Getzenrodeo 2019 I Live Look Back

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[Music] join us with the ride is literally just coming out to take part in the final race of the year the gets in champ now the get some race was run earlier on which basically determined who will qualify for this afternoon's race and joining me in the pre-show and popping off to the commentary a legend that is Paul Bolton now bolts obviously you've not been riding this year through injury but you have been to a lot of the events and I know you've been following everything that's been going on it has been a hell of a year isn't it yeah it's been an absolutely bonkers year you know he's really proven that everybody can might make the mark in all this and they really got off to a good start for Mary or a man in lecture lagares yeah it was a hell of a start to the year for Mario remember we'll show you a little bit more of that later on but first let's take a look at the West championship standings coming into this weekend now you can see there manny lettenbichler leading but after the getsome race this morning i can confirm that he is our 2019 world enduro ultimate champion hell of a year for him Jonny Walker in second with Joseph Garcia who's not here riding today in third Alfredo Gomez 206 points behind Walker so it's all to play for for that second place with Graham Jarvis in fifth and critically isn't isn't riding this afternoon because he didn't qualify for the getting racer well not just for the get some champ brother so will not see Nathan riding this afternoon let's take a look at the very best of the year so far and it all started in Portugal at lagares it was a brilliant stars of the year when I get invited in three events it was yeah we starting off with the under across here and then absolutely mega riding from a few riders and then we jumped down into the old town of Porto water a conic situation is down there amazing lots and lots of steps and then yeah and then we jump into some of the most slippiest sections river sections in the series yeah it was a brilliant start to the other you can see this we talked about it was all about his mindset and he said he came into this year with a compelling you basically hit the reset button and it and it worked for him absolutely yeah Mario completely changed these mindset like you say he said he said in a few interviews that that's what he's been focusing on more than ever and if your shows it's many bodies raise these raises at anybody's races but it is all up here yeah absolutely so much of it is in your head shove the event though have a look at this this is Johnny Walker going swim in it now he's interesting you can see Mary's just had a little sniff appears and then he's just gonna go on and you know gonna go you can see a better anybody went for a swim and their son pulled I'll call the water will just drop the back wheel off and the front follower tell you what the boys in the dingey doing a fantastic and Johnny the sense of humor is ever look at this finishes it in style why not I don't brilliant right round to the trip interesting one wasn't it because normally it's an event that's dominated by French riders and this year issue it wasn't a true yeah no it totally wasn't it was dominated by Garcia to the window and then it was their game account fella Brett and it was Nathan Watson the owner of the throne another polio but not the French is out there absolutely class on that grass but the biggest challenge for the guys this year was the cold weather when I did it in 2018 with beautiful best riding I've ever done and then moving into nineteen this year was all cold so it was about the concentration jump into the special test slightly cold but by the time to come out of it they were cold anymore and it was it comes as no surprise that Joseph Garcia did so well there and Jamie McCanney great to see him on the podium too right moving on the legends the mack daddy of one day events across the Earth's Berg Red Bull hare scramble what an event it was Jarvis yeah you know listen to this race needs absolutely no introduction it's there you know one of my favorite raced in the series massive hill climbs you can see Mario just pulling up there and now one of the biggest things happen in this race was this section here one of all you know that's great I'm just jumping into it they're gonna see it again in a second what that was one of the difficult sections of this year where money jumped in and there was a bit of something going on well we can take a closer look at that now we've just seen we've seen that the end result but that was a key part of the race wasn't it when Graeme was tearing up the grass gets away from him yeah recovers it nicely slips back down but he knows that somebody's going to be coming now an area is money Lettie and he's gonna go but he doesn't get it he could have rolled over him usually for subtraction but you know it is a gentleness score at the end of the day yeah absolutely and critically at this points of the year and what our current champion or our new champion Manny lettenbichler hadn't won a single round it was just all through consistency yeah just you know just in there the diesel but it's calling the diesel you know he could keep that consistency going and and that's where we are today you know that's what that's where it's all that right moving on round four Hicks Spanier another good one for Graham javis although he didn't really dominate the event did he know he didn't know it wasn't all his old way it was actually gomez and Mary or a man who dominated loads of the race into the cave you know fired out of it like a cannon and it was all about consistency again but it was actually gpause Jarvis that eventually got the final win due to the setup of this race there great result and as it as a result of that g-force Jarvis Graham Jarvis was actually leading 120 points clear on of money that exactly so that's job is just crossing the line actually a second place but because of the way and the format of Hicks pannier he got the win yeah a brilliant start to the year so that's the first full rounds out of the way but and you can't ignore him but what makes the West bit the West series so special of the amateurs the private is we come here and rub shoulders with the world's very best and more often than not it's those guys who leave us smiling absolutely eight races in seven countries have been united by one singular purpose to find the ultimate enduro world champion for those further down the ladder this could be the best opportunity to impress the factory teams and advance their career to some this is simply a calling to loud to ignore you are riding the pro cost I am so typically for I'll be riding thousands of fans riders and motorsport enthusiasts from all over the world want to take part in the craziest off-road spectacle that is the world enduro Super Series with those being hobby riders you know we have to work on our own bikes you know we don't have a Bosch mechanic in pushover old privateer he has to fix the things himself get friends family to help out and also to manage this I have to finance it myself and it's not easy but if you want you can find solutions the majority at all events are amateurs not chasing contracts sponsorship or championship points but a challenge that can only be found within this event series one of the reasons that I'm doing this is the bragging rights that I can have that said I raced against Jarvis and all the other guys my little nephew isn't gonna go and play football against Manchester United and you're not gonna don't race your motor car against Lewis Hamilton never in a million years with that happen but in this sport you can bring your bike and you can see how good you really are and every year the quality of riding increases but in the end it's all about meeting people and celebrating together all the riders helping each other there's so much camaraderie it's like bringing a family together it's beautiful for the amateurs one thing always stays the same the passion for hard enduro and most importantly it's the Tiki party that counts to me finishing the streets it's a win and my level is the minimum one that I will try to survive and work on all the difference when you've got you know other private is helping you and people at home helping you as well missus absolutely mrs. B's helped me loads but it's not just Lisa it's all the other people that have helped over the years different friends sponsors you know I've never forgot it and it's helped me have a great time so far absolutely there's no other I can't really think of any other proper motorway yeah you're starting with the very best in your class and rubbing shoulders with them is absolutely brilliant we love having the amateurs and the privateers as part of the West now moving on and getting back to the action ratify to be honest for me bolts this was where Manny lettenbichler really made it his mark absolutely Jenny you know starting up here in the city broad which is just bringing Android to the you know into the public and the longest race of the year by far really long brutal days which makes it so technical and the client obviously he sent the scariest bit but here we've got Manny just crossed into the finish line look how nervous he is but that's why it was nervous because Alberto gómez was so close and that was it when he realized that Alfredo had gone down again and he knew he got it yeah first win of the year for money let me baker let's take a little closer look at that that final battle between Gomez and lettenbichler because here we go now Alfredo because the boy was previously stuck exactly just climbing up there on your feet there's money space over the fence from that there and then this is the second go from Gomez on that middle section almost actually puts his hand in the back wheel which you saw sketchy and then comes back down and then you'll see Manny Aires brilliant result for money live interesting ten years ten years previously was his dad there that won it as well so that was a really nice thing for him yeah a bit of a cherry on the cake for the lettenbichler round six and that's a GB now it was and it comes as no surprise but yeah really good first across countries in Browns Garcia Rex Lee turned up with an injury so he was expected to have a good girl but got a really bad start off the start line there and it was Nathan just slinging that 450 round there which was not the weapon of choice but going to go into mxf Nations he was in a couple of weeks time after that and it was a good training session quick yeah the famous Nathan Watson Watson teeth you smile we've got a talk about Manny letting me for though because he went to Hawks tonin yeah no we're not doing him a disservice here that's not where he knows he's quickest eternal mean and he and he properly pulled one out the back then he did he was a he was so pleased with that and he really didn't expect it a dog was the bit circumstances of one section we got through it in the early stages had a bit of confidence and then just took it to this to the finish line to come second which was a mega-resort and I think you would've been happy with the top five absolutely which just leaves Sol shown around seven other championship and it was brilliant for Joseph Garcia the local lad to go there and take me win absolutely this track I was so jealous watching in a hole I mean look at it it's so picturesque in that it was a crushing event and you are lots of different different styles fixed at zero plus features in a dried river in a dried lake so yeah but jilted Garcia absolutely killing it and taking it nice wheelie over the finish line there and getting a good throw up in the air from the crowd I absolutely love that I mean they sent him into orbit there's not much to Joseph Garcia receive no I he was up there with air traffic control the other thing as well is that Nathan watching obviously took so much confidence from his win of all time because he had a great weekend that's also nur as well he did as well yeah yeah coming into second place many was Johnny Walker absolutely right that's the first this morning we'll give you the highlights of that after the break we still got the gets and champ manny lettenbichler is our 2019 champion bolt you've got to get yourself off to the commentary box I'm getting away from that cone and I'm not getting defin they will be back after this short break for the final race of the 2019 world enduro Super Series if you are watching on Facebook for YouTube get over to Reptil TV now that's the only place you can watch the race we will see in a second [Music] eight races seven countries in search of the ultimate enduro world champion a season to remember [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] alternately do [Music] [Music] start in the heart of Germany's long-standing and deeply passionate enduro community is the Jetson rodeo a verified rarity and revered event that pushes the sports elite to the brink of their breaking point to finding Jetson greatness today it is also the culmination of the eight stop season long march to crowning the coveted West 2019 champion which we have done already in the form of Manny lettenbichler as we welcome everyone back for now along with South African enduro legend himself Darryl Curtis uh awesome to be here with you sir an honor if I may say it has been already an incredible morning as we just saw as the earlier race the Jetson race started off in proper fashion with Buckhannon sixty riders whittled down to 20 and as expected the usual suspects fast off the line and what a race it was pets I mean we just saw explosive action right out of the start gates that tenon was deafening by the way and of course it was just a mixed bag of riders here as they went into the forest yeah let's he struggled in the beginning put place in the beginning and it was good to see the rest ito Johnny Walker stayin in step his dad obviously are very confident early on knowing that his son Manuel lettenbichler would stay in hot pursuit and of course Letty he's at a flawless year they consumed in the middle of the pack Teddy blues easy just to the left of him to the right of him now many got out okay [Applause] but an instant takeaway it was just how comfortable lettenbichler was looking and as we mentioned the usual suspects the likes of Jarvis but Taddy Blazusiak facing a little bit of a traffic we both had taken indeed and yeah Teddy throwing his back over this obstacle which caused a lot of drama in the first race this morning Mario ro man they're doing exactly the same thing same style that obstacle later on is going to be proving it's going to be an awesome spectacle when they have to do that in Reverse in this race coming up now buddy bolts again took the early lead Billy ball would slowly start to lose time as latin burglar was pulling away but you could see just how decisive lettenbichler was in his dominance in the first race of two what an awesome line there from many and a game here edging along the side of this knife edge over here he's the first guy to take this line he edged his way along and around the tree and maintained the lead and no surprise after that others would take that similar lines of Latin Bickler the charge on the razor's edge of course he said everybody else try to take that line later on and brought that line up completely again and the Gaza to get creative again just lettenbichler making easy work of this course putting on a virtual clinic as he would work his way through and just distancing himself from the rest of the talented pack of course running into a couple of clubs I think he had a problem with his give event somewhere during the morning and he fell back to ninth place that's right Billy Pope problems with the clutch but on his team able to sort things out he was able to keep within that elastic top four lead but Johnny Walker able to gain ground and move into that second place position for the moment maybe see Taddy Blazusiak passing Alfredo Gomes into third place and Taddy Blazusiak his frustration was evident and audible as he tried to work his way through some crowded sections 60 competitors to start things off trying to get that coveted 20 transfer spot [Music] this area was really getting tagged up and you can see all the pros struggling here as those trying the same that we did mentioned we did mention a bit like the divisional the visible frustration the audible frustration and Taddy Blazusiak you could hear just how bad he wanted to get through yeah he was super angry and you know as many exposed the line everybody else thought of King up there and of course you're getting getting into that trap things get heated in under of that you can attest to so unfortunate for Watson he would fall out of that coveted as we mentioned that 20 transfer spot so Watson wouldn't make it on to the Jenson champion the top finisher and the ultimate world enduro champion none other than Manuel lettenbichler victorious his dad on hand to celebrate so with one victory in the bag for lettenbichler now his sights onward and forward to the final race can he take top honours twice in one day what a season-long March it has been for lettenbichler to get here clause performance from many little picture there also lapping everybody else in the race including Teddy and Johnny sir yeah Taddy Blazusiak in second Walker able to grab that third transfer spot so a contentious a competitive a very very big morning here that gets in rodeo but the big story is all about the ultimate world enduro champion right now we send it down to Jenny dear from our champ I am with the ultimate world enduro champion right now Manny before we talk about the race this afternoon because there's still a job to be done you are