face all the all the feeling had gone out of her head and so forth and so on and so I said well come on up here Jesus is a healer and I put hands on her I said in the name of Jesus be healed all of a sudden I can feel my face I can't started crying and so forth I said lady jesus healed you she said no he didn't you heal me how's it wait for the lady woman wait a minute now see that's like that donkey you know that donkey that drove Jesus Road in town on that donkey he got back to the to the stable that night into did y'all see all them people bowing down to me did y'all check y'all check it out now donkey you know what they call a donkey but but anyway so my point to you is that it's not you it's Christ in me the hope of glory now what he'll do it for anybody who has him see Jesus had two baptisms that's why it says talk about the boat baptism in the foundation not just water you got have to deal the power comes when you come up out of the water and get the Holy Ghost baptism and what happens people run off some people don't don't get that Wow now you're lacking half your equipment and that's not the way God wants to do it so if you don't have the Holy Ghost you can get to hold of those today praise God all right let's keep going so Exodus chapter 23 please it's God talking to Moses now behold I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place where you ain't quite where I have prepared this is in the promised land be aware of him now obey his voice provoke him not for he will not pardon your transgressions for my name is in him but if you shall indeed obey his voice and do all that I speak then I'll be an enemy to your enemies and adversaries to your adversaries for my angel shall go before you and bring you into the amorite sea Hittites the parasites the Canaanite the highlights the Jebusites and I will cut them off now notice who's going to do this God is going to do this but you got to go alright so come back up to that saw it again show all those lights so look at all these lights Hittites spirit of fear soon as you try to step outside your comfort zone uh-uh-uh-uh-uh look what's gonna happen to you huh you get up in front of those people look what who happen whatever he's designed to contain you and he's a strong man and you can't fight him with just your natural ability you can't defeat him fear is a spirit you can't fight a spirit with the natural well I can think of a way try hi vibes deception deception so when I go into that land I gotta follow the book because that's the only way I'm gonna not be deceived I remember this guy emeritus lady you know hanging around together and we started to church and he he met this lady a great and he said I said God just let me to say this is she saved he said well no but she's gonna be saved I'm ready I said brother man you messing around now with something that ain't in the book so he didn't come for a while why he went married her but then a year later he came back why cuz she was dog what it's not if you're married to a person that's unsafe you can pray for them to get saved but if you're not married to somebody that's not safe then God says hey don't don't don't do that why because they're their father is the devil he said well he's been nice but you wait to get married and after the marriage has been consummated that night you wake up the next morning it's called deception and natural mine can't catch deception not not true deceptive the devil I can if you had a magician I'm not advocating magicians but a magician stood up here and pull a rabbit out of your head I defy you to figure out how he did it you can't because it's deception and you can't out this the devil is a deceiver and it takes the Holy Ghost to catch it all right let me give each man I didn't mean stop on that food okay so these ice Debbie sites for example it means to stop on Jeff sites the same spirits to bring racism is the same spirits that causes caste systems if you're born in a certain group you stay in that group same spirit that's a Jeb you site you strong man over nations and that's why the nations are like there but you have victory over them say amen to that what I shared with you is that God has an anointing to quicken your mind to quicken your mind and that empowers your metaphor with you for mental results and and you find that he said over in in 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 16 he says for who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him but we have what the mind of Christ say I have the mind of Christ now I was in graduate school I had too many courses and and God said don't drop any courses I'll show you how to get by them and he took me to proverbs ten and he said say the scripture the memory of the righteous is blessed and I start saying that and it empowered my thinking and I came out with four aids and three B's glory to God all right now he empowers you now for results so he empowers your intellect but he also and I did eleven and three is a scripture for that he gives us quick understanding now he also empowers us or quickens our bodies he quickens our bodies I'm trying to making sure you get all of this now for that scripture I'm through the lack of time and just going to one Romans chapter 8 and verse 11 please all right look what it says here but if the spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also what quicken your mortal body by his spirit that dwelleth in you let's try another translation of that one please let's try the New Living Translation and see what that says and the Spirit of God who raised Jesus from the dead lives in you and and just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same spirit living where in you in you so the same spirit that