Law of Confession/ Pastor Bill Winston /Part 2

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reading in matthew chapter 12 yes 12 please and starting reading at verse 33 either make the tree good or his fruit good or else make the tree corrupt this fruit corrupt for a tree is known by his fruit o generation of vipers how can you being evil speak of things for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh a good man on the good trade of his heart brings forth good things an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil things now that verse 35 there it says a good man out of the good treasure of his heart now a treasure of his heart could be good deposit of his heart you got it a good deposit of his heart now that's significant because i'm going to do something with that verse 36 but i say unto you that every idol word which men shall speak there shall give a count thereof in a day of judgment now see that word idol you can put in your bible if you'd like to do that if you can write in it if you can't go get one you can write in don't write in hours now give one you borrow an hour don't write in that uh wait till you get your own just make a note of it the idol there means useless dead or non-productive so every non-productive word that you speak you shall give account of in the day of judgment we said judgment doesn't mean necessarily the end of the world but what judgment means is it means when that word has come to fruit to manifestation it'll either set you free or put you in bondage by the next verse that we have verse 37 for by thy words thou shalt be justified justified being acquitted or made free and by thy words thou shalt be condemned condemned means to be put in bondage or sentenced so words now this that i'm teaching on now is called the law of confession say that with me the law of confession all right this sub-topic that i'm teaching on right here in this lesson is called making the connection making the connection all right now we looked up first of all um this whole word law to find out what it meant and we said that it is a principle now principle is something that's a foundational truth based on predictable consequences of an act a law is a principle something supporting other things based on a predictable unpredictable consequences of an act in other words if i do this i know what's going to happen not one time every time i do it i know exactly what's going to happen so what i did is i gave you an illustration of the laws of flight me having commercial license as a pilot i fly i've been taught flying and flying the first thing they did is put you in ground school ground schools where they taught you about the airplane then you go into flight training you go in the airplane go up first airplane they use little very simple single-engine cessna airplane that's what we use in the military in that air force well what happened we go up and he kind of shows us what the airplane of dunes turns and so forth and so on and some guys came down sick now they came down sick because of fear fear was one of the things that was kind of plaguing their life in that environment they thought the airplane was one point gonna maybe not fly or crash or something like that but the instructor had understood the laws of flying that is four laws mainly which affect an airplane law of lift law of drag law of thrust and the law of lift lift drag thrust and gravity okay so those four laws acting in concert causes the airplane to go up come down turn so forth and so on and you can put it on a computer based on the design of the airplane and determine how this airplane is going to operate in any situation it's a law the law of gravity i can stand on a 25-story building and drop something out of the window i wouldn't do that but if you drop something out of one you can calculate how long it's going to be before it hits the ground based on its weight based on the density of air you can calculate that that's called a law predictable every time there is a law of confession every time you can predict what's going to happen every time now what has happened we've not made the connection what is going on what's going on is people are saying things that indicate that they have no revelation of the connection between what they say and what they get now you've heard of this sticks and stones may break my bones come on but words will never hurt me well let's prove that turn the proverbs please proverbs chapter 18 proverbs chapter 18. proverbs chapter 18 if you have it say praise the lord somebody look at verse 21 death and life are in the power of the devil come on shout me down that's not what it says is it what does it say it's in the power of your tongue then say the devil the devil wants your tongue because the death and life are in the power of that and what we did last time we studied the book of job we studied how job was blessed above all the people in the east and here was the enemy and he began to talk to job's mind joe's mind about what's going to happen to job now it says here let's go over to proverbs chapter 30 please proverbs chapter 30. come on quickly praise god proverbs chapter 30 and verse 32. have you got it look at verse 32 if thou has done foolishly in lifting up thyself or if thou has thought evil lay your hand over your mouth and it's interesting if you got a wrong thought the next thing that happens is it begins to come where out of your mouth am i right about it let's go to another place let's go to psalms please and psalms chapter 39 psalms chapter 39 glory to god psalms chapter 39 have you got it verse 1 i said i will take heed to my ways that i sin not with my tongue i will keep my mouth with a what bridle while the who wicked or demons are before me satan is waiting on your mouth now as we look at this let's look at the word confession now and see what that means confession in the in the dictionary here's the definition i got the acknowledge of a crime fault acknowledgement it probably i should have i might have miswritten that the acknowledgement of a crime or fault or something to one's disadvantage traditionally people associate confession with the negative confession of something that i've done wrong father forgive me and i looked it up to find about the