the world champion I know to start the race you white you are white man is unbeliev you know like it's it's just unbelievable crazy like finished second last year and now we were the West title in 2000 which is ridiculous like I can't actually realize it at the moment and I tried to focus now on this race I hope it's working out because it's it's not as easy like the feelings are everywhere at the moment it's been a hell of a year for you but as I said to be done this afternoon in front of your home crowd and this you're crazy like the crowd was already so crazy in the first race and now I think it's even more out we got the Sun is nice because the weather forecast says it's not gonna be nice so yeah I'm just blessed to be alright I just ride around have fun and give the guys a good show you're a legend was seen about an hour and a half back to you boys Chetty nerves of still calm and collected man Manny looks unstoppable as we welcome yes mr. Paul Bolton bolts welcome to the booth I think you made it here in record time I'm not sure what part of the track she took to get here but welcome sir on the chilly side but you can see the energy is so high what's your big takeaway hearing from Manny there just in terms of his attitude we talked about the mental state but it seems very ready to go here absolutely he's a so pumped for it you know this there's a big paycheck at the end of this race as well you know so he's gonna be motivating him to do really well but he looks solid well he's got to get through the Jets and Rodeo track let's take a closer look at this four kilometer just under two and a half mile field of play [Music] hey guys I'm Adrian Guggenmos I'm here at that get some video I'm gonna show you around the track today but on the trial spike so it's gonna be a bit of a challenge let's check it out [Music] it's the first [Music] we're here the next off bills ready tricky because there a lot of trees so you're gonna watch you alive [Music] we see up here is whatsoever [Music] [Music] letter tight corner they're just right here Joe yep a lot more grip alright alright guys I hope you enjoy the race alright so that is just the the the standard portion out the four kilometer course but at the end after 80 minutes and one lap comes the X loop guys please break down just what of a beast this section is well that's very short I think that's about 500 meters in total and pull we walked around earlier on what was your impression wow I just thought wow after all that time on the bike in this morning as well and then to have that thrown at you towards the finish line yeah I'm serious let's see how many got here we can see our current ultimate world enduro champion as he reracked he readies himself for the last race of the season here at the world enduro Super Series a stack field we started with 60 this morning whittled it down to 20 as we get ready we take a look at our 20 competitors that will be leaving and as we mentioned the usual suspects but who should we be focusing on here guys well many had a flawless run this morning Teddy's just come off a second at the AMA enduro cross Johnny walkers made his way up making fun form there's just so many any one of six guys can win this absolutely Gomez thing good for Mario Ramon you know there's this at least 10 riders who could be you could take that top step its whoever wants it the most well we see we see Johnny Walker there in the hunt we want everyone to join the conversation hashtag gets in rodeo hashtag Red Bull Motorsports and of course hashtag I ride less and speaking of Johnny Walker our own Jenni caught up with them earlier before the race both down here with Johnny Walker Johnny now Fairplay to Manny he's got the job done but there's still a fantastic fight on between yourself and Alfredo is only just over 200 points behind you there's a big battle on for second place yeah it's it's definitely close but I'm looking forward to this race I'm ready to go I'll go finish pretty much Thank You Chet II get out of there cuz we are about to get down business here at the gets it wrote it for 2019 and if you're watching on YouTube or Facebook we want to encourage everyone be sure to move over to Red Bull TV right now so you can get the race alive when we come back the racers take to the course do not go anywhere and there is the eyes of a focused focused champion right now can lettenbichler find that inner that extra gear that he is gonna need to battle and find the top of the podium twice in one day he's already secured the ultimate world enduro champion at title and the big question remains is Johny Walker is he hungry enough as we can see an interesting stack field and wait for the cannon it will signal the start up against a champion eighty minutes followed by on a single lap in that end of the accident as we are underway here the 2019 Gatson Romeo we're a set for a shirt today many let's and picture taking the whole shot they're just ahead of teddy this is going to be electric this course is brutal we are in for a show today and that was the easiest part of the track right there joining this thing now it's all rough and gnarly beat up track from this morning opposite and in the opposite direction yeah Paul you were talking just the brutality of this course how technically challenging it is almost an assault on the senses absolutely clear yeah I know lots of players very dry in places there's there's a bit of moisture in some areas and see our Birds giving up money back we alert so absolutely on fire on the lookout so obviously we surprised to see Manny in front yeah absolutely [Music] well the vinegar mess is just what Johnny Walker and Teddy Boozer in one fell swoop over there and of course they're going around the course in the opposite direction that that that this morning nobody knows exactly what it's going to be like and already they're hung up here on this first clamp and now interestingly Darrell money's already got a big leak because they just got held up behind that little silver birch though I didn't think yeah they did he cleaned it and yeah well it's a long race let's look at an hour and a half yeah it's all gonna be about stamina fitness and technical skill exactly boat definitely Mary money's definitely going to get into a relaxed state at this place at this stage in the race which is good for his stamina and everything else he couldn't be in a better position right now so those of you just joining us out front right now this year's 2019 ultimate world enduro champion Manuel lettenbichler as you can see pileup out the back go in the opposite direction and the world's best right now facing severe problems we saw Mario run man go through just now so he's already out yeah that was John O Richardson and the poulterer's just getting stuck in the box a bit and here's Manny lovely leaves look how he keeps that flat wheel on the floor it's always driving dropping it into first there's probably exactly what the cross in the road and he's just nipped it into first gear there so yeah and he's out clear over the top she has amazing of finesse from Latin bechler as he just once again gets into that clinic mode as we saw him earlier just able to stay so smooth and barely having to use the throttle exactly he's just letting that bike do the work darling master class at the moment he's just his form this year has been just unstoppable and he really has proven to be the ultimate champion this year that's Alfredo Gomez just getting a bit stoke there from Johnny Walker is gonna be able to pass him yeah if you can find a line through so wouldn't Eddie's done a great job there looks like Teddy's gonna nail both of them risk reward and just like that way the winningest riders the sport is ever seen Taddy Blazusiak takes a beautiful line most likely move into second and will react the order after this first lap and will be able to give you a live update says lazuli act it's a little stuck just over the knuckle there did you see how easy money made that look actually my daddy came in a bit tighter on the inside line so on the right and we didn't below this section and now he's just got hung up because maybe Manny went the outside and just carried that bit more speed rounded and you this is the key to this race you've got to make sure you're off he's just burning energy he's wasting time and he's burning his tire out as well many look really smooth in the morning rest I don't get to see it get stuck anyway he just literally rode his way around the course we had bikes using other bikes for traction at that that was two teammates there as well Racing's racing it Robins racing but we're here using bike for traction you know so be it somebody we didn't talk about yet buddy bolts when the explosive line coming through there on Graham Jarvis yeah that's an interesting line it is it is is if it's going into Johnny Walker it's if you're gonna make it high enough and get across in from the Billy's front wheel and just remember all this pileup that's happening behind lettenbichler is just allowing him to distance himself we didn't know if we were gonna see just a runaway but that is what's happening right now it is gonna take a lot of work from the commanders that are sitting in second third and fourth and fifth to make up that ground look at the struggle right now it exactly and alive here yeah I guess in rodeo and just look how even when Billy's feet were on that rock there he's slipping and sliding back down it so and Mario wants a piece of the party here as well whoa get out there Johnny well he had worked at work for him yeah there's our favorite guy over there in the clown suit you saw him this morning and no help so he's never had to help the guys so he's being pulled off quickly by a marshal there okay yeah that was interesting but he's up he's up he's got that back wheel locked into that rut now and Engler they'll just climb over it and get on and go so not you know we should also point out also losing valuable time but losing valuable energy but now look at what Susie this is really interesting they've dropped down into this section and Manny came across the top parts of this rock section so yeah be it really interesting to see what what they can do here is that said that's a real part situation that that Manny's in sorry we didn't see the line that many took over here but it's possible that he did to the left of where teddy is right now then he made his way along that knife edge example see the next time he comes around I think he did Darrell we looked at that earlier on and the riders are saying well we don't know how we're gonna get up it's that bad yeah yeah it does zero traction from this morning you see just behind fault hours if you tires there but then tree roots are all exposed and yeah lovely driving all that traction there sits him down on the seat Johnny's done a good job of that sector some of this trick is so nice and yet some of it is just brutal just within the first lap with lettenbichler making his way around 80 minutes as we mentioned plus an additional lap and then right into the updated X Lou yeah yeah so Johnny's dropped in there as well so it would be it'd be really interested to see which line Manny takes the next line he didn't go there but his bike still up there he'll be so happy when he looks back about the job done moving the bike forward is half the battle and it was interesting watching lettenbichler on this morning's race which his way down office direction he seems to be the only one that really caught well do your hardest line yeah that was nice you do that now either the crest rope you know when we were walking down and you saw the line there Teddy took that line looked almost impossible for it did look impossible but he did out the best approach so sometimes the biggest step is the easiest book with the bigger step you haven't got a second chance you up or down so Billy's up as well he's got that foot peg locked in on that rock and that was that was a big wild approach is that our Fredo at the back there I think it's great yeah because times coming in on time's it looks like Gomez a little large farther out it's Graham yeah yeah it's Brian Maury having a quick look at it turning around when it's which line he's gonna be taking unbelievable so making his way up as we saw gomez he was able to navigate [Music] so laughs one in the books for Latin Pickler and Gomez just a minute 50 behind lettenbichler followed by johnny walker and Blazusiak so just in the midst after the first lap of many to come here in the first 80 minute mark and Gomez makes it oh yeah good job making good work at that section Opie's Opie doesn't need to be pretty this needs to be sitting down saving energy daddy really really strong this year like you said Darrell doing a really good job in the EnduroCross he was in America he's going on to super and euro and a lot of sub stories developing here today we talked about Johnnie Walker he's looking for redemption but anyone is looking for a top podium finish a great way to cap off the season and a good a good signal to send to your sponsors as well what is that fair to say absolutely yeah yeah well it is that time of year were people looking for deals in there its contract time and Graham Jarvis they're having a look which way is he gonna go hey where's your thing you must have found a scenic route and you can see finding it out way just along the fence line and we've walked this course you guys break down just how vertical some of these sections are it's a little deceiving when you're looking at a head-on but it's unbelievable how they're able to navigate their way through that that rooted out section every time I come to heart and you're a race you just have a look at these obstacles and they just seem to get harder and harder and Paul I mean you know you're not riding this at this event but I mean what do you think the levels done over the last couple of years well in fish spiraled out of control of it you know these it's full-time job for them and they're doing amazing technologies getting better with fights tires everything the whole sports moving on and it really shows in the level of variety fans have got more lowdown talk a different tire technology and software's different elusive suspension of all players apart eggs to be able to come and do this those rocks over there really slippery slimy not easy to rider no not at all but with that soft mousse soft tire combo and you're gonna just let it let the bike look up there nicely and then again yet if you get the most from it all just saw the 28 year old Johnny Walker currently in third place gomez in second lettenbichler way out front well to see if they can just decrease that elastic lead that lettenbichler was able to establish early on and Johnny really having a good second half of the year he got third APR 2014 and there's a look at our top five Jarvis in fifth with Zhu Zi AK Walker rounding out the top three followed by Gomes and lettenbichler still so much more to go and we talk about that Red Bull X loop at the end a perfect way to cap off an incredible season we're actually hopeful that at least half the field can make it into that because remember after the first racer gets into that X loop a twenty minute counter starts and then the gate closes so will it just be Manny putting on a clinic on the X loop we'll have to wait and see well who knows no we will like you say we'll have to wait and see at the moment he's looking flippin strong and there ain't no stopping him this year in 2019 that's for sure well up to the morning race he left everybody so that's about a ten-minute head start so X loop 20 minutes it's gonna be interesting so anticipated over 10,000 person crowd here today filling in for Jetson rodeo they came out at the break of dawn and you would be hard-pressed to find a more committed fanbase than when it comes to hard enduro and especially when you're in the heartland of hard enduro in Germany here the Gutzon rodeo so once again virtual standings right now jarvis and v Mizzou's yak and fourth gomez sitting in third Walker that tenuous second place and let McClure's still out front [Applause] and if things were to end right now Mizzou dziak in terms of the season would jump all the way up to four people really thinking about the season-ending standings as well when you're talking about eight stops along the entire season such a marathon for these guys mentally and physically absolutely yeah it's a full-on season and the guys would leave a lot of a race look at that oh I'm talking about earlier just making it up did they even through the traffic that just happened right there it did but he did just open up a little bit for him and he got through but he's put himself in that position to beat to half that happened to him Darrell what do you what do you take from I mean just Manny's comfort level like he's literally just going on a trail ride his skill levels that really surprised me and I saw how he obliterated that obstacle two laps in a row and we saw it was in the early morning race we literally obliterated to the field I didn't see him getting hung up anywhere except for once in the morning yeah and that that section there that we just saw gomez in Gomez crashed on the first lap didn't he the money came straight up and hit that line and still made it out Gomez to go around now short work of that to us he has and that's what's amazing to watch these guys acclimate in real-time and get smarter with each lap find that line but they are gonna have to react that much quicker if they intend to pull in and well lettenbichler because he is leading the charge right now way out front as Gomez still trying to pull them in just going past Michael Vulcan are there look at the crowd over here this race is so well organized the crowd there are ten thousand