My First Fishing trip on a 6 Million Dollar Boat! (Wahoo and Yellowfin Tuna Catch and Cook)

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what's up everybody blue game y'all check this boat out we aren't on my Contender we're definitely not on my pro drive and we're not on my Blackjack we are on a 62 foot Garlington called Papi Chulo if you're Spanish or you speak Spanish go ahead and leave a comment below if you know what that means right up here we got a good friend of mine and I'm gonna get back there and introduce them in a minute we're headed to the Bahamas we're gonna go after Marlin we're gonna deep drop for some bottom species we're gonna go after some black grouper and a little bit shallower water we're gonna go after a huge wahoo maybe even some uh Mahi I'm scared to death right now the boat's slippery and I can't wait to show you guys just how awesome this big boat is so I was actually supposed to be going to Saint Pete right now I was supposed to be going to spear Hogfish on the west coast but my good friend Captain Chris invited me on this trip he said we're going for two days we're gonna run over to West End clear Customs fish our way all the way around to Walker's cave where tonight we'll spend the night cook all kinds of amazing fish and have an absolute blast and I am so thankful y'all are riding shotgun because this is a trip I've been dreaming of for a long time so right here we got the first mate captains our first mate squid almost called you Kepler but he is going to be the captain at the back of the boat what are you doing Ricky Valley Hughes just prepping up some Valley here oh yeah are you used to the camera not really I don't mind it anyhow this is squid he actually y'all want to hear a funny story he grew up with Captain Nick stanzik and his wife Sarah standing down in the Keys now let's go upstairs wait till you guys see the kitchen in this place though and here we have Captain Chris he's who invited me buddy I saw him at the rodeo a while back you want me to open the window sure I saw him at the rodeo the other day and he's got two kids that's Jake's age and we got to talking honey and we just went from there never met him called me the other night invited me on this trip and I could not turn it down we had to get some Breeze coming in here so we were chatting about your brother oh yeah yeah Robert so I'd fished with your brother a little bit Yeah Captain Chris had fished with Robert back in the day and they hadn't seen each other in a while and one thing led to another and here we are on this amazing amazing boat so the boat's actually docked dead in the middle of Jupiter and Palm Beach and we're leaving out of Palm Beach so we have like an hour chug from the house to the mouth at the inlet then we have a 56 mile run to West End where we're gonna clear customs so let's talk about the motors in this boat what does this boat have power wise they're uh their mans the 12 12 cylinder Vans well horsepower uh 1200. two of them two of them yeah we're rocking 2400 horsepower Folks at home the boat 62 foot long it's got three master bedrooms what two bath too bad yeah this thing is legit so this is the second bridge we've came to this morning and they only do the bridge every 30 minutes Parker bridge outbounds for fish Papi Chulo standing by for the 9 15. so right here we have teaser reels these go to the Outriggers so these huge long poles they'll lay a way out and he can control the baits with these Squid's already got us some tuna rigs ready because it is such a long run over there and we're subjected to see like a really good weed line or something like that we have all the tuna rigs we're pretty much cocked locked and ready to rock foreign so we've finally reached Palm Beach Inlet all behind us what I just showed you all those cool Clips that's the Blue Heron Bridge coming into Sailfish Marina the sport fish Rose what we call it a bunch of big big dog sport fishing boats that's what we call these big boats that we're on I should have said that earlier this is what most locals call as a sport boat now we're coming out Palm Beach Inlet right over there we have the Port of Palm Beach this is Palm Beach Island and right there's pop whoa look at that that's Palm Beach Inlet with a huge freighter coming in now he's light too look how high he's sitting yeah the bulbous bow is showing that's that pointy thing so in this video I plan on showing you guys a bunch of clips that I never really show you sort of like b-roll but just as it's going when we drive past certain things that I find interesting I'm going to show y'all not really going to explain all of it you're just seeing what we see that is a big ship yeah I'm ready to rip Tater chip 56 miles to the Bahamas foreign that's what we call the pump house right there it's a really good surfing spot when the waves are right we got nothing but Wide Open Seas for the next 50 plus miles we all in the Bahamas and just like that we are here check out this view though different area code check this out we had an absolutely beautiful Crossing one to two foot Groundswell perfectly calm got to pull in here clear Customs then we're gonna go right out there put some high-speed Wahoo lures out and troll about 40 miles to the North and then take a hard Eastern Bend and 20 miles to the east to Walker's K which Walkers back in the 80s and early 90s actually through the mid 90s was awesome a hurricane wrecked it and ever built it back but they're starting to begin the building back process now their stocks