From the Other Side - Full Length Enduro Film

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off-road the name itself sounds nearly as rugged as the sport man machine pitted against extreme terrain and obstacles not for the faint of heart off-road racing will test everything you have through all the struggles injuries and triumphs from the private weekend warriors to the top factory riders to the event promoters the love of off-road racing is what bonds us all from the other side of dirt bike racing this is off-road [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen your starting lineup for this the amsoil ironman gncc as the machines are revving up and warming up here today as they ready themselves for the final battle of the 2000s in the united states gncc racing is considered the pinnacle of off-road racing from the rocks and routes of west virginia to the unforgiving sand hoops of florida the gncc's are a grueling three-hour race through the toughest terrain the east coast has to offer gncc racing [Applause] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] these are times when this young man can really stretch his legs [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] let's find out [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] the injury started may towards the end of may 2014 ended up loading up and going out and riding just kind of like a normal day and i had a new bike and just kind of was breaking it in just decided to do a moto and probably you know four or five laps in to the moto it was just uh just a high speed fourth gear kind of double and my bike ended up shutting off on the face of the jump i think the impact's what kind of did my wrist in and once i hit the bike kicked me and ejected me out and i put my hands out so it all happened so fast i don't know if it was uh the impact from hitting the landing or from where the bike kicked me but yeah after that you know life hasn't been the same it's been a big up and down struggle getting back to you know where i want to be i can't even really describe the up and down emotional battle i've had but it's been a long road to recovery i mean we're at a year and a half on this whole thing and you know it's hard to believe it's taking this long to where i feel somewhat normal and yet [Music] believe it or not the injuries kind of made me want to be that much better as a racer and it's kind of rejuvenated me to get back to where i was and really made me appreciate what i had [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] before the accident i was kind of i hate to say it burned out a little over it but this whole thing's kind of rejuvenated me and you know i'm i'm going to do whatever i can to try and get back to where i was i guess people that don't have wrist injuries you really don't you take it for granted how much abuse your risks take and what they do until you kind of don't have that [Music] i believe in my heart i can still win it's just it's not going to come maybe as easy as it was before [Music] 2012 i uh made the move to go xc2 and i just wanted to give it a shot you know i mean i knew once you get to 27 ish everybody kind of starts going downhill and some people are different but the normal age of the sport is the high 20s and i was just going to go as long as i [Music] [Applause] [Music] could in 2014 i kind of had the opportunity with randy hawkins and i just went down at a train and i started working on bikes here and there for him just helping out the team and he offered me something that i couldn't you know i couldn't turn down i wanted to stay in the industry rather than you know go home and work a 40-hour week digging ditches or or whatever it may be so when that opportunity came about i mean i had to i had to jump all over it and you know last year was pretty much my first full-time year as being a mechanic and it was tough i mean everyone would go out and train and cycle and do all that and i i still was able to do it but not as much and it was i don't know i noticed it when i'd get on the bike i'd be a little rusty and it was just it was tough not knowing or knowing that i couldn't go race every weekend like i used to but you know now when i when i ride it's i have fun with it there's no there's no pressure i don't i don't have to go out there and like prove myself anymore or whatever i just i can go out there and have fun and if i'd if i hate a track or if i don't want to go to this track i don't have to i can just pick and choose what i want to raise [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's just like any sport you know it's hard to it's your it's a passion so i mean you love it and it's as long as i throw my leg over my motorcycle and i'm having fun i mean that's all that's all i care about and that's that's what it is about it's about now it's just fun i mean if i'm not having fun i'm not going to do it so you know i think i'll be riding dirt bikes for until i can't write them anymore because it's just it's a passion that i love and it's hard to explain every rider knows like the passion you have for the sport it's just a love you can't you can't really explain but you know it's i'm gonna do it until it's not fun anymore i'm jesse hansley i'm from mac city florida i'm 15 years old and i race the gncc series and the ftr series [Music] the reason why i race off-road is such a chill vibe there's like there's some pressure and stuff like that but everybody seems to get along everybody seems to be like one big family and that's kind of what i want to see in a sport whether it's kicking kicking a ball around or playing video games or racing dirt bikes i want to win i mean i'm i'm a sore loser but when i lose i don't really particularly pout about it or whine about it um i just know what i have to do for next race or next time and i try to get the job done [Music] me so [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] going to be number one the the number one guy and off-road i feel like i have the greatest equipment stuff like that the greatest support behind me to be number one i just it's it's all on me now there's more to off-road than riders looking to climb the ladder for some the goal isn't to become a top racer instead the focus is to enjoy life and the time riding north carolina's dustin simpson embodies that attitude some write for the sake of the career dustin rides for the simple pleasure of it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] wow [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] enduro racing is the oldest form of off-road racing in the world it challenges riders with long trail mileage varying terrain and an unfamiliar course by racing against the clock instead of head to head every second counts every turn counts and every mistake can be costly staying fast and being perfect can be a tough challenge even for the best riders [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] during the time between national events many racers can be found at local or regional races for some these events provide opportunities for extra seat time against the best local talent the area has to offer for others it's a way to score some extra cash in the southeast one of the most popular is the mideast hair scramble series with track layouts similar to the gncc's racers use the series to find the competitive edge needed to win on the national level [Music] [Applause] morning [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] a couple years ago i was just going to school riding dirt bikes on the weekends sitting on the couch and then i mean over the past couple years it's transitioned into a full-on training regimen i mean in the gym three days a week on the road bikes mountain bikes whenever i'm not in the gym and riding dirt bikes every day in between i mean it's just a full it's a lifestyle [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] slowly got into it more and more and hey i'm getting kind of good at this and then i got closer and closer to