people here on this mountain today it's just incredible what an amazing atmosphere there is yesterday there is and this this event get some rodeo I've missed out on it in the last few years just through different thing different reasons but run by a group of friends hard enduro fanatics and look at it now they're on the world stage how awesome is that like we said it's a it's a rarity when it happens it's like an eclipse if you will in enduro Eclipse and looks in this time so this is the section we were talking about earlier let's see if he looks like he's lining up for the section that Taddy just got his boy just hold off on the back wheel there but this is the problem you've seen it we saw it when we walk the track Darryl lots of stones coming up it's been beat up from the morning race it's gonna get harder and lots of riding ago that was also does hang on to the tree there and just calmly what a good job you did there and I was walking I was helping people this morning there just because I wanted to get stuck in and I couldn't believe I was actually a bit scared standing on the top of that you cannot see how steep and big that is from on the camera it's just a pretty we can get the depth or the camera so quite easily has everything okay back moved out John for sure Wow clutch levers up a bit hopefully no too much damage for Gomez on that but that's not testament to the level of difficulty of this course I don't know what is really bizarre first things you check in Wow so the entire field being tested as best they can be gomez a little rattled as Gomez at that point was in second gaining ground loss in achill we haven't seen much of him today but cleaning that section lastly also a great form from the Austrian writer and that was an interesting exchange we were just talking about how tactical this horse is so that's where we saw Gomes just down a bit earlier on as well and is it you know to see Lautenberg would even have just even a little difficulty because he was breezing his way through sections I'd like I said it's I mean it says volumes about how challenging this course is you walk the course and you said it hey this might be I don't know a bit a bit too much yeah sometimes it does look like that but the guys you know they're getting through it and they cease happening so no I don't think massive case of whiskey throw and I hope those people who are doubtless yeah massive reentry look how enthusiastic the hardened euro farms are they just bend over and they want to help and this was Jarvis something you'd normally do not see from the g-force rarely do you see Graham Jarvis struggle like this so gets in rodeo the 8th stop of 2019 to definitely putting the sports elite to the test I've been surprised by that yeah they've had a brutal morning though so you know they're they're all feeling it from the morning bashira the tracks gnarly 2 hours of variety this morning followed by 80 minutes plus a lap and those that are will say lucky enough or unlucky enough to make it into the Red Bull X was going to be a long day of riding a long season of riding but this is that calm collected lettenbichler that we're used to seeing throughout heating up just got him stuck in that hole he's bottle wasn't quite on the wrong so both recovered it in no time good legs on me Carmen calculates it really is taking you come on doesn't race like we saw in there any rest this morning you didn't panic anywhere you thought about his line choices line carefully and doesn't make any mistakes paying attention to his kids in the German flag yeah yeah on point that forget luck so uh look out doctors on tires yeah yeah yes a super soft compound and cap not available yet okay so the first bit of struggling we've seen from many over there and lots of motivation there from the crowd or the gravity chainsaw they're going nuts look at that crowd I mean they are cheering him on he is the whisk champion 2019 champion he's the world champion and Wow come out touch his bike feel connected yeah we should point out you see just a nice sheen over those rocks got little rain last night a little bit more this morning but have been very luckily if it were to downpour conditions would be that much more let's just say worse at this point not worth you keen about powder lars enockl coming in there do the nice job with the rock oh he's open off it's not not the end of the world that but you see money came straight over the one that's just next to the left of you sir from pipe that's where money came straight over so he's just making little gains on everybody all the time Lars has had a great season too had a finish at Aris Berg and we expect to see his name at the 2020 world enduro Super Series as well slowly but surely working his way up as we look at current standings Jarvis and fifth Mizzou dziak still in fourth Walker and Gomez hanging onto that tenuous second place position right now but lettenbichler is still out front but the question is we're so early into this race anything can happen at this point yeah too early to call anything and it's just gonna depend on traffic here and there and who's got enough energy left in the tank from this morning's race well there are at least 20 riders out on the course so we shouldn't expect too many big bottlenecks this morning 60 riders on the course got a lot of mayhem in a lot of these sections and lost really struggling on that section well not quite as high up as many was and for the fans that we're watching here on site this morning remember we went the opposite direction counterclockwise we switched it now before the gets in champ the final race of the season and it that rock section I don't I mean it remained a little innocuous when we at least walk the course but that's really uh yeah getting to see what Gomez goes so he's opted for a slightly different line again just getting home Gupta you know you've really got to keep that wheels turning hard and you know for the the top spot us to do it done a few leaves on these batma Gardens with the fulfillments was able to work his way be there rather nicely [Applause] just a bit of a step though so he's still focused on the engine protection underneath a little bit stuck in a hole but he should be able to zip it off if we can get his back wheel ready and in a good position oh wow let's them the right paws and loss what does that feel like they're a little insult to injury when you're sitting there that's not a good feeling at all but for Teddy that's brilliant I mean yeah that was a proper EnduroCross move that daddy did a better job of that than money did well Taddy Blazusiak watching him in practice was definitely a standout he he's got that hunger coming out of retirement for the world enduro super serious but still Gomez trapped just above the rest of the field here as you can see trying to maintain as we can expect that second place position for Gomez to slide as BOSU dziak just passed him as will wait for second lap times coming in for lettenbichler [Applause] this section just after that road crossing and just the benefit of being way out front lettenbichler just taking his time in it appears to be quite methodical and really having having those moments of uh I'd say Zen the kind of map out where he wants to go on course and his focus at the moment is just to clean every section not spend energy and like that I mean you just flawless again over that section absolutely keeping those wheels turning yeah very mature what a morning or lettenbichler and what a yeah yeah poems and of course only one when this year Romaniacs and it's been that yeah just that consistent charge and Wow I think the face of Jarvis says it all yeah yeah yeah well Billy's out you know he's a he's a suture such a tough year he's had a couple of operations and yeah fingers crossed the last ones gone really well and there's positive there's good movement he's fought as well so that's really good to hear yeah he said a lot of nerve damage there and the last operation was I think to reattach the nerves or - it was just - it was travel look at it and basically what they found was a lot of scar tissue that was blocking the nerves from growing again and it's early days still at the moment foot the nerves have started to to re regrow and regenerate and they've already got a little bit of movement in it and it's really promising so fingers crossed and I's look at this the 44 year old such a deft touch with that bike and never rule him out cuz he is slow he's steady we've seen him come from wave and just could March back from 1015 deep this is this is the hardest part of the track for me and that part from the X loop and but voluntary something ago then let's see if he's gonna get up because that's the line that many is looking after he's waiting for that lon yeah that's a good move taking the goggles off no I write all the poles come back down for another go there even backing up there so they're going from that section is sensible and scissor yeah similar approach get a little hug friend and a selfie with the fan yeah cause carbon copy of the last level that is the spot if you are respected sir it gets a rodeo that is where you want to be against the tree there but just lettenbichler sewing we can just figure out the puzzle thinking on the fly incredible as Mizzou dziak now officially in second place behind lettenbichler yeah he is the section around the corner I know with the to the top nice job toddy see him just hopped the back wheel up over that last section really good loading up to his feet to get that keep that back tire on the ground so Blazusiak last year was fifth overall and he's hoping to improve currently coming into this last top seven so trying for some improvement there but victory is on fire right now let's he was just too keen if the ex loot was open already lettenbichler first lap moving into the second and third laps we are moving closer to crowning a champion here at the gets in rodeo much for riding when we return to Germany right after this [Music] welcome back everyone to the gets in rodeo frustrations alive and well the sufferfest is on as we can see tire problems unfortunately for Jonathan Richardson earlier today the stakes could not possibly be higher the final stop of the 2019 world enduro super series it ends here today and you can see how high the passions are as lettenbichler continues the charge we talked about the clinic he put on earlier in today's first race of two but that clinic continues unfortunately for the rest of the field absolutely not a snore ah you know I look at him just popping it through the forest having fun popping off little tree roots here and there like it's a walk in the park and this is just coming into the start area was nice breath of fresh air so I probably be drinking now from his hands-free kit around the corner there little too much fun we bring everyone up to speed Taddy Blazusiak in second and we're waiting for times to come in for Gomes and Johnny Walker battling back and forth between third and fourth place but we are still early on we started off with 80 minutes we'll go into that extra lap and what a way to cap it off at the Red Bull X very very technical loop that once the top or should say the leading racer gets into that they'll have 20 minutes and then they'll close the gate for the rest of the field Bonnie just fun just nice working his way through not even big but that one's getting pretty deep if that if that gets much deeper it could be on the foot pegs so that's a that's maybe a section in the track that could develop to be a bit of a problem before they actually hoping I think they're gonna be a lot of changes in the track we still get a lot of time to run yeah and it's going to get pretty big up but that's going to get way worse than it is now that's really interesting the section to I think and not only are the Ryder taking a battering the bikes yeah something you definitely have to contend with do you think Mario said sorry bro taking on the morning racing I'm wondering if that guy wins it said sorry bred to common courtesy would tell you to say sorry sorry for sure as you look at our current standings lettenbichler still on top let suzi atkins second Gomez in third Walker in fourth as bull now moving into fifth place but you can see Jarvis hanging in just outside of the top five some went to burn there he was the last month to make it into the into the final this afternoon finishing in 20th place with Roy you wanna do want to update Cyprien bless a whole out he I decided to pull out to our final race here he was at 20th did he maybe he thought it was the whip contest and then Jim who else the whip slash ruse contest South nicely sums from a motocross background so yeah I reckon then I reckon that's what it was that's trick and for the fans to the side of that they definitely ate some i german dirt right there what's alfredo isn't that you know so Gomes sliding to third place but not a lot of time separating him between I just say Gomez between bluesy to top the zuzia right now interesting just seeing Alfredo's tire go over that rear tire going over that rock it wasn't as squashed as I thought it might be so maybe he's opted for a bit of a he's loose maybe a little bit too hard so still making short work of that I mean yeah all about the land that you choose in a moment and because you need a bit of speed of any sections if you're going too slow you're gonna just get hung up and start spinning and you're gonna go nowhere exactly but if you have got the the mousse that's pretty soft and making a big footprint then if you do get hung up somewhere you've got a bigger footprint you get out of it which help you save a lot of energy for later perhaps Manny's got the magic moose at this point that is unstoppable he's got the wind behind his back right now with already at the 2019 West series title and as we look at the current standings and he is just on top followed by the zuzia King film ESMA coma is trying to reel in Blazusiak who is in second we're just talking about the mooses and tires you know it is like a witchcraft and at the end of the day is the all-important thing they'll help you get all these seconds you know but this is I have never seen G Force javis launch the bike so much it is it is a rarity it's I think it's left us a little slack jawed cos we're so used to seeing him just slow and steady work his way through the most technical sections but you know hearing from the competitors when they walk the course they knew that this was going to be one of the most challenging jetsons they've ever seen yeah they did and Johnny Walker on the left of our screen over there also struggling not much space for him to try and maneuver he's back around and get it back on track getting a little bit of a hop over there but if these two legends over here are struggling on this hill it shows you just how bad it is the level anybody you need to be basically world-class to rather on this course and you need to have that hold to the flight control but then for the rest of the West series you need the speed and that is the beauty of the West series you need everything so it's quite up you know in many lettenbichler coming in and he is about to left so these guys wow lettenbichler lap attack and it's happening before our eyes an incredible 2019 season a lot of riders would have come in and just said hey all minutes just stay focus I'm gonna play it safe in the first race he said no I'm not having it he laughed everyone in the first race he's starting to do it now here oh and problems for lettenbichler but showing that his hunger and passion so competitive and that is the thing that's difficult to compete with when someone's that competitive with their self and I continue now when he gets up here and he and he sees Graham Jarvis and Johnny walking in front of him it's gonna take the edge off a little bit he'll know that he's in command of this race absolutely you see part of the X loop that's steep ramp up fingers crossed if he could see it lettenbichler his way into that [Applause] [Music] here we are where some wind burns whipped contest was made short work of that so we'll wait till our times come in as laps continue to wind down here back down for another go you have to hold that ultimate control you see the stones nearest front wheel there what I'm talking about their own Diggy now and looked such good with so much traction but he's so loose underneath and of course we can't really see the steepness here because the camera flattens everything out as we know but these sections really are fruitful [Applause] is sending it today there are a dural fans watching worldwide that are just besides himself but they seen Graham Jarvis struggle but you know hats off to him slow and steady persevering and he did it so I like yeah I mean if you're gonna if you're gonna send a bike he just got out of hit day in front of Johnny Walker and who's that coming in to us right now that's Melanie that's money he's good so Walker now sliding I took fifth bolt in fourth Gomez in third was Uzi a Colding onto second place and way out front lettenbichler and these guys are not gonna be happy to see him yeah well they all know that the Manny's money's on a push and they don't want him to be in the X leave when he doughnut see if we're gonna see many coming to the picture now I think that's him just coming to the bottom of my screen I think a lot of people to is as we saw Walker come up Walker's hunger stronger than ever and as Latin Pickler just makes easy work plagued with with injury Johnny Walker yeah you know yet a slow start to the year with those injuries and I really is coming into form now but store many little bit left I think in many ways you know that Mickler he has won here before but I believe that we're seeing that shift a changing of the