confessions and basically there are three there are four types of confessions one was a confession found in matthew chapter 3 verse 6 that john the baptist had the jews to confess their sins before they got water baptized this is before jesus started his ministry another type of confession is the confession found in romans chapter 10 and verse 9 that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and believe in thy heart that god's raising from the dead thou shalt be saved now this is a confession of the lordship of jesus christ that the sinner confessed some people think that sinners are supposed to confess all their sins what no they don't confess all they sin the bible says in john 16 verses 7 through 11 that the sinner is convicted about one sin and that's the sin of not believing on jesus and once they believe on jesus and confess him everything they ever did boom is gone why because they're gone they turn into a new person a new person gets that born again well if you got a baby just born again you can't talk to that baby about what happened ten years ago because the baby didn't do nothing 10 years ago here's the third confession the confession of when we're out of fellowship with god something happens in our lives as a believer we miss god we step out of line with god first john 1 9 says if you confess your sin he's faithful and just to do what forgive your sins come on and cleanse you from all what unrighteousness now that's not a cart block to to sin it's saying if you do sin and not only does god forgive you but what else does he do with it he forgets it so you can't even bring it back up to him and what people do sometimes is they waste time bringing it back up to god well he's not going to remember because he just told you in his word he's not going to remember it and he keeps his word but you know what you do when you bring it back up you weaken your own spirit you feed condemnation in there and when you see condemnation in their faith doesn't work and condemnation is a disease of the spirit forget it you'll be talking about it every week all right now the fourth type of confession is found in john 10 10 he said with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with confession a mouth is made unto salvation with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation now that kind of confession is confessing your faith in the word of god in christ the greek word for that now just sit through this because you need this the greek word for that is homologio that we homo meaning the same logos or logos you know the word logos meaning word but it's spoken it's something that god has spoken that you agree with so confession for the believer is to say the same thing that god says is to acknowledge that i'm flying airplanes and the controller says to me says uh a three zero two zero tango turn right heading three two zero and maintain five thousand feet and what happened i turn right heading i acknowledge uh rogers three three zero two three zero two sarah tango turning right heading three two zero maintaining five thousand well i gotta acknowledge that and guess what if i don't acknowledge it you know what he'll do three zero two zero tango did you did you cop him three zero two zero tango did you copy he won't give up he won't give up until i acknowledge it got it and that's the same thing with god in all our ways come on acknowledge him and he'll direct your path okay now i want you to know that the confession that we've learned was confession of sin i'm going to confession and go and so forth and it's been mostly negative and it's been preached negatively but it's more about the positive confession in the bible than there is about negative confession and what we're going to focus in on is positive confession now last time we talked about positive thinking positive thinking and we've read some of the positive thinking books well that's good positive thinking is good i mean it is better than negative thinking but positive thinking alone will not change your circumstances now we'll go through that and show you this i mean positive thinking will give you a good attitude while your business is failing while the ship is sinking it'll make you go down in style with a good attitude praise the lord praise the lord [Applause] okay now those books are good but that alone will not make it all right now let's do this i've got to make it plain i don't have much time to mess around with you okay now so now this law of confession that what happens with you and i is that we unconsciously go down to the level of our confession here is part of the law no one ever rises above the level of their confession if you are confessing something a negative you go to the level of it if you're confessing something positive i'm talking about in god now you go to the level of it wrong confession glorifies satan right confession glorifies god now we've not made the connection between what we say and what we get in this life or what we have and a lot of times what we thought is that we're telling it like it is but once you get born again you can say it before you see it see how how can you lie saying what god said god cannot lie the bible says in joel chapter 3 let the weak say i am what strong see and what happened is we've been trained negatively we've been trained unless you see that you're strong you're not supposed to say that you're strong but in the kingdom of god the way that you see that you're strong you've got to first say that you're strong all right i'm going somewhere let's now go back first to genesis chapter 1 first and then we're going over here to number chapter 13 genesis chapter 1. this is going to be the most powerful series glory to god i can feel it in my bones now the bible says be careful what you hear take heed what you hear that's what it says take heed what you hear for the measure that you me to be measured back to you see you a good man out of the good deposit of his heart what is the heart the spirit okay the spirit it's not your blood problem we're talking about your heart he's talking about your spirit now jesus is teaching he's teaching them on spiritual things if you go to a high school or college they teach you and train your intellect have you know have you gone