the front and eventually i just i never really doubted myself but i always you know kept it in the back of my mind that only a few people get to do this for a living and i've just worked hard enough to where i hope i put myself in the position to be able to do this [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i see a lot of people get burned out on it really fast and i mean i i can understand how they do it if you get too far into it and just over exert yourself i could say you get tired of it but for me that hasn't really been a problem i just i love riding dirt bikes and i mean i just want i want to be the best so bad that i don't mind putting in the work on in the gym and on the bike and on the dirt bike i mean it's just i guess the passion over drives the ability to get burned out [Music] much like the working class heroes of the 80s and 90s brad bakken spends his week working construction and racing on weekends after a weekend of racing it's back to the job site and back to work on monday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] room [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it wasn't until i came to america that i realized hey i can make a living out of this because in england you couldn't make a living out of it you know i never had any aspirations to go do world championships or anything like that purely because we didn't have enough money to go do that you know it took a lot of money to go do world championships didn't have it america was kind of um you needed you needed a plane ticket and you needed a bike and i never forget someone said this as long as as long as you get results you'll get get rewarded for your results and that's how it was back then [Music] um [Music] foreign on the track i'm not going to give you an inch on the track i'm not your friend on the track you know i'm there to make money and i have bills to pay and and i'm going to make sure that that i do everything i can to beat you but off the track no we're cool off the track and it's that's what these younger kids don't seem to understand and you need that kind of a relationship i think you need to be friends off the track and then on the track that's business [Music] hmm [Music] you know i've been been described as being disrespectful on the track but like i said when i'm on the track that's me doing my job with the respect thing yeah i have respect for you and i'm not trying to hurt anybody but at the same time you know i'm there to beat you you know that's what it comes down to i'm there to beat you [Music] you know you want to say it's a lifestyle which is so like cliche but it is you know it's just a whole way of living really like just traveling all the time and on the road day in and day out gym mountain bike dirt bike you know riding working on bikes it's just a whole other world i try to race every weekend because it's such good practice just to be on the bike and like you know just racing all the time and that that intensity you know that's the way i make ends meet freaking racing every weekend and the local races is like you know it's the only way i can make my car payment and live really you know afford to go to the nationals i got to go to a local race to be able to afford to go to gcc [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] in the big picture you know i'm still faster now than i was last year i feel like you know so i think as long as i feel like i'm still improving and there's still you know more speed to gain than why stocks i don't feel like i've reached my potential so there's i don't want to stop short not knowing what what could come you know [Music] [Music] [Music] for all the work that we all put in you know through the week and if you don't have a good result on the weekend sometimes it's just you know it's hard to not get dejected because you put so much work in but it you know everyone has good days and bad days you know so you kind of have to take the good with the bad yeah i mean it's you know it's not like a straight line to success it's a up and down up and down up and down but it gradually goes up [Music] traditionally american enduro differs greatly from those in europe enter the new kid on the block the full gas sprint enduro series inspired by the european style full gas brings a unique format of off-road racing to the states i went to the isd in germany in the following year in sardinia watching that racing filming for my website and stuff and the style of racing was just something i've i've never seen before in my life and it was just so cool and you know the big grass tracks with all the ribbon and just miles and miles and miles of ribbon in the woods tests that were fast but fun and just you know a little bit technical and and it was just the it was just something i'd never seen before finally after the second year of going there i convinced my wife i was like look i think this is a really good idea and something that could take off here and we just we have to try it we have to full gas is much more than a name it's a [Music] [Music] command reindeer buddy the extra effort the extra mile that we take or go in in this series people are noticing it you know they're noticing that we use more rhythm than anybody else we're noticing that we use more stakes and that our trails are groomed and we run fresh stuff and things like that where they want to they want that you know people are tired of riding the same worn out thing over and over and over again something that we do back home also so um it's definitely something that i like uh just just having the fresh tracks um you know we go out there and no one's ridden them before and they've all been freshly uh dozed that's that makes it always a lot funny when you've got some fresh stuff to go out and blow out so it's definitely a great series [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] running these races and the feedback is just so awesome and people are digging it and then watching guys like caleb and sipes guys that have you know raced our races this year go and do so well at the six days and then you know caleb at the press conference after the first day they were like why are you doing so well it's like yeah we have a sprint series now this uh this isn't second you know this is second nature to me it's not something where i have to figure out how to ride these special tests for two days before i you know pick up the pace so stuff like that i mean that makes makes a lot of the work worthwhile on a more personal level i've been sitting at a computer for the last 10 years working and just grown increasingly tired of staring at a screen every day and you know getting out here and being outside working it's just maybe it's just that it's different it's not what i'm used to i'm loving it i think those are those are the big reasons [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] um [Music] [Music] from the privateer weekend warriors to the top factory riders to the event promoters the love of off-road racing is what bonds us all from the other side of dirt bike racing this is off road [Music] check one two one got it so ask me the question again take four [Music] don't look like a douchebag basically what i'm getting at [Music] i'm sorry i kind of forgot where [Music] oh yeah i go fast in the trees this will be my first year [Music] um [Music] [Music] guys [Music] you
Channel: Enduro Wurx
Views: 151,610
Rating: 4.8972163 out of 5
Keywords: enduro wurx, enduro wurx 2020, sirrobbierob, rob mitchell films, enduro racing, enduro riding, endurocross, enduro dirt bike, raw highlights, raw enduro 2019, raw enduro 2020, 4 stroke raw enduro, 2 stroke raw enduro, hard enduro, hard enduro gopro, hard enduro 2020, national enduro, full gas sprint enduro, 2 stroke dirt bike, 2 stroke enduro bike, enduro gopro, sprint enduro
Id: lfxNFglaKw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 54sec (2934 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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