guard where lettenbichler feels like okay I'm ready I'm ready to take the throne that just happened by the way honestly that just that fit the other riders have been going up there been going up the first wall stopping and getting assessed he actually jumped way too far on to it in my eyes but then still just committed and went for it let me his confidence what a line from Graham as well that was really nice and that is the Graham trophies were used to seeing Manny goes to that middle line that he was taking earlier [Applause] just opting for a steady way keep persevering he can just keep following these two now he doesn't leave I don't think he needs to go even get past them if he doesn't want to well you can see them now and then two of his biggest the Benjamin yeah what would you like the one away don't you go tell you though just lettenbichler unapologetic and hungry as ever so maybe you'll just follow javis a minute nah I think he's gonna lap the field I really do Teddy going down there the rare mistake from Teddy bluesy Zach those rocks there are really really slippery we've seen so many guys struggle up there and not many left Meckler well I'd spent as we said eight eight stop season long just March a tiresome March to get to this point so the bikes just the mental fortitude it takes to get to this point in the season and then to have a two-hour race this morning followed by eighty minutes on this track in reverse direction as we see Manny just on the gas on his way back into the woods he wants some more yeah and Todd he's closed yeah Todd he's close and the pass is there any question that lettenbichler is hungry no questions answered now I won't steal T's software that's for sure [Music] but check check out close study is now we mentioned a hunger I think Taddy Blazusiak we talked about the story how he came out of retirement for the world enduro Super Series and he is so hungry to find a top spot of the podium in 2019 but is going to be a top tough battle and that's money you're just getting past Graham job is that so just come into shop it looks like he's gonna get hung up there are quite a bit yeah bit of a bottleneck warming down there yeah many up and over [Music] [Applause] Wow looking tired now looking really tired so those tabby Johnny and Java C and just another pile up that we're seeing and I thought thought he could open a fortune a little bit more frequency yeah he's looking strong not he's looking really strong Michael long than the other ones inside is getting his breath back living the champs pass that's that was good as well Tech is really in good shape yeah throwing his back around a lot and you know you trained really hard for the AMA the arrow cross yeah finishing secondly behind our Colton ham yeah who did a great job this year yeah Colton was on fire out the wazoo dziak back in 2018 grabbed a third at gets in but this year all the zuzia cares about is that top spot Mario letting it logo see I was jus stepping up the front wheels just pop in there ever so slightly stop me this good traction so troll up so good it feels amazing when you do it and at Mario Ramon the span you're 28 years old just outside of the top 10 or actually I should say in the 9th position just at inside the top 10 yeah Mario winner of the opener XL lagares that came out of absolutely no ax making a little history in the process it's always amazing result yeah and you can see a lot of the riders we're starting to see a visible even when there is a little bit pile-up maybe I'm gonna take a break right now which is which is a rare sight so they're just they're just not rushing into ya a bad decision and obviously every lap it's changing so they've not seen it for a little bit and they want to make the best decision they can see how he's just struggling to get it moving that's always the hardest thing with an enduro bike if you can get it moving quick enough then the brute force and ignorance of an enduro bike will get it over what's your guys takeaways watching Latin Bickler hisses what is he doing with his bike that he that we can't that were not seen for me for me he's just holding his body in the optimum position when he's when he's attacking a section so he's standing up with he's pushing his ankles into the ground and getting that nice Drive keeping that back tire on the ground but he's ready at any moment to react and sit down and just get it out somehow and Graham Jarvis is normally the master of this but I can see like with many total confidence he knows that he's going to get up already in his heart and he just makes it needs to make sure you get to trial and keep that momentum up he's literally going up a lot these obstacles with that speed that is got making sure that he gets traction on a bullet yeah and like you said the belief thing that's that's the biggest part of this level when you compare you know manis what 21 and a half years old Graham Jarvis 44 years old he says yeah that gives me experience bad 21 and a half you'd have to say lettenbichler right now it's like nothing can stop in at 21 you're impervious yeah you get that you get that go free attitude just gonna send it and that's what money's up to but he is sending it but he's sending it in control there's the 36 year old Taddy Blazusiak as we mentioned one of the most decorated riders started riding trials back in 1995 and judging just by the technical just down geocells nailed over their ID I thought it just saw the back wheel spin up a bit too much in the wrong place and I didn't think he was gonna get up there he's really lost his momentum the earlier run and he try to get it back in he was spinning it up yeah so I was saying in terms of judging by the technical aspect of this course without any trials experience what are your chances here well you know if the likes is Wade Young was here Wade's not got a trials background at all but with hard enduro you know look at everybody sitting down low end power on the bike that's the technique that you use when you need to save energy but it's just I think it's more the line choice that you get from the trials game that gives you the bigger advantage yeah many taking that same line again just falling off the back of the back but he's up and over and he's daft just there in the background so he's obviously in and around the track so let's talk about that differential in terms of low Susie a car we gonna is Pazuzu yak gonna put a little heat on the lettenbichler at this point absolutely yeah he gets a sniff money and that prize purse at the end of it he's coming and there is oh that was so unlucky that was so unlucky he did exactly what Manny did but his front wheel just hit into the and it's Johnny water honey it's Johnny and then Mario Roman as well also down there at the moment there is this section that is just taking out the sports best and Johnny's handlebar just clip there tree there and the end of that bike back down again or he won't be happy with that it was either handlebar or foot peg this was it stopped very abrupt with in there now jumping back up towards second place chatted was Uzi active five-time Harrisburg champ also got four X Games gold medals in his bank account and he is starting to reel in lettenbichler can he do it he's gonna get through that tricky section we just saw now [Music] here is okay let's see what it does this is gonna be critically clutch yeah Michelle Rossi Michelle bossy giving him a bit of advice he just saw what happened so and great to see that camaraderie at this point yeah he'd much rather let Teddy have a crack at helping him up it is not a great show that is a many sad day giving a helping hand awesome to see yeah yeah it's gone maybe not so much but that when you have 20-plus years of experience that's how you get it done it was it was that final drive you know two meters before the stat board he just dumped the ultimate traction and the ultimate driving was just it was going uphill question it's what you know when you come here and you're on site and you're you know on hand that you hear just how like amazingly how low gear some of these guys are where they just work their way through I was noticing the zuzia can practice just like he was riding on a flat trail it's unbelievable that's the first stall that we've seen money really make momentarily though yeah it was gone it's gone yeah no exactly Pat about the the low-end torque that the guys are riding in the bottom end of the the power and the KTM have been working a lot on that recently so yeah in the future is who where everybody's going to get that Alfredo Gomez coming to the screen is he gonna get it up yes also great job good job it seems like the best line that's really working for the guys Gazoo dziak off to the left oh wow the check on the other side yeah it looks pretty safe he'll get out of bed a lot committed fans helpful fans but definitely want to stay on your toes well here the cats in rodeo we've seen a couple of bikes go off course and now Walker trying to move back into the top three position but a ghost bike takes one down with it yeah all part of gets and Rodeo climb on board see if you can tame the the untamable speed Wow yeah that's the amazing thing about these races you can get close to the action it's awesome blankets out there from South Africa nice to see about charity get to rodeo and of course in South Africa take you the one on the World Cup you can imagine World Cup that's absolutely right you he imagined that the World Cup victory is on his mind and it just fueling him all right all right but a big day for South Africa for sure not so not so much not so much for a team bolting over here we didn't see Wade Young at yeah I'm still betting with a little niggly shoulder so we'll see him back at the next round good so current standings lettenbichler still on top and we'll keep you abreast of those Uzi acts charged to reel in lettenbichler [Applause] the moment I should say about five minutes ago BOSU dziak was gaining ground jump back on board with Mizzou dziak he lost a bit of time they're throwing it over but look he's friend caught the bike for him I don't know if that was a catch there was more of a body blow but yeah he pulled it off making his way nasty there past the loss Teddy's looking at a really good form this race is far from over over 32 minutes left plus 11 plus exp and yeah for those of you that are just joining us at the end of eight minutes and one extra lap comes the Red Bull actually fan if you think this terrain is technical wait till you see the red ball axle if it is well I'm not even gonna try to describe how difficult it is they receive many coming up now to let Billy bolt and Billy I wonder if he's having problems with his foot now he's not he's not even in Billy's head yeah he's totally positive folks it is what it is with his foot and he doesn't he doesn't care about it anymore [Music] [Applause] but Manny what a storm of a race okay he's in a class of design at the moment but don't can't Teddy blue Suzuka at only one minute 30 behind and let's look at that time though he had he was at 22 seconds he was gaining ground now it's looked at 1:30 but I expect it to stay ever so elastic between Blazusiak and lettenbichler but I think both lettenbichler and mezuzah are looking so confident cover me is making a move they on Johnny Walker and Blake good sides at the same time that was a really new planet with a very neat line yeah and remember Gomes other had a big crash oh here on Berta Gomes currently in third place there is still so much more time to go here as we're near in that 30 minutes of 80 followed by one additional lap and then Red Bull exclusive Bill mez East through that and he moves onward big fight there of course Alfredo Gomes in fourth place in the West standings and Johnny Walker in second place we might see change there and that's two we talked about the focus of those how to finish epic gets and rody here at the guessing champ the final race of the day but how you end overall at the end of the season that that's something that sits in it kind of marinates in your mind until you move into the 2020 season does it not yeah yeah it really does but yes right now as it stands now Gomez will will go in front of Johnny oh yeah correct and move up to third place for the champion really want to keep it there yeah definitely yeah but like you said earlier as well Johnny's had a good good strong end to the season he's been doing well and here's daddy now see how he stood up really in that low in power you talked about before back absolutely classic such an incredible veteran Taddy Blazusiak but I will call Manny at the young veteran because he started at such a young age and we always talked about this how his dad didn't force him into it no he just let him enter the support on his own volition if you will and that it's such a great thing to see yeah it really is he's so mature and he's just leveled that section again he I think he's the only guy that said it made that clean every time so far we've seen absolutely no mistakes from him and of course following in his dad's footsteps and Reyes came and did this race a couple of times pets that's right a third-place finish if we go back to 2014 Andreas lettenbichler third place Johnny Walker grabs second that year in a surprise g-force Graham Jarvis took the win was Uzi ACK yeah yeah riding very very well very very well so many subtleties these guys make it look so easy when you watch the rest of the field struggle even when you watch them struggle it just shows you just the technical merit that's going on and Teddy coming into into the gets and rider in the seventh place in the West standings I think he's definitely going to move up if he carries on the form that he's got today you can just imagine to the bikes just taking such a battering here today two races two hours earlier with the Jets and resin now with against a champ and lettenbichler as time is ticking down well wind down the clock after 28 minutes then it'll be that additional lap I'm starting to question it just how many other other riders will even make it into the redbull actually at this point that's into that difficult rock as we've seen it there buddy bolts yeah just let me pass yeah oh he's gonna have a look back again oh look at those hopes we've made the organizers really clever kind of a quick hook and I should point out you they've you know there there are checkpoint eight there deeming this a help zone based on the difficulty as things get too technical they can make those decisions on the fly that checkpoint eight there we saw saw the hook come in keep the riders moving we want to keep it competitive that often happens in there in part and you erases or even you know parent hounds races it's a if the track interior it's too much they want to keep the flow of the race going so Teddy coming into their section now just having a look around to see what the guys are saying which line you should take and nothing's gonna settle on the same line there there doesn't many took and they open a quick look at his clock there I reckon Daryl I think you safe up is just gonna cover that wheel around and he'll be up and over just they're not not so expensive it looks like there's a bit of rub around the Nassau boys well what a great atmosphere in the race village I mean they've got a massive beer tents and I think there's gonna be a lot of action there tonight absolutely well at the 26 minute mark the ultimate world enduro champion leading the charge can he hold on to it with Taddy Blazusiak close behind we'll find out right after this stay close the epitome of hard enduro on full display here at the 2019 Jetson rodeo as the world's best the point of total exhaustion trying to power through one of the most technical assaults they've ever had to deal with as we jump back into live competition 24 minutes of 80 into that final extra lap and then the red ball acts lupins still leading the charge we see him right there to the left ear screen none other than the current to 2019 shaft man well lettenbichler yeah he just come into that section didn't he in the just drops it there so yeah maybe starting to feel a bit tired I'm sure he is a real mistake for many they're still 23 minutes ago plus a left Plus that X loop yeah we should we should have a wager on them how long the X loop is going to take let's see first of all how many guys are gonna be in that extra picture at the moment it looks like only 2 or 3 and then X loop is gonna be brutal and we looked at the yesterday he walked it and I don't know Paul do you think it's writable it's not writable no definitely not writable but they're gonna have to push a couple of sections and then some of the bigger sections will be right there's that tricky trigger again that caught money out earlier I mean that is a hard to - a no no that was just a bit of impatience there he could have just stuck where he was it's probably frustrated that he was stuck on such a such a section when they what they've been through so hard as well there was a tricky one really because he saw his friend who was falling down in the other side of that the tree stump and he just wanted a blip and get a pass there but he's gonna have to go back and try again and just why is even struggling lifts in the Michael and with and more struggles out the back similar line that Gomez was trying to take and he loses it again bike and rider go down oh honey got that tree stump Opie's ass ride as well the gods are really tired at those points and you don't want to be making mistakes like this and guys you guys get to hammer home the point to just how physically draining that is to have to get the bike up not only you losing time but valuable strength yeah they're completely exhausted by this point but it's all because you've got to hold that