RARE FINDS: Rescuing Abandoned Classics From Car Auction | RESTORED

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[Music] so we're currently out here in Graham Texas where we're laying eyes on a group of vehicles that we bought for the first time uh we found these on an online auction a lot of stuff seemed like it was right up our alley so we ended up pulling the trigger on five vehicles we actually brought two maxd trailers with us today so we're just going to make a game plan of what fits best get them loaded up head back to the house and do it all over again man this thing's pretty cool in person yeah there's no way we're going to fit that on this trailer no nope man it's neat it is neat pretty tall too ain't it yeah I'm going to say about 10 or 11 ft maybe even taller I hate they cut out the so they cut that out oh yeah would have been a lot smaller of a window and I don't know what that thing little scoop deal is door open no look it's got a mirror in it for like looking back yeah type looking got the Dog House in it yeah I couldn't get that one open and missing a fender oh yeah that one don't you know it's not really bad rust wise though not really [Applause] was this like an old telephone I think uh Southwestern Bale or something like that surely that wasn't the original I bet that's just something they've put on there right cuz I don't I don't think it's even no it ain't even attached all the tires are busted out on it on both see it well the trailer might not be TR may not be but man it's cool this has got to be from around the I don't know what era but 40s or 50s I would think I would think so cuz it's just got axle at the very back bunch of old wood too and some new wood and some new wood yeah some warped wood pretty you just tell by on the sides that that it's that old varnish wood uhuh look that's neat huh I'd love to know what this thing was actually used for right originally I don't know what that was big backup l or something I have no clue [Music] yeah this one's going to be fun loading tires on the trailer ain't so bad but I just hope brakes ain't locked up about how long you think that is from the front to the what's your guess I'm going to guess about 35 [Music] what was your guess I have no clue 32 to the center oh 36 to the very back that's shorter than I thought it'd be yeah we only got 28t on that one though right you'd need a 40 footer and it might even need to be something that's kind of low yeah because yeah cuz you add another 2 and 1/2 three foot on there you're going to be really Riding High yeah I guess that other one's over here this Joker's huge only reason why I bought it is cuz it supposedly has a Detroit Diesel in it and it's so too cheap right it's pretty neat though they had it labeled as logging truck and my mind went logging as trees yeah I think it's actually more set up yeah oh yeah oh like a little office yeah for keeping logs yeah pretty rough up there and there's a lot of room in here little desk over there mhm Captain seat and then there's the big old that is big big old diesel engine Mak you wonder why would it need an engine that big if this thing's aluminum I bet it's still heavy I bet it's heavy lot of metal regardless yeah true keys are in it and some nasty looking rabbit's foot y this one probably run too yeah I don't know how I don't know nothing about those type of Motors but normally them diesels are pretty simple breather is massive massive yet it's two big old shifters yeah I was noticing I don't know if it's got an emergency break up there but I seen one back there up underneath that looks like an emergency breake oh yeah that control oh there's a pedal and everything oh yeah so that controls something got some kind of a like a throttle pedal of some sort so I don't know if it controls something what's in the back there I don't know if it controls something back there maybe you can drive the truck backwards I don't know it's uh I don't know if something's missing right in the center of it or yeah that's weird ouch it's hot yeah I don't know they had electrical lines some lights I guess that's some kind of big old pump right yeah this thing is massive it's probably a good thing it is a aluminum cuz there's no telling what that thing would weigh if it was all steel right yeah pretty good shape though yeah a little crease there but other than that yeah if it rolls it might not be too bad to load but it's going to take up the whole trailer uhhuh I like the front of it cuz it's kind of just like a kind of like an old semi TR loaf of bread going down the road that's right yeah man this guy had some cool stuff PR much to pick from that's for sure that thing's even a five window ain't it oh sure is I didn't even notice that the box is what caught my attention like an old freezer I don't know lock yeah some kind of little cooler box clutch disc and a screen door but it's yeah cuz so that other section is just a different to that door you know it's a different part is that just concrete It is Well it's not not heavy enough let's go ahead and add some concrete blocks back there I don't know what that is pressure switch oh yeah got one like that up at the city yep I was hoping there' be some goodies in the back of some of this stuff but once again the body is in pretty good shape I mean it's covered in surface rust but none of it's rusted out absolutely love these fingers that's what I was going to say that's what makes the box I don't know if they're locked or just I think they might be locked yeah cuz they they get so far and then just stop this thing is immaculate as far as sheet metal goes it's not as bad on the inside as I thought it was going to be looks like transmissions in it I think battery is still in it and there are thorns