there's fuel there's electricity so boats like this can go their hook up and have all the amenities that we need I am super excited I was here just a couple months ago Kelly and I came over and did all kinds of cool videos and we're back now but I'm on a lot bigger badder boat it's crazy when you're on my Contender which is a nice boat it's 31 foot long you can hardly see any of the landscape from up here I can see all of it [Music] and money for something wow awesome little restaurant when you pull here in town this is actually called Old Bahama bay you can stay at all these hotel rooms let me show you again with my glasses on just how beautiful this is look at that dude this is a long ways down all right who's gonna catch me if I jump right come on let's go too far for me all right we're all cleared all the paperwork's finished this island is so beautiful just a minute ago I put the Drone in there flew from out there in the ocean across land it doesn't get any prettier than the Bahamas now we're going to pull out here not very far we're gonna drop the rods and start high speed trolling due north fingers crossed we get a huge Wahoo I've Never filmed any kind of Wahoo one time in Jacksonville I filmed Wahoo fishing but that was it we didn't catch one that day so hopefully today we catch a big one we're going to end the day in Walkers Cave where I have not been in over 20 years and I can't not wait so we gotta switch fuel tanks real quick I might as well show you what the motors look like 400 horsepower look how clear this water is it doesn't get any prettier than that didn't run but about eight or ten miles and we're already slowing down but this is the speed that we're going to be fishing at maybe a mile or two an hour slower than this but squids getting the baits ready wait till you see how big they are yogurt let me see the hook [Music] go bang or go home now folks this isn't your Zebco 2000 this is called LP and it's probably about a five thousand dollar reel 24 volts are like eight grand yeah it's insane yes they're worth it now this is not one of those videos that I can say all you can come and do I can't I can't come and do this unless I get invited on a boat like this and luckily I made some good friends who invited me and this is a trip of a lifetime so this one's got braid to a snap swivel that one's got wire to a snap swivel this weight will be about 60 feet in front of the bait and that just helps get the bait down below the water column what he's working on is called the Top Shot it's a big chunk of mono that will separate that weight and the bait that he's going to put on foreign we won't have to guess if we have a bite right these don't have clickers there's little like beepers on it this one will have a clicker on so you'll be able to hear it yeah but they pull pretty hard yeah the first run is normally the the best one all right which lineup should we go on the short pink I like pink I'm putting the flying fish one on the surface Hey cap how fast are we going 16. it's going to be like a freight train hits that bait when we get a bike it could be a barracuda but more than likely it will be a big Wahoo this is the time of the year when the big boys come out to play what are you putting out now top 10 lure wrong you're gonna put that out on the Outrigger yeah the short rigger or Marlin we're putting this little ring so it doesn't rub against the line on the that Outrigger will take this bait put it over to the side so it doesn't get hung in our right short there that'll be a hell of a bite if it hits right there he's just checking the drag on that reel getting it where he wants it which one did it eat Folks At Home Folks at home you heard it it ate the pink first we got a fish on I've only been fishing for like 45 minutes and we are hooked up if you're wondering why I haven't showed you inside yet I'm saving the best for last it's still pretty good ways out there yeah it was that one it was at 225 and it pulled out to 510 so now before you leave a comment and say that this isn't fishing this is fishing this is an art just like any other type of fishing but most importantly this is how we want to do it right now and I'm just showing you guys the whole entire process to me I've been a rod and reel fisherman my whole life this is something that's completely different than I'm used to and I absolutely love it I'm learning as we go oh it's pulling drag foreign [Music] all right this fish is gonna come right through here right in there dude just like the runway all right all right be careful though we're gonna slide it right in the drill has so much tension on it right now [Music] the shark bite his head up oh he's spinning [Music] [Music] other rides oh sorry he's already hung in it here he comes all right fish big nice beautiful wahoo that's how you do it Folks at home so this Wahoo is just like any other fish the quicker you get it on ice the better oh yeah [Music] so we just started putting lines out for our second drop quid ain't even got it all the way out yet we already got a fish on Oliver who I haven't introduced yet he's on garage he can't pick it up yet because this fish is pulling too hard but we'll get him out in a minute so Folks at home this is Oliver he's the owner of the boat's son and probably going to be one of my new business partners soon we spent a lot of time talking here over the last couple hours he's into I'm not even sure what what do you call what you do so is there nfts non-fungible tokens hey Folks at home he's teaching me he's never