Ask Dr. Winston | Covenant Marriage Pt. 2

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while we've had a great response to a less asked dr. Winston quest sessions and with thousands of views and comments on Facebook so you've been sharing with your family and friends I guess and we're glad that that's this is happening because that's what it's supposed to be it's a conversation so we want to bless you with these and if you miss our last session you can see it on the website or on YouTube by searching for hashtag ask dr. Winston so today we're going to keep moving through more of your questions so as I've said before I believe these questions and answer sessions will help you succeed in your marriage life so let's get started now I'm going to take some questions here that have been given to me and I want to say something first about all of this first that the Bible says to us that marriage is holy well let's find that it's it's in the Bible it's found in Hebrews in chapter 13 and verse 4 now and he was chapter 13 and verse 4 he says marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge okay let's start with the first question now we have some questions again that have been given to us by our audience and here's the first question it says what if you unfortunately find out later that your husband and you are unequally yoked do you leave or let God work on this marriage well let's start by saying something the the idea about a godly marriage is that from a 1 it is under attack I it just amazes me that God's people somehow feel that when they get born again or whatever that they're not under attack if you're saved the devil hates you I mean he hates you anyway but he really does and my point to you is is that when you up two people get married the Bible says in Hebrews chapter 13 and verse 4 marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled right there the enemy wants to defile you defile your marriage he wants to steal kill and destroy it he wants to make you kids wayward and disobedient and rebellious he wants to dry up your bank account he wants to take you if he could and and try to make you come down with something he wants to make you see the worst and everything including your husband or your wife now this is him though now understand somebody who well I thought when I got saved everything just gonna be hunky-dory yeah right no no no no that's when you really come under attack so you've got this first Satan proof your home you got a Satan proof your marriage and you would have to do that by getting in and knowing the Word of God knowing the Word of God that is the first step and so you have to come you have to learn something if you get need healing you gotta learn something about healing if you need to get your finances in order you need to learn something about finances it's nothing like you know making money and then going by a store and start buying things because they look good that's not the idea and and same thing about your marriage you need to learn something about marriage most people don't what did we find out about marriage from our relatives who been married four times this is what we found out about and I'm saying okay wait wait a second here let's go back to the Bible and try to find out something about marriage skill to people who are people of God who can teach about marriage and now we can learn something about it because you have no faith to shield yourself from the attack if you have no word Satan can steal whatever is not shielded by faith I'm not saying he will I'm saying he can get in and faith is the only way you can stop the devil from stopping you the only way so with your life I'm saying now the first thing you have to do is we have to come back to what I call a covenant marriage I'm talking about one that has God or His Word in the center of it I mean he was the one who hopefully led you to your spouse that is this is not some going to mr. Goodbar and when your eyes meet oh the Sun you look at each other she looks good well wait a minute that's that's not the kind of love that we need to get together with God will give you that that the person would be attractive but it's too hard studies pulling together that's two spirits that he's making one and so as we are drawn to our mate whoever that might be and come together we want to make sure that we come together based on the Word of God so we need to find out something about it even if we get connected together and get married and we don't know about marriage now it's time to good get in here and learn something about it go to a marriage seminar go to a financial seminar go to a seminar on on how to keep your body in perfect health that's what you have to do so that's number one that's the first thing second thing is that love is the key to I think the master key to not only a overcoming problems but longevity in a marriage love now the love that I'm talking about is not human love it's not that what the Bible talks about is phileo or it's a love of one human to another but this is a love that goes beyond that this is called agape and when the Bible speaks over here in the book of Ephesians submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God fear of God says I love what God loves and hate what God hates so in the fear of God and wives submit yourselves to your own husband's as unto the Lord so you just don't submit to anybody you submit to your first to your own husbands and then it says for the husband's a head of the wife even as Christ is head of the church