to any college and this is what the professor says you are three parts spirit soul and body and the real you is spirit you have a soul or a mind and you live in a body have you ever heard a professor say that now it'll teach that it's just training your mind it is training your mind now the bible says in romans chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 i beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of god that you present your body is a living sacrifice watch this holy acceptable unto god which is your reasonable service and be not conformed to this world but be the transformed by the renewing of your mind now what is it saying it's saying that for you to please god you're going to have to renew your mind to the things of the spirit i'm not be pleasing unto god now there are people that think you know certain things are pleasing unto god and and you know it in in church we have all kinds of ideas that stuff is pleasing unto god what's pleasing unto god i was a little boy down there in that church down there in alabama i'm telling you you know about halfway through the sermon the preachers start winding up and so forth and some sister over here starts shouting now she's gonna know she's gonna shout some of y'all don't know what that means that's always just stay away from it and and she get up every sunday you shout they have to hold it down and everything see somebody think that's pleasing to god now i'm not talking about i'm not talking about anybody's face but i'm saying how about calling things that be not as though they were come on now how about casting out demons how about laying hands on the sick and they recover how about reading your bible once a day no i ain't doing that [Applause] do a lot of religious stuff that we call pleasing under god and that's why the church hasn't gone nowhere we're still cooking fish dinners selling chitlins trying to keep the lights on folks some days oh [Applause] i'm telling you that big and try to get the bill and fund paid off so forth they ain't enough chickens in illinois to do what god's called us to do today for selling chicken dinners and car washes and all that stuff see that please no no no no i'm telling you tithes and offerings is pleasing unto god are you following what i'm saying now i'm not trying to talk about anybody's faith i don't know where you came from and i don't care and i didn't wake up this morning with you on my mind you got no saying i'm saying what's coming to my spirit [Applause] and that's what i'd like to have i like to have a church full of believers people people that want to go somewhere well anyway wait a minute so in the college are they going to teach you about the spirit well notice what jesus said jesus said wait a minute he said that uh in john chapter 6 and verse 63 he said um glory to god he said that 663 uh yeah it's a spirit that quickeneth the flesh profits nothing now why do you say that he said for my words they are spirit and they are life see the tendency is that we think our words are just sound we think our words are just noise they're not they're spirit see the good man a good man out of the good deposit of his swear heart heart is not your blood prop it's your spirit your spirit is a bag that holds words you got what i'm saying and whatever words are in there when you come under attack that's what comes out now what have we done we've made we've dissociated what we say with what we have he said no no no no no wait a minute he said a good man on the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things so what's in your life brought forth is a product of the words that you've ever heard or you've spoken and that's why you can't go anywhere and listen to anything some of them christian channels i don't even listen to that is i'm telling you i don't have anything against the people but i ain't got time for it i know the truth i don't know all of it i'm willing to learn but i can tell my spirit will tell me uh uh um and i had to turn from turn to western and and i'm just saying listen here's this story this is a true story this man had a mule and a mule for some reason stopped eating and he wondered what happened to the meal he's feeding him hay and he stopped eating and then he called the veterinarian and he came in here and examined the mew and ended up put his hand down arm down the mule's throat and pulling out a stick that had gotten lodged in the mule's throat and the mule had stopped eating well you know you've heard the expression when you go to places and they talk a lot of unbelief somebody said well just chew up the meat and spit out the bones well what happened when i'm getting caught in your throat some of that stuff can kill you i'm just saying life and death come on are in the power of the tongue and you can't afford to hear that mess you can't afford to hear that job was being tested by god the bible says that god doesn't test any man with evil he with evil sickness is evil sickness is not from god neither did killing of job's kids was from god we saw that job said the things that i feared most what came upon me he said lord teach me and i will hold my tongue show me where i have made a mistake and you go places and you hear that god was testing jokes the first thing you do is you open up the door religion always gives consent to something that the devil's bound to do and it opens up the door to the devil and next thing you know some are coming on you and your mind will say the devil will shoot the thought in well god is testing you well you tested job well look at the verse that says lead me not into testing that's what that temptation means it said don't leave me in there lord take me out of there are y'all following what i'm saying i'm saying you got to take heed what you hear and the product most of my teaching is trying to teach out unbelief it's all over the church we got to teach this mess out we got to give understanding so you'll be willing to let that lie go and get the truth of god's word and you'll get something different in your life you and i should be walking like kings in this earth and a signal of god should be broke we should have no poverty in our lives we should be calling things that be not as though they were we should be commanding