GIANT Alaskan Halibut... Catch Clean Cook

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[Music] [Music] vic here brookie here from beautiful alaska and today we are on off the dock charters this is day one of fishing with off the dock we're gonna go after halibut lincoln silver salmon rockfish all different new species and look at this view i mean this view alone is going to make the trip that much better you guys are coming along for the ride stay tuned after a nice three-hour run we're getting closer [Music] you guys have seen us fish in a lot of different places and it's crazy california has a lot of boats with cabins the northeast has a lot of boats with cabins south florida you guys are so used to seeing us on center console through center console the water is a lot colder up here in the north in new england and california nobody wants to get wet so it's nice to be in a boat for a change where you're not getting wet and you can hide from the wind this is the island we're going to be fishing absolutely beautiful all right so garrett just threw the anchor we're trying to catch a big trophy halibut the big trophy ling pod which means you could get them real fast or you could be here for four hours and not get a bite but we're in it to win it we're trying to get a giant on the deck on this deck right here the jig is good because jake will catch everything he'll catch big yellow eyes lings halibut buddy mine caught a salmon shark on it this year but halibut are actually people think they're flat and they lay on bottom they're actually very aggressive territorial fish and the good thing about a jig is so when you get the jig down and you start chumming it's all your chums going back behind the boat for miles and miles and miles so your jig is a lot lighter than your two pound weights this is only a 12 ounce jig so it'll kind of flare back or drift back a little further than the baits the good thing about the jig is is you may sit here for two hours not get a bite and like the other day when we got a bite the first bite was a jig because that's the first thing they're gonna see so i was like all right guys get ready and then rod started going off so when a school comes through the first thing they see is a jig and then after one gets hooked up all his buddies are like dang i'm hungry too what's next and then what do we got down there is a big silver carcasses and ain't no 20 30 pounder gonna eat more of those i like being just off-bottom because then if you feel anything different it's a fish yes baby yes right guys i think i got a hell of it hooked up on the grub about 10 feet up off of the bottom look at those head shakes mean head shakes that's the one we're looking for oh yeah baby all right so when i get this right up we're actually tangled in the other you want me to start reeling this because it's kind of going that way we had two baits out two nice juicy baits sometimes you gotta feed them the fake stuff and they like it you guys know me i like jigging oh yeah this is a heavy fish right here oh yeah baby come to papa come to papa vic about whichever way you feel comfortable you can bring it [Music] out a piece of bait's gonna um yeah i'm gonna go to the right side so like we showed you guys we have that big grub tail and i'm basically just bouncing it up and down and every time that rod goes up and down that tail kind of flutters and i can just imagine a halibut swimming down here garrett says that these fish don't just sit here they're kind of migrating through the area and he just sees it and just comes up and smokes it you don't really think of hal but being as aggressive fish but they're pretty aggressive oh yeah baby oh yeah i mean ever since i was a kid i think most fishermen probably have alaska on their mind is like a bucketless trip here we are don't have the fish to the boat yet but i mean this honestly this whole trip is gonna be a dream come true and it's all thanks to you guys i hope you guys know that brick and i would not be here without you guys watching our videos so seriously thank you this is going to be your fish first fish in alaska isn't that crazy a halibut on a jig you didn't catch a little salmon no no rock fish no look at that baby you know it's getting serious when you bust out the harpoon oh yeah very nice fish bud all right a little bit further oh baby that grub don't lie wow one to go dude nice harpoon shot nice shot look at that you guys can feel my heart pounding right now this is probably an 80 pounder ready yeah there we go first fish in alaska couldn't ask for a better one roughly 80 pound halibut thanks to off the dock charters and captain garrett oh this is a heavy fish is everybody 80 pounds i'll tell you that and now we gotta get brooke one oh yeah feels so good when you get that big fish so early too what is it like 11 a.m it's like 10 yeah so we just bled him out he's in the kill box now one thing that's kind of interesting is you don't need ice in alaska because it's so cold everything's frozen you don't need ice for your beer nothing just leave everything outside some ice water in there 50 degree water there's some salt water in there and you're good to go huge jig head that's like a 12-0 hook and that's just huge grub and if you guys can imagine i'm bouncing it it's going like this and as it goes through the water this is kind of like spiraling and it's just enticed as a bite they have an eye born on each side of their head and the first 20 days the eye rotates all the way over to the top side so bricky just caught a hell but two very similar sized fish she's also going to be making videos and if you guys don't know brook's got her own channel as well i'm going to have that link below but i just wanted to take a second to really show you guys these fish and appreciate them so they got two sides to them right you got the white side so that's the side that's going to be in the sand these fish just