optimum position to get the best out of the bike and then you've got to keep keep going with the head down and not make them little mistakes that cost you in the end you guys obviously you you love to suffer right it's it's something about the you know it's the the masochistic spirit hardened your own just going pasta Michael Buckner they're maybe they're not taking the line that he wanted to take but it's like he's getting up yeah it was actually a good line in the end wouldn't it but every time you make a little mistake I mean your heart rate spikes yeah then you can't ride off with it you got a little heart rate come down back to to an acceptable level yeah and you know focus compose yourself again and then try again absolutely and if you don't you have got to try and ride through as best you can but if you do let it spike too much you're not gonna you're not going to perform at your best and you're gonna make little mistakes because you need to be so calm to make little little adjustments to your body position the clutch the gas you know the all sorts of thing you're gonna be climbing all over that bike to get the best out of it pretty cool seeing old Fredo Gomez make his way up to third spot they're having a really really solid ride today yeah even despite the fall Gomez keeping his eyes on the prize the big question we had a nice accordion elastic back and forth with lettenbichler and Blazusiak for first and second in terms of I think the closest Mizzou's he act out at one point was 22 seconds but Gomez now trying to gain ground on the zuzia King Gomez work his way to second that's the big question right now [Music] oh and then and just nearing the 20-minute mark of our 80 minute race here at gets in champ the final race of the 2019 wes world enduro Super Series season and then gonna be followed by that extra lap and then into the red ball absolute Walker there Oh trying to go off the far left not sure who's Mike that was g-force job is that is just going collecting his bike granddaughter I've enjoyed that is really not having a good day today no so now a different line choice oh this literally there's about three inches up there that's a good line yeah you see how the roots just for the guys crossing over there now and that's a real interesting interesting line to job just dropping there as well and as Graham's gonna calm I'm gonna take doesn't look like he's getting the traction that he wants get on the middle of it so a little help from our on course marshals there folks are dealing for the big stats and we'll know if you didn't make it cuz we'll see a bike cover looks like you know yeah it's got longest legs in the business well maybe between him and Cody Webb big surprise - yeah Jarvis slippin just outside at the top five right now in sixth place he's oh yeah but he wouldn't have liked that and lost a lot of time and more importantly a lot of energy yeah exactly that's the tricky bit as well you know it's not over when you're up that section as well you've got to gently get the bike around so Lucky's off the bike now and really you do not want to be dropping it right Mario Roman dropping in as well yeah side of the tree yeah just didn't get his back wheel on that step he leaned a bit too far to the right oh and let's get it out to the left marshals over got his back that's uh at least his up and got something down there like poor old Graham and there is a look at the virtual standings for the entire season Jarvis in fifth Mizzou's yak and forth Gomez in third Walker and second left McClure first but expect I'd say two to five to shuffle quite a bit yeah did you see just how we at the back he was just on the back wheel all the way up the opening through his knees you know like a mountain bike and there we see the split times coming in for BOSU dziak and let Vic learn now at two minutes is that surmountable you can never say never but he's gonna be an interesting to see which line he takes this time is he going full risk or is he gonna get told by someone that there's another line that's safer he's going for it here he goes same line the tree got the tree but with the front wheel got the bike that's the most important thing is so he's safe he's so that's best seat in the house yeah the kradic completely behind many ham and it's his home race oh the guys are screaming for him I mean because imagine how that must boost his confidence yeah yeah so like Bickler hop in for that similar line so lucky he got the bike up you see just just pass in the tree stone you can see how much is loading up for the bike through the through the reps through his legs onto the tires are they just in the time and releasing the clutch and just delivering it opens the top well the 2019 alternate world enduro champion heating it that much closer to winning the gets in champ here final race of the season and this is where he just looks so relaxed in between yeah they look really tired though don't they yeah you can see in their eyes but yeah he's totally there locked even having a little sit down there is the X loop open his next lap around for a little bit more information on the excellent we check in with Jenny Jenny what you got yeah guys I am down here for these boys this is the literal gates of hell what an atmosphere here as well every time Madeline McClure comes past everyone goes wild now the regulation states that once the winner comes through it's 20 minutes that you allowed it but it's only the riders that are on the same lap as the winner that can come into the excellent it is ultra technical Darrell you said earlier we've walked through yesterday we send me walked it mate there was a lot of crawling as well this is incredibly technical the first 60 meters fairly cruzi after that we're gonna see the boys off the bite it's gonna be a little bit of pushing and shoving this excellent could for sure decide the outcome of this race all right great stuff Jenny yeah a lot of anticipation there but I'll tell you what lettenbichler right now I know he's on pace to separate himself to the point where we might not see another person make their way yeah yeah to the end to the repple absolutely it's just yeah in such a good place right now what a feeling what a feeling I mean you're world champion and winning your home race and we're leading your home race it's not over yet just letting the bike and I bit out of shape there well let me say just get over get the job done get the Exley yeah barely here Jenny right there down at the finish Corral and the the lead into that X Lopez Gomez doubling back yeah yeah and he is in that same lap last one in that same lap with lettenbichler for the moment so we expect Mizzou dziak and Gomez to enter into the the Red Bull excellent we'll have to wait and see as we're under the 15-minute mark and the game could still change because the obstacles that we saw there I mean with Chaney all of us walking that yesterday I mean there's some sections that really are unworkable and there are a couple of different lines is one place in particular it's gonna be very interesting see which lines these athletes say yeah yeah oh really [Laughter] different yeah like good size just coming into the picture there so let Bigler is still out front followed by Pazuzu yak gomez in third Billy bolt rounding out the top four over there on the right hand side and there's a yeah looks like I have to come down you can't back down another mother they see here we go you know you love this smile says it all incredible as BOSU see act now trying to stay in step as we've mentioned it was about a little over two minutes and he seems like he's polling lettenbichler in slightly yeah if I know if I know Billy though he'll want to get that step up now clean this weird Teddy made the mistake earlier on Latifah clean at this time yeah nicely done happen over they'll be well impressed with that yeah so Blazusiak the thirty six-year-old he works his way through Gomez trying to stay in the third spot and stay close enough to let McClure that he's going to be able to work his way into the X Lou taking that far right whoa Jay sat down for a long time on the approach I didn't think he was even gonna get up on the pegs but he just did in the last second didn't like it doesn't look like you had enough speed initially I think it just made it by the skin of his teeth but I preserve like we said earlier exactly exactly boy shaking his hands out it must have savage arm pump and how does one write up a wall it's all about the approach they're not even touching the front wheel on it they're trying to hit it more at the back wheel so actually if you could see it they'd actually be a little bit inverted going towards that John or Richardson mostly got himself another wheel now you can barely hear yourself think in that finish Corral it is gonna be one loud valley here at the Gutzon rodeo as we watch lars he's continuing staying on pace outside of the top ten for the moment lars currently sitting in 12th place [Music] and almost nearing the ten-minute mark remember once that ten minutes elapses we go into that extra one lap and then the Red Bull X is open for play let's hope slowly we can get three riders into the next group yeah looking good at the moment but there's still a way to go here is we continue to be surprised over the years just the level of heart and you know every year we say that the depth of talent gets deeper and they just continue to surprise what is capable on a bike and I think we're seeing it here again at the culmination of the 2019 season gomez stain in step trying to now pole in Blazusiak in second and theirs was easy action there's that run that much deeper at this point nice little cuts in there finding nice traction there and was that all Pharaoh Gramma's that came into the picture behind Teddy not sure did he just catch it look to wait and see if there are that close together it's gonna make for an awesome excellent yeah exactly but the good thing about that rut getting deeper is it's getting to the drier soil so it should be more traction the deeper it gets always think the pawns yeah so let Bexar taking some time I'm not sure if a bit of a hold up here at this point as they're waiting you can see that's playing in succession Jarvis and we look at yeah that you know that the established grizzled veteran Jarvis 44 years old the veteran has he sits aside the 20:19 ultimate world enduro champion the future of the sport manuel lettenbichler 21 and a half years old I've been a good rest there as well you know all he wants to do is get moving but actually he's having a really good rest so don't forget as well Graham Jarvis has won this event three times incredible Annie if lettenbichler does it today it'll be his second and you know we made reference to it earlier is the torch being officially being handed here's the thing what we can say about Jarvis he still got a lot more left in the tank safe to say yeah yeah no jobs he's still still on fire no point in these kind of races she's not Benny's day today and hungry with redemption Johnny Walker was hoping for a stronger race looked incredible in today's at first race this is this is the section where we saw where we saw Maddie just clawing up on the back wheel you know pumping his legs good help there from will hor for Johnny was giving him a bit of al an incredible camaraderie from the fans and from the one competitor to the next now the Suzy ACK he'll have time to focus gather some steam and find his line currently is second as we are now under the ten minute mark eight minutes on the clock plus an extra lap and then into the red wall excellent was Suzie act yeah he makes easy work yeah they've got the measure of that section now that was the section word the big bottle that was at the beginning where a couple of Huskies got a very close yeah they've had time to figure it out and also tried out for the rule that's yeah absolutely dry down yeah and now times coming in for + zu z AK no surprise that the fastest lap 805 so far just thought money from will was gonna slip under the barrier then just another thing that you just don't need here we go same there's a little lap yeah he's trusting everybody up there now yeah yeah that's a trust they're gonna catch him really is a big trust issue right there and how how would you feel if he was Johnny I would be so good seed that I hadn't made it to that on that line and good Johnny's not doing anything wrong he's taking the safety line he knows he's definitely gonna get up and in a little bit more calculating the big question how much do you trust the fans at katzen rodeo it depends a lot of them have been partying since 8:00 a.m. it's definitely a festive out you got a you got to know when to when to trust that was a really good good job you did over there and of course Johnny and Paul not gonna be making them into the X loop now pull Terrace just outside of the top five in sixth place with six and a half on the clock as Liz Uzi AK give it to the little cows she's back on bikes the bikes are actually ste steaming though it's not because they're overheating it's cuz they've just come out of a little River section so yeah it's a good point that I was watching you on each pack for the last couple of laps and steaming but then you're headed for sin right the river and it's really really cold great to see Mario oh man they're popping Teddy up there plum yep Mario oh man the win at the first off and now give it a little health Tula's Uzi axe so great to see that is great support that up so many different manufacturers and there wow that is that is really nice to see yeah it's how do you'll probably have to say thanks bro yeah sorry well now there's a jokes a joke and if Mario does the t-shirt lines for that Billy Billy he'll come back Mario Billy was looking so strong in the guest and race this morning and had some problems with the clutch of the bike was able to you know stay in step make that top money you know Billy obviously dealing with a little bit of adversity but one of the top riders yeah Billy wasn't even gonna come to this race until a couple weeks earlier a couple weeks before it sorry but his focus now is the indoor enduros so he's then he's got a good chance of a really solid result in those check when I did she would land Billy's gonna take but in second gear anyway so he's going the long way around yeah the direct gots on the core and point out bolt just outside of the top three in in fourth place as a way for times as Gomez starts to move in blues Uzi acts still holding on to second and let Bickler out front not wrong without like back down there wasn't terraces just coming into the screen and just behind Johnny Walker there and we saw up to the top of your screen let Pickler with a quick look back and now Johnny Walker has pointed out I was just a haunted house of roots in this section right here no easy way really through he just got it up no did you see how far back Johnny leant when his body weight back then his shoulders boom everything was way back to this to get our maximum traction to the back wheel and sections like that are really getting worse out there because getting there before Townsend rested I see the gardener struggle a little bit more as the race goes on yeah and all the bark comes off the tree doesn't it and and then it makes them like a white sheep and they are so slippery Rovers like that what well I thought she was gonna keep his fatal then just about three and a half minutes left on the clock and following that it will be one extra lap and remind the viewers yes lettenbichler will be making it into the red ball excellent the big question how many other riders will make that 20 minute cut off or they'll close the Red Bull exclude well he hasn't been crowned world champion for nothing that's not true luck you can see here especially on a course like this the skill set that many's been able to develop and I think really here today is in a class of his own yeah totally is I'm really trying to pinpoint it you know [Music] he's such a talent on a bike he's definitely got something else that's just going on this year and I really can't pinpoint what it is I think there's confidence everything's going right for him the back feels good he feels good he's fit he's been training hard and it's just working out it's all coming together you talked about at the top of the show Paul I mean the met the mental aspect it's you know it's one of those things I think as fans we take the granite that these guys have it they're able to reinvent themselves pivot or find that you know that extra gear in their minds and something that let Nicollet is doing but I'm sure you'll figure it out here you're a good coach Jack that now I'm watching closely and obviously we've been doing the vlogging and I actually think that that's been a nice nice distraction from his racing where he's not been laughing over too many things and he's just been getting on with it maybe finding the fun a little bit exactly exactly and he obviously is mountain biking's the big key to his training and he always says that he's going out there for fun as well so we as fans we've enjoyed watching we hope you continue to do I know like once you come back competing in full force it's gonna be obviously a difficult thing to do but it's it's it's such a cool cool series rest of the hand so there he's there with his team manager and sorry Olli just giving him a good signal and giving him a bit of encouragement you close you close yeah maybe closing the gap now about a minute so a minute differential between Blazusiak and lettenbichler so the zoo dziak pulling in the question can go Matt Gomez at this point get that much closer I think at this point with a minute and a half plus the extra lap Gomez will be able to make his way into the red wall actually for