What’s a $3 Private Japanese Onsen Hot Spring Look Like?

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this one cost 700 yen per person so I was expecting something a little oh my god what is that I have never seen a spider with such long legs we are off to see Seema in Johnny again yester master developer again influencer girl Chris so I forgot to mention once again sorry this is a toka credit play video without Emma the hostess tokidoki traveler sometimes travelers actually with mr. broad at the moment they are actually bicycling around down south from Kumamoto Prefecture into Kagoshima Prefecture there's not much for us to take as a whole crew so we're splitting off the two crews so while they cycle Sharla John and I will be taking kind of a nut behind the scenes but more concentrated videos on certain spots that we can actually get to buy cars since they're going by bicycle they can't get this out of them sure what time do you think we're actually going to arrive in Kazumi we're gonna stop for food several times I need to buy a SIM card at some point so my guess would be like 5:30 p.m. then I want to say 5:29 p.m. John what do you think oh you see for I say 4:30 and Charlotte says 5:30 if you see it's mingling around anywhere like not doing anything because Charlotte fortunate it's not too dry we're gonna take you guys on this nice little road trip down to Keisha Miranda Shaw island Kirishima city which is 107 kilometers and we'll see you guys hopefully along the way [Music] so we made it to a local restaurant that serves a lot of Bhutan and different style of tea show Google kind of set menus the typical set menus might find in some normal Japanese restaurants like cats are gone like what if custard on you John can I get sambar tastes so good we're just like what's up my name is Geno micro/macro yeah yeah what are you get the pork I think I don't like sugar yeah other one on the picture is probably the biggest restaurant in the next hundred kilometers or so another two hours I think and Charlotte that looks so good it does so hungry so what you got some we don't come out okay dawn which I've never had before so it's like it's in hot water or water go yet it's a lot of soup and then you dip it into the sauce here and then this is go Bowl tempered up burdock root yeah really healthy for you you don't really eat it in Canada but I wish they did it's really delicious starting to explain the taste I guess it's kind of like potato but it's got an earthy flavor and it's really like pretty thick yeah it just did that's already what yeah so I got chicken karaage because supposedly chicken in here is also popular everything everything here's my famous beef favorites pork and famous so they have all the meats covered for you so if your meter come to Kagoshima plus you get really good fish to the bloggers life outside a Family Mart in the countryside don't just made it the case Denki in the middle of freaking nowhere cuz I need a SIM card shines a SIM card if he's just mingling around anywhere like not doing anything is because Sharla's fortunate not to drop Japanese electronic stores usually have everything this town we're like actually like maybe I think 40 minutes out from Kiki Shima city in Kagoshima Prefecture well pray for Charlotte's get a SIM card yeah Japanese electronic store hunting [Music] all right so I said my Mike's out of battery so you gotta buy a battery for this one I don't know any business this bad boy right post Jeep okay why the guy and they don't have any troublesome cards here anything like sided this so I'm without internet for a little longer probably for the rest of the trip one of the bigger cities are gonna be a blast jars of these sauces at a phone booth so no no no travel sim we got a battery for the mic though so that's good and off to kitty Shima we go so actually we did some research and supposedly there's like a really cool onsen that is private that's only four hundred yen for a whole room with own set water and Charlotte over here is going to test it alright so we just stopped in the middle of nowhere thanks John you're welcome John we'll be doing we're right next to the Sendai river but uh how are you doing I'm fighting a drone spot satellite mode satellite mode Chris whenever you're looking for a drone spot like in these countryside areas he always looked at the satellite mode I mean mix science exact you can you can see where the rice fields are where the mountains are and whereas if you guys want to know how Chris kind of chooses his drone spots well that's how he does it Google Maps in heat says Chris go the car drone it and then I'm gonna go bicycle it and better be a fantastic drone shot oh snap cars coming oh my god okay come on come on [Music] oh it's this one yes this one this one this one this one whoa this is like a beach house oh these look at this I guess I'm you pay for like a key maybe up front all right cool yeah so we can label this we can title this three dollars look at this you got like your own little room but Betsy gave all these little