WE FOUND OUT WHAT WAS BEHIND THOSE LOCKED DOORS | Abandoned Millionaire Mansion revisited

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hello explorers and welcome back to a brand new video so in this video we're going to return back to one of the most beautiful mansions i've ever explored in the uk i knew when i got home after filming the first time here that i hadn't seen all of the mansion so i had to return and i am so so glad that i did some of the rooms were absolutely breathtaking and i've explored all over europe to some of the most beautiful mansions across europe and this has got to be far one of my best that i've ever explored [Music] so this house is three stories attached lower service courtyard to the west the original building that sat here was destroyed by a huge fire so the house was rebuilt in 1751 by designs of edward hancock this absolutely gorgeous house followed by an extension in 1889 to 1890 largely formed the house that exists today so please please hit that like guys and subscribe if you love all this kind of adventure love you loads and see you soon take a journey with me right now as we came through the front door at this mansion so this would have been the original horse and car passageway to the house 1840 dates on the old victorian bridge there so this would have probably been up to the second levels of the gardens but yeah how cool is that this is before we even get to the mansion incredible risk in the game but we're back today alec had to come but he was really originally with me so we've come back today to hopefully try and maybe see some bits we didn't see in this mansion today um here's what it is there's no way and we don't go in um always the case so a lot of you have seen this video already before but this is a revisit i don't normally do revisits but this place is remarkable it's amazing so many bits have probably missed so we'll have another look around today see what's changed hopefully nothing i'll be really sad if i've come back and things have changed things have been vandalized it really upset me so i'm out of exploring valley here he is how you doing so welcome to residence evil now it's raining you can see how much like this building's dealing with day in day out this is another storage part of the mansion so much furniture up here oh watch out these holes definitely below that look at this furniture just getting damaged by rainwater this is a collector's dream all this beautiful furniture [Applause] oh look at the old high chair what's up victoria or something baby guys i'm not eating i'm serious old furniture from the house the big house i love these higher back chairs so i said everything was done by hand and the way the the seat in here as well so i'm going to move this because there's water coming through trying to keep it out of the water we've come back and i've not ever seen this room before partly old kitchen again that the rainwater's coming in the amount of water in this place it's damaging this beautiful building you can see like all the remember all the all the seed in there come down that's crazy awkward see you soon i'll forget about the older side view it's obviously a revisit back at the mansion i haven't seen anything damaged yet so it's all good i just want to see some of the bits that i might have missed so i think these were made for like draft excluders for the fireplaces but what beautiful is that a gorgeous plank of wood all hand carved of a boat gorgeous furniture in here the amazing bed just the detail on a lot of the beds as well and the units i swear this is like a sign of death or something when they just mean like dead flies everywhere the crazy thing i've noticed as well it's probably going to call me a liar now but it looked like it was on the tv he could literally just stay in here for the night no channel is coming up but the old tv come on yeah they call me liona yes lucy the mansion these lights gorgeous like everything about this place [Applause] love the way all the uh just everything's been finished so beautiful [Music] and then the ensuite straight out there a lot of you have already seen this place you've seen my last video this but i've had to return obviously this is six weeks later and uh yeah it's it's still in pristine condition i'm really really shocked i did see a different bits that have been screwed up and someone's made a different way in this place so hoping it just doesn't get trashed i'll be so sad imagine taking a long soak in that bath this thick marble there's still water we could technically have a bath here it's nice to see all the portraits still there all the beautiful paintings some cool paintings as well obviously a lot of you are going to recognize um this this place it's here look at this funky on the walls [Applause] but this is an incredible place two main staircases and both of them are so beautiful now if you haven't seen this video then go in the description there'd be a link to the when i first filmed this mansion i called resident evil mansion the sculpture of the horses yeah both doors are completely sealed off from the main mansion you can hear the water in there it's beautiful isn't it just an amazing place everything stands so well the concrete steps beautiful iron work on the staircase and it with a wood finish as well the way it was all made up by different bits as well i think maybe this bit here might have been bits of veneer putting i'm not sure but yeah and that stained glass window is absolutely gorgeous this chandelier here that's amazing and you can oh wait that would kill you if that fell onto that thing to the steps i just want to stand here for a minute and show you this glass window beautiful stain coloring it's like a hogs roaster as an arm there's a random foot and a random hand so if anyone knows why those symbols would have been used please let me know putting the links look at the marble work you can see it's probably all asbestos and everything fallen from the plaster ceilings you can see the mold there's literally just taken over this building [Applause] and it's sad as you're walking around this building you can just hear the rainbow just dripping around you and these are definitely some of the bedrooms that i missed last time someone's town that she's still sitting there look at the washroom how cool how beautiful is it so [Applause] it's really like every print or picture all holds a story it's like the uh border collie there rounding up leaving all the sheep over sucking up sheep throating up the sheep sorry about that