that needs to save you the body now what happened is the enemy has a site Society out here just trying to change that and you can't alter the order of God you can't do it and as we go on today maybe I can show you a couple of scriptures where as a result of the curse that's what the enemy is trying to do all the order order of God because organization of order is God's plan to protect his people so it says next verse 24 therefore as the church is subject to Christ so let the wives be to their own husband's in everything husbands love your wives Wow now that love is kind of interesting because we have been teaching of that lately and the love that he's talking about is more than you know I love you or I love you and I don't believe what you say but it's it's it's a love that is not based on the performance of the person it's it's it's a love that goes beyond this natural human part it comes out of the actual spirit of a person and it's that love that is aggressive I use example of a guy named Mephibosheth how he was down in a place named lo debar now from feather sheth was a descendant of Saul now Saul was the one that chased David and tried to kill him and David never did come against him but God of course judge saw but as a result of that now Saul's grandson mephibosheth was in lo debar lo debar was a place that really was on the side of Saul but David asked a question he asked a question of his servants he said is there anybody else in the house of Saul that I need to show how C to or love to and it's a well as a guy down there and lo debar I mean he's lame in his feed maybe you know what in other words you don't want him he said go get him that's that love of God it's it's aggressive its aggressive it it moves toward you see God so loved the world that He gave he gave his son for us while we had his back out back to him and couldn't could didn't even want to know him but that's that kind of love now think about it first if I start learning something about the Scriptures and what it says about marriage and then I incorporate this love which the Bible says never fails then I need to learn something about this I need to put these two together so as I read these questions one of the things that stands out to me more than anything else is that those two pieces there need to be incorporated in people's lives now I want you to keep giving me your questions but sinner might when I when I answer it I want to answer it with what I just spoken in mind that these are going to be this is going to be based on the love of God that it's going to be based on Scripture because if you leave that out yet it's done so this first person says what if you unfortunately find out later that you and your husband are unequally yoked do you leave or let God work on it well I what have you find that you and God are unequally yoked do you leave or what do you do you see I'm only saying this that to you from a human perspective it looks impossible that's because you don't know the Scriptures because with God the first thing I found out in math mark chapter 10 all things are possible that's number one that this this woman I used the example one time in here she was and and she was married to a husband six months later he started acting abusive not physically but mentally and so forth and so on - you know what to do so there one night she had prayed now she knew prayer knew the word and she prayed and let me tell you at night God came to him in a dream and this is what he said this is the truth he said abuse her again and you're going to hell Wow that night he woke her up in a panic he began to apologize he began to repent so forth and so on what happened 450 years after that arm and arm with a hand in hand with her how much he loved her so father couldn't do enough for her for 50 years until he passed now what am I saying that was a miracle and maybe you might need a miracle in your marriage and I'm saying we don't consider that it's just like going to the doctor the woman had gone to all these physicians and every one of them said you get worse and you'll die but she heard about Jesus come talk about the word now what does it do all of a sudden it gives you hope where there's hopeless and once you get that kind of Hope and get that kind of faith boom something happens something inside of you turns I knew in my life I felt in my life my marriage get the the stability and the and the strength that it needed when I said I'm gonna be with this woman for the rest of my life as long as we're on this earth and when I said that no I don't care what arguments come we gonna find out a way to solve you see I had to make a commitment I'm talking about covenant now a covenant is a commitment it says nope we in it that's why in the Old Covenant he had him to shed blood he you remember when we were kids and we would cut our risk I mean we cowboys and Indians I mean we did this thing to the hilt we could I risk it and I remember taking my friend and we try to exchange blood you know so forth it all what are we doing you can't get the blood out it's there and so that's the way God wants to keep it that's true enough they have circumstances in here I'm not saying for somebody to stay in a house that somebody's physically abusing them so forth and so on like that but I'm telling you what happened with this woman how about a man named Smith Wigglesworth okay wait a minute unequally yoked hah his wife's in Smith I'm going to church tonight you're not going anywhere woman Smith now listen we've gone through this I've got to