hunted before so I said if we're gonna do business together you got to come with me and let me take you hunting one time deal sounds like a good deal man this fish has the capability of pulling extremely hard so if he wants to pull that Rod out right now and it took a run with four squids ready he could lose the whole rod this is what you call a big dog reel here at the international 80. or is that a tiagara tiagra 80. so we're actually about 40 miles from where we started we pulled the lines in made the long run down here because we're going to Walker's K the sun's starting to drop we needed to get down here closer to the island and then fish the last couple hours right here oh there he is on the surface whatever it is wahoo you better go fast hard Bear Down hold your hand down here right there there you go get your palm on the bigger part of the Reel now crank it's a wahoo it's a pointy one see the fish is up on the surface the tension of all the line that we have rips them right up the trick is is not let him get his head turned because then he can dig back down [Music] not want your bare toes down there by that thing that's what I'm talking about right there all right nicely done Oliver you open that box for me what do they say in New Jersey over the rail and in the pail that's nice two nice Wahoo in the boat [Music] and just like that folks we are at Walker's K in the Bahamas Captain Chris brought us in we've run well we run about 180 today 60 over 60. now about 120 miles 120 130. the sun's just setting but let me tell you about the actual Sunset itself look at that when we stopped fishing we had about 20 more miles to come to walkers it doesn't get any prettier than what y'all are looking at right this second I mean amazing Squid's tying up the last little bit of the boat they're hooking up shore power because right now the boat's running off of its own generators see that water squirting out right there that's what cools these big generators but when we're at the dock we can hook up shore power turn all that off and it'll be quiet I can't wait to show you all tomorrow the last time I was on this dock I was about 20 years old back in my partying days Chris have you ever partied let's just say have you ever partied at Walker's gay oh yeah I'm glad we didn't have iPhones back then and Instagram and Facebook and all that [Music] [Music] shaking the tree baby shaking the tree quality Queen that's what I'm talking about that's how we roll that's the biggest one I've seen caught but what do I got on aisle two I got bait what is that okay hold that beautiful queen up look at that [Music] okay here it comes oh nice Queen nice Queen here slide your left I'll grab the lead oh it's a jumbo look at that that's quality baby now you see that hole right there that's why you lose them man look at that beautiful fish beautiful I didn't beat squid though squid with the letter nice double header all right pull that one in the boat please [Applause] so we're just getting back in for fishing on the second evening look at this you ever wondered how you park a six million dollar boat well just watch this see he's backing it down [Music] so he'll hand squid the ropes in the front and I'll get the ropes in the back foreign [Music] [Music] now we gotta get rope summer tip we're good great job squid Majestic wait wait wait did it have the teamwork going all right it's the morning of our third day here in the Bahamas yesterday I didn't do a ton of filming I just wanted to break loose with the guys catch a bunch of fish we ended up catching some beautiful yellow fins some of the biggest queen Snapper I've ever seen we caught some little like snowy Snapper silky Snapper I think that's what it's silky Snapper caught a couple fish that I've never seen before that will be in my next video we came back in last night to Walkers before the sunset I haven't been here like I said before and probably I don't know 20 years I sat right over there though this morning and watched the sunrise and it was as beautiful as it could absolutely get I mean palm trees red skies and just as beautiful as you could ever imagine so this morning when we woke up after watching the sunrise we cooked an absolutely amazing breakfast right there on the dock we got the boat tidied up we're gonna head home we've got a 120 mile run we might stop and Fish on the way home and if we do I'll show y'all and when we get back we're gonna clean all these fish everybody's waking up they're building this island right now they've got Cottages coming they just got done with the marina there's people working everywhere and it's so good to see this place coming back to life if you know anything about Walker's cave this used to be like the go-to place in about 15 or 20 years ago a bad hurricane devastated it and now it's finally coming back to life I got a big old crane right there going beautiful Bahamian flag [Music] we got guys over here working on the runway there's a about a 4 000 foot Runway right there they've made the marina twice as big as it used to be they put in a little Inlet right there to keep the water from getting stagnant here in the marina they even planted some beautiful coconut palms so all that water you see squirting out of there that's the exhaust to these two 1200 horsepower motors with putting the fenders in because we are way out in the middle of the ocean there is a little bit of surge in this Marina and the boat will rock back and forth and you don't want it hitting this dock how much fuel do we hold uh 1300. 