and then obviously the farmer there is ram and the rams incredible isn't it guys an incredible place just all the furniture and everything there's so much here that just literally needs to be saved each bed i love these bedside lamps i think they're incredible it's nice to see that no one's touched nothing since we last came the chairs are still sat with me and dan was talking about how he'd like them in his studio i think he said he's got pretty certainly similar to the ones he's got [Applause] the story of the mansion built in the 1800s guys i can't believe i missed this beautiful room this room alone is worth watching this video this is absolutely beautiful the paintings either side oh wow this is that chandelier wow that's incredible such a gorgeous mansion [Music] uh [Music] just sitting here with friends and this is your house guest round and it's light illuminated from the ceiling i just can't get over that chandelier and this this platform's worth putting out just to come up and see the chandelier it's incredible i love this old staircase very steep it reminds me like a library or something an old-fashioned library set of stairs oh that's some of the portraits and the paintings this side i love this the older rug on the floor and it's like they're watching the guys do the violins kind of stress that these stairs are incredibly steep it's actually making me lean [Applause] look at this standing at the bottom of the stairs absolutely beautiful [Music] loving the little footstools there as well look at it this place needs to be saved it really needs to be saved i could stand in this room all day parts of the place that i fought that i'd never seen [Music] [Applause] i just noticed as well on this stained glass bit here i thought this was part of the old building that may have been here because i heard that the old building burned down all was damaged and this one was built in its place guys this is incredible such beautiful bits oh wow [Music] this has got a very like i don't know this is definitely like um yeah i can't think where the the name of this sort of furniture is [Music] [Music] it's amazing to think i'm actually standing in a place that's it is completely abandoned at the moment i don't know what's going to happen to it yet you can see there had been a main bed in here and these would have been the lights next to the bed oriental that's the one it's got an oriental feel to that and look at the rugs i don't want to miss the rug definitely like a japanese like type decor in here you can see here it's absolutely beautiful someone's definitely been staying here though [Applause] another room obviously it's been emptied out but still look what's left the rug the gorgeous fireplace every room has got his different fireplace that's what i love i love it you think i don't know if it was going to turn into a hotel at one point but it's got that feeling there with a glass of the water bottle there and look at this this decor around this gorgeous fireplace honestly i wish i could have this mansion i've only had the money oh my i'm not even gonna say that this is a this is a this is a bathroom what the size of it i'd have a lady sat there while i'm having a bath or she's in a bath and i was quite happy sit there and watch it this must have been like a master suite or something or even in the bathroom they're gorgeous lights nothing's no stone is unturned in this place everything is so well thought of everything the beautiful crest symbols on the furniture guys all the history of this place is in description please have a look i could bore you all day telling you about it but yeah that gorgeous paneling around the windows wow i love this now this i would happily have in my front room look how beautiful it is and the age of it as well and how the levers stayed you know just probably just treat it a little bit bit of moisture basically like your skin as well put some moisturizers obviously not a moisturizer well it is forever it feeds to leather look at this pet oh my god sorry for using the work the lord's name there but it's an absolutely beautiful bed and this this is the kind of people that you would have seen here in the 1800s all dressed so smart in the coats um obviously they would have had a butler as well i don't like the word servant but it's it's kind of like that and then it it sort of goes older you know that how it would have been even a long time ago oh this bed come on how many people would love this bed put in the comments below come on you love this bed oh it's amazing it's such a beautiful room i cannot stress i want to okay it stays shut i've had this before i've come in places and where obviously it's been damaged and left for so long the flooring starts to bulge in and nothing gets to shut properly i literally just still not left this room i cut poison i just wanted to have a look at everything it's so amazing something like the detail just on each drawer and the beautiful handles look at these i don't want to lift them really probably maybe reproductions or obviously because if it's going to be use a hotel they want something that kind of looks right but maybe not too expensive for breakages i mean yeah the furniture is absolutely amazing let's carry on shut the door i found it [Music] this is so incredible everything just looking back through that hallway it's absolutely gorgeous have you have you been beyond this cone it's a nice way to finish off a little stool area how you doing bro so someone's definitely stephanie someone's been staying here yeah you can tell me his furniture's incredible as i said in the beginning video don't forget please i have to stress check out exploring valik please he's not just exploring but he is one of my friends so please man this video will be going up and i filmed quite hard wow so this video will be coming up oh wow loving the two single beds it's definitely like a it's like this it's like his people staying here there's a watch here as well it's dead there's guitars that is so cool i just love it man so here which are like the two single beds right next to two single beds there's an old writing desk so how these would've work which i know a lot of people know you pull the two sides out my great granny used to have one of these and it's oh it's locked no it's not and that's it you'd sit there you do your writing you put your pens and your ink wells back things that's it put it away oh look at that now that's a fancy brass shoe hole do you remember these what is this cheers never heard of them it's like saying you