go to church and it damn he didn't know she was praying for him well he said you go out of here you don't come back on the lock the door she went to church and came back doors locked she just leaned up against the door what if what happened now the fruit of the Spirit took over love peace patience now these are general these are supernatural forces now they have found in Galatians chapter 5 verse 22 these are forces that are designed to subdue your flesh well you want to get out of there boom the force takes over now she's leading up beside the wall you open the door in the morning I guess for the milk boom she fell in Oh Smith would you like something to eat that is super natural and when you see that kind of miracle you can't help but understand that was something happened here Schmidt became one of the most powerful men of God that recently was in these generations now what am I saying what do you do do you leave you stay or whatever well depends on what you know and who you know and the first thing I would do with situations like that I would seek the Holy Spirit now sometimes the Bible says over in mark chapter 9 this kind comes out only with fasting and prayer and sometimes the problems not in them it's in us that now to enough many times women have more of a spiritual sensitivity than the men do then God made him that way men made women for affection made men men this raw you know that hey men you know did the physical they they like to look up and so father who Ament different they like to caress and so forth my wife she's sweetheart I haven't had my hug today now I'm on my way somewhere and so forth haven't had I got a rely I got understand we are two different people his needs her needs we got to understand that so I'm saying the first thing you do is seek the Holy Spirit because he'll tell you right right away whether or not to use a situation that you should exercise patience and so forth that's what most people don't do that why do you have made up their mind they want to stay they haven't made up their mind that God's Word is true and they certainly haven't understood love and I'm not saying for anybody to feel guilty of anything about the past and so forth cuz we've all made mistakes my point to you is is don't let the devil destroy what God put together he put something together and tell you right now the enemy is after it because he knows that if you work the work of God if you stay and build that unbeatable team you gonna route him out you're gonna be doing something that's going to make a statement to the world so it's a powerful thing let's look at the next question what if a man has done all he could could after separation and he and his wife are still not getting along what do I do again this idea of not getting along I just have to go back again to first of all I take time and slow down and seek God on this thing I remember when I was seeing all these discrepancies and my wife you know and and we'd got married of six months and so but now the enemies have me to look at all the little things she you know I was looking for mom's cooking and that wasn't happening and so you know just see we've got all we've gotten over to honeymoon see you know and so what happened was I went to a meeting in demand said you can have what you say and I wouldn't bought a little book and I think I shared it with you last time but I began to read that prayer out of the little book for my wife because you know in my opinion I don't need any prayer for the next thing you know boom boom boom boom boom I start talking about wife is a virtuous woman always does me good as long as it's life or that her bread of idleness gossip discontent and self-pity she does not Ichi gets up early gets beard food for the house notice that word now what did that word do that word began to rightly divide something inside of me first it began to go to a root of something and the root that was in me is that I had to bend through and experiencing and seeing my parents divorce when I was young I had seen him just fussing and so forth eventually they divorced and we were you know we all witness that and so forth well some of that got written inside of me that maybe you these things are not meant to last and so forth so that doubt came in the enemy exercise that so the next thing you know as I start confessing that I begin to change and sometimes it's not all the other person it's me that needs some changing as well and so I began to change and next thing I know I began to really like the way she cooked and so far the thought like that well I'm just here to tell you we have now a marriage made in heaven nowhere did we get to food seed from from heaven yes we did we got it from the Word of God which comes from God so I'm just saying how the turnaround in my life took place we weren't getting along but look what God did now somebody said well do y'all have arguments today not really because she doesn't argue you know III can't really remember when the last argument we had I mean we might see a couple words that that we don't agree with the other one or something like that don't argue all right I don't have any arguments in my house my house is a place but God promised me in the Book of Isaiah peaceful habitations not arguments in trouble and folks mad and the air filled with a lot of hostility huh no not in my home so that's where we have it and that's where we keep it so you can get there believe me when you come from a place that they all they do is argue and fuss and fight let me tell you think that's