all over the place out here should been an old flat six I'm assuming big old wheel wells on this thing though yeah we won't even need the trailer for it oh yeah just tore it behind us yep old flat six yeah plug wires on it look fairly yeah fairly new interesting design on those ain't it the way they got the boots there yeah I don't know if this guy tried to get this stuff running before he parked it or you know kind of like what we do right feel like we had a lot of the same blood in us that's for sure yeah this it's got a little bit of messed up spot down there on the bottom and then you can tell that back door's tweak some but [Applause] right how long is this one so just to the front to the middle of the wheel about 16 ft just a little shy of 16 ft 16 yep now the full length 20 about 22 22 wow yeah just got a lot of hang over on the back there this one by far I feel like is my favorite I've never seen one before ah no that's neat I'm inan that extended cab look at the door logos he you can still see it that good I know it no engine more transmission talk about huge wheel wells mhm this thing is just screaming to be built with some kind of big old diesel in it make a cool hauler yes it's not I I would expect it to be a lot longer than that yeah this would be our only possibility of getting two on a trailer but I don't know absolutely no Ruster man this thing is too cool see the back window in it oh yeah shape oval like that it's got some weird stuff on the inside too it or a ver V something another there oh yeah I guess the back was just storage huh I guess so cuz there's nothing you can't even get back there to sit not right now yeah so they had this advertised as a white but it has an international front front grill on down Wheels on the little Hub oh yeah sure enough so I wonder if it's just a I think that hood would still fit pretty good though I think it's just a white cab with the international front yeah cuz it looks like maybe it was it doesn't quite fit perfect but it's yeah man the thing SN had a stack on it I can't tell is it got a bump on the top that's what I was looking at it sure looks it from the front yeah pretty big one I yeah but I I think it'll pop out yeah let's measure this most of it anyway measure this one about 16 ft wow it's longer than I thought it was it didn't look that long to me yeah I guess just because you're you're not having the rest of it there that say the full length in 19 19 so yeah that only leave you what 11 ft yeah ain't nothing out here we bought that's set short from front to Center wheel nope we're just going to have to do it one at a time unfortun [Music] [Music] way just anywhere on that axle hopefully the brakes ain't locked up but I don't think it's going to be terribly heavy hey there's a little tree back here I think we'll go right past it though should yeah see what it does I guess slowly moving that one's just dragging trying to see is the steering even hooked up yeah it's hooked up won't hardly turn won't hardly turn and it's just dragging me yeah it ain't got no gears in that rear end so I say there's not even a shifter in here [Music] [Applause] here now this one's starting turn oh gosh we're about to lose our wheel over here hang on a man our wheel ain't mounted the uh no I think it'll stay on there but at this point we really ain't got a choice right I've seen that thing flip yeah I guess we'll keep going okay may have to keep an eye on that side cuz I know I'm going to need to get as far that way as I can before I start turning yeah [Music] you're looking good you're fine all [Music] right you turning no you're good how's that wheel look it's still about the same [Music] can you turn that way more you're [Music] good can I cheat your way a little this way and we just punch you the tube all right hang on just a second let me it looks like it's going to climb up on there yeah I'll guess try it she's still hanging [Music] on I'll go ahead and let that trailer down now we're on it [Applause] [Music] this thing may have its fair share of straps on it on the way home to hold it together yeah [Music] all right I guess now we find the Metro [Music] [Music] [Music] doeses have a motor in it wish it had the grill this is an early douly you know we have another douy but it's not it's got the small this has got the small body line taller pretty good shape there too there's a grill oh W Co wow yeah this actually has a sliding door thing behind the seat there oh sure enough that's pretty neat I don't know that we've ever had one that's had that golly look at all these boats and stuff it don't look like it goes to this steering's hooked up tires all flat right if they're not they should be way they look yeah I'm pretty happy with this one too it's not very often you come across the the early ones and like I said I've never seen a one in the early models I don't know where he was finding this stuff yeah and yeah wasn't rested out across the bottom he had have been shipping this stuff in from Arizona or something is it the double door or yeah small double door took a hit back here yeah let's see if she'll load it's going to be close it's slippery too ah another piece of the tire to this or just a random Tire underneath there I think it was the skin to this one over here that's not really the best that I want but I can go underneath it will that come out so we're not hanging it on something other than it's still attached oh is it yeah yep oh [Music] looking good hey is it in gear I was thinking I saw the back wheels rolling tried a while ago and it didn't seem like it but let me let me move acts like it's in neutral yeah you might try the clutch but looking good uh probably going to have to start turning towards the penger side just a hair [Music] yeah working out pretty good yeah cuz I'm not controlling any of that cut that way if you [Music] can they're having a blood drive in here mosquito get yeah I think that's about good you should be able to get out goodness air it up and see where we need it my name is Sean cross uh I got a YouTube channel across the line so Lance reached out to me a couple days ago and I think he said mentioned something about not buying any more cars for a while but I keep going and picking stuff [Music] up I don't know if a trailer's long enough yeah what have you gotten yourself into this time a big old girl ain't it yeah it is pretty cool though man it's really cool looking one thing that I'm concerned with obviously length but she's pretty tall too so and let's see about 9 foot yeah I bet it's more than that cuz I can reach 8ot I tried to keep an eye on like overpasses as we come through here yeah we seen one that was what 14 14 in Paris we may get it up there and check but I think we'll be okay well just let me know when we get close to it fast I'll just yeah I'll just go like we can see if we can't just clean cut it yeah maybe butter it up with some liquid detergent or something before we leave yeah spray your windshield wiper fluid and I don't think she's connected back here oh let's see it's just no no not at all so that's not connected so it's just sitting on that beam there all the tires are pretty much busted down hopefully brakes ain't locked up but you don't think that want to hold in the air I don't think so but yeah man it's it's cool I guess it was an old like um Telephone truck and I don't have a clue what this would have been used for but there's no telling that's like how the axle at the very back of it and anything inside of it uh there's a little bit of old maybe a dismantled Barn there's some old wood oh you got some Building Materials in there yeah or if it get desperate and we got to build some really long ramps to make it yeah I mean we've got all the materials that's for sure so cool though ain't it I mean it could be used I didn't even realize it had the door on the side there so you can actually you know come in from the side also [Applause] but uh I'd rather it be cool to look at OT than 4 hours from the house so right yeah there's a problem you're not going in through the side door that's not to keep you from going in that's to keep you from coming out keep from people coming out yeah another thing it's got this little leg that's halfway folded oh it's got down landing gear on it yeah I bet you that's what this crank is here for that didn't look too promising when you grab it there though well I bet you that's just yeah well I broke that yeah she's locked up yeah look at there there a tag oh yeah St Louis Herman y Herman lewi there was a there's a serial number right there yeah H landing gear down could be a problem yeah did you bring us allz off I did might have to get up under it and cut her loose did you get it moved yep yeah it's uh keep going or can yeah oh there you go I think it's going yeah it's coming up yeah just need a little bit more muscle behind it seem like yeah it happens I don't want to break nothing that ain't yours no I didn't want to break a sweat that's what it [Applause] was well you want to give her a go or or just go I mean no time like the present huh yeah I it won't be too bad no you think maybe we could uh I was thinking if we could chain the box to the truck frame somehow yeah we definitely need to move them all at once it's going it's heavy so yeah I'm just going let it that actually needs to go in the trailer so you got the Kingpin I'm thinking maybe wrap a chain around it come back go one side and one side if we can come in front of the spring hangers on either side do a loop and then boom it yeah it should keep it to the truck mhm cuz it's is this back against the end of the frame there ain't it uh yeah you got maybe an inch and a half or so but so get it tight so it can't go forward you know and loosen all right [Music] any gas in there I don't feel like it doubtful look at that it's got an Oklahoma license plate 1 out 77 yeah I hate they cut the back window out so big on that it's got some kind of really weird like Periscope thing over there it's got mirrors in it almost like you could to see up over you or something I have no idea crazy yeah huh I'll grab some chains if you got a short one maybe a 68 footer or something like that or all yours going to be long long yeah long mhm just get what you got and we'll see what we can yeah do with [Applause] it so we're at from basically front to middle of wheel which it's a little little off there was what 32t 32 yeah so it's a 32t deck but then you also have oh yeah this overhang and with the trailer we can pick the ramps up and we'll chain the trailer or chain the ramps up back to the yeah trailer and nothing shouldn't go anywhere [Music] right well we get it halfway up there we'll that's your problem at that point anyways just follow them too close yeah I'll grab them chains also got like these hey you know what is that chain only got one hook on it yeah it's only one yeah and I got a longer chain here too almost go I was thinking we can go forward and then maybe put one of your hoist there yeah so all we need to do is just to hold it to drag it up mhm yeah Hoyer that boom you've got there either one which yeah cuz uh let's see where's that small Ain going to take [Applause] much another little chain not that kind of chain you don't want to get to work I probably will I tell you what let me uh let's tighten up our hamier hook pull some slack out of it or yeah just make a little Loop [Applause] right oh man somebody bent the dry shaft least they unhooked it though so it won't vibrate that's