sure point you sits you down again then just got on the pegs oh that's better job yeah he keen that yeah really really good job cuz I'm quite excited about the XP but I think that this is still anybody's race they close enough together because that extra loop if they can't get up some of those obstacles man it's gonna be like all three of them we're gonna be together I'm super super super excited for that yeah it's gonna be it's gonna be a bit of a torture chamber until you not yeah yeah so yeah we should mention Gomez looked like a good chance for him to get in to the exit but remember if Gomez get slapped if Billy bolts able to laughs Gomez then Gomez is out of contention to get into the X Liu [Applause] yes of many laps yummies yeah he's not gonna make it yeah into the exit the camera shows some how steep that section is right there now doesn't that look at all the tree roots that are out as well making it even slip here it's just it's pure sit at this point in some sections was in the in the screen there as many comes into the picture getting a good Drive from the road taking that light off he's gonna have to go back down for another girl probably here now first proper mistake we've seen him make yeah not a big one though again you see something there as well that he's already working something out is if it was rolling backwards while kicking the bike so exactly the wheels were keeping moving wrong direction but he was doing something he needed to do anyway lettenbichler after three and a half hours of racing is he fallible yeah kinda that was really the first misstep on his part yeah and he'd already figured out another way through yeah I mean just a puzzle master the way that he can think on the fly now Angie's old tricks such finesse and technique yeah I think we let him get away with that round got some roost here you go that was a sandwich of notes what a spectacular finish line a it just couldn't be better man yeah if you turn around from with these guys all right now man there's about 10,000 fans at the bottom level just waiting for the Sandra Sandra Alfredo sister they're just giving him some words of wisdom she's got a heck of a lot of experience also the fatigue just that the mental kind of we're down on Gomez his face was so that's his first term maximum points not school he's up he's up and he's sick of mistake now I think fatigues really starting to set in now look at that you've got to be kidding me right Susie AK about to catch lettenbichler at this point is entering the party right now Todd he's just gonna get his back wheel into that crack there let him and he's probably just gonna be able to fly up we saw him on his bike pull out of there from that position lettenbichler did get a quick look back he knew that BOSU dziak was right I was out already yeah he's out Joe Norwich in the mix we're in the middle of them both I would like to be him right now we have we just stumbled upon a race because watch BOSU see AK as we now approach it going through this last lap into the Red Bull x-fighters in Sochi go position Center Paul once he's in he's got visuals it's it's all bets are off yeah he's got his eyes locked on the prize and you can look at 10,000 strong but I should say 10,000 plus strong today they are anxiously awaiting these guys to enter into the Red Bull X lab yeah yeah how deep the fans go up every every available seat is taken so they can get eyes on the X loop if we went to the season finale we've got one right here so lettenbichler + zu z AK close in two seconds look at this see him so now he's gonna be interesting look daddy's waited there to see if Manny's got through it so he needs to do a good job here under pressure [Music] [Music] [Applause] so if money doesn't make it up and daddy comes into this section this could be it right now which line is Teddy gonna take is he getting up for the lift land he's gotta go he's got to go for the right yep he's got to go for that one well the backs up he's Teddy gonna wet it up he says I think he's got to wait there yeah I really think he's gonna wait there and go for that right line two gladiators in the pit right now and where's okay so this is the act now Pazuzu yak if he can go clutch on this this thing is so vertical he's oh he's okay but he's still on the bike even better so he just made enough to get the people to help him that was so good at this point it looks like Teddy's a little bit fresher than their many well he's been training hard for that sprint fitness and for the enduro crosses so yeah I think you're right Daryl definitely and you can need a lot of energy now getting to that extra because that's going to take a lot of pushing I think I don't think any of these guys going to be able to rider something they definitely gonna have to push their way up some of those obstacle Scottie no lettenbichler Blazusiak and we see them going under the bridge the battle for first is alive and well here at the 2019 gets it rodeo Blazusiak go walk heels one more lap there's a Red Bull absolute next time they come around they'll be going in but expect a contentious lap oh there's your pass oh no don't waste that energy there Teddy I want both of them to win this is exactly what we want to happen at the final round Wow it's great to see the pressure on lettenbichler for the first time this race and it comes in the form of one of the most decorated riders in the sword as foes Uzi AK in step many having total control of the race up until now feeling really threatened he knows that it's far from over yeah and he needs to stay really close to money so money's actually opening or all the people you know he's spread it apart in the waves let's say in the in their more cluttered areas and that would let us know it's the last lap here it gets and rodeo what amazing crowd on hand as we watch the rest of the field trying to out reel it in but Gomez pull and Walker slowly following following behind Billy just having a bit of struggle getting really chewed up their loss as well I'm in the Gaza and you can see how chewed up it's getting now oat money's got stuck on that come tally do something here he'll probably in that area right now and you can add you know yeah just every single order getting lost at this point I think he was maybe oh no that's a little bit hung up there look how polished that is yeah no get up the top bossy get up the top just in case [Music] so having a little bit more difficulty let suzi AK almost took the foot for some traction there yeah yeah it's yeah you know well it's so hard to to ride that it's that sort of thing when you fresh let alone when you've just done what they've built the game feels BOSU dziak in hot pursuit right now just gaming it out so hard yeah I made short work of that so that if Teddy could do the same yeah is this rock section and the second rock section ahead of him no easily the money will probably just ed him through them last trick up three section onto that maybe shaking his arm going across the straight and daddys full arm locked in there he is popping through the trees lettenbichler on the last lap into the Red Bull axilla right behind it we can see him there to left your screen Taddy Blazusiak the rest of the field go Matt Gomez currently in third bolt and fourth hole terrorists moving up to fifth place in Johnny Walker just outside and second slip off the money's already round than the final the first turn yeah he's gained a couple of valuable seconds there but still I mean it's within a minute assumable assumable two things on lettenbichler mind right now how close this was Uzi AK and I have to contend now with the Red Bull excellent right absolutely yeah it's it's not it's not over yet no he's got himself a good little lead going in there but I was we've all seen the axle ooh we know for good measure he was I think Teddy might just been like okay so confirmation just coming in Gomez did get lap that means we will only have two riders going into the redbull exclude unbelievable that's how high the stakes are in 2019 Manuel lettenbichler chatted was Uzi Act the only two riders to cook win but coming into shot this is the section we said that was getting dug out and I think this is this was were Susie I put a little bit of it close the gap down but Manny's on the pressure now having a look buzu dziak stain right with lettenbichler and BOSU dziak if he can grab the win here he would be the 6th different winner about this season on the world enduro Super Series but with zuzia losing valuable time and distance right here eight races six different winners that's quite something yep and in currently third in virtual standings right now buzu dziak gaining ground just if we were to end right now he's going to definitely do well with the six points separating Walker and Gomez this season has ended up the only runaway lettenbichler incredibly yeah he's put on a must across this season for sure and a disappointment for uh Rick Gomez I know he wanted to finish things on the loop well third place still nothing to be sneezed at you know at this point of the season that the this lost race good places he can hold his head up I'm for sure Gomez is that an incredible season and some great back and forth to find any spot on the podium let alone first as Jarvis that's the big surprise I think I think watching him in practice a lot of people were saying and he is back he definitely has that that focus that we loved yeah he look like he was just having to arrest the there's older gram coming into the shot now just behind although fredag Ramez checkpoint eight Graham Jarvis had an incredible season that you know had it up like two wins Danya Harrisburg got the straight line but he worked so he's already recovering and getting out to that right line did he cover it on last luck it's uncanny how quick he can think on the fly that's what's really you what you're watching it real done oh yeah dog this is a this is a this like work for Sandy on the first luck if you remember and it's just worked again okay now let's watch yes yes ahead he's got his path many peas ahead East Bradley no bet he's not gonna like that Mizzou dziak I just know he's not gonna make it [Music] Taddy Blazusiak just passing Wow current ultimate world enduro champion lettenbichler now BOSU dziak out front as they head towards the Red Bull absolute the first lead change we have seen since the start of the gets in champ today so now Len Bickler he will have a backseat view if yeah well Zusi AK is the first to go into the red bowl absolutely but actually a better position yeah he's got he's got some money still got to get around him in the X which is a big ask so this is huge it's all about that entry what a clutch passing right now so now a few more kilometers a chance to pass but watch Blazusiak to the right of your screen in the white that is how it's done clutch and barely on the clutch Wow money obviously didn't take that line because he made a bit of a mess of it last lap so he's thinking the right for sure he's thinking thinking the right things you've got to keep trying different lines and showing what twenty plus years of experience knowing when to pounce and blues Uzi acts still out front and we'll keep our eyes peeled for letting pit ball oh yeah and a little so this is interesting yet money goes that if I was chatty I'd be going back on my left side of the tree cuz if money gets a good run once this guy's out of the way if it works out like that we've heard he's through yeah so obviously trying to make way sunnier than the way there but if he's gonna man he's gonna be able to get his way of posture yeah he's trying his best to get out of the way sometimes not that that easy to get out of the way okay and expect a thunderous roar as well Suzie AK makes his way into the finish area where the red ball X loop stands right now lettenbichler leading the charge was Uzi Act virtual standings no no no no this is over now good no it's over now it's this is look out look out the urgency of money sorry tabby coming back down to his bike there was just one everything okay like at a big beat in then I mean he's gone up every single time he's headed up and now when when it's critical yeah this happens and this is this is just brutal our sport is massive opening now for Latin bit but it's gone again gone again this daddy should now cook back across and come up that other line and guess who showed up to the party let Mahler he's got to he's turned in front of him no way yeah knees up wants the win here at gets a champ and lies unbelievable boys that is enduro and it's [ __ ] pissed yeah Teddy absolute Fairplay you went for it and that's you know still it over though this is a cross between these two right now they're gonna be the last two going into the red ball actually flipping that is warrior-like of energy and time and unfortunately lettenbichler taking full advantage youth riding up and over Mizzou dziak didn't even look back no no thank you bro he even took he even took an inside line so we hadn't even money other than EB short to rubble that Rockstar now they should be heading into the exited Nam listen to the valley here it is gonna erupt as lettenbichler it he is into the red ball actually big step just the vertical climb that he's gonna have to deal with yeah this is the real tricky bit now there's just coming into shock they still gonna go through the excellent entrance okay and often take a straight run at this spinning it round we're gonna see him firing about rum its Howdy's into now so the final two riders it will be the only it's up mike is a cyber leader lettenbichler wow that over there the guys a good choice of coming out of the tape and turning sharp left or you can jump it so many tried to do the jump while he didn't try he killed that jump Daryl he did not want to fall back down there did he know that we were like Kenny said walking up there yeah there's a big drop off here with the guy with the red shirt is if you fall down there man that's over seconds you guys should have been yeah on belay 5 10 5 5 14 at some point it's completely vertical starting to redefine what hard-hearted Errol should be right now as getting little done we were just talking if that was gonna be ridable and I said it was right and I said but maybe maybe mean maybe it's a bit slippy err now and he and as he's gone off he wanted to pop the front in the air a little bit more and maybe it's just spun up yeah so that would be one of the reasons that would happen taking out the barrier and some fans get a little slide I think that I reckon he's got to be there for a long time because from now there's no traction all those loose leaves and everything and they've got it it's really really steep and slippery they're gonna ride up on the inside of that fence there and I mean I looked at it there's no much action going on they're poor no there's not at all and we've still not seen daddy come up the first section yet which is interesting cos they're just there where's your mind at this point - just the the mental the mental drain and having to deal with some of the most challenging trend you've ever been dealt with if I was many I went to I won't want to get out there and almost you know if you're in the line you're gonna be blocking the line that's nobody could pass up there don't know exactly but you're just you're just digging into the deepest deepest parts of your reserves right now and you have someone of that some of the most committed fans even when you think you're on your last last gasp you got to find something in the tank but I would say the zero help in here so yeah and also I was saying I mean I don't know I didn't think anybody could write up yeah when I when I looked at it yesterday and they'll be pushing their way up yet for sure coding again trailer's eggs egg a little bit could we see them help them open okay Susie ak this was doubtful oh wow pretty interesting Wyatt said he didn't decide to jump up onto that ledge like many do and then I'm taking a little assessment of the bike and I got a little broke that broken on the bike there maybe it was look like he decided to buy a also possibly a gear leave a problem something's not right there he really doesn't look happy and it's not often that we see it bikes fail like this you know but only the Box failed I think something's broken there was quite a big fall there probably a clutch perch or something like they're really trying to start it though Darrell yeah yeah we're still dealing with just in terms of inclined leaves so well BOSU dziak has secured second right now the assessment right now is he won't be able to continue if that changes we will update you on that right now all eyes are on the 2019 ultimate world and doer champion he has had a banner world enduro Super Series season man well lettenbichler the last man standing here in the red ball axe loop can he make his way through all the fans packed into the valley here anxiously a way to see what he's got left yeah I'm very interesting his own I think this if money is the only one to finish I think he would be history as well and maybe his dad just told him there that maybe there Teddy's are too much FAQ time I'm not sure if many knows it but it'll be a good chance to demostrate dog well and we had to say his dad amazing stamina in his own right he's been running the course we've seen him on every checkpoint up to this point it seems like yeah yeah what he's probably a bit Assassin's name it energy bar or something like that it really you know it's not yeah guess it what went wrong it didn't seem like there was any contact right it seemed like it was a soft soft roll I'm bidding it's a broken foot bigger again Libra or something like that I'm pain I think it's more serious but let's take another look you guys get getting close down foam [Music] well I