get from a chinese takeaway or something so guys we're just borrowing the bedding just want to see if we can outsmart the sensors i know everyone's going to be like if it does go off then we do we won't use the footage where you go [Applause] do you want to take one and i'll grab one there they go it's up to you or don't both go in there oh darling [Applause] it's working [Laughter] [Music] oh now literally see that guys i sneaked downstairs with duvet i'm going to take the duvet back upstairs we'll put it back where there was you can't believe we were literally like the ghost i love the way they put the like the rugs inside picture frames that's what it looks like it's not it's an actual thing tapestry i don't know i feel like maybe i've got that completely wrong imagine coming through the main stair maybe through the main doors and seeing this beautiful staircase go into your room they need to refer this back to a uh hotel this place is absolutely incredible it's a beautiful mansion it's a beautiful mansion so you imagine that a gorgeous hall imagine like a ballroom here the beautiful chandeliers up there in the stained glass window is incredible imagine here sitting by the piano the longest way around never heard of a song but it's incredible isn't it a staircase this is the glimpse that you're going to get we're going to go up here quick um but we know the alarms possibly may go off in this place it did last time so it's such a beautiful mansion so i know a lot of you would have seen this video before i'm starting the video right at the piano of resident evil mansion we got the name resident evil is when i first came here reminded me of the ninth playstation one version the first resident evil when chris radford i think jill valentine walks into the mansion and says wow what a mansion and then basically yeah they took one of the side doors that led into a room where a zombie was eating one of the people so hopefully we don't find that today but yeah look how cool that staircase is this is as close as i'm going to get to it at a minute but i will try and get a shot as i go up um unfortunately last time we came in there was another way in but the only way out now it's upstairs so we're possibly may going to set the alarm off again but yeah i just don't get anyone in trouble this organ deserves like a room to properly to be in and all the furniture i've never seen one of these seats before but you can imagine like the women dressed in all their old type um dresses all sitting around talking and a couple of maybe a gentleman or him and his wife as well not a sexist thing but a couple of guys dressed in their like things smoking a cigar talking about the day this fireplace this fireplace is practically nearly six feet tall everything about this mansion is absolutely incredible the statue is on the side of the rooms it's beautiful so it goes to the mansion so then we thought maybe the alarm isn't working how can a do they stop it so the last two of us headed up with no duvet and then this happened so then i thought i'd mute the alarm who wants to hear that ringing for ages i can still hear it today piercing in my ears but then the alarm suddenly stopped this alarm's going off again this is our james bond mission so we've had to come out a completely different way on the roof hoping there's a way back into the mansion to get out of the bag so the alarm has just gone off um i even tried a different approach to the staircase you see my last video um but yeah the alarm has gone off at a minute um but we know that people will come here i got caught here at before but it's completely open this needs to be sealed up um so yeah but yeah the driveway's just there the police free police cars came here last time and we weren't even in the mansion so it's literally just a hopefully a waiting game that no one's going to turn up this is the worst bit when you've got to try and get out quick [Music] [Applause] what are you doing in my house this is my house it's my resident evil mansion the zombies will come for you right now standing back at the mansion we're finally out look at this correction to find green which means the time adds the hours and minutes indicates by the sundial the numbers of minutes corresponding to the day of the month below for long shoot so i've got a complete roll longitude 40 80 west mumps days it's a whole like so you suck so how to read a sundial then i'm guessing [Applause] there you go guys as you see we didn't even realize that [Applause] you could see how big this place is our four cars coming in there you've got the waterfall there what you see in the beginning oh there's a center so the top of the stairs once again i didn't do the ah oh it's not one in the middle door on top of the stairs yeah guys an absolutely beautiful mansion so a revisit to the mansion but what a place and it wasn't just a revisit it was i managed to see rooms i hadn't seen before [Applause] hey absolutely love this place those people over there now we just pretty much got out in time um but yeah guys girls and if anyone knows what this is please please respect this mansion you know i don't advise anyone to come here but if you do don't smash stuff up i've seen it so many times in uk exploring and i hate it it makes me dislike exploring in the uk just because of the amount of people that think it's acceptable to trash places so yeah guys and girls love you loads uh thanks to everyone who sponsors the channel and helps out on patreon facebook instagram and uh yeah why don't you join channel members guys if you want to join become a member obviously uh yeah get little stickers next to your name on the live chats and it's just good helps out so so much but lovely loads stay safe and i'll see you soon next adventure
Channel: Abandoned World Explorer
Views: 154,880
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Abandoned places, abandoned house frozen in time, abandoned house everything left behind, abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion everything left behind, abandoned places explorered, abandoned places in the uk, abandoned world explorer, urban exploring uk, homes, historic, real, resident, evil, uk's, largest, abandoned resident evil mansion, abandoned resident evil film set, stev ronin mansion, abandoned stev, resident evil welcome to raccoon city film set, resident evil trailer
Id: laUNcLkLvcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 57sec (2157 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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