money to come no no no no no we still talk about hey girl where you going oh i'm just dying to go can i see dying to go you ain't dying and you don't want to die suppose you said that i'm just dying hit the ground then you'd wake up thank god he won't turn up the power until you get your mouth right i'm telling you the church is coming to a place where we gonna all walk and talk the same thing we're gonna all be on one accord we can speak something one day and the next day it's gonna be done same entity boy i feel like preaching now i feel like going on [Applause] [Music] sticks and stones will break my bound but words will never hurt me they'll kill you words are the most powerful things in the earth speak them get your tongue right and see and what we've said is there are two two levels there's a spiritual level natural level the natural level of the law is spiritual law and spiritual law has dominion over natural law that's why jesus could tell peter come and peter got out of that boat on the word come and walked on the water gravity couldn't even hold him because of the power of the word that was spoken by jesus say amen to them now i'm just saying that what we need to do is our words our spirit that's why when somebody says something to you wrong like that it keeps going on in your mind that's why it's hard to get rid of it why because it's living it's living ain't just noise it's spirit that's why you can't sit up in all that mess because it's more than noise it's more than sound it's spirit [Applause] now i ain't talking about nobody's ministry but it's time for the church to be the church we need to stop playing games and preaching all this unbelief come on now we got to preach the buck naked word of god and put that thing out there and whoever don't like it let them go sit in the car folks it's time for us to rise up and walk in this earth as kings amen hey you go to college you ain't heard no polish professor tell you well you're a spirit come on now indeed hell em deal with that and that's the truth you ain't just soul you ain't a big mind you have a mind to operate with but you are spirit now let's look at genesis chapter one y'all still with me y'all can tell i ain't taking i ain't taken down today say amen to them in here today all right you got you got i got to show you something you you got to be bold put something right there well you had genesis chapter one ain't nothing to put there but let let's go to mark's gospel come on mark chapter three mark chapter 3 [Applause] [Music] amen now i'm i'm what am i doing i'm building your confidence in your words i'm not trying to put you in bondage i'm trying to let you know that even when we get into this lesson you're going to see that justin is something you got to watch justing i'm talking when it's cold outside and you come inside just just exactly any warm out there see uh-uh cause you're confusing your spirit oh i'm messing with you now y'all got quiet on me now see you gotta stop this i'm dying to go my feet are killing me you know what i mean you got to say what you mean mean what you say now i'm not trying to put you in bondage i'm trying to give value to your words because that's the step of getting the first step of getting what god has for you which is your promises and god has these things for you that's the first step to getting it you're gonna have to believe what you say gonna come to pass and you were never meant or designed to say something you didn't want to come to happen you weren't meant to say that you were meant to say exactly what you wanted to come to pass you don't hear god say whoo lord my feet are killing me god can't say that you got what i'm saying and you got to say the same thing about people what you want to come to pass i know they're acting like a fool but the thing of you got to say now i'm talking myself too you got to say this you got to say hey see that guy cutting in front of him right now you know he's going to come to his right mind a minute and just get right on in that street [Applause] see you guys well see how you doing right there watching he gonna hit somebody right over that bro see you think you're prophesying you go by there and see it and hit somebody yeah i told you i told you prophesied and you helped it see the devil wants your mouth he wants your mouth he wants it for your kids he wants it for your marriage he wants it for your job he wants it for your money he wants it for your health he wants it for everything you got he wants your mouth and god wants your mouth now give god your mouth cause he's going to deposit good seeds and they're going to bring forth good things [Music] when god said let there be light what happened there was light is god a spirit yep now he spoke and he spoke and his spirit words came out and control matter got it same into this well see you were made like him in his image come on and at this likeness see and the bible says in genesis chapter 2 verse 7 and god said let us make man okay and and god molded man out of out of the ground and and and and breathed into his nostrils and man became a living soul well the hebrew doesn't say let me say it says he became a speaking spirit see you just like god except you got a body up in here so that you can stay up in here without a body you don't stay on the earth but just because you got a body don't let the body tell you what to speak you tell the body what to say [Applause] [Applause] amen mark chapter three and put something right there [Applause] turn to matthew chapter 10. amen [Music] oh we got the devil what we wanted [Music] see everything he stole from you is about to come back home everything everything everything and you can't be shamed you can't be ashamed of the gospel because it is the power of god unto salvation to everyone that are believing say i'm not ashamed sit down [Applause] oh yeah i said oh yeah oh yeah all right look what it says here in matthew chapter 10 and verse 32. you got it whosoever therefore shall confess me before men him will i confess before my father which is in heaven now who is talking here jesus how do you know it's in the red look at verse 33 but whosoever shall what deny me before men keep going him will i also deny before my father which is in heaven now this is