1300 gallons I complain about filling my truck up into 30. whoo I will take you all inside once we start running because you're going to want to see that we got to pull over to the fuel dock get fuel we're getting some stone crabs we're headed east no headed west sorry West we're headed west east west east west Folks at home so right now he he turned the boat with the motors not the steering wheel foreign Chris knows how to drive this thing [Music] can you believe this is his first time docking this boat yeah yeah crazy what's diesel over here about a dollar a gallon [Music] how much hold on you got to say that again what 8.74. you don't even have a gun to point at me that's that's highway robbery eight that's worse than in California that's California prices squid the boss just said me and you had to split fuel so I absolutely never do what I'm about to do I got to talk about something that's important and then I'm going to play a game with y'all and y'all are going to be able to win something awesome so in my comments and in all YouTubers comments you're seeing people putting comments that they're mimicking me saying you've won something they literally use my profile picture and they say you want a rod or text me and get this it's a scam folks they're doing it to every YouTuber out there it's a scam don't fall for it don't click on it just ignore it it's not me if I do a giveaway you're going to see it just like now I'm going to tell you a giveaway on the video and I'll tell you how to you know redeem your prize so here's the game folks whoever can guess to the nearest Dollar how much we're about to spend on diesel look at that it's going fast it's gonna win an awesome prize I don't know what that prize is going to be yet I'll figure it out so leave your comments below guessing the nearest dollar to how much we're about to spend obviously I'll take a picture of it and screenshot it so you can see the exact amount and whoever's the closest I'll reach out to you in the comments and tell you to either message me on Instagram or Facebook then we'll communicate and you're going to win an awesome prize and it will be worth doing trust me because I've never done this I'm gonna make this one pretty special now this dude right here has got the goods opened it opened it open the bag let's just see up in here oh my dude check this thing out you know how much this would cost in a restaurant at home about quarter 35 cents 35 dollars holy macaroni yeah yeah I knew you loved me love me man look at these things Giant that one will fill you up right so to give you an idea of where we're at that's Grand Bahama over there on the horizon West End Bahama Freeport Bahama Lucaya Bahama is straight about that away Palm Beach is about that away Jupiter Stuart Jacksonville Bermuda Africa Australia and that's your fun fact of the week right now we're going that way 120 miles in the wind is definitely already starting to blow so should be interesting dude we had fun yesterday we caught a pile of fish some big Queens that was fun I needed to turn the camera off cut loose play some music have a few drinks and we did just that but today it's back to work and we're gonna catch some cool fish I I imagine we are unless we get over there and it's going to get too rough if not we'll see y'all back at home where we got to clean these fish and a couple of them you've never seen before I've never seen before and I didn't even know they existed I'm gonna give you all a little tease this is just a little maybe help you out you don't want to guess under a hundred oh my gosh Wait no that's a thousand you don't want to guess under a thousand oh my goodness you do not want to guess under 1100. we may be close we may be a long ways away still I don't even know but don't guess under a thousand dollars because we're Way Beyond that so here's just a little bit better of a glimpse of the marina there's going to be Cottages all up there look an airplane just landed dropping off supplies there's a church up there on the hill and wait to come back when this place is finished so we just stopped to fish for a little while we trolled for a while who didn't have any bites and now we're deep dropping and we're catching some huge yellow eyes and queen snapper check this out this is the kitchen got a refrigerator right here it's not full of food got a nice stove a sink we normally put things in there so when we're running they don't slide around got a flat screen nice couch my computer so I can edit got my drone stuff over there let's go downstairs real quick a nice place for your rods got bedrooms nice bathroom got two bedrooms up front I don't want to go down there and show you the bedroom so we've been on the boat for three days everybody's personal belongings are in there but that's it this is the inside of a six million dollar boat it's insanely nice at your service sir oh man tell us how that little bit of Wahoo she seemed uh cost Ceviche Ceviche Wahoo ceviche pretty darn tasty we got some blueberries some strawberries peppers onions lemon lime how did you get the nickname squid yeah I don't know I just stuck can we talk about this Nick stanzic Stan's fan Nick was there that's when I was 11 years old the summer of 2000 in Duluth 2002. yeah how old were you 11. on the way to church and Caicos stuck I'm not sure why I heard you had something like squid entwined in your hair no that was that was like six years ago when I got cornrows and squids in my hair where'd you find this guy on the internet yeah did Chris light up in