like a stingray they'll kind of bury themselves in the sand camouflage they'll wait for something to swim over their head and they ambush them they got eyeballs on only one side of their body so you gotta imagine he's buried in the sand or laying flat on bottom he looks like a rock an anchovy herring salmon swims by and then he opens up this giant mouth of his i mean look at that he's got these huge crushers you guys can see he's got like crushers back there in the back of his throat that he's going to use to chomp down whatever he's eating super rugged just prehistoric looking fish if you guys look at the mid section of this fish it's good like seven eight inches thick these are super dense fish beyond excited to eat these to show you guys the whole process and to clean them very curious to see what's gonna be in their stomachs you got this huge just triangle shaped tail absolutely gorgeous just gives this fish so much power you guys see you guys saw it when we were fighting them there's just so much power in these fish with that rod tip going like this they're shaking their mean head there's a boat behind us and it looks like every single person on that boat is hooked up so i think we're in a good spot i think i'm on oh yeah baby oh yeah baby oh no he dropped it oh there's one there's one brook there's one uh-huh damn ripper ripper that ain't bottom is it oh my gosh yeah this is fun 20 pound lines hell yeah baby if i could catch halden on a baitcaster sign me up i feel like bill dance out here right now where's my fighting chair i don't know if the fishing's always this good but you guys alaska's epic we told garrett we want to get on as many species as possible so we're like we tried it focus on the big fish at first we got on the trophy halibut knocked out our yellow eye rock fish and here we are we're gonna go catch our um halibut under 32 inches and then we're gonna try to get a lyn cob to get all four in one day i mean i can't ask for anything else be epic but this place is just so full of life the scenery the beauty not sweating for once don't have to put sunscreen on i love it good captain good crew nice comfy boat i don't know it kind of ran like it was pissed off right there this would be like a trophy flounder on the east coast this is a small halibut in alaska isn't that insane like your perspective changes so much oh good look he smoked the jig baby halibut giant halibut in there gorgeous fish and you can actually hold this one sideways because he's not monstrous but look at that i i mean ice cold this fish has to be like it feels like he's 40 degrees he's so cold so cool look at his eyes right there on top of his head nature at work you got the brown on top so nothing no predators can see them the white on the bottom welcome aboard buddy so i'm going to attempt to play in my first half it's definitely gonna be one of the biggest things i've ever flew for sure i think i got it now garrett yeah yeah it's it's definitely easier from the inside out [Music] [Music] we got the bottom one [Music] [Music] they got some crazy guts don't they [Music] all right guys i don't think it's too bad for my first time playing halibut probably definitely one of the biggest things i've ever played huge slab of meat on them you got the top side the bottom side how we do gary pretty good so you follow that lateral line two out there so from the backbone out and it's super easy to get on the other side of the spine [Music] go in don't be afraid like cut it up bend your knife and you'll feel the edge of it you can kind of see the outline so just kind of follow that outline all the way around fill it up get a little plate cut that plate peel it back [Music] but not bad for the first halibut fillet ever i'd say you did pretty good i think it's pretty good for a first time all right we are back home in florida and check this out this is the very first catch and cook we're gonna film from the alaska trip at home look at these beautiful halibut so we just took them out like we told you guys we brought home like 150 pounds of fish all vacuum sealed beautifully and i think they did a pretty nice job so what i did is i patted these all really dry because we're gonna do a simple pants here really get the essence of the halibut we got some white and green asparagus right here and the way we're gonna address our asparagus with some olive oil and yes white asparagus does exist i saw this at whole foods today and have to scoop them up we're going to hit them with some freshly cracked pepper some salt some margarine kinda say it's pretty similar to oregano i don't think it's i think it's sweeter than oregano it's not as uh bitter as oregano garlic powder we need a shirt that says of course garlic powder yep we do it's coming if you're not seasoning the floor then are you really seeing it that's true okay so i'm just gonna roll our aspara asparagus is that the proper way hey this is the first alaska video you guys are seeing and there's a lot more to come we got four or five if you guys are liking this video so far you like the traveling like the video it really helps us out and i get feedback as to what you guys like even though i'm kind of telling you what to do just do it it helps us out and if you help me out i can help you out by providing better content well they can comment down below that's true if you guys like the cold stuff you want more tropical stuff you guys comment below beautiful fish to work with i've never cooked it i've eaten it lots of times and i can tell you that it's one of my favorites so we're gonna do garlic powder on these guys salt pepper when you salt your fish before you cook it a lot of that salt will get absorbed into your fish a lot of times you guys see i only season one side of my fish like that's what i'm gonna do with this it's a thick piece of fish but when you pan sear it you're going to do the butter baste on the bottom you're going