moving it yeah guess we need to try to see if we can get that uh gear up so got see if we can get that landing gear up wait for Jack to jump out of the box pretty hard huh well it wasn't yeah I'll give it a little bit I wonder if we can step on it that's what I was going to try see if it'll crank oh man broke the handle off of it still going up well it's still turning but I don't think it's moved now now I can't tell it I mean the trailer may be coming down it's still going but it's going down let me get out from under here putting weight on the truck yep you right you clear go ahead like it's getting a little lazy here yeah you're picking it up now is it that a lot easier for me when you started doing as soon as I said that there goes oo how much more does it need to go quite a bit well it's on it's touching the ground but it's coming up it's still touching the ground yeah yeah it was in the ground yeah it was in the ground now you're actually when you hear pop goes a weasel you know you're done I think that Pop's about to come out of me they hit a hard spot there foot pounds look like he's breaking up dance [Music] moves I'm trying to think I mean once it once the tires get up over that's going to clear yeah so I mean it may be when the front ones hit it may be a little interesting but the ground's pretty soft yeah let's go ahead and try hook to it and see what we can do cuz now I think that angle iron will hang up where is it at it's on the other side oh yeah now there's a spare underneath there a there yeah some kind of a big old tank you should the air cylinders on the axle are about that biger around for we're ready I guess so don't know if she's going to if it's going to pull you back or pull it forward fireing the hole I'm assuming pull him back pull me back yeah hang on let me put this I don't know if it's out of gear or not but don't look like it is if it's workable the drive shaft disconnected is it okay yeah if it's disconnected yeah it's discon all right looking good bumper going to hit no she moving oh good graef she backfired on on us that Tower blew out I guess so or he had some kind of a booby trap hey we we weren't even trying to crank it what's the backfire from guess I guess that inner tire blew it blew out that inside Tire we have to Jack oh no right there see the fresh oh yeah yeah wow it's one of them early uh security systems [Music] there it's not is funny almost had a blowout up here when that blew out ready for more gunshots yeah that one rolling on the back it's rolling all of them are all of them are yep good deal hang on is the hook yeah we might need to flip it turn the hook the other way set the parking brake yeah maybe it'll come up with [Applause] it we good uh I don't know it's going to be close did it go under it yeah yeah we're good we're just looking at this bumper bracket it's going to be close you'll have to go a little bit more I think it'll clear that's what I'm saying as long as the bumper bracket doesn't go under it yeah we should be fine yeah yeah now think you going go right y there we go [Applause] okay go ahead I thought wheel was turning but it's just power clipping how we looking on our Kingpin on the trailer so we ain't even the front of the trailer's touching now it lifted up off the back there okay uh I think we're okay though [Music] what it's it looking like uh I mean it got back down on it just a little bit but we've lifted up off that I mean I think we're okay it's not against back here yeah as long as it's not against back there then as it comes forward it'll actually pull the trailer forward a little bit yeah gosh it looks massive uh cut back to the right Lance or I mean white I'm sorry that's good hang on I feel like it's putting extreme bind on that chain chain though yeah cuz it's at this the angle yeah loosen on off on your it might not be that bad what tonnage is that three tons I think it's a 3/4 ton I've got this bigger one I got that bigger one I don't know why I grabbed that smaller one anyway that one package is easier yeah but we're our elevation is fixing to stop uhhuh soon as we get up there yeah which may be fun on that well I mean I could don't want to but I could take a bunch of that wood out and start piling it in front of oh they give it a ramp yeah which we got the cross tie we could lay it in front of the tire and one ramp and all we got to do is add a couple to the other side yeah let's do that just lay the cross tie across no no no we'll Lay It long ways so it builds a ramp and then we'll grab a couple out of the other side and put or a couple out of the back and put it on the side can we go backwards with it try to go right up against the tire there we go hey [Music] easy there them six or that 4x4 too well this one's real long oh yeah yeah these probably be better [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] uh we'll take those grab a couple more and stack them then we'll have to take some to lay up under it to keep it from working them [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah how thick is that there you [Music] [Applause] go guess we know what all the wood was for somebody had a drink dream [Music] [Music] landing gear is almost on yeah it touched it but the wheels WR oh all right hang on a stupid angle yeah we're on this side too man uh crank the landing gear or to crank that down up some and so it'll roll roll on it yeah the only problem is I'm sure that thing will go right through the boards there's already some rotten boards under it yeah yeah we're going to get our spare tire too we're already sitting on that really uh let me see if it'll pull forward if we can pull forward down into that hole okay I think it'll load on [Music] [Applause] up stop stop stop stop see you later I