the standard no it is not the standard the standard is heaven peace joy every day so forth so that's where we are next question can a Christian marry a Muslim and can that ever be the will of God no no in oh now where are some scripture to back this up let's go to 2nd Corinthians if you will and over in 2nd Corinthians in chapter 6 he says something here I'll give you some experiences that I've had to with this situation he says over in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 starting at verse 14 be ye not equally ve not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what Fellowship has right business with unrighteousness and what communion has light with darkness and what Concord hath Christ with Belial allows a type of devil or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel and what agreement has a temple of God with idols for you are the Temple of the Living God now that that's the key right there you are the Temple of the Living God now I put another scripture down here too as found in Deuteronomy in chapter 7 and verse 1 but notice what I'm doing now for all of this I'm just going to the Word of God because you don't have it approach you don't have any problems in your life that the Word of God does not have an answer to there's nothing you know well I said well it doesn't say anything in there about smoking cigarettes it did say you are the Temple of the Living God yet God does not want you to defile that temple all right look what it says here this is found in Deuteronomy chapter 7 I'll restart at verse 1 and when the Lord thy God shall bring you into land whether thou go it to possess it and hath cast out many nations before thee the Hittites the girgashites the ammonites the Canaanites the parasites and the highlights and the jebusite seven nations great and mightier than thou and when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee thou shalt smite them and utterly destroy them thou shall make no covenant with them nor shall mercy to them neither shalt thou make marriages with them that daughter thou shall not give into unto his son nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son for they will turn away thy son from following me now that's kind of interesting let's go all the way over here to first Corinthians and and chapter 15 first Corinthians chapter 15 it says this and verse 33 be not deceived evil communications corrupt good men here's what he says an amplified evil companionships or associations corrupt and deprave good manners so notice what he's saying don't be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever now somebody says well then unbeliever could be one in spirit-filled and one who's not well that's true I mean it could be unequally yoked there but I think the idea about it is being born again is being born again because the key is is a person born again or are they not born again so that that's the key so those factors right there are is a key and so now I've got two people that are born again but they're just not equally educated they're just not equally understanding the Word of God so that's when you bring them together and so forth and teach them the Word of God now I had this person and when we had a church in Minnesota and that's what happened is I said person came to me and they said well I have this person and this person I know that God is leading me to this person and so you know I'm very straightforward it says she is she born again well no but what God is leading me to her because I think he's going to sweep her into the kingdom by my witness and so forth I said okay I said listen don't do it he said what do you mean I said don't not only don't marry her don't date her now that you think that seemed kind of hard but but the enemy works seductively you know he's bit by bit kind of thing and so it's true enough you could be friends with people so forth and so on but then don't get in that serious ating because that is not the hook-up of God that is not God bringing that together you've be violating his word at that point so what happened is he didn't come to bottle center I noticed he wasn't coming this week and next week and so he said we're sort so hey well I found him he had married her it didn't take but six now no not that long three months he was miserable it's so it's one so I don't know what happened I think they got a divorce I lost track of him all the way he was he came to me said why didn't I follow your instructions I said hey not my instructors my friend these instructions from God you were his family he's putting a relationship together with you he knows what you need he knows what you like because I get the reason for getting married is not first for you it's first for him and I said so he is putting that together so I'm saying should a person marry a Muslim or Hindu or whatever have you makes no difference or the unsaved no and don't even seriously date them and if you've dating them break it off well how do I do that but God will help you I pray right now in Jesus name that'll be broken off that you could be able to associate or or have serious dating or serious relationship with somebody of like precious faith praise God let me read you the next one my husband still believes in the world's system of the system of doing things well God still honor my prayers because I have faith and believe in what God says I can have I am not sure about how marriage really works let me read that again my husband still believes in the world's system of doing things that's what it's a