to kind of not braise but you hit it on one side and then you put the butter on the bottom side doesn't need much more pepper we're going to do a little bit of coriander as well [Music] i'm going to do a little bit of sage as well this is the first time we have used sage in this house sage in this house keeps the evil spirits off of the fish let me give you guys a preview of what we got this is a little kind of like a burr blanc style sauce i took some vinegar some apple cider vinegar the juice of oranges the zest of four oranges reduced it down and then hit it with some cold butter that's going to be a little garnish and then here we got a sweet pea puree added some creme fraiche to it as well as some heavy cream the traditional we got our two nonstick pans real high heat gonna go down with some oil [Music] asparagus looking good in the oven okay now seasoned side down into the oil [Music] um so i'm going to just baste our fish with a little bit of our butter and oil [Music] you guys see that beautiful crispy crust develop on there okay so we're gonna let these finish in here on the countertop [Music] okay [Music] nice crispy asparagus [Music] piece of halibut okay we just have some rice vinegar tossed in some honey and sugar i just got some micro greens we're going to toss them here so they're not so boring and you do this last so that way they don't get all soggy on you this is halibut so this is yeah this is probably the most the white one the big one yeah this is probably the most uh popular thing people go to alaska for is the giant halibut orange sauce gives it some color and you guys will get a little bit of flavor from this isn't it amazing what one color can do this is a like an orange burr blanc it's a vinegar orange juice orange zest butter okay [Music] now we enjoy my favorite seafood place in town i'm gonna mess up this beautiful picture by stacking another one on there there's mine stack them i give you permission once they leave the island you can do what you want to them we went lobster diving and i was like oh i must have dove so hard this is my first time ever having halibut and what do you think i'm going to say about it look at it it's um it's it's cooked perfection this big thick piece of meat's cooked evenly all the way through and the the taste of alaskan halibut beautiful good job i personally love white fish between the flavor profile and just the mouth feel it it's super flaky and moist yeah it was an exquisite meal victor thank you i love it it's so juicy yeah yeah really very juicy and it's just delicious for those of you guys who don't know that's my dad i know he's not in all the videos because we live kind of far away from each other but i invite him when i can and hopefully we'll have a lot more family dinners together but very happy to share this meal with him as well uh earlier this week brook and victor let me have some halibut and i told him oh so good i cooked it myself and uh i will say i definitely didn't do it justice after having this meal i thought it was very good but i definitely didn't hit this mark and i don't know if you guys watch cooking shows i don't watch many but it is it's interesting to see how these people make these beautiful plates and they present them but i don't know how often you see someone have to present what is it like seven seven eight plates that all look that beautiful at the same time it's it's pretty spectacular but the victory just pulled off there and it tastes amazing so good job vic okay so first alaska fish since we've been home and victor and i never ever order fish out when we go to restaurants because we eat it at home so often but when we went to alaska the first two days we were there we went out to restaurants and i was like the fish has got to be fresh here so what did i do i ordered halibut at both restaurants and i got to tell you what it is nothing compared to this this tastes so fresh i don't know how old the fish was that we had at a restaurant but this blows it out of the water victor cooked it amazing and the um pea stuff the pea puree is absolutely delicious so good job nick how's my plating skills vic hey that was good hey brown good job he's learning hey with all these ingredients you uh you gotta do him justice gabby is your first time having halibut yeah and really good the texture is nice um flavors are amazing as always presentation is phenomenal the colors really pop and it all works together thank you you know you never want to say anything but you always kill it one time i got so nervous my first time having halibut two and i really enjoyed it i love it could be because you made a victory and that's why it's so good if you're doing these beautiful sauces that makes it so fun to give the fish in when you're eating it um the asparagus was great top-notch thank you all right guys i think the verdict is out everybody like the fish i want to thank you guys so much for watching without you guys like i said multiple times in this video none of it would be possible there would not be hell but at this table we would not be cooking how a bit it wasn't for you guys so thank you so much for the support got three more or four more videos from alaska coming up for you guys till the next one [Music] you
Channel: Landshark Outdoors
Views: 399,375
Rating: 4.9084487 out of 5
Keywords: giant, halibut, catch clean cook, alaska, alaskan halibut, halibut catch and cook, alaska catch and cook, alaska fishing, seward alaska, seward alaska fishing, charter fishing alaska, j dock fishing seward ak, pan seared halibut, halibut recipe, monster halibut, giant halibut, huge halibut, catch clean cook halibut, jig fishing halibut, grub tail jig, jigging for halibut alaska, alaska fishing trip
Id: rZ3vrAjJwa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 29sec (1529 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 28 2021
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