think you can make it home like that my concern is how it's tilt laning yeah no I think that'll do it I mean if you could come a little bit more a little bit more just a little [Music] bit all right yeah it started tilting I was like our ramps hled up really nice though oh sweet all right so we need to chain it so we can let off on our winch and reset both yeah put both of them on D my pants leg I couldn't get my leg out that's too far to pull back up okay when do you want to address that yeah we might as well go ahead and address it while we got room let me see if uh let me see if I can because I don't have no sockets to unbolt them unfortunately I think I've got an impact but you probably don't have no top sockets do you maybe a 3/4 it's got two of them on it yeah uh there might be something in [Music] here down hit uh hit your rear one you going to put on that side and try to unscrew it I did it with my fingers oh okay oh goodness it's about time he useful so Sun little rby that could that's all you had to do I'm impr wait second I'm spinning I couldn't see I'm hung here just don't let those uh battery post across on your but there you go going helpl us again Woo is it on it yeah it's on it it's on it barely but which we have 6 in yeah maybe yep now we can pull that forward we're about 2 in from there so that's actually good uh wonder if I could pull that Grill off well no that part may stay there I don't know no i' pull that off probably best to anyways what's that it folds up I think it'll pick up think so yeah yeah oh there we go you got it yep give you a little bit more huh yeah we got another 3 in or so won't look as cool going down the road but you ripped off his schn only thing is out of out of winch yeah now we need toook rehook oh she R it that way that's it yeah I mean we got I'd say 6 Ines possibly Let's uh pull on it that sounds pretty solid wow you're all the way on the trailer though more than I thought it would be right yeah that overhang is low but yeah long as we can get those ramps up a little bit of an angle I think it'll be okay well at least with having those back there if it does come off it'll be a smoother Smo ride all right I think it could go a little more if you wanted to but it ain't going to make much difference that's it on mine but at least you know it's touching y he said that was it you Dent it oh dang I dented it yeah don't say nothing don't say it out loud it didn't is at the point of trying to strap her down or chain her down pretty much A's way up underneath there oh is I get there I see this was the one that had like 20 shifters on it was well both of them now this one just had the really tall shifters uh [Music] [Applause] so I'm assuming this would be wish I could get that to go down oh get you no you all right here we go I mean maybe that's I'm not sure I know somebody would be able to somebody's screaming in the comments what to do there right looks like it's all the way up according to it's pulled huh no you don't think so uhuh okay yeah that'll go that way well that thing there is just sloppy as can be and I can't get that to do nothing so let's just see what it does I guess I'll just ride the brake you going to stay in here I guess and try to steer okay uh I may even try to crank it up yeah I'm might have to cut this wire on it though or UND do this wire they got the steering wheel yeah which means it probably works ready just a second they had it wired in three different spots okay wo I'm going get down here and control it I think once it starts moving it'll be all right but I don't want to be right beside that [Music] it must be in [Music] [Music] gear looks like they're rolling now [Music] they're Dragon [Music] again probably feel like you're way on up there I do feel like I'm way up here I feel like I'm [Music] 66 almost up on the [Music] [Applause] trailer all right I'm going start letting the trailer down okay [Music] we're on there we just need a little bit more more winch to get us where we need to be sitting right yep [Music] [Music] that's probably good all righty strap her [Music] down so guys after coming across these old Vehicles online I knew that they were definitely up our alley now once we got out here and started trying to load them up we found out really quick that we definitely had our work cut out for us moving oh good great now so far we've been able to rescue the white truck the international Metro van the super cool Ford cab over with the box trailer as well as that huge logging truck now we still have to pick up the old Dodge box van now at this point in time I think we're just going to go ahead and leave that to our friend Sean as we currently have some stuff going on at the shop I know we all have our person favorites of what we bought here but we'd love to hear what you guys think on the collection so far as always thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to like subscribe ring that Bell check out our turn and Rush Channel as well and we'll see you on the next one [Music] a [Music]
Views: 847,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: restored, turnin rust, turning rust, classic truck, abandoned, rescued, patina, antique, will it run, neglected, forgotten, vgg, vice grip, full rebuild, transformation, rebuild, barn find, muscle car barn find, classic car barn find, bidding wars, bidding war, car auction, classic car auction, rat infested, estate auction, hidden gems, finding, finding hidden gems, finding gems, vehicle auction, classic vehicle auction, bidding, estate sale, junk yard, rare, coe, metro, white, tractor, car
Id: FlaZ16aU3QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 6sec (4146 seconds)
Published: Sat May 18 2024
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