the law of confession if you confess him before men now you're not talking about necessarily you get out there jesus you know jesus jesus jesus jesus no no no no if you confess him his words what he spoke he and his word are what see he's going public now what we've been trying to do is just confess him right back up in here where everybody like us but i'm going to show you we've got to go public see he ain't gonna let you just do it all up in here he got he got some people out there that he wants you to say it in front of i'm telling you thanks see we're about to we about to oh lord jesus now what if they don't understand it so what they gonna see the results of it [Applause] all right well i'm telling you okay i'ma just i got to run it down to you because i'm just out of time now i got to run it down to you now don't move cause i said that all right now listen up in this thing now what's happening now is not only i'm giving you the truth but i'm giving you confidence in the words that you speak you see if your confidence in words can rise then you don't care who you're speaking in front of because you know what you say is going to come to pass see part of the reason we have been saying because we haven't been convinced that it's going to happen but there is a law of confession that every time you can predict what's gonna happen when jesus spoke to that fig tree he didn't even look back to see if that fig tree appreciated what he said he just spoke it went on by his business and so forth and the disciples said lord look what happened yesterday you smoked the street this thing didn't dried up at the rut i can see jesus now saying what you expect no no he said the things that i do the bible says when he spoke it the disciples heard it now you tell me here i am up here speaking at a plant you driving by and see me come on what you going to think come on now call the police all right now let's look at this [Applause] see come on now [Applause] don't shout me down because i'm preaching good what did i tell you the term [Applause] john chapter 12. look at john chapter 12 lord have mercy i said lord have mercy verse 42 nevertheless among the chief rulers also many believed on him but because of the pharisees they did not what confess him lest verse 42 they should be put out come on of the synagogue why for they love come on the praises of men come on more than the praises of god see some of y'all people you're trying to be people pleasers you're trying to be approved of people rather than be approved of god come on back to mark's gospel chapter three please mark's gospel chapter three come on now we're gonna clean your clock we're gonna make it so that you gonna get so bold you're gonna walk up in your house and you're gonna declare some things and they're gonna ask you where you've been you say where you need to go you need to go somewhere that they preaching the gospel of jesus christ instead of a bunch of religion on sunday morning now y'all i'm can't help it i got to i got what time is short we got to stop playing these church games come on now [Applause] look what it says here in mark chapter 3 this is jesus now he's in his ministry look what he says in verse 20 of mark chapter 3 the multitude coming together again so that they could not so much as eat bread and when his friends heard of it they went out to lay hold on him for they said he is what beside himself what's another way of saying that today he is crazy do you see with them calling jesus i'm talking about these are friends say friends somebody your friends when you start talking right he's going to call my call you a little crazy but don't be moved by what your friends say for you want to be pleasing unto god and not unto your friend come on over to verse 31 let me know what you got there now these are friends but this one i'm about to read now are going to be kinfolk oh lord have mercy somebody said kinfolk verse 31 there came then his brethren and his mother standing without saying to him and calling him and the multitude said about him and they said unto him behold thy mother and thy brother outside seeking for you and he answered them saying well who is my mother or my brethren and he looked round about on them that said about him and said behold these are my mother and my brethren for whosoever shall do the will of god and the same as my mother my brother my sister my auntie uncle [Applause] [Music] i'm telling you you're gonna be saying some stuff that your kinfolk are gonna want to know what you're talking about but they're going to all see the results of what you're doing say amen to them [Applause] now turn back one more place we need to do this say i'm a speaking spirit this guy named jerry he was getting up to speak in this meeting and he was going to speak and so he asked the moderator who's speaking after me he said charlie is speaking after you he said well charlie he said well how much time do i have said jerry you have an hour he said i tell you what i'm going to take charlie's time to and laugh about it watch justin but what happened he started preaching looked at his watch had plenty of time kept preaching looked at his watch plenty of time kept preaching looked at his what he said oh my goodness my watch has stopped has anybody got the time he said yeah uh jerry you have exactly taken your time and charlie's time notice he didn't mean it but he's spoken and charlie got up says i just want to say one thing they said what's that jerry has trained his spirit to bring to pass everything that he says i want you to notice something this watch is natural jerry's words are spiritual and if you got spirit words you can control natural stuff that's why you can say money folks how did gold get here who put it here how did he get it here broke it that goal is under your control but if i can get you to get confidence in your words that goal is coming home hey i got that that's from god right there the goal is coming home oh lord that's from god right there the goal is coming home that's from god [Applause] uh that was a prophetic word that was given out of my mouth and i didn't know it but once it came out god said that's the word the gold is coming home sit down let me finish this [Music] [Applause] here 12 spies went