rooms over here let's close that door yeah block it the first time ever doesn't like this never have this experience so these little rooms of a fabulous thing it is tiny but it's privative and it's holding some water it's not just a hot bath it's actually going some water okay we just arrived at $3 own sin I have never been to an O say that is that cheap I honestly am not expecting much for that price we were joking about maybe they'll have like a plastic bucket filled with the own Sun water and for $3 that wouldn't be too bad so it'll be interesting to see what kind of setup they have here trusting you guys so they have a layout of all these different separate own Center rooms and you can just walk ahead and choose which one you like they're all a little bit different the the color of the bath and like the setup here with the little Tommy seat was slightly different with each room this is really cool I have never seen anything like this before this is a lot better than what I was expecting for three dollars you walk in take your shoes off and then you've got a little tummy area to lie down and chill on I guess I rented a towel for it I purchased a towel for a dollar they sell towels it can't rent them and then here's the bath you've got your own private onsen I'm curious to see how hot the water is because I often have problems with ones I'm being too hot oh no this is just right that is a very nice temperature I would guess that it's maybe about 38 39 degrees Celsius all right so I'm inside the old Sun right now it's not the most pretty of things but it doesn't get the job done on the whole assignment love the water love the feeling I bet to like most of the famous ones and so it's kind of compare the different qualities of water this waters actually would be nice it's found clear someone's up beatific I'm different color systems clear and it's not so acidic like crucify Olson for example it's a messy smooth she was really good on my skin I wanna watch John in Carl are saying about it but I think this is kind of a cool thing to do in Cosima supposedly old essentials which is like a just a large public bath in water which is every day we also have like family tickets which is like 400 yen I think I guess there's money February 2nd fit into this little tough as possible normal for individual is 30 on weekends and maybe 400 yen on weekdays but you know there's like a three dollar Alton experience you get a nice home sent private to yourself if you want to buy a towel 200 ya know any one dollar so we do bring a towel so we just bought one it's great if you like onsen I mean it's relaxing just for me just to kill the water if you're not that's a person you bought something more like with a good atmosphere maybe not for you but after this we'll be going to another private onsen that is about five times the price and with a beautiful view so we'll compare both of them and tell you guys while I show you guys the difference between a four dollar one stone and about a $45 on senator than about a $20 on Sam let's go oh there's John and Sharla actually how do you like it it was really good yeah the three bucks I'm impressed I really liked it actually I liked the water quality yeah yeah it was nice it was that the temperature was perfect it wasn't too hot which I really liked yeah it was definitely is extra water to have is not really acidic it's just crazy yeah yeah I don't know there are different types of loans in but yeah this one I felt really creamy I gustas tu' own saying when the water gets in your mouth it actually like stings oh my god I mean so it's how I said it yeah yeah I know I didn't feel like that at all and my skin doesn't cook gross it feels really soft but uh so that was a thousand like a for $4 h on Senate hydrant experience and now we're gonna experience hopefully it's open still a twenty dollar five times the price so 20 and let's check to see if it is worth that much more yeah yeah let's go the difference so it looks like the two thousand yen one is not they're not in operation today for some reason but they pick who knows what that means yep so we have decided to go to another one that's near our Airbnb for 700 yen per private phone send so it's double the price of what you just saw so hopefully you guys see some kind of difference it's gonna be double the water double the quality double the facility who's excited and Kagoshima expensive actually possibly so [Music] some around two columns and this one's double the price of the previous one so around 700 yen this is what you get same style you get a nice little bed not really a bed of bench but your goes in there this time we got a mirror hallelujah upgrade open the door and there you have it you have yourself a middle on Saturday Qashqai do intend take to this one cost 700 yen per person so I was expecting something a little oh my god what is that I have never seen a spider with such long legs definitely not worth 700 yen do not recommend for size reference here's my packing iPhone what is that I didn't even know spiders came at