Abandoned- Stunning Home Built 1913/Immaculate/Vintage interiors. Soon to be lost!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what's happening explorers I just found two more homes this one and the one over there that are up for redevelopment it's two lots this one is opened as you can see right there this one is a really old house I've driven past these ones quite a fair few times and from memory I did a search on this one and it was from the early 1900's or was it built I think it was 1911 I'll put the date in here the exact exact date so you can see but we're gonna go in and check it out we'll go down the side of the house last I think there's something down the side of the house too so check this place out straight off look at the wood floors there's actually rental photos available which I will add as this video goes as well yeah look at that the cupboard is off the wall which means Salvage has begun they will take that cupboard as a complete unit and most likely that one too stained-glass straight off there's more in the front door we will get to that soon enough those laws which is a definitely from the early nineteen hundred's this is a beautiful line this one at some point there probably was a fireplace in there or a stove and then the stove was put there more huge windows typical of the late 1800s Early 1900s this looks like a sunroom try and get out of the VA condition was gone so again I'm really glad I got these places before a demolition see we put a bathroom in here here the taps always the taps go first I always wonder whether the previous owners take those sort of hardware items with them because they have things that always missing straight away yeah that would work on the archways and even the not twice is just typical of lighting light 1800s and early 1900s I think up until around 1920 that sort of stall woodwork was prominent have a look at the floor it's such a really wide always well beautiful once okay guys look at that there is a mantle in between being taken and still where it should be usually they're in place or gone that one's right push Anjali modeled eyeballs and still looks pretty cool let's go fish fish Amira the role of Carol cooks on the whole way as always and I'll paint you today until this is a children's bedrooms driveway this stick is a lot of the hole the door handles are gone that's around mid white around the 40s in the 40s they seem to be up here where before the 40s and the 30s they seem to be around here and even lower as it did bird there's a dead bird in there okay they've got that mantle Laurie or is it people grab now that's the skirting board - but you control the air conditioner it's another huge worm again this is the children's math pretty big family probably solved up to the developers and got the hell out of here hot ways going off the door let's have a look at the stained glass that is so good that will definitely be salvaged as well floorboards that will be the first things to be ripped up probably think we haven't been in here yet rubbish these dust bins that's pretty cool it's probably Japanese I have no idea what it means well let's check in the back that looks like it was in the bathroom actually there's nothing that the sword is only a air conditioning system broadband it's a broadband data okay there's a pantry maybe there was a little cook area cooking area out here take a quick walk down the backyard I think there was sort of shed down there - another empty nothing in the back loud don't barking in the neighbors and I head back inside and rest up [Music] I am really trying to document as many of these homes as possible these are going to be demolished it's really sad because there's such awesome old homes I mean this one early 1900s so good and it's going to be replaced with well you've seen what the outcome is it's just those huge complexes of tiny little units that are built really cheaply sorry I'm gonna really try my best to get more of these and then they're at least on video for years and used to come jump in the comments let me know your thoughts on these place guys I love here and what you think about these old places and your input just before I go guys actually saw something on the wall here that is really fitting for this place I think never forget that you are loved and why'd you sit this over here [Music] I think it's pretty fitting guys or catch a lot of cheese [Music] [Music]
Channel: Urbex Indigo
Views: 187,639
Rating: 4.8445654 out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned houses, Urban Exploring, Abandoned Exploring, Urbex, 1920`s homes, Australian Homes
Id: 3vaxkgef6LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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