your DMs definitely not Backpage days yeah that's right dude this is just how we live we're out here fishing eating and having fun folks we're back we left out of Palm Beach Inlet we came back to Jupiter inland there's something about when you're headed home from the Bahamas and you see those four big buildings in the horizon always gives you a good feeling that Jupiter Inlet in all of his glory this is where I was born and raised and this is where I will live my entire life my mom taught me and my brothers how to fish right there on that little Beach DuBois Park none of those rocks were there there was tons of big Australian pines we spent every day during the Summers right there [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] so I tried to end this video yesterday evening I tried to end it this morning but things happen there's music playing there's people talking so I decided to end it when I got back to the dock and even right now Captain Chris he's just blowing the water hose you know everybody they're always like oh he's just a YouTuber we have literally had so much fun me squid Captain Chris where he's at right there yes we have had a blast here's a little bit of our catch we've already cleaned a bunch of them here's some of them we've got I don't even want to show you all that because that's the next video we got a couple nice Wahoo we cleaned two already we got squids giant yellow eye some big queens that I caught some beautiful eating size Yellowfin some silky Snappers and right now I'm gonna clean one of these wahoo oh yeah where is your Speedo oh right here squid caught a speedo yesterday in 1700 and I think 50 foot of water all right we decided we're going to do a taste test we're breaking out a yellowfin and a water come on folks look squid come here I got a gift for you for being so as you all know my title sponsor is Danko and they've got these awesome knife kits and this is what I always talk about I don't ever talk about the awesome pliers they make so these are their high-end pliers and these are their mid-grade pliers just for being such an awesome I appreciate that thank you sir I was tired of seeing you use your teeth all weekend you guys I've never met squid before I've really never met Captain Chris before and we had an absolute blast the last two days we um we could have filmed more but we're just grown men having fun yeah that's right all right let's show you how to go back up we'll be engaged I'm gonna do the yellow fin first because it's sitting right here I come right here split the loin you notice I have my glove on ain't about to have a repeat of the Bahamas I actually cut myself this morning do you see me I saw you yeah well you nicked it like these are sharp these dankos don't play yeah they don't play they failed recess look at that they don't play let's just cut it right down the middle look at that perfect that's what you're looking for right there folks at home The Medallion so Oahu like this I won't Flay the entire thing at once I'll cut it in chunks just to make it easier now if you talk to Chris and Squid they like do you like Wahoo I know they do it's absolutely which one's your favorite while all right see that folks he's holding the camera a little low but that's all right he's a boat captain not a camera guy you got to touch the back of it then you can see me oh I can see it okay I got it anyhow we're gonna go in there and I'm gonna prepare this while they're titling it up tightening up the boat we're gonna see which one tastes best y'all got to check this out so I just threw a chunk of fish in the water and I heard all kinds of commotion look at this all right that's all catfish but can y'all smell it here comes the true taste test all right y'all get two pieces each just in case one confuses you obviously you know which one this is tuna that's Wahoo Life's a garden dig it oh yeah take your tune RNR oh my God wow man that stuff is yummy all right we have another one nope that's tuna now yeah I know um straight up first one what's the best yeah oh my goodness I totally like tuna more that's it Folks at home huge shout out to everybody on this trip these two guys were awesome to say the least I'm sure we'll be friends forever thanks for Mr Andy and his son Oliver oh I'm tired and I still got one more video to film from some of those awesome fish we have in the boat and I'm going to announce the total amount of fuel in the next video so make sure you watch my next video you cannot win this giveaway if you don't watch the next one thanks for watching thanks for subscribing thanks for all the positive comments but right now like Jake always says it's time to get up out of here and get the heck out of shape see y'all
Channel: Bluegabe
Views: 1,248,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, fishing, Castnet, castnet, how, to, How, To, how to, giveaway, fun, outdoors, netting, Fish, fish, food, dinner, lunch, survival, educational, exciting, Deer, Meat, Dinner, deer, meat, Bluegabe, bluegabe, Kelly, Young, kelly, young, youtube, viral, learning, tecniqes, tips, pointers, exotics, bluegills, ponds, Ponds, pond, lakes, waterways, Bahamas, Wahoo, wahoo, tuna, sushi, diy, fyp, blue, gabe, deep, dropping, bottom, snapper, queen, shark, gopro, catching, cleaning, cooking, raw, yatching, boats, boating, millions, Beast, mr, beast, sunset, florida, wow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 1sec (2641 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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