out to spot the land of canaan they came back when they came back 10 of them gave what kind of report say evil report and what did they say the giants are tall we can't defeat them what did they say the walls are so high we can't get around them see they were saying everything based on their interlect and that's what the natural system teaches you but be not conformed to this world you'll be conformed to the spiritual spirit god wants you to be led by your spirit not by your mind see you've got five senses what did that five senses feed into your mind every one of them you don't see what your eyes you see through them see with your mind amen amen man folks all your senses interpret the environment and feed it into your mind you cut all your senses out and you just is dumb you can't know nothing but god gets around your senses he feeds the information directly into you not your senses into your heart and the holy ghost illumines it to your mind now you got understanding that the world can't even get now watch this hold on hold on they came back but two of the spies said let us go up at once come on and possess it for we are well able to overcome it that's right go in the next chapter when you get a chance read numbers chapter 7 on your next devotion what happened the words that they spoke the ones that said they can't do it they're going to die in the wilderness you know what happened they died where in the wilderness because you will either rise or go down to the level of your confession that is a law got it what happened to joshua and caleb they had to wait till all of them died off and then took the next bunch over why because of their confession but hold on look what happened to their bodies you thought they would have gotten older uh-uh here's what caleb said when he was taking that new bunch over he said i'm as strong today as i was 40 years ago you see god has to preserve you because of your confession so what now let me end with this story and my wife and i we come like i said lady had opened up her home to me and the family when we came from minnesota staying with this sister north park we stayed with her for two months trying to save money to get our own apartment three months every time i try to save a little money car breakdown boom 500 for a front end man what's happening eight months now i'm getting a little fed up i stepped back on a three-day fast god spoke to me said this four things i want you to remember he said slow down first next listen for god next listen to god fourth do it act on what he said he spoke to me he said decree what you want i said just came out of my spirit for i don't know where it came from we'll be moving in seven days i understand no money no place to stay nothing went and told my wife the baby's gonna be moving seven days she said where are we going i said we're going to be moving in seven days she said but where are we going sweetheart i said she said where's the money i said we're going to be moving in seven days what happened sixth day came round we went to a church to a church meeting because we had just started our work here but we went to another church meeting and on the way there i remember i said well baby we're moving in six days she said where we're going sweetheart i said we're moving in six days tears came to our eyes why pressure was coming in on it to speak against it and i could say well you i wish you tell me where we're going i said listen i don't know that but we're moving in seventeen that's right that's right about about the third day before that we had about three or four more days ago whatever it was we rode start looking for some places because i said if i'm moving i need to go look for a place so i started looking and came through and saw this luxury apartment building we had gone and looked at some places and they weren't quite at the level that we wanted to you know it was just wasn't our type and looked at his luxury apartment building and my son who is so small at that time on the back seat sleep he woke up all of a sudden looked out saw the building pointed at it and said we're going to live right there and went back and went back to sleep i wanted to smack it cause i had no right there money oh you found what i'm saying i want to say what hashtag see it's challenging me see and so i went back we went back to where we were standing at the lady's house and the spirit of god said why don't you go look at it i said man if he hadn't said that i wouldn't even be getting this but see god was doing something with my confession amen so what happened we went looked at it looked at the rooms they showed a three bedroom two bedroom one bedroom efficiency well at that time i had efficiency faith and i said she said well which one do you like i said well we've got to look at that efficiency right now she said oh okay she said now what we can do is put this date down you can move in depth tomorrow and so what we set up before you can get your furniture moved in i looked at my wife and said furniture she said you don't have any furniture i said when uh we we're kind of coming off the mission field and you know so forth and going she said oh okay well we got some in the basement here and we have some model apartment furniture we you can use that until you get all squared away she said okay that'll be uh one month's rent plus two on security i says security she said you don't have security she said okay well i'll tell you what we'll just go ahead and and we'll stretch your security out over a year let me take care of that i said she said okay now that'll be um 55 for parking to i said parking she said don't tell me she said we'll take care of your parking we'll take care of your gas we'll take a now understand my confession open up that door amen other than that i couldn't get out of that lady's house that confession controlled natural things and so will yours we'll continue next time did you get something out of there today the goal is coming home oh that was from god all right sit out for just a minute nobody moved
Channel: Jesus Girl aka Julie A.
Views: 11,241
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V48gwehMmQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2022
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