lives in you will give life to your mortal body now let me I'm going to appeal to your I'm gonna appeal to your natural intellect now I'm not trying to be revelatory I'm just going to appeal to common sense in mark chapter 5 verse 25 this is when the woman had an issue of blood now watch says and a certain woman was added issue blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and spent all that she had she was nothing better brother worse when she had heard of Jesus came the press behind and touched his clothe his garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes what will happen I shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of that play and Jesus immediately knowing in himself that virtue had gone out of him turned him about in the press and said who touched my clothes no wife the disciples they said unto him well you see the multitude pushing on you and you asked who touched me and Jesus he looked around about to see her who had done this thing but the woman's fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down at his feet before him and told him all the truth and he said unto her daughter thy faith has made the whole now watch this what made her whole but what did faith have to access to make her hope the anointing the power of God the power of God it had to access God's power to heal her of something that the doctor had been treating for 12 years and she was nothing better but rather what grew worse she was gonna die that anointing was on Christ and when she touched His garment it flowed it sold out of him we're into her what did it do for that disease or infirmity or whatever what did it do it drove it out of her body Christ in you that can quicken your mortal body I trust that you were blessed by this powerful message now here a couple of points that you want to remember there knowing is designed to give you sweat 'less victories we need that you remember Samson and he took the jawbone of a donkey and slayed a thousand men look at that power that the same anointing that's on you number two if you were believer you are what I call a know-it-all there's not something you get up until every but I'm a know-it-all no but that Christ in you gives you problem-solving ability that's over and beyond anything that a natural person could have you are the ones that God has placed in the earth to solve some of these last eight problems you're the ones why the anointing is in you and teaches you all things isn't that powerful well this is bill Winston until next time we love you and keep walking by faith Christ his death and resurrection did more than simply guaranteed your entrance into heaven there's so much more here on earth you have access to because of the anointing deposited within you Christ in his anointing breaks yokes lifts burdens and clears the way for you to win in life it's time to discover how to access and release this power source the anointing is the key that brings to pass the promises of God right now call us now at 879 T 327 or go online to bill Winston or to get your copy of Christ in you vol 2 in this four-part series dr. Winston masterfully breaks down the anointing within you as only he dr. Winston uses the scriptures to explain what the anointing is and exactly how this god-given power works consider this four-part series a spiritual boot camp you'll emerge from this time in the word truly understanding the anointing and how to activate it for your benefit these lessons are available on DVD mp4 CD or mp3 maybe you want to upsize your understanding of the true power you have as God's child and the power within you bundle is just for you not only will you receive the four-part Christ in you vol 2 series you will also get a copy of dr. Winston's mini book the missing link of meditation the art of biblical meditation is the process that shifts your thinking and creates permanent change in your life if you have not seen what the Bible promises come to pass this book provides the missing link to make your every dream become a reality you have all you need to succeed locked up inside of you don't wait one more day to unleash the power within doctors bill and Veronica Winston are dedicated to seeing lives changed through the power of prayer our loving and highly trained prayer ministers are ready to pray and agree with you we know that prayer can turn around any situation in your life contact us by phone at 187 seven five four three nine four four three or submit your prayer request online at /prayer follow us on periscope and facebook to join us for our regular live prayer sessions we want to thank our partners who have made this prayer call-center possible together we are transforming lives throughout the world if you are not a partner we encourage you to pray about joining us and partnership and be a part of the wonderful work that God is doing through this ministry we love you and look forward to praying and partnering with you [Music] the mission of bill Winston ministries is to preach the gospel of the kingdom throughout the world this broadcast has been made available to you through the faithful support of bill Winston ministries partners and Friends we invite you to become a partner and join dr. bill Winston as he trains believers how to live independent of this world system and have dominion over it Thank You bill Winston ministries partners and viewers for your continuous support of the believers walk of faith broadcast the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 88,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BW, 15172a, Christ, bill winston faith, BWOF, Christ in You
Id: td29c2Sc0lU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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