this size Oh God don't touch my phone don't touch my phone so this is actually great second alone sent for I guess Kawashima's love like almost own Sin City for all of these like these little on the sound Road you can just like stop by and if you won't feel like an all sent you can hop in very cheap so let's get the all set so this one the bottom is made of like rocks all that hurts let me show you what I'm talking about there's minimally like rocks that's the flooring bunch of black rocks but this one actually is a really nice view so if you ever seen this one another one is that it's down you can get his course view we'd open up that well look at that Japanese countryside on Sun experience private all excited so this almost an one 200 yen two dollars two dollars for the public bath entry or seven dollars for needs kind of family style private onsen yeah relax a little bit love of water your recovery month okay I'm honestly kind of terrified to get in the bath now because what if I get in that I see another spider in there I don't even know where the other one went it's God no it's like my worst [ __ ] nightmare if I think I had thick legs I would be far gone anyway it's gonna give the bath now the feeling of the water is raised to winter it's very soft and silky simply not a harsh acidic old and seven so I think it's going to make my skin feel really soft I just finished and actually the lady just told me that this water is called BG no you basically meaning beautiful water beautiful girl water the point of that is because I suppose make your skin feel really soft and lovely and you know so that was a kind of a cool experience another one don't go pester the previous one and we still want to go to the expensive one hopefully they can run it tomorrow there's John there Charlie can barely see Sharla but Sharla what you think so like I got in there and I was like ooh this is nice it's really and I was like in the middle of logging like nice the rubes kind of big what the [ __ ] is that and that it was the biggest spider I've ever seen I have never seen a bigger spider in my life luckily it was like one of the spindle e leg spiders so like it wasn't absolutely terrifying but it was still this big so the whole time at the dock I was thinking like wonder why that spider is now it's probably all my clothes or in my purse or in my shoes so that I discover you done about here but I quite enjoyed that yeah me too I thought that I thought that was actually pretty nice with a nice countryside view yeah yeah right it also is nice and warm yeah and yeah I'll just sawing that my fear is that the Airbnb person as well as in the ones that I was texting which is busy site in this water is actually really good for skin Harbor it's like it really makes it beautiful the other was also saying cuz I'm wearing makeup up it all over my face [Laughter] alright so we're gonna head out to the Airbnb now that's us like a two minute drive from here so we'll see you guys at the house alright so we just arrived at our Airbnb and we are going to go check out her name is Haruna we're looking for her or not alright [Applause] [Music] so this is the bedroom so there's one bedroom right yes there's one bedroom and then over here is the japanese-style room yes Tommy room right yeah so this fits two people and then over there how many people can whole Murphy both no pool so maximum this area can fit like six people yes I could do like almost like a big family so I can prepare them so much grace for baby oh nice okay cool so yeah have a good quick tour so over here we have a nice desk we have even a hammock how cool is that and then over here we have the japanese-style room watch the star room and we have a even a gut-check Gacha machine here plus for all you video gamers yeah and now we have the kids room over here with the Fatone so if you guys want to play with kids toys that's yeah Charlotte's thing that's my room we've got a restaurant but what do you know we're in the countryside so everything's closed I'd like what is it 6:40 p.m. yeah the countryside everything closes Rick really early so it's company dinner combini dinner before the win yes happy for a comedy dinner but we're gonna call that a video a video we've experienced a 3/4 dollar only survive adults an experienced show our thanks again for coming on the show yeah hopefully you guys are going to stay tuned to the journey across Japan abroad in Japan trip because this is just a spin-off series of that may 6th time bye bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Tokyo Creative
Views: 320,394
Rating: 4.8693671 out of 5
Keywords: Tokyo Creative, Tokyo Creative Play, Tokidoki Traveller, Tokyo Creative Talk, Japan, Japan entertainment, funny, humor, super fun, onsen in japan, hot spring in japan, kagoshima, travel japan, japan travel, trip to japan, japan trip, tattoo friendly onsen
Id: _rDiPk17zX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 5sec (1325 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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