world's way will God still honor my prayers because I have faith and believing what God says I could have I am not sure about how marriage really works there now basically that's the thing not quite sure how marriage really works I think that's what you need is to learn that but over in first corinthians again and chapter chapter 7 this question comes up sometimes should i should i not tied my husband and want me and so forth and so on and what i do sometimes is one let the Holy Spirit lead you but I'm always seeking peace I'm always seeking love and so forth and so on and to do things that love would do now here's what he says about this which is very interesting he says 1st Corinthians 7 and verse 13 the woman which have and husband that believeth not and if he be pleased to dwell with her let her not leave him for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband else were your children unclean but now are they holy it's kind of interesting here and what he is saying here is that this husband wife relationship if one of them is not a believer the other one as a believer can cover the whole house praise God the enemy can't get in so this idea of you know what shall I do so forth and like that one of the things that you have to do is understand and respect him as a head of the home but at the same time missus wiglesworth I'm sure she was led by the Holy Spirit to go to that prayer meeting that night but that prayer merely at night set her husband free so you have to be guided by the spirit let me just do one more why doesn't anyone anymore say anything about interracial marriage the Bible does not forbid what man defines as interracial dating or marriage is it okay is it okay if they do that well you can go into scriptures and the Scriptures talk about this it talks about three divisions of people it doesn't talk about you know read and in in black or white or whatever it doesn't talk about that what it says over here in first Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 32 he says this give none offence neither to the Jews nor to the Gentiles nor to the Church of God three categories Jews Gentiles Church of God I mean only thing about the Scriptures you'll know that over in numbers chapter 12 is when Miriam and Aaron had a problem because of the woman that Moses had married because she had married an Ethiopian woman Ethiopia comes from that line of course she comes from that same as Jethro who is a Midianite comes from that kushai which means a person of color Ethiopia that comes to word meaning black skin so Moses married a sister that's all I say that read the law but my point to you is God had no problem with that the people who had problem with it was people and my point to you is is that God has nowhere in here he forbids interracial marriage now the thing that you have to consider in interracial marriage is that it's interracial in some places that we go that is not popular whatever have you and you have to consider what is your going to have to be prepared for if that happens and you go to different places so that's what I'm saying in the United States is one of the places and in some of those places that have been freed from apartheid ZOA is still this this sensitivity about it and so forth but basically you marry who God you feel God leads you to and so he divides him though but he said here's a 2p3 people the Jew the Gentile and the Church of God so that's the only way God looks at that in terms of division but he doesn't look at it racially division now God does use color to say certain things just like when the leaves are brown that means that autumn is coming and so forth well the same thing he talked about in the scriptures he says when talking in Matthew chapter 12 about the Queen of Sheba and coming in and when that those kinds of people began to rise these of people of those nations of darkus can begin to rise you know something is on the horizon so he talks about that - that's prophetic saying so there's colour-coded for a reason God's going to use that in the last days if you know anything about putting together a little radio we used to put together transistors and they used to have all these little transistors and these home assembly kits and they used to be color coded and God would color code things for purpose well these color coded the whole landscape because you can get people who know how to read color codes and they know what season it is at what time it is and so forth so now he does not forbid interracial marriage marriage who marry who God leads you to praise God but just understand that as we do marry whoever we marry we got to keep loving it and we got to get into word of God praise God well and that's all we have time now and really did for today so I'll be responding periodically so I want you to keep sending in your questions and through social media hashtag ask dr. Winston or by email and our website living WD org I want to thank you for submitting your questions this is dr. Winston and keep walking by Faith
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 21,151
Rating: 4.8726115 out of 5
Keywords: Living Word Christian Center, Dr. Bill Winston, Veronica Winston, Covenant Marriage, Bill Winston Ministries, Divorce, Marriage, Marriage Problems, Marriage Counseling, Christian Marriage, Christian Dating, Christianity (Religion)
Id: 8293-IE8JOk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 13sec (2113 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2015
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