can see a foot peg there yeah yeah I can see a girl Eva yeah first gear I can see a gear leaver so it's not that well I can just hope that Teddy gets his back going because yeah what a finale is gonna be yeah but it's not many is not too far away he's stuck up on their plan yeah and he's gonna make slow progress there might just tell you might just have a transport yeah yeah well it'll be sipping on his energy drink now what's left of it trying to get anything in him just for a final burst to the finish if he can get a bike running just taking a chance to recover there get that heart rate down and figure this he'll our time in this this one really is brutal trying to how do you walk up trying to clear the leaves break that down just how I mean just how slick just a pile leaves can be when you're on that incline yeah it's like ice right the problem with the leaves is you don't know what's under it so it could be tree roots it could be stone and the every every bitter trade has a different approach to it so well that piece right there it's not only the leaves is a lot of really loose soil and roots I'm sure if you spend it away you'll get a bit of traction but it's gonna you're gonna have to do a lot of spinning yeah he's just trying to pivot it around to the right ear isn't he but and then I think you trying to get off to the right here but I think money knows what he's doing yeah bulls are you racing winner that you would be right now those would be watching to the right of your screen picture and picture there's Taddy Blazusiak having problems with his bike and it's up top just about 40 yards above him on the Red Bull ax loop is Manuel lettenbichler who is trying to complete his way around one of the most daunting features we have ever seen in the sport of hard endure oh yeah you know I just thought about when we watch that replay of Taddy you see how money jumped onto that run I wonder if the bike and then Taddy went for it Lilly didn't look like you he went for it properly I wouldn't if it was a bit of a misfire awesome and it's come from that big crash earlier on I know in the real tricky area yeah babies bang the kill Bo and or something so simple yeah could be watch just the face the torment at this point as the rest of the field tried to push their way and find their way to the finish line John original ah then lost foot fetishist path drama who's got the line though yeah there's no a clue okay many many making his way up there just doesn't look I mean it doesn't look writable it's not working nevermind you can see there the car with his leg up there you can see how steep it is yeah the trees are straight Wow many doing the right thing they're getting his heart rate down composing himself and he's going to take this one obstacle at a time this is just only the beginning they've just entered it there's a lot more of this yeah but this section was the steepest blue section won't it Darrell yeah thinking once he's another another ten meters or there's a lot of other tricky stuff later on with like some steep ledges and things where as far as looseness goes and finding traction I think this yeah the other side when he's gonna loop around - there's drop-offs and Gomez wants he wants to come and play yeah he's maybe maybe he doesn't know the rule here he's like why is it not open why is it closed don't read the rulebook there's another rules for sure yeah he wants to barge the game dawn Dube over it and obviously Hill trying to get the official word but you gotta love his spirit south to Gomez that he was they want him in he's like I came just like that good job yeah I really think that blue Zhu Zi spike was damaged because he went to that that step section at the first jump jump and I really think that him his bike bogged and I think he's damaged something from from earlier in that crash yeah and so relaxing all that running so what's he gonna do so it looks like well Gomez is in now let's watch if Gomez can reel in lettenbichler [Applause] that doesn't look good interesting help so unfortunately always going to help me that he's going elfin let see he's up he's up that bit now well that's that's the hardest hardest section [Music] [Applause] he's like yeah you're messy baby really slippery now really good job that that jump in that Daniel I mean this is incredible Alfredo gomez begging to come play in the Red Bull axe and it just perfectly illustrating just how slick these dock tech meets is right there in front of him is the is the hardest bit he's going for the step barrels yeah it looks like it's you've got the option of is this where you got the object on the right exactly jump the step was years this is he's going for the step because the downhills not as bad yeah understood they're going round yeah yeah safety it's a big step they're just down to the left you're either up it or you're not so last thing the differences you know that's if could have been raised to contend with yeah and full focus now on this decision because it does look horrendous on the top it's pretty toothy a couple sections yeah not much place to stop at the bottom and then he's gonna turn the shop right yeah this is this bit I forgot I forgot about the erection yeah we actually saw Manny and his dad while he's only bit thing see they're walking this section on the dark now there's a at the top of this or halfway up there's a big solid rock step and he's gonna need to get all the driver can at the bottom ending 15s yeah I don't think you can do it in while I think it's a get off and push again one bit to see where has continually surprised this here he goes second gear I'll to it there's just too many spectators to get a good look at that well how good's now that you can say there's too many spectators how is that possible 10,000 spectators looks like he's up the ledge yeah but it's not over then there's another another ledge after that and he's virtually up though there yeah it's like it saved not so disappointed for Taddy Blazusiak I mean to come that far and to put on that that performance in to have a problem bike yeah but let Pickler at this this point looks like he is a home stretch out this is where he knows something think it's a bit early what keep your eyes focused on lettenbichler this is a really pop down Oh [Applause] okay yeah I got this I got this he's like here's what you're gonna do this one is unraidable there's no way you can rather do it back down man this is no way it's not to mention the trees that are directly fall line if you were to take that that's straight line being very smart and once again in real time showing just how quickly he thinks on the fly back wheel yeah he's gotta get his back wheel over to the left now he's gonna drop down one little ledge and his guys to do a cover turn right yeah if you pull back we could see yeah you could see just how exposed he is right here it's a lot more vertical and you can see just how snug I thought they might ride that bit yeah yeah there we go now you see he's literally Billy goading his way down little pivot enough to get a drop yeah it's all about they'll bring it all the way around again and then drop straight down to the road yeah there's a big cliff behind you the cliff thought they might do that yeah and then he's gonna drop it down onto the road and then it's just a final climb up yeah and he's done I'm interested to see if he's gonna ride this bit no he should do yeah but he's a very tight turned down ill yeah get it back end over to the left it's not now once his front wheel starts slipping too much you just got to commit and go [Applause] so over four hours of riding at lettenbichler gets one step closer so let's listen again this is the final time yeah but I thought we could hit the hit circle I it's not different line it's gonna be a little bit more difficult built much ikaw they've taken the run-up away okay so now Latin Beckler eyes the finish line at this point here we go dawn decides to the right yeah to the last I said I mean okay yeah a little bit of a big-leaguer umph in the crowd Andreas is winding him up so he could have a real good launch here and he could get it open yeah that's to audible and not possible either what's he gonna do he's got it he's gotta get it as close back far back as he can with his back wheel and just have one big load up the coaching gas rolls too far back he's gonna find himself at the bottom no room for the bike almost no room for the rider trying to figure one of the last pieces of puzzle and if the CI is already there how steep that climb is one little slip and he's gonna go down it's just gonna pick it up slowly what little goat track around the outside there what a show for the spectators mr. Kahn get a better view than that why in terms of just being able to work your bike through sections it just doesn't seem makeable it is it might not be the most visual but for pure enduro fans respect intimate control right there and everything he's got he's got it he's just controlling it all through his left and right then Mikami tear down he's going nuts one final is it now he's up wow what a job your gets in it champ and ultimate world enduro champion for 2019 victorious what performance he left everything on the course today yeah nothing was phoned in from Latin Bickler no I think when tubby came past him you know look at him he's flipping gone good lad that just shows the great determination the the mental state is being in folk super focused absolute respect for that young mother what a season what a day he had to work hard for there was so emotional and it is so deserved you're guessing rodeo 2019 champ lettenbichler time for smiles they'll be celebrating here at the beer tent later you can count on that what guys incredible season his dad I dress right at his side all the way an incredible family second win in a row 2018-2019 two wins and you can he's feeling a little painted needs a little help just I think he's absolutely I think he might have this dead he needs some Walter that boy well The Cramps probably are coming quickly at the second he stops but we jump back into the Red Bull axle open uh the struggle continues for Gomez now Gomez officially in third place but he wanted in and they said all right have a go at it and here he is be careful what you wish for that's them that's them really hot as we were talking about and his sister there sandra gomez on the left hand side she did the morning race but didn't make the top twenty but what a great if from her and of course helping her brother on so it is looking incredibly spry and fresh just in terms of reading the the facial expression but he's making a fairly good work actually right now this will be his third podium of the year and he's had a really good season he had a second a big span yet a Seculert Romaniacs and was gonna get a third yeah tell you what if you can come back in 2020 and grab a couple of there's one or two top spots and mix it with that consistency he is going to be a good contender and a good challenger to lettenbichler [Applause] swing it back just look how vertical that is now that laid said he's gonna go up now and carry not that's it because of the spectators but it's a it's a really really tough ledge and many got up there quite well for yeah did he say he made sure little bit yeah look it's time for a fresh get a good base down getting congratulated by the guys well terrace and and some of the other guys just huge respect for him there is not a single place to stand to sit one of the most crowded finish lines we have never seen they've taken every every inch of hillside to get first eyes on our competitors here today as Gomes still taking his time in the red ball excellent they're so cool to see the guys window graduates on their asses everybody knows what it takes to to make everything happen with respect to each other and supercool Fedora fed have been do our lap as well I think the spectators all welcome it that's what they came for I want to see the action and a lot of them just can't believe what these dirtbags can do we focus on the the four hour plus a variety it's an assault on the senses mental and physical today but let's let's also kind of breathe in and marinate on the season-long eight stops I mean that takes so much out of you every single race a little bit each each stop does it not yeah it is and just just imagine how how many miles of riding they've done how many miles in training in the races you know the risks the little spills that they've had and got away with and the ones they've not got away with how do you stay fresh when it's one of those season like yet they you know continue to have that hunger there there has to be a burnout factor for some yeah you've just just got to keep having fun like money does you just got to keep seeing it as fun it's what every one of these riders dreams was to become an eraser so living the dream making the most of it well so well a look at Manuel lettenbichler a day of all day is to end the world in numerous Super Series 2019 season little traction complements off with zuzia that was the inside line getting them even short to run at the key point but he's dad as always Gotti's corner boy what a day but that was lucky Mike no worries let's hear from our champ who's down with our very own Jenny down here with an absolute animal of a man 2019 welcome zero Super Series champion and two years in a row get some rodeo with everybody here what a way to finish oh my god I'm so happy right now like you guys were amazing like all thanks to all my fans like you guys were cheering so hard so you you made my win-win perfect so I'm I'm just over the moon right now not just you that but your best mate and it's brilliant to have him always behind your pushing you and gardener cuz he is intelligent Olga as well he's intelligent he's wise you know it's like and I'll marry congratulations by legend [Music] Gandalf for sure it's so it's so incredible to hermanni just how much appreciation has so much humility and just such a talent and we're so lucky to have him in the sport we shift gears back to the Red Bull X and Gomez still trying to figure his way out through this labyrinth of vertical sheer rock and and cliff not a no easy way to end after four hours+ of riding but this is what he wanted he asked for it yeah I was just trying to work out where he was that he just got to he's actually gonna spin it round 180 now isn't he in no he's gonna just get it close that trait and then drop in final push and what's incredible is that they actually made the connection into the finish line we need to make it more difficult it was a quick little step off they're like nope too easy on the competitive front then we have to say this that are creating the course what a beautiful mix we have let's make them work for it about today yeah I mean if not to out yeah and hats off to the entire Gatson staff they do such a great job every year yeah what a professional events I mean everything was just perfect the marking look at how they've planked off all of the other routes not just with panting but with poles and and planks yeah yes been an old inaudible for the advertising around it looks super professional that was the paddock or that was nice yes almost that was nice that was hot hob to know that he did he's lift strap just just dangling on the rear wheel don't want anything for the night and all such as looking eyeing that automat looked easy on telly but that super Stevie I think pretty much unraidable strong on the right farther yeah farther around no [Music] [Applause] don't say what there was about yeah okay okay so this just coming in timekeeping updates Gomez has secured second Taddy Blazusiak will round the top three so Gomez despite wanting to come into the Red Bull execute a second place so Gomez a second Kazu dziak third nonetheless a great day of variety from all the competitors so that'll be good in news Gomes gets the word he crosses the finish line victorious and it finds himself on the podium in second place yeah great result for him really Wow just you can just imagine how battered these guys are buddies mind soul yeah I can totally my dear I know you can you know yeah don't know what it feels like it this year's put you you guys asked for it could you know what when you get to that finish line it's them then feelings that you feel through your body it makes it all worth it yeah the the endorphins the serotonin is pulsing yeah so good to see ya credible second place for alfredo so gomez was persistent honorable led team stayed within the top five almost the entire race and that elastic position he held on to third place and eventually moving is the second when he finds the podium and success here at the 2019 Jetson rodeo an incredible season with top spots and he grabs a second-place finish here today he's with Jenny let's hear from him now Alfredo absolutely brutal way to finish the world enduro Super Series before I say anything else just tell me what was going on down at the excellent because we saw that was a bit of a bit of what was going on well was really Hollis I got cramps the last half hour so was really tough for me say congrats to money and the organization they did a really good job was a really hard race I cross a few times I they made my bike but I do my best I'm happy with with a podium what happened actually because when you laughed because it was confusion for everybody here what was going on well the rule says if you go to lap it you cannot make this loop but they didn't ever pass me so I did it well I can't confirm second in the world in zero so if the series what does that mean to you thank you very much well what say after a hard season is the best present I can have also for the team be one is one and a volume in this race means a lot for us so very happy thank self rider Thank You Jenny and it's no surprise Gomez has such a deep desire to continue to improve himself every season he came into 2019 unapologetic knowing what he needed to work on and it's great to see that come to fruition the payoff means so much and you could hear it in his voice yeah he was so happy wasn't there yeah and he deserves it totally it's an amazing result for him and he's you could see from his face just how hard this race was this race is hard enduro with capital letters petty yeah and there is Graham Jarvis he's won at this event three times before big surprise I think a lot of many people were expecting Jarvis to be a contender here today he came close but just couldn't stay in step with the pace that lettenbichler and the top three were setting but what a talented field and Johnny Walker there man so I mean we're talking these are these are the league of legends the Hall of Justice if you will have hearted ER oh yeah just just casually having a chat did you see Sochi place Wow we talked about how he looked in practice what what did you guys think watching him throughout the day yeah I was super impressed of the way he's form you know he didn't run out of energy in fact he got faster towards the end and I've got to trim for what happened there to him that he couldn't answer the extra well he didn't answer the extra but that he couldn't reach the finish and maybe this was it when his fight went down and there's a straight line and look we should point out two attempts there the only rider falls yeah that's it really where I mean he would have minimal chances to pass lettenbichler but this is where his hopes were dashed went from second to third yeah well I think you nailed that they I think something the fact that buck before he hit that jump because no way no reason for him not to hit him no chance no there's any real life well he can hold us at a PI as we check in with none other than Taddy Blazusiak I believe Shetty has grabbed him in the madness believable the last lap I mean you actually passed money it was Nick nip-and-tuck what happened once you entered the exit because we said we all saw you stopped what was going on yeah they're like it's just unreal you know I've been there I had some really weird luck you know the last three years you know super enjoyable championship you know I lost it two years ago with with a mechanical you know last weekend we had the lapper you know in the Doral crossing day and you know in the States and this weekend I was pushing you know I was going so hard me and money like you know exchanging the lead few times and you know I was giving everything I had and then you know with two Hills to go the bike gave up on me it's just dude it's just unreal now I know that I am if I would get money that was it was for second the championship so I knew it was you know it I just would I just I was racing my hair out you know I was doing everything I could and then you know it's it's hard to accept but it's racing you know I've been around long enough to know that things can happen but so many things in a row it's just hard too hard to swallow sure motorsport can be cool as you said that's the way it works listen seventh to fourth in the world enjoy a Super Series standings and on the podium it could be a considerably worse way to in the year as well Terry yeah but you know if you think about all the bad luck you know like that the fuel thing he had Romaniacs you know like I need vacation dude I have to think what I want to do because I'm right now I need I need time off thanks man Thank You Jenny yeah Taddy Blazusiak I take a well-deserved vacation let it all sink in and obviously we should point out 2018 was Smith overall as we look as he moves into fifth on the overall results but the final results from today here at the gets and rodeo and we look at our top five full terrace rounding out things there followed by bolt Blazusiak grabbing third place Alfredo Gomez in second but the man of the day the man of the season none other than Manuel lettenbichler and a packed house it continues to work their way back into the finish area as the rest of the course starts filtering down into the party you can imagine they are going to be partying in the streets of Deutschland because man won't let Bickler is the ultimate world enduro champion and that gets a rodeo champion as Gomez taking a well-deserved break it was interesting hearing from Taddy there you know reflecting back on the year and it's you know one of those things that you deal with as as a competitor you just have those shockers sometimes they sneak up on you and he and he's been through so much you know - well plus years of a competitor but what Todd he's definitely got to look at is that he's still in one piece and he's he's moving on to the next race and improving from 2002 you know 2018 to 2019 yeah I think we can just pray and hope that he decides to come back for 2020 he'll be back they just caught even a rough time though he's just he's just almost got into the lead get well he got into the lead that nearly led it into that actually and he nearly took the prize but it the only competitor to pass flattened victory today yeah like that out of teddys he's not done I think he's gonna come back in 2020 he needs some more titles he needs some more wins he's definitely gonna be back yeah and he's got the super enduro of series to look forward to soon so and he's looking in good shape for that let's be honest well an incredible day right from the get-go we started with 60 riders we whittled it down to 20 and there could only be one and that one is none other than Manuel lettenbichler as we content continue to settle through the dust here at gets and Rodeo a challenging track and it left our scrap you know kind of left us scratching our heads but is the absolute even possible but they answered the questions and the best moment for me you know one of them has to be the standout was gomez Becky [Music] yeah the highlight for me was chick one night when Minnie and Teddy were trusted to get up at pump I think I was the back wheel but I think you'll be forgiven for that because that is racing and that's what Teddy respects how about that just the sheer proximity between fan and your favorite rider it's it's literally seamless when you come to a world enduro Super Series not only can you get the best selfie of you of your love a lifetime of like getting giving lettenbichler a little push up up the run but the accessibility is just it's really surprising to see yeah you guys you can be on the start line next to your heroes and you can compete yeah if you're an amateur that has the chops and the skills the most important thing is that these guys are old friends and there's some prize money going out there right there pets that's right top spot 3000 off mm to the top spot the spoils [Music] the cash a check this size good see and it really does set a great story art as you look forward to 2020 [Music] silence II not that they're ready critics but in terms of like his consistency and coming back in and really peaking when he needed to and securing it almost before he came here he just had to get that one lap in the guessin race this morning let me see if I can just even funnier when you ride in it really painful yeah but Congrats yeah that is good not even sure if I can uh there we go he said his covers let's go that Candy's gonna stop to potentially the most painful thing daddy said to do two days old that kid ollie yeah I mean such an incredible back and forth it was the way that Taddy was so tactical and knew that one moment but you know it's memorizing the course and was able to capitalize on that moment to pass and then the way that lettenbichler answered back and didn't even pause for a second didn't he did he just paused yeah like I said no sorry bro yeah it was more of a see you later bro yeah Teddy knew that he could take the win yeah Hewitt he was not giving up anything when he wanted it so bad and he was right there go missus so they were actually going down the start straight with dangling down so high hopes for Johnny Walker as he entered into the last stop of the season as we look back earlier in the day Johnny Walker can hold his head up high as he is with our very own Jenny down in the corral Jenny Johnny unbelievable finish to 2019 West series you couldn't really write it fair play to Alfredo a year ago has taken second place in the standings but overall it has been a good year for you and for sure I think 2020 is gonna be incredibly close as well yeah you know third in the championship um I'm happy with that Alfredo rode awesome so I give it all I could in that race and yeah I just had nothing for the top guys but you know we struggled a bit in I've struggled a bit in the extreme races this year with pushing in that so you know really looking forward to next year and getting on the line again so man we'll see you then cheers Johnny thank you and that is a scary thing to see you could see the twinkle in his eye he's got he's got more plan for 2020 as we look at the overall world enduro Super Series results for 2019 full Terrace rounding out the top 10 followed by bolt Ramon Watson Garcia Jarvis bamboos Uzi AK and the top three finishers for 2019 there you see him at Johnny Walker Alfredo Gomez and the man of the year Manuel lettenbichler your ultimate world enduro champion eight stops and he was successful enough and finding that top podium when he needed to to grab top honors great performance by all who showed up so what a get Sandro do another one for the history books some great back and forth and someone up and ship on course right in front of our eyes as we get that much closer to the revelry and you can imagine just how festive it's gonna get ten thousand plus fans where are they gonna go where can we put them is there possibly enough room in the beer tent that question oh yeah you can squeeze him in circus came to town turns out no that's the beer tent in Germany that's how they do it they know how to throw a hard enduro and a fiesta here in Germany yes we see a Johnny Walker there it was it was a really telling you know kind of seeing that look in his eyes I think he based on how he wrote earlier how he looked in practice the hunger was there he was really looking for redemption at that entry last year a shocker the bike going into the water and just slowly starting to find his form and and flow just later in the season yeah I mean you know a rider Johnny a fair bit and he is struggling like you just said with the heart and euros and when you have to push the bike I'm not sure if it's just the position where your wrists need to be you know obviously broke both wrists did not make a big accident at megawatt what do you will be boxing 2020 strong remember you know new challenges new goals let's up ago and we talked about just a variety to the complexity of the world enduro super series to its I mean he could you know you take his overall ability across the board if there's gonna be stops where he's really gonna be dominated if he can find success and tap into the gear at those stops and get a solid play scene that maybe the stops where he normally wouldn't do so well then he can find himself in the same position as lettenbichler for sure yeah yeah we all need to be going to let his house to go training so there it is your third place finisher for 2019 for the world enduro Super Series Johnny Walker [Music] and what a season it's I mean it goes by like that it feels like it was just yesterday start kicking off this season and now we find ourselves at the eighth and final stop I just can't believe I've missed the full season yeah you've got a brand you do now yeah yeah Brandi Congrats ghost alfredo comas finding the second-place finish for the 2019 world enduro Super Series it's been an incredible there's some bits of highs and some lows and enough of those finishes finding the top spot and some solid positions on the podium and he caps it off with a strong finish here at the gets and Rodeo to find himself second overall for the 2019 season there is yeah but the man of 2019 came in almost securing the deal before he started at the engine today none other than Manuel lettenbichler here 2019 Waldoboro super series ultimate world enduro champion so awards being handed out and there it is Manuel lettenbichler once again the ear enduro world champion for 2019 [Applause] as we hear a German national anthem [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right it is official time for the revelry here on the podium as the hardware has been handed out as a fans on their feet as the party is about to go down as we start to drink it in it is time there it is your 2019 world enduro Super Series ultimate world enduro champion the 21 year old German phenom none other than Manuel lettenbichler on behalf of Darryl Curtis Paul Bowles my PAP Parnell we hope you've enjoyed it but do not go anywhere when we come back we'll continue the party and we will hear from none other than Manuel lettenbichler he's going to be sitting down with Jennie catching up on the year and what to expect for 2020 you do not want to miss it all from the captain rodeo right after this welcome back to our live coverage over gates and rodeo the final round of the 2009 T world enduro Super Series I am joined by none other than our champion and the man who has won here for the second time Manny you know we saw the celebrations earlier on let's talk a bit more about your year what was what was the high points for you and I think I know what you're gonna say but what was the high point of course the high one was that in a row maniacs win you know like it's such a big race and to achieve this race like this wind race it's just some early will so I'm so pumped with this one because it's the hardest work and you can make so many mistakes and it's just crazy it was a nail-biter finished between yourself and I'll fry time that we remember the shots of you literally stood at the end biting your nails but what was the relief like when you knew that you've done it because remaining actually a massive one to win yeah it's massive I would say like it's way more like one step further than the other races so yeah I was sweating in the finish and I was happy then when we did it so always a team effort then my team made us such a good job at every race let's talk about the West itself you know it's a combination so many different styles of riding and and you know we are looking for the ultimate to has it actually sunk in yet that you've topped the table you want it you are right now the best in the world probably yet I still don't realize it but yeah I think I showed some good results in every race and I'm just blessed you know like what I learned over the year especially in the speed stuff and I'm would say mister consistent be there in every race and I think it's working out that's been the key thing is it's been consistency for you all year you've been there or there abouts only two wins but it's been picking up the points along the way and that has been the key yeah of course like you have to be there in every race and if you make a mistake a drawn race you just lose like thousand points so it's it's really important to be there and having a good race I want to ask you about your dad as well I mean we touched on it earlier but you know having that consistency you know a lot of people your age you just go on for winners constantly is he behind you saying listen we're gonna finish the fourth it just take those points and nibble away the championship what you know is that all those wise shoulders helping you in that in doubt in that respect of course like I would say for me your podium is always sick you know like if you go for a race and for sure it sucks a little bit if you go second but at the end it's a good result so I'm I think he gave me some good advices the last couple of years and I think I'm I already made some good decisions by myself so I learned a lot I am already buzzing for next year already rodeo win we still got to take that box is it that or are you going to be going for you know maintaining championship doing it again defending it or both of course defending the championship I'm excited to come back next year the schedule looks really nice and young I'm excited me too thanks Manny congratulations hey listen there's so much motorsport that you can watch right here on rebel TV [Music] make sure you download the Revel TV you can download your favorite action sign in and watch it later it is absolutely the place to be to watch all the very best motorsport in the world what a way to finish 2019 it has been absolutely incredible thank you so much for your company thanks to the riders and 10,000 people who turned up also to all the guys who worked so hard in the background to make this happen we hope you've enjoyed all of the coverage this year we'll be back next year it will be even bigger and better 2020 is got a lot to live up to hasn't it do you know what I think it just might goodbye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Red Bull Motorsports
Views: 91,191
Rating: 4.8895559 out of 5
Keywords: red bull, red bull motorsports, motorsports, motorsports videos, world enduro super series, action sports, extreme sports, hard enduro, enduro, dirt bike, wess, wess 2019, world enduro super series 2019, enduro race, ktm, fox, enduro racing, extreme enduro, hard enduro race, getzenrodeo, getzenrodeo 2019, iridewess, racing, offroad, dirt bikes, crash, redbull, hard enduro 2019, enduro bike, enduro life, manuel lettenbichler, getzen rodeo 2019, live